PERSONA,L. She ceased to t rment the" orawlish," a.nd. giving a parting glanc a·t old Beta, etrollel the w ay Miss Clara Louise Kellogg is Pa(ldy Lynch towards the little depot. sent f r m Am er would be on tho "tail" of Ne 19, and to Carlsbad,. and w ill be ab EGR APH THE TRAGEDY OF A TE L Nixey w as parti cula rly desirous ,,f bein g at ica ten weeks. ()n her return she will re· OPERATOR. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1887. the train during its brief stop to "take s ume singi ii g in conc ert.. Ma.dame Christine, Nillson is expected to water," for on his last t rip stubby, grinning Padd y had promised to b rin g hm· aomething sing in this country and the States next his n x t run, and th is wa s the s ea on in concert. Her price is suppo sed show , here and there, little greenish patche, nice A blue racer gli d- to be $2500 a c oncert. · that told that Spring 'was at h and. Through "next run " in que stio ent sliding The Pope sent has bee n die- the ma.tted brown grass little tender shoots ed f r om a tangle of grnas 1md · CATARRH -A n ew h" with N" 1xey Ki ng, of the Ha waiia. Islands, oovMM w hereby a permanent cure of this of " ne w crop" were struggling to force away across· th e " b urnt p la.ltberto incur ble dlseaee, i!' as l u t el y alfec.t· their way upward, ..,nd off to the right, in pursuit. reeetl y, n s t as she as sure expre ssing his regret at the news of the re ter !' f lll no , a.tions ed ln fro pne to three apphc rt where a. s tra y spark from an engine had last sh could tr:ike h im with the n;zm-weed cent death of the Princess Lik el ikc. inf c:ii:ie:g: f r:fv:· er t d Fall burned over sever al acres t ill stopped switch he glided under a sl ab A well-known riding ·master insists that :,1:! 1: :\ p Descrlp· by the waters of a little " branch," was an to heavy for her slender str en gt h to turn gir ls should not be taught to l'ide until they . . . . ...... . . . . . .. . d ds not interfere with bmineas. eta p by an o to the m tive s.mphletsent !ree on recei pt f emerald stretch of j u ic y new gr s s apor· over. Then a.s she ar e ten yearrold' because they weak in p Weet , st.reet King 05 Son, so ·A. B. Di xon & 3 tion of whi ch old Bets, the ittle, t aper · depo t th tram. was onl y a f ur l o_n g 0: But stout the spine when wea,k at all. Toront , Can horned Cherokee cow was doIDg her best away. '.!:he rapi d and a.lmost frantic chck· acti ve boys cau be put into the saddle as AT 18 CA:X-ARRH1 . s r a e thou&· to devour . A few v enturesome fl. e h c as I soon as they ai·e large enou gh to ho ld n. ewers were ing of the " sounder" reached . her . . . ... . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Catarth is a dangerous d1e11e.s w i h l'erin f:( ,, unconsciouslysuf Her father, , he paused at th e open door. up t the welcome snn. A tiny ·ands a e consciouslyor · . a ge ca.used smilin r . ms han ds . :vusk' oftenest m k sch o "'1.r. o di h b lent e I i·-0 ·puru n e i t muoo g as i n < s is l of a s p ....., · It ale as the hue ..__m ung busi .1Y · ' wa ' gop1ler was rus1 · ed · f a vegete.ble pa asite In the stnpe ·b ack e G · t· f 1 t ' F · e I r ic l ·Ies ) :>; ar · ' . s' by the J)resence '11 be charged when accounts { . ,rea ' Twenty-five cen ts ext ra WI I c var 'l'hen from his 0 ye s i np of it with startled intensity. n li·ttle he 'here , - from hi"s hole, w otthe · n ose. T he P.redlspo an d 1t 18 one of the griefs, of Mr · Ruskms old llnlng ,_ the e blood h t and of d o o l b the plash t <t fresh etn·th showed that Spring house-clean- lips came a gre . . ln causes a. o bid state of c age that he knows 1r 'IV alter S ott b he germpo1son i blfghted corpuscle of tubercle,,tfi;om t.he reten- ing h ad begun with him, to the abode of ;ioi se f the approachintrain :was dinn ng h e n.rt. Nevertheless, if he takes up a 'ol over one month. . ' panting en g me drew up . as the ?! syr ili e, · · wa s confined t o m h er ears · n e1ghbor, who, perh a ppressed u skm,s. ofthe tter tt · 1 ·t·, .d do"' .. n for the =e te m 18 n ot l a1. · e 0fS· n Ofthe e u· '-'0 t1o urn ing b e · wer that ·The e a words tank t . the · undergrounc · "th SprIDg pers ire.tione ba.dl.Y v entila.ted sI eepID apar. i home w h 1s . fever. · . . . , next hour. . othei; poisons 1 Whate ver the gopher's lrnsIDess was 1t kept frantically clicked off . were hom the next mens 11.nd th germination of ied at C S amue1 4P . IlO cr ining mem l the e. thes by 1· Gr'ffi n, w ed r here shiftless Dick 13l1rns had w I east, n o i t ritat a st . . · .tlJ.e blo d pt running and forth beteen the him reoep J e th r , o f y . A, pmwa11 o n he t l uly' wore n ot a .f ew · · . read . e e 1 s s p ' b l as c h u brane Of the noee l·s ever m th h b't f 1 as epmg s . o I a. c h oles with only very short stays in each. d d I m d s of honor. T highl y prized . e Nixey knew sleep y Dick's' e a An old crow, who loo ked as if th e past during the day. by lum. a s · a . dc c oration . . conferr d b! th rot; u.p the of io was he now Just . t n e m u r t s n i lcera.t the on h c u o t a. , · with h im , s at _n the throat, causinR: n ueen Ill 1 ecogmi?n of h s Sel· d oafnesR. bu": W inter had gone hard . &he eustacllian tubes, ca,uei11 . solemn mournful heap of ruffled feathers, clicking off with ins ane fury : I c s on t al Grnmell ex pe dit ion, wh ch sehe ! vi e cl . e s s ra. . s h e i a s ay an I t "Ext i h t we g ' n i l go p left t ju o e r rowing in the voc ou n t t 0 · nc on the p eak of t e l ttle g o ture struc . r c prope the t h e lost es Arctic of exu r e d th first tra c ng uaurpi For G od ' s sake-" hold it. . consumption an S tubes, ending i n IS b n,, IS coa.t o f di<l H' · aht eyes peered u t from h" from plor er ir John Franklin· · , ' g . ran od p o s l b of . bnrst grc"'t a 'fhen inn em l o s with 4eath : e curo or r usty feathers and watched th , 1. r ish Miss 1! or te scue has .g iven . to an . ng geni ous speiflcs fo i waY the operator's li s. He to uch ed the i nstru. her, '. msy u tentness, th e l ·May Ina JUSt a rttle · reporter some unpress10ns of her v1s1t here ve been mvented, but without. s e. catarrh h . . · ac d k wirec n a . ment I to seemed He long standing d1scov· f ro m the narrow platform cees, until a Pb slcian 1at Amencan . c fin c1s t 1 Co ea--" and totheS tates . Sh it ti ng blood Am sp " lower· .der the amoun t o f energy d' · , th disease and the consi isp1ayed b Y 1 ered the exact nature o · "e I women h ave good l · · "ble fee t . 1ancl s and 111v1s1 1 anently des troy d perm e en y will s a E r h o t w all · was v " e hat I vi c "t n a 0 a e f r s a t w 1 ess T use 1 n l us a . . pp ! how aggravated the th e small amma ·that they wear their clo thes with ex qu i · ite . .1 ,. Ya. att b u d ourst parasite, no of o o l wave A . finishe not d e n e p o o · r Occasionally he :;i u noe force eend stamp at . l1 <md s enery f .II,. ner ' 1 a d that thCdll ; a. ; k m ut h as if ab n t o utt;er a questioning from the man's lips and he fell back-dc<td, a phlet e s lac s tr ee s, he ges, wa er, an I ' " es. , on, 305 "H y p e on e i l . S t en m u r t s n i i y e h t o t e g n i S r p s & N " x e immediately in ?" closed always t u b aa ra A, H, D x aw · bsin :: Wh at a.kes we have are so 1arg e that you · ,T · onto, C adA · ICk 1ia d p aused at the com mancl of th e King street, weet as about to D. l erov as if he had forg ot ten wh.:r.t ho B. ., a Cl uling; cannot see t w other s1 a e f them. What the Re'V. E. B. Steve.i.son, W l trem h t dad. i h m w ay n now "' o a o th ;ue . . s a y. ·"th L don ConfQ'enceofthe Mr. R o be t Bonner' s mterst m hores In the shade of a distorted tree so,t Nixey, nger and face of eorrow Nixe y press ed t_ he Ca nada, has to sav in reg<£'rd . hurh l. e. benets he r eceiv . rument no1e aro se prim arily from t 1 Treatment for the station-master's d aug h ttlr. th e m a c ther? ' Alrc°'.dy New n s o ,s mat J r e h :From n&: Dixo . To A.H : . ' rdance Hastily she e from h orebck ndrng, ID c Catarrh, on an old, worn-cut tie, ehe tickle d of t he tram startrng agam . ch 17, lSSS seat, " Father just dead. Go on from w ith a pre sc!· 1pt10n from a. phys1c1an, who Oaklans1 Ont., C naa., Ma.r eed switch an i ndu strious wired : w u i z o r a h it w . . n n thus cured h.un from the effects of overwork. s ake. ' " Messr11. A, H. Di:x:o & So l:lth 1 et to han "crawfish" in the "branch'" th··t ran its o urs DEAR Srns.-Y After three months or the exercise Mr. Bon Then came sleepy Dick's me s$aa e : be tre that I a sluggish way ·ust before her Wit i his Lody " It seemed almost too g. I i I rn I · a · ' · th ree i ner was able to d o as much wor1\ ID t 1a.t c No. 19 . ,, · · ' lvm" . " For God' s sak e ho11 of piece en beneath a sh e d · r Cat a h but I ever half hi dd ae. and int.en or hd no retuh. of the dlse ied BO many iimestone tho "crawfish" . as eng'°;.ged in e x OD the . hours <\S previously .Jnst in ti me ' . tr e v a h I life my n t b e er · t in Queen v· 1ctoria e xpresses t o h er peopl e f b tar h 'suffered 60 much an d for c av ating a. new and perhaps more commod1- platform and gave the stop signal. vVith ,, I ... to realize that ous hole. Carefully lowering the point of i gri ndi ng r oar an d a hiss of the air brake the hr "'w<Lnn trnks for th e k in -more th a n nf!ne:ra, fhii.t it ie hard _ ee· It th o swi tch int o th e w a.ter , Nixey would' train came to a stop with Lhe engine just km<l-rncept10n I met with gomg to antl reI am really better. d b e s I c ns ider min wt ni':i hvcivi ' l'he 1·esult would p a st the little ph·tfrm. touch the worker below. . fhe eoa'i ueer got t u rning from W estmi ns ter Abbey with all tggravfit! pas agee. an d I be tha t the "crawfi sh " would give a s tart ed down from the ca.b, and wondere beneat h my ch1ldren and gra.ndchilren." It s h owe I tmnt "flop," an d then a vic i o u s snap at t he his greasy ca p if t,he girl had ]Jeen playing her that the labor and anxi.ety of fifty l o g ould req u i re the three ,ii ea t;bh tw_o The gayly uniformecl year s, "twenty-wo of wh ich were sp ent m 8d swit ch with his lobster-like clawti, and Nix- some prank on him. but I feel fully cured by tbc uc m r e v e wae I that I am th n ful ey wo ul cl hriek with childish laughter at conductor entered t he small room close be- untroubled happmess, shared and cheered o . use thle letter atatin hi queer ':'ntics. The rozin-weed would e hind the grim y engineer. There was a by y beloved h u sband , " have been <ip· · -1g·areat li b erty treatments. an . I prec1ated by her people. · that I h ave been cured at two reme y to some qmckly withdrawn befor e he con ld snap 1t fr wn on his face 5 . d our e Lord yron asked " What is the en d ,an bu t s topp ed abrupt - ! with his c a ws, and the craw fish would re" W h a t- " h e be r I ehe.11 gl adl y ec m n e ot,my tri ds who aume his interrupted houee-building· As ly i1s he saw the qu er iy clad child prone on Fame?" A ccoi d i ng to a.ocounts from Pa.ris ey oure, wi n;1ia:i'.iks. .l l soon as tranquillity reigned once more Nixey the body of the father who had died doing Gen. Boulanger must have found it someREV. E, B. STEVENSON ,, " match, ?uld prod him lightly agi, and t he same his duty. The little blue cap that the thing like the end of a "sl gg ing .And hu ndre s of ohn Lawrence St1lhva, has frightened start and flop, VICIOUS sn ap , burst "peannt bu tcher " ha d gi v en . of la.ughter, and resumed task would be re- off and t he untamed sunfaded hair stream- popula.r m the Umted S tat es . I he Frenc h e peat . D uring her persecution of the.ed'down and half hidthe face of thosohbing Genera.I was ?a.rried b? dily by e Paris .th he Then Nixey told of eleepy D ick p e ple t o a ra l wa.y stat10n which as " cra.wfish" the lass uirl. or two, turn a watchful glance toward old Burns' message, and the way the conduct r bound last Fnc!ay'. He.s reeeived her new stock of g reedily dev o uri ng the gr een sho ot s sent Paddy Lynch rushing down the track were so cnthusia st 1c th at he ws f o ced to t . 011 .the " bunt p atch. " Old Bets looked with a r ed flag was an astonisher to the fi re- fly for refuge an he '1 . to he cool? scarcely take a s e t dumg the JOUr· do cile and uiet enough, but, as no one can, man, who still sat in the cab. :nvi'tes the Ladies of Bow tell what q and .L freak may enter the head f a At the rear of the train was a. spec ia car ney m con se quence of his bru1ss. k eep an eye on with gli tterin plate gass windo w s and gilt C herokee cow , it was best m.anville and vicin ity Ramab aia, a Hinoo woa·l of_ high caste, 'li'B ¥' ... . I her. ornaments. ]rom this presently emerged who has been st udyID!l medicme m l'h 1ladcl · · M !!, "' a n er p tt' er .and see A queerly ar ray e d little figu r e Nixey was, the superintendent of the railroad, im pa- phia, has pu t her novel experiences into a be sure. Still, as she was only eleven tieut at the unwonted delay at the l ittle volume, whose proceeds are aid .i. fund . years old a nd by no means exper.t with her wayside station. He bus tled into the small she is endeavo ring to raise to open at Poon. . 9 n eed le, and her father, the st t10n agent,, office with .stern displeasure depicted upon ah a home for ra.h in widows doomed by and assortinent ot was not over skillful in t he art of dress- I his face. But, as the young engineer whis- cus tom to a miser able existence. By edu makin g, the queer cut and finish of h e r gar-! pered the story to him he strode out into eating and el evat ing these women and send ments was not be wondered at. Her face the air again, a.nd some one saw him wipe ing them out to t each-to which less objec was sun burn ed and flecked here and there a stray tear f rom h i s eyes as he walk ed tion would exist under Hindoo c ustoms than . · is;ar BTOR.E :-Second Door wet of William "':ith s aucy frecles , and her . nos had a de- toward the sp ec ial car. He was absent but for marr ie or, still more, unma rried women H e r hau·, light and a u p w a. r d tilt. cided a tew moments, and when he r e tu rned there -Ramabam hopes to make this home a cen- !lateher Stall · trifle sun-facled, was t ang led, and a s tra y , were a qui et -faced man and a sunny-haired tre of elevating influence in a place already ragged lock was continuall y falling down girl of a.bout Nixey's age with him. 1 t he educational headquarters of the p ro . from b ene at h the blue cap that Billy SimAfter th extra train that Sleepy ick vince of Beng al. mvns, the train "candy v.nd peanut butch. had failed to hold, and thus came within a; L rd Lorne could blame nobody but him. " er, ha d given he r , and w as as oft en puhed hair's breadth of causing aterriblea_ccident, self for his ignominious descent from the :JF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS back h er face, only to f all and tickle had p assed , No. 19 proceeded on its way. back of his " capering beast." He de clined When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, The llu.iet·faced m an was now in charge of the loan of a quiet an d thorou ghly trai ned As there are many i·aferior her rnub uose again. jut:o, To be p recis e, she had been christened the little wav st ati on. The dcud open.tor ani mal, iu order that he m ight be mounted goods, corded wit hemp, etc., offe e and sold now lay lay on a stretcher in the ca.r, and a more showy steed. '.L'he cat a.str ophe 1 as Coi·alino by some un pe cefully sleeping i? th e. little churchyn:rd sollhing ixe y was in the special collch, and seemed considerably to amuse the r oyal ties , · · principled merchants trad I, hat ix- th superintendent's da:nghter, the sunn y- but at the Abb ey th<> Duke of P ort la.nd, m the far- oil O n a m ing on the reputation of . our i;Cn11ioc Coraline, ey had leit when s till a todd lin . havmg heard nothing of the fall, i ngenu haired lass, w as comfortmg the bereft one. we warn the ladies against . Try it once, you will use no other. Her father had not been the same smce lns Th en the old crow, who had flown away ously asked Princess Louise's husband such imposition by draw i ng their attention to the gentle gir l . wi fe ha.d been taken from him, at the appr oac h of th e trai n, ' r etur ned to h is "how he liked his mount?" Th" da.ily necesoity of seeing that the and could not bear to hear the name of p erch on the depot peak n.nd u tte r e d a de · papers reported that L o r d Lorne's head lUctJOLL BROS. & ()0'Y, To1·onto name Alice, so h e had called the c hi d by one pet risive "Haw!" as the gopher one more struck against the curbstone, but that he Alice was forgo tte n emerged from his h ol e. name a.nd another, , was never th eless able to get up and walk Then as ever h avin g belonged to her. The dea d station agent now lies in the away, an account would lead oue to · .b. l" .!J goods, a n .U orn 'A ata.mped on inner side of · that his head must be of gr inning Paddy Lyuch, the jolly little vil age churchyard beside his girl-wife. conclude Without which none are genuine, b t ai l bra.keman" of No. 19, the c on and Nixey tamed to a lo w- voic e d polished amazing thickness-but, as a matter of fact, "all fast mail, hacl, f or no particular reason, young lady, is the adop ted sister of the he got an easy fall on hia back, Wiser dubbed her "Nixey," ancl Nixey she e- su perint nd ent's sunny--haired daughter. than Lord '.Lorne, the Duke of Edi nburgh 1 came to the trnin hands v.11 of whom were And old Bets--why, she, grown older aml. t e e grap hed for an exception!tlly quie ·--- M.ANUF.AC'.rURER OF--her friends. . I more staid-is the property of the new cbu.rger. . " · o a General Banking B u si n ss 'Continues to d In front of the litt e gi-ay depot ran thc l agent at the littlestation, and . as of yore , r nc h. &Bo wm a vi l e n Just1'oe Overt ako .s Them. . ' ' track, and the shini ng rails stretched range s over the "burnt patches" of each\ DEPOSl'.l'S away on either hand till they see:iied 1 year. : Though i is quite tr:ue that corrnpti on has KING STR:S:E'I\ BOWMANVILL _ :teoelved In Savings·Bank Department and been carried to a f r ightful extent i n the a mcev each othe r and tou ch th e horizon m , h d a. number hi c1eo (andi a manurac,ur1ng .. . . , th en e " as now ' a great many more ) O· Jall e.nd interest allowed st current ratee. No th e d. . 1 a · t h. . ·1en t , . an d · ·St ates, and th e publIC ' llOU t a11 waa si V it v is . tanc e. '" i s m JS w ay b een patt er ns and best finish, which I am offering fo1· sal1; a.t the 111weetprlcescon.sist . e1J i 1otice o! ithdra w al necessary. All depoalt 01rcum stances Oases. Alter . r obed of untold suti;is, thongh not only te ol crow on the dept peak shifted with due regs.rd to w: or 1!' m a na followingir. a l i s t of and quali l'. i t ;p payable on demand, . l e l vehicles ma.nufac:tured by me prmc1pa his po sit ion and ga.ped an;am, but utter d It is sai d that when the Caudle l ectures Legrn ators but Legislatures have been . EXCDA.NG:E \Vithin n o sound . were appearing one iligen t s tudent of their boua;ht,. a.nd very likely are st il l, yet this is Double Covered Carriages . ..... . . .......... .. . . ..... . . . .. ............ ........$150 Upward _ . o d to b e s no n d a1,l m f aor of the g re at mass _ of the !-' a. s varied. bea uties 8,.id wi th a si gh which wa.s 3ought and sold and Drafts issued upon Enrope ticket office, etc., all c o mbm e 11 Single Phretons . ................................................................ 100 Jnited States andCanada, ala o Gold,Silvere.ncl wa s heard but th e monotonous, 1 c hck- c ltck - mo s t significant: "They are true to nat ure. people to the Sou th of us, and that IS that 11 "0 O pe B ggy.... . . .. .. ..... . .... . . . ........ .. ...... . .. . ..... ... 1 · Q'nited Staes Greenbacks bou!lht and c p h when a n sc a l is t e l eg r a ra on e found out a d hunted elickety-clhk" of t1e n u .. . . . . ·· ····· . . . No unmar ried man could have wr itten 11 Top Buggy.. . . . ... . .. .. ....... . . ..... .. . ... . ..... ...... ··......................... 90 s th e mssage s p assed . by. . The operator them." ]J.qua11y t rue, as many news aper down he _never gets up again. 1'.l" a can p ()0LLECTJ01'IS " Democrat Wagon................................................................ G5 nd be hands oned _o D his a corr ce o bowed his p a le f a I . a meti f urt :fh cial 01: · epremen can testi fy, is the follow ing item in " Lmber Wagons .. .. . ......... . .. . ........... . . . . .. .. . . ........ . . .. ..... . '.""... 55 Promptly m ade at current rates upon all par c o?ghed, and thei·e was a l ittle .si;>ot of· which is re or e d the reason why a wo r thy sentat1ve havmg ever been reh a. b 1 ht a.ted at Gre at Brittain, the United States and Do bright b oo on the floor wh en he fm1shed. clergyman dropped his subscripti on to the af ter he had once been exposed,. conden rned " Light W agon..................................................................... 40 . anlnion of Canada. " He was dymg, he knew; slowly, maybe, loca.l paper and why he i n d ue time resumed and put d pwn . Tweed a.nd his associates Expres8 Wagon.................................................................. 7[i stole Ly millions. Telegraph 'l'ransf'er They laughed at the but none the Jess surely. C onsump ti o n had I it again : Skeleton . . . ....... . ....... ... .... . .......... ... . . . ..... .... .. ,... ...... ... ......... 50} " A cl erg ym an residing in the neighborhood idea of b e in either found out or condemned. tor a rge or s m al sums on all parts of fastened upon him with its cruel fangs and Sulky........ ....... .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . .... . ,............................ 40 0 The cold W int er , of Hartford , having lost his wife, submitted They cried ut " What will ye do wi th i Cana d . '!'his is e sp e cia lly advant ageous to hi dys wre n mb ered. ?" Possessing enpertor faciliti es tor manufacturing carriages, I lntend to . . sell very cheap for 0, , persons living In Ma.nitoba, or the North · w e s ' with its b tzzar s :incl icy blast,. had almost d e t , weed e A h y 1s da _ Y S b e h m d v u i;ided J?T a. col mn or more re iew concerning her . or a.pproved credit, and by ao doi ng I h ope to greatly inoroase my n umber sales. WouJil ult oo.akes the funds available onoe at the robbed hmr. of his already fa.ilmg health, life, re qu es tin the editor of h is pape r to pri s on and all 1s as s ocia,e s m one way sell the wood parts only, or the gee.rings of buggies Ironed. . place of payment, the have it p ublish ed. The newspaper mEn, o n o· other came .to grief. wi th ot?er New an d h ad stre ng th en ed a.. hundre fol l!'or turther particulars call at the Bank!np t l1e p o we of. the fatal diaeii;; e.. H e hop e d Not1eably with t h?se . o rk msca11s smce. acc ount of the length of t h e article and its 1 . S . Honse. 1 th at the co mrng of prmg, with its 1ife-giv- la ck of public interest was o b liged to decline a 1der me n w 10 so1d th e r ai way f rom C h ma T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, th1:o w off it wi th t hHk s. Up n this the clergyman :1n d wit h ."he miserable old man tha t ought in g warmth, would en able him At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trjmmed if Desired, A ccounta nt. Manager th e ho ld of the . dread malady, b ut it was became indignant and stopped his patron- it. So with Belki;iap and Ames and Colfax, At the Faotory I also do Planing, Matching, T urning anO. S win g with Circle, Band 1· Sor ·Iv . b ut op ms ag:1'rnst. hop e. He :-vould h'."".'e age. Within a year he married a.gain, anrl and the whole nbe of eleva;ted p lu nderers Saws and p ep a e all kinds of lumber for oarpenters nd others for building purposes. Or w en fa l and Piokets tor fenocs in e vor y Rtyle reQuired, to order. g1vn up Ins s1tu at 10n a t the htle. pra.ine the newspa per in question gave a full nnt ice who had anythmg to o with the money station, far from human habitat10n and of t he event. The next day cle rgyman that was placed where it could do the most r everything _excpt th_e tank(aud the " br anc h" presented himself i n t he editorial room, his g od. Did ev one of th em ris e again ? tha t supphed 1t with wa.ter, but· he had facP. wreathed with smi les , and bought a lhd ever .:me of t he;i1 get another c ha°:ce ? He hn;d no rela- n umber of papers. On going out he renewed Never. Can Can d1an.!l say the sa.nre thmg. , n ? here else to. 110. Per iap s t1ves and . fe w friends, and i f he should his order for the paper, r em a rkin g that he Perhaps they hmk they can. Smetimes 1< he little depot and t.he small salary ·wa whlly unabl e r ecall the accident by , o th er peol?le Junk they can't. his to1lmg there brought him, what would whwh his subsc ript ion had been allowed to. they are mclmed to play the Pharisee, and thank God that they are n ot so corrupt as become of Nixey as well as him self ? And lapse. I hey had better f r very so he d ay after day, battling Yes I M any an indignant contributor of a th ose Yankees. day , hour of loeal i tem that was heav y , dull ancl Jong de cncy h old . heir t on gu es and s ho rt en I ravely fOi' anot her h at would be l hfe. 'Vhn he was g?ne - has, like t his ob i tua ry-w r itin g clergyman, then· thank sg1 vmg. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the come . of N1xey? He did nt know, a.n the ".stopped his paper." Ah well, the h e ave n s . -------.ALT LIVER AND KI DNEY COM- ax1 ety th t the uncertamty . occas10ned did n ?t fall after all, an d in spite of the Not That Kmd of'a, Baby. LIVER, STOlllAUH. K.UllHIJEYS AlVD BOWEJ... S. the ead ly disease. He calamt y the paper mau r ubbed long. hi m lent a id No " It was at the baptismal font a nd t he P LAlNTS, DYSPEPSIA, I NDIGEST- had tf1ught her teleg 1 aphy at od hours, one will ever know how much tho world has They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated onstitu tions , and · . . · c1ergym an h ad the b abY m h is arms. · 1 l by" co°:tn 'b ted ar ticl e s sent m as i 'd entaI to F ' FOJ ue invaluabl e iCn 11 d C ompIainta lnc1 . em a.lea of a11 Ages. , ION A:ND A LL DI':lEASES ARISING. and th e ch.ld h d b ecome ,,s? ex pert tha " 'Vhat is the name?" he asked the god·,s t 'fl soun d f t he m essa she could read tn es. bemg either returne d or remorse. , ge h1l ren 1md the aged they priceless. . · ' i father FROM DIS ARRANGEMENTSoFTBE was not toorap1dly ent. Perhaps, _ after l ssly "cut down." "Js Of course, t e h b:st ephineNewton." . £":."'< h wa s gone the s1;1permt eadent , lear:qmg of b1tswerc always left out, and the most fin. ; , .. JL_, . _ .. L'>' _ J.. _ u.1 "Jose h E N ewton Iba tize t1 ee . . LIVER AND KID NEYS. hia faithful servrne a.nd the . dext e rity of ished p aper s i nvari ably r etu r ned ! The edi ; , P ' P .i m ·Bad Brestl5, th name--1 , . . fl o,n · f e ll' bl .. d B , in L a l .e re me Y 101 f.d I e s, Old Wounds, Sorel g the child, would pro cure her a place in so me · -, torial mind is s o stupid 1 , Not Jos P·1 RJosephm, , , mterrupted office where the knowledge of thll "key" lilIId Ulcera. It ii! fa.moue for Gout 1:md Rheumatism, For d! of the . . the mother m great alarm. "Its not that . . . 1 e 11e1. wi. . . ov · u w ould pr .1r brea , d · an . d 'th d al Ch e a t -' it h· a:i . no oqua l.Bulgar ia, has elected t new Prmce and kin of . d . a baby. " the though t co morted mm. The child h ad Russia growls at the imptlilence pro of the _ -' 1" 0 10.· 01·e rn·n·o:ats !Hi'l."{ll l " 1 ' · l.UhUs · ' ' ( .JOU.l>" "" b§> Colds grown tse d to hrn wan1 pale f a c e . ' ' . an cl hIS ceeding. It fancies that t;he Czar ought to I . . 1 · . · 1· Con;nnumties 1;1re b,estlll the p r op o r tt wren ch mg coug_h and did not rea lrne t at have been consulted. n Apparently he has Swellin . as end a.U Skin Diseases it has no rival· ' and for im whwh money is diffused through the who,e he was near his end. He c oughe d agam, not been Wh<·t ' then? vVill the great Bear con t·rl\c <.> . ea ' im.r . l tiff JO · Ilke a oh arm. . I n ts it ac"s / r ange of population. a1d the effort seemed as if about. t o tr y to prvent F<m'!i.nanrl's inst.albthis sle der f rame a.nd narrow chest m twam. tion ? Perhaps. And should all this me ])ream are much eaten in llrnnco, fivepence J?d Proprietor, Toronto. When 1 Manufactured only at THOMAS Ho: . was over here WM anc.ther spot dlin le ad the Bulgadans to dispense with !or sixpence a pound b ing LLOWAY's Esta bllshm .i; th e usual pTice in i:; e th e flour, and e reste red.lue b od 11: Prmce al together ancl go in for something counry towns. The old .French proverb, 78, NEW OXFORD . STREET, {late (li33, ffXJFORD STREET), . IiONDO.N, . 1s tluobbm., l k head un the and panted hke a re ub lic , would thmgs be i mpro ved ? "Oui a lweme pent brame?· ses amis," des SOLDBY which p , , , · like one exha_:uated. . . Possibly not. lut the Bulgarians mi ght in ,I Izaak 'Vu.lton transl a t s, "He th at hath And are sold at ls. I!d., 2&. 9d., 4s. 6d., 1111., 22a., and 33s. each Box or Pot, an'1 HJIGGINBOT.llA.!Vll. & §0.l'W, .Fa away 111 t he west N1xey saw the ID· th at case light even more re may be had f:tom all Vendorathroughout the Wor:kl, s olu tely than ' bre ams in his pond is .able bid hi s friend · . crearng cloud of smok e that beto_kened the ever and mi ght eventually make goocl their wcl come, " roves that in France a bream' d'Purehase:u hould look at the J.a'bel on the 1·ots and Boxe1. p h e rddre If' t . BOWMAN VILLE. commg of the cannon ball fast m ail, No. 19.; new republican csition, .li ke good wi ne, "needs no bush. " p 15 D 1>33, Oxford Street. London., they are NIXEY. o e oi:t o MDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as fallows : CATARRH. The North-West prairie was beginning to on m a treatment e n, w " o an autograph letter to n o a , o strolled ba k of limestone, I c l 1 Stove and C hestnut, . $6.25 6.00 i·un r membr&.nem r h mercul'Y, toxomw, o 0 r r o o th Grat and Egg, o t- Y r !: !T1t·wfa. · op tJ°: c:" corde, caus1fh·ho:rgenei 1 pulmonary for or Y which r Uie 1 on catarrh. to the n E!r= Ei an or f! {r o I J nost Vwto!l l LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD Always on hand a lowest prices.. WOOD o not " gop o o his red-lined was w i; tt el rr 00hi'o know a d. n &8 I J l .l I 1. I I' I l b I a ' j l o J , 1 NEW o I w-st End House. I -.have arrived at the- SPRING GOODS McDOUGALL & METCALF I Nixey sprang out d twelve hours. o ak .: t e to m r o d eno the j l C! others w l 1 o B I'll 9 MllOS cT ii1v1s lfl · U ffJI M d her had fallen such as would, every moment o G . Q QD S h Bets, 1.I o o to call. to l I I B 0, N N ETS HATS to Our Grocery Store i· s replete w1· th ' , Prov1's1"ons, the Cho1"cest G to 1 rocer1 es and the demonstrat1011s r Crock er y, G a s swa r e, Fi' eld and locomoive, Garden Seeds, &c. Tgfi"l\'fr' Mf'c1M'r"l"nr'DJrrlit 1 'D) - to of I 1 I and see our lovely L adI · es' call Dress Goods. and see our handsome G en ts' call Tweeds and Suitings. FU 11 " 11 nes of G er1eral Dry Goods ll0W open .i:".or 1· nspect 1' on ·, a B m TRIMMINGS Farmers, Th reshers and Millm en, Use M.cOoll Bros. & to ]' BEWARE rd D L ARD JI NE:: MACHINE 01 L. Co.'s Celebrated. o h from THE BEST TN THE WORLD. Alice, after her gentle mother, who a t ! g clnlr. , ::\'. on FA IJY SAFE1Y & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. CO.' CROMPTON CORSET all C THE ONTARIO BANK e n l Ba w stubby, till l , l e , , HA I N :EJ S' CAR RIAG E "W()RKS GEQRGE C. HAINES, Proprietor l l I sold. a l l l the litle waiting room, I instrument I ,I ? d d , d I faARmAcE 'u ni 0' on an urrEns s· LElnHs WA ,u s &(ti ' u u Ill UlH1 u ., o. ve , the h '.rh e t c d a.t ! d u i . r o ot to Al. J Kinds of ·vehicles Repaired na r r h DANDELION LIVER AND KlnNEY w so tbe a BITTERS CURES to ! FOR AI...cL! toiled on, to week, w o THE FIL.LS 'by d t l C The Greatest Blood Puri fier in the World. 1 E. M 0 R I-l IS, o on re:id I d I / . . I j rr1 H . "" INT C -, NT : .;r -r .:_. ! ! I G!xl.ndu.lar : j j to I s1n11.rlou1,I