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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1887, p. 3

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· dreadful tears of a m an Never m al l her married life had N ll She lavished on him such caresses as lasp ed h is hea.d agttm st her boso m, and COV· ered h is face with J nsses ; she w iped away those slow hot tears that burned like m elted lead ; she stroked his damp hair, damp with the agony of lus resolve and reluc tan ce she murmured rnart1culate sounds in his ear such 11B mothers croon to their spee chless -babies. She saved his soul ahve. Was not that so methm g to do ? After a tm e covered strength and looked up at her with assets, the probabilities of the situat10n, lost his appetite No wonller ' the de ssed and its more dread ful poss1b11ities, and viands, the sa.vory sauces that a rof< re t Nelly arrangmg her 3ewels for sale, chap- cook had had sent up were quite d1f permg with dealers m such things for her from the tough, burned steak and wr beauti ful laces, her costumes of vel vet and veetables with no taste, th e heavy u · WEDNESD!.Y, J ULY 27 , 1887. l satm, even the little personal luxuries she dmgs, and tastel s s gravies that weri- a! To Ja ck ' s c · e dit had so long en30yed, there was th e impetus poor Nell y could con o ct. of 11 n w occup11t10n, ew though ts, to help be 1t sa,1d that h is dee devot10n to N d lhe, Sweet Summer. them th1ough th various m ort1fica.t10n , pe bty his d aily I ecollect1on o her weet, bro.v ·' ac BY s u sAN IJ.ARrLEY it cept11nce of trouble, kept his mou th s h 1 1 t 11S y et pamful, that beset their "ay Sweat summer, leaning o'er a rustic fence, was d epressmg to find how a u s shrmk m to her fe.1 lures now ; and she , fully i.ppre With marigolds benrnth her frockled cbm , th enc t f,lles sil ence, put n ci fatrng his seltrn g ! how much less a d ss is wo th th 1 How thou art 1 A. pitying Pro, 1 dence Hath sent thee to tlus world of toil and em o f ier firn gerH mto · en the strmg o fpear s o he1 m md d d f you paid fo it ' E What though the sun that follows thy brown feet h ad beeu he1 f ather's weddmg gift, did the new duty Coo kmg is not an abs t, ra.c t Too JavJSh may by "1th its glowwg h t 1e price 1 ; .,. 1r HaI ch I iad or a matter tl1 at needs fi ve I 1 u not quit e fetch haIf t l practice every day for ten y ears , intell ig n ce What dawns thou b·mgest, bright with scarlet the, ! paid for the m . To tempt m from om downy conch of sleep, there was the doubt as to wh at and reso lut10n will conc1uer its my s t enee, And us on to pleasure where the bri e r di. J ack grew tlun befo1e !us rnshe uld lie rese1 v ed for the new home Agam and alth ou Doth gavly through the bre<1thle·· thickets creep, . a nd ag m , af te 1 cous1derrn g, was the h st of t1011s men ded, they d id mend , And busy hornets ludc ,uthm the bu·h, what they at fu st th ou h necessities re And mmble snnkes co1l ' toe bloosom s blUBb months Nelly had m astered the situat10n, ser e :i. dinn r or a b r eak du ced , and it wa,s always Nell \Vho di d Whnt throbbm g stars to Peer througb the g ·ieen J nck vi;as struck with astonishment at he r fast at once savorv and e c o mmcal . It h a been said that " little thrngs are tchm.s moons to h,l"ht th< perfumed caves, pract1cf>l faculty, w h i ch really had ne\ er Wbi>t w1 " Where coomg lo,ers sit m blissful ···e, o s levers , and it is ut erly true , once ha(l a for d e,relopment b ef o re. Aimd the dnn, mosqmto haunted lea,cs · crav lt was she who made ont the lrnts of fur f ed with good an wholesome food What restful mghts rnltde tuneful by the trill nit ure, ehma ly s nnulant th at Jack h ad s1lve1, and 11.rrange d them mg for dai Of fe·Llve cuckcis m the grn· ses etill for th e rnlc , s he who m u,uag ed to sell the sisted like a heio, di ed out , and he r ec vered Wbat peace o! mrnd, wha.t watermelons cool, all of carr·a g c aud hor ges cou ra.-. n tan e iust fl es h atren<>th s ri ts an "' e · ' " 1 " crea m, I from Europe, at much bc ;; ter I which had dw 1d ed. s f; " w , Oh mj dear women ' wiv es a nd mot he1 s 1 puce th m would have been rec eived at I When all th fish have vamshed like a cheam, What sudden waves of tender sentiumeot, auction , she who advied that the gas if want to keep your husbo.nds and sons What str>nge lorg0Lm1g all you ever mennt should be up, «S b ut one and brothers from those lures of th e Vacat10n m the happy wocd thr.t rmga van ts ha d g n e, and kerosene -.. ou l d be l ss liquor saloons, feed them ell at h m e , Throogh thy best days s ; u1>y llke and fair, exper si e g ive them w e l Oh, that s the tnnc when t J the old world clin gs Jac k at liLst had found a iilac e i u tables, good coffee, cbocol11te, tea , a chem· An run pie r ethci, a chvwci an A little Bpace Jt 1s, whi le S\\eot hours whirl, thou- ful h ou e , a pleasant wife , a th e office of a s t amsh ip company, at sp ead , To couit ad libitum n Sun '""r A u l I sand d ollars sal"ry , 1ust the amount of table are the best te mper nn c lectnres m .,,_____ Lnce for dress when sh e left 1 the wotld ; 1Lnd all these can b had cheap allow, sch oo l at eiQ'hteen ' b .. t he though t himself 1f you w11l only learn how. But this is a d1gress10n. 1 lucky to get that, there were so mi.ny men I I All tlus experimenting n n d the new out bnsmess th is cns1s. labors which she had not N eith er he or hrn wlte had m ch the value of mon y ; it was n eedful that take easily and sy stemati cally fully occu BY ROSE TERVY COOKE· ' · they sl >ould have some place to go to as pied Nelly, but w h en she had le arn e d her to m ake a as their house w'"s so ld, ancl they had poise enough J ack about I lesson time bega,n to drag , n.nd sh e was a qmet entrance, and hearmg vo ices up stair s lookmg for a h o m l1C n c lonely, a little lang u d , though her \Vhat weary litt proceeded to Angy's dr e srn g room ; sh e days pi,ssed the search I what depth s of dail activities were a h l p to her physical stood there anud waves of pale, glitterin g condit10n that she did not apprecia,tc ; sh e d ttp g about hea1t and satm , that a dressmaker sco uraged her soul as she went I h ad hours now to sit at her her slender figure , the woman 8 topped her , from one cheap boa ding house to a.n ther, sew, lo o kmg at th blue stretch of bill ow , J as he entered. and came av ay d1sg11sted They sat down or dreammg over the fine stitches au d del i sh ed " Do want me, Jack '" N lli e ask ed , resolutely one mght, and made a st ict cal cate embro1denes wherewith she ga m a surpused tone. culat10n of means and expenses ; but e ven the little robes that she could not buy lace " I do want you ; can y ou come to the Ji I ta g mto cons1derat10n th fact that th ey for ; fahioning her own h alf worn garments I brary ?" t were both clothed for a y ear or two, for rnto s oft small wrappin gs, and dom g he "Yes, I will; " ait fur me there a m om nt. the found it w as economy to keep their or- best, ignorantly but mstmctively, t o pre anothe1 member to clo tlung rather than sell it ; a nd also pare for the Madame 1s 3 ust fl ung h i m that the1 e was no fur111ture, becldmg, o r m this sma.ll household self mto a gr at easy chair , the del ,1y fact any W hen it came the hoard in the saving s dreadful ; lus c ourage f!utternd, sauk , per - could not afford to board m a co mf o rtable ban stood her in good stead ; the doctor , haps would hav e failed, but that his wife manner, or to rent a whole hou oe ; so they understand mg the state of things, sent out mmi e mstinct : resolved to lure thiee rooms aud keep house mto the country for one of those an d with hastened to percel\mg his distress, knelt on the floor in them. and ho mely nurses who not only c are for " I don t know how to coo , Jack ; beside him, 11.nd pu ttmg her warm soft arm the patient bvt do the house wo1 k, so that I The tender touch brok e , I'm not a fo ol. abowt his neck. I can le11rn, " laughed Nel a l Nelly's cares were hfted from her, and at pe ace, wondermg at " Mother begun m a small house when I she him down. ly. " Nelly," he said,-the word was like a she married father, and I've got the lovelin ss of her tiny daughte1 , whom up sob-" I have foiled ; my busmess is gone old recipe book ; kept it for sent men t s we hav nothing left. " sake , now it w ill be worth everything. " red thing !" He thought she would faint and slip from " But Nelly you have never had to ork , An d n ow N elly would be lonely n o l on g e r . I his arms ; but she look d up mto Ins face h ow can y ou ' No, must keep a ser· She had her hands and her h ear t full, aud I an d co urage 1 van t. " th11t divinest of all and la.ughed ; a of ch e crossed her pale face. " Is that all '" she " My J ack , we c an t. And if we co uld love, possessed her in 1111 its fervor and said, m a tone like the reveile of a bugle. "I how could I teach I know nothm patie c e , Jack, as the baby grew into some thought you wc1e ill, m self 1 w e should waste her wages t o begi n I human aspect found him sel f lo ging to get ome and play vi ith 1t , and all the a.nx1eties This was what the level brows, the l ar l· an d troub les its c hi ld ish sorrows and ai J ac hacl to oive m eyes , the cleft chin, and the firm hps had m store for him, msp1ring c ou r ge, w ill to fight at satisfact10n to me ts caused, only endeared it the more T he e w as gr Jack burst mto tears ; the m the fact that Jack's busmess bemg wound to its paients, and bound the thre e togethe 1 or endur e . p cate e teJ n e e n c lair ea that r v , but vl e a r re f lure '.I. hen science, kmd an e tness all e 1 ' e 0 rs tiees ! J i e '. h ; ic e I I I f e it and was able to v n s Gd t chance the d and re t o pi an d to acqtta c retuued a l j you all of the ser given devil, o w o e l cooked meat, savoiy vege v as clerk well r a e s c , gt and in six BEGUN V!V RONG you e Nelly's of I s was r m I I at I e u WOfk Jack went into the library and e him, fe through." e n was I j I I e o e in squalor and discouragement sickened Nell's I di o r 1' r i e km I y idea of soon I set yet learned to 3rd , w le y e i I e wmdow and s rm !I dmary : househohl goods to buy, still they I ' k r airival of : j 1 k ' skillful e ;I e er we Jack " ce a up so ea,tly m th e course of his tr ou bl e, not with stronger ties him five years after .Tack s failure he was 1 h u dre dollars, to which the delighted walkmg home from church one S unday with clerk m the sa e cred1tvrs added five hundred more, as an ex- a press1on of their respeet for h is prompt office. Jack asked him in to lunch. " No thank you, " said young Holcombe wmdrng np affairs, m st ad reco er hi s lf by bo rowmg more money, " I go to your house too often ; it makes me env10us, and 11sking more credit, till th e " Have one of your own , then, " suggeste d wou ld have been o. mere hollow s hell, and e those who had l1elp d or dealt with him J ack , with a " On a thousand a year ? No si I we been hopelessly defrauded T hey d id not know that th ey owed this must wait until I can do better than that " " That is all we began on, Holcombe, ex· i to Eie11noi's eounsel another day '" she cept a little m the ba.nk for a iamy day ; " I the saddest smile on ' t tl"' , to go on d what we Iiad 1ai " Nelly, you are an an ." ha,d euergetwa.lly exh te l Jack , " ask Mr. and you have got " Not a b t of it, sir !" she laugh ed . " I 'm Hartmann you he no ws the state of up " " Well, you didn't begm life so, and I a. very mortal woman, and here's the proof . " afi'u,n s as k h nn 1[ i t isn't better to s o p now, sve your cred i to rs aud y ou credit, won't , I daren't ask M ry to leave her , She poured out a glass of wrne f om a de canter left there by a careless servant since and get out of suspense yourself, 1ather than fath er s house and come dov;n to work for the mght before when a frien d had called, ke ep draggmg on till no thing is l ef t. Oh, 1 rne." her 1 " sai d Jack energ tic11lly and it slo wly ; the w 11rmth J a k 1 it 1s honester, I am sure, to stop I h u sband to be the you re all wrong ; How did y ur fa ther the stimulant drove off the clull of h is ex n ow , and I wan t 1 b eg m hie · Mary Carter s ? Why . very honestest man m all the town " citement iv e the rest," said 'V hat could J ack do but kiss th a t lovely c an't you and she begi n JUBt there ! " Now tell Sam ; th at is cl ue to her. she fe t his cold, damp hands recover their glow on her rachant face, and ak e that ou never An d believe my warmth. advise forthwit h · " A w hole tha,t m ak es " ci>.n know or feel what a t u e woman can be, nothing more to tell, Nelly , thank God 1 I am only unfortunate, not a said Jack when the creditors sent m their who truly lo\ "R you, till you are poor to Tell her all the truth about you1 af h er. th a l tter that m ade wi fairs, your fears and wh you have k ept s1le11t " As if y ou could be ·" she replied ind 1g prou d' th bottom ; then she made !um s it beside h er on nantl " W hat shall we do wit it ' Don't ye u 1 so long ; begm right , begm m eet for you ;" and when the sof and by dmt of questions, gently wa.nt to board now for a, ye,tr , to get used to I and tak you get to the top you'll find out what the yet acute, drew f om him the cond1t10n of om un " affairs as ar 11s he w as able to make I want the worst first, Jack ; put Lord meant when he made he firt wom n. that money m the saving's bank ; there ma,y I o w u I b egun wrong ; but I m gomg to eud derstand them. c now e I i gel 1 he re I only paid all his creditors, but left I n d I1 e of trymg to of r v me busmess I I D with " y her ' ' k r M<>ntreal m could he still I heri dingy I e ' Jack stigmatized as " '£hat crumpled n n w were I by their one high errand to the world 1 earthly affections, mother is revealed, a regular market W'1S first I they th at many of the ir fella voyagers were con'. open ed in C anada. The fur de al ers came 1 ver ted and all were awed mto reveient an d yeaily from .! !'ranee and the Indians as respectful sile nce. n gI n rngul arly desc ende d th e S aguenay an d the A few weeks ago we a llud ecl to a visi t to St. Lawarence to the meetmg pla ce. F or .i, Ch ina made by two btase young Americans, h I few months the lonely bay was thronged who, possessrng enormous wealth, had ta,st with the wildest of cnilized and the w ild - ed every pleu,sure unt il they were weary of n l THE llARE SKELETON OF THE CONTINENT 1 but I ed and excited Here was the most mo ment ous question w luch they cou ld e ver face. They were not s1..,k ly, scholarly men to whom fanulmr. They were the ons of of high an socia.l posit10n, ma;ny of them pas Gradu ate or the Ontario Vetermory College. se ssors of lar l!e wealth. The :young men e istere DCember of the Ontano Medical Assomation. themselve s were the leadmg athle tes Ill th e NJ"Office e.nd Res1 ence N ewtonv1 e, Ont· ty, senst ble, pr<icica] , JOllY fc11 o of them mcl med to be fast ; but uhey a Will v181tOrono every T uesd ay and Saturday l were neither s hal l ow nm petty m na tu Office h<rnrs from 10 a rn . to <l p, m., at th is (]Uest10n knowrng that Coult er Hotel Calla by 'felegraph reoe1vo immedrn.te attention. thei r whole future depended' on the issue CH.ARGES MOD:E:R.A.'fE. What would tl1ey do 1th life · G ve to to money ma k g, to sports ? Here ano th er way offered to the , whwh of mon opoly to the Basques, w,is to help mankrnd by teachmg Cnrist ; bu t these people refus ed to the t0 a bor, t0 bai e h dslnp, l 1eao ·h if nee b beauty of monopoly, and for the fo1 H1s sake. fi rst time m th e history of Ca na da Th i r ty o f th ese men accepted this offer W HITF. MAN FOUGHT WIIITE M!\.N Of these, fiv , af te r le a g co lle ge last year Pumps Cheap er and Bettell' and the frownmg gorge of the S gu ena y went to Chma as m1ss10nttri es , b ari ng their than ever. 1 e echoed the roar of cannon. The Bas que s own expenses One of th em was among the ,,ere trnunphant and when on that at fu l most famous rick eters m England ; an other 1 of J une C hamplam swept mto the l i ttle was s ho e of th e Cambridge Eight They The Subscriber having bui l t a large nelt m oyal Ar bay he foun !us a p is on ei. A were J me by an Pump a ctory in O ron o la prepared trn c was signed after a diplomatic r agoo n Guards. ' -t 0 f urnishfer ence and the Basques gave up the fur Before lcavmg ng n the se ven olun trade o.nd betook them s l ves to catchmg tcers held meetmgs m the u v ers1ti es, and h ale s. 1 to d the story of Jesus, as th y knew 1 t, to T hey ioused deep e thu siasm, \Vith o r w1Uwut Porcela.iu Cylmder, o! Near th brink of the ltttle cove 01 harbor youni:: men, w here the vessels la.y, now called L'Anse a especially m the colleges " They 110 Boat Macerial, on th e shortest notlcili:I L'.li.:i>.u, Champla.m found th rem am s of · were themselves, ' we a1c to , " the strongand a.t the 'owest prices. wooden b uildrng, the only fr gm ent of Th ey l est appe a 11nd call to a dwelling bmlt by vih1te men m all the br oad were types of hanJsome, healthful, 3oyous 01stern Tubs and Pumps supplied. north land. Above the bxook whwh forms I yo uth " _ o the out et of that bla wh ich > .1ow 1 One of them, the cri ck eter , WELLS CL:t:ANED & RERAIREID . charms aud chills summer v1s1tors, were the ! tho s meetings, with boy ish dir e tness, lodges of a band ofAlgonqmns wo od i " Cric et will not last Fame wi ll not last. en build g was re b lt , and while Pontoth g m th is world will last. I w nd er grave commenced to trade, Champlam went what you would s. 1y to me, now that I am on to th e gran dem of Queb ec, the loveliness ' gomg out to C hma, , if I bough a l r g out. Monnt Roy al , to b frien d the Huron and fit thi gs absolutely useless m that coun TO GIVE SATISF A.CTION. Bu t fight the Iroq uois, and to gm m very fact try ' You wou ld say I had one m ad _ that New France that was to extend cross 1 wh at are you domg 1 You are only gomg to \ ·bY Mall promptly attended to. W hile Quebec was bemg 1 the contment I O rdera., be on ear th for a short time ; a ter , 1 --founded and fought for by soldiers, and comes et rmty An d w hich are y ou really I was be g bmlt to shelter the holy : hvmg for?" 1 DOORS, SASH, BLIN D S , PICKETS, Ta ou sac wa s nuns, t h e " com erc1al On their way out to theu chosen field oi on hand. MOULDJ NGS, &c. , me tropohs Here, ami d the labor in Chml1 some of the pil.ase ngers on of Canada. desol11tion of the barr e moun tai s and the 1 the steamei 11 ere at first disposed to quiz black water, the unta.mable wildness of the , the young missionaries ; but so earnest and sp ot w here 1 simple was their faith, so possesse d o he tmder very largely Pontgrnve d1spla.yed the society, was Kmg's royal deed see l a foaming p"ow drew near,-there was no hfe that solitude, twenty miles from shore to shore,. The ship was f o m Honfieur and was commanded by S i.m uel ham plai . He was the A<::neas of a de stined people, and in her o mb lay the embryo hfe of C anad a. " It 18 m these w ords that Parkman begms the wonderful story of the true settlement of anada, but befoie Champlam, and therefore befo re was Canada, there was a T a dou sac Right y ears before Clmmp am n.nd pontgrave, his mer chan i ssoClate, appeared upon the scene, a o ony of rough fisherme n had b een f orm ed th e and a Iarie and lucrative fur trade WM be m g done. These men wmtered there, died f st of the scurvy, not k n owm g how to make spruce beer, and o hers took W hen Poritgrave o " r places om e thei , the Bay of Tad ous"'c and worked his ship arou nd La Pomte les Tous les Diables, or La Po mt e Aux R ch ers , found a sturd y alrea d y there, and what was w orse , the Ba,sque was tr, tdmg with th e Indi,ws "A lovely ship sailed up the St. Lawrence , The whi te whales flo undermg in the Bay of radou83 c, and th e w ild duck divmg as th e Once thc Commerefal Metropollil of Canatla. TADOUSAC. but these m all C n w · r de C In 1 884 a man wh o deserves the old title of gospeller vlSlted Cambridge Umvers1ty , in He is n o b a clergyman of any nglan d. sect, but he b l ieves that Christiamty is the one vital fo rce which is to civilize and elevate The earnestness, dtrectnes >, all mank md d 1 f his appea1s gathered la ge numbers of the students about him. 'l'he one question which he urged on each of them · was, " W hat lS Jesus to you ·1 Loo at h work in t he world, and choose whether you , I I wil he P Him m it. ' Somethme; that will Last, E mi' We e VETERINARY SURGEON. an s1mp 1cty o r k 1s cl er t l theie "S gone, A ]arge number of After he w these young Englishmen met every day, to discuss this matter. They were deeply mov · a before Champlam, appeared in t rauk d emotional, 01 even such subiects we1e s men ws, re it tirne umvets1 fAw Basque They took i1p Rg d Vetermar.v "11 m m i I d ar f e e d collette-ue e r e e a c k oar O d officer the R con tillery, and anothcI in the D E la d v m I l e n Scottish ld I l noble life a e k ·N m of c I I d e, Orono Pump Factory. e vm e F PUMPS Of EVEY [)ESGRIPTIOI l ck lake, said at one f m m e The of be n t o a e a g the e f 1A ll ORK UARANTEED G W kept FERC1 USON. them both JOHN SPEN CER, Q'.&.I{.Y SURGE O lt , VETERU Two young man who was a Palmer." laugh. m r r I say or ( k twice r t of made him drmk c l " There is rascal." y f the me Nelly, as · cheek r hei " A hot color swept ov e uttered the ords " M. y love I could not bear to tr ouble : it was ot n eces sary· " You , " An d I w nt on with all sorts of xtrav agance, thIllkmg I cou1c l d one, 1 do as I h ac " How c a I for heuee ather was rich , -glve myself >" ? is " H o w can you vv. for.rive the real quest10n , She drew lus throl·hrng head down on her In course of this conversation it was needful to tell her of her father's insolvency "t the time of his death. " And you neve1 told me ' ' be need of it be well " descent?' No, e e How did G I t her her the chance, y experience r · thousand dollais Nell's heart ' get e y j at e h e " a help my I" " Look ' a ' , ,, were be r , m1Ss1onary priests harvest be ve e I house ever n I R I w r her face as She e f e n me, Nell hft shoulder for over ov mg ?" , He could not anwer ; his voice fa iled . Presently he rose. ; you h a e so.ved " I must go now, l", me out of the d p t11 · in h is He looked at her v. 1th eyes, and with one long, lovmg e brace left her; Eleanor sat down, stunned , her courage , ll, stron wi her genet·ous faithful heart, now l to her h u sba d s aid had ralhec he h ad left her she bune d het head on the arm of the sofa with a long sh udd en e; sigh, and tried to thmk ; there was much to be d one, she could not plan yet, but she coulcl work ; s he went back . to her d 1ed smg room , and ther e; lay the, s1lve1y folds of sr.t1 n a cross a ! ugh cha.n wear ha.t dress, the ball for winch it was prcpar mg she should not attend ' she unpmned the plaits, folded the breadths ca, efully together l tile!ll m th e box: fiom w_hich tii ey and la.ic came, put m the lengths of de ic ate lace, d the garmt 0f appIe bl ossoms that was to h av with them, a d call · lllg h er m aid toId h er to t" ie up the box and set it aside, she had ch an ed her mmd bou the ball Then a dre,tdful weariness of soul and b ody came over her, for Nelly Palmer was a young delicate woman after all, and she had received a h eavy shock But after a est of s ome qmet hours, (for sh e denied herself that day to callers) she rallied, and dress mg for, dinner, showed a seren e and cheerful face to Jack when he came back, 11udifwelc omed him as if h a d still been h er lover. Ah 1 he was more. Never sinc e he fust took her irna'e mto his heart had Nelly been so dear, so " · lor ed as now ' he koew for the first t me the mten t and sweetness of " a h el pmeet for hi m . " But m the first exc!temeut oi_ 11ny change, even of loss , there 1a certam force t at us to e d un , ; while Jack was bustell figurrng up his losses, his "11 day long " Ia it so very hard to forgive one, J ack , l e lly ht v heart m n : w1 g but n . she sou!d never l au ure e been worn n one down I Ladies m the t01 T hen ribun e w ep t aloud . smce sud denly, the fi rst thr ill of emotion pa.Ht, a I lou d cheer aiose fro m all the benches, only T he spec to be repeated a.6am and ag >iin tators would have i om ed had the regulatwns a.r erm g for two of th ese rooms in the perm i C p tted, for they shaied the g en eral en A nd m the tri bune , pale wi th flat was f ur m· hecl from the one on her bed- thus1asm . room, an d one rug bright ened the tmy par- emo t10n, his arms crossed on his stalwart Ly. lor ; chair s fr om h er room too now did duty j btea,st, stood one o f the h er oes of the fr, for the parl or , and a small card table that I t \\ as l ong sin ce su c h a cho1 d htt d been ' had been he1 grandmother's sto od under the str uck ; for the simple, smcere, manly Ian odd old imrror from the s ame qua1ter. ! gu age of th e sold1cr deputy sank deep into There were bright cluntz curtams from the ( all hearts bttth and dresamg rooms put up here and ' the bedstead and be ddmg were those she WEDDING SUPERSTITIONS. had used at home ' though they were ratheI large f or the sm all bed room , but when all The briile must keep the pms wh ich fasten· t vi p·urs that kept half ,he with hei was done · the three apai tments w ere as pretty as a doll 's house ' one p1ct m e on the air of re fin ement, even wall of each g ave if the were o11lv autotype s, and the tast foI haunomous color that had d istinguished u elly 's dress a.n house into play now , or crud , nothmg was incongruous, home was crnmped it was cheer if tlus ne ful aud 1 ome hke , aud they entered m and shut the door with a sense of r est and rehet. However this was but the bcgmnm.,. a,ck 's dut;es w ere not unf miliar to lu' but Nelly ' s were all new , she burned h e finge s and her food m tr ing to cook, and p oduced most mdescnbable messes e en with the ol cl recipe book to gtude and Jack missed every d.iy th e of w ie at un dmner that would have helpe It was well for him that he palatlloble meal . had to give 1t up while it was only one glass but the h abit w as har d to bree. , and h By the tm' e the h ou sehold goods were I sold and th e house turned over to the 1 lar"st c1ditor J a,ck had h ire d a sm all flat ' 10onw · m a t e em ent house .on the of at eet m a unfash10nablc corner of I p..rt of tl1e 01ty , tirn iooms 1 ,md ob were m the fourth s orey, but there was a I for coal and wood, and an oth r for the \ suu shone all day tenants south w m ows , from wlnch one a.ho could oo ove1 thJ roof s of the lo,\ pait l of the i ty to th e sparklmg wa.t rs of the great bay b ey ond. Nelly h ad sold all enou gh of the pr oce d s to furnish these rooms with such th m s , creditors allowed them to tn,ke at ap prais al l)r10es all th e of t he mouny for I Ja,ck's debts and owu She had taken the plam croc kery from th e kitchen cup of go o d bla,nk ets , o boa,rd, comfor table thvt had been hers her I she did not sell, and she school das bed lmen that she h a(l brough t fr om home. " Sensible ca eature I' laughed J ack he the th at dav. · sometim e , we may not alw a) s righ t, after a,11. deposited a scme money , Ij a and h on h \ G hl e , an<l the into the I : army slipped & : X R f : e d of Sedan at c char that 1 k a.vy est c e f e her personal p1operty, Prn:iaca a:rg ;, O l e only_ reservmg L ll N e e the g as the m e : I s rest went There "' ere few f the speaker her I ;t" :s m r nr they ong the ·ncmbers, whetl the left of the Piesident sat on the righ t t e t hree n totally l 11 C an impressive s M Alll ert de M un the great orator of the l eric a party m the French Chamber , made He spee ch on the A rmy l ) ill paid a glowmg tnbute to th m m o t y of th e old army which had acqmtted itself so br1l ll lll tlY in Af flca th Crimea and Italy ' and Y es I r ender a supreme to ay " t . en my ich fought so vah o age t tha t a d Rezo nville at W eJS1 t to the e cb h off n , n i which I a,de winch rismg in my throat, cannot 8 eak without for half he re iment of Chassems d'Afuque hich dr w from the Kmg of th t h h ke that of W il iam of range 'Oh, th ose ga n.nt fellows 1, r -vi ml . at d th other ha d excl ai ed 'Les Iu h , : .8 The entire Hou $e p a took of the A Thrilling Scene. , ' e e e g a t r N J y an vedding dres" ed her ' · e 11 he 1w glanng a e M arry at the tim e of the m o on's wanmg 11n d y am ood luck will wan also If two marriages are c lebrated sun ul tane ie ously one of the F air or foul weathe1 upon one's w eddmg pro verb that needs no 1.lomment g e husbands will d n e " '.l'hrice a bridesmaid, nrwer a b ri e, " ls d i r r y helps n in J;i her gfass d down the k v ; new fast cruiser Mohawk, which has been '.l·RlJ.NKS, VALIS&\l, dl SAl'CllELS, IN S TOCK. " Were you ever ca,ught m a sudden built at a c ost of £1 08,000 ohaw The and is armed squall ?" ask ed ol d yachtsman of is the first of the new -.. o d e ed work and Repa1r m · g a r r = .;rr " W ll, I should The gir l who steps acm d nt...lly or o ther - worthy citizen. with 16 inch breech-loading guns and seve n Specialty, ae usual. WlSe, on a cat' s tail need not ect to be thmk so," res p onded the good man. " I fourteen-inch tubes, di sch ar gmg D. D.AVIS . . married the same year, h ave helped to bring ltp dght young 'nns. " tor pe does. If a girl who is engag d accidentally lets a k mfef all ti s a, sig thaG .aer over lS com mg day au urs a happy or unhappy hfe. g marr ed i The husband must never t11l,c off the wed sur e h11n b d ding rmg to tak e it off will s me k md . luck of o m a est of savage m en . The Algonqum Indians, hfe. They went to Pekin, while loungm g . with whom the Basques were tiadmg when around the w orld in search P?ntgrave made his appe11rance , became the new, to see a batch of prisoner s beheaded. 1nd the 1ddleme!1 b etween the French , I " It reall was quite a new s nsa,tion " distant tr ibes of Iud 1a s , and they brou h t said one, " but there as only five heads to Tadousac the spoils of the chase from chopped off, and the th mg was over m a few Hudson Bay to the great lakes A th rd minutes So there we were, i nst as fiat as class, who lD the early ustory of Ca ada, beforn ! " always to foun d with if not " Lo ok now upon this picture and on that the fur t aders also c ame to Tadousac, the of the eainest h i gh eo uled E nglish m en I" w ho came to gather in a ife has co::ne to every lad who Th e gift of i of sonl s , not of furs, and findmg the reads these words, a to these dif<;; rent Indians could no t m d c ed to locate Ho ii will you elect to use th emsel s at '.l'adousac, they followed them it -as a mere ani ma l, seelnng only personal , A Jesuit co nven t mto th forest. gra 1 cat10n, o noblv as a man 1 at a very early date, and it said hat the I first atone bmlt m C a n11d a was bmlt 1 of a Ne wspaper. grew A small resid e t population here. The Influence \ 11bout the con vent, fo1 it was profitable to be on hand to buy before the ships came in The follo wing chpped from an ex ha ge the spring , but the place was a trnding is indeed worthy of ,t pl ace lll om columns station and n othing more, until the church as m cate mg to th public tast we do no t of the ecollec ts, the first chmeh C u ada, furmsh s ufficient msight mto the conduct· was erected C hamplam a eared at Tadou ' mg of a ne ws aper. sac in 1 608 and it is probable the church W hat w ere we before the circulation of was erect d about for y years after. The the newspap er ' for head and heart mu st I present bmlding was built rn l 747, but it have felt a n ed that books co u d not fill. 1s me ely the second or third lmildmg which Through its columns we leellthat we are m has sto od upon the foundations of the firs t I h almg a ew atmosphere, brucmg, mv1gor The church was churc h centre of h e at " that stimulates the pulses to new setlement, the h ome chur"h of the first aun;' nd h op e s ; and its issues are p o tent m1 ss1ona11es, the one thmg m the for a g eater or less amount of good or evil. which brought to the rough traders a of refor m th at must It 18 a m igh ty mem01y of the old The settlement pros fru tify, or wither exalt or degrade soci . p r d findlllg co mm erc e a b ter stay than Th e sec ret of its sub tle m fluence hes m i ts Quebec found m ar ms, and the annual s hi ps I contmu al presence i·nd ceaseless app.:ials to from l! ran ce d 1sch a1ged o.ll their car go es at 1 th e fireside where it is a wel c om that this pornt. The export of furs was large, ! is eag erly greeted, 11nd its the DcCaen monoply tak mg 22,000 h eavy ed to the all o t her skms out of th e p o t m o ne season. In however e levatrng and instructne. j I · Wl tit si ·x · 1't ge 1 629 David K f hips mat er is so vaned that the1 e 1 s s Jm e " t" par laIIY man ec with Hugueno t mterest thm smted to every taste sailed into the bay of ·r adousac, and seized l It is on e f the oat 1m . I and vo c at i on poss essw n it m th e H is B nta muc portant factors of c v 1 i zed l ife aud it 1s M a3 esty The fleet lay ther e prei u d 1;:c d ecues only a CROUCHING FOR TllEIR l REY va}ue un til the sails of the a,nn al spting fleet I I t onstitu tes Then they I i nst u ion that many fannltes possess, ctnd rose abo \c the St. L11 ern ce th eir ables and sw ,coped down upon 1 ns1p1d m cteed would be so ne h omes w ithou t advan cmg fleet . '.Ihe o' erc 1 wd d I 1ts ch eerrng presence the It gn es a knowledge agamst such a of the outside orld wh10h we C!lJlOt glean transport to?d no ch ac with ev ery Fr ance went from bo?ks, for 1t keeps p ac fleet as Kirk s and th , ,t10n, fir st tune mn o at1on , every l ittle busmess fluctu? down before the red Cioss fo1 on th ( St. Lawernce, The rescumg fleet 1 e er social, rehgwus, commercial, a.r;d cttp tired , Queb ec was l eft to starvat10n l poht1cal e nterprise, at home or abroad, m . rn an d E n gl ish On the 20 th of Jttly the I im e of war or of peace , all(l it is r d Closs " av ed over Quebe c foi . the fi st cog zed ,,s one of the gr at st dem,mds of tim e and shortly after th mod rn social life. on board of wh ich was Cham plam, the u nd sputed foot Sm ee it ha,s gamed a esmts and the g!l' r r1son of Q uebec, gathered h old upon pnbhc confi dence it arrogr t es to , ha m T adouac pro ph e , teacher itselt a uni1 e s al I critic , and legi sl ator , and is not c ont nt French ships and m neteen fis ung but his booty was not l ar e , and as the with all this distmctwn, but boldly draws 1 enterprise of the conquest of Canada h ad ' aside the curtam of di>.ily d mestic life and at h is own cost he was I exposes to vulgar gaze the closete gi inmni< A any rntc he seems so ewh t m orose. to sk eleton behmd the o ny .ushion of gil d m a, h ttve gi n to Cha,mplam a sufficient nu mber d e h b er dash ery and luxury. of thmgs to grumble at, and the tor IS and what ll cric1tal What th e edi gr eat p 10neer seems to have groaned aud . I ubhc would h a e his grn mble d !us tre11tincnt, his bed n e c11n c on cei e, and it w ould be a d1fli to an extent t h t must have n er taking to furmsh the true idettl. him a serio s tri al t o ]us c pt o s . Kirk cult unil be expected that tned tradmg and It sh oul d not should bear the stamp of an exc ep tional ex- l as the fall r ev. " h our1y and · msh , f or to ind 1te , an d se t sai1 cellence and fi ·11age hurch and v1 burn cl th uurcmittrng I more demands cre itably , before Q ueb 0 th ought, attention, and Ie1su e th1M1 1s pos '1 D e caeu anc I 101 I11 18°2 the vai ieil matter p e I to b es tow upon ' sible _, " and t1 e fortress wus sunen d ered tu lnm 1 eond em or the pu bllC app o a1 · sentev Thomas Kn k' who h ad lieId l t smc · I e 1628 . ' n o at n i From that time onwar the French ships ! e edi t r' s responsibi ity 18 a Th came to Quebec, not Tadousttc, and the fur , nd m omen tous pressure of I and th e daily i tacle soon ascended ttie r1ve1 to p ositwn any surrouudmgs ren de s '.J:adousac became a fishmg and a m1ss10 enviable one He must tnmk st atio , th e one s o on the lower Jlver other than an . p dly, t write rapi where :t clrnr ch to\\ er rcse, and 1t IS n ow the hi>stily, et so ndly , he mus et fau l essl y ; and any immaturity of The quamtest seaside resort in C anada n is an unfoig1ven tr little old church ha,s bee the c entre of the houl?'ht o expressio pubhc. httle commumty for yea s, and its foot-bur- u Pon qn invidious rowe d floors under darn:, smoke b egrmed 1 pme sh eathmg give 1t an air of ant1qu1ty An important addition has been made to b u1 mg wh10h t}te r,ears of the pre sen the active hst of the Royal Navy to day by t h111dly Justify. at Sheern ess of the the completion for n l n before i g i y of somethmg , e u is groups of men . was built t'fi r I f I e , pp in a r e t r the ee , et world t 1 m · j / p e c n r ; [d J r th D eet1li'ifii1s cgdt g 1:00: All calls personally, by Telegraph phon will reeeivo prompt attention, or Tele Ontano Honorary College. wireh the · Veterinary Assoc1at1on m Ve e urry .A t Graduate of the Ontario etorinary Tornn to . Reg1sterAd member of the \l!>l'.\ll!lllll'll , acco dance e l n I II wi::;yt;;-W St ' CHAR G ES MODERATE ' Orono, on e THE KY. JO , 'H YLTH. · ------ door north ot I r c 11"ent ety n {" r of name of w u r s re u"ees, I Itg j exdusion of e guest teachmgs devourmood t readmg, a I narrow e e hhes of the o e i ! c r ct its almost the sole species of e 1 l ' v y m e r e English fleet, t e e now h. uk d captured eighteen I vessel·, g : been undertaken j ve mdeed food, at and n i r range as t 1 e o a dw d I J ! l I I I I .Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry ing off gr dually w1 thot 1t w&,.,kenmg the system, all the mp ur t1es fouR hum r s of the secretions ; at the same time orrecting Acidity of the Stomach, cu.rmg )31liousness, Dys pepsia, Headaches, D1zz1ness Heartbnrn, Constipation, Dryness of the Ski14 Dropsy; Dunness of V1Slon, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, lt!rys1pe1as, Scrofula, FluttenL5 .:>:I? the Heart, Nei·vousness, and Gen eral Debility ; 1111 these 11nd many "Unlocks allthe clogged avenues of the a o C 1 1 and other s1m1lar Complaints yield to the happy mf!uence of :BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. !!:. !IILBCRN & CO., PEcor!erorn. ToronU.. -------· it Pays To buy B oy s and fa1dens, at Foot Gear for Men, Women, v a a r u with the Indians, fishmg huntmg, and d near he ; ec d for England. e eel 1 by f d · o Montreal. his t n u lt r I r t ld v him be, are as diverse as his work r r r v or grave one, l r his es Popular No. 1 , · Boot and Shoe E M P O R I U M! N Our e w Stock has arrived, and com pvises something neat a.nd pretty Ladies, Good and Smv1ceable for Men and Boys, and Boots that R Boot s for e very member of th e household. i for - -·- --- sea e an eicp e a rather type, M k I Whitehead I I

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