HEAT SMASH I For a short tim e Dr. McGLYNN. excommunicated priest, is one which hlls excited a very great amount of in10resr. l an d . The case of Dr. M oGl ynn , the lately a great reduction in the price of I shall make throughout t he l ength and breadth of t 1e The theory o f H en ry G eorge , rn refcrence t o the land question which the els Church of J -W-.all Paper. The finest selections will, of Rev. Dr. ha s accepted and taught, and w h ich has b rought h i m in to o p en w a rfare with the authorities of the AuC'rrnx ALES.-Lovi A. Tole, Licen mil e s east of Minneapolis, on LI.a Mani sed Auctioneer for the t own ship s of t ob a railway, caught fire on J· ly l!)th. C l a r k e, Manvers, Cartwright,Darlin2ton, The eleva to r had a capacity of 2,700,000 and Whitby. All sales attend ed to b shel s. '!'he bu il din g are all .1estroycd promptly and at reasonable rate. Where it is not c onvenien t to see me, a rrange . wi th thell" coutenis, about 1,100,000 bush ments can be made at, this Otllce, or by of wheat. The l oss on the bu ldi ngs addressiug Shaw & 'role, BowtDanville. ancl machinery is $250,000; loss on largest in the THE St Anthonv elevator, N01·thwest, lov te d .. ne o{ the two I AUC'l'ION SALES. s FOR DAYS i dis uss. Rome, is on e which we do not intend to c To sum the matter up in a few words, however, he holds that the chief to-day is the s yst em of la.ws prevaili ry ,.,, cause of poverty through out the worl. which allows individuals to own l li d. course , be the best. so don't delay. Th e use of the la,1d being as necessity for the sustentation of li e mu h a The wheat destroyed is ti ce, O ntario, Licened Auctioneer, fo r one- tenth cf the visible supply in the Darlington and Whi t b , Bowmanville and O shawa, Appraiser, &c. All business No thwest. a ttende d lo promptly. Orders mity be left at the STATES)ll\N oltict·, Bowmanville, WE are pleased to notice that the Board or Reformer ofH ce , 0311,.wa. of Education, at their me e ing on Friday N.B.-Our advortieing rate for auction last , m a 11 ifes r ed sufficient courcigo to iu sist sales, when we do not prin t the sale upon the submission by t he Council, of a b il ls, 25 cen s a line , each insertion. by-law to the electors for the pu rpose of g rain, $825,000. Aucno. 8Au:s.-S.O. Hunking, c, urt Before Stock Taking we will offer Our Large Stock at y t is t Grbatly Roducod Priu HS. raisin g the mon ey necesrnry for the re at PICTURES FRAMED VERY Lov·v. STATIONERY, &c, as usual. giv e s us w ar mth an d all t hree bei o0 ali ke sh<Juld be co m common he ita ge the air we breathe or the su nl igh tha t ie He wan t of the town with t hi s, the ,u--irchool accommodation-the great new p a rk , the e lec tl'ic pre sen t . Compared r of m an , therefore all mo n property. light.,aud all o h er wants,even the repairs of our streets, and sidewalks, a re not t a re volu tion in order to b ri og into opera tion of some of · the present laws in regard to state does not propose, however, anything like his new do ctrines, but by an alter ation of affairs so that poverty will b e IPbt amulian Jtatt11mau. ------------- ---- P. TREBILCOCK. s A battl e for prohibi r ec en A short account of a incerest of the t o wn , as it will secure the necessary acco sible expense. modation at the l e a s pr o po se d b y the B oa rd is the best in the worthy to be mentioned. The scheme tax ation, to grdually chang e the present slowly but surely driven from the land. in many quarters, and he h as at p r e se nt a found the now renowned and excommun The new doctrines are of course ridicul His ideas and doctrines ha.ve taken root etrong followin g, chief a mo ng which is ic ate d p ri est. s are not so ch aracte r of the roo zn !/ With three bad as their over c ro w ding unenviable r eputation of havi ng the worst school bu ildings of any town in Ontar io, f I -4KiG POWDER Absolutely Pure. varies. .8. marvel of wholesomeness. Mora economical than thti ordinary Kind·, and can not be sold in contrH'"ition with t,ne multitude or low test, short weight, ulnm or phosphate powders; Sold only in cans, ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER CU . . 106 Wall St . . N. Y. 1Sankey)s 4 Books combined, with Music for 50 cents. 1COE IN AND GET BARGAINS 'Ve ha ve, at presen t, the t pos but the BowMANVILLE, JULY 27, 1887. gaining headway. TnE t"empcrance en timen t in Texas is several divisions-how can the h ealth of l earn ing be poss ibb '? This state of t hi ns the p upils and thei r proper progre3s in ter than the law allows-as is the cae in times tho number of pup on the regis KENNER & CO'S. VARIETY HALL. tion is to be fought there in t he near future. t demonstl"ation held there may be of some interest. all parts of the State. pr0-0ession 30, brought together 30, 000 people f r om The prohibition ventio n, at Po1·t Worth, Te x as, on June of it says ; 'l'he New York Pione e r, speak study. make the subj ect of political economy a But no doubt if there be that they are all nonsense, by thos e who any lot of a ll new theories and we are told ed in many quarters which is the common is too d isgraceful to be al l owe rl longer to Tha Prohi bition Mass Con· substance or bearing in critiidsm will br ing it into prominence. for the time, The inter e st in these new theories has the more p ositi ve was two miles long. a meeting was held in feast was spr ead, there bei n g one mile of grove, and a gigantic The s tar t ling fact that for an avowed belief in by h them, time and soon to be afford e d them, will avail themselves of the opportunity : con t inue and it i s hoped that the electors to wipe out CLE owe ve r, been overshadowed and somewhat towns in the pro v i n ce . This powder nev<ir school a ccommoda tion on a par with other pllr ity, strength hull Editorial Correspondence. town an d enable the tru s t e es to place our this stain from the escutcheon of our fair ARINC 8ALE -- .A..T-- t ables, 400 po·11rds of coffee wer e used, The "coffee into collision with the head of the chmch at Rome and not the m, a Homan Catholic prie&t has comtJ pot" h e l d 14,000 gal lons , and the teopot still more. powerful Ex-Sonatnr Maxey made a &nd Sanator Heagan Sixty speech, but not a drnp of dqu or. dispute, pope but this indomitable priest has all his dreaded powei·s of only ha there been had the courage to stand and defy thrl with excommunication and p rocl aim s to the wo rld at larg e that he holds the r ig ht to think upon such questions as he p le ases. sent a letter even e x el l ing his former c one, in cleur-cut prohibitiouism. se rvice in the field till the end of the campai g n. thre e l ead ing Prohi biti oni ts pl ed '( ed free s sub cri bed but mor e is needed. Severl\l t h ousand dollars wern contra ry, that every Roman Catho li c in America. has a right to think He contend s, in spite of all said to t he s Over 10(}0 speakers could be pl a ed in the fi eld c su ch questions as they li k e, he states that power of the pope. His idea in r efe ren ce upon all if th e ir expenss were p ai d. he never had any beli e f in the te mpo ral to the subj ect will be better understood believe , prove as g reat a boon to the mechan ic as to the farmer. cause of our lack ·. UNRESTRICTED Reciprocity m ust, we by The chief This is the way he t al k s in referen ce to a fe w extracts from his speeche3. be manu fac t nrc d cheaply in Canada., but because if they does n o t he in th e fact tha. good s cannot were manufactured we f large m an ufa ct uries the powers at Home: have no market in which to d ispose of them. any other doe s the Unite d States manu facturer midland triumph districts contemporary. A nd in 1h1s respec t more th an in over his Canadian the finest We have through of water-p0wers in the c ou n t ry, capable of some t he runnin thouands ot m il l s of all desc r ip tions, yet it l a ys to s.imply populat i on to consume the articles that becanse would be t rn ed out. market of the United States with its sixty millions of inhabitants t hro wn open u w e a great extent unused, have not su fficient " As long as t he church in America gives the Pope to understand that it will stand no i n ter fer ence on h i s part in politics or policies here, that it wiil allow no Archbishop to say th at an Ame rica n citizen aha.II never ma ke a nothe r po di i c al s p ee h or attend another political meetmg without p ermisaion from the Prop aganda , then I say all will be well. Let the Roman m achin e , of w hi ch the Pope is a me r e puppet, clearly unders tan this. Let them know that its adherents are not to be old for the p urpo se of reviving the Pope's t e mpor a l power, which is to-da y as dead as Julius Ciesar." other ancient customs the curfew bell is sti l l rung f r o m St. M a r y 's ch ur ch ;v hic b contains a peel of tcu bel1a. Taunton is a g r ea t educational an Inl'endst, aud a 'esleyan co!l ege . being p r omw en t among it mstitnt10ns. Its b r oad streets and gene ral appearance of thriving r espec t ability well become its pl> it io u a th e county town of Somer· se t. - In th" cent re is a parade or park, su·rounded by handsome b uildi ngs, and pl ..·ntcd with trees, pr<senting a tiue open spii._.b rarely to be met w i th in cot1ntry towns. Ir. wa here that tho i l l . fated Duke of Mourmoutb p r o cl a imed km11, and w a s ·resented with 27 c olors 0 by the famous "Maids of Taunton,' and be cause t h e town fa or d th< duk's ca n se t he .. Blu o dy Assize was held m the great hall of the castle, under the notorious J u dge Jeffrey2, at wh se numbers of the in ha bi t an ts met with a pu i abl e fate. A. follow tr aveller told us S TOD .,-,i ..L ROS. (Oontinwd from last page.) W. MORRISON, L cJ\ 1 . . himself nJ i!!i ./Ii - C arriag e Painter, In order to make room for fall im portations we will clear the balance of our summer goods ID ;e NI in fJ : . · Q V I[ D If!! ' · u hands I bis place of busme.ss to the BIG BRICK STORE " near Yanstone's mill. · ...,L COME EARLY AND INSPECT. COST_ TOD BROS. that among If your Carriage, Wagon or Sleigh wants repainting, call on him. THE l:NJTED. STA'l'ES Ig BOOt. IF 011 OW th 0 B· centre, MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION c d s Had we the great what is more, Dr. McGiynn asserts that these are views t hat he h a s al ways held, and w hich, These are rema1·k able utterances. And i ly taken up and utilir.ed. splendi d wat cl' p rivi l eg e & wottld b e sp eed to us, the r e is hut little d oubt that these The p rinci pl e taught. He says that he has tolerated as far '1s possible, he has the human side of the church in orde r to pr e ach th e go spe l of Chri3t . to his poor. He can speak more bold ly now tha t d St1Lt es, would find plenty of work and equa l l y good wages in C anada the Uni e as instead of having to seek emplo ymen t in lie in the fa.ct tl at our wage earo ers, benefit to th e macbanics, howeve r, would 1 could once, and he is not afraid to speak, u he as witness the following the y now seek across the border. " I am compelled to speak as I do to show the re ver.in e for what is diviae in the Christian creeds and sacraments. It : c by we were acrnstomed to can as following pointed 1e111arks: lu days gone 'J'1u; Huron E xposi tor contains the the wickedness of A me r i can politicians as well iu the se he ar rnuct1 of and the corruption and i mru o a l ity of Ameti· cities, r '1.muican Ja ws. if mighbors could retur n the res1wcts It now looks, h owe ve r, our as 1he lax ness of A me ri c an and point to Canada .with as in olden t iro es to po in t at them. t hey did some ye ars passion and d isap p ov al as we we r e wont and boodlers do not flo urish there now as 1 1 comp l iment r eat com B r ibers is necessar y to teach yon to distingui sh between the blunders and a tual crimes of the mere ecclesiastical machine and tha t ideal church of Ch ri s t, witbout spot and w t hout wrinkle, purchased by him with every drop of his blood. 'Ne mu t distiuguish between mau and Christ, between the allegiance we owe to the C hri sti a creed, the p ro foun d reverenca we owe to the Christian sacraments, and the very l i mi te d obedience we owe to our e arthly church autho1iry, whose only reason for bei nb( is that it may build up and not tear d o wn ; that it may , in the Lmguage of Christian piety, e dif y a11d nut disedify; that it may convert pt ople 10 Chr i st and not d ri ve whole nations from him. " c s u ago. 'l'he and people now follow up and ·ect1re t es e gentry with a have become awn.kene<i., they ot upon our minds on reading these utter The conclus10n that is at on ce forced other countl'ies might follow with advan tage to theuuielveg, precisio n which h ances is the fact that Roman Cat holicism The n e at anC1 cleanly l ittle t o w a of Wel lingt o n from wh i c h the Dukes of Welliu!4lOn derive their title is s hortly reached. Near h ere is the fert ile far lll of'Mr. Fred Hro<>ks, son of J'ohn F. Bruoirn, E-q., of C u ur t1 cc. On B la c k down Hill sbauds a mo num ent to the vi to r at Wa te rlo o. Leav ing this station we soo n pass thro u gh th e Black ball tllnnel a mi le long, into Devonshire. We next get a view of the precipitous Blackdowns s tre tch ing away toward the sea and soon p ass Borlescombe, lying amidst rich pastoral scenery and Culme and Uff ulm e a ple asant little market to wn . Wo pass on hro ugh woody slopes and ve r dan t hollo\\s to C ull om pt oo, a town of great antic1uir,y. Here d well s Mr. W. J. Heard, P. M., a fi rst cousin of the w riter. In times p ast it was a seat of extensive wo ole n t r ad e, and at an earlier date King Alfred was th e lord of its manor. B.,tween th i s village and Exeter are the estates of Lord Poltimore, the manager of which we re2re "' t 'to l e ar n died s ud denly last wm1k. He was a C·tUsin of M r. Thoe, H. S pry, B owm a n v il le , Phil ip Lang by When in Exeter last ye a r t he w rite r r eceived a. v e r y c o 11 rt eou s iavit ;.1t ion from hi m t o visi t I vy Cot t age . his p le as ant residen ce on the Estate. P assin g Hele, .Bradninch and 8 l lvert on we S<lon after come to t he little valley of Stoke c ..no n , whic h King Athalstan g"ve to Exeter Cathed 1al, and w h e nce, r u nning onward with the winding Ex:o, and under G owl ey bridg e we are i s ;I s surrounded by loftie1· h ills with the river :tt its feet. Having an h o ur at our dispos11.l we engage 8 h11.ck a nd were s o o.n i:assing t 1 ro ug h th e buy streets O f tl liue E nglish 01ty. Two or thred calls on rt<h>tions, and a su m ptuo us meal put in i.ood shape for c "nti nui ng our j o u rney to ff ls worthy which we reached in good t me and fou nd "· large assemblage· of fritnds sncl rcla·ives to welcome u. In concluding our a cc ou nt of this day'1:1jourJH:'Y we rnust say a word for the Great I , 0HICE, 30 & 3-2 BROADw u , : Bo 851. Nr.w YoRK, P. 0. x: , _01 NEW 'i"ORK9 , 9 , .. .. MILLINERY -AT REDUCED PRICES. $10,000 De ath by Accident.' Ne"" Features: c $10,000 L oss of Hands or Feet. $ 10, 000 Los of Han d and Foot $1i,OOO Loss of Ha·1d or Foot. $p5,000 Loss of Both Eyes .. $1,:mo Loss of One Eye. $2,500 for Perman e nt 'fotal D isabi li ty . 50 a week for 'l'otally Disabling Inj nries. Mrs. Morrison Is offering the Balance of her c t The a.bo,·e c ombined insurance c ost s about or, One-Half or O ne - Quarter portion ate Rates . $26 A YEAR at Pro- Summer Millinery ---AT-- M em bership Fee, $5 in e ach Division. 36,000 Members. Cius. B, PEST, J.AS, R. PITCUER, Gen. Ma n'gr & Sec. P resi dent. name. DE NT I STRy ! GR1EATLY REDUCED PRICES Vlest End Millinery House. c;ftt1t/ci; ox:;i,h It I , 0 z . 118 us Graduate ortheRoyal Collegeo! Dental !oluri::eon:;,,. Ontar10. HARNDEN, L. 0 · S 'l ' OFFICE OPPOSI'l'E BXPRESS Ql?FCE. GOLJJ FU.LING A. SPECIALTY ARTIFICI.H TEE TH INSERTED WiTHOU'.l' PLATES. Great Reductions in prir.e on all Dental Work. Ytta.hzeo. <J.ir, constantly in pro· d ucing Painless Opera1 ,ions. Pe.rticu.ar atten tion paid to the regul tion of Children's Teet11 B I G sALE ' - El tlie people some in th e United Sta.ts to-dy is not what it has been in th e past in Spa i n, Italy, or niog and e le vati ng int!uences of American institutions has driven from. the church t ha.t in superstition ancl dense i g noranc e which has led the great mass of Catholics now of "practical politicians" who are se r ving terms of i m prisonment for crimes has within its prec incts :record is The States prison even in old Enland itself. o\·er a s co re 'l'he en l igh t honesty a nc t°polftical moral ity. r a scal, named .Jacob i:oh a rp. a instance on The last against bribed ::IJl old, He wealthy other chise out of which he expected to vast sum of money. n um be r of lei:islato1·s to s e l l him a fran powers to thosu in the church who w<ire their sp i r itual advisers, days to at t rib ut e miraculous and which has much perecu make been sente n ced to· pay a fioe .!<'or this he has j u s t of & been the great cause of -v ill e ach one of ht.. dup1·11 has been a and t-0 impriionment for four lik e manner. yea r s, and p unish ed $5,00C been in Ca nada he wuuld, mall l ikelihoo d a Had this man Sharp 11 have boon made l ucr ativ e office in th e Northwest, or pe r cli me. speaker,. Qr he;, would have a s, nato r , or been giv en de puty a h ap s t i mb er limit in t ha t same favored Al,in its c ours e are u ai nt old town , . · · villages and cities, great centres of inin opinio n f r m th em . duatry of world-wide in fl uene, ncl sea. pori s known wherev e : a slup u1 afloat. tors to make money in . we pass through the lovely dales of · · By 1t prov1s10ns, Grain, · "GREA'I' GAIN.-! used a great deal of Dovonahire ; the ltix.uri1mt ga rd e n-l ike All Ordered Stocks, Bonds & doctors medicine f or kidney cocnplaiut acener·y of G.oucesttJrshire ; the wild during five years, was gettmg worse all moorlanda, rocks, and g lorio us sea-views Petroleum. the time until I. tri ed B. B. 8. l to,;k of roman tic C ornwall ; aud the weird t hree bot t les , gained in weight from 130 strangeness of the Bia.ck Oour,try mini n g Prompt attention given to orders. r t o 15[) l b s. I c an highly rccum weud ' d 1at r i s ; and indeed to almost e very Office over Murdoch's Store. Burduck Blood Bitters t o be a govct po in t of i n te rest in Central, Southern Entrance by Telephone Staircase, i cin e. " Thus teslifies JorrN 'V .dJ,TuN, of and We10teru Englaud. Springfield, N. B. 11-tf. 26·3m. M." A. J. tiou and bittemess to those who differed u so · We had previously ..-ALL WORK w.,atern .Railway. t r a v ell ed_ tlmmgh Eng lt1d 00 two o t her Branch office · Dr. le 11 dmg lm t s, but for vanet y of land scape, famou centres of hi stor i a l interest and beautiful scenery the G.W.R. occ u pie s first p lace in our estimation. It carries ., the ti-availer t hroug h some of river scenery in the worl d , watering-places and se1.1.-side re sort , grand mountains, wild woodlands, romantic awein s!J iin g uis, battle-fields of the great· est h1stor1c mterest and re110wn, an d scenes uf e v ents the most p re gna nt to be found in ancient or modern history. DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. .. c fashionable the finest s s I1 c QX & C Q I an1 deter1nined to clear ont all mJ IT sum1ner stock, and Some lines, such WARRANTED ..._ will sell the same at far less than wholesale prices. as Women's Prunella Boots and Gaiters, etc., I will sell at 50 cents on R uth e rford' s Orono. j the dollar to clear ou t. I am cont.mually sorting up with new stock · . use '.tnd will sell the same at close prices. TO TORON STOCK EXCHANGE low shoes, as they must be cleared out at once. window on these shoes. YOUNG MEN-I am making terrible reductions on Men's : See the prices in the q 1 ) I wish to inform the young men who work at the factories that if they will give me a liberal share of their patronage, I will make a special reduction to them. It will pay you to come to for your Boots and Shoes. I am keeping no trash and can sell you me Active fl.uctat10ns in the Market, Boots and Shoes, as cheap as any store in Canada. I offer opportunities to specula- Work will receive prompt att,e:ntion. REMEMBER THE PLACE-SCOTT'S OLD STAND. wed c I GEORGE BUCK.