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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1887, p. 5

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DOMI NICA LIME FRUIT JUICE . Mr. R S inclai r, S11nday in town. of Toronto, Mias I,ucy Perry,of 1'oronto, is visiting at Mr. J oh n McLsllan's. PURE.Ko Watered Stock . Mrs. Wal t ers, of Troy, N. Y., fa visitc ing at Mr. Houstan Stott's. Miss M agi e Yellowlees, of Toron to, is visiting at Mr. J . Bri tain 's . spent I j Get a set of those b ea utiful w in dow shades at Tait & Morrison's. Yery pretty and very che1tp-engrav ings and chromos at Tait & Morrison's. sub11cribers Pu r ch ase Old Count.ry tickets at th1· STATESMAN office, b y Anchor Line. Mr. and Mrs. M. Henry and Miss Ber tie H en ry , of Port Da.lhousi.e, have been isitin![jitt Mr. Geo. Maynard 's. An exciting time is l ook e d for hy th e Newcastle folks, on Saturday, Aug. Gth, when t.he Massn Co. picnic from 'l'oron to, will be held there. The names of Dr. R ae , Mr. McGee and Mr. McLaughlin are mentioned as Bowmanvllle. auitable persona to fill the mayoralty vacancy, Oshawa. DR. A fire broke out in Oshawa, in the rear of the Ctholic church, T u e sday, burning a s table rmd out-house o wne d by Mr. King. DISTRICT NOTES . W. II, ORI US'l'aN, JL, 1.. ft; Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Mone:t o loan. Office. In .Be1n·er Ilh·ck upstairs !n i-oo rn s formerly oc c u pi e d by Dr. Harnden, . 39 538 emp ty packing cases for s a.Ie c1iea p WHOLESOMEtore . Pu ri fies the Blood. at the Bankr11pt S H enry's photos always give satisfaction. · are spnred to please cus tomers. No pams Persons who have received accoun ts from this office will confer a favor by . COOLINGJut the thing for the Hot attending to them at once. IEFRESHIN3· An A greeable '[' · omc. M iss Lillie Evans of Toronto is visiting at Mr. S. M ason' s . Rev . ·T. E. H'.1nderson, of Queen to New Years. Four for $1. street !;Methodist church, w i ll e xchan ge . . . . . . s M r . Mo rr1son is ofte nn g millinery at . pu lpits with Rev A . E. S a.n derson , o f . . reduc ed p ncea for balance of the season. ' 'fyrone, on Su nd ay morning next. Oo 30 cents for the STATES M.'-N to nei' M.., IOENTIATE O F ROYAL COLJEGH · L er Physicians. J ,onuon. :r;ng.; Member ol fJollege of Phy sicians aoa. Surgeons. Higglnbot1' .am's Drng Store, Bowmanv:Jlc, ft-lyr.· llOSS.lCK .ti }'!IELD. · E. U. lll c DUl'rELL. SURGERY AND R1t8IDENCE:-Rear ot M·BSN. (ln tarlo. Ladies, eee those fine Kid B o o t s , re· d11ced fro m $4. 25 to $2.50, at tlrn Bank· rup t S tore. Dr. Potter, dlice and residence, Pro w er's Block, King·!t. , Bowma.nville. 1-tf. Weather. I J.\ll t'ssrn. E . and F. Nicholls,of To ronto, are the guests of Mr. F. Mason. Mrs. W. Murdoch, of Port Arthur, visit ing at Mrs. Holland's. is 'fhe boys return thanks t o Mr. Gord on Fleteher for a supply of ri pe h arvest apples. This doesn't mean tha t they are. satisfied. AB S OLU TE LY FROM ALCOHO L. M r . a n d Mrs. Fr,ink Powell, of W hitby, F R E E spent S unday with friends in town. ' :For Sale by Grocers and Dr11ggi.sts in I Pin t s and Qnar< s (itnperial measure). . STOTT & JURY' Agt S. ( Mentiou B O W M A YI LLE . t his paper . ) Mr. H. Kenner le.ft town on Fi iday morning for a short visit to his parents in SONS & Refined ex pr essly for '.LYMA:N Chesley. CO., Montreal. Dr. J. M. B ri maco mb e is attending th e A liberal discount to the trde. American Dental Association at Niagara Fall s t h i& wetik. De Vo o , the New Jersey we ather pro Look to y our interest and read B u ck 's He is n"w a d vertise ment this week. offaring big bargains in bo o ts and shoes. Baby's mid doll's carriages, boy's wagons, c arts and wheelbarrows at Tai t & Morrison's. Person a buying oce'ln tickets from M. A. James, agent for the Anch or L' me, get greatl y reduc e d fare s t o New York. W a nte d in every house, ---a bo ttl o of Electric Destroyer, for all aches and pains. Pre pared by J·. H iginbotha m & ; '!he Oshawa Fore11ters and Fire Brigade Band pur p ose giving an ex cu rsion to s. ·me Points on Lake Ontario, on Friday, August 12th. H igginbotham 's Corn C ure w hen applied accordin g to d i rec tions wil l remove hard or soft corns and wa.rtll without p ain. Try it. Son, Dru!?gists. · · phet, asserts that August will be a hotter mouth than July. CERTA I N D EATH STOT T & JURY'S Fan:wus Fly Powder will kill every fly in a room rn 30 minutes. Mr. H ar ry Brown, formerly of the Big 20, but n o w a re side nt in '.l' oront o , sp ent Sunday at his homo. MJ.'. anrl Mr. . W . Hoar and M r. G i l · m o u r, of Turonto, viatting at Mr . J ohn Hoar's. Asthma cured by the double t re atment of Southern Asthma C are, ts a common remark. :t Privat e parties and picnics supplied wi t h an y qmin tities.of Ice Cream--pack ed in i c e. Get the best at the Grand Ce11tral ne".t door to P. 0. L R I, PLEANt I lJ ·, HOWAR D'S GLD"E . - -MAGI C;:Stott & Jury's Med ical Hall. WHEN BLOOD IS BAD TRY DR. JUG'S MEDICINE. It Woo dstock, May can be cleaned as by Gloves I Rlectric Pain Destroyer,-an excellent remedy for C ram p s, · Rheumatism, Nen· Sold by J. rlllgia, Bruises, Cuts, etc. Higginbotham & Son, Druggists. Mr. John Hellyar, who has been for Mme time in B rock y il le , and Miss A. Hellyar, of · rrenton, are home on a visit to their pa.l'ell! s. r . H i g-g inbo t ha m & S o n ag ents for the , T uc k er S pri ng Pad ·rruss ; a large stock Also English o n h an d to ch o ose from. ancl American Trusses in stock. rnd M rs. Fisher c o ntribu te d $50 to bhe Public treasury in th e shape of a fine for violation of rhe S cott Act,.on Friday l ast. colors, reduced from Hie, to lOc. All pars ols for exactly half price. Gloves and hosiery at unheard of prices, at the Ba.ukrupt' Store. ch ine ne.- dl1 · s and oil. Ne w 'Villiams, White, Royal, Wam :er, Locbnan, Louis, Sine er, Raymond, Osborne, etc. Call at Big 20. Blac k Satin Marvellieux (pure silk) reC olore d Sat in duced from $1.25 to 78c. $1 to (i0c. durMar1T0Jlieux red uced from · ing tho grell.t eale n ow gomg on a t t110 Store. B a.nk rupt ' Cl ean Yo ur G loves.-The best thing i n ents a bo , a t tott r t , only S x 10 c y s TA::.IAJtAC is the discovery of a leading physician, and after yeara o fe xperimen t· :Jt:vENIL FottES1'ERS.-At th e reguliir monthly m ee t i n g ,m Monday night it ing it is now offered you in a perfected was decided to h old their first a nn ua l state as· a never-failing cure for co ughs , outin!! .· at WinterrrrHen Pc>iut at h alf-paat colds and t hroat and lu ng complaints. · · 0 :t one on S &t ur day next, the 6th of August.. Six h ot e l men were b efo re the Pet er Gam es and pastimes will be provir.led. 'f he m e mb e r s of Conrt Prid·i No. 6000 boro' Police Magi s t ra te last week a nd en a re given a cordi al inv itation to be pres- riched the t r e as u ry to th e amount of $400. ent.. T w o very exciting games of base-ball AFTER LoNG YEAHS .-"! was t1 o ub led were p l ayerl on the d ri ll shed gronnds, o t.1 with liver complaint for a n u m ber of R at u rday afternoon ! · st. · The first, be· y ears , finding no c ure . I tried B. B. B. tween the Fat men and the Lean men of I took four bottles, and am p erfec tly both factories, resulted in a vicory fo r oured, s tron g and h earty . " Mns l\fARIA the latter, the eecond match, between the AsKETT, Alm, Ont . Or<;ll<'> team an d t he B o wru anvill e j u n iors Jo h n Mc Crack e n , au e m pl oye e of the ex ci te.d considerable interest. It w as a Woollen Milla, Cobourg, w hil e work ing w ell played game thrnughout and resulted amoug the looms, last week, had his right in a victory for Bowmanville , the score arm badly cr1Jf!hed. s ta n d i n g 14 to 16. The lTnited Work men of Cobourg,Port Tl D O & p o PE:K . a · IR C ONCEitT.-- ie · · · Hope and Peterboro' are m ak i ng arran.,_e · , o. B WI anoti10r o f tirn1r pop· ·11 give · · an d meuts tor a union picnic at Idyl Wild on ular o pen air con certs on Fri day evening, Aug. 10th. Aug. Gth, at 8 o'clock, on r he Band A SOURCE ol' DANGEl.-The frequent Stand :source of d a nger attending bowel com March . . . l:I ock I·Li p sburg . . . Bonnisseau. p l a i nts during the summer and fall is the O v e r t. ure · · · · · · · · L udo de · · · · · · · H ero ld . liability to check the dianhcea two sud Cornet Bolo P ol k a Frolicks Waldtenful. denly. Dr. F ow l er' s Extract of vV1kl Mr. H . Gilbert. S traw berry will not do t h i s . Jnftamma Sdection . . . Le Roi Carott e . . . Offen back. tiou of the bowels does not follow its us fJ, Wa! . . . C . . La Gita.ria . . . . . . . oo te. as is two o f t e n the case with power f ul God Savo the Q ue e n . o piates aud astringem euts. Jt cures Af te r the usual moetiug of the A . O . F . , pro mptly and i n a natural manner. on \Nednesclay evening l as t d u r i ng w h ich Mr. Frank Jaynes, a yo u ng man, em Bro. J» S. Y1.m1g was i n s t al l ed in the ployed in Sylvester's Foundry, Lindsay, 1 of tho order present .m cliair, t h e rn<'mb· had 11is rig h t arrn so badly injured on weTe i n vit e d to the Grand Cent ral to parT u es d ay last that it hacl to he amputated take of ice cre;i.m etc., hy th e newly elecat th e el bow . ted C. R. part.king of the cooling DESCRIP'rIOs.-Plcasing , aoothing,'hea.l preparation a shot speech was made by Bro. H. Weeks, conveying th e thanks of ini;f, relieving, curing is the description of the lod ge to Bro. Y . . ung for h is g enero si t y N a s a. l Ba.I m, which i i receiving a national The company then j oined in sinp:ing, "For reputation as a cure for catarrh, cold in :t he ' s a jolly go od fellow, " a fter which they tho head, hay fever &c. B &a. .o W to Ooboorg. D. C. H S<JAcK . Cobourg, June 1. 1887. ARRISTER S , Solicitors, N ot ari et, FnANK M. Frn:LD· 2z. ANTED . -A good eenant. · len, S HINGLES.-Lots of shingles for eels cheap, .Apply ·o R . HU'l'OIUSON Enniflki.). ____ Mus. JOHN \.VES!.EY, Cedar Cliff. )?.\J 30. Apply terms apply to T.H. Yann, BO\T"me.nville. <loor F OR SALE.- Mr K G. Burk's Bod House si tnat.ed at the Harbor. Ji'or 21-tt. for an. Office. . 0 -RE NT=Thfi. Stand one west oftb.8 T NEWR Huitablo fo sm"ll Officfl, Apply to GALE Atore, qr BlWS. ·c· W Democrat Wagon, pl atform spri n g, nearly new. A b&rllain for somtJbod y. Apply to M. TRELEVEN, Sign or the Big Boot, BClW· man vi lle. 21 GIRL tn. do kitchen work w h ere a sem f d 1 a Good wages given. .Aply to . Ki ng-ot.. East. B owmanville. '.J nly 11th, 1837. 2-tf. AGGON FOR 8 ALE C HEAP.-A A houMns. a kept.. RKm B O ARDE R S boarders· will find ood comfortable board and lodging at M rs. John Varcoe's O\'e!' Tod Brns'a. drv goonfl· store. M eal s wi be supplied at all !1ours. 26-3rn on ,,.hich are lm1ldl11g-s, \T"Cll f·mcect aurl watered, about 3· acre!'! orchard, good SQl a.da.pted for graln a1l'. l l Yt Atnre. \Vit hln 2) milfls of Hampton nr.d :J milos of Bowmanvllle. ·rerms very easy, For furfher partfou!ai·s av ply to M. A · .Y. J\rn:s. at the S'l'ATJ<Sl\JAN Office. Bowmanvillo. 25·tf. house eon W ANTED.-A FEW 11 alS«> SALE.-80 F lotand 17. ·!, Dal'lington, gooi! form ARM: :FOR. acres, being ONLY 10 CENTS AT 375 pieces choice light prints, all fa st General Booth ha sent ou t h i s son, Ballington B o o th , t n take c o m ma u d of the forces in America. He is acc om pa.n · ied by Mrs. Bo o t11 , the dau ghter o f a clergyman of the church of England. W. Rns£> has received a stock of ma tify in favor of Dr. ;Jug's Medicine, 'l'h· se who went rop··rt a p l easant time. it is indeed a. wonderful rem edy , and to !ta benellclal elfects believe FnEE SET "P HARNESS.-S. T h ompson dozens I owe my l ife. I ha.vr. tried ' of pa.ten·. medicines all to no pur· & Co. will give gratis to the person buy pose. My syetem bad completely ing the mos goods at their shop du ri ng rnn down, tne bucking cough gave 1887, a s et of all Nickle Single Harness ! 1 ' 1 me no rest nil!'ht or day. but thanks early restored my worth $25.00: to Dr. Jug, one bootle has n 11ea!U1 , The members of the Church-st. Y.P.A. GILllEllT SAUNDIJRS. p1c-1iic(·d at tbe lake on Friday last. Some thi rty wer" i'I attendance and with.. Mr. S ·mpson'a steam yacht, small lJoats and a. b oun tifn l B · l !Jply ,f edibles, t b e afternoon ...,-. r ., _.... ,.. ....·. ._ .. ,. __ .. ., ..._. ,,,. was pas" e<i in a most enj oyable m ann er. 6. '00 a party of Oshawa and Bow man "ille citi vee me much pleasure to tes zens to run to Niagara on ·l!'ridav last, The st. · amer Hastings wa chartered by S.EASONAUM ; A DVIOE . -Keep co ol-- t lie best way we know of is to take tl v o tr i p T hos e o f daily to t.he Grand Ce n tral . delicate constitutions should bring their s e a l - skins to put on when l ea v ing and thus avoid taking cold. lbt Q1Jnua.tliau l'tate11mau. Bc;;-;:-;;;LL E, GOING EAST AnaUST 3, 1 887. GRAND TRU NK RAILWAY. BOWMANV Il,LE STATION. Expr ess . . . ... 6.2 · ·.l . Express .. . . . · Mixed . . . . . . . . . 3. The Publiher of TnE STATESMAN will give a 11 e w S i l ver Wa.tch to the person ending in t l 1 e most uew subscribers for the bala'l c-: of this yar at 30c. each. A ny p erson ca.n compcte. · :Local . . . . . . . . .8.53 a m am Express. . . . . .. Mixed . . . . . . . . .3.38 p m p m 7.18 . . . . . . . . . . ' Local GOING WEST Quite a ripple of e:x c i tc ment in bus ines s circles during those dull times is now . WAY RAIL FIC PACI CANA DIAN being caused by J. J. Ma.son's Remnant Parties are buying goods w hich Sale. BURKETON ST A.'rION they don't, intend to use till next spring , WES'i'. GOING as they know tha t the red uc t i on in prices O OING JUST· . . . . . . !J.45 a m will be good interest on the money in· Express . . . . . , 10.29 a ro 1\:"Press . Pm 7.12 . . . . . ss Expre m p Express . . . . . . 6.52 vested. ation may be ha Tickets and fnrh er inform road , an l i a To A vom BALDNESS OR GREY HAIR. R 20. g i B EW, ANDR om R. B. o wu.ianville. Use Dr. Doren wend's Great Ge rman Hair Steamboat 1'icket .Agent. B M agic. It heps t he scalp clean and froe NORTIIERN RTAGEB. , B owm anv l \l e from Dandruff. and promotes the growth Sta ge l eave s the Post O tttcea d of the bair. It prevents premature grey H mpt.on . Enma daily (Sundays oxoe-pted) for Cad mus an killen, }la,yu ou. Ca.rtwrl11:ht. ness and s10ps ..n falling o u t of the h air. at town to s n r u t e r cresarea, a.t 10.3D a. m., a,nd On bald heads, where the roots have not /l p. m p e r i shed , it will i n v igorate them and forco a new growth of hair. A sk for Hai r Otherwise. Magic. It is the only reliable. For sale by all druggists. Buy t u rn ip seed from J. M,cM urtry. The Rev. John Johns, of N e w York, *Except Mondays. Exoress ...... 9:41 p m I I ,. . . Local , . . Pm Exorese . . . . . . . 8.13 P m a m a. m a m NoTICE.-As we desire during the s u m mer mon th s to publish the names of all visitors to ou·· to · n , we respectfully in vit e a.11 persons having guests to acquaint us of the fact, by l<.Jtter or other1vise. tf. 1 Local and RonT. V;ltTUR, feet, will preach th e anni v1irsary sermons of John- Mc,Mnrtry has choice pigs' the Queen-st. Methodist church, Bow 011ly lOc. Mr. nder manville, some time iu September. i sing purcha before rs, Farme I ohns' popularity is such that no words of . Twine see Sh aw & Tole, Bowmanv1lle commer1 dat1011 from us are needed, as w e FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT Insurance. a r e cc1· · hat the mere kn ow ledge of tf. . e l il v n Ai!ent , Bowm a th,; fact of his coming will ens ure cro wd - · The market for wool is U01'V open_, and ed congreg,.tions. Further particulars W. Q ui c k & Co. are offering the hi g hest will be giYen as socn as arrangements are comp let11d . . price. . . Hutchison M AXW i<;LL 13INDElts.-R. For. S.AJ,E.-L. D. Sawyer. H.enper and to uk tw<i : ; y-t1vo ord ers for Maxwell . Massey H arvester nearl y new. B md ers tlns se as on . Four weeks ago SHAW & ToJ,1! , a . M ax w <' ll or dered him not to tak e ny worth 10c frir 8 lI am g. ,.. II. · ulll se mg W e are more onI m.s, as h e was so ld ou t n d Cry· ton Johns Couch :l t 0 20c. ' from 121.. would come sh ort t,hreo h u n d red and fifty derman. of sup1.Iymg o,rd ers already in from er Mrs. Morrison's Stock of Summ ageu ts. Since that iime n'u t ch i son has wili e e h t nl?-d Millinery is all n e w had eight applica!.ions for Ma.xwell Bind be sold at reduced prices. ers, but could 11ot su ppl y. He has all a Mens' boys' and you th s' re:idy-mad e ready s ta rterl sixteen this season nd a l runu ing wel l . Lonard Tordiff's son cut clothing, cheapest in Canada, at the on Saturdii.y fast, the first day of working Bankrupt S tore . his new M axwell, thirteen <\Cres. w i th a Order D oors , Sashes, Blinds, Picket, five foot cut, and d ict not start ti ll b etween Liberty Factory, Planing Morris' at , . etc eight and 1 1ino o 'c lo ck. Beat that who stt'eet, R. H. Osborne, leaeee. -.., ., , can Man th at fa 111J1rried to w om an is We m·e sh owi ng special valu o in bla:c k ma.rvellieux silks and al so in black silk many d ays and full of trouble. In the Cou ch , Johaston & mo rn i ng he draws his salary and in the lace flouncings. Cryderman. e 1' ening bt· h1 ,Jcl it is gone. lt is as a tale ·w .Ruse is determined not to be un der- that is told ; i_t vanisheth and . no man He ra1seth up sold and is oft"ering Pianos, Oreans, and knows where 1t oeth. Sewin()' Machines at way down prices . See ! clothed in th e chilly arment of the night and see tl. t.he somnaa1b11lent p argorc him bfore purchasing. . e e w h o oo th cohcy bowels m his BLACKSTO\JK P. O .-Cartwright post h r it t s It was con· m fa.nt P" s · e nty . He b r comth as a ors? office has cea ed to exist. his oft. i ll iam sbu rg h, or <;>x and d raweth the .aha.not of _ W found ed w ith v c"l names, spr m. H .o spei deth his ehekels 111 th e y'-dow n the St. LawrPnce which is awa pu · c_h ase o ; fi,, e hnei;i to coyer the ?oso1 , &nd C 1turtwri gh t , on the tier St. Clair. ly, Y?" hu elf is. seen 111 t e Now it is called Blackstock village and of lua f., m, ga · es of tbu city w ith one suspe nd .r. :Blackstoc k p ost office. I Yes, he 1!1 i·l t· >gOther wretchlld. . . AS SWEET A.S HONE\' l!I Dr. LoW'8 ..lcas' · . 't'lll not grlpel ·. lcli:· N&TION,u:, I ILLS l au& worm syrup ' yet eu1·e to 1lht.roy and · en, J'e& are · Utoroush cathartic. c1'11Cl norms. I of I j 1.'-e '.:i sticond m<ltch c!!.mc off in Port Hope, on ·J:tri cl a y last , an d torrnioated w i th a. vie T h e result tory for the Cobourg boys. was a keen d i ·a pp oi n t m eo t t.1 the Port Ho p e ge nt.le mon , as they felt. snre of T h e Port Hope Times accorclc v ictu ry. inizly went into m · mrni ng in order to s You find yourself refreshed by tha sym pat h i ze with the defeated h or oe· , it p1·;senco o f cheerful people ; why not sy m b ul being a tombstone :md a dyi 11g \Ve understarnl that 1 he battle make earnest effort to c o nfer that p le as - ruoster. ure on others You will find half the i no t o nir yet, and that more eog«ge· Thti B.lwmanvrlle ba.t tle gained if you ne v er allo w yourself m e n ts w i l l follow. printcrn am 1;rnch interested i n t he affair, to say anything gloomy. but are too much prostrated by the h .. at . _. Ha·nng purchased 200 cutters of nil to imitate th e i r fellow craftsmen. 'J' h ev na n the k i 11ds to s from t h e trade _nit Ga o i ire ' ,1uite satislied to natl the scores and que Carl'lage Co., we are p rea re d to . m urmur " lee Cream." wholesale cutters to dealers Ill West ,h u rsd ay mommg On .I . Mr. a . h .r . nowles, ,1 ·· · 'ct od ·\- i · umb Hl and ., ' -or th , D urh am J. · 01·1 · r. 1·· of th e fi r m ot , o ul d & \. nowles o f, · "' · . ?.7-tf '· · ; ' s llA · w ' Ii; Ton ies. conn t' Brantford, met with a rather severe and Pu.uLIU WARNlNU.- \Ve licrBby desire pai n f u l accident. Several of the youn g to w arn the public against being deceived men of th.- to wn havio g purc h B sed bicycles by parties saying we cmnot sell t he g·.·ods f,.om th!l fh·m lately, Mr. Knowles came we adv ertise at the prices we advertise. d o w n in order to give the m a few point&, We claim to buy lower bringinit a bicycle w i t h hi m and on it he See for yours elf . than some of our coml:'etitors and can we nt to N ewc as tl e early in the morni n g It will a o d 'd1 i l st returning, coming d o w n th ti consequently sell at lower prices. coat you nothing to pr ove who is corrert hill n ear Mr. Joness' the r ubber tire got. in this matter and you may save mon"y l oo se , cau ht in the saddle and eonse 1 1 uently the rider w as thro wn off, his head by doi?g it.-J. J. MASOX. coming in contact w i t h the rough gravel W. E. Pethick having been ap poi n ted on the road . C pon pic king him3elf up agent by the Swiss Steam Laundry Co . , he d iscoverell he had lost part of his 12 & 14 Jordan St., Toronto, is now pre· cranium and that his left ear w as nearly pared to receive a n ything that the citizens cut off. He m a de his way to Mr. J oness' of Bowmanvil!e may require laundered, wh ere he was t e mp oral ly bandagad up, which will receive promp t attention and and then came to t u wn where he was re he will guarantee all wOl'k will be d on e in pitired by Dr. Hillyar. He left on the first- clasa style. By calling on Mr. P e th · afternoon train for homo. 'l'he epot ick all i nfo rmation can be obtained. w here the accident happened sPems to be This is n ot We clip the following fr.>m tho Strat- unfortunate for bicyclists. ford Beacon.-Dr. J. E. B ro wn intends the hirst. young gentleman who has l1ad leaving Stcatfoid at au early date aud to put up at Mr. Jonees' for repairs. ALL M EDICAL AUTlloRrrrns aggree that taking up hia reoidence at Plum Creek, N ebraska, having formed a partrn;rship ca tarrh is no more nor less than i nflam w1th an old college friend of h is t h>lre . mation of the lining m em brane of the Nasal catarrh an d all The doctor has been in this city nearly a nasal air passages. yea and has made himsE)lf popuh1r, pro- ra.tarrlwl affections of the head are not fess ionall y and socially with all classs. dieaies of the blood, and it is a s e r i o u s A fine singer, he hae n ever failed to le n cl mis t ak e to tr eat.fth e m as r;uch. No c on · his assistance m m 11sical e ntertainment s. aci ent iou s physician ever attempts to do Ho will be m iss ed in the churoh and so . It ia held by emmioent medical men Sabbath School and those who k now h im that sooner or later a specific will be found will be sorry he is going away. for overy diseae from which humani t y 1rnffera. The facts justify Ul!l in as sumin g Says the Port Perry Standf:\rd :-One that for catarrh at least a positive cure of the f air sex from the front informs us, al ready exhiats in Ely's Cream Bal m . II as the result of careful and unbiased cal· Tim MAYFLOWER,-The con gregation al cul ations at a m eet i ng of · her S(1X in cine of the towns below mentioned, that, there S u nday School & Pnbliahin l{ Society b eare GO ol d maids in W hitby, 120 in gan wit.It this yea r the public ation of a Oshawa and four car loads in B o w man - four page weekly for y ou n g est readers in vil l e . Of course we cant vouch for t he th11 primary depart m ent of the Su nday ve ncity of the statement, but if such b sch o o l. the name of ' · The Mayflo wer " the case it has been suggested that it being given i11 as appropriate to the of pu blication for Se ries w ould be well for so m e of th em to take a "Pi·rim" tri p out this way or more paricularly to Sund,.y schools, o f which it was to form th e north of here, where w i v es are said · a part. T h e society has re cently learned that a newspaper bearing the s a me name to be in great demand. pu h lished The maiden ladies of un certai n age in h ad for s ome years bee u Bowmanviile town 11hould crus11de to. Port at Yarmo n thport, Muss . , by Mr G eorge Perry and exterminate the .,ditor of the Ot is . Thi s ha s led to a friendly corres S tan dard and t h ro w the contents of the pondenco', and Mr . Otis, with e vi d en t The bold bad sympathy i n t he work of the s ocie ty , eorofllce into the Scugog . is man has been auda ucious en<>ugh to tlilly acquiesced in the use wliich un certa m-agod rn ad e 0 th e _title, ":rhe _May fl·>w _er, ". in calculate the afo resaid p ubhcat10n n la.dies whom he insulLingly styles " old con11 ect10 w ith the J UVenlle Ac!mowlerlgements maids " as numbering four car load s.- ! abo ve re f erre(l t. Port Hope Times. [ are de to Mr. Oti s fo_r !us great courtesy in tlua matter, and it should be clearly u nilcrstood t hat bis right to the ti tl e, "Tht> M ayflower, " as 11Jlied to a. new s· pa.per, is no in way affected by this use which is made of it, with an attractive weekly paper (secula1·) of eight pages, L BS. and is intended for the family. I t has a , large variety of readin matter adapted --OFto old and y.mng, is careful l y edited, and its pr ic1;, $1 per year, places it w i thin the reach of readcrs who cannot afford the h i gher priced papers. We understand e< rr e spo n d c nc e is b ei n g had with Ol iver FOR WHICH 'l'HE H IGHKST O ptic , James Otis, Horatio Alger, Jr. , PRICE W ILL HJI PAID, AT a.rid other emminent writers for the young, m order to secure their interesting 1 con t ribut i on s for the Mayflower. 'l'he I Mayflo w er will be eent on trial for two .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. months for only ten cents . Try it. 'fh e Port Ho p e and Cobourg t.y p o s , a a p en cha nt h ave of late be,o,n. d o v e l o rii n · · fo r b a s e - ba ll.which has tiual:y culminate d in t wo fierce combats between tlrn riva l T h e first match was pl a y ed a t own s. w ee k ago Satu rday, in Cobourg, result i n a. vi ctory for the Port Hopors . The d ispe rse d . Cartwright P, O. 2'J-9w' Mr. Wm. E. D ee pros e , a yo u n g nmn a.bout 25 years of age, who h a d been FOR SALE. cam pi ng near the A. C. A. gro un d s for a STORE HOUSE O PPOSITB few days, was d row n ed one eveuing last :t. tho brick store nez:I, V a.uetone's mill an w e ek . 'l'his is the fii·st drowuing accident several valuable buildi n g lot a::lCl other pro of the seaso n at S to ney lake. perties in Bowman di lc. 'l'erms liberal, b o t h as to pa.yment rer1nk IN G oon RKPUTJ. -James Mc'\Iurdock, down and 1 ime given for l>-·l><nca. writiug from Kinsile, says : · · B . B . B. as l Purtber particulars c a.'l be had 011 applyiDll ynes, l·i·<]., Cot. S·. Antonine, P . a re med y for diseases of the blood, live1· to R 'l'. }0., P. of Q . . or to R. HUBBEL LOSOOMl?E and kidneys, has an excellent rep 11 tati o n 801ic1tor, &a. in t h is locality. I have u s e d it, and Bowma.nvlll e, Juno 10, 1887. 31-5W s peak from ox uerience, us well as o!:lser ----- ----- Part of lot9 9 aud HJ, con. :i. Cartwright 150 acrea--130 cleared, 20 acl'ea hardwood. Comfortable hou"e, commodious barn, stabht and driving .house. Good well of water, orcb ard, 2 milts from B ttrketon i;tti'..iun on c. P.R. 1ror particulars apply to W1LLTAl\J WoonLmi:. ALUABJ,E FARM li'OR SALE.V acres r:rmD · vation. It is the onl.v medicine I want, an d I adviso ot hers idliic to try i t . " is 1-{oing thro ugh tbe d iffere n t townships selling a new kind of wheat a wide berth. H e was through Cava.u aocl several far m e rs in tha·. townhip were v i ctimized tn the tune of a co u ple of hundred dtJl lars . - li ck er i ng X e ws. Farmers will d o well to give a man 1vho I Goo n Ac·r.- "As a cure for all s um me r complaints I highly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, hav in g often used it w ith the h;;st results. I have o fte n lJeen th ank ed for rncorn mending i t . " vVn:rrAM HA\Y , Ar.cater, O nt . The decision which was wi thheld b y the ;rustices of the Pe!lce in the charge agai nst W. J. Henderson,of the North Americ:l.11 Hott>!, O rono. for alleged violation of the S c ot t Act, was on M on day , last week, given in Mr. H e n ders c>n 's favor. A F Ort TO RENT.- Reing l50 acres In c'Jn. o r Pickerl mz. lot 1. 4 miles lrom the town oa 'Vhltby. 3 from U v e rponl 1110.rkct;. 'l'bera at & on the premiam> two barno, 2Ci:ti(), one wit b stono baeemont an<l s' able, ono shed. one carriago house with· N·!tblea, one olar young or<lhard of 20().·treea. 10 poar trees and a number of plniu ti·ees in bearin>:", wit.h garden well snpplic"l with snuill l'rui:t. There are four wel ls and two cisterns and 1» k "Pring st. r of water. One two.story l>rio house. 2x52, in for-r11 of an el l, one framt> house, 25x3C. Lnd well draine<l with til. For f11rther pa,r1 iculvs apply on t.hc premise!J to Eow. CoR:<ELL , Pick 'lriug, P. O.· Ont. 28-aw I RST-CL A S S FARM FOR SALE 2.t, 2-l.ic5 ·a111 .. fiiii S ! A good farm JO I -1N . .H Y LAN D C A R 'I' \V SITUATED IN consisting of 100 acres. the tat5 of the Jato Ii:'*" ARE You Go1NG To T ttAYEJ, 1 Don't fol'get a s u pply o f that Dr. Fo wler' s Ex tract of Wild Straw berry . It is a sup erior remedy for sea sickness, and a posi t i v e cure for all bowel complaints induced by bad wat er, chang e of diet, 01· of clim ate. Whether :it home or abroad, it sho n ld be kept at h an d in of eme:::ency . « Being the ca.a' half I G H 'l' of It ia within 8 miles or Pnrt Perrv . :t or Durk ton, and 14 of .Bowman ville markets. 'fhere is n. good frame dwelling house.t. email orch· ard, and gc.. <1 well of wtotcr. Thero ia alRo · a'8.bla 5Gx3(li. good barn, 35 x O. and a shed 'l'ho oil is good clay loam. l! or further pill'· apply to \Y. Buucr.;, Blacir11to ak. P.O. LOT8, CONCESSION, Z and Cartwri!-';ht. The To w n shi p Council of Clarke have enacted regnlations forbidding any of t.he folfow i ng animals ru. nning at large at any season of the year, w i thin tho limits of any village in the to wnship, unrler pen al·y of the snms iven : ' ' Stallions over o n e year old, a fine not to exceed $20. All other horses, a line of 20c. each . Bulls, a fin e not to exceed $5 each. All u nruly cattle, a fir,e not to OXCded $2 each. All o t her horned cattle to be free-com mo ners . All other sheep, not free-com moners. T h e by-law furthe r pr o v i des tor the p roper im pou11ding of t h e anim al s , the i mpo si ti on of the fines a nd their collec tion. 31. tt F. A. JON E S7 Hon ora.ry Graduute of O ntari o Veterinat'.]J College, M·)lllb ·r of Ontario- Veter· inary Associo.tio n, will attend to 11 di setis of domestic animals. E N N I S K I L L E N, VETERINARY SURGEON, Operations & Dentistry A S P E 0 1 A L T Y. WANTED · 129 784 - -W- O O L w. pepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is Indigestion is a foe to good misery. nature. The human di gestive apparatus is o ne of the most complicated and won derfol things in existence. It is easi ly , put out of o rder. Greasy food, tongh food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental wony, late worry, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American p eople a n ation Bm G re en ' s August dy sp eptics . of } i 'lower has done a wonderful w ork in reforming this sad business and making the American people so heal th y that they can enj oy their meals and be happy. h appiness R emember :-No without health. But Green'a August Flower brins health and happiness to the dya pep tic. A ak you r druggist for a bottle. Seventv·five e<>nta . 27 a rai l br oke t he bo n es of its nose be O F F I C E H O U R S, 8 TO 10 A. M. T h e pressure of th e tween th e eyes. A. 11.rat·clasa stock of Medicines always · b ones on the brain b rou gh t on violent on hand. . mania, the animal for a time being uncunN. B.-Will vlliit Williamsburg eveo trollable. lt was first thought b tter to Saturday of each week. 16-ly kill it, but in the afternoon the suffering ----·- .. ------beast was calmed down, an d placed in a l arg e box stall where it ro am e d around IMPORTANT TO ALL incessan tly, without evidently knowing W ho ar Bald, or have Thin or Grey Hair, or what it did, jut as a. h um ll n bei.i.g of who are troubl ed with dandrulr. uns otmd mind would do. At first it wonld only eat soft feed, the w ound affecting the back of the mo uth , but is beginning to chew a little hay now, and will, it is expected, be all right in a day or tw o . = lN B RIEF, A N D TO THE POINT .-Dys· A Hoit8E CRAZY . -A horse ran a.w::iy in E nni smo re th e other day and strikin g Calle and . Orders by mail er telegraph will rec1Jive prompt attention. <JBAROES M.ODERATB, Dr. D OR E NWE ND'S · 1 :c } > z < :?: llJ CJ I<( LLI ;,i;: 21 { ' · 5 .. > C> CJ D: QUICK & Co's. I I McPHERSON.-I.n Bowm auville. July th, J ane McPherson, relict of the l «te J ohn Mc· Pherson, aged 56 years. A. DORENWEND, Sole Manfr. TORONTO, C.ANA.DA, SToNr mousE.--ln Bowmanvill on tho Z<ld inst, Charles Malcolm, so n of Charles alld 1 · A. Dorenwend is tho leading manm11Cture.\' Jane Stoneholll!e, aged mo.. and l! days, Ofl!ak Goodll in Cooadtt, DIED. Will be found invaluable for the hair an<i scalp. It cl eanses tho scalp of 11.ll Dandrufi', Jnvigo? ate s· the growth Of the hair, and in... 91\SeB ot bal dnese , where the.. ""O tho"'na Iii root s le!i it wil l produce good c1·0P1t-0C htW;. It reetoreagrey hair to its origin11ol color, anll i.a an excellent clr<llleinll DO NOT DELAY, it your hair is in a weak con dition get a bottle at once. l!'or eale by J, HIGGINBOTHAM &; SON. an d all druggists. Ask lor lt, , C>

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