J ..rymen are better off in these times tha·· in the good old da.ye when it was the Ready to do 1t Aguht. law o endeavor to starve them into a verdict, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1887. York who is a! It ·0 bad enough n w to. be put . to loss of New in man There is a . . cause of anx1e ty to h' is fr1ends, but not for tim·l and money, with .!tttle or madequate e 'thout berng sta1ve . . ". d ' or fined the reason that he is an ordinary dealer in :e"ompense, w, . ., stocks aJJd a scalper of straddles. His name, m t . 0 tl1e bargain In the early ,p"rt of . / is C. K. Eastlan, .and ho is interesting be- 1 reign ot . Henry VII. Lnd Chie-Ju&ie cause he is likely to fall dead at any moment. Re:d tned . an action when on circuit lll .}· d up, but before A T.ERRITIC BATTLE FOR W HOSE He h··s died three times so far, and he ,1 Vl'.hch the. JUl'y wre locke tad .cat.en a?d drn. 11.11. ·1- , dosen't look as though he had yet done the g1vug the1r verdICt 1 WAITED. VULTURES END THE I wluc confessed. the all This bemg repo;t;v: h best in that direction. He is fully aware of --ANDhis pleasant little peculiarity, and is unable ed to the J ude he fied them e1ch he,a.v1ly The Deadly 1Vork ot tl1e Bull's lforns nlltl ad took thm verd lCt. TH Hilary 1erm, to explain it to any body. '.!.'he first time he r the Bear's Teeth and Clll\YR-lnterested , III.' the, casec11 me up bfre died was "'hen he was 30 yea.l's old, and tlu·t Sixth Henry \ Spectators oa the Earth nnd in the A.tr. . . He was living in the '. ull Cour& o Queen s Bench on a . JOlilt was about 16.' years ago -Norwich, Conn. He had suffered with moton t? se t as1de o_o tile grouncl of lnforchronic indigestion and was weak and ma.ht} of tnal, the 3ury havmg eaten _when "I belonged to the engmeer cors that s:irfeeble. Oue evening he was out walking they should have faste, am! next remit the vey;ecl the ro;nte for . the Cna.d1an P !"° 1fic .r c1rc1.1;mstanccs of after an unusually hearty supper, consisting fines under the e 'ulw . . ,and Raxh·oad," sicl my riend '. Big Frase1, The . JUY av errcn that they of a cracker and a cnp of tea, when he sud- the case. _ ttl.e rcreatt?n, I one day, while seekmg a h "THE TERRCBLE FIGHT CONTINUED deuly fell on the eidew«lk. The people had made up their mmds m the case before was a witness of a scene m wild hfe which I ho came to his asaista.nce found him to ·they ate, and had returned into Court with The ground was torn up and covered have no doubt there a'.e . plenty of people . ea;ances dead. The doctors declared a verdict, but,fincliug the:LordChief-Jusice a P -ATwould travel far to see 1f it could only be wi.tb blood for immy feet around. Both 1 add. d 0f he, re disease and pre· had "run out to see a fray." and n:>t knowrng a 1 reproduced, but which 1 wouldn't be a spec- animals were grievously wounded. It was that)e 1' b when he might come back they had refreshf e e egun the tator of ai;ain for a good many gold dollars. plain that neithe1· could hold out much parations f or . ie . unera w . 0 .: l " ment . The court confirmed both the : I eft our ca.!11P. on day m J uIY t o t ry mY 1o!lger. Ma1med and gory, th ey fought next da.y. Hts f neu dcam "nd loo < ed t ver i . eports d c and the fi nes. . I n " Dyer 's R what a sad case . . luck at trout hs?-rng the head waters o a wit the certa.mty o death, the ear his cor se and remarlted ers ublished full a cae rn rep?rted o_f a JUry who retuecl to small stream five miles from camp. 'Ihe rolling over and over m the dust, vamly it was 'Pand the local p a p l · t h e tonish consider then· verdict and when they came anes. . 0n ti sec? weather had been hot and dry for some time, tryin to avoid the fatal horns of his 0 b't 00ffi back the biliff info;rned the Judge that \J: e vya t hers and when I got over to the river I found the aciversary, and the bull ripping, thrusting, ed uh n1 s:w how some of them (which he could not despose) m r da kn head waters wee not much better tu.n dry and .tearing the grizly with . irresistible s _ eding while locke<l. up. Both t· a prematre burial ha?. been £c could find being pud- ferocity. At last, as if determined to end se h; a; 0:1 . land, all the moisture . . I bailiff and Jury were sworn, and the · . pockets . tiie he d. The only the confl" dies h ere and there!,m . 1ct, the bu11 drew ba.ck , 1owercd he came near dymg m earnes.. four years of the 1atter were exammed, when it appearHe r d on egu1ar1y enough water likely to be found in that quarter with his head, and made a third terrific charge, . for ,, Mexico ed that they all had about them "pippins," N H e ':"as . d a fish in it was the river, and tha.t was twenty but, blinded by the streams of blood that ft h: :::nm:; of 1875 of which" some of them confessed they had miles away, so 1 concluded that the !:>est poured down his face, he missed his mark, oo g afte\ mi n h s a e next sus pended eaten, and the others said they ha.d not." en thing for me to do would be to march right stumbled, and rolled headlong on the and . 1 .was . 0ans never hd Al l wet·e severely reprimanded, and those rvicxi back to camp. There was a heavy thicket ground. In spite of his frightful inj uries a m_ndmt10 n. The N e: 1 v d t h th an i ea a e was a 1 ve an as the weather who had ea. ten were fined 12s. each, and · a m, some an great ex I1aust1on, the b ar turned aong the north bank of t he sti · e. av those who had not '!ere fi?ed 6s. each, '·for distanc e a.hove where I ca.1!1e out on the dry qmckly and sprang upon his prostrate is very warn' there he ould infallibly h e that they ha.d them in their pockets." if he hadn't been somewhat . bed, and a few trees standmg maybe a hun- enemy. He seemed to have been suddenly been buried d' Itous ab out 1 comrng t rfe. N . obod dred yards back from the bank. As I turn- invigorated by this turn of the battle in his· expe n w s I id . ed to retrace my steps I saw a small herd f·1vor. With merciless sweeps of his huge I new h d dwk t,1er aud Wheat and the World. F h : e t t of wild cattle standing:eff to my:right. Amon claws he tore the flesh in great masses from m an llU er a er s s Could imperial Rome have only grown I A I to a and e d h _ the was a young ull, and a more splendid the bull's up-turne.d side. The advantage j : h was doin ' there, sufficient wheat in Italy to have fed her ed specimen of an ammal I never saw. He the bear thus obta.med over the bull seemed into legions, Cresar would still be m'l.ster of th1·ee and the rs of the . Cll;ttle w er.e yeng me to be . unerstood by. the herd, and the 'I h e .soared the undert,a.ker's assiant His nf'xt ex loit occurred in Phila- fourths of the earth. Rome thought more with susp1c1ous cunos1ty, I d1dn t hke the ellowmg mcreased, .dirt was thrown about , fi t in her latter days of grapes and oysters, and appearance of the bull, for he had a way of m clouds, and one big cow drew near the 11 dePhia one hot etaY two years ago last .... to hiwe been mullets, that change color as they die, and osed lowerinfl-his head, throwing dirt with h is struggling animals, a.nd I believed for a, sumer. He was 91;1PP . ·a now singing and flute playing, and cynic verse of carrie eke his rue k suns H s ? sort of moment that she intended to go to the aid fore feet and uttering an ominous " Horace, anything ra.thei· than corn. Rome bellow tl1at seemed th;eatening . I turned of the herd's prostrae leader, so fierce were: :;;;:!1 wtt l oti i m h is no more, and the lords of the worlcl are . t ke . a st nd n trees toward the , and walked a.way, movmg h.er aspect and actions; bui; she simply es they who have mastership of wheat. 'Ve I looked bao_k over my shoulder, ?-nt' saw 01rced around te bear and the ull, be!- 1 there in case of cciden . All his relativ have the mastership at this hour by dint of o let notified t been not have friends d a i mcreased I me. after . the bull commg along lowmg and pawmg. In the mean time both 1 r;i . our gold and our I OU-ton guns, but they are l d d chance b g a a "th m w b e u u e h t im . was running unti so did he, . lI my speed, and the eagles and the wolves grew impatient! t telling our farmers to ca.st aside their corn oBut 0 t with e rf ca t c m e t be doing hi bull fastest and the was !' a of the delay in the battle's ending. 'rhe, my . and to grow tobacco and fruit and anything hehmd me. I can't say exactly how It was former would now a.nd then swoop down, as a.l rr:i rcut e s :unted by a else that can be thought of in preference. m hi bury will d b f ' so bod" P th t e g before seconds many it wasn't 1 if to hurry up the finish, uttering harsh! y; done, but t : ir; 0d Y 't know exactly The gold is slipping away. These sacks in T d found myself in one of these t'.ees, ut of cries, nd some waiting wolf would steal ?i;\iie m:tt ;fth0him, but he has the market, open to all to thrust their . immediately from his covert and make a closer and more· reach of the bull, who was "th oue of them to hands in are not sacks. of corn but of golden under tiie tree, pawmg the dtr t .and acting 1 coura:geo1:1s reconno1snce,_ snappmg and made arrangements WI xeorge and . find out' if possible when he really doea , sovereigns, haIf sovereigns, now G ; :. .. ; very mad. I shall always believe tha.t l snarlmg m apparent d1sa.pomtment. ; " the dragon old George and the dragon, die. was hoisted into. tht tree by the bll, al· "The bull and the bear rolled over and Sydney Mit sovereigns, napoleons, half though I .had no evidence to show for it. over in the terribledeath struggle. Nothing napoleons, J3elgian gold, German gold, Ital· "The bull pavi:ed and grumbled under the was Did Not Rob Him ' now to be seen but a heaving, gory ma.as . , ia.n gold, gold scraped and scratched and . tree for a few mmutes; . and then turned and dimly perceptible through the dust. I The romance ?f h1ghay robbery is per- ga.thered together like old rags from door to walked toward the thicket, on the creek As to weight the two fierce and determineu haps the most signal trm mph of the novel· I d oor. ·Sacks full of gold verily I may say side of which there as a wate .hole. The brutes must have been about equally match- iats There is nothing roi;nantic about it, that all the gold poured ut fr?m the Ats other cattle went quietly to grazrng where I ed. The bea. r had the advantage of greater outside the pages of th '; di me n ove}. But I rnlia.n fields, every peunyweight of it, t had first seen them. agility and the expert and tellmg use of two there arc some true stones f success m over- hundreds of tons, all shipped over the sea. toward the started bull suppose the ! . terrible weapons, his teeth and hs cla.ws, coming te rascals who hve by plunder to India, Australia, omh Africa, Egypt, thicket to gAt a drm at the water i;iole, but while the bull represented more Ill . flexible that have lil them the dash of true roa.nce. and, above all, Amertca, to buy wheat. It h never. got the nnk. I saw him psh courage and grca.te.- powers of endurance. ,vVhat could be better than te followmg? was said that Po pey an his sons covered his way mto the thicket, and the next in- . Lord N --was at one t une travelling the great earth with their bones for each The unfortunate result of the bull's last stant I cold see that he had got into trouble I charge on the grizzly indicated that the through a portion of Englnd infested by one died in a different quarter of the world. B 0 W M A N V I L L E, of soe kmd, and that roudle proved to be latter's qualities would in a few minutes h ! ghwu.ymen. He deemed 1 bette} · to trust but now he would want two more sons for a gr1zly bear. . A fierce struggle fol- more settle the fight against te bull, an_d this p of urmg les valua s art d Australia and America, the tw new qi;ar· Is prepared to supply all Customers, old and new, with Suits got up I h money ancl lowed m the thicket. The tops of the was in momentary expectation of seemg his Journey with his servant Thomas,_ a ters which are now at work plowmg, sowmg, in the latest and m st artistic style, at Prices that cannot be beaten, o bushes swayed to and fro, and I could hear. , such a termination, when, to my astonish- fith!ul cotch!llan, than t ? take them with reaping, without a month's intermission, the he.avy cra.s of wo_od as the two power- ment, I saw the bear relax his efforts, roll 1 lum m hrn carnage: and hrn confidence was on buy a bag lie has a very Fine Stock of English, Scotch, French and Canadian growing corn for us. When y . ful ammals writhed m fierce embrace. A over from the body of his prostrate foe, and 1 well placed, as the sequel will show. of flour at the baker's you pa,y fivepence . Gooods to select from. Remember the place, The Star House. cloud of dt rolled up from the spot.+ It drag himself feebly away from the spot. i Thomas was .on h rse a k, ev ral m1l o. ? c e . s over the counter into somebody else's till. was ot dstant over 100 yards frm .he His appeiirance was sickening to me, so . m the rear of his master carnage, with his Consider now the broad ocean as the co_m;ter, JEFFERY always at the Door. tree m. winch I had taken refuge. Scarcely frightfully had he been ripped and torn by saddle-bags well lade1 with gold. represent and yourself to thirty-fivenull1 ns . two mmute.s elapsed befoe the bull broko the bull's horns. The grizzly had no sooner I As he was co.ntermg along through a 0 of Euglish people huymg sixteen, seventeen, throup-h t_he bushes. His head was cov- abandoned his attack on the bull than the stretch of wood he was suddenly accosted or eighteen million qua1·ters of wheat from ered with.J61?od , and great flakes o_ f flesh latter was on his feet, bearing himself as. b a robber who, pitol in hand, commanded h t e nations opposite, an d paying for it ship hung from his fore shoulders. .Bnt mst ead erect and fierce as ever. If the bear's ap- j him to hand over his gold or take the con, loads of vold. of showing any signs . of defat he seemed, pearancewas sickening, the bull's was doub-, qunces. . . . lierally t glow with dehnt ·age.. In· 1y so, He was covered with blood from i '.[ homas stopped his d, " J?m a horse and fl.I Power by Electricity. stmct had simply prompted him m his_ re- his forehead to his rump, and his flesh and ,soot, n:ae rnon, The go!d IS yours. I , , . treat t ? seek an open space. He :was hthe skin actually hung in strips and tatters .dmna claim t ony way::1, fo it s my master.s, The tran mission of po1ver by electricity s about massive ully f de1: and wiry, yet won. from his head and sides. Giving his head ;Ye can ta.ke it. }'II not hmder ye. It's m opens up a field of vast possibilities. Ac the shoulders, combmdmg the rarest qua!· a aha.kc that scattered blood in a shower my saddle-bags. cording to a recent writer : "The time ities of strength al'.d symmetry. For a about him, and gave him a moment's sight J Vith true Scottih cal rnnees he sat quiet will come when every waterfall, every mill moment he stood glar1?-g, at t!1c bshes he of the reeking bear in f ront of him, he· low i while the robber dismounted and removed stream, and every rivulet even can be utiJiz. had retreted from, Ins nostnls htend ed, erecl his head for the fourth time, and again· the sad le-bags of gold. ed as a motive force in cities, towns and , . nd ng1d. But made one of his terrific charges. When tho ! "I dmna ken what I 11 tell my mas· villages. 'The steam engine will become a.s and his whole form fixed a scarcely had I time to n?te all his when dying bear had dragged himself away from I ter,': Thomas said gmvely ; an then, a if antiquated as the old-fashioned oil-lamp is the bear, a. huge, repulsive lookrng brute, the bull the eagles actually swooped down 11 bright thought had come to him, he aud· now. Since electricity has beeu proven cap· broke throgh the op?ning. He. wa.s the upon hi:n, and the wolves sprang from the ed, "Would ye mind puttin f a ball through able of being used as a motive power at all, most formidable specnncn of 111 kmd I I thicket into the opening and prepared to ny cat to s)1ow my !ord? .,rwould look as the grand desiderat.um has been to discover had ever een, and y S)_'mpahhes ere I pounce upon him. The bnll scattered the if I d1da yield too lightly. , Is offering the Balance of her some means of generating it at a less cost at one with the bull, m spite of ht bel!Iger- 1 impatient birds and animals as he swept on I The highwayman . laughed good-humored- than has beei,t possible heretofore, and the ent attitude toward I?e a few mmutes be 1 his final charge against the grizzly, and they ly_, and . declared lnmself ready to comply result is that the aquatic force which has fore, bnt I had my serious doubts about the 1 hastily departed, shrieking and snu.rling. with this reasona._ble rc51.uest. . . been of but very little use to man herdofore . final result of the combat that began at The cattle again added their bellowing to So Thomas, with ev1cent sunpl !c1ty took irJ to be i:iade his most yaluable servan. once. . that of the bull's and acted as if they off one sleeve and hdd it up for t1'e robber The question of chcapemng the electric "That combat was a trial of brute force understood the fa'orahle turn the fight j to fire 11t, whieh he did, completely off his light, which has hnng like a cloud over its that no words of mine are adequae to ,des· ha.cl taken. As the bull hurled himself ,1gainst ·guard by the other's apparent innocence. future in the cu.pita.list's mind and has cribe. When the ar made lus aypear- the grizzly, thela.tterbracedhimselffor a last i But the instant he had fired? Thomas's cle. dimmed even its brilliant rays, is thereby . ane out ?f the th1ck?t the bull did not desperate struggle, He struck out wildly! meanor changed. In he twmklmg of an solved, fr if the force can b had for the . wit fo: his contestant s charge, but, low· ! with his paws, and the bull fell back with 1 eye, no_w that In s aesa1lant wa for the . mo- mere t?'krng from every runmng cha1;mel of --AT-ermg his great J;Jead to the ground, he rush· the force of the grizzly's blows, representing! mnt d1sarmed, Thmas hd Ins own pistol water m the la.ud, why, then the mam cost . ed madly upon the bear. The latter seem- a gh<\stly spectacle. His tongue hung from 1pornted at the a1otomshed highwayman, who is at once swept away. When, further, . . . ed to appreciate the ailities of _the bull, and l his mouth a manled mass of 1r of affairs. . I thrn force is . carried, with tc aasiatanc_e f shred1o. His 1 had little expected t!s t smm.oned all the.warmcsof hrn natre to l face was stripped bare of flesh to the bone, with a s, m m n, Now aid ?o a . ·: .,m a ? · a sunpl wire, . to any I?omt . where it is his aid. He _waited until the huJ!. 1ush erl1 and his eyes were torn from their sockets. : different rmir m his ;o;?e· put the goold I needed, mdustrial revolut10n will haye ec_n ; . . almost upon hnn andthen sprai:ig a.std with it tuk ye whence back the· accompl1Shed, the consequence of which it is The charge was equally disastrous to marve!lou quickness, seized his iissallant'.s , bear, he being ripped completely open. g cer highwayman, see he i ' cl sconiited d_i :fficult. to measu·e in its enti_rety. . The horns m his powerful grasp, .i,nd presed hts l and he sank to the ground writhing in his , taun death m the resolute eye gleamma out tides bemg likewise a dded to tlns available head down agai,nst th ground by his great agony. The indomitable coura;;e <?f the at _him fro_m beueat!1 the bushy shock of red force, there is nore than enough for all the . nd,, tne weight of !us enormous bull here prevailed. Blinded and crippled hair, ha t1ly compl ied, and then would have present and possible futu:e dem:mds of he strength ody, b1tmg--at the. bulls nose and tea-1 as he was, ,, W?rld: As . l'rof. Thomson, the Enfihsh he made but a slight pause after edged _ away. mg the flesh from his neck a.nd sh_ouldm._s his fourth assault and then dashed wildly " Dmna ye try to escape me, mon, cned scientist, said recently, a tenth part of the ' 1'be grizzly's roar now tho now excite d Thomas, "or 'twill be the with his long sharp cln.ws. Tlus P·81· 0 tidal finergy in the comparatively insignifi. at his foe again tion was maintained for at least five mm- s emed to be oe of terror. With a last i waur for ye. Walk ye there 'before my cant valley of the Severn would be alone e utes, _the bull strugliug desperately to l! frantic effort he 80,1ght to make his escape, horse an' we'1,l continue our jo1:1rney." sufficien to light every city in Great Bri· fr?e J:is head! but bemg unable to accom- , scramb).j_ng and staggering through the The br ave Scotchma1: took his. prisoner to tam, while another tenth would turn every ........ .. .. . .. fo every rth phsh it, while the bear ut dust. But it was useless. His great the next town an .delivered hnn over to loom, spmdle and anxle. The day ma;v. not muscle to press the bull s body to te a.trength was gone. The bull plunged his the proper authont1es. he so. far off when the streets. of New Y o;k . bull s ground. The blood poured from the -----·- - -are hgnted by the l!'all· of Niagara, and its horns aga.in and again into the huge form I nostrils in weat streu.ms, bu he bear had ! of the dying brute as he lay stretched help- · The Red Headed Girl and White Hol'se multitude ot presses and machines of all IUJury. app:i-rent no as yet received . ! Jess in the dust. The bear's muscles qui versorts turned by the same u.gency." Theory. " P1·esently both ammals paused m I ed and contracted. He drew his immense - -·· · First man-" \iVhat nonsense 1 The paTHEIR o;srERATJ STP.UCGLE, paws up once or twice in convulsive clutches, Wh C 11 l 't a Stl'eet Ra1 'lway. 9 Y a · d h" r isc 18 huge h ea.d' gave one agoizmg pers have revampecl that old superstition as each was blown and rapidly approach- about the red· headed girl and the white g g and oan, ra. i lway est in The world street the lon ing exhaustion. The hear did not relax the : i horne." FELT' BACK DEAD. will be that which is to run between a immhold he had obtained on his contestant. Aa j Secod Man-" '!'hat. old eief is true as yet during the fight neithr animal had ut- The victorous bull raised his bloody, preachmg; never k.new it to. fail; when Y?u ber of towns nea.r Buenos Ayres. It will . I ulso be exceptional in that ll;)eping ua,rs tered a sound, except their loud and labor- I horridly disfigured crest, gave voice to a see a red-headed girl you will fiud a white will be run on it for the convenience of eel b1·eatbing. The cessatioi: in th? strugle ! deep bellow, and, shaking his head tri- horse somewhere near. " through passengers. The sleeping cars and had probably been of ten mmutes duru. t1on, ! umphantly, turned and walked away. '.'Oh, i;et out. Snppose there _shotlld be -- .A. T'when suddenly the bull . made one despeate I His progresa .vas slow and painful, and he a httle town with a t·ed-he aded gtrl and no all the other equipments of the line are be. in" supplied by a Philadelphia firm. These lunge, broke the motionless, bnt . tern ble l stopped and turned at short interval· and white horse at all, then what?" embrace, hurled the bear fro m off ! us head,' listened, as if to know whether !us foe . "S?methiug like that happened once. . I slepin" cars are furnished with four berths each, ;hich are macle to roll up when not and backed away probably ten paces. The \Vould renew the battle. He walked nearly hvcd m tho town ancl had the 01:Iy wh1t _e bear lifted his huge form on his haunches, , a hundred yards, with his herd gathering horse there was1 _and on a et I tried to kill in use, The cars are furnishd with lava. and stood ready for the next assault. The 1 lmd bellowing about him. Presently his the old supcrst1t1on by sell rng my ho_rse to tories, water coolers linen presses iind other e herd of cattle had by this time gathered in! head drooped from its proud position. He a strnnger frm Wayback and buymg. a convenienc s, and are furnished throughout with mahogany. The other rolling stock from the plain and surrou.ndecl the cmbat- spread his legs apart as if to brace l:imelf bla?k one. v\ ell,_ the day he t?ok o e ff tl: m i ants, moaning and bellowmg and pawmg up . aaainst the wea.kness that was stealmg white horse the girl was takn s ck and did co pr ses four double.decked open cars, t twenty platform cars, twenty gondola cars, the ground hut maintaining a terrilied neu- I upon· him. Suddenly he fell as if he had not appear on the st-reets un1l the .day whan six , efrigerator cars, four poultry cars t rality. From !ny position .in the t.r e e I: been 'shot, a mllonglccl, bleeding mass and the stranger ?ame back with a fi;ie bh>k furn' shed with coops, eight cattle cars, two watched the exc1tmg scene with breathless was soon dead. horse, for whwh I had to pay a mighty big derr ck-cars for lifting heavy material and interest. , I "The bull had no sooner left the dead price." ' . 200 box cars. . ",The bnll did not rcma.in at rest a mo- i hear than the .eagles imd wolves were "B ut if there was no white horse 1Il town for a new charge, away backing ment after ) screeching, snarling, and fighting on the you won the bet?" A True Fish StoTy. but, rendered furious by his wounds he I cai·cass. The bull had not been dead five " No, sir ; th o fellow had hardly ·got ith un an d , a all his energie gathered - I minutes whe:r.; a flock o vultures droppe.d away before the red-headed girl walked out. wFish stories are now in o rder This is one earthly cry rushed with 1mpc+uous force I down in their mysterwus way upon his A heavy shower came up, washed all the given as a fact and is alleged to b3 new. If and ferocity upon the ear. The latter by. \Vhen I climbed out of the tree to coloring off the animal, imcl there wa.s my the first, it should be framed :-A Muskoka attempted to use the tactics thathad served i leave the scene of that terrific combat the same old white horse." camper alleges tht he set out a night-line him so well at th'e, first onslaught, but the ' herd of cattle had disappeared on the plain baited with a minnow. '.L'his was swallowed second charge of the bull :was irresistib_le, and two great skeletons were all that A Persian never takes a dose of physic by a shiner, whieh was taken in latter by a in spite of the bear' terrific blows . · with 1mirkedthe field of confllt. until he htLs previously obtained a favourable j perch which at a subseq_uent 'stage was his paws. and the g1·1zzly went down rn the j answer from heaven in the shape of an omen, I captured by a black bass. A masku.lnuge -·""ill! -----rlnst before his crazed anta,gonist, and vain· Should he have the potion at his lips, if e ; woke up ?c£o:-c the camper and swallowed ly tried to defend himself. 'The bull tnrust LEMON MAR:l1ALA1J ;.-Take lemons, peel, htippeus to sneeze it is enough; the physic the combmat10.J., and the whole outfit was .t I his horns in under the bear, cau gh him in 1 and extract the seed . J3oil the lemons until is thrown to the dogs, and another practi- hauled abl10re in time for breakfast. Musthe belly with one of the sharp weapons, ·soft, add the juice and pulp with a pound of tioner is called in. I koka is a wonderful country. aud with one furious sweep of his head sugar to a pound of lemon. Boil to thicken. ff - . \fU tt dt\fU t\tttd-Kt'\fU. :i;-;zzly open until his entrails protruded. ff .tff a;' -" TM'-" BULL AGAINST GRIZZLY. 1 'hen the grizzly rose to his feet, and with a roar that made my blood run cold closed with his terrible enemy, and for a. long time the two fought, their cries and the cries of the surrounding cattle being frightfu1 to r 18ten to. '" While the fight was going on two great eagles appeared from some mysterious aerie and sailed (and circled above the scene of the conflict, leisurely and grandually d ropPing nearer to the earth. Almost simultaneously with the appearance of th.e eagles I saw the heads of half a dozen hungry wolves emerge froin the bushes where the fight had begun. I knew that the battle must soon end, and that the eagles and the wolves had scented the contest from afar, and knew by their infallible instinct that it must result in choice prey for them. The presence of these hungry birds and beasts of prey added to the terror of the bloody conflict. · ·- A HARD MAN TO KILL. · --- - - -- He nas DJed Three Times Alrently and 18 I I I I Starving a Jury. - -· - - I · · the Pi BUY PURE a rt s Green :;1 1 I _ _ 1 1:i £ Ill b ?· i · hl I k ;h · I l 1 1S w) l a:O\ff:hat · · 'to I 1 i P; , ·" · · · I h: ' · ,_ , . I · . l ! M rch nt Ta1" & G nt's Furn1· she'r e a lor e · J03EPH JEFFERY, I1 j I ' I l MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES. l Mrs. Morrison Summer Millinery I j 'I I 1 I i I 1 I GREATLY REDUCED PRICES n VTest E d Millinery House. !· . ,. -. - ·- -- . -- -- -- -- -- - -- ·- - -· - ---- -- . .... - -- · -----*- I · · GREAT OlEARINB SALE s. l j I T 1 In order to make room for fall im· portations we will clear the balance of our summer goods i I 1 COME EARLY AND INSPECT. COST. TOD BROS. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Follow the Big Boot.