TERMS :-tum PE:& .Amrrnc. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDITOR .um PRo.arnToR, NEW SERIES, NUMBED 470. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1887. VoLUME XXXIII. HAYDON. NUMBER 31. . · COUCH, ·JOHNSTON Are now selling their Parasols at CC>ST ::P"'R.J:CE,. ALLAN L.INE, LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAILINGS. ROYAL Jj:[AJL S'PEAMSHIPS. Ite\·, 3. Johns,of Ne w York, is expected to preacl1 and lecture here early in1 S e p tember. HAMPTON. & CRYDERMAN S.ARDINIAN. from Quebec, 'l'hursday, J uly 14 " 11 Friday. July22 Th'1rsday, July 28 SARMA'l'TAN, " Tbur&lav. Aug. 4 CIRCASSIAN, .. . Fridfy, Aug. 12 SARDINIAN. 'l'h nraday, An1t. 18 POLYNESIAN, PARISIAN, PARISIAN, POLYNESIAN. " and several lines of Dress Goods at and UNDER COST PRICE. and some l i n e s wi l l b e sold at :S:.A...L.:F" :P :Fl. ICE::. A lot of PRINTS below Importing Prices. --------- riR EM EM BER· These are not o l d musty, moth eaten, bankrupt goods; but 0NEW,IX)FREiif,JXIFASHIONABLE)Xloooos,I) bought for this season's trade. But as we requl.re the room for our fall importations these goods must and will be sold. Couch, Johnston & Crydorman One Door West of Post_ Office. Bowmanville. TO OUR CUSTOMERS Eclipso Houso AND THE Pu:blic Generally. SPECIAL NOTICE! All through the mor1th of A·ugust I intend givin.g special drives in all lines of Dry Goods. Everything· included, Silk, Satins, Dress-Goods, Lawns, All-over Muslins, Prints, and Mourning-Goods, Embroidery, Black Cashmeres, Embroideries, Oriental Laces, Plushes,Velveteen.s, Gloves in Lisle, Thread, Taffata and Kid and a Perfect colored 6-Buttoned Kid Glove for 30 Gents a pair. Milliner, elear. Gents' Department comi:)lete at Half Price to in all its branches from Collars and·.,Guffs to a fine Blk:. Coat and Hat. Board met pu rs uau t to 11djournmnt. Member8 presout. 111r. \Vindatt, pre· siding, and Jl.1.esrs. '.l'od, J.'afrbaim, 'l'o-day, Wednee day , 3rd inst, Mr. Cubitt, Horsey, Blakly, Lab11llc, Bur E arry J. Hoidge, of Bloomington. is to den, Hrimacorube, Cuuch and Brodie. be united iu the hol y bonds of mat r imon y Mr. Fairbairn aubmitted finance cm to Misa Hel e na Crydeman, eldest daugh mittee'5 estilllate of amnunt required ter of Marshall C ry derman , Esq. The tor achoo! pnrpusen for the e nsuing year, cert>mony w i l l take plactt at the residence as follows:-High School salariea. $3200 TAIT & MORIUSON'S and in of the bride's par ents, at G o' clock , p. m. Public School, $:3,200; janitou, $402; spect t heir Wall Papers--!ateat \Ve extend our hearty congratulations to secretary·trea8urer, 8100; etationery, desina. greatest variety, and the y oun g couple. prices to suit everyone. Stock 50; printillg, $5[1; ex><rninatione, $30; now ready. WheAt in this viciuity has been con foe!, $4.0 0 ; interest, $150; insurance, Do you want a new and pretty $150.; suppliHa. ·$300; lahor.and re pairs , Window Shade or Blinds7 We siderably i nj ured with rust.· have something new in t his $500; contmonciea, $300; nrno11nt re· , ,... . 'M:. S. R o b b ins, north-cast of t h i s vil branch. Call and see then1 be quired for balance of t his year, $760- fore yo u invest, or you'll bo ]age, has old his farm ancl thinks of sorry. $10,E\7. '\ going i n t o the butchering or droYing Income: High S ch oo l gl'ant $1.600; P blic School grant, $4u0; balauee on ,.,,. Miss M. ,J. Elliott, who lias been quite Still leads in Photograpl1s and hand 1st ,Jan. last, $1GOO-$a650. Am indisposed for some time, is improving in our Studio is often crowded. ount requirod tn btl raised, $6547. C om fl early in the day when you health and we tr ust will soon be stro:::ig can. Report adopted aud ecreta1·y in st r uct 1Hl'li hearty again. Just now yo u mar want some ed to ma ke 11 1equisi1ion ·m t h e Tow11 extra Enravings or Ch romo s to In the lruit t wo years therd has been Council for the sum of $6547 adorn your rooms. We have a six marriag es in the ranks of our chu r ch great variety, good and cheap. Mr. Cnbitt, C hairma n of the Ct>m mit· DARLINGTON OOUNOIL. too, If you want a baby carriage male. choir, five females and one We tee appointed ut the laet meeting o f the we can suit you ; we have eume oul d like to h e a r from any choir t h at nice on ea. Doll's Carriages, to o . B oard to takll the neceaaary st .ops to ob .Hampton, July 30. ua beat this record. and Doy's Wagons. Carts and t ain the Yo te of the electors on the Mmnbera Re g u l a r mealing of c o u n c i l . Wheelbarrows. Lawn Cheese is booming, th e n:ake is l arge, a.11 pr ese nt. M i nutes read an d confirmed . scheme for iucreased school ac c0 mmoda · and p rices good. Mr. Wm. Gilbert ia a tlun, brought in a report submitting tho Communications were pres ente d from Sww BoY. popular maker. followiug l'08olutious, which were adop trustees of following ijchool sectiou11 ask Parlor Croquet, C ar pet Balls. ted: ing for c 1llections of the se ver al amounts Games for families and social Moved by Mr. Cubitt, seconded by TYRONE. parties· Our M irrors are cle ar for ac ho o! purposes :-No. 1, $410; No. and true; our pi ct ure frames are Mr. Todd, 'l'ha· whereu.s this B oa rd did 50 ; No. 3, $360 i No . 4, $485; No. 2, $ 1 of the l a t e st and mo at at.tractive JteY. Austin Pot.ter and f arnil y, of Teesby r e so lu t i oi:i pass.id on tbe 3rd day of designs. Curtuin poles & rings. G, $325; N o. 9, $ 400 i No. 10, $450 i water, have b ee n visiting their mo th er. PlnRh goode-nice11.nd cheap. No. 12; $-175; No . 13, $300; No. a, June l ast, requ.:st the Municipal Coun .Another new branch just in Mr. T.· T. J'ardine has bought Mr. R. $420; N . 1 , f,'1 cil of the towu of Buwmauville to 1·aiae · 5 00 No. 16, $500; No . o tro duc ed at '!'nit k Moore's property, c,n the corner of King 18, $57 ; No. l!J $-!75 ; No. 20, $485 ; and pay over to 0 tho ·rreasurer of the , an d A gnes streets. Boar.I the 1rnm. of $10,000 for purposes No. 21., $ 400 ; No. 22, $ll0; No. 23, The first Quarterly Meeting for this $6 0. therein named; and whereas the said Is a Jewelry Department where conference year, will be held here on From the Lic'lnse In spector, drawing Council did, at a m ee t i ng thereof. held yo u will llnrl t he very late.et in S u n d 11.y , when Rev. J . K So.11derscin, of th e attention of the c o uucil to the magis· on the lath day of .June, 1887, refuse Ladies',andGent.Jemen'e jewelry. -th'l Queen·st.Methodi!!t chu rch, Bowman- terial d iffic ul ty in enforcing the tem er \:VA invite special attention to by a two.thirds v ote of the member11 theu p our new stock just in. Base ville, will p rea ch . a.nee act . '.l'l1e Reeve an d Deputy lteeYe present to ra isu or borrow the said 8'11111 Dall goods. School and Hymn Mr. S. Bingham has bought· three wero app ?i nted a c ommi tte e to confer Books, Stationery, 'l'oye, and in or $10,000 so requned for the use of the deed everyt.hing to bo found in a and a hall of Beech and M ap l e from Mr. with the Police Magistrate and In s p e ctor Board; and wh .. reas as it is inst a.nd Varie ty and Fancy Gooas' T. llo:u. in reg ard to the matter. right th;1t the cons en t of the Ratepayer& 11'. G ar d in er , :jr., ha11 bough t the }'r om the A sse ss or, report on equalizash o u ld be o bta lu ed previous to the ex _ ___ rtisidence of Mr. A. B ingham, which was tion of Uuion S chool assessment. H.e- penditure for the school purposes of so· Do very well for ceived a o d fil ed. built in the year one. large a sum a.s $10,000. a b ar rack s, 'l'om. From Roliit. Armour, c a lli ng itte ntion (1) It is therfJforu resolved, under the au thori ty of aec!ion 134 of the P ublic ":Falcon" thinks the wind-mill don' t of the counci l to the ne cessity of procu r Scho,,l A ct of 1886 and of s ec tio n 35 of . n Sund ay . If he was fast en ed to it ing maps of the several Yillages in the tov.nship, and hayin g the same registered th e High School Act of 1885, that t!ie he would be s adly mistaken. a ccor di11g to law. Liid over till next Chair m a n and S e c re t a ry shall immedi The boys are anxious to see tho dismeeting. a te ly , in the name of and on behalf of cou r s e on Rats an d F ri day from tho 8un . A nu mber of ac coun t s were presented this Board, mak e 11. formal ro _:i ue st in correspon d ent. aud laid on the table ; also oopy of act to writing to the lf.uuicipal C ounci\ of the Our n!JWB w o :1l d not be com plete if we amend the public h eal t h a ct . town c,f Bowmanville, nsking t he said w ere.,.11ot:: a'hlQ to give au ac c ount of a Mr. Smith p resented a. r ep or t from the municipa.l c ounc il to su b mi t the question marriage. committee ap pointed to ex11mine i nto th e of raisin.I{ or borrowing t he aforesaid Tbis week we record the mar riage of no claim of Samu el Cole for loBB of a horse su m of $10,000 requi red by this Board.· Our new Spring etyles in less a p e rsonage than R. Co at e s , who on through a. defectiv e culv er t. T he r ep or · for the following purposes, viz : 'l'ho the 27th ult., was marrie d to MiM Cum- was ad op ted and the i!um of $110 granted. su m of $7.000 for t h e erection of new; fhe h a ppy couple . mings, of Cobourg. Mr. Warden presented a rep or t from Higlt Schon! B uil di ng and purchase of. dro ve to Hampton, h ust le d the parson the committee to w h i ch wae referred the I site there<>f ; the sum of $1500 f or ad out of the prayer-meeting, had tho knot c omplaint of H en ry 'l'rull, with respect are now m. The dition and rtipairs lo Centml School tied and drnve home, wh P re th e y were to water dr ainage h avi ng been turned on b u ilding; to the v o t e cf the llllectors "f gree ed by a band of siners, the drum his land. Report adoped, and ordered this Municipality, in the manner prv· . · of tm pans, the hollow hammering of t hat the township engineer be imtructed vided by th'I conso!idtited Act for the · · '\1\._ cow bells and the sharp r eport of rifles. to exami ne and report UJ'nn the matt.er. creat i n of debts. is all the rage-sold only at th o Echpse · t f er introducing the ladv stranger into M!'. Smi th presented r0port fr om the (2) Tht\t the 0!1airman 1md Seci·etary House. Our lt"' w a ys of the town, they were paid for committee appointed to purchase \gravel til' do repreeent to thB Council t he necessi their trou bl e by Uncle Hichard and re- pit, re.porting having p urch as ed from Mr. ty of,ol)tainit·g !he deciion of the Elec Spring Ti¢s, Collars, Cuffs tumed h ome much p le ased with the tun W. Virtue at a. price of $80. Adopted. to rs as 5<JOn as the law will perm i t. and more pleased with the treat. Th e estimates for the year we re pre(3) 'fha t a copy of I.his resolution be and Underclothing Some of our respe cte d citizens bavo n ot sonted, considered an d adopted, as foll o ws sent to the Secre tary of the said Coun e nough grit in t.hem to take a joke, but -Ex:penditure-H.oads and Bridges,$3, cil for t with. going off Yery r apidly . that they mu st let their angry p assion s 850 ; Salaries, $789 ; Printing, $75 ; .Mr. Fairbairn submitted lhe report of $5,014. l a p i e ot Rec ts . Nernr mind if you n evH got the Sundriea,,$300: t rG1' s e1 the Finance Oommitteo. reoommeuding . _. , --Dog tax: in excess of c l aim s, $350 ; r en ts the payment of the fo llo wi ng accounts; ,. McCl ellan & Co., C oul. . . · . . . , · $rn 00 Mr. L, Ya u s tone aud lady, wero tho from road allowances, $30; i nter e l s on A SPECIALTY. deposits, $40; fines $1.0-total $430. l\foDougal & Metc·lf, Timber, . .. $2 45 guests of Mr. Jos. Moore, on Sabbath. . .Ba:ace to be raised by taxation $4,584. S. E. Andrew, Framing diplomas,24 90 Heports nro that the Ebenezer Stars aro Cut by the onl y first-class cutter in town. Su m required for relief of the poor, $920; Kenner & Co., map, dict'nary,&c .. W 80 ready to play the Gl a ds tones any timo C ou n t y rate $2226; general sch ool rate, after t hi s week. The boys will try and l6. $6 Total. .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . ...... . . . . .. 90 15 favor them with their presence. '.l'otal exclusiYe of lo cal school rate, 'l'i:Je l:loa1·d acljourue<l, Some from hllre went to Orono on Sab- $834G. Re11uiring a ra te of three mills J. l\foDouGAr.r., Sec. to hear tho Rev. Dr. Potts, of To- in the dollar-·one ten th h ighe r than l as t bath, ·--····----ronto. year. Fr:ANK LEsLrn's Po1'ULAlt ;,:MoN1·ur,Y. for Augus. In the snltry tll!rYS of Summer Mias Ada Welch, of Toronto, is hero A by-law was introduced t0 levy said r ates . Read lirat t ime, and laid it is ploasant to read of, even if -NO cannot visiting friend. Young Men, Bachelors and t<njoy, cool and breezy scenes wh ere Nature'$ The Dr. hns got his 1,10nstache shave d over till next meeting, as some of t he charms never fall to delight. "Bow Arrow Widowers, Point, on La.Im Champlain, and tht» AtMri off and all he wants now is a dude snit 1ch eol 111ections had failed t o send in a.p. cu.n Canoe .Associiltion," by .F. G., Mathei-. and the irls w il l think he is on th o mash. plications for local rates. in Frank Lislie'R Popular Monthly.is there A by-law wae passed authorizing the Mr. Bingham, of Oswego, bas be en fore acceptable reading; and Emily Pierce erection of a wire fence on the east s ide here calling on f r i e n d s . tells us of thegeueral ch:mns of the famous \Viii gi v e a Hale Dozen of lot 7 in the Gth crm. New York lake. A. V. Abbot;;. in hi8 The Sheriff arrivecL h o me on Saturday . A e e ed a report regarding Mr wd p r s ent Silver Plated Tea Spoons . " let· u into tho "Lux:.iri0us R1;ilroading . l'iot so the matter of Mr. Bentlmm's d r ain for secret of tho mannfadnre and cost of the ni,glit, wi th a new top buggy. wit11 eve1·y ureddi.ng Ri11g slow for J olm. ma1milicent C!l.rS which make Americim compens11tion for land used as roacl, retl'avel ling such a rnm1fort and delight. ,T, H. Ile sells d1uin;· hisCJearing· Jd. rnns a big business :it tho insur- porti ug a d versi ty to the chim, reoommenLee Holcombe, U. 8. N. . gives a pleasant ance office on S aturday nights. d'ng that the wood on the proper r !.'a d 50 Out Sae. a':lcount of Kang wa. :i, Col'ean town ho vi· a l lo wanc e be sold, aml the ro1<d be made frs. R. Hodgson is vory weak. ited, while Anna L, \Vard car1·ies ua t<. nn in its proper place as 1:1oon as practicable, island yecy neur us, } et little known to most Mr. C. ]. Binghu10, of Burnt ]{.iYer, people -"P1·ince Erfwnrd Ja1n?1d." "J,en Adopted. was home on Sunday. and Pencil Sketches of Sll:Welanil," by Mrs. On mo tion tho reeve was instr uct ed to J. C. Inorsolll CJ.aw, id an extremely inter· Messrs . . John and A. Manning and grimt ordern on the troasurer for the estioi; accrmut; of a l'enrrn.vlvann. institut Misws P. 1\fonning anrl E. Jamieson and folmvi'-·g·sums: Eractus Burk, 71 loads ion worthy ;1 visit. ,\,, ex1,e1·t, 0. L. Nior· L. Lan e, are camping out i<t .lic"' Lak6. of gravel, p3.55; Jas Knight, :38 loads of ton, initiateB ue inti) the mystAries of Poh· CJ.IMAX. gravel, l.!JO ; W Allen, 80 loads of plii.ying; ,;,nd if sport &\lure:-; na. we can dis '" ·-,......··--gr:.wel, $4. 25 ; W Good, 74 loacb of cuss "llocky l\fountairi Came-birds" with 1!'. "G1rna7' GAJK.-1 esed a great de1il of gr.tYel, i$.7 ; Daniel Coruish, 1\1. Burllich. "CuriollS t:ltories of World 318 loads 0 doctors medicine f·)r kidney complaint uf gravel, $15. !JO , .fas. Knight, 75 loads famous Diamonds," Storie by Mr· Gener al Lew vVallaco,Amanda M.. D·n1Ias Etti< dnriag fivo years, was getting worso nll of gravel, 13. lO ; ;r. St.ainton, 30 lo ad s ·w. Pierce, Ti". B. Hallowell. and others, i.hc time until .T tried 13. B. B. I tonk of "ravol, $1.50 ; W \Villard, 62 lo;:i,dll of moke ti..is a spcoially 1;1tt):active SummBr ihrec bottles, gained in weight frvlI\ 130 gr·el, 3.10; ,John Martin, J!Jl loads of nnu1ber. to J.Ml lbs. I can hi,!.;hly rncomrucnd gnwe1, !) 55·; Ed \Varden, 7ii loads of W n \'J' 18 -1·.i.: l .: Not ·a; p owder or gravel, ;?,,'/5 ; MrB (folly, 38 ioads of liquid, !mt a i;>repRration peculiar to it gravel, Sl.UO; .James and Galo, p1foth1g, self. ]f1sy to use, pleunnt in effoct. $22; WR }.(night, t'qUalizin:.\ asc·sme11t Nasal Il<lm will positively cure col d in of Union School sections, ()2 ; vV Virtue, the had, c;tiu.rrh and kindred dieonfors, ., firat payment on gt·o.vol pit, $20 ; indi,. $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150. I ntermed ia te , $30 ; ret.uru, $60. S teerae , $20. The last. train con n ecti nl:{ with the mail steamer at Port land leaves Toronto on Wednesday morn ing. The last train connecting with t.he mail steam er at Halifax leaves Toro nto on 'l'hursday morning. Fo r ticket.a and every information, ap pl y to W. A. NEADS, Bowmanville, Agent Allan lino. l l-tf RATES OF OCE..!.X pASS-.\.OE :-Cabi n, Friday. Ang, 26 'l'hursday, S e pt 1 Mr. R. Clark had th e misfortune to break the ax le tr e e of. h is tract.ion engine on ·he bridge one miie south of the vil lage, last week, cau sing several days dda · Mr. Sandford Leppard, tu ner in Mas011 & Rich'e Piano Factory, Toronto, was visiting friends in the village la s t week. Mr. M. Cryder ma n, of Bowmanv1lle, was calling on friends here last week. Penple in this vicini 1 y are gr ea tl y in terested in the let ters published each If we had not we e k from the Ed it or . been taught in our child hood to ca> t a sid e the spfrit of c Dvy, we might hav e been inclined to envy him ill his pleasure- sigh·. seeing, C ornish pies, &c. CO TO C TAJT business. - The 1mnual picnic held at Mr. Samue l M on n tj oy' s on the 19thJuly,was a gran d Ruccess. Thertl was a gama of b1sc and In the foot ball besides other !!ames. hu nclr;:ll yard r ace for boy8 uoder 12 years, Ho,..ar1l R und l e securd first and Byron McLaughlin second : the h undred y ard race open to a l l Ed. Ric he r first an d Sam. Mount.joy sec o nd ; m run n i ng long jump, Sam. M ou ntj o y first and Ed. Ri ches 2nd ; hop, step and j um p, E. '1'. Sl<m1011 and S. M ountj oy, tie2 ; the first prize was awarded to ,l. S i emo n fol' run· .A targat was ere cted uing high jump. for those who wished to par t icipate in that sport an d some excellent shooting was done. Croquet rmd swing i n g were induled in by e very o ne till ubout six o ' cloc];;: when a sumptuous ri; past wM. pr epared from the well iiilcrl bRsketa brought by the ladie, to which everyone did ample justice.,afoer w hi ch all ret urned home well plea ae d with tho afternoon'11 sport und h op i n g to return on some future day to wishing Sammy Much joy. . idy. 2G1h August. Mr. J. Rund l e has a Yery sore fing er, on ..:Jr . \Jounc1l ad}·,urned till ·a;t Saturday Hl ca n sed by a thistle . . W. \YtNl!AT'.1'. Colell, of Picker- August at 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. T. · .. · Townsh1.p Clork ing, speut Sunday with friends her e . persona-·-Willer, Luff, Sproul and Lewis, $5 !'ac:h ; Campbell, Mallett, Mr. \.V. unge , sr., is v ery Cor nish , Orchard and Gnrt is, $4 ea"1 ; , . e W The shrill wh1etl e of Mr. . Row s Aldewortl1. L"i.e, Hearcl, \Y11"on, Robmstoamer was h a ard in this Yicinity for a son 11.11d 'rrirlr. $.'3 ··,.ch ; Dell, Dean, fe w days recently. He threshed. about 900. Stacey, Gr.,11ory and S·ples, $2 each ; . augh hu C o urt ice, $7 bushels of barley for Mr. J. Mcl . ,;;::: -:_ -:-: , ?. >. ·;g on Satmday hist. Mr. D. G raha m stattMr. Smale r;ave 110tice that he will eel busie ss on Thur sd ay last nncl IB next roeetiug 11f conncil introduc11 a. by. bound to take a back seat frm no stem- l a w for the appoint.Inent of a collector for er and if there ia any Y ir tu e m his assist- the pr esen t y· ar. Pernous desiri ng the avts we th ink he wi l l not. I ofti co m::.y m·ke appl1c,.tion to tho Clerk . : . swlr. . / I gent I I I 'ht C'.'· , .1 I ht!·,rP --·--SCHOOL-BOARD.-- 'BoWll.IANVILLE, J'uly 22nd. I 1· & MORRISON'S S T O R E._ 'rHBJ Mr. is still ahead,, HAT "Jub1" lee Chr1· st1· { S J dl' ,.t :' FINE ORDERED CLOTH INC W. H. IVES. TO MARRY L CQJOOEJI -s1iuff,