lt ========-=-=-=-=-===-==-=- -===== TERMS :-$Ui0 Pu .AioroM. OUR TOWN COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. 10, M. A. JAMES, EDITOR . .umP1toPRIET01;, Nxw SERIES, NUM.BEB 471. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1887. faJ.i!PLE GRUVE. VOLUME XXXIII. UM.BEU :-l2. --- - COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Are now selling their Parasols at CC>BT :P"'R.. IC JSl and several lines of Dress Goods at and and some lines wil l b e sold at A. ALLAN LINE, LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAHDINIAN, from POL)'NESlAN, " PAUISIAN, " SAHMA'rIAN, CIRCASSIAN, " SARDJNIAN, POLYNESIAN. " PAlUSl'\N, " SAJLINGE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Quebe c, '.l'hursda.y, .Tuly H " UNDER COST PRICE. ' nectin g with the mail steamer at Port land leaves Toronto on Wednesday morn ing: Tho last train connecting with the m<>il steamer at Halifax leaves Toronto on Th ursd ay morning. For tickets and every i nfor m a ti on, apply 'to W. A. N<BADH, Bowmanville, Agent AHan line. 11-tf RAms OF 0cEAN PA.SS:!GE : -Cabin, $50, $65 aud $75; return, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, $60. Steerage, $20. The train con - Friday, July22 Tlrnrt1day, July 28 'l;hursdav, Aug. 1 FridEy, .Aug. 12 Thursday, Au. JS Friday. Aug, 26 'rhurf'day, Seot 1 Reub has purc has ed a first-class Jersey, l dont mean a Jersey jacket,-T mean a .Jersey bovin e of the male pernnaion. He·' b says ita a d1:1isy, and I say Reub should be encour aged for his enterprise. . Our town is ag:1in assuming its ld ap pe11.ra.nce since the fire. Mr. Henry and Mr. 'l ourjee are filling up the space agair, Hnd by next yea' this tim.; we will nevF>r know by appearance that we ever bd a fire. The\Jarley h arv es t lrns ended in this section and lia3 been R:i.ved in good h11r·1J. ORONO. o lot of PRINTS below Importing Prices.· These are not o ld musty, moth-: eaten, bankrupt goods; bt WJR EM EMBER· T.AIT & MORJit..lON'S and fo apect their Wall Pnpere-Jatest desis:>:ns. great.est variety, :enrl ·prices to suit weryone. Stock ·now ready. Do you want a new and pl'etty Window Shade or Blinds'l 'We have sometbi1111: 11ew in t his ·bra.nob. Call a.nd see them ·fore you invest, · or you'll bo "l!orry, CO TO be (tlEW,lllFRES00FASHIONABLEfXIGDODS,IJi bought for this season's trade. But as we require the room for our, fall importations these goods must and wi[l be sold. 'Still leads m hotraphe and our Studio "is often Cl'owded, Coma early·in the day ··when you ·oa.n. Just nOW!Y<>U ma.y wmt some extra. Engravings or Ohromos to adorn your rooms. ·w;e >have a great variety., good n.nd -0hoap, ·too, H you··want a baby.. oorriage we can uit you ; we ha·ve some n ice ones. Doll's Carl'inges, too. and Boy's Wagons, ·Car<bs and Wheelbarrows. J,awn The C. '1\'L church opening was a gran d success. The committee deserves great praise in their efforts to beautify the church MJd without doobt we have one now that's roomy and comforb\ble and what's iluetter they have succeecled in wiping the debt off. We intend holding our Civic Holiday on the 19th, the same day as Bowrnau ville, I understa n d. lt wi ll give the Bow manville citizens a good cha.nee to come down and visit us and attend our concert in the evening. Tt:e committee have gone to a great expense to s ecure the beet talent th;it Cauada cau produce, a you will a2ree when you hear Charlie Kelly, who is so well known, and the Fax brother1>, s e cond to none in the Do miniou, also Miss Ayckman who the Bowmanvme citizens are familiar with. AltPgether we may expect th e richest musical treat that has ever taken place in Orono and we want a good house to greet them. The proceeds, if there'11 any left, is to help >defray the expemes of repair ing the ch'iill shed so whtm we have a big day wa'il some place to hold it in. 'l'he Ladies Aid Soci ty · iwe purchasetl Harvesting is well omrnrdfand farmers patent wind·>w ahart··s, 1i !'a.l'W·t and aomo are t!1reshing now. additional furn iture for tho u.,w pn.rsonMiss Gertrude Lee has been visiting egc. friends l1ere. The Rampton cirClii' ·-x11ect1· to ha\-o 1· Mr. Chas, Winters received a severe' th? 2fith kick in th" al'm, from a ho1Be, recently, arge B arvest Hmr:e tea l·er·: "n Rev. Dr. Caro· n an· Hev, T.. W. o- him mst. cutt in g his muscle in two ' dis!i blin0 Jeffrey, of Toronto, a<·· eXt···cted to be fur the summer. resent The f uneral sermon of the late Mr. p . The tri1stees have he .. n r a ne w Coates was preached last Suudav to a blac-board i., th .11ch ·ol hou3e and crowded house. makmg eome dher 1m:-ro "mi;is. Mr, T ime the Division had n.nother Orn nge C N. Callander will r.tum from hill social. vac:;\tion wu..r this wee« ,. .d re-open the No place like home on th e farm girls. 11chool oa Mondiy next, .15th imt. Great attraction back northward. Messts. F. RogHrs a.nd R A. Lee Jrnve I ENNJSKJLLfi;N. . mey We arc glad fo hear the sound of J im· returrnid iu good-h!'alt h >·n<l "'ith a g<>OO l'ongilly'g engine and thresher standin color from H·cir cmping exped ition to the nonl1ern l"l·o·n. Tho Brown bros., on account of eoro Mr. Geo. H. Hog.nth bas been visi.tiug pan11>, returned by t r n i n £,om their bi· friends at H11liburto1J. 011t. They report M'rs. T. E. 'Vashiugton, of Toronto, cycle tunr to W«sler:i an excellent tim. fo rm erl y of this place, is we arc eorry to Threshing so ems to be the order of generally. da,y. 'l'h e yield of i;(rain is fair Most of tho farmera in this neighborhood Our esteemad havc finished han-est. friend Mr. A. J. Reynolds, being about tbe first. learn, very ill with typl1oid fever. SOLINA. Orono. Mr. T. L. Staples is visiting friends in the i Mr. F1ank Urowa is "[><ltJdiul{ his va.c:i.tion 1JU th s way. Ho visited Potm·· · boro last wee:i:. "J\1:r. Osborne, wach<ir, ·;f Prince Eu wi;.rd county, filled th· pulpi o f the P1·esbytcrian cl.lurch wi: h gre .· t acceptance on Sabbah la,;t. Mr. Neil YeHowleea, 01 t.. wn, made his C. H. N. Winters had tho misfortune to get a kick from a. horse and wiJl be l'Ogufar visit here Of'l S,.udl:l.I' last, coming this tiwJ in a uew ri):! to ti.a. which he. laid up for a few dayis. s , h1)a.d1 day. have been vis iting usu ally has on the . ong those who Am our quiet village we notice the following: Mrs. .A, A. Bowerman, of Haliburton ; M·s. J. Bray, of Enfield ; Mies Elford, of Fenelon Fails, a11d Miss McLau ghlin , of Osha.wa. Miss Hooper h& s been vi friends at Taunton. parties· <.@m· Mirrors are clear nnd trne:; our p icture !ramesaro of the latest.and moat atbractive designs. "<Jurtein poles:'&; rings. l'luAh goods-nice l\lld· ch1Jap. Another new branoh_"i.juet in trod need nt· r · ait ·& Pnrlor Ot·equet, ·Carpet Balle, Ga.m e s fa;r families and social & Couch, Johnston & Cry dorm an· One Door West .of Pos.t _:Office, Bowmanville. you will·find the very latest In Ladies' anciiGentlemen'11;jewolry. epecia.l attention to our new stock just in. Base 1Ball goods, School and -Hymn Books, Stationery, 'l'oye, and in deed to be round in a Variety and"ancy Goods' :ran Jewelry Department where \;Va invite MORRISON'S STOR:E. THE · On S aturday morning alout 3 o'cloc tho r efildenco of Mr. Michael Cryderm n on lot 20, con . 6, a little oorth of h re was discoverod, by the tenant, Mr. Tho , Rowe, to be 01· fire. The tire originated. in the w oodshed which wa!I situated to the north of the main building. 'I'he w iud ·lowing from the n orth at the time d e t ho entir6 buildings were env lope in fia.uies in iJ few minut.-s. Mr. Ro;ve "ave the alarm and by tlie ac ive ex1Jr t i o of Mr. Marshal Cryderman and sons the C!),l,ltients of the two frout rooms were saved and the fire kept from ig niting the barn a-iad other out buildiugs wh i ch were The buildings situated to the nort11. and contents were partly h1sured )mt both · : .o we aud Mr. Cryderman will be at M r. R conei<lerable loss. The origin of the fire is a mystery· VisHm1 to our village since we wroto 11ut: Mr. John and Lewis Ruse, St. Panl'11, Minn.; Mr. F. Mason, Toronto. HAM.PTON. :S Amongthevisitorato.,urnLagelately: Rev. G. Salton, Gnder·c, ; MJs·· FerguCAllTW.RIGHT. son, .Peterboro ; Mis>1 M ,.. , . Jt, town; Mr. W. VanCamp's barn (which WIAB Mrs. Moose aud fa111 i 1 y , Newtonvilie; bl o wn down recen tl y with the wind), was Mr. J'ohn ]'erria, Lind··.); il/h;s Stina'ln, Waterlor> ; Miss Fen·s, ' ""a"'lL ; Mr. aised again 011 Saturuay. 1md Mrs. Osborne, Prine E. wnrd ; Mr. Ja.s. Bea.cock's barn was raised 011 Henson, Michigan, autl :Vlr. aud Mrs. Frid1>y. Mills, town. Ha rves tin g is proii:ressing very favor--=-=----=-=---=.:::_ able, som e farmers are about through. Stories of g,..111 Milk. " The crop is not nearly al! good 118 was ox'l'be swill milk fraud i ft perennial sensa· pected, owing b the continued dr.h : ight tiou in New York city. Dlli;;nsting ns thit which ripened tbe barley too eoou so that newspaper accounts of t,111, swill stables ure., it is sm;,Jl dample and t he ruet has in- they scarcely do justice to the subject. I onceiipentnveryriskyn.ncl bborious montb jured the wheat considerably. JACK. We not ice that al l the hicyctiste that pas· this way lead their m ·ci1i1h·S througll ou r village, for althongh a.hie to ridt.i a. cot'clnroy 01· avy cou;,t.ry r .,.ct, they cannot tackle tho newly m ""'d,muzed street our liamlet is uo proua of. Mi& , Mr. ,John 'Vatson started another new f!team thresher last week, thie is threo he is r u nning in the township. Mr, Jas, .Bailey is runnin a new tr action engine, Brampton make. TO OUR CUSTOMERSEclipBB AND THE is still aheact. DUSO Public Generally. SPECIAL NOTICE All August through the . Our new Spring styles . in ' · HATS are nov1 in. 'rhe is all ·1ihe rage-sold only at the ·Eclipse Mr. B. J, Hoidga and wife will lcav If' for tihieir home, at Bloon:ir::r;ton, in a f qays_ M rs. Boidgo has been :an effici t member of the Meth od is t choir for ma yeal:'s and by her removal the ch.,ir sustaii.n a l oss which cannot be l'eplaced at the 1present time, but their loos will ba anotherB gain. She carries ·ith h er th e ' good wishes of the choir for ·her futuro · happiness. SLOW BoY. ---------·--ma o ri ty The first quarterly sei·vices of the present Conforence yea.r were held hllre on sund·y 0 l a r·ge 11 nm" tl1e 7'h " i"nst., c1u1'te · her were pres en t· Rev· S· "' o a Iton rreach" mg very :approprun - l y. R ev. E 1, B arrase, M .. A., took char ge of the sacramental su·vices. A profitable time was sp;mt. nnd jf the hot There is a · . I eel Ch r1.::; ·t1I · ,..., ,4- · e "Jub"l · " of farmers in this section report harvest through with. The j TYRONE. I intend g1v1ng . mor1th spec ial' . of House. Our Mrs. 'T. 1'. ,Jar di n e is visitinf! at Co oot:J rg. frien ds . · . Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Undeclotbing going off very rapidly . . Ms. Linduay, of Manitoba, in visiting her Slbter, :Mm. John Bell. Miss Nel!ie Bingham h11s taken a tri p drives in all lines of Dry Goods. Everything included, Silk, Satin s; Dress-Goods, Lawns,: All-over Muslins9 Prints, and Mourning-Goods, Embroidery, A SPEOIA.JLTY. Cut ·by the <ru"'lly first-claoo cutter in tawn. Black:_ Cashmeres, Emb:eoideries, Oriental Laces,Plushes,Velveteens, Gloves TO Young W. H. IVES. Meu, MARRY Bacheaors and '.l'he tub r-aee which was to take place on Saturday cJi.d not come off, the fake being too rough and the weather too cold. Mr. E_ T. Roidf.!.e leaves this week for ; Mimico. Mr. John Hoidge & Son have taken the coal;ract for the plas te riu g of the new house west of the gravel road. Tommy ts busy drawing material for the same. George, the Smithy, i11 kept busy from Mr. Josh 'Branton was able to s tart wo.r li again l&at week. Mr. ,Jolm f.lellyar, .Jr., Bownianville, was the guPst af Mr. Jose h Moore, on Sabbath. The Gladstones, of thi s place, are trying 00 a:rrauge a n. :S. match with Ebenezer Stars to be pfayed next Saturday at Ebenezer. to Burnt River, for a few weeks. p Some of our citizens expect to go to Toron t o on Saturday to see the regath. in Lislejl Thread, Taffata and Kid and a Perfect colored 6-Buttoned Kid Glo-vre for 30 cents a pair. Millinery clear. Ge11ts' Department complete in all its branches from Hat. Collars and Cuffs to a fine Blk. Coat and at Half Price to 'Viii L QNfltD g·nre a Widowers, Hau· Dozen Silver P.Jated Tea Spoons 'vitb eve1·y WeddiJ1g lting morning till uight. be sells du.1·ing· 11\isCJearing· A number of friends spent a. pleasant Mr. '.l'hos. McChmg ia co mi n " amon<>at time at the residence of :Mr. J. Pe ttinger us aod intends opeving a gener;l Out: Sale. 50 :itorein on Friday afternoon. A p arce l was taken from Mr. John Manning's shop one day last week, accid eutly or wilfully. N o d.iscovery of the connection with the Post Office, which he is is about to remo'l'o to the same building as the dru store. The l])ach betweAll the Massey clnb and the N.ewcastlo Beave1·s resulted in a victory for Newcastle, the score bein" 26 to 20 with an innings to spare. seemed to be a little illfeeling about this part of the program as the crowd wished to act as umpire. two o'clock the rnces and games At .. startecl, a splendid list of prizes being offered . for competition. Whiill these things were goiug on in the grounds, some of the young folks were amusing them selves by dan ci n g in the drili shed. After spending a most enjoyable afternoon they a.gain to the grove for supper. At half past six tho crowd started on the return march. Mr. Massey made a short 1 speech t hall ki n g his Newcastle friend s for J the reception they had received w hiclt was followed by threo heart.y cheern for the peoplP. of Newcastla. The train left for Toronto at ecven o'clock. but swill milk continue3 to be drnwn a.utl sold , I spite of tb.-, re,·ela.tiois the F·'SS mn.-cs. ·i healthy person caa dri11k t.lrn stufr b"l.lppose 'rho P. Q· . tas had its name changed _ l"Vitb c.:oruparntive immunity, but it must be - · mk they bu t we th mi - g_lit Irnve e .lsily perilou3 to sickly nml we<tk orr;anisms, n.. found a bette r r awe fi;r it, but we are those of inn\lids nnd children. t so rry . o_ eay some otsiders have _so bad I !mew nn Englishman, a clover inventor, 311 <lpmwn of our village_ as to thmk the some yea1'3ago, whocnmo to thicountry and new name v e:ry appropi·iate. went to Jivo in r· big cheap boarding house --··--here.. He bml a wife and child-a Tust,y, beefy, British baby, that scemecl as sound as NE WC.ASTLE· one of its father's machinEs. '!'he child w· It be 'J'he Massey Manufacturing Oo., of To- fed on milk procnn:id in tho homo. ronto, held their annual pi cnic he1e on camo umwcouut-0.bly ill, n.nd nt the end of a.. The father, who was a S11turday, which was the fortieth anniver- 1 hot summor it died. sary <lf the founding of the firm. '.rho skillftl chemist, had his uspicions dircted to p picnic wr.s held in Mcint osh 's arove th milk. lie nnaly:-:ed .1t anl fo?nd _it uro poison. Ha knew notb111g oi: sw1Jl m1lk, and north of tho villao-e where the l "' believed the delete1us11es s of the fluitl to be 6 ar rive d went as .soon as tle n e caused by a for01gu po.1. son. . But havmg e t ram. · s Th -. ,)all match between the 1 . ba tra<.;ed it to tbe <l>liry au<l wit.nessed themeth· . "u blacksmtths and moulcleL, which . wa to i od of ils produtJtiou, hill eyes were opened. .ha ve boon played before 11o:m d1cl not The swill milk mo.n came down with a band· come off. After lunch. camo the band some sum in compromiso of a threateneLl dam· ages suit. He did not dare rLk an exposuro con.cert ad aby show, three Newcastle ladies bemg Judges. Tlfr. Massey wa2 in court.-Al!rcd Tm.rnble in New Yorl: presented with n address by his em- Nows.. ! .' es aftet' which the prize essays were -----=--- in the Quart· l'tev. M:r. Hasgard , "Jrr.ached . erly n1eeting se1·vtce on St1nday la·t 0 to a Jarae 9 ngregation. doctors say we may look for more. lot of sickness in this l ocal i t y weather continues the amo11g tho muscular "milkmulds," wbo carry a club insread of a milking stool, untl whas& muscles ru·o moro of a forttmo to 1-hem tha!l their f:tces, arnl I am wi:Jing to admit that wh en my job wnij dono ruid iu pririt, 1 rougtit shy or thu nflighborhood o! tho stubkJS. for a gooil mnny months. Long beforo my time, Albert; BorghnlLS harl explo1·Ed same ground,cmdpictnreclitinFraukLcslic'sNews<>risly horrol'. Since my timo paper in nll its m other rcpol'ters havo douo good work nt it, I ; -fro/eofh 'l ' here rnpaire snJl'crlng from Our two boot and sh oe dealers received by mail last week, from Brockvilla, several boxes of corn salve to distribute among their friends. Searcn. your corn patches. same at time of writing. Good.News at Home. CA'l'ARRH M:r. Thoe. Hoar has rented the farm of Mr. W'm. Wight, for a term of years. The Cadet from Le6kard conducted the S. A. m<;etings on Sabbath. CLnrA.·. ·1·r GEO. LA/NB. A parti.clo is applied intCl!each nosti:il and Price fO cants at Drngg1sts;- by agreeable. mail registered, 60 cents;-Oircular free. ELY BROS .. Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. is to f.ry 1:'1·cem:m·s \\'orm l'o,voler. wl1cuyo11r <'hll1l ts aUing tcnrJsll or fntJ'al. VAN DO NO UARill --------.:. ------ I, 11 E. MouRrn, EsQ.,-:-DE.t.R Srn,-I ]iaye reason to speak well of y our D:.mdolion .._.-.,._.t,.,...1'--r:.'·..:.,- '@': · · A 'J:<'rJ'il.Jlc P1·e·llct.lo11, liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been 1 .· ..£\11 nmnkur aslronome1· of Dunvilk', N. troubled for Home time with my Kidney and a friend of mine recommended then1 x . , asserts tktt 011 tho day of ;judgment tho to me and I tried them in my case, and $oh!· o-y;; tm wrtl })() _foood into a glowing, found them to w ork liko a charm ; there· nlulous l1J:l$. Til(l w1clrnd will be cnt into this sonewlmt torrid 01wiro1unont:, and fore I hM10 much pleasure in recornrnelld tho i;ood '_f ' lll !Jo trnusferrcd to the planet Bulnh. ing them to all person::i who are troubled On this h:net tho New .Terusalom, 1,500miles in any way with their :Ki<lnev. . j / .I\ Ttlry '.l'hongI1Unl Act. '.L' wo genllcmari were dining at a high priced rcstnm·P.nt and each had before him a portci· bouso ste..k, a. loaf of bre"!cl, potntoos gnlcrn :md n si<le dish of: soma sort. Iach had or dered tbe snme dishes, and th.o bill, cxclusivf) of a. small bottlo of ""ine, was over $G. One of tho J)arties is a well known u.ttorney, anc! tho othei: is well known on ::it. Anthonv Hi!L Said the nttorue,-: "There's enough fo<l here for half a dozen perscius; suppose we dine otl tbe same dMies unrl give the balance to somo poor chap who hasn't had n sqmire menl to <luy. Tbougb not in 11.ccordctnco with the n1les of tho house, we'll t:llke what wo l'B.nnot eat nwny with uB." 1 His companion lv-illingly aoquiosced, nll(l ufter dinner they placed the remainder of their victuals in n ncmspaper, id, after pa.y ill their bill, walk1<d out. 'C . hey met n little newsboy, who begged them to imrchaso un eyening papo1". He sbt left and was "stuck," and it vrns so luto he coultln't soil them. 'fhe attomey's companion purchased all the papers, adding an extra dime, and the astonished little chnp, 'rith a. dumb show ot thanks, grabbed the package o.r food that wa.o; given him and dashed up st-rcet. "Eat it yourself," SlliLl"OllO Of the gentlomen, before tlm lad rau away. "Oh, no I" was th· reply, "I'll take it to m<>ther." Jt's rlollars to a pair 1Jf old boots that the boy "<Vim fl')nl'st, ::incl thnt !10 wlll boa good cttizen some day.-Pionee1· Press "Jistener." 1 Yours tmly, J · J, Joxt:;. < Kewtonville, ])foy ;}, 188'1. , B to be heated. '.Chis plal.l.ot for . , ecnon;1cal rc:1.Sons, has nob yet been fon.nt" l, is it will not bo needed until after tho fiuol j0<.lgrnent.-New Orknns 'J'imes-Democrnt. ·