in your province. It you have i n a.ny way he stood a free man. One g:rudging, grate. parted with it"--- B e stopped signifi- ful glance at the woman,and he disappeared cantly, and Le Gautier hastily intervened. I S PUBLISHED (TO BE CONTINUED). don. I will fetch " 1 humbly beg yom· par W. RUSE. WVJm.v FRIDA.Y MORNING, it immediately. I have not far to go ; I -BYcan return at once. Jn justice to myself, I E AC H E R 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, Britain's Dependence on the Sea. am sure you will permit me to fetch it." VOICE and THEORY. Te rms on appli thundered the Chief Councillor In these days it cannot be too freq uently c:a.ti "C:_20." -· --! !" No " have 1 1 o y these groundless accusations C HAPrER AT THE OFEIOE XIX. · brought against me. You have ma.d o th am ; with a gl ance in Le Gautier ' s face that made iterated and reiterated that to the sea. Eng · . · . Pot Office Bloek, Kiug Street, Bowman· Near oe window stood a !ugh Japanese pr ve them." He turned to L u crec t' with a his heart beat thick and " And a.a to land and the English-speaking race owe ville, Onta.1·10. .. screen, with plate-glass panels. Isod?re gesture which was almost noble, all t he ac · justice, you shall have it presently, to the eve1·ything. 'Whatever may be said of Eug. ha._d barely t101,e t conceal herself belund tor 's i n stinct aroused in him now. There uttermost scruple,-Gentlemen, there is a, land's decadence as a physiml force amon T E R J:v.I: s : the other great physical forces of Europe, traitor present !" 1,60 i·er Annum, .,r $I if paid In advan ce this, when Le Gut1er entered. e seemed was one desperate chance for him yet. somewhat hurried, bu.t otherwne calm 1 With one accord they sprang to their feet, her unique destiny as the great moral force " you had best take care, if I accept yon Payment strictly in ad van ce required from en ough, as he walked mto the room and at our word of the world i s becoming more and more oh · guspioion and alarm in every eye. " y llbli<lrtb e rs outside or the county. Orders to "l " Before I leave"--Then ·: \Vh is it ?" they cried. " Death to the vious every day. '.I'he peculiar racial char. lacontinue the paper must b e accompanied by towards Enid. wish to 'be taken at my word. I deac teristics of h er people, he traitor ! r lang uage, her Are prep ared t o pay t,be highest prioe amount due, or th paper wil n o t be stopp ed. he stopped suddenly. mand your proofs !" n.""°dbere are responaibleunti run payment le Sir Geoffrey was stirnding a litte w a.y ! Saying . " Look rou!ld among. yourselves and see literature, her tra.ditfons, are colouring the " And you shall have them !" . O.lde, all kinds of Grain delivered at the hscover hun .-No ? Then he great tide of human life, l.S the m:ghty river back from the group, one hand behmd his these words Lucrece glided 8wiftly from 1f you can c back, the other pointing with unsteady fore· the room. ' KA.TES OF ADVERTISING : wears a good mask who has a hard conscience. beyond the peaks of Kaf coloured, according 1-::. Wharf or their Store House in town. W llole Colu mn one year . . . ... . . . . . . . $00 oO ::; I;; finp,er t Linda Despard, wile ho never Au awkward silence fell upon the group. - Stand up, traitor !-ay, the. most despi· to the Mohamme d a.n fancy, the waters of th e " " Ralf yea.r . . · . . · · . . · . . B6 oo · := tove d J: n s eyes from Le . Gautier'.s faoe. A Le Gautier was the first to spea k. There cable i stand up, and look ts rn the face I oce an "as with the living blood of all ,. ., One Q uarte r . . . . . . . . , 20 00 lttle flick of the nostrils, a q_u1ver of t_he was a kind of moi sture in his eye, and an Who is the man who has enJoyed our deep- gems. " Hau Column one yea r . . . . · · · . . . . . . . . 36 oo -.. And what is the cause of this ? '!'he feverhp, an.d the Frenchman was himself agam. air of resigned melancholy on his face. "You est confidenc?s-the. man we have to thank Hair year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00 . But 8 1r G eoffrey never moved ; he me:i:ely have m isjudged me " he said sorrowfu lly. Isodore for d1scovermg ?-Stand up, I say ! ish attention lately given to colonial One quarter .. . . . . . .... 12 50 uarter ColuIL.n one ye9.r . . . . , . . . . . . 20 00 Rise, Hector le ened autier !" s lips, and snapped ma.ttei:s on the qontnet and the talk of out one word, ?P . · · So i a.a a. o G . h med f this0 F CA N A 0A, me day you wil be " " Halt ye ar . . . . . . . . . . . 12 50 Well . The Frenchman kuew his last hour had 1 Impenal Federation m Enghi.nd show what " ·· Sir Geoffrey you the victim of a designIi · One quarter . . . . . . . . 8 00 Capital paid up, f!U,ooo, oco. Rest, 5260,00 , " Is this a theatric:i.l rehearsal ?" Le Gau- ing woman who seeks for some i·eason to come ; but he knew that such ii born a·Jcusa- is the general opinion to the cause. Ten lines and under, fir et in sertion · $0 50 ' tier asked at length. A great racial struggle for life is imminent subsequent l n serLlon · . . · · · 0 25 traduce my' fair fame. If I have a wife ' Jet tion as this could Do t be without the This Bank ts prepared t o do Legltl Jl'ro m six to ten lin e s , first insertion 0 75 ·· most convincing proof. " I am waiting," the baronet returned, them bring me hce to face with her her . " hut despite his in Europe, outlets for the teeming popula- mate Banking in al l its branches. E11ch subsequent i n ser tion . . . . . . O 85 " for some failings, he was not the man to cower be· t i o n s of the o l d world are urgently demand explanation. To a man of your " You have your wish Hector for I am Over tan lines,flrst inaertlon,porlin e 0 l0 -10 Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits a.stuteness, I need not he explicit. This here I" ' ' fore such a great d nger. He braced his ed, and practically there are no new coun0 03 .lta.oh sub ee qua nt Insertion . " ·eoeived and Interet paid on amounts of lady, monsieur, and you, I hear, are old new world of m G d n.e1·ves till they were like steel ; there was tries left to develope. In the an Le autier bounded forwar like a 'l"li.0 number or l ines t.o reck on ed b;y t5 upwardll in Sav i n s Ba.nk Department; a!ntance s . " ac 'thD e;paoe ocou ied,.measured by a scale of who had received a mortal hu rt, and gazed no particle of iear in his face as he turned at the West and in the new 'Yorld of the South . . . ,, O! i(l Nonvareif. the whole of the land m the temperate Y ou talk m ridles, Sir G ffrey. D B /i\ FT . on the speaker with glaring eyea. Valerie bar,. . . . . ,, " You are anx10ns to gam time. I, on w&a standing before him not without agi I had expected somethmg hke this, he Zt>J008jhave been appro.pr1ated, and by whom ? [1111ued and Collec·. wni; made i n E urope -- - -·· ·-'=" ---- ·-the other hand, do not wish to be too hard t ;tiC'n herself. A low 0;y burst from his said. " It is n o t likel;y that my promotion Ma.i11ly by the Hnglish. 'l'hat this is the __ · ____ e!Jnitad Sta.tee and Ca.nada. DBS, ltleL <llfGlltlN BEITH, upon you. Let me explain. Miss Linda ips a nd he drew his shakin o h and down should pF<ss by wi1,hrmt incurring ome cause of England's present dominance and of O!i ·k 'IO E :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· Despar-who has been in my !1ouse for his ' white, damp fac e . " What brings jea.lusy. I will say_ nothing a.out my lo;ig her stupendous futre has now become a.n J. ,TONES, Agoo w .MCLAUGHT,!N, Dr. A. BEil'II. Gradu- som time, he r·esult of an accident, the you here ?" he asked, his voice sounding ser v ice s, the years I ti ave apeut m the service axiom on th Cont1Ilent, coe ll ntia te of the Rc_>yal ate details of which yc·u ha.v probably heard- strangely to his own ears, as if i1; from of th , League. .M y accuser, and your :it what IS the of the case ? How 1'o o r the .r onto , o egs or Phy swums has 1t come !\bout that m the unfilled lands . . turns out to he an old friend of yoµrs. She far a.waj . " Woman ! why d0 you come proof . and m em ber of the Umvers1ty, l:'hys1c1au nr of applause rnn round the of the te_mperte oone-in North America, is dressed thi_s moment, you perceive, in a h ern now, to destroy me uttedy ?"' A m nr lioy1"1 Col lege of Sur- Surgeon, &c. . . character which ha been rehearsed under 1 sentrment. ]'here was no ap- Ill Afria , 1 n -:i-1straha-almost every ge<>1u, Edinburg h. She shra nk back-an elo quent gesture to table at thu . square mile ofland 1s m the hands of Engl ish- Your attention fa dii ected o the immenee your personal supermtendence-the charac- the onlookers- a "estnre se ven years' free - p carance of gmlt h ere. DR. J. (), llll'l'()JIEJ,J.. " Isodore i s y ou r accuser-the proofs she men ? Among Englishmen we, of course, inter of my late brother. " dom from t hrald m had not ohlitera.ted. stock of OF C O LJ, EG E OF PH Y SICIA NS " But what oan this possibly have to do " you wished to see me. Lo ! I am here ! holds. Yon arc charge wth ? onsira cy . to l?de our brothers o te United Stats, etc overthro w the Le ague, m c onJni;ict10':1 with w1h whom we of this 1land share with d a w, s deny round friend no ?" '.!'urn your to with me n ' . 7". . ·" anot?er person. Your compa.mon i s one pride our blood and trad1t10n .s, n:nd between " A truce t o this fo l ly l" Sir Geoffrey that I a m your lawful wife- deny ag>1i n that -----·--------- ---- a rie St. J ean -'. ' whom and us th bonds of a f fectionate > ym cried warmly. " I have heard everything you have ever seen me before, ancl put me M . . oi every description at JJ. B lT.KKE Slllll' S ON, Even with hrn iron . ne:rves under control pathy becommg close: and closer evry V hy do you n o t speak ? about the j ugglery at Paddington-the mir· to the proof.- ' SOLICITOR, &o. MOPitIS · ; )O A. R RI ST E lt , as they e re, Le G aut1er could n o reprss a year n:n every day . Is it true as ghs h e that f tt i l na m sho not and a you w l do Ghosts, o Why rors, Pepper's whole and the . I'> BLOCK, up stai rs King Street, Bowmax: .. : mise1 able machinery by which I was de· hood you used tl· have ? Strik e lll e , as you s; t, wh.1ch was not lt upon th Counc:lor. chanVl,mts assume it to be, th,at 1.n the ·lfi. S oli cit or tor the Ontario Bank St. J ean, he coutmued, p-reat r_acial strugle for life the 1!.nghsliunan Marie ren times by-anye the in o g often ha·e done luded." lowest . . rates, l'rlvate M(urnvs loanad at the She ha.11 just o pe n ed out olile o f the larga!lt " Then yeu no longer believe ?" Le Gau· thmg better than standing the:re, a poor, ce1ved fro m Y?U certa.m papers for the ur- IS spcrnlly orga.msed fo.r uccess ? Dot>;5 he and mot stylish stocks e ve r brought .Jolln llleUb Galbraub., detected awill(ller-a miserable pose of handmg them o Yer to the pohce. E.nglrnh race really exh1b1t any superiority tier asked tixing uis glittering eyes upon pi tiful to town, consisting of : ' indeed !" The inforn1atio11 contained therin is com- over the other E uropean races ? Are English· . hound the baron:t·s face . NOTARY . SOLICITOR, · 1 ·'W:Jl 'A R R I S T E R men and Arnencans mur.e courageous than There was a dead silence n ow, only plete. Do you deny you£ ha.ndwntmg ?" But the magnetic power was gone now ; · .A D > PUBLIC, &c. ' Office- Bounsall's Bloe,k lll i l H u c r y, D 1· e s s Silks, ..1"1ns: S traet Bowman ville. Money to leqd, the glance was returned as sternly. Sir broken by Le Gautier's heavy breathing, He threw a bundle of papers across the G.erma. .or more euerg t1c ? Are th ey more b Velvets, &c., A s he read them , h is h1gh-sp1r1ted than the 1' rench, or more deft, "I do not e- and the rustle of his sleeve as he wiped the titble to Le Gau tier. man. new a Geoffrey seemed ROP. EltT A.Ulll01fR, white face became corpse-like in its livid or more frugal ? .Ar.e the:r' more no?ly . en- with a very tin e stock of Feathers and perspiration from his face. lieve," he replied. ISSUElt D l!lGl!:l'l'RAR , WEST DURHAM " Th ere is the proof yon demanded," hue. But he was fighting for his life n ow, dowed th .i.n the Ia.h ns 1th that d1gmfied " Then take the consequences --be a Flo wers · IC\, ot Marriage Licenses , Barrister and Attor· haunted, miserable ma.u for the rest of your Lucrece said at length. · uch is said to be te ve1:"y " W e aic waiting and summoned all his self-command to his common sese wl noy a.t Law and S oli citor In Chancery. Money Call and inspect this :fine display, which aid, knowing full well that if he was con- salt of life · . To. answer these questions m lc l!lued on R eal J.ll utate. OftlM on King street, da.ys ! You -ill not be warned. I have done for yon to deny the witness of your eyes. " cannot fail to give satisfaction. easa.nt, But still Le Gautier did not speak, stand- demned, he would never that room t he affi rmatr:all I can for you. If you lik e to believe the ·e wot: J d , ?o doubt, be pl B owma.nv!lle. but would it b? JUSt1 facs ! f ied by the tale you have heard, I will not prevent you. ing there like some stone figure, his l imbs alive. His calm ai r cam e back to him. -- -- -\'fU.LI,lH WIGHT. I almost powerless. H raise his J:ead a mo · " I admit th han dwriting-private mem · Would an ". English employer ?f labor, s .11 1I say again, take the consequenc:es. ". . He oranda sto len from my apartments. I am ed. or u nskilled, aswer them m the affirm" On th e contrary, my good sir, it is you : ment, then lowered 1t aga.m sw1ftly. AUC'rION E ER fo r t he County of Durh am. O rders left at who will be the principal sufferer. I wish / tried to articulate a few words, but his 9til1 waiting for your pl'Oof. Besides, M arie ativ e ? No ; there is another cause - a ca.use SuT E BMA N offl.ce or for warded to 1'yro ne P . 0 , to make this interview as pleasant as po- 1 tongue refused i ts office. {' St. J ean is a member of the League ; she 1·e· wholly unrlated to race-for tne . prospects 28'6 m wllll reoei ve prompt attention. of t,h e English rn:ce. '.l' at IS the sea. sible, and cannot do better than by making 1 Sir Geoffrey his hand upon tho bell. stored to me "-is own, but rom no pecu t of r mer i " Yonr insignia., which you had the tem .h?' J! it brief. There was a little contract between . " Have you nothing to say ?" he askeu. S. () JfUNKINC:l, " J-I-- Let me go ou ;;-the place is erity to stake upon the colour at Homburg.- from the faouritism oHate or circustances us, which you will consider at an end from ICE NSED AUCT I O N E E R. FOR this moment." est;ned to , e c n race a ch Eghsh the or 1s choking me !" Salvarini, I call upon you to say if this is . . the Con nty or Dm·ham. S ales a tt ended liold th world m It h and . 'Ihe Englishsharply. not so ?" bell the rang eoffrey 1.. Sir hotly. asked Gautier Le ?" why And " Address rates. lowest 110 on shortest notice and , man's b;rthlace havmg been the onlv large 36:tf " You have proved nothing against me at I " Then this interview had better close. It " I would rather say nothing a.bout this , lhtrRTlC& P. 0 , ' present. This Linda. Despard, whose tale ! has already been too long, and degrading- Salvarini said. J_,e Gautier saw h o w d s - and fruitful islnd of the old world, he has sea. of TO d the become the ul l NTEED you have been listening to, is no friimd of I Ja.mes, show Monsieu1· le Gautier out, if you I tressed and agitated he was. A. GOOD WIFE GUARA " I fear-I Unapproached for i:i,_ every man who buys his License from mine. " I please. - I have the honour to wish you much fear you too much proof withou t Tha. the h igh road of tbe occ'."n s h o.uld Tone and Qualicy. lt;a.d him all over the word was imply meEilllN R.Y S YLV E STER, Enniskillen. good-morning ; and if we do meet again," calling upon me . " " Can you look her in the face and \ vitu,ble. Hence Engl:ind s destn:y a the that she is wrong ?" Sir Geoffrey interrupt- he added in a stern undertone, " remember, " You stand by a friend, Luigi !" Le CATALOGU ES FREE. · 1 august moth Jr of empires should give i·1se to · er sa1d b"tt ed. " Of course, you cannot deny the it is as strangers· " . Pianos Tuned and Repaired. " G aut1 mk of I " D o not th" i er y. . 1 181tman, s b:ea st i Le Gau t ier, without another word or look , me now. Every man must look to himself !" no vamg 0=-Y m any .E ng l' truth of her words. Then why am I bound . I but rather it should giv.e . rse. to a feelmg of left the room, I.ucrece following a moment ?" " Sufficient of this," the president interTR)JJ I R PI ANOS to fulfil my contract with yon j I modesty, almost of hum1hatwn, before re. it shall be so. later, and leadin 1 Valerie away. Isodore rup tecl . . word your· have I , Because . , " ., · f proo s ar e overpowermg. · " w .y attended them nil.Te Tuned or repatreu oan so vast· It honld cjlse us t0 " b1 T " 1t ies O n your word, and by the power I hold over stepped out from lor hiding-place, her face · y ou u,re charged with packin g the cards to sp om ORGAN DOMINION g the at word n i v a e l I> b:y k 0.urselves, re we rea y and ;u, , Y worthy alternately SMrnful and tenaei:. . I force the Brother Maxwell upon a danger- l! as Jo's Oll"ll'lCE, Boyvn1anville A first- cl a s man you, I claim my wife still." of t:s favour1tlsm of he sea . I ha.nks .to " "Ve owe you a heavy debt of gratitud e I ous mission." " Aud in good time, you shall have her, ow lleing in the ir emvlo; . _ worth an entire , , which is · the silver streak, , · . indeed t" Sir G eoffrey exclaimed warmly· "E ' noug h . ,, the pris oner Hector le G· " er. " uti exc1a1med ; · tead E I ]<' r uropean rm;y:, t ie og i sh r ac e , ms ke all this tremely good of you to t Ho? Gentl m c n ot f:<'ash " It is ex a The group assembled there looked sudden · " confront me with my accuser !" I of exhaustmg its force, _as the oth<;r less t most ers. Acce trouble for mere stran ,s p my ' ' y ou shall see her-Isodore !" ly at Lucrece, as she spoke. She came for. iou, not so ta!ilt . ,I luckr races have been obliged to do, m ?eward now, facing the Frenchman, who eyed sincere thanks !" As he raised his voice a breathless hush fen lmg frot1ers, has been naled to give e re· sod o " We strangers are not quite r her with an undisguised sneer. . ," T fell upon the assembly. Presently, a woman ' all its energies to strengtliemng 1ts lnhs at nave writte n the; e few lin<l!!, . . " And what has the maid of Miss Charteris plied, turning to Buid. " Lu ore cc told you I entered ; for a moment she looked at the -y a s to And all I and f mg fresh fi elds m which to e od f hom o I o I you am. tell h me w wh let ; was he s . tu do with me ?" o group, and then raising her veil, sh wed her That y ou can tlnd me still at h om a, 1 strengthen them abroad. It I only of late " Much," she answered quietly. " Do ' have nevnr met you, though once I hop ed to beautiful face. I am not gone a.way. . · , ,, that the fact has been ignored th at may come, · friends ? old kind i do so I am Genevieve Visci !" . my all So . . A deep , b"tt You know Who I am . " " M ane 1 er cry, followrng 1 .t0 th e sea · te n . And all the young ones, too, " Wbat ! Signor Visci's sister-the girl this word, burst from Le Gautier's lips, and E 1and .o es h er ve·y hxi_s " A serva nt who has got into the drawing- ; nicely ts n me i: a g tl1oir g t e And -t a:t wit out the sea 8 e 18 ot mg. -. room by mistake. If I am wrong, please who -who"-he fel l forward upon the table his head , (n fas hions t n at are new ; Thi s becones clear at once if we turn to v I " Do not hesitate to say it. Yes, Isodore upon his hands. There was no e c a.p e no \ enlighten me. " Where old and youno;, dllar fri ends. m it y meet the popular hteratur? and to the stage fifty A welcome greeting, by R. PEA.TE Lucrece stepped forward, throwing her and Genevieve are one. Out of r ecol le ction he knew full well. And the woman h , -.BY-me wh en t e ac eve r a t t head back, and placing one hand upon a. o f o l d tim es, when you were s o kind to my I thought had loved him-the woman who ' y e;i, s g_o . A h ti . i ents ?f Ne o v;ere st ll fresh ID th e popI have not forgotten you, dear brother, · you. t l ll knew a his plans to the letter was the tab e a her side. " I will enlighten d t e ove 0f t e navy was a a rn u a.r m r6" I am tully pr ep are d to attend on . Five years is a long time in a lifetime like , knowing Le Gau tier so well." Princess of the League, the most dangerous . '. asswn" But Lucrece, your sister, to come here member Isadore herself ! Salvarini lookeel tional p 1 a passion whose e xpressi_on the shortest noti!'e, at the lowest possible re.tea mine, but your memory will carry you back j b 1 · would e aug ie d at now. 0u o f i;iiauy lll· 0asketa a n d Bunal C as e s ready on short n ot loo a.ttio. Hector le Gautier, I ' as my ma id. And Le G , to the Villa M \utier-how did , into her ' face for a moment and then whis. · . stances that occur to us we will give one. Ffrst.-class h earse on very mod erate t e rm s 1 ' · . I a m a11 a t sea ye t· " "' · d c ar1o I. you know ? ter of your 1rien am I;ucrece V1sc1, sis ·f pered one wore 1-G enevieve ; b nt ::1 ie heard f R 1 L"f " Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand Fun ea " It is a long sa.d story, a:ii d some day ' it, a.u d sm iled at him , pleased that one man ' In a vo1 ume ca11ed "R01nce 0 . :, , era.I oa.rdssupplie d at once, Furniture Shop &:; Visci. " · · ca.l ie ubo.rdm tion m s 1 [ehed a sto . ow R ooms-li ouna all'sN ew Block. when I know you better, I will tell you all, sh ould remember - heard the little word ap " Aud I am no wiser now. " ·- - -· ---- ------ ---· · ·very a ° w rama.tic situation wa a IC " Father, but not now. But one thing, please, re · which s truck a womanly chord in her heart, 1 " But I am," Enid exclaimed. · . pla s. y wrig h te 1!3g t mp r k md ge and _ t can l ive at home, an d mak m ore _,e Gautier and was thankful. Then she made him a you remember Signor Visci, the artist who 1 memb er, that c ome what wi ll, J . . ' A so ld ier havmg struck h1s Bnperior otlicer m o ney at work for us, than at any ' ' He may threa ' ten, sign to b e s1 d t I cannot h arm you now. ....,_..i.'!;l;;;;: us, .o meet us at R " om ·" . .1 ent. . . pital I th i n g else in this w orl d . .No ca f °" '::;;:;= or assaultin his (the soldier's) wife wa i tried g Y es, my de ar -with a glance at Le but he IS p owerless. I have only to hold up ' Stunned by the crnshmg force and sudt ·f 1 J needed ; yon al'e s1 arted fue. H oth t i wxrnouT UBTll ,1'r .1 -r. !!:it re. v; · bY C?LU· ·mat la ' and °0,ndemue to d . ea 1. ' sexes ; all !lges. Any one can d Cl t.he work. G aut ier- " lb specimen of an Italian . my hand"-lay r deness of the blow, Le Gautie half Admirably adapte l as was uch a stor y or, Lar'!"e ea.r m n gs sure fl'om first start. Costly "And Frederick-Mr. Maxwell ?" only The gentleman. T ·w r 1 there with his head resting upon the table · . sentimental staae of that time ou tfi t an d terms free. Better noL delay. Costs · ' the somewhat . J,J , J} , , D Jl. , m.. 'l/) 'IM!l" J Y .t .t!a 11 · t10n . 1 I have or 111111 is, thC1.t he first mtroducThe " Do not he impatient. You will see hi m no sound bre>\king the solemn silence. l10 und eist "' i e y o u no thing to s e nd . us your address and find "f . · ood well t 1 . . . Vong iis ,Jerro lcl w ' ' ll'£. l. ()Tf<IJAL DENTIST d . " · " aut' out , i you are wise you w· cd me t o M ons1eur 1e u cl ier. h . .11 d o so at once, dcl h · d to·morrow · for th1S cvemng I have need of I pres1 ent a resse t e wrew e m an , ' . nava1 t l d eop t111 8;, 1 pasw for B . HALLET'!' & Co., Portland, Maine, ?Vll!:R TWENTY YEARS ExP1u11E;,11om, 'rhe Ft·en chm tm 's cyea ffas hed , and he him Y ou ' have not the slightest grounds i asking him if he hau anythin ,,. to say. h ----' a y nao ---1 g n mi e w u s a n l ar tt t y nn moved as if to speak ; but Cncrece continued for nxiety loked dazedly a ! He raised h is head and t xld P.!l;' · n ·. · 'n 8 A.dmtntnered tm l"alnJ eB . N , ...., ,r · ,Le Gautier will never harm . va Iicro t he popu lar appeal o f the story J< y : " y ou m · y ot t iemem · ber . e · I ' any one more. , "I? N ! aroun cl ' tI1en down agam. Operations. t f a1· U h intensifi':l d a huntlredfuld. That he . be would ,, ; IDl'.>'i>'IV · y_ou · «J()LU!VG'S I.OC:ll., u . ave no 0 1 go ten my sis er, " How strangely, sternly, you speak, " have noth rng to say. My doom is sea cd ! , B M P E R C H E R O N H O R S E S· rn supp ositir n the annals of I was right on t h' _ -· __ ---Genevieve. Ah ! I have move<) you now ! Enid replied . " Bind him ! ' · Isl nd H Stock f th at t b u u d tl sh ow. h e t J s odo re siled· a to be made, Cut this out Miss Charteris, you were i11 Romll when she ) n . D ? Rough the hands doomed were laid upon o I Well st " you lg e 0 Fari Isle, lll e n an y · 1 · . N owal ays a nan t1ca drama can no t be taken . . it . . and return " . Her fa se lover stands be fore h eard what Lucrece said ' have wretch and fastened him ich. , IS very conve. 11 M' ' · d to us' fand d1s Ill !us ch au secureand . I may r ee. I we w1 sen YOU ,,, ,s a ! . ne very name sugges , t · · · scr10us1 y a t all . T' niently l o c a t e d for ' of my own. The 1y, ta1·. o n I k h" b d . 1 p l a nn e d a little reta.hat1on nng c'l.1·e to ma e 1s on s too tig it ' v: som"thi n g of grea t . Canadians being on Thus considered a , C 0? k11 eY b · J esque " :'"t is fal se ! " Le Gauti er exclai med. · eastern eagle flies slowly, but his f and i mp o tance to you. th at will s tart you in ud . li h t is for escitpe. Le Gautier tlid not resist ; he cr an Island 'in Detroit · t ry wonId conf." a · " wn tr 0f goo sea poe businees which will biing . You in moe " Prove that 1--" . I sure Trust me a.nil fear not " River,ten miaesbelow knew now thu,t there was no escape in all the . money r i ght away than any thing el se in thi s servi ce ou the country shoul d he re ne m . ' · . d w,is Windsor, ont. Pur· · ' " It ia true · , , Prove , it ? , 1eft h Look . at. your I , mi f . ·Id th h us, \d 01 llll · . Th y b m ewi ere · u e ime was WI e E . wor d th t· B t . . world . A n y one can do the work and live at , chasers will find o. . pa,ssion old tl1e t nglishmen E of breasts he 1 home 0 ;1thor sex · all a g e s Something new '! own face there ! Lncrec e cried, pomtrng to near when she was to understand -. . troopmg rnto an acliornrng room to go £ th large. ..iumber of pure h e Eng1. Th f t ,or e ramtllon 0 IS l navy. 1 e t f tha1ju s t coins money cir all work ers. We ' a mirror opposite him. " Look there, a.nd t W ith ha.filed fury and reven o- raging iu ; throucrh the mockery of the trial which . · bred a.nd grade stal· finest mu.rme ync m t his or any otlier anwill st 11rt you · capital no t needed. 1'his i s j deny it if you can · lions brood mares 111 ,,, e League demanded · h t L ' G t" t d 0 · h I tite or d f th f ea:r ' e ers 0 au ie; urne away rn t e · one of the no , impor tant cl asse s of a life- I . and colts of all ages "Yo mariners of England," was ' guage . . tiwe. Those who are ambi&ious an d enter· " True or fa.Jae, 1 cannot waste wo rds wi th I d1re c t10n of lus lodgmgs , anywhere to got 'W hen L e G autier look e d up, he was alone, .' b a man wh o had n o knowled g to select from. All w tt en h y , prising will not delay . Gra11 1l . outfit free, you.--Sir Geoffrey, I old you to your away from himself for a time, nothing left I save for lsodore. " You are satisfied with . . pure bred stock, regthere is ate ver o f the s 11or s cIr ,:n 1 ¥ . and 1 : !stered lo the French and American Stud B<;> Addres s TRUE &. C o .. Augusta, Mame . Q ks . Iw ' · promise.-Enid' you shall keep your word. " to him now but to wreak his vengeance upon '1 yo ue work now '!" , , :Sohos, h , , " eos the :iea . all( no need Pric why s reasonable . stock guaranteed. La r ge illwt. , e · , , ffr · t he habit of bestowmg :Sir Geo · e y m · " yes, I am sa.t1s · fiec1 now, Isod ore echoed. p 11 · · b o1. ' , We are not m the mos , , dia 1cal way his " SAVAGE & FAR NUlll boy s " o f the D ibdi n school of i trated Catalogue free. the dghters of our ouse upon adventur- i fiendish ingei;uiy could contrive-and Iso- " o you tho?ght to pl ay me off a, g a ! n s t , l>uaorr. MI0ai. 'j1 mri::;ts sho;ld be revived. The laudsBr this tune, axwell ws no _mor ; : E]md Cha.rte1s, poor fool ! Hector le Gau- · ers," Sir Geoffrey replied. . " I am sure your dore. man if he have th e trne sea-feelin ,,., need ·---------··-· ···Do "' , natural good sense and a h ttle calm refiec- : there was some gram of satisfaction m tier, I am gomg to tax your memory. · · from entermg · l' the field· irm I sl 110t ' , ; tion will show you the fol ly of your demand . . 1 that ; and he had Marie St. J ean to fall you remember one evening in the l\f a.ttio a·e now wood when you abandoned a lonely trust" My father has spoken for me," Enid back upon. I Ifo sat brooding in his r ooms till nea.-Iy I ing girl, the sister of your friend ? Do you said. " I have nothing to add. " · I8 h U · · We Don't liave to Go. i J_,e Gautier stepped across the room to nine-time to attend the meeting of the ' remember laughing at a vow of vengeance all classes with em]l\uyment at liorne, tho her. She rose to her feet in alarm. Lncrece : League, the last one he determined that ' five ago ? Justice is slow, but it is , There was a showe r at ch urch time a n<l who.le of the ti m,e , Ot' for their moments. I D usness n ew, 1!ght and pro!ltable. Persons stood between the two' and grasrJino ' should ever see his face. Had h e lrnow11 ! sure. Do y o u remember ?" were al m o s t emp t churches I some of the · 0 Eind · y · of en her sex easil y earn from oO cents to $5 per , · · · . · "bl e tIiat you can Not one m a dozen of those who ·staye d away J evening, and 8, proportional sum by devotiug Is it poss1 " Yes. by the wris t, aud layrng her hand npon the · how fatally true this was, he would have , b e . b usiness. Boys and girla , Frenchman's shoulder, held im b wo uld for a like catise h,ve s tt1yed away all their i me to tl · .ack: ,"Afe 1 faced a housand dangers ra her than gone 1 e ?"- - . . you mad th at you ask this thmg !' she to Gra.y Inn Road that m o ht. It was 1 " Y es it 1s possible , for I am Genevieve from their d aily WGrk . T he c on clusion is r ea.n nea1 ly as mu ?h as men. Tha.t all wh o s e . I . . I this may send thelr add<ess. an d test the bUSI· ., .. · gas, . an d 1' v· near1y ten wh en h e .1 O VI ' erea"'h '.s ' It is . my turn 1ow. · 1sc1 . And wit 110ut 1 th at large part or ou1·. :i;ieople ?ons1der ; ness, w make thitl off asl:d. . er. 'l'o siwh ,.,, are uot . concern I struck off acroos . the side s tr eet s m the d1rec- another. word she left him. . ? How does. it I) And whereforn , what 1s com m only called d1vmc servwe much well satisfied we will send one dolla.1· to pay ( tion of Holborn. When he reached his des- ) Presently,a <lesire to live took the place of , :ess im p erative th [l,n hu man ser vice and ' for the t.rouble or w1"iting. FLtll particulars you ?" ee -ddress GEORGE S'l'INSON & p utt ra_ S h e lookell him steadily in the face a.2 sh e tina.tion, he walked up-stairs, the only ar- ; his dull despair. In an agony he tugged attend j u st as it sui ts them. It is do ub tless M ne. · or I ' replied : " Then I mnst refresh your mem - 1 rival as yet. Had he be en less preoccupied, : and turned, cutting his wrists with the ' a misnomer to call it divine service. The · an ' a.i I ory ;" and raising her voice till it rang · he would not have failed to notice the glance ' keen rnpe till the blood ran down his hands. 1 days and h ours of work are our ti me of ser - 1 ! through the lofty room, " because you have 1 bestowed upou him by the custouian. He ' He could hear the low mC1notonous voices ' vice. We go to c hurch to worship to meet I 'llllilll!Rll!llll"ili!!lilll!!91111l·P!ll1·-m111""ill"'lll"Nilli1ilWllOilWiiiBliliiLl!ll'll!!llJOOll!illl!lllB j lin((ered about the room till one by one the ' from the adjoining room, the hurrying foot- God and to get his blessin". There re those ·1' : a wife already ! " Le Gautier staggered back ; but he was . company came in. st eps in the ro'.1-d below ; and only th at thin : who say they can do thes things better at . . not beaten yet. 1'hey were not long m commeucmg hus1- wall between lumself and safety. Even the 1 home. Those who suy this " Another of your httle ' fabricationE, " he said mockingly. nes.s. Le G autier did not occupy the chair window leading from tl1e iron staircase was j of religion in ignoring the fellowship of the " Look at him !" Lu cr ece exclaimed , turn- i on this ocmsion ; the pmceedings of the even- ' open, and the evening breaze fanned his ' church. It is a poor sort of religion that ' ing to the others, and pointing at the de- ing were important, and a Supreme Council- white despairing face. He struggled j ust does what pleases it and ser es t.110 Lord I tected man with infinite scorn, " I,ook into or was present. He gre0ted each man coldl3r. I till his heart nearly burst, and then, worn only so far as the service agrees with Sun. 1 his face-mark his dejeotecl air, though he To Le Gautier his manner was stern tu the I out, broke into tears. day clothes. O thers say Sunday is criven us : braves it out well, and tell me if 1 am wrong. " , last degree. The routine commenced, and " Hector ?" ' as a day of rest and not as a day f work. Can e COS " Yon1· word is d oubtless a good one ; but · was condu9ted quietly for some time m the He turned round, hardly certain whether 'l'hen let su ch see that they take a sufficient · , there is something better than words, and briefest, dryest fahion. Then the president it was a voice or a fau cy . Gradually out ! share of their w orking ti m e in which uo · fie .J ! that is proof. Do you not think I can see for the evenJug rose, and taking from his I' of the mist a figure emerged, and creeping I worship and draw nigh to God. He surely I through this paltry conspiracy which has pocket the gold moidore, commanded every J stealthily across the bare floor, came to his has some claim on them anu they surely fl . Call Cf 1 · 11 l:- , · s1nb A been got up against me ? But you have the one there to throw his upon t he table . Pre- side. It was Valerie. Wit. a need somethiu<Y 0 from Him.-]Montreal · wrong man to deal with in me for that. I sently, nine golden coins glittered on the " So you have come to gloat over my ness. 1 will have the compact fulfilled ; my power i green bai ze. " One short, " the president misery too ," he whispered hoarnely. " Go, feSSlilO"' O , is not over yet ; and, Sir Geoffrey, I give said sternly. " 'Vhose ?" or, manacleu as I am, I shall do you a mis· Excelsior. ' yo one more cha11ce. Refuse at your They looked round, each waiting for the chief. " u_ ., He's a rising · · Fred : There's Jones I peril. " \ other to speak. For answer, she drew a kmfe from her " I d o refuse," Sir Geoffrey answered " It i s mine," L e Gautier exclaimed, " I i pock et, and commenced, with trembling lawyer, isn't he 1 Newspaper Advor-tis i ng Bureau, · / , icily. " Do your worst." fingers, to sever his bonds. One by one the Ned Yes, he goes a story higher up the did not think it necessary. " 10 Spruce st., Ne-w Y-:>rk. ! " That is your decision 1-And now as to I " You have no right to thiuk ; it is not · sha.cp knife cut through them, till at length , block every quarter day I Se.l"·d lOct,.. for OO·Pi.tgc p.,=:phlet. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN J\1: . A. JAMES , BY O R D ER OF TH E LEAG E I M USIC .. T G RA I N ' Jno . McMurtry & Co. ;;; l STA N D AR D B A N K be i;-i ::i. fr.J. , ;:Ut f , "'Mi\.. f..l c;JtiifabYi'.:i'ii· Of!'l& , I . ll; . LA I E S, M I L L I N E Ry MRS. DON:ftELY:s , IOENSED L L , the I PARTIES WISHING W say I B E L L" i I J ' :==::=;::;:/ aRGANs Guelph, Ont. _ I ll BELL & CO. j ! I ; 0lfi h D E N 3 1 S T R Y. r I u N D ERTA K IN c LEV I M O R R I S '6 'fll J 'llW A C I B T.I 1 . unpleasaut . . recollec· 1 l I j j i I 1I J \ you j l M NE 0 v I e u val you I II j J la 0.]'[Y 11.° a o:O 1 .cl i i 1 v , i I DU B l j j l I 1I -·-·- ---·-·-" ' cCl !We Plt w orI, lfi I asses ftAtt en t'ion 1fl 1:;i THE COOK'S BEST Fl ,i\jl) . [ I j I 1! I . .I : ignore the half j again I 1 v l r I I I j I l l . : AD VER 1'1 S £RS J t 1earn th exact of of any prop osed 11 t,,. , e · d r t· l · A ve papers by add Geo p Rowell & Co !