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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1887, p. 8

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Best 10c. Print 8c. a Yard. ·Other Prints for 5C. : and 6c. a yard. M. J. Dy er , proprietor. Charges- beds, this port, a bout 14 V7, that the illllstrious The Jubilee Exhibition Cabot., wh::> l:iret observed the variation of ls ; meals. ls. is i n prrgre:ss in Liverpool bu t a11 our the needle i n the marines't1 com1 nss , set Liverpool to Exeter. ce1 mp any are anxious to ao to their Bail on tl1e famous voyage which discov Some historians frie nd s down the countrv we h1.ive to er d d Newfoundland. So after a clai·n t hat Cabot was the first E u rope an Ever since the days of our boyh ood forego the pleasurP. of a visit. d1;1.y in this citv and a good n i ght 's rest to se foot on Ameri can soil. It was a wl1en we learned out of our old Morse and repos e we hke the B a. m. train on Bri st ol veswl, too, th at brought home geography that " Liverpool has the most thti Great Nt'stern R ailway for E xeter, Alexander Selkirk, the or.iginal of Rohinextensive docks in t.he world" have we We are conveyed by f orr y boat from s0n Crusoe, from Juan Ftlrnandez. This had a desire to vi sit it and to see the Prince's Landing across the dark waters port, too, enjoys the honor of having of the M ersey to Birkenhead, a fl ou ri s h- firat e s t a b lish e d steam communication great city where ,, thei'C arc riches overing modern town famous like its older with America. in the ye ar 1838, by the fl.owing and everything that can delight a sister, for its docks which occupy an area Steamships "Siriu" and the "Great man who wishes to see the prosperity of of 5 00-a little world of quays, wharves, Western". Considerable trade is done at Sixty years this port with the colonies, and is i nter a great c o mmunit y and a great empire"- warehouses and sh ip pi ng . ago, what is now su ch a busy populous estin g to Canadian farme ra as the port to th" city of which Lord Erskine averred coinmercial c ent re of i m p orti ng and ex- which large shipments of the i r fat cattle tlrnb it had been "created by the in du st ry porting, was an obscure insignificant are made, as w ell a.s to Liverpool and 1>nd wel l disciplined management of a littlti place of 200 i nhabitants. Now Loudon . L;uge sugar r efi u e ri e s , choco lian dfu l of men since I was a boy . " .And upwards of 40,000_people compose a town late and soap works aud s1.av factol'ies Every town full of places of amusement, recreation are among tne mdusHies. how t r u e tbis is of our Canadian towns and instru ct i o n , pregrant with the seeds and c i ty in En gland points w i th pride to a nd cities-a "handful of men" have laid of c ontinua l growth, swallowing outlying its ch:irch or cathedral and for some the foundation of their fu i ure prosperit y, villages and sending forth little groups of reason the ordinary guide book contains We ave no:v completed arrangements for a. big and in most cases a "handful of men " villas to furw new suberbs, practically a as much i n forma tio n about this edifice sale of popular goods If the reader will con- por t.ion of riverpool, so regular and as a bo u t all the rest of the town. Br istol 8.t prices wluch must take rule them still. eye of every economical buyer. We keep sider for a moment or two he will see th e constant are its co m m unications with that too had its cathedral and the cit iz en s say the best qualities, styles, and assortment in force of this assertion. But we are city by steam ferries running day and that Qlleen ll:lizabeth visited it in 1573 Thos e of our readers familiar and pronounced it "the fairest and state wri ting of L i ve rpool where the trnveller night. Its from Amer i ca is convinced almost as won with the rapid gro wth and expansion of liest par i5h church in Enla.nd". for ladies, gents and ch1ldrens' wear; also in Trunks and Valises. as he land s from the Oce.. n S t eamer, Turoutu Wlll be able to cumprehend steeple is upwar d s of 200 feet in height. the contains still entrance western Come an see our elegant stock-Cash bought it, low though he ne.ver heard of it before, 1 hat readily what Birkenhead has been doini? The prices will sell it. . Its fl.oatin!:{ docks are a reputed rib of tho dtrn-cow whose c ap it is a great commercial sea port, and as of late y ears. Our specialty 1s to ]!lease our customers, our aim to save money for In order to make room for he elbows himself through the crowd our The tram acious udder suplied all Bristol with e d novelty and cover 150 acres. . patrons, our mtent10n to do better for you than anyone else. Goods streets he is brought face to face with the car s (street cars) running here were the milk l There is e v ery probability !1owever Goods which are coming Pverywhere evident fact that it is a city first ever se en in England. Pr o mptl y at that it is the whale's bone pres e t ed to cannot be bought chea p e r- none are allowed to undersell us. of marvellous commercial activity. Liver - 8 o 'clock our train steamed out of the t he city by Cabot in 1477, on his return in rnpidly, we will start on Bristol is singu pool i the second largest city in the Atation for Ch ester , A_ l\[ Williams, of from .Newfoundland. 28. kingdom,and a r id e along the docks whe re the L in e, having taken sp ecia l po.ins to larly rich in churches, a nd is not wanting may be seen the ships from almoet evtJry place n compi,rtment of the car entirely ia m e m ories of specinl interellt to Non Olifton now fo1ms a part other country in the world l e ads one to at the dispo sal of our party w hi ch now con f ormists. The t r ain-ca rs run t hrough the ccnclusion that it must be the com- con sis ted of eight persons and which we of Bristol. It is occupied exclusively all tl1e way to the streets and up the steep hills of .Brlsmercial metropolis of the world_ These compartments in the tol to a etaticn almost underneath, a triby no me an s a modern city, for it was Bristol. railway carriages here ara intended for 8 umph of m od ern incorporated in t.he time of Charles I and it had held char ters tor cent ll r ie to 12 persons and remind us very much bridge over that wonderful chas m. in the clear off all remnants of before that period. Its commercial pro - of a 'l'oronto bob-tail street car turned rock to which Clifton owed its ancient There is no means of going British name Gaer Oder (the city of the gress, however, began at the close of the sideways. Suirn:aier Goods that we have 17th There the scenery is of the century when the excavation '.lf the from one car to another when in moti.)n Chasm). old dock w;;. s begun, and very shortly and nature may call ever so peremptorily moat wildly romantic character needing in Stock But afterwards was that baneful traffic you are a close prisoner till the next only solitude for its perfection. We have no this it will never possess, as it is the pop of the alave-i.rade, the first slave·sbip stopping place is reached. haviog sailed from Liverpool in 1709 for daubt bnt that tho 1111ands of lives are ular sub11rb of Bristol's wealthy c i t ize s tlie .Af rican coast, and by the middle of m iserable and shortened by many years and the favorite resorts of its numerous Clifton has long the century 88 vessel s were e!lgaged in by the injury received because of the fashionable visitors. the nefarious traffic . Subsequ ent ly , a3 a want of n ec essary conveniences for pas- been a favorite watering place on account It also contains r e sult of the privateering that f olfo wed sengers on the railways of thi s country. of its hot water springs. the abolition of the slave-trade, tr ade There is ce rtainly much needed reform a large and famous college from which A quick run the Universities have received Rome ex with the East Indies w as oi-.en ed np; an d demanded in this mattet'. As the public know that we no t long afterwarLls came the int roduction through a flat countrv along the river celieut scholars; A magnificent suspen of ste am navigation. These circumstances Dee which was embanked in 1732 wher e by sion bridge spans t.he river at Cli fton, a ways do what we advertise, with others tha.t we c annot 11ow mention 50,000 acres were recl·imed, brought us the centre spau of which is 676 feet long, expains the positio n Liverpool now oc- to Chester a. considerable r"ilway centre the entire le1111:th being 1,352 ft. The some and a city of extreme a n ti qui t y. 'l.'radi· Z ool ogical Gardens here are second o nly cupies, lt may be of interest to many of our tion says the city walls were. built b e fore to London. Leigh Collrt is here too with On the top of the its world-famous col l e cti o n of pictu res Liberal readers to know that prominent the bi:th of C hr i s t . .Both shores of among the merchants of whose enterprise walls 1s a paved pathway five feet wide and its b eau t ifu l parkand sagacity Liverpool owes so much of by which pedestriants travel round the Bristol chan nel are fringed with beauti'ful Like other contrcs C h e a ter has a scenery. lier prosperity was Sir John Gladstone, ci ly . As we leave Bristol station we run the father of Hon. W. E. Gla ds tone , castle, dating from Norm an times ; but ex-Prime Minister. Sir J ohn ·sat for t he most interesting feature of C b e ster is along the emb ankment past Ashton Hill One picturesque with its old British and Roman t raditioas, years as one of the members fol' the its q uai nt old houses. borougl1 and was reputed to be one of old build ing was the home of the Stan le y and the suburban village of Long .Ashto n The .Rows are no te wo rthy. long famous for its wood land trees and the shrewed merchants on 'Change and family. seemed to know, as by in t uition, the best These resemble arcades and are busin ess garden "sass" and Bedminister, populous mo.rkets in which to buy. Liverpool has shops running along over· other shops, und busy, and so out am o ngst the woocly many .fine public buildings. St. Geo rge's several feet above the street and having dales and hills and fertile fields of 8omer = Hall, m the square of this name, is one another row of shops above the first in set. On uur left we pass Dundry Beacou This sale of the most superb. It is a fine specimen the open gall ery, communicating by steps 7!JO fee t high.. Then come Bourton, I\'.fay be looked h is l:i.tter Near The railway Nailsea, and Yatton_ of the Corinthian style and consists of a with the street below. does not merely refer to very large central and two outlying blocks. station ia spaciolls and handsome. After place are the wildl y fantastic rocks of ln the central block is the Gr eat Hall, a a short top at Chester we are off for Gob l i n Combe, one of which called the short ends but includes pieces t ruly magnificent room 75 ft . by 161.1 ft., Shrewsbury passim through some de- King's Ohair projects ont above a preci i' ' '.,, Then c0me Bl1,adon with an arched roof and a tiled floor. lightf u ll picturesque Welsh scenery. We pice 300 feet deep. of ordinary dress lengths and Tl10 Custom House is also worthy of crossed the fnmeous wronght i ron bridge and Uphill amidst glorious hills and 1t is Ionic and of t he most over the Dee, spanned by 47 arches-the valleys; on through 'Brent Knoll pass ing mention. at prices that wiU astonish e.ffactive designs, while with in it is richly largest of the kind in the country. .Ap- v il lages on right and left, and leavini? dec orate d. It e mb od i e s the Post Oftice preaching Wrexham, a large market town Burnham 011 t he right amidst wood, dale you. at>d several o th er public offices. .A large sometimes call@t1 the metro polis of Wales, and pleaaant. heights we come to High edifice n ear by is the Sailors' Home. 'l.'he Wtl passed along a be u tiflll valley with bridge. Next comes DunbaJl whero are '\Ve cannot give you a com Exchange in wor·ks. tile and pottery Dale street is an imposin " the river Alyn twistinf.( and c urving to extensive 'fhe scenery Bridgewater is t he nex:t station, near edifice where millions of pou nds' wort h and from us on the right. plete Jist of all we shall offer, exchange hands daily. Another interest- became more and more beautiful as we which is Sedgemoor where the Duke of batt le. i C obow en . Here Mourmouth f o u gh t his great lmt as a sample read the fol- ing public building is the Town Hall in approached Ruabon and r Castle street and used as t he official we saw tall chimneys ising from the Pu1suing our journey we soon cross the residence of the Mayor. The Free mining works, this beiI1g a Welsh coal Tone and reach Dllrson, not far from lowing. 'l'he river Dee greeted us at wh ich is Athelney, a place familiar to Library and Museum, the Dirby Mu seum, district. the Mayer Museum of historical anti- s everal points, gracefully curving and every school boy, for it was here d is qu i les contributed by M r. Jose ph M ayer, twining its way through the magnificent guised as a, shepherd that the wise, p ossibl y a wortliy ancestor of Mr.Marcus scenery that presented itself on every learned, brave and virtuous Alfred came M ayer , our respected townsman, the hand. Soon we passed Rednal,Baschurch, and s ought hid i ng in the house of a co w Picton fteading Room and Sir Andrew Leaton and find ourselves at 8hrewsbtiry, herd whose wifo, ignorant of his name W aker 's Gallery sre among the principal !place of g_reat historic and a ntiquarian and person, scolded him so bitterly for But although Liverpool is mtere st, picturesquely situat ed on t wo letting her cakes burn. 'fhe next place edifices. erninouces, nearly eurrounded by the of importance reached is Taunton sit u ated la ckin g neither in eft'ectirn archit.,cture river Seve rn. which is crossed by two on the Tone in a r i eh and pictureaque spacou.s garens and recreation gr ounds nor m 1mposrng thoroughfares, of which han dso m e br1dges-oue called the Welsh vale surrounded by wild ranges of h ills. Extensive he to wn is w ll built, airy and clea·, street is one, p_erhapa the g rea te s t aad the oter the E nglish . mterest for the Canadian t r aveller, it w as manufactunea of thread and linen yarns like our Canadian '.l.'a.unton of lesser f ame . EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. GREAT REMNANT SALE The Prices tell, / the Quality sells. · h Boo.s, E? HO S ..._.l\_ND SLIPPERS · Fall n MoNDAJ25 To M. TRELEVEN. I BUY PURE engineering art-the Green AND - be11;un At Cost. 1 ··- ··---·-- n - -AT- Rare Bargains for. · ; J. HIGGINBOTH!I & SON'S t E · F1 i Best 12§c. Print fOr 10c. a Yard. f 0r · ; trand Handsome Dr e s s Goods 1 Oc. a yd. Seer Sucker Dress Goods 1.0c. worth 15c. Ginghams 7c., cheap at 10c5 Parasols at Tremen dous Reductions.. Come early and Secure the Best Bargains. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewe] ry ff 0USe. . l for the writer at least, lies in the docks and quays before referred to. On the L iverpool aide of the Mer sey the docks e;x;ted 6:} miles along the m a rgin of the rer s mo ut h ; on the Birkenhead s1ae the frontage is less, but there is The toto.l area of the greater depth. <looks and basins in 333 acrea, wi th a lineal quayae of 22 miles. The passengers b y the Anchor Line Steamers lan d at Prince's Landing, the p rincipal o ne on the ri ver , . and <JUite convenient to the three lad t ng ratl way ions. The linest h orses m the world are found in Liver· pool and are used chiefly f or carting along the docks. The hackm an in thia city are not m ore conscieatious than their kidney in Canadian and American cities. They fo " ll o w the _Scrip ture injunction-when with a s tranger they i nvariably they meet . . take hi m m. ,, A11 an example one lllan s. wanted 4 for co ve ying u s a dis tance of five mm · utea d rn ich a no ther · e, a JO · b wh' Livorpool is pef ormed for 2s. cursed with. thousa ds of i le people who may be seen et an i a g in gro up s in every direct.ion in the bu11i11eB11 st reet@, and match vender11 o b11truc t one's proress at every tur? , which with vendors of all sort s of mcknacks, make a r eal nuisance that is almOllt i ntolerable to a Canndian wlw never 11oes 1mch catch-penny devises, dirt and povery infesting the th orouohf ares of thei cities of his native lad. Thougll if Canada allows itself to be a dumping ground much lon ger for p auper11 from panpers from thi11 country we c an not predict wh at the future may AB may yery naturslly be i nterre whe re there al!e so many idlers, crime p re vails the polico court t() a large extent report! are consequently length y. There ae Some lare llplendid hotellJ in The Liverpo()l aud rates are high . Shaf teabury Temp eranco Hotel, Mount Pl ea11a t , is very conveniimt to Lime street and the Oentral Stations, the . cha1·<Tes ., , are qu't i e rea1onable. It is a ho1nehke nnd very ple a11ant abolle for the traveller. _Comfortable quartera may be !'leo. f ou nd m fm il y htele, o ne of which i! situate at :No. 11, St . . Paul's Square, are located l;ere. Our a tay hero was tihort and p, coup le of hours carry us over i an exceedingly ronu.mtic and boautiful 1 tract of country, passing in turn Craven ArmP., Hereford, .Abergavenny, Pontypool The trip from Newport and Newport. to .Bristol was by way of the New Severn tunnel, 4l m i l es long, passing under the Our train was the first Severn River, passenger train tlirou"h this rout!' from Liverp ool to go thro gh the tunnel so that it was o11er1·ed by hundreds of peple alng the line. The time occupied in p:omg th rough was exactly Sb minutes. It . is a m a r vell ous piece of e'iigineering ( Gontir.iwd 011 Porth pa,qe.) druggist of Philadelphia, Pa., repoit that some time a gentleman handed them a d oll ar, a EfO with a request to send_ a g? od ctarrh cure to t wo army o fficer s lD Anz?na., Recently the same gent lema n told them _ that both of the officei:s and the wife of a wellknown U. S. A.. G·eneral had been c,urd o catarrh by the two bottlea of ' ly Cream Balm. _ loway & C o., wholsale Bol ONLYTWOBOTTLEs.-MessrsJohntone, Merchant Tailor & Gent'sFurnis er BOWMANYILLE' s prepared to supply 9ustomers, old and new, with Suits ot te la.test and. most all artisti. c style, at Prices that cannot be (.ea.teii as ve1y Fme Stock of English, Scotch u JOSEPH JEFFERY e a. , French and Cnadia Gooods to select from. Remember the place, The Star House. JEFFERY always at the Door. E 11 !1 Grand Spring Opening n man d n d · pro uoe. d d and and n When leavin Liverpool one of our ' company took by m ist ake tl10 portmanteau I E8.3t, 'l'oronto of a Sco t chm an from. Wisconsin, U. S., I l!et np the Neatest1 mos Compl'!lte d Best who was stayin" at the same hotel ' and Selling Needle Pao&age in America.· Send 20 "' when the mistakt> was discovered by the cents for Samples of New No. 4, ftnished in!!'ine en. writer, we were well on the way to Hris- Plush. Particulars sent when stamps al'e 20-15 closed ror reply. . Th e val' toI tee was returned to B1rkenhead by the next trai n and a telegram Niiii;iiJ SOOTHINO, eent explaining where it was and what CLEANSINO, had been done by way of rectifyin" the wrog. This i ncident was the more0per HEALING. plexmg, because the old Scotchman in lit Cures ten ded _ .leaving for Glasgow the same Wo do n ot know what he did mornmg. wh en he foubd hie chattols missing, but Dold in Hsad, ho pe he did not ro wn bis trouble by getting "gloriously dnm k " a11 be did the day previou1, because he "felt so lone soma". What a foolieh thing it w a s for a · · " rop111"g1t z_-o:m with hi11 wife and fami ly man to quarrel _ ::;,,al paeis·' ln· 11trike 11nd for spite pack his a " to t" E:ASY TO U_SE.' oui on a 4000 ile voyage, and then exce·s.1ve expcctoratrnn_c3 . nudhy t: taw1. San. sooa 116 he got a littltl home11ick to d row n pre-p:l.Hl on receipt or price, oOc. nnd $l. Addre·!l his sorrows in liquor and leave h imllelf at FULFORD It.. CO., Brockvllle, Ont. the mercy of the parasi tes that infest p ublic h()UBell. We mention this incident AU Jl·ODl<I o! D.rapepftl by way <Jf warning to others who m11oy be Sho'Yfearl\ to len.gtl!!J tempted to nnt their ll plee n Oil thei r family in a similar mu1u _ · skill, T o AC ENTS £6 ie! 'l'B NEsoLE I>JAN ·======== J.· E CAN Murdoch Brothers' EW C:S:IN9..A.. :S:..A..LL., where are to be seen --OF-- CATARRH, HA 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, d m nd as I · 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs ' !!ER. 50 Sup erior Printed Bed Room Sets 20 White Be.d Room S ts. t:·;oa an SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. · 30 Chia Tea Sets, very pretty, and Bristol like Oheeter is one of the ancient citiee' there . h eino a 8 writt en . record or ttl! exis tence in 1051, and mention is made of it m the Domesday ook a11 bein"' rated 11iether than most other ci ties. 0lta name 0 has long been ruiaociated with navigation. It was from· manner. li!':!.1rt·. !tt:,,"{e8 wdI "8 3 :iood call' ' · · · ' . .,, inrnln. In1JtnaH!:erlte!\!th i,',;up1t!on, wom Or 8 ktban ""· Mo. e life a hll!'dn. llxla· · WhtJJ1'rfo Large variety Hanging and Tabl e LampsS Fancy . , · Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. rim"'· Low·s l!liLPHun S0.1.P 19 "' · I I FIELD an d G ARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN Ins1·ef'Uon Solicited. Victoria Buildings. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF · 1'.11JBDOCJB BBOS

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