could be fiatcer or more disappointing. f TJ:ie Disooverer of Speotacles. you take them . so, I do not doubt you will . Few er inventions have conferred a. eater come. awa¥ . obiurgatmg me by I your dotha hich St Lawrence' and " raised " (as we sav be - a.nd sketches hung upon the walls ; light mesttc deities. The steamer sticks to one bleBBing - ,_ . on the . . race than . human ' ' . A Graph. 10 Descnptton of the Natural For- yond the - 1mposs1 "ble to er of the two mam · · ch ann_e1s, which ass1s,,,, 1mpa.1red v1s10n. It 1s Atlantic ) on the biggest and ), ng- and graceful summer-le furmture WEDNESD A.Y, AUGUST 3, 1887. fi lled up or oth . mation and Scenery of the est of the Thousand Islands. Hence, a·1me- the rooms ; but otherwise all vas the clean are wide and deep, and co!11parat1vly un :n - say how many there at the present day thing o the laour of childhood surrounds wooden fraewor.k, and d e Famous Resort. li ghtfu lly c ool cumered ?Y rock s and _1sla!1ds ; it avoids whose liv es would be almost valu eless were it not for the of spectacles. Indeed, Dr. the region sttll m my eyes : sweeter owers and ap ropriate 1t looked . Further to th tmy mmor r,ea.che, rich 1i; endl ess . sur- Jo " Th h -0 -bird has now laid its e s e u 1 nson rightly expressed his surprise that . d b l w there than. a.nywhere else on this pro- carry out the sur;nmer effects of the whole, prises and varymg vistas wh1ch onat1tute such a benefactor as the discoverer ol spec m the nesfY he veranda ,, our fri " f saIC - planet ; bigger fish lurk among the the three reception-rooms on the ground- the real charms and beauty of this fan tas wrote us from G ananoque ,: come soon 1 . . . . . "th -mVETERINARY SURGEON. . . tt b _ etween the hoRey - floor, mstea d of bemg " ke reg10n. No, n.o 1 to see the tac1es ahouId have been regarded w1 . alous1y parht10ned J 1c , tt th m Ad MiBB crevices, bluer .b1r?s fl' ou a suck ls , a.nq hveher sqttrrels gambol upon off fro1!1 one anothei: with the stereotyyed islands properly, you must hve on one of difference and found no worth bio ra. h er d s m nk which eats almost h' ' t he hckory trees, thn m any other corner forrr.ah ty of urban hfe, were thrown !°to them for severa l days at le t, and row up to celebrate his ingenuity. u!fort!nakly from h er and y the big tree. I m sure of this 6blate spheroid. I see th e orimge one by broad archways , where fol d mg- and down among the lost Bide - channel s and however' his name is a matter of m uch un '. " a your 00Y wou!.d r t h e e a k t av 1 1 0 : :. 1 lilies and the lady's-slippers still, b y the doors might have been, but were not, so tanled back-waters, exploring the petty erta" g a t".fu1 poster" ty , 1 tY ; am1 ' h e l? · b : h p 1 - g t e 1 e · reflected liht of ten -y a.r - old memories. givin an air of r o!Iliness and freed?m to bays and inlets, and occasionally !?sin : J> h:! 0 !: :.! d be1h i:d : he It er i whic s c hl r:i.der will perhaps do well di:awmg - i:oom, dmmg-!oom, and lbrary way altogether among the enless mtncacies . You must make haste or So the o n'.tious i desn 't . last luu g ' · , But it may be noted th'\t popular ' to take a liberal discount of t went y per cent. ahke, which was especially grateful m hot of that maze of water. But if you can not merited. . yo w i ll be too a e fo t , in f a:v orof mon h as l ong u:o pronounced . le cIiaI et a.t G na - off lb ta l t r e k n ew the . all . my ad j ectiv-es, to sub m it my eulo- Canadian noon- ti des. With doors and win- afford the t ime to see them thus, you should 8°P hospi n pma , a F lorentme mon k, as the righ tfu l g1btic verbs to 11 strict a ..,, " de .open, and r<!ses and honey- at Ieast spend a day or tw at Clay to or 1· valorem d rawback , dows flung "'.L . u0 f old . nd even if our friend 's so. _ claimant althouqh some are in favor of Rog, and to acept the ream.d er ai;i pr obably sckles peepmg m from th e richly testo?ned Ga n oque , and take the i h. d n . und trip on er Bacon'. Monsieur S oon, in his " Re. ot b en en ough of itself to entice representmg au unpreJud1ced view of the pillars of the veranda, c an one 1mag1ne a the little excursion-steamer, Island Wan. f ' , b u s whic h 1.t a m p1 y was) th added del" h t s ig . es Cuneuses d ' n iqmte ' , fixe8 th ic he e . ' situation. I am no t, 1 will admit, ,s nes t more delightful spot in which to spend a derer," which threads its way in and out I sea of a hu m m mg -b ir d. , a tam . e ch1pmunk , , 1 da.te of invention of spectacles between t e · ess 1 d l . OU c . summer I OU th . h tlie l o v e lt ' e s t wi " ndi " ngs of the l a nd A PATRIOTIC CANADIAN all;d tbe I udian pipe PI ant m f u11 fio wer years 1 280 and 1311 ' and says tha.t Alex. . ? For to complete the charm a veranda ran locke8 river. m1ght surely have sufficed to move the heart -m so smal a community, patriotism runs ' ander de Spina, h ving seen a pair made by . ' broa - -:. '" rou nd the h onse below, w1 "th ] sha de c · · of parents . I don't go m f tlie s tomea o p · I per1 .1 1 b 1 t o s u m near s , y o o i t r vtnc1a .11. Home oth er person w ho was unw1 mg to -;- u . " """" -= · - ""' - , . . myself, for bemg what you may call stony ; must allow warm corner still exists and comfortable rocking -chairs' and creep communi cat e the secret of their construc tion ---Death by Prempitation. . pos ts ar0un d maki "n g ' · um on th e cont rary, wh er e th e 3 · or branc les l · m · my Iieart for th e roek s and reac i es of ers c 1am bere d up the r 1 I . . . ordered a pair for h" im se f, and found them . "t w ere , rust' a 1 IC ·f ame f0r the exqui81 e Death bY p_recip itat" es are co n cerned , I ackno led gc myself but as the Thousand Islands. . 1011 18 one 0f the ld ns efu that he cheerfully and promptely . t Copege, picture of nver and island th«.t lay beyond. m?des of capital pumsh Graduate or the Ontario Veteri!"ary t ment.. ! prev:ailed made clay in the h ands of the potter · so the very The . " Princess down Louise t h e " steams y r a m r e . e V invention public. According to an the Register d mem):ler of the . Outano next .day saw us sa.fely p1wked n board the Canadian Channel-one of the two chief Up ta.ire , each be droom opens out ont-0 a w id ely over the . i;arth m _pnm1t1ve times. Ita li an antiqu ary, th e person to whom Spin e Medical Association. a. . ,, . . c o nt m u ons balcony, formed roof of by " the raditions Traces and t of 1t are found here " Prmcess J_,omse " m iree navigable cu rren ts-pas t W olfe IsIand -office and Res"i ri ver- ste amer, tI dence Newtonv11le Ont. · formahon was Sa1vi-. . . was indebted .for b is · . · ous souI · boy I od w th tb e the veranda, and runnmg round th e who1e and there m d""" r !lle r en t oountries, and m 1 o1 n d a11 gog to d ash th roug1 where I spe t a rust1 day and;Satm· e uesday T y r e v e 1318 o Orono d" P visit d h te th no, ' an a Will w o I d h e quo s e year a 1 1 1 0 lO 1 c a. N c t. We can P.asily untlerstand Ill ' , p m at th1c k an d th m on the hetw1u g bosom of the raccoons an d t ie sun if sh and on through h let , Swiss or orwegian fashion, with a alities far apar Office hOUl'B from 10 a. m., l to "' ' · ve broad St, Lawrence b . rec 'e lithe how this should be so, for in ancient times from a manu script in his pos session an epi '1 " th "\voo d - work balustrade, overgrown with endl f'SS groups of other wooded 1s · 1ets, wi . Coulters' Hot el Calls by Te egrap . 1 t a ph which re c or d s t h e ci r cumst mce 1 to 1 ' ive cI" f nat" i mbera . Th e view from i mril ediate nttention. Y-08 anc villages were a most e:x:c1usive Y ' ce did h eave .A nd the broad St. Lawren . the balcony was even finer than that from built upon elevated rocks and heights, for " Here lies Salvino Armoto d' Arma ti, o CHA RGES MODERATE . u" that J 111Y eve.m g no m istake ab0ut it A t1 ' ll after . couple 0f hours ab ard two . ' · : a 0 the platform of rock on which the house the sake of security. The nucleus of the Florence, the inventor of spectacles. Ma.y fresh west wmd was bl?wmg ovr th e la e , The year 1318, " sto od . it opened up yet wider vistas of the town was usu ally a large isolated rock such God pardon his sms. ad the spra.y was diishmg up with sea li ke en tr nce to the lutle harbor, announc. our I 'and river gave a broader prospect I over l the · p k t th f th th ar eno as ie roe e e n at Athes ' violence as we steamed away from the approach to Gana.noque. . . . . · A " creek or I blue ' . ' of hills of the dtm American shore be- rock of the Palatme - k"1 at Rome. the roek wood en w h ar ves of I . >..mgston, h ead" ( pronounce 1 t " enc mg dow n- mmor river ,. A Fortunate .Escape. · r you d o n · on w y ·t th C h t t N" d th e a eau a. tee, an e r oek 0f z 1 8tream for - the -" ·s I 1 t0 be thoroughlY transatia.n t" ) he1·e '"rench po et \ "a s once visit" La.martme w ' I have been tbus particular in describing Jerusalem . Precipitation the Jews among 'l'HE 'rI IoUSAND ISLANDS "th th e great St Lawrenoe' and i oms issue w1 Pumps Oh eapar an d B etter . the house at M oss bank, because it may be was one form of stoning, which was the re ed by a depu tation of " Vesuviennes," furiw "t s way m . du1 ges m som e loc"'l . . ous femal e Rupublic1 ns of the petroleuse Lak e 0ntar10, wh en 1 -t chooses, c an get up a 1 of course on i than ever. ak en as cogmzed 1ega1 pumshment for blasph emy. type. The captain was the spokeswoman . very decent storm indeed : quite as fine a waterfalls 1once pretty but now mad e to do t A FIR SAMPLE ,, Indeed " stoning," as the Mishna informs duty, ala; with Ameican utilatarianism , had . . storm aa any to be seen upon the German i in . s, was rega.rded as merely a term for break- She told him that the " Vesuviennes 'IIs w h"ch are The Subscriber having built a larg e nell s m u th t urnmg e s aw - mi . the of the d el icious httle summer cotta e lit ' t " m how 1 much h c him. o e . y m e l " ove to d tell 0cean, w1th huge four-masters from C h" we.go f I ' . nee s k It d imperprt e cu ma e h 1 "t t was mg Americans and Canadians ounge · sh" d' 1re f th flouri mg 8mall village which Pump F ctory in Orono, ls prepared " There are fifty of us here," she added, stra.nding helplessly on the reels aud spits ; e .b e . . w ·way the sultry months of the transatlantic ative that " the house of stoning, " as the " and our mission is, in the name of a11 the - " - tself- C·na' G WIln t descr1 l noe ? a.is_o ananoque 1 and even t1ie nver can run se!l's h" igh m _i "ts I -to furnish, 1 f h" h 1 r p e a ac e . l t d rom s cas i m c own t . se a s u o r n h o t es s, i O l i o t m a s ndeed , who combines w others, to kiss you. " This announcement broader reaches among the wide expa11s1011 d ian villages are best eft to the imagina- the artist's two storeys eye with the poet's had been was called, should be at least wn o f the ch ritable re der . I w ill only made the poet shudder. Th e captain of the known as th e Lake of the Thousand ]elands. t' . high e h t f e i was h c it the and of y duty "; i y p l p p r a a h li u c choic:, her of a site e n '1 sl "t8 n a ira 't uat" ion is b solutely cranf! was tolerably good-looking, but the Now, G ananoque is th e pretty metropolis of say th ?' t 1 imin l with his "' a. With o r without Porcelain Oylinder, c. · the Thousand I s1an d d1s loo k " as · Mossbank stood on by far the prettie st witness to percipitate the cr l charmmg an d 1ts bay and 0ut ' others were a horrible-look ing, half-drunken · tnc - t on thc Cana . ' own e an was h d If h t k ll d t b once o 1 e . " beautiful as they mak e them." The " r n Y and half- cra.zy set of viragoes. He was equ . d e, as Al xaudna Bay and a -.. th<:> Best Materis.l, on the sh ortest notk d1an si !ayt:on "al I hundred and ninety-two fairy -like islands ; the fall, t e second w1tess hi:"d to ca:st a to emergen cy. Citi zens, " said he, the I are on th 1\nncan sb re ; and the Prm- , cess Louise " drew up at he rough log and at the !owest prices. n on survive?, till stone h? if bead and s ! u ; .v e h t all t s o lm a but visited we p cottages ere _ ch wharf, choked with immense iles of white tha k you from the bottom of my heart. es Lou s e lB the htle steamer whi I pi ct resque n d approp iate to their the hole to people ether om wer to I r " use supplie(. and I " n 'n. r lumbe , as the American I Oistern Tubs a.nd Pumps ? Ill This is certainly the happiest day of my life; i plies dail.y between Kmgston and Gana- p ine planks situation, though none other, perhaps , was puttmg an . end to. un _ with a ower of but permit me to say that splendid patriots oq1;1e durwg the s1mn?er .eason, when the l nguage gracefully phrases it : and even as T an stones: p m e r costituted 0 1 t a t 1 ills in graceful p so quite or ign, s e d its dainty so tiny hostwe reached the quay we saw our lik e you cannot be treated like women. You ice Is up and navtgat10n is open. But I in its a1ipointments ns the one in which we essei;itia.l and humane feature 1D the act of must be regarded as men WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED . have n i _ ; and, since men always found European ideas as to the ess i her row boat, already pull ng round I . an stonm as regard Botl1 must we m.o?es ar h fortunate were our tix to h g u ou dq n a e e tus. meet ra to g a retreat her L ite bluff from . do not kiss one another, we must content geograp hy of C anada so v ry v that I . exceedmgly natmost the , m o z ust c ve p;1m1t1 e rs e such of ens cottages Do ! th stud captain, now the with arrangement e t a v i pr By 9:gu? e begmnmg ourselves with a hearty h and-shaking." The _ s hall ma:lrn n o apoloy for my l prettiest parts of the various channels, and . ural methd m which a rud p_cople would ladies considered themselves highly com story with some shght . acount - of th e indeed-so sweetly simple and domestic h c.t deserved engineer it is locally fashionable to run them down , wrek their vengeance, or . mf life countries-the new ese th in plimented. " Vive Lamartine !" th ey shont Thousnd Islands and their imm edi ate sur " scooted," or blew, his whistle three times ' as disfiguring and moderni zing a beautiful . P!JillBment. It was of .a piece with the pre- e d and each grasped his hand. When they TO GIVE SATISF.A OTION. roun dmgs. , . or my own historic custom of castmg stone.a upon the were F 1 as he passed the lighthouse whenever he piece of rustic wild scenery. gone, he looked like a man wh had Just at the po1i;it where the huge St. . Law- , were dead and so he buried, where ce le t. p art, though I have known the I sl and s in- p a a f bo,.rd had on our d n ch for e i s r visitors . ust escaped from a deadly peril. Ordersby Mail promptly attended to. rence emerges lazil:y: from Lake _Ontario-or The moment the " scoot ,, is heard on the timately from childhood upward, and c!>.n p1lmg up a cairn there. where Lake ntano narrow? mto the St. out their boat at I remember them when their only inh abitan ts Lawi :ence, wluchever you will-the heel of ! cliff the chalet folks put One Cent. .POOR S, SASH, BLIND S, PIOKETS, the r1v er c_rosses a tran sverse rang of low ! once, and row round to the landingplace to were m inks and musquash, and their staple Pat's Answer· . take up their visitors without delay on ar- products blueberries and wildflowers , I do It is almost impossible to attach any im . , . gramte hills, whose bare sum mits h ave , MOULDINGS, &c. , kept on hand . · not think the quaint little cottages and the Trip an Irishman , and he will fall on his portance to one cent ; but, at the same been ground into domeshaped . bossc ( or 1 n 1 he will j ump over time, it is a very impo1·tant coin at times. disembarked from the " Princess wooden bungalows are anything other (in 1 feet; corner him ! roches moutonnees, as the say m S witzermost casP.s) than improvements t o the dis- 1 your head; quest10n h im UJ?On a subJect of It will take a circular to British Columbia, land! by the ei;rmons !ce-sbeets of . tl:e Louise " and took our seats in the chalet r Our hos tes s pulled ; politeness trict. And I am rather a Puritan, too, in ich h e is i gnoran , and hts aswer, though and it will make you madder than a hatter Glacial epoch. Ihc ra?-Ite of t_he ham IS ow-bat. this matter of w ildness . I h ate the in tru- it is n ot a reply, vi:1ll enablfl hm to retreat and a Ma1ch hare combined, when you o very har? and pure ; it 18 qua rried m la!ge c ompelled me to offer myself as an unwor- sive foot of civilization. But civilization, a.a w th his flag y_mg. An Irishman ,_ who to pay your fare on a hor se - car and find she firmly de- i !'lasses, mdecd, f or monumental and bmld- thy substitute, but, when _ ren der the sculls I felt a secret , it shows itself am ong the Th usan d Islands , wished for a p o 1t1on as letter-earner m _oe that you have but four cen t s and a ten · mg purposes, amng these very J sla: m ls ; cliued to sur though it's one i is not intrusive ; it rather heightens than j of or large cities, wnt efore the C1v1l dollar bill. Then will the wanting cent or f twinge satisfaction, of and so the great nver, nab!e to cut 1ts_elf By . Servie Boardor exai_nmat10n. He appeared, seem colos sal . Especially whPn you see the to detracts from the total impression. as profound ".' channel as 1 mght otherwise thing to pilot a dingey from Oxford VETERINARY SURGE ON, c arele ss air? as one about to go c on ductor fold your ten - d ol l ar bill and stow ther thing to I them se ves, the islands tend toward same we armg have one m a. mo·c y1eldmg rock, has Sanford Lasher, it's quite ano pull a heavy hen-coop against the big w aves ' ness ; a graceful chalet, a light w ooden toy thrc1ugh a :nere fo_rma.lity. it carefully in his vest pocket, a nd then be spread itself out m wide poole over a bro d " What 1s the dis tance, Mr: Mahoney, be- gin to deal you out a lot of ch an ge that looks of the full St. Lawrence on a win dy evening. farm-house, a white, gleaming lighthouse, and shallow bed, only deep enough for j udiciously planted Jn a jutting height and tweeu Toronto and Constantmople ?" ask ed as though it bad been in circula tion since CANADIAN LADIES navigation by river-steamers in two or three well embowered in spruce- fir a nd m;ples the Chairman . the revoluntionary war. One cent is very well-recognized currents. he main line of think othing of a mile or tw6 of ro:ov ing, or , give individuality and distinctiveness to th " '\Vat's the distance between Toronto and small when you present it to an organ the Grand Trunk Railway in fact, between of a' sti ll breeze ; and modesty recgmzed the picture and supply the land sc P ape with that haithen city?" said at, "Well, sor, if grinder's monk ey , but w h e n it is a dded to Kingston and M on treal, tra.vrses this same palpable fact tha t the scu ls were m far more , what it' otherwise sadly Jacks-poin ts de re - that'.s t? be my route, I withdraw my the rate of interest you receive on a stock , . low, gramte range, and exh1b1ts very clearly competent hands. Practic e makes perfect, I pere- in the a ze tangled m of wood and apphc tton. " . it possesses a stern magnifi cent grandeur the conditipns precedent for the produ c - however ; an d a fe w weeks in C nada son 1 water. EYery view ie n.ll the better for an of Pat's countrym en, ha ing served chat carries you away like a strai n of mu tion of so strango and I bought bak me the .Q.ld knack of rowmg I occ sional landmark ; the wildest nature is nOne the J?lifax navy -yard in a st:bo:d - sic. I with tbolepms .msead . of rowlocks, though I somewhat improved by a stray token of , mate posit10n, asked to be promoed, hlPtmg TIEAU'l 'IFUL A PR.F.NOME:l'ON I to the l_ast h e mstm t1ve tendency to drop ' that he would not obj. ect to gomg to sea, , .A. f> VI SE TO MO'l'HllRS.-Ar e you disas the Thousand Islan d s . , . a i; ge c on - , the wnst m t he v 1>1n e ffor to fe I I man s occupancy and the possibility of inter I if _he i t atb er- 1 he could be assured of a good b e r th on a t b d sists of nu?'l erous crouchrng, we-.worn fea thering of course, is impossible wit_h the j course with the m ass of humanity' ! m·. e t n ght and b roken of your rest man-of-war. He, too, was invited to appear . . mounds or h illocks, slmpecl exactly li ke a pin s-pe rsist ed alwa.ys, much to my LIFE PON THE WTl'lR ' th · by_ a sic c l and crymg w1 -id discom. suffermg before the Examining Board. p ig's back -o r, t? be more res:eeo tful, le us fiture. Among the islans one _ lives upon he j " Mr. Mulhone, ":asked the Chairman, "if pam of Cu ttmg ,re e th I f so e n d .t say_ a eleph a nt s , or a . bask rng whale s - i The ch"'let, whither we were bound, water. By certa.m tacit un 1 erstandmg you were in Ill.?.: th e China Sea, and the ship once a_nd ge t a bttl e o f Mrs W msl w s Honorary Graduate of the On tario eterin ary while m bet wee1 them l ie d A ep gi;:oo ve s, or s e. ds a Jitle removed fr,,_m G arnmo_qu e betweo the _i s lan ders, every re stdent as a . under full so.ii wa s go ing ten k n o ts an h o u r, oo th m g Y':"Up . For chilcl re ri . t ee t h n g , . College, Toronto. Regi stere d mem ber of the lleys eqnally ice - w?rn, all i;:unnmg parl- m wild grounds all of its own, raised ecog 1zed right to. explore e very other rs ;l ue 19 mca lculable. It will relieve man should fall overboard, w hat would its v· Onumo Veterin,ary Association, in acc or d ance lei and sc:atch ed a. lik e, as is ne cessarily high a mong the woods on top of a sheer tdent 0 petty domam. No obtrusi ve notrne I and a _ , . you d o ?" Dethe poor l ittle sufferer immediately. with the Veterm ry Act. the case with the g;- oo vea clne to the down - cliff beneath who s e fro wn ing crags we row - boards flaunt before the mnocen t face of . Is prepare d to treat all d10ee.scs Pro mptly came the answer without the pen d apon it, mothers . there is no of the Doro· war . d move ment c f a sm 1e ' r ecl mto ' · le great. glac! ven tho nt" ' a. I · social and wholly unc a.lleda ittle bay or h aven, p ro tect! l Cl bY a he· estlo Animals, accord i n g to the l ates t theories. 1· ' ou Mulhones mi stake a bout it. shadow of perplexity appearmg I · It cures Dysentery All calls peaonal ly by Tele"'raph or ele we-sheet. Now, the <tvcrage w idth of th e b old 0 aranite headland from the sea, that for mformat10n th at trespiissers will be pro- fa ce "If I wa s in the C hin a Seas under th e ornpt e.ttent! on , phone w1 · u rcoe1ve · pr' · Yer. 'Ihore ' au d D" 1ar r h ooa, re , g u late s the Stomach and St. L awrence under norm · 1 cu· cumstances, rolle d hi gh upon th e open rt seented w1 ' 'th the ntmost ri - go r of tl10 1a " On we wo.i.·.i.·roEJ-¥aln St. , Orono, one door north or when t isn'. t tryi ng, Ya.kee fashion, to do a pulled up besid e th e :floating wo oden land- the contrry, the usual fo mula p inted on circum stances ye n ame and a man should B e1s c r w· d C or s ft 8 the · Henry 8 Ht ore . o n · fall overboard I thinl l'd write to h i s 0w , u es . big thmg, is about a mile or a uule and a ing · st a « e and disemharke d on the e Gums, reduces In amma?· 10 , l an gives g round th n ea t little plac ar d beside th e tmy land- friends that h e was drowned " CHARGES MODERATE, h a!. Jut when it ncontrs this belt of of M o:, 'lban k. (The real name was not ing- stages as um es the tativ to the_ w 0 e s y tem . energ ne and r , _ . a.nc1ent ice - wo rn gne1s, with its accomp Mossbn nk ]Jut o methin <> very much pret- ; the 11nperat1ve mood : Parties landmg on Mr. Wmslow s. So othrn Syrup for s g ing d ale s, it sprco.ds itself ou t iz;to a sor of tier and or e approp r ia.t e, only my friend 's ! this isl.and are requested to a sta in from children teething is_ pleasant to the tas t e Re Knew What to .Expect, , encumbered l ake some ten ?r fif'.een m_1les sole mn adj urations have bound me down by f amagmg te fems and flo .vers. The fact " is the p resCl·1pt1on of one of the old. r. d ,,, questi . one?, and wide , filling up the grooves and mte rst10es invi ol abl e pro mi e not to reveal either it s ) 19 , al l the rnla.nders are there u.s summe r S? YfU are to be ma, st b t y an d es femal e ph ysic i ans and nurses e a e s ve een the rounded humps, but l eaving local habi tation or its name too openly to vis itors only ; possesses but a tiny I cy mca youn g l . I betw 0 i n b United ·S tates ' and is for sale by the in . n 6?, X 1 , , or · · f 1' the 1g " h e m ou n da. h1 "llock s tl1emac ·lves the profane, vulgar, or even, b ic an an ge ! 0b, is ow, often b eaut"f 1 u11Y var1d , I ' 0. course you t unk her " h is qmte , rea1 m of h" _ _ tive no ' I have four sisters 1, , . na all d r ugg is ts throuF(h the world. Price 1shnd s mtersected by endless ano ther ma.tter, to the c andid read er, of ; ):mt as. my _ always r .eadily exhausted of tts . 25 ce nt s a bot tle . Be sure a.iid ask for mimatnre channels. The name Thousa,nd this p esent magazme. } I forget how m any m terest ; and the whole chn.rm of the spot Islands is by no m e a.ns due to characteristic ste ps partly woo den and par tly cut into would evaporate entirely if proprietors in" MRS WI N w's So T.HING SYRUI' ' " A Noble Moke. o American exa.ggeration ; the offi cial survey, the sJ id granite of the headland, led up the i sisted with ungr11;ined British churlishnes and take no 0 ier k" md 0 h i T . " I s all g ve the vacant histle to Lord made for the I face of t he perpendicular cliff from the wat- upon thell" legal n gh t _to slut th emselves m I X. , " said r_,ord Melbourne once, mentioning a '.rltl!:A'.IY OF GHENT er' s edge to . the c ha.let_ pl aform. I was from l an d less h nmmty with the eff;ctual certain no ble lord celebrated for his stupidto $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE _ I . gives the n umber a s si Lines not under, the horse'sfeet. Write x teen hundred nd told at th; t1me -somethmg hke one hu?-d - I protest of a high brick wall. Accordmg) y, itv. " If you do, " replied Lord .P almerston, BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDER ninety-two, and they ex t end orty miles red and nm ety, I fancy ; but the beautiful , eeybdy always htuds fre ely no _man " Co.. Holl, Mich. " he will eat it ! , ' s p nv e down the river from Kigston to Brc kvile, ' picture of that calm. bay, nd the h g!ng muenng , upo n evefy_bod y efae W I L L CURE OR R E L I EVE in a p e pe tu u,l success10n of beautiful pm- woods, and the ma1den - hair fem spnngmg island '. and the dy IB m sly pas.sed m DIZZI NESS, BILIOUSNESS, tures. I in wild luxuriance from the cleft s of th e · wanderm g ( aflor t) in a dehc10us, aunless, 1f the Commander-in-Chief gives p erDROPSY DYSPEPSIA If the islands and islets still remained 1 rock, and the bearberry clambering over he I istless fa.shion down _ tiny channel between mission, a team of th e Broughty Ferry ArFLUTIE ING I N D IGESTIO , When Baby wa.a sick, we gave her C1111t.ona, merely in their original condition, as round- : ice-worn bosses, and the wild sarsapanlla ' 1set and islet, stopp !-Ilg here t.o pick a rare tillery Volunteers will take part in the g u n OF THE H EARf1 J A U N DICE, ed, dome - shaped knolls, clad with pine and 1 r..ising its green b erri es on its 1l d-fi o wer from a chff on t_he si de, an.d hl t · com petition a.t Que bec, in September next, When she """" n. Child, s he cried for Cnst.oria, ACIDITY OF ERYSIPELAS maple and Virgi11in- creeper, i·ising hump- 1 stalk and all the thousand rind one exqu1s1te mg th ere to explore a.i;id chm som Juttmg -\ h When she became Miss, she clnng to Castoria, Medical Professor V at would you do THE STOMACH, like in slow slopes from the water's edge, : details of frond and foliage, and fruit ud \ rock wh ose peak _proIses a wder view over - sALT RHEU , in case you h appene d to discover that there Wheu sbo b.-d Childreu, she gavo them Castoria, H E ARTBURN ' DRYNESS they would still be extremely romantic and ' flower, distracted my attention from arith- all the surround m g It.tie arclnpelagoes. was still life in a body that you were disAN ID:t:AL LIFE. OF THE SKI N, picture811ue. But they are far more than ' meti c al facts, grad ational or oherwise, and HEADACHE, -If the life was very secting ? Student ] 'ew modes of life could be more graceful till sir I sh ould proceed . .And every species of disease a.rising this. The ceaseless action of the river at left me ouly eyes and mnd f or th e .from disorde:red LIVER, K mNEYS, their sides, aided by the disintegrating beautiful scene that unrolled itself slowly, I or humanizing than sum mer life in these = -:: · = = ·= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :::!. STOMA CH, BO WE LS OR BLOOD. = I frosts of w inter , and the pressure of the ice- step by step, befor e me. d el ic10us archipelagoes. Here and there, " breaks ack s when the lak e up" in early 1 At the summit, on a rounded, rock y pla - ' to be sure, as at Thousand Island Park, a ( T. MILBURN & co., Proprl ;iimo. p spring (exactly as if it were an academy for t eau of bare granite, overgrown in places l whole big island has been bought up by ,...- young gentlemen in th e Easter boliday8), by clambering shrnbs and trail ing specul tors (oddly mixed in the making h as cut many of their edges into steep little · creepers, the chalet itself fronted tle Sunet with camp- meetings and other revivalist Q cliffs, fantastically weath<;red, as granite : Islands, and looked down from its religio s gatherings) , and laid out as a sort almost always weathers, into beautiful perch upon the intricate maze of of exclusive Bedford Park, wh ere none but broken crags and pinnacles. Thus th e cliffs : RUSSE'!' J..AND A N D Ft:RI'Lll WATJ rn. approved members of a particular sect may I · ' often spri n g sheer from the surface of th e . . 1 take a cottage. One such little village is ' . , water, worn by rain and frost into quaint, I To th right. lay he hgnthouss a:nd foe is- 1 exclu sively Methodist, while another is To buy Foot Gear for Men, Wo m en, j uttin g s}mp es, and w i th rare ferns and ands m _their neighborhood ; m frn t, wholl y given o ver to Congregationflowers and creepers hanging out here and JSlet behrn d anoth er sto_od m as se d Ill vi ew , al ism. But in most parts of t h e group --AND -· Boys and Maidena, at there from their creviced u ooks. The sum - backed up by the low hill? of th New York , (and it m ust be remembered that the isl.,nds mi ts remai n for the m o st part smooth and s hor ; to tc left,_ the h i gh c iff c l · e.d. lll ! co Yer , roughly sp ea. k ing, an area of f rty polished b y the old ice -e.c t ion ; and the c on - the s_1ght, with a srngle ro cky rnlan.d r1sng I miles by ten or fi fteen ) house occ upies i tras t be t ween their bald , i·ound surfaces, '.u l n prospect, and the river stretchng a lit tle insular kingdom of its own, where ! almost gray with age iind lichens , and the ilhm;itably on":ard , bre n . by e dlE ss tmy ! the boys and girls can swim, and fish, and , I jagged and ruddy outline of the more recent 1' archipelag:oes, I te dnectwu o the Cornlay , and fiirt, un molested ; where the IS n ow opened, and we invite everybody to call arc '::-11mine our stock. fractmes, mak es an ex tremely bold and 1 wI Rapids. F?r he chalet i tself, h_ow f' p seniors can l ie in hammocks under effective element in the total picture. The shall I fi tly describe it? A ore and ruminate on politics, philosophy, and islets are als o of eve ry imaginable sht·pe, sum.me1 : -house w_a s never devised f_ nr human the te nder affection s : where callers can ar , . -s ome of th em big hab t tat1 0n . B e mg mean t siz e, and p-rouping b e es pie d from afar as they appro ach th e \ enough to hold tw o o r three farms, and use alone, warm ti and _ snugness were left , shore ; and wherehospitality on af, imple sca l e cons ideration ; all _ the stress I ' others' of thtim i ising solittiry from mid- whollr 00 an is as unir ers al as It is unex il>Ctmg . m h e lso, ! s tream , crowned by a single waving stem was lai u pon co olnss ad breezmess _ a that big bl ack base and muskallouge August. Inside ; still l u k am<'ng the crac ks ;i,nd crannies ! of C>madian cechtr. Here is onA, for example, sweltermg h e t of Canadian e fpu lously . of of the I a mere pinnacle of mould erin g rock ; and out, the cal t w as .1scru su bmerge d granite, and that on O rditr thJ.· Stana p ng wHI l"CCCi ve stl!·ict b attention, and ' i t c n a. ive many islands and here is another, a craggy little island , wo?d , oodcn ;_ it was bm you can sit on the j utting e nd h b , ck ot yet co vere d with endl e s s varie ty of timber white pme, poli shed sides , one t m --- of a tiny pr omont r y and drop your line · eD.'D !il ]6:Cl> 11 t 0 C h @OSC J wh oso drooping foliage hangs over th i li:c 8s of hoa:ds 01'.ly , .r ail Jrll e"\\V.eS 11 JJ:ll t "Olll _ and all t)i e c onst rue- for th m, plu mp f rom the sho re, into Oar New Stock h as ar.t'ived and com - bank and reflects itself placidly in the sil- 1 f,101;1·11 cltr:1l s w 1tm a11d w 1th ut were . twenty feet of clear green water. l ' w ay lil 1 e y e a "ear for " ' 1drens ' - plam y v1sib e to tne nak cd " es and Ch1 1ng patt erns for Lad1 ...'h us cJus ter aftor· o 1 u s Tbe GJ ove' prises s o methm« neat and prett y fo r I very m1r101· lJeJow. " now NOT TO DO IT. . " . thttt would I11n"(, d e l" 1g hte d tl1e l 0nest sou1s t·ses befor e one's eyes' all Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men ter p·'" ls ish tou ri sts . sp 1 ing an d su mme r styles, a comp1 ete stoc1r, n rng, no senamg, Our words to the Brit . ·11. o wa1 "t' · of Scott anc1 "Fei·ousson. The inner wal and Boys, and Boots tluit R Boots for l'All W-LL KE , r.RE·;N, AND J\OMANTIC, showed the poli shcl (like a good r who, sirred by my natural and indigeno us evei·y member of the hons ehold. U t Ch oose yout " te l'll and take it home with y ou. ' P ai bt1t all as infinitely varied in shape and c on - church-roof) thn.t supported the single la- cnthu 1s, may p erlrn.p contemplate som e , tour a.s in tricate i.n term ixture of t"Ock and y cr of planks, unp a :p_ 'Jred, and othcrw ise m- da.y v1s1tmg nd explormg th e , b tl 1 . _ o-rocery store. eI. ,le P ace, near·lY 0 PP osit e· M cMurtr.V 's b R e.mem , .ms and ]Olsts 1 Islands. .Don t fot' a mome nt suppose that vegetation, and laud and water, can pos - 1 disfigmecl ; the p olis hed her TRlJXKS , l'ALISES, d: SA.'l'C:.Ul!ELS, L STOCK. ! sihly mak them. e over-hc£l.d bore the weight of the bmirds the islands can be aequatcly seen from I deck of one of the big l:otke steamers hat ply I must give the reader dne w arn ing , how- that formed at once the ceilin g of the """" Ordered Work and Re pairi .P= a m o ever, that on this ground I am perhaps a in g ro om u.n.d th e floor of the neat little up an d clown bc\"'.een 1\fontrea,l, Kmgson, ng · llYll !! ' \ 11 Ul6 VW · R i _ Specialty, as usual. I trifle enthusiastic. To say the truth, if I becl-1·ooms up stairs. Thus every room had and '.'.'ormto. Th1s 1 the stereotyped Bri tth12_ tf. D. DAVIS . 1 may for onc e be rank l y personal, I sp eak I six sides of p olished light-brown pine-wood tourist wu.y of seerng them, and n othmg Bowmanville, March 22, 1886, - - -- - · - . !" --- ;-with the pa.rdonable partiali of a n· '· ie. J fi:oor, ceing, and four wa s A fw · Hr_ ..t . I am, indeed, an aboriginal of this ve dis- delicae <?nental rugs and native fur-sms DS N D ISLA AN THOUS ' t -ttr 'l.tU THE 'l.tU f', "' -"'"-""' -"' 'l.'r -""l ff 'l.'rU-" trict, born at Kingston, the tbreshold 0r the lay damt1ly upon the waxed floor ; etcp?ngs !l . · 179! -- -- -- fw · :; ? p I f: ' i:, : ? yo_ur m-:or;'ha£::e0: d b ; t ? : 1111; ' \V I that a · · · · ' O ron o Pump a -------p=-- · actory 1 '· · - l cedars sweeping low to the water's edge, sprays 0 white wooden l!ghthouses, guardrng the I a · _ · · · · · I I I ' a l 0 so l · · · I 0 1 : · _ PU MPS OF EVEJ!Y DESGRIPTIOM I 0 . · a J ? a P i I point we saw anywhere among those sixteen · · a 1· I · ALL WORK GUARA NTEED J ' is I ' 1 JOH SPEN CER, R. FERG USON. ? \v l I I · an _ large a l o ! J I I a I 1I a a v · a va T 1 .. 0 · !, · _ . · · · 1 r ? ' j I rathe than ? II · · · 1 ? · · · 1 · · r for f · 1. _ a $5. 8{! · N M R ' IBU 1 I_,. P I · 1 I tall, ?re I I I l I Popu I D . _lf r · ---, ·1I E M PO R I U M Y · · N o. 1 B t d Sh o e II I I Western I aerial I o a u I -one I out of a charmmg ! for midsummer j 0 ! I serious n T H E -W- E ST E N D o l_ LL INE R Y the trees, · · l r f I I fmmework 1 .1 r o I Note, lI '."t E Ij FANCY GO ODs HO u s Hats Re-shaped in latest 1tyles. · I · dr:otw-1 I1 · i Thous:i.nd j! the b I iis · M1 'Rf: i r,) R l!l SO N ,it