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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1887, p. 4

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For a short time a ij]ff EAT SMASH I great reduction in the price of I shall make chants have decided to clsa their places Sir John Macdonald seems deterinined that. Onta rio as a province of th& D· .min o f buaineaa every Friday at 12 o'clock a.m. through the month of Au uuat . ·.Had they ion ehall sweat to gratity,his penchnut for come ·.o this decision a month ago and fightinq the righ ts of the provirn;o on closed been physically benefitted and would not be any the poorer. _ _ _ _ _ · _ _ _ e_ :_ _ _ _ _ _u_ _s_ _t__ a _ t : THE P or t H o p C u i d e p t i thi way t hro ugh WE are pleased to note that the mer- I TaB Brantford E1tpositor say· : - SHORT TIME RATE. In order to in troduce this j our nal into homes where it is not now takan, we will accept eubscriptions for the balance of 1887 at 30 cents each, or four for $1.00. .This offer does not in any way affect present aubscrib&rs. A s_p ecia l feature for t.h., pext be tho English letters written by he proprietor while on hie tour through Devon and Cornwall. Ask your neighbors to sub . scribe at once and secure the wh ole series. ____ .. _ _ __ July they would have every pos sible occsion. the 9TTT V V a 11 Paper. _ pays Mr. McCarthy and other friends of The Dominion carrying on a suit against Ontario through Go vernmen t very h an dsomely for few months will FOR3QnAYS Before Stock Taking we will offer Our Large Stock at coal has simply benefitted the American duction in price to Canadian c o nsu m ers . 'fupper iurnlved in this statement, it coal miners without the removal of t he duty u on an thrac it e ·-S9me of the Tory papers ass ert that p Snpreme Court has described in favor of the province and against tho Dominion, and although tho Dominion pays the the St Ca.therins :Milling Company. The AUCTION SALES. AUO'l'ION 8.u,Es.-Levi A. Tole, Licen sed Auct.ioneet· for the townships_ of Clarke, Ma.overs, Cartwright,Darlington, and Wh itby . All sales attended to promptly and ab r e asona bl e rates. Whero it is not tonvenient to see me, arrangements can be made at this Office, or by addressing Shaw & Tole, Bowroanville. p r oduci cg any re The finest selections will, of course, be the b11Rt, Apart from the censure upon Sir Charles costs, Ontario must oay her share of it, which is 110 small sum, in an action which pile on more costs and is she hiu won. Now Sir John i3 going to so don't de lay. may be r emark ed that it furn i die s an excellent argument in favor of reciprocity lf tho removal of the Canadian duty upon American coal benefits t110 Am e riean coal now imposed by the United men, would not the removal of the duties States Privy Council with the suit. a p pea.ling to Hie Grfiatly Rodoood Prioos. · · PICTURES FRAMED VERY LOW. STATIONERY, &e, q usual. that the boundary case will have to be fought ov.. r again before the higheat c ourt in tbe realm. in E ng lan d, ready to do battl e for t ho rights of his province, l\nd the re is l ittl e doubt that he will bl:l as successful a.a in Mr. Mowatt is now for leave to appenl has been granted, so The motion farm produce benefit l umb er men 1 Government upon Canadian lumber and our farmers and Auc'l'ION 8ALJ>s.-S.C. Hunking, Court- I tice, Ontario, Licensed A ucti one e r, for I Dar li n gton and Whitby, Bowman v il e and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All business attended to promptly. Orders may be left attheSTATESMANoflice, Bowmanville, or Reformer office, Oahawa. ! Sankey's l former conflicts before the same tribunal. The blame I COME IN AND . Music for 50 cents. . 4 Bo 0k s com b' ID ed ' WI ·th GET BARGAINS P. TREBILCOCK. Slit 'anntlian Jtatr:imau. BOWMANVIT.LE, AUGUST ---- ....-·----. been a Jong continued affair. however, cannot be attached THE carpenter's strike in Toronto has to the men, but must rest whol l y upon the s l19ul der s of tho e mp loyers , who seem determined long As an exchange· puts it., it wil l be inter esting to wat..:h what new claim t!1e toriea territoral rihts, whe11 their latest ap9eal will trump up to keep Ontario out of her to the Privy Council is d ismis sed. THE CRIMES BILL. e'ewn 3, 1887. to crush the workmen, no mat t er how argue the matter, refer d it takes. They have refused to or in fact do anything to bring about a it to a rbitra tion , ke e some unfortunate accident, a tory govern mPnt may get into power in Ontario, be surrendered course Sir.John Macdonald's game is to Of p up the Rtrugg!e in the hope that, by and N .13.-0u r advertising rate for auction salee, wl1en we do not pri n t the sale bills, is 25 cents line, each i nse rt ion . .. Don't worry if you are out of employ ment, write to MR. CowDY, 41. Welling ton Street E a t , Toronto. Send stamps for reply. 20-45 a s KENNER & CO'S. VARIETY HALL. thirty counties an i The Orimes 'Bill is now it1 ope"ation in t'1w ns l·s immedhte dfocl. has been has been p aralyze IreJaud. and numbers of to deatrt>y contideooll in th :1 st&bility of Toronto's best mechanics have left the t i ons of inves<ment l\r,d mipitidised city for tho United States, where in all institu in to do. have done all that men could b e expected peaceable settlement, although the men The building trade in the city when all the r ights of the province would timber-grab1ers. :: .. = :--: _ -:: ,..-_ -,, __ . . -· to his boodlers that of a pan -0 in b11 ·, im· ss circle. Thill result ne·er eniered of the farme rs l!&nk of Ireland i.t ck dl industry and to c:rAate a fe el ing .. the head s America j ust as stron as among the Irish of thi wo,,d ...rful measure landlord s. and they wt-re 1.:"n·xp.ient!y somewhat Qu1TE a ripple of excitemen t has been taken back at ·his unlo ,k.,d fnr outcome 1 t., £1 The of unyielding tyranny seems to crop out per 11hare. among some employers and capitalists in a k in 10 want 1 -Belleville Intelligencer. IVHA'£ do tho commercial unionmts probability they will remain. This spirit ThHrf' is not the caused in Victoria, B. C., by the utter of th ir legi<JI .tiori. elightest doubt. but w h ,ta pl\·1!-0kv feeling auces of the Rev. J. E. Starr, late pastor Probably grat many quarters of the Berkley Street Methodist church, will prev·il in The rev. gentlemen it appeard as the forc e of Toronto. u1p1·<:(.(·<l. ttlo isl it where this unjust mcn.Aur1 hc.:1· s to be felt. has been very forcibly impressed by the lhe par of the ow·rnn f1nb or.e · ' f tht1 m The will immediatdy dissoh·ti rH1oord111g to ser mo n , as it was his duty to do. upon taken has r, e v o the ow of h m yor city, a is lt n z:ot, think r:1.ther t \Ve 7 «dera imman Tho only cli1fore··.Ct.i it will make t radic t Mr. Starr's st:i.tements and in an kind, will be that i n,,te ad of the Lea.g ue meet- a d dr ess to the council he took the rev. iuge bei ng hold opt nly and thei r members gentlema n to task for ende:.fforing to The re eeiog allowed to give vent tu their foe!- injure the standing of thti place. Mr. what t u b ver. i l e is l t duubt'.,howe t J des h»y what ire just an t n y a s ings by g well whi.:h is pee.lily fo· gott.n i n many St rr s charges are in tho min, nat u e to c.bey fo it in the quent y he came down rather lmavily What w i ll he t.hll result 'I htest <lcrc< like:y th:·t the teague upon the sins of that city in a recen t attempt to suppr.+11 thti Natir>ual Leagu e. It :will be proclaimi>d :a.n · 111l1>wful 8ociet.y. ·V"mf:lnts on number of saloons found open enSunda. will be an in the city to which ho had so la.tely r orders of that ' rnmuved and also by the amount of \rice and immorality that abou11ds. wal'ds sundown the bq-1in to feel a little peck:sh for the w .. nt of some supper. 'l'h.-n th11y want shelter, and a few of them like to have cl.. 1hes. Some indeed re so r<·ckless th"t they are not a.versll to having a d la r or a do:lar aud a in the r pockets occasionally, just to buy such little trifles as will gratify t heir '£his t"ste, th<'lil· v.;nity or their n eeds. wo believe, i what the commercial union" ists want, aud this, we ·ill m«ko aftidavit, is why th"y eo mm erci i>l unionista.-- Western Advertiser. in midsummer. W h at do they want? W e ll firt foremost, t hey want their few hours afl;e rwards t.hey bnakfast, ha ll ke r for thei1· dinner, and a long to Really now this is a paralyzing q uestio n ! SALE BIG or4 " .'O'YA:!l..r1 Dlt , , I am determined to clear out all ms summer stock, I am coni.inually sorting a.rid and a the dolla.t· to clear out. will sell the same at far less than wholesale prices. Some lines, such as Women's Prunella Boots and Gaiters, etc., I will sell at f>O cents on nd will sell the same at close prices. up with new stock a i ol half See the lriC!\S in the I wish to inform the young men who work at the factories that if they will give me a liberal share of their patronage, I will make a special reduction to them. It will pay you to come to me for your Boots and Shoes. I am keeping no trash and can sell :you low shoes, as they must be cleared out at once. window on these shoes. Boots and Shoes, as cluap as n.ny ftore in Canada. YOUNG :MEN-I am making terrible re<luctions on Meu's l Conse -·-· ·-- Good .News at Home. ·-· ----- himself the duty of endeavori ng to con E. MoRms, EsQ.,-DEAR Sm,-I have reason to !lP·'ak welt of your Dand e l ion I have been Liver and Kidney Bitters. troublefl for Rome timti with my Kidney them and a fr ie nd of mine to me and I t ried them in my ciise, and a charm ; there found them to work £ -re I ha.vti uch plea·nre in recommend ing thew tu all persons who a.r e troubled in any way with tht>ir K·duev. Yours truly, , All Ordered Work will receive prompt attention.. purity, i a jnst11nce·, th mc·etii,._,a will 11-0w be held founded, and he is not likely to b friht by privately. Th society wi'I bt<eom more ened fromwhat he considers his duty or anyone else. We con!(rat eecret and th.-1 f re' m 'r<l d1111grou s. the l\fayor nob e stao he lt;a member9 bBin,; dHf>1-ived. of f reely ulate .M.r. Starr upon the ken and hope that he will coutmue l a s t ha ou r will icws, t.tit·ir, t r uiriq{ and e ng i t mee the public g z.e a nd_ hruw to nil sorts of stratagem i n or-du· to prea.d t? exp se I ' m recommeuded like powders. Sold only in cans. HOYAL BAK· ING POWDER C0 ·· 106 Wall St·. N. Y. This p owde r never varies. A marvel of strength a nd wholesomeness. M ore economical than tho or d inar y Kinde, and can not be sold in competition with the multltnde of low test, sho r t weight , alum or phosphate REMEMBER THE PLACE-SCOTT'S OLD STAND. 26-3m. GEORGE BUCK. THE UNITED STATES J. J. Jmms. Newtonvllle M.ty 3, 1887. MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION 0FFIOE, 330 & 322 BnoADWAY. P. 0. Bo x 851. NEw YORK. -OF NEW YORK- I PRm'. TYNDAT,L, t,he 11cientist has of wit.h 1<>,gard to late been exe cising h ims elf rather r all oUier instii,nti(\ns which h11ve b een in h ea i p ng abuse upon Mr · Gladstone, in called into existence nd b. N·mo popular, reference to the Home Rule scheme. The . . because they asoit the lri>1)Hw111 1gai nst ca.&e ti.Qn as they re forced iii.t·> secrecy to can in his good work. escape and defy thB of the It is to be hope in which infest the city. that his congregation. will stand by him eecrot. Th<'y wil! btcome dangerous and and r e nd e r t h e assistance they more difficul1. to cope with just in prnporreadily r ecei ved of imqmty their theori .. s, ,,. h tcli wrll 00 tbe more hght mto the dark places b·"camw dd.ivel'ed to a Liver Complaints, Biliousness, CURES New Features: d I Impure Blood, Kidney 0 omplajnts, Dyspepsia, him all $10,000 Death by Accident. $10,000 I...oss of Hands or Feet. $1.0,000 L1Jsb of Hand Foot $5,000 Loss of Hand or Foot. $5,000 Loss of Both Eyes. $1,!300 Loss of One Eye. $2,50 for Permanent Total Disability. $50 week for 'l'otally M.MAYER Has a large Stock of on hand, which he he is determined to run off l and a suER ECATS REGARDLESS OF COST. Also a large and choice stock of ku.gue ju8t l!O iaw. And. 118 in the SkinDiseases muchly Th e G reat R eguIator in The above combined insurance costs about or, One-Half or One-Quarter portiona.te Rates. Disabling lnjuries. $6 A YEAH the common 1-n<>1n.y. professor attemptiug t . . . of t.h" !'IP-called of some r omi nence m that hne therefore Liberal Unio hrs of thci ·ut.ler t.. !ly of he understands ll about politics, and ho a in order to c· It will howPvm· bu nt·tlSA·>ry we n u µpose 1 vine." s .. me scientific research and reached a po!lition because he has made great 11tridt>s evidently has an idea that , I p Read 1he rollow1ng :. "For y paet I have . uffered from d yspei;>· e1a Hnd I was rPc,.mmended o try Dr. Hodd er s Com pou nd. I did so and fcound it a perfect E. J. CURTIE, Toronto, Ont. cure." Sold evtirywhere. Pdoo 75,. OF THE STOMACH. LIVER. Rel WELS .A.ND BLOOO. CURF:S HlllADA.OHIC, CONS'!'!PA'l'ION. l!';M ·LE COMPLAINTS, AND BUILDS UP 'fHE SYSTEM. at Pro- Mc mbership lt,ee, $5 in e ch Divi sion . · s · B · l"EST ' Cna ' Pre side nt . a 36,000 !\f.embers. GENT'S @g4ilf her wrongs lms dnvm hatred, aid wh1.n and m gu > ern In h1 -<I by any s uch seems to have a notion that with regard t o means, tc. let 1·J.e Cti;r·O<J Bill run its i.he Irish Question he can walk al"o u n d course and bye and by·', wlrnu 11 tienae of the ve tera n statesman, We think that · nen;lJ1"hr;t.od:1i.?.iJtE TUI llNIO !llllDICINE co., Proprietors, To ron to. TAS' " R · PITOIIER 1 <Jen. Man'gr & Sec. which wiil be sold at FURNISHINGS I ' all Ont· -GRAND-- rl1·silt) for reve ge ance ham only displayed political aha.ll overm;1ctel' evf:ry ;Jl.ha sc11timent ignorance. Because the professor is a a England w ith " sM.!lO lrda.nd f,o · f t.he bi!.terest better n r t>g<trd DENTIST.RY! the professor to ham kept rinite, aa l1is utter would have done much DOMINI ON AND INDU STRIAL amine Goods and Prices, all of which must be disposed of, to make room for Fall Importations. So come along and bdng your friend with you an cf form ation of 1-bi ihl'.!. shall llhake he knows anything about politics, than it the empire, th<ln t,;HJll iacfo·i<iuals will would be a proof that because ho has wa.ko up to tlie fr,ci. t.'l.r:;,t t,ho ll'i;;h ar e a producod articles treating on "tleat as a p ple o! active br.·in,vf <ht i .rmined will, ·Mode of Motion," he is therefore a good sc11n'J wit h a all prob;il:,il .t)' eulmi111te iu the grea t scientist, it is nu more proof that EXHIBITION 1887, DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. z ,... lo'. 0 l.i(lt-n of a sense of ju dge xed . the Justice ot thr:Ja· C«1l.3e,a;:d 1wL a lot oi B I "'dumb driven Utt.tie" wbu "pm f."-"1n TORONTO, Sept. 5th to 17th. , Grand Spring Opening -OF-- ed . C«tl bo hound - . pul pit and his sermons have been read all ! n r<?milr, tlS !:hat we . d WOI'ld , 1)Ut when 1le . . 1ize over tllO ClVl . have m ent.ioneo.i would b·J much rngrett ed, d t k un er oo to run a f arm he was a d ead · · but in the oour'" ,,f hum:ui uai.m·t.1 it i ·1 1 i· fi f al ure. A ea1. mg 1·111 in stoves, et c.,m . very hkely t·· c 1 · .t·J nl1«ut, unlt·ss the England, made !t sale of one of th e r present gowrnn,en{ ciblwr t:illJ lo pii;ces . kitchen ranges to the Rev. M r . Spurrreou or ara fnrce d w »t.«0} ti··wn 110 d out, 1n . . . . to death. , eec 1er of was a very cI e ver man in · horse-tlesh. Henry ·ward the wh' 1ch . ... 1e lan<:, ·,rn f nend . 01 . .. l 1. l:gain . ti treatment teshrnoornl far and wide as if it were ship and trust of thtl Jtj;,Ji reople, whi e · , Tl a.gain 1 case tt.t;! c J: 1 'l<.t<·t.-Jntans w1 . . 10 "ave . . :tr,· t by . J tltll: · tak e t Iie rell!s, · 11d liberal 0 · lus wife bemcr 11 . o those abuses 11>bich hJ.Ve boo n the cause the Irish party ii.t.<l th" Heme Govern- at the sani" tiuli.I lh'-'Y will we;;p away l p l e ased.with tbo new sto\'e . test1momal its fav0r whet'eupon the stove dealers published the eaid . . . . . · n n. · m · ' ' i · $30 000 I N p RI Z ES. GOLD !nLLIN G A SPECIALTY ARTIFICIAL 1'm:TH Ii>SERTED WrraouT PLATES. Great Itcductions in urice on all Dental W 1Jrk. Ylializea, constantly in uso pro· ducing Pai nl ess Operatioos. Particular atten tioa JJll.lci to Lhe regulation uf Children's Te1>to. Qu.duata ofthe Royal College of Dental· Surgeons, Ontari o . OFFICE OPPOSI'l'.E EXPRESS OFFCE. 1 Entries oloi;e August 13th. This, beiug he Dominion and lnilustrial Exhibition combi11ed, will he the gran des t exhlbitiun or tl111 11gricultur,.1 an.t industrial uroductb of Lhie cou nt ry ever held. A Grand Program of Special Attra.ct·ons ltj b, mg prepared. · !a!'e aud cheap .exHetnrn tick eta at single Murdoch Brothers' N""EVT O::S:I:N..A.. :Er.A.LL where are to be seen _..ALL WONK W.ARR.ANTlW.-. u nch offi ce , Dr. Rutliorford's Orono, B r·n f so existed. convincing Ilroof that no other snch sto ve Whereas the much i11£""lmg_.r-n<I. dii.!·Llt-0 bet ween Mr. Spurgeon in ment dur g pfJrmit. nf.tbe irnp ort 11.tion dusen't signify that·lie is of necess ity nu of oleomargarinti into th1 OlUntry. There I authority on cook stoves. And so we that it wtJu,d Ox& argunwnt llit<id. av,a.irrnt u.nrestric· ted rec i p r· c ty the Unittx.1 States is ij()=.:;r:'._; l ld t ::si :om;:: : :::l::! wrestling with cook s t oves. would uot lrnve as much w eigh t with in refe renc e to a stove, testimonia.l of l cursiona 011 u.ll ralhvo.yo durrng the full ot tno exhibition. S'l' EVENT OF THE 'l'HE GRE AT E JUBILEE YEAR. iror Price Lists a.nd further information add rees. J,.J. Wl1'BROW, time c 0 x & co :> Rev. Spurgeon is an eminent divine, it Because the , I ;IJ.f ,. \, , ,· :,l '.1r: ' '" .. ·· r;;;--;:-):;.:·"f-COTHIMG,-: GLEASING, j< : ,. - Presidunt., u. J, HILL, Mgr. and l:lec., Toronto TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. . 1 WIRE COMMUN CATION. DIRE C'.' (·leo. is butter. iii eothiag in this. now offer it for ale t.he consum.,r·by m.-i! it as It C\mld in,[·!LlLf .11.mdN· th" of that because a man has reached a dt!lo(ree dd All:· ma.t.CI' of fact. might go on illustrating the same ide , .igidly L-o kP.p\ from of eminence by devoliag liis n a :it i: !Nli!E -.;J-:/ f:EMl......'1\ CA 1 AM " ' !/.. :...J' :uLD · /,{ , ., S ets' 1 ove1y patterns r ) 21 D inner · 30 China Tea Sets ' very pretty ' 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, · ted Bed R QQfil Sets, 50 SUperlOr prlll 20 White Bed Room Sets. . · · , . ,1 1;.,.NG. {1i'l STOPS i·O import it.. (·ti'ence he has uc, rig1t to think t1al; he is t her eby an authonty ou auytbmg a."1d e very__ ,. ..._. · .... . , .,.. ft, _ _ · thing for when ' such' an ndi v i dual ate s · P ' . · . PBOJI, ,,. ,, ., . ·,. ,,-i)i.' ·&inofsl>i\V h n de l!J. gllthll toifor. luxtt:; nu ""'H iu 11 e.<;oott cur out of !us regular course ho is JU!lt. as 1apt to go wrong as persons of lesst.1r fame. :i1J1 1· eior skin di ..,.,.. "Y raakmg i t offu nce to abilities to one particular lin e of thought, i an erg it!S 1md an j' EASY TO USE: to the · throat aud - · cxcesh·e "" pc.ctorr. ticm cnusc<l byCat11rrh. Sent prc -roirl on '"'cdpt or P"lcc. GOc. and $1. AdtlrMs f'ULFOnD & co ·· Drockvllle. Ont. I :::i:::g:;';: · · 11. y FEVER GDl!l in Haad, I I Active fl.1Ictations in the Market, offer opportunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Provisions, st !:! & t SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CL ASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. u Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fanc-J Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. SPLENDID ASS ORTMENT OF Prompt attention given to orders . Entrance by TelephoM Staircase. . o;;: Ofl:ice over m.ur .,... docli '11 Store. . FIELD and GARD EN SEED s N 0 w 0 PEN. Victoria Builtlingl!I. ln!i!pe('lion olicited. Jn. IJR.DOCD BROS .· 11-tf.

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