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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1887, p. 2

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Bake Yo'lir Own Preserves are desirable to have as a li:YERI FRID.AI MOR.lHNG, W. RUSE. change, a.nd it is best to fix up a certain BY T. H. CHURCIIILT,. -BYamount of thi11 variety of sauce, but the EACHER O F ORGAN, PIANO, Sixty-four ounces of bread, tha.t is to say, simple process of canning ie much easier and VOICE and THEORY. Terms on appli· 28;ly h e a p e r, and the fruit can then be used a four pound loaf, in this city costs eleven cation a' "BIG 20." c AT TBB Ol'BlIOB little at .. time, as is desired, fur table use. cents, and the prioe in a.ny village or town Pest Oftlee Block, IU11g Streea, Bowman· There should be a supply of dried fruit '£hey all la.ughed at this, being light vrue, Ontario. anywhere in America will n ot vary much CHAPTER x.-co)<cLusroN. hearted and iu the mood to la ugh at any also pr ep ared for winter use·, as it is very from this. This is at. the rate of 2i cents Turning into Holborn, he ran on b li ndly, easy to accomplish and quite desirable t o TER:tv!l:S: thing. Presently, they divided into li ttle per pound. groups, Is odore and Luigi together. All h av e, a.s a. chan ge, later in the season. l.llO per Annum, or $1 LC paitl ta adva nc e never noticing another figure following in his footsteps. It was .':etting late now, and her cold self-possession was gone now; she The best flour is selling now from $3.75 Evaporated fruit is, however, far superior 1'a7ment atTiotly In advance requtredfrom as he hurried into the Strand, St Clement's looked a very woman, as she stood there to dried fruit, and should not be c lassed with nbeor1bers outside of the oounty. Orders to to $4 per barrel of 20() pounds, say 2 cents a Da.nes struck mid-night. 'l'hrough the laoontlnue the paper mu11t be acc ompan i ed by nervously plucking the leaves from the rose it by any means. The process by which it pound. To find how much of each loaf was prep ared to pay the highes t prioa amount due, or th paper wil n<H be stopped, crowd there blindly, on to the water-side, is obtained is altogether different, and like in her hand. nhAA'l'fbers areresponsibleunti run paTmentis the snaky figure close behind never off his 'Isodore-G enev ieve -most other articles of superior value or q ua.1- water, the writer took four loaves by llllde, all kinds of Grain delivered at the track; on to theEmbankment, and towards At this word she trembled, knowing ity, it requires more trouble and expense to four different bakers, and crumbing and ll.t.TES o· .t.DTEBTISINllr Waterloo Bridge. Then he stopped for scarcely what. "Yes, Lugi," s ecure k ,;. drying, each sample weighed before and Wharf or their Store House in town. W llOle Column on e e ar ....... ...... 860 OOj::: !;; one brief moment to regain his spent breath "Five years ago, !stood by yoursidein the During the first process of e vapo ration after as follow s " " He.1 year . . . . . . . .. . . 36 oo · :., and think. hour of your troubl e, and you said some intense heat i s used, which will effect the M " Onequa.rter ......... 20 00 '.lhe following footsteps halte d too; and words to me. Do you remember what they outer surface of the fruit only, and wil l form · Fresh Weighed After Drying. Halt Column one y ear ............... 36 oo -then some instinct told him he was followed. were?" , " Ha.It y ear .............. 20 00 an impenetrable coating, thus retaining No. 1. . . . . . .. 65 ozs. . . . . . .. .. . A5iJ: ozs·· Turning round again, full under the lamp " One quarter........... 12 50 "Yes, Luigi." The words came like a the perfec t flavor and other desirable l]Ual 2 ... ... . 65 " ... . ....... 44i " uarter Colun:;.n one yee.r.... ....... 20 00 light, he ene<>untered Paulo Salvarini, deter fluttering sigh. ities of the fruit. OF CANADA. " " ,, 3 . . . .. . . . 65! , , ........... 45! ,, . .. ... . . 12 60 Half rear ... mination in his face, murder in his eyes. " " " I claim that promise now. We are There are a great many different patterns " 4........64i/; " ...........44 " One quarteT ........ 8 00 - 5 Capital 1·alol up, 1111.000,000. Rest, $260,00 1 In a.n agony of sudden fear, La. Gautier ran both free, heaven b e praised I free as air, and styles of evaporators that do good work, Ten lines andunder,tlrst Insertion. 30 50 1 _,,,,_ 1 down the steps on to the Temple Pier, and no ties to bind us. H: a oh s u be equent lneertlon ...... 0 25 Come?" He held but the principal trouble is that they are This Bank ts prepared to do Legiti l!'ro 'll six to ten lines, first i neertlor. o 75 ·· Total .... 26lov.s ........... 180 ozs. standing there close by the rushing water. out his arms, and s he came shyly, sl1rink quite expensive, and can only be used to mate Banking tu all its bra.nches. . 0 35 ll: a oh subse.quent I ns ertion . . . . . profit where the business is done on a large The weight eva.porated will thus be seen Ovet' ten linee,1lrst insertion,perline 0 10-lO A second later, with a clutch like iron, Sa.1- ingly, towards them. Farmers notes discormted ; Deposits v a r i n i \.\'&.S upon h i m . " sea.le, and as yet they are not cheap enough "If you want m e , sh e s a i d. !C ach s u bs eque n t Insertion," 0 03 to be ei gh ty -one ounces, 20 ounces and a f rac 'eoeived and Interest paid on amounts of " Ah !" he hissed, as they struggle d to and "'" of lines to be reckoned bT With one bound he wa s by her sid e, and for family us e. tion, or about 30 per cent. of water. Now fl5 upwards in S a vin gs Bank De par tmenl; f ro , "you thought to escape me, you murderer drew her head down upon his lffeast. th' ·pace o ocu!Ned,.meaeured by a ace.le ot Nes.rly all kinds of fruit, and many vege l ol t 'fonp arel l. of innocent women, the slayer of my wife ! "And you happy now, G eneviev e ?" DRA..F'I' tables, can be e vapor ated to gool advan there is no fr aud about this. Neither is Now I hav e you. Back you go into the riv --" Yes, I am happy. How can I be other tage, and the fi eld ol operati o n is consider thera any fra.ud in using, as bakers nearly Issued and C ollect 1ona made lu Eu rope er, with a knife in your black heart !" wise, wit h a good man's honest love ! ably more extensive than that compassed by a.I ways do, about four ounces of potatoes to United States and Canada. DRS, McLilUGfllJN at BEITH. '.!he doomed man never answered; breath Carlo, my brot her, would you could see me the drying method. All the evapor tion a. each loaf. Potatoes are among the best of On'IOBl -MORRIS BLOCK, BowMUVILLK. was too precious for that. And so they now!" " W. J. ,TONES, process does is to draw out the surplus Agn Dr.J, W.Mc'LAUGHIAN. Dr. .A.. Be:rrn. Gradu struggled for a minute on the slimy pier, " It is what he a.lwnys wished-Let us go moisture, and when the fruit is used on the foods but not worth 2i/; cents a pound, the Ucen tiate ot th e l't?Yal ate Toronto Salvarini's grip never i·elaxing, till, sudden an d tel l the others." of the table, this moi st u re can be easily restpred, price paid tor bread, as before stated. College of Phye101ans ly r eaching down, he drew a knife. One So, taking her simply by band, they a.nd thus the consumer has a welco me sub "nd m ember of the University, Physician. d11zzling fl11sh, a muttered scream, and Le wandered out from the de epness of the wood, st itute for the genuine articule when it can . The object of this article is to make it ltoyal College or Sur- Surgeon, &o. Gautier's lifeblood gushed out. :Footsteps side by side, from darkness and despair, not be ob tained, and i t often is very ha.rd to perfectly plain to each bread-user that the ire ons, Edinburgh. down the stairs, a shrill shout from a from the years of treachery and deceit, out tell the difference between them. material of a loaf of bread they pay eleven Your attention is d irected to the immense DB, J. 4), MITCHELL, woman's voice. Salvarini started. In one into the light of a world filled with bright stock of cents for, in reality only costs about five EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS moment, Le Gautier had him in a dying M sunshine and peaceful, ev e rla sting love. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. cents, and th a t a family, say of five pe r clasp, and with a dull splash they fell o v er ZUG'S GREAT CALAMITY. 01B.oe and Residence. Enniskillen. '14.. (THE E ND . l sons using one loaf per day are paying a. backwards into the rushing flood. Down, down, they went, the tenacious grip never s1mg sum during the year which they might o D. BIJBKE SIMPSON. Streets aml H uses StuI< Out or Sight U1uler of every description at relaxing, the water singing and hissing in . and. should save. In the four loaves as "0 A..RRISTEU, SOLICITOR, &;o. MOPlUS their the Javudlng Lake. The Hygiene of .Bathing ears, fitling their thr oat s as tliex suck-. .('} BLOCK, up s tairs, King Street, Bowmaned it down, turning them dizzy, till they In a short article published no t v ery long The disaster at Zug reca.lls in many respects a. test we h ave roughly 1le. Solloltor tor the Ont&rio Bank ftoated down the stream-dead ! ago in the Western R'liral a writer recites the phenomena. of South American earth Flour . . · . . . 164 oz. (lOllbs.) worth 20 cents Private Moneys lo aned a.t the lo west rates, She has j ust o pe ned out 011.e of the largest " .. .. . .. " i/; Some boatmen out late, attracted by the the practical use of b athing, and does it in quakes. For several days crevices had been Potatoes ... 17 " . . " and most stylish stocks ever brought John Keith Galbraith, " scream, rowed to the spot; and far down the empha·tic language of the e x perienced observed in a new quay at Zug which cost 'Va. tar . . · . . 80 " . . . . . , . · to town, consisting of ; AR R I S T E R, SOLICITOR, NOT.A.RY below Blackf ri ars , they picked up the dead physician, who knows from observation the $40,000. At 2 o'clock on Tuesda.y afternoon B U Material for four loaves costing 2q " the lake in fro nt of the s to n e work b eg an to few Bloo,k A promoting e health. Ol:llce-Bounsall's P BLIC, &:.o. ffect ot w ater in bodies, both locked together in the clasp lUillinery, Dress Silks, King Stre et , Bowman ville. Money to lend, bubble. The quay then cracked, and eighty If a house-wife is willing tO pay one hun of death. Th'ey rowed back to the pier, changes adapts it to these columns : ---- -·-· ·-·-····- -ll.ppliances for health and feet of it fell into the lake. A dozen perbons dred per cent. or just double as much for the Velvets, &c., and ca rried the two corpses to a place for Among all ROBERT A.BMOIJB, the night, never heeding the woman who comfort to mankind, we may safely say there who rushed from an adjoining cafe were bread as the material costs it is her own and with a very fine stock of Feathers and R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER .B:Gil:!TRA · precipitated into the water and drowned. is no th i ng so well-known, so useful and so R m Flowers. ot Marriage Licenses , B ar rister and Attor- was following the . After a. short inter va.l another slip dra.gged her husba.nd's affair, but let her remember Next morning they saw a strange sight. comforting, and yet so carelessly performed ae:r ai Law and Solicitor In Chancer,... Money 'l'he several houses into the water. The landing that for every loaf per da.y for the year it Call and inspect this fine display, which lo41ned o n Real Estate. Office o n King street, Lying a.cross the murdered man, her bead or thoughtles sly ne lected, as.bathing. cannot f ai l to give s atisfac ti on. B owma nvll le. They skin of the human ody, from head to foot, stage followed, and a. steam er which had it costs her $20. T upon his brea s t, a. woman rested. he majority of families -- ---lifted her ; but she was quite dead and cold, is a. net-work of pores. One can not put a just arrived was hurled a hundred yards for WILLIUI WIGHT. w in this city take t o to three l o av es a. day, a smile upon her face now, wiping out all finger on a single place without covering ward. At four o'clock two boats which ICENS ED AUCTIO NEER for the trace of care and suffering- a. s m il e of ha. p- several little openings, which ouht always were going to the rescue were engulfed, only so it becomes $40 to $60 a year which they " Orders left at th e piness and deep content. Valerie had crept to b e kept clear of o bstructi ons , as evidence one boatman rising again to the surface. At pay the baker for his services. County of Durh a.m . &lii'>""U.N offlce or fo r ward e d to '!'yrone P .0, there unnoticed to her husband's side, and of the truth of this tatement we need only the same moment a. boa tman s hut in which 28:6m If it be worth while t o study economy at wllll · vcei ve prompt attention. to call to mind the great drops of sweat so were three children fell into the water. died of a. br ok en heart. ll these figures are worth considering. a y rr ture were e l ll.Ild t at c hu face and now other Furni iedl one's reon seen often ga.thering S. (). HIJNKIN G, For a few days people wondered and parts of the body in warm weather-espe ved from the trell.tening q a.rter. At 7 jThey mean the clothing of a child or a. rnarn '(1EN SED AUCTIONEER FOR speculated over the stFange tragedy, and clock the b.nd . shps b egan agam, and sev- 1 much better ·than can now b e afforde d by then it was forgotten. A new singer, a cially during the tim e of severe exertion. o the Cou nty of Durham. Sal es atte nded · · · noted poisoning case, something turned These pores lead into minute tubes or chan era.I carts which were remov ing ·o o" ·hortost notice and lowest rates. Ad d re ss m any a liousehold. They may mean hvmg sank into the lake. Fifteen houses a.nd ten 36:tf 00111< l'IOJ! P. 0. up, and d is trac ted the frivolous public mind nels, that meander tnro ugh the sk in. a a e t i u q number, nd 'rhe dust which comes in contact with huts disappeared within a fe w minutes, in- within the income, of from the " mysterious occurrence," to use . GOO D WIFE GUARANTEED TO the jargon of the press. animals covered with hair is mostly kept out ?lud n g he Hotel Zurich, the roof of which therefore to all such vital from Unapproached for every man wh o buys his License Maxwell lost no time in gettin to Gros- and the perspiration is conducted a.way fr om is still VlSlble a bove the surface. To thoe who urge the extra expense of B:8:NRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. Tone and Quality. A cafe, in wl:)ich were ten customers, was fuel we would say ·-Do not f all into the venor Square the following morn1ng, where the pores of the sk in by those hairs; hence, · . . his greeting ma.y be b e tt er imagined than bathing is not so essel'.!.tial with them as next engulfed, and 150 metres of a neighr or CATALOGUES FREE. of bakmg every day and s e r v 1 e g hot Pianos Tuned and Kepatred. 1 . described. He told Enid the whole story of with mankind, whos e bodies are practically bori!lg st;eet then slo wly vanished, the peog from the windows of the houses biscmts and buns, but so far as bread is con his mission, omitting nothing that he denuded of such protection. The glutinous pie JU mpm mass of perspiration dust an d filth, which to escape bein/:( drowned. A party of otli- cernecl do your baking once a week-say on ARTIES WISHING THEIR P !ANOS thought might be of interest to her; and in .1 Gautier's in time gathers on the surface of the un W!'.sh cers returning from Lucerne assisted the Tuned or repa.ireu oannaTe thorn attended his turn h eard the story of Le washing day, when it can be done· at trifling ed or uncleansed body, covers and clog s the fire brigade in resouing the im peri ll ed pe r D by l eavin g word .a.t the DOMINION ORGAN p erfidy, and the nnrrow escape both had had al Bread can be kept for a. cost. pores, and often poisons the system. l!'re- sons, but, the danger increasing, troops addition Jo's 011'l'IOBl, Boma.nville A ftrst-clas m&JJ from his sch emes. ow l>elng In t heir emplo; "I do not propose to stay any ponger in quent ablutions and au QCCasional immersion were summoned from Baar. The third1and week ea.sily a.a thousands know, and the London, " Sir Geoffery said. "After what in wa.tei· are thus desirable and often indis- slip occured at 11 P. :r.i., c ar rying five ho uses older or staler home-baked bread is the Ho. , G enti em en ot F as g!1""8 we have all gone through. a little rest and pensable to halth and comfort; consequnt- into the _lke and damging ma.ny others. more hea lthful digestiblll and nutritious it .' . . . quietness i s absolutely necessary.-Enid, ly, every family should have a. couvement The mumc1pal treasure was removed from ion. not SO fati;t. b ecom es . This article is not mtended a.s a __ would you care to go d own to Havers ham ?" of some kind, not only for g en eral the Town Hall to the Pos t u ld, Let us go at once. neatness of per s o n , but as a means of pre pe rson s are missing and 600 are homeless. plea for baking powdt1rs, but to encourage " Indeed' I sho . . . . ..· hv e w rltt en th11re few 11 nes, serung many cass. employed T 1e damage is esti mte d at $250,000. Peo- economy in each and ev ery family, rich or hea1th1 and lll · I am a bsolu tel y pmmg for a little f resh A.nd all I have to eay. . _ under the advice of a. good physwmn, p e a re pourmg mto Zug from all pomts v , a must still m ho looking me place ely d lo at be n ll The to poor and t o er petuate the aood old cusagain. ee.n you hat T . p " In the long cata.logue of diseases to which v1ew the scene. I am not gone away. ' now." fl , tom of every. mother ma.king thA bread h e r in named So all m Y kind old trlends m 11.T oome, be esh is heir, scarcely one can dea.r my ' baronet the , right replied "All ' . Aud al1 the young ones, too, .i.o useless. m · children ea t. gaily; s ooth to say, not sorry to get back th e treatm eut f which a.· b is And ge t h eir g1nmente nicely m ade md heal h, a bat?, as a. PREHISTORIC MAN. t o a part of the world where Sir Geoffrey those blessed with g . tn fs bions are new; W<1.er11 old and, dsar trlnds. m y meet Ch arteria was Sdm e one. common-sense applian ce, gives thrift a nd Oooking Recipes. .A. wa !come g r e et mg , by R. I EA.TE ess "Then we will go to-morrow, and Max- growth to healthy functions, a brightn (Jollcction Ill11stratlug llfs . . J·ro:;re.slou , , . -.B'Y'and delightful serenity, a c1e1Hness of mmd Down to the CALI<' s B1ANS F RIED.-Take the brams well shall join us. " nuwn or 01torl e lime.. It is c e rta i n ly a ancl b eat up wit h an egg, salt and pepper; "Bnt Iaodore? I have not seen her yet." and ouyancy of spirit. "Oh she can come down there some blessmg tG> both mmd and body. For the A valuable ollect on, ntmbering more I fry in hot lard. di" I am folly prepared to attend Funerals on , mental worker, it is a nerve tonic. A thor- than 10,0W obJ ect s , illustratmg the h a bit s · . time directly we are settled. " I UDD[G SAU CE. - eat together ur tea.- the shortest notice, ai the lowest possible rates b ou gh ap_Plic.a. tion of wa er of proper temper- and accom plishments of prehistoric man in 1 sp.oo fu 8 of 0ask6ts and Burial Cases rea.dy on short notice · s ug iu· a.n . wo ounces o utter; L ter on in the same day, Maxwell heard :n fl ,u d .gi ve strength and tone western Europe, h as been op ened to pub lic stlr m a t eac up of boihng , · uti'e r ' s death, He s.ture will calm a water.; avor to Firet-olaaa h ears e on very moderate term s t" , w w le of Le Gw the Strnnge , Shrouds u.nd Coffins constantly on hand. Fon t0 the system. "'h -'- e mdoor Ia.borr, w h0 gcts exhi bition at the Smithsonian Insti"tut1"on, taste. . Eui1 then, pr ef er to tell news t o di n the l eraloarda uppl!ed at on ce . Furniture Shop a: . but a scanty supply of fresh needs a. Washington . These were gathered dur ing ' · . . G1EM I < SroNGE CAK].. -Two t eacups of 811.ow Rooms-Bounoall'sNew'Block. . . . . . ' ring to wait till a time when h er nerves were i broad by Mr. Thomas L ba th to o btat the skm mvigoratmg e1 ements a fi v e years' residence. . sugar, one of eream t W? of ftour ' four eggs' --· _,, --···----·--···-· . 1--. -·-·--more steady, and she had recovered from the Wilson, ex -United States Consul a.t Nice,. ' f th e pen air . can live at home, and m a k more one teaspoonful of bakmg powder a.nd tea . shockofthe pastfew da.ys. Sotheywentdown ° 0 The outdoor aborer-:-especmllythe former and his wife. They have been so arranged money at work for us, tha n at any . . .:J.Y· sp oon ful extr . act 0f lemon· bak e mcl 1 to Haversham, and for three happy months progression of, t.hin else in tbla world. r. o capital l the a to du as a r g illustrate long, day all w c hero nerg'>: who works 1th e 1 . ' remained there, "the world forgetting, by - vo. WITHOUT TSMll WITZ! T1!1ll: rs. n ee :f'e d ; you are started free. Both SNow CAKE.-One cup of white s ugar idabl gathes or the entire surface of tne race from the beginning of th e e x e s ; all ages. Any ono can do the work. the world forgot ;" and l>\t the end of that u!la s r, u flo of half a and o e n hs ody a c mp ete p nson-wall of ust a.n epo ch of archreology (the quarterna.ry of half cup of butter, . arge e ar nin s sure from first start. Costly time, when the first warm flush of autumn . and when his clay s ge ology) down to and through the bronze I ?alf cup of swct milk teaspoonful of bk - L outfit and te rms fre.e, B etter not dela,... Costs perspiration, VIBc1d 9 t ouche d the sloping woods, there was a _ s on e he needs then, more than any age to its merging with the iron, just pre - mg powder, whites of four eggs; flavor with you nothing to send us your address and .find " . DENTIST, PR.t.Cl'ICA.L work i quiet the little church under the out ; if yon are wise you wm do so at once, almond. other th mg not only a was?, but . a good ceding the.da wn of pr ehistoric ti:ne 'lVBB TWBNTY YEARS EXPERIENO.I.':, H. HALLET1' & Co. . Portland, l\faine. hill . Te s eri es begins with the chipped stone bath to fit him f?r home society, Ins clean B EEF TmPJ.-Olean th t rip e car efully l ....... o:irldeGas .t.dmlnlstered ror l!.'a nleM N ,, Graduall y as time passed on, Sir Geoffrey elements of the creatures who, d ur ing per. I and soak in salt water, changing several bed and refreshmg sleep. h . Operations. recoverec:. his u su al flow of spirits, and was E very one n eds a. a.t tims, and ev?ry haps sixty o:sevey centu ies, r oam ed ov er \ times , cut in slices; oil perfectly done; . never known to have another "manifestaMfJCJ.UNG'S BW(JI. · · O:l'FI CE PERCHERON HORSES. th en above' dip in butter; fry a hght brown; sea.son i shout cotam s ometmg all that portion of the human hab1tatim He burned all h is books touching. . -- · ---. -·-- -;---·- tion." -· Island Home Stock: f?r a comp lte 11nm ers1 n m water, and, water an d not covered with ic e. The jaw i wit\1 salt and pepper. to. be made,. Cut this out on th e s up ernatura . l and gradually came to Farm, Grosse Isle, 1. and retur n it to us ' s s ce convenient and efficient portable baths bones of thc se. p o.p le lack the fixture Fm C AJrn -Th r ee pints of flour, one cup . . . , so to l' i t. I n t in a humorous 1gI Mi ch is very conve· us conduc. . we will send you free, view 1 t m m ' · tei1 . speak ' t0 whwh m mod em h n a tY he I b ut ter one of sweet milk two and one-half . . tiv1Y low fi' gurcs am at .ompara , no'! e x. nientiy located for ; something of great ya.Jue the course of time, he' settied down as a . e Canadians, being on and. lmpotane to Y ou tht will s t aFt you in m odel country gentleman learned on th e sively advertised for sale, ther is lttte tougrie muscles re a tt a.ched ; a_:nrl this leads cups ugar, whites of i teen eggs, three an Island in Detroit e x cuse for most people to be without this· to the presumpt10n that they did not possess t easpoonfuls bakin g powder, one a nd onebusmess. which will brmg .You in . moi:e subj' ect of short-horns and' topdressi · ng · and f River,tenmilesbelow· . . money rui:bt away than a.n y tbm g else m this . evr that imy b e, half pound s figs fla v ored and cut in sti·i ps. the power of 8 Pec . c h H0 w p i 'celess bene it· . . Windsor, Ont. Pur· r 1 · world. Any one c an do the work a n d live at dtsplaymg a ooted aversion to i;i i ritual ism the sh ape of the 1r skulls rndica.tes that they . '· · 0 fl chasers will find a · ! h t So ages l l a C ""th . me ng new, I It 1s "'i home. wnrTF T! R U IT AI,E.- ne poun d o f our, 1-on 1y I 't · wh" isp ered in tiie h ouseho c · . er sex; larg c o u l d have had nothing of inter·est or ·mi · ..iumberot pure th. al'Justcums mone;r for all wo rkers. . W:e t must not b e m entio ned-that he is "etting Canning and Evaporating Fruit. l 0 f sugar, on e pound °f butter, one ponm bre<l and grade sta.l· · 5 . po rta.n ce torny. will atart you; ca.pita.I not needed. Tlus ia 1 . es oun ree lions, brood mares th , gs .anched almonds '£he dawn of the g lacial period drove th em ce poLlild bl The business of canning and evaporating one of the genuine. important classes of a life- 1 s tou t, a sta.te of thmgs whwh, all thm . i time. '!'hose who are ambitious and rated cocoa.nut, w ites ot s ix con s idered, is not to be r eg arded with in- fruits and vege tables has been stead l y grow- to the caves, where, dul'ing a residence of citro n, on e g . · !res, credulity. pur.e bred stock, reg· ing for many years past, until it ha.a now some centuries, they inv en ted clothes. This I teen eggs, tw teaspoonfuls bakmg powder, s . lsrcd m the French and er1 c an Stud Bo2ks. Nearly two later, and siti ing a . bout ass.urned immense proportions. If the work is prov ed by t he existence in great num be rs ! flavor to tasl;<;, . . Prices reason a ble stock guaranteed. Larg e Ill us. . . . . d one proper1 y, whICh is not a1ways th e of stone scmpers used m preparmg uef01·e t'he gr an d oId house were 15 the Iawn I. ' c U CUM!lERS.-aa t'h er , ?r buy trated Cataloguetrea. &V.iUIE II FARl'IUM, th e hides j T0 D·RF.SS our f riends-S alvarini , mournful a usu al , ease, the f r ui ts and vegetables will retain of .th ei r qu a drupedal cont em por ari es. Fr om ! fom_ market ea.rl y,. peel au put on. ICe un: I' all Dll:TROIT. Mio.a. · - -- ----------) little altered since we saw him last; Max- their fully developed richness to an extent clnpped atone they have advanced to ground ; ti l diD:ner;. then slce a thm :"s po ssibl e and -------·· .·· wel l jolly and hearty, looking with an air that early grown fruits u.nd vege tables do or polished stone and th ence to i mi1le m ents ! put with sliced omons m a dish. Salt and We are of ill-disguised pride at Enid, who was sit- not equal, and for this reason the evapor- of bone. Now came the dawn of art , and i p e pp er freely, pour a\ cup of vi negar r · ting in a basket-chair, with a little wisp of ated fruit is often used after the early grown their fi?est bone im plem en ts wer eu gr a.ved them, and lay ice o n t 1e top. o · h umanity in her arms, a new Personage-to fruit is placed on mark et. . 'l'his i s a very with pictures of the hoise, turnish . remdeer, and LEG 01· Mu· r TON.-Take . a leg of al l classes with . BAKED . . r. . employment at homll, the use the royal phrase -but by no m eans an good p lan to follow, aud is not only cheaper, bear mutton weig ung. six or eight pouud s, cut ' 1 whole ot the time, or for their s pare momoats. t unimportJ.nt one. Lucrece was there, happy but is a lso more healthy for the consumer. ·t' 10 us of potte;y an d bron v. Th e co11ec .. e ? f a. d ow n the under side and remove the bone; 1 Busi n ess new, light and profitable. Persons . . i anc 1 l gay ; and I sodore, lorious , Isodore, unConeumers in general are usmg canned much lat er penod are curious and extensi ve. ' i nc s fill it with a dre s ng made of four ou es of of elber sex easily ear'! from 50 cents to $5 per !i!'nR F-J!lilll'1' uttera bly lovely as she walked to a.nd fro, and evaporated goods more and more ell.oh Of bronze there are barbed fi sh hooks, ex. I g , n ll.l s um by clevo!ng choLped ham, i. evemu/{. ncl a proporW> suet two e gs, two ounces 1 all their tune to the busmees, Boys a.nd girls 1 I.II t.i9 iJ'- i" l"U [;.C'ii ll.I 1 f ol lo wed by S alv1 . Iona p · f riui.' s dog· like eyes. . ' The .year, and as a n atu rf1l consequence the eva.- actly like t.110sc of to - d a y ' ins with me , I earn n ea.rly as much ae men. ThBt all who s ee 0 f 8 ta 1c brea d· one omon, a l' ittl8 tl iy six "' ·- f baronet made up the party, and alas I truth poru.ting factori es are h avi ng quit e a boo m . g 1o bu lar hea ds as lar e as wa Inuts, -- · --- -- · -· the . . ' is salt and . this may send th ei r addres s, and test the busi. · swe t mal'J'oram, parsley, nutmeg, . . must out, 1ook' mg- but we wil1 be char i table "' . ·r '£he canning process is easily d one at count e rpu _ o suc h as are not . ts of th e imp 1emen t s use d by 1 e e . w up lay in a p an: and put m a !. noss, we make tms Ouer e . r1p r a w 110 re modern ladies t o keep the hat in place . a.nd '. p ancl say portly. i. well satisfied we will .s·:nd one dol lar o pay home by the farmer's wife, and all 1· ' ba st with butter ' cook three 1 tor the trnuble of wr1tmg. ' 10 oven, t Full particulars ' ! "How Ionrr are you going to stay with us, conven iently situated should by all means finally there are safety pin s used by E trus e.n!1 o utfi t free. Address GEORGE Sl'INSON & hours. ·r o ' ' ·t t o supplY the i · long bef ore the of Rom- i v ! Po tland, Maine. u i wn can imudens Isodore!"Enid asked. She would always put up enough frui Co., G r t th f Remol e t e b TB . us, which contain in the germ· ood ulus and Rem family abundantly during the win er. O As EEF. , be Isadore to them. 1 01;1° rom e I _ rinciple of that most useful article thm part of the r?at, ay ma piece ?f su et 1 How long s auce is 9i te uxury, and is also quite every pt Re lly I cann ot say, Enid . lil11l'£illllill!l!ll-ll·m·mDm:lSl'>l:JJllliGm:ll'l!:ml!l j' that does n o t pr oJ e ct . b eyond the idth of j £l 1ts effe ct on the human sys- known o the modern nursery. . will you have me!" the agamst around it fold then, th by a e is d c _off s d r "As long as you like to stay," Max\vell \ t· 1\d ?Hen.times w ! . ! thick of the meat. Skewer it with 11wding· _ns way _is uo t ' By the way , I suppose I I a1dmg m d 1 est1on , and mtl p11t in heartily.-' pins fasten on t he side, take some thin slic es on y 11lmb1e or what nou rishmen t it ?one ague !" am still a m ellJlJer An Expert in Character. . of the r . f of bacon , lay in a dripping pan that is not " . . No , not now. Conditionally upon your tams m itself, out also acts as an app. et1 zer, use e, Slr,". he said, "but you ar too :large and pla.ce in!" hot ove n . if teen _ " I promising never to r ev ea.l what you h ave and bJ: it steady use the other f ood is bet· so!Ex e th mg of :1' reu.dmg man, ar e you nt ? m in ut es to the pound is the usua l tune reseen and hea.rd, you are f ree ; Sir Geoffrey ter asirmla.ted. O \.. . h , yes, sir. I often r ead ha.If the mght quir ed for roasting. Salt when half done It 1s much b ettr for the farmer to put p ,u ili here has r es igned his memJike wise.--J h? ug h . " t , thyme on quently. ni o Minced fre baste and will he a.nd . , ds e e n . he frmt canned what bership." so. I am seldom mist:i;lten m ; and parsley may be added to the gra vy. 1e th ong " I am s o glad!" Enid cr ie d. "I must then know just what he has got, and feel . u have a pa s i n for gm g character. FRUIT CAKE.-Eig h t cups of flour, six t it has buy h when · s o th it . d J using in o better e 1111 . come and kiss you.-Fred, come and hold i ) e t PP0 . . from the factory. OI cour se _the former h (,r t r , I cnps sugar, i.hree cupi; butter, two 'baby fo1· a. m om en t." . f r e ma proo a d er. 0 ex:ac Y· J. milk (clabber preferred), twelve egs, f ou r " No, indeed"-with affected honor. "I should not expect to c ompee with the f ac- · ·,i · · teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, t wo teasp oon should drop him down and break him or tories, and try to market hrn canned goods, 1ne11.Cc: f nls soda, two pounds s eeded raisins, two a ver carry him upside dou' or some aful unless it is clon e on a very extensive scale, What She Married For. . · . what . s , of currants, ha.If pound thinly sliced citron, !mt i t i s only a simpe matter o put up " J trag edy. " . nd hu s band , to w e . r e you a i flour the raisins to pr ev ent them from a . Alrns if · Seco .e 0 yo " You are not fit to b e the fat' er of a 1S needed of the d1fierent fruits and vege t Y u ei u r rst !l d, e d n m 8:8 ? ;v when f on Flavor with cloves, al!spice, einna, beaui ful boy ; and e v ery body says he is the ab!e tor family eonsumpion. And , Yes, mdeed ' and, if you 1 tling. r· Vife J· . t, mon, ginger and ma ce to smt· the taste ; this is done, the .farm er w1Il have he; a- dea ! ve ry unage of you." ., Ml JUSt be fond would d owe Ol I e to n, e r o . ! , it. IS 1Il we t wh e t b ak e ±our hours. Mi x s ugar and b utter "I WS co nsider ed a good-l ook ing man yantage of se;lc rn_g the f r?it of my thrd. I m no, a woman to marry ! beat it to light cream, th en add milk and Newspaper Advortising DureHu, ortce," said Maxwell with resignation. "No its best condition !or cannrng, which. is _not for anythm g but lo ve. . , hen the sp i ces, and lMtly the I yol:Cs of eggs 10 Spruce St., New York. j ma.tter. But if that s mall anima.l there is a always the ease with factory goods. Besides wlutes and fruits. :LOci. ioi> lOC>-P.,e Pamphlet. bit like m e, may l'-· Se:o.d THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 18 PUBLISHED 1\£, A.JAMES, BY ORDER OF THE LEAGUE. I this, when they are put up at home the best varieties ca.u be selected, and absolute cleanlienss assured. HOUSEHOLD. MUSIC .. T GRAIN!, Jno. { . l 1 1 ' " McMury & Co. : STANDARD BANK : ' I I . , LADIES, MILLINERY : MRS. DONNELY'S t L 1 ' L A P property · BELL" I I ' ORGANS Guelph, Ont. I air I f Office. Seventy ' I ) I , BELL & CO t DENTISTRY .. .... ,/,J. ....b ,! , and I _ I UNDERTAKIN"C L EV 1 MORRIS. {< 1. M. BR I MA 0 0 M BE ? ?- palaodhic I , 1 , Yo U g y M 0N E , , m 17i:S D U N N'"' s· IN BAK I P HE 0 "QK' IDC'll:'!'T T C t 1 Cg1A_Ygustf1:. tlt enter· l I , l · S · , contment 'j I _ over w l 1 . l l ." I ! :J. , , , I , , :g;;! ;0i:;;, e. ! orm11 C asses D _ f, l At!l en . t'ion .: : e health-givmg m l l I ' I l j ! Y, , I 1. l I e j ! Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , ).i I ADVERT I SERS Call l earn tl exact COSt cups of any prososed hne of t· d n 1s1ng In A set- papers bY ddfCSSing 11 1r Co p R ! and Geo. j I J

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