r , m, \!I) JUJ"tau (jt' 6Kt t a .tmau + I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1887. The Time Allowed by the T11rlms Uountrtes ot thcl1'01·J{t, o.u s · Catarrh is a dangerons diM B S which t g ands a re cousciously or uneons'!1ouslysutlerm uaed a _ c e i;; from. It is a muco·purulent d1schar lll th e e parasit e bl a t e g e v a of e c n e ea the pr by llnlng membrane of the nose. 'l'hc pred1apo lng cause s are a morbid state of the blood,_ the blighted co r puscle of tubercle. the germ pmson reten 'lt syp hilis, mercury, toxomce, f\ om the .tlon of the effete matter of the skm, u ppressed apart· g. sleepm ted perspirations badly ventila ments and the ger mination of oth e i: oisons in the blood . Irritated by these, the lmmg mem· ep brane of the nose is eve!' reo.d >" . for te rec ·uon of the parasite. which rap idl y spreatls,up Of ck a b or ances, f the n w the nostrils and d o . of the th rot , up ihe th roat, causin11; ulcerat·o_n ': bu ess, deafn g ihe ouata chi an tubes, ca.usm . g h o a7s eness. nsm rowin in the vocal cords, ca l a n o olu b the of !'!' th proper structure y consumption aud ::di:g in pulmonar WHAT IS CATARRII1 di· CATARRB.-A new treatment has been th1H DPVl'>red whereby a permanent cure of affect· ly asoluLe i)! b.ltberto incu ra bl e disease. ed In from one to three appheatLOnB. no mattr whether standing one year or fort y years. Thie remedy is only applied nee in. twel v" .crip· a.nd does not interfere with busmess. De p by Uve pamphlet sent free on receipt of sta m A.H. D ixon & Son, 305 King street, West 'l'ln"Onto, Can ad a. CATARRH. -y:s, )l · for for he cure of 4iiy Ingenious speifles d, but w1.thoi;;. suc catarrh have been inven te 1so olv· ng a.t andm g o l of n cess unti l a physicia d t ·e ct nature of th d iseae e an ed. h . y l t en n a m r e p !pl;ce which will e how aggravo. e &he parasite no mat ter send stamp a t o e S ulfeers should ¥h caae rh . t t r a a c on. hlet pamp e .J:or descl'iptiv Dixon &; So ' 30 business manal(erB, A., II, da. King strcot, west, Toronto, Cana Cl r 11 . What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B .A,., a et 0 tq,e of' e erenc man of the London Conf . 8a1/ in 1 dist Ohurcli of Canada, has to ' reatnien 1 or To A.H. Dixon&; Son's New 7 ::,1Y ierthy disea have h ad no return of the ha e tried hso felt better in my life. I a so r . A H Di.:xon & Son: Mestrs the 13th i n st. to h and · DEAR sins·-Y o urs of trne titt I al ,;, ost too good to be that Jt seemed a h a : cured of Catarrh, but I kn'?w Catar1·h, M ed h 17, 1883 Oaklans. Ont., Canada, Ma1·c t r tgialize tho.t ::if:r £ii1at "{rd J am real ly better. se · it b d I consid er tnat min e waa a ':'0er1. v cl\vi; the c h rom ' · w s aggravated an d 1 · paso.i,:es. und h oat as well ·as the nasal the three ,tieatment thought it would reqnire tw.o sent me. an but I feel fully cur e d by tho ccd to sencl I.am thankful that I was ever rndu. io · latter statin ar e at liberty to use this · two tre atm ents. an ·that I have been cured at ;rour remedy to so m l s hall glaclly recommend rere. ut· my friends who are autte ks, Yours · with many than Rmv.E, B. STEVENSON s other of reds And hund se, and n ver /g ··' n':tr':> llSS McTAVISH and invites the Ladies of Bow manville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern GOODS, Has r eceiv e d her new stock of A true friend unbosoms fre··ly, advises A t:rime Un1mrullcled in th" Annals of justly, assists readily, defends cuur ageoualy, the lslnml. and continnes a frie nd unohangdtbly. I The following data regarding the terms of The Margate honor is still shrouded in If a man rea.lly loves study and. h a.s an mystery . The respectability of the pa.rties credit allowed in various countries are dewn 0 k 1 acquisitiu·l e h t rived from reports of United States consuls cager desil'e for interested and the previous good ch arac ter led ge, nothing but misfortune .,r sou;ethmg pnblished by the Government: of the accused make the crime seem more p e will · r ccid··nt of way the iu a It appears that in Germany the credit exceptional unnatural. Its atrocity is nuparalleled in st de nt . system is very widespread, and tat the time vent him from being a successful the history of the I slan d. Only one case, allowed purchasers to settle theu accounts The truly self·coutrollcd ma" is not only tha t of Monroe, of St. John, equals it in is generally much longer than in France and able to govern his words, but the thoughts the Lower Provinces. It has occurred in E ngland. ·Nearly every commercial a.nd and emotions that give birth to th nn. He one of the most respectable and religio usly manufacturing branch of b usi n ess has its is able not unly to restrain th e expression disposed settlements on the I sland. Resi· own particular tem1s of credit, and there is of what is wrong, but the wrong i tself ; he dents of the locality feel that a blight has no uniformity in this respect. has not only learned to present a calm and been c ast over their fair fame. They are In luglaud, a payment of the price of the dignified exterior, but to cn ltivate trne calm- thunderstruck. They, as well as people . goods delivered is required at the end of ness of mind and dignity of chara<:i;er throughontthe province, did not feelthat our three mo nths, dating from the day of shipThe conscience can be dulled in one di· i sl and, mnch les s Margate, wo.s cap able of . ment r ectioll by neglect, even while it is (111icken- producing such a murderer or such a In France, a four-month's acceptance is ed in another by exercise; and it is too murder. Many liviug near the scene of s en t in settlement of the in tequirect to be · often the case that persons thiuk themselves th e tragedy did little ·more than a hand's T we nty-five . voice. . bound to pursue a certu.in course while they tur n for du.ya af ter the body wa s discovered. . . In I ta ly, but li ttle credit busmss is d?ne entirely toi·get that they are Jirst of 11.ll Strong men wonl d start at the snap of a a?-d none w\thout good security bemg to discover, to th e best of their ability, twig or the rnstle of a leaf. given. . whether that course is the ri ht and tru e . . THt; PARTrnS rnTEREST.l>;D Iu Sparn, four-fifths of the transactwus are one To cultiva.te the reason to st r eng then · · · . are fL!J r esp e ct 1tbl y counecLed. Wilham · done On w " b"s1·s , wl1ile in Portugal great " ca·h th e ' s · JUdgrncut, to pro b« cone1 U·lOll ·, t o 0 ·x· · · sl!O\Vn ·11d c1uite a long cced1t · . 1 lma,n Is !I £ M J h M"ll 111 son o o n t mo,n, · r. v 1 · ll'bet·"l1 t · · ,. · ' ·h a · · amrne o pm 0ns 1gat' 10ns whtc . , are obl" · about t wenty 'th farmer, of Burlrngton. He is is u·nally allowed · · seus1t1ve conscience shouId press w1 as .· . . . age and has nothin In Austra, it 1s scrcely possi ble to o much urgent:y as to act up to those concln- Years . . appearance " g in . of ' . . . · to rnd1ca.te the mu r.der e1 . ., II 1s co ln esR busine ss without allowmg a very long credit sions when 111 igen tl for ed · · t e11' he we ve r, is strange. His mother, we hear, . which is alwa s one of six months. y t od A a c nd g s m r m es k.rng is subject occasionally to derangement. He . ·e te rnti euce In 'l'urkey ven objects of prime 'necessity . · ' · g1vmg "<lv1ce, while ri dding tue co mmun- is well snoken of at Mar gate an d h as borne ' d1 't, an cl i n t·h is countr are sold on ere ' y' as m t' ' · · a e f t'l d lll ·t f h f i 'd d g a ,se . mue He is a commuu 1· an excellent character. well as in Russia, the time allowed is in 1 Y mouH1on , won l d give an rncreaseu power cant of th e Episcopal Chur ch · From t he most cases t we1 ve montiis. · · fl ence t0 th at :W·llC t · h ", 118 lc ·tt· 1t videllce ho seems very cousiclernt e of his ,tu d m ln Canad a, settlements are made at the e . woud lessen the qnautitr an d iwproe !e mother, who m he fea. ed migl1t hear of the r end of thirty days, with a d isco n t of five . . I qu11hty At present advice is wbked ino.rn- trouble a.n d go out of her mind again. It . . per cent. Somet· 1mes a c redi't of from three · I cnmma . te1 Y· all(1 given au, .1 nc.u,,,ani. N0) w:rn during t he festival of last C1n_1stmas ;, · to six mouths is allowed , but in this case . ea rn. e st desire for retLl help P1'?H.!Jts he tint 11 Jim 'n fi rs t met M ar y T11ph. t there is no d isco nt granted upon payment one , no grave sense of respons1b1hty. a t- we.s t ·1, party. About New Year s he of the a ccouut· · tends the 0 tlier. . 1 11 '111;1(l reds 0f sue ·l . I 1 cases citlled 1d · · · fath er s home one evenmg. · In Mexi:::o the huge co mmercial houses the asker ha . wit h m lmns;lf much better Her 11rents retired at the usual hour, leav· I willingly give credit of from six to e ight p ono th ns than me le dmg of question the m < t< ing the two alone together. He n1:;ver mouths, and in the retail trade lonir terms . .e s he iipphes, and he on ly wai;: n went into the house sin<.:e that mght. are given customer8 in which to settle their t whom ht .own self·dr)eldence b:1- thus rymg to accounts. Iu Costa R ic a." of from THE SC.llN.E OF 'l'B.Jo: rRAGlWY . · . ..a credit · · . slutt a resvons1biltty which is wll his own. . six to twe1ve months is given m case 0f' mcI . . . is situated in one of the most beautiful porcannot Hope is a blssed possess10n winch chandise imported from E.urope, in <;>rder tiuus oi the Island. T h e roads leading i;o tha.t the goods may be easily and quwkly be pnzed to lughly; bnt, to be trnly valu· it n.re clothed on every side with beech and disposed of. But since this system of c re dit able, it must be founded OU a rock, not murdered girl m·i )le · The home of the If i t rest on a safe has often led to losses it is now being given uilt1upon the snd. . . st ds in from the highway, covered with _ . tounu1' uon ce w r i . s p dom up. skill? e svernu , i y f v . In front a dense woods vii.th" sheep is I aud labour, 1t will ra1·ely d1sappomt; but, In Cn ba the tim e fixed for 'P°"'meut ' · t.r"'ck soreCL< l s out do,vn to the shore of · I · f i t' t b b au.rn.. anc s unsu ·f · e t on erecte 1s 1t h l d delnTery after generally fQ.ur tofive months On the ?f ch ance 0 1" luck, or supposed goocl fort ne the Son h-Vlest or Eel R.iver. of the goodR. '. othe . r side, and Some dist ance Up the road ! of gust first the by awy t swe be may it at States mted U Lhe of general The consul p . is the home of Millman. Tuesday night, Rio states tat ?ne of the greaest d1·aw?acks adversity. Its qualit_Y may always b; ths ! a.s tho sh adows athered, she slipped out on to commerci;:.l mtel'Conrse with Brazil i·e - tested.. If the sangume man finds himself 1 the road entere the gloom of the woods sid in the ne.cesity <;>f allo.wi ng too long a depen<lii;ig on. the hope_ that somehow or -and th res· is et untold. If t1ces could credit: . At R10 Ja u e_no., as m Bnenos Ayres, othe: thmgs will come right, and therefore speok what hJi.rorn conld they unveil. . the mlllmum credit Is six months and often arumg that he need not tae very m uch: 1 W hether it was in those woods, upon the Pms to make theI? so,_ let hun bewar e of more. ' beach, or in the boat, the deed was done, . In the Bermudas, accounts are settled but !is hopefulu.ess ! it will surely . lea;d hnn I none btlt an aven ing God and the demoniac . The 30th of June is the day 11,stray and fail hun i:t. las . ut, if his hope; once a year. perpetr.ttors kno; but <LB the bullets erush be gro1;1nded on realities, it 1use enei:g)'., usnally fixed f or the payments. 'ed through the neck and bead of the trnsting In Asia Mn?r, a credit of but tw? or nth.usiam, a.nd courag m his heart, If it'. aud uusns ectin victim, and the soul went three weeks is m most cases all that ts al- msp1re h1?1 w1.t . determma,tlon to make the out in ,., ild s·iek of anguish to its Go el m oa t f hrn abilities and 3'.dvantages and_ en. I lowed. the ·m1rderer or murder.::r s repared In China, it is not customary to give credit. abe Im to pu f9rth patient 11.ncl laoroua their ::i,stly work. Plt was soon com Money is obtained from lenders, who exat exertron, then it is a hop.e worth chen?hm15, ovei The pondrous stone that had bal· an iut er est of from 8 to 12 per cent. Bns1- and the . more he has of it the better it w1ll . I lastc<l the boat was tied to the frail, girlish ness 1s nearly always conducted upon a cash be for 111111. waist Ont into the i·iver the boat was basis. -·- . . pushed and when the rowe1· thought the In .AustTalia., a credit of six months 18 boiling spring was reached the corpse was EX-EMPRESS CARLOTTA. generally iillowed. __ rnnk to the bottom. TERMS or OREDIT. . PEARLS OP TRU'l'R. THE P. E. I. MURDER. MDOUGALL & METCALF, are oner1ng Coal as follows : u Stove and Grate and Egg, . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chestn.ut, . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . $6.25 6.00 cents extra will_ be charged when accounts run . over one month. , , 1 u u 1 ! o LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. . u anc 1, 1 , MoOOUGJ\LL & METCALF -have arrive d at the- j j NEW SPRING GOODS i , I ! I I I , u I t I L ad1 · es I G en ts ' call and see our lovely Dress Goods. ' call and see our handsome Tweeds and Suitings. 1! Ful l lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. CuriLg Hydrophobia with Chloroform. Referring to current reports that the It used to be thought that early marriages were in every respect a great good, that mental condit ion of ex-Empress Carlotta, Dr. V. G . Miller of Orng e Mi ssion Kansas, and assortment ot they promoted the morality of count ry widow of the unfortunate .Maximilian, was an old army surgeon, and practising physi. . made the young husband more mdustrious' improving, a Brussels cor respon d ent says: I ci an of a quarter of a century's n vO. e . .. and the young wife more thonghtful a nd recent ly visited the village of Buchout, I said recent ly that he hacl never been provident. It all depends npun wlmt is five miles from here, where she has resided 1 on to treat but one case of hydrophobia when ; r illi m recL011ed "early." Anything more contrary , since the burning down of her residence at . it was beyond a doubt tlmt it was a case of ' a .Ali!TORE :-Seeond»oor West 0 W to all sens and decency than for men to 1 T er vueren three yeira ago. Ther e was a iabies. _... "This," he said , "was when I first Sutcher Stu.IJ ------· ------ ----marry girls that might be their daughters processio..:i going on which, accor- hcgr1n the practice of medicine. I was called _ ca1111ot be thought of. Jannary and Jnne cli ng to old custom, has tt\keu plac e for two one night to s ee a ma.n wh o the messen ger , Iii · 11\1111 I& I can never be expeote1l to get on toge chr, an_d C1;nturies every second.Snnda,y in July. 'J'he aid ·Was suffering with iuten se spasms, , all the talk about "an olrLma n's dacling " is, procession, wi th statues of saints and the n othing tha.t could be done would re lieve . s much rot. A young woman can never take i Virgin, procee<!ed as usual to th.e chapel at him. I took with mo my medicine case, and krndly to an agod sprmse wo needs a nu rs e ; the castle. l:'nncess Carlotta wttu.e sed the al so ut in to my sack.bags a bottle of chloro· DF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS p When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, far more than 11e n eed s "wife ar1d she neve sight from a window, caged in by t bm ho.rs, f or m containing abont three ounces. IVhen As there are manr, i:.iferior .. i ought and; Then . a immoral, the absurd . de i her holding her ladies each in waiting of I a rrived I found the )'.mt ient quiet, with a goods, corded with jute, th at girls m ust start . m mar . ,.,] J ., .. 'tt. 1 hand. Phy s ic?-llY she pp ear ed we l l though rapid, irr?g uiar pulse, but in afe 11'.inutes bemp, etc.,ofl'.ered and sold . . as Coraline b:f soine un that stage where then· father ' . ""' . m..,_d1t1 "he is b ec ommg very gre y. She .wore a I he was seized with · a pai·m, 'Ysm wluch it t ook . . I. ended, works a great deal of m1Sc1ef. . B principled merchants trad .. . y ! manve silk dress which she cap, and white e o i th c mb ned strength of myself ai>d the ing ou the reputation of all means let yo.ung pople, especially Ill a believes to be the same t.hat she wore at! fam our gennine GJo·tllin. . to He frothed at the month, ily co ntrol Try it once, ·you will use no other., young cou ntry like th13 , marry even though the time of Maximilian's death . we warn the ladies against On the' snapping and snading like a dog. As soou such impositiou by draw they cannot keep a servant or two and can- pasage of ea.ch statue she nodded her head l questi I bei:!(1n to ask as he was quiet ons of ing their attention to the JJJ.ct;OJ,L D.RO§. & CO'Y, Toronto not indulge in .all tle de . licacies of the sea.son. , absently in a doll-lie, mechancal wa ) ', 1: the family, and soon f ouud that he had been nucossity of seeing that the .y At the sme time l 1$ wo rs e than folly to 1 and wheu the procesmon was fadrng aw1t name bitten by a str an g e dog tho,t came into the mo.rry without a farly r easonable . . prospect. she followed it with her eyes; bnt her ap- ! cow lot one morning ancl was snapping at the of support;ng a family, or bef?re e1her h _us I pearance and the information I gathr:ed n ' cat tle. He attempted t o dive th anir1al .L:.J ..._ band or 'Y1fe has ome .to yeas of d scret 0 u the spot show that her mental cond1t10n is out \a stamped on inner side of all CoralinegoodS, , but the dog tnrned on !um and, JUmprng . ty. or matnn It IS. a sm agamt themselves 1 becom ing worse . rather thn better. , The up, inflicted a slight wonnd on his left arm. Without which nono a.re genuine, o,ncl agarnst te comrng _generat1os fr mere 1 Queen of the Belgians, the mgand the Count It was nothing more than a sct·tch, had . boys and. gtrls of. eighteen 01. mneten i of Flanders fnquently v1s1t her, tho latter healed up in a day or so, and nothmg m or e .1 to rush to natruno:iy. '.l.'hey are m spending at least two days a Bnchont every I was tho1wht of it. --M.A NUFACTURER OF-l·'rom the description of . dmg so v1olatmg p]:iys1ca.l l a.ws and they fortnight; but the Queen no longer cares to' the dog I was confident that it was the same Continues to do a General Banking Bus!nesa w1l d pnalty pay the m ways al! to a extent take Carlotta dri v in g, as she did f re qu enty I th t a few days before had been · killod in the .sBo wmanvillll Br anch . wh1c they little .suspect. .Any girl that , before. Carlotta neve1· goes out except; m neighborhood nndonbtedly mad, and I could . DEE'O§ITS arr1es rore s b h is eed e is ex t'"'. enty-one ? ·. the park of the castle, with a watchfnl body· no lo nger doubt what w as the matter KING STltRE'l', BO'WMANVTLL !11 m,gly foohs nd shortsighted. She w1ll_be guard. She sometimes st ops and stares before! with my p :tecelved In Savings Bank Dep artmen t and atien t. . Has nc.nv on hand a number of vehicle (s.nd is manufacturing a great many more) of the no ,all a nd interest allowed at em· rent rates. No wse when it is too fate, and will then wsh an enclosure where the sick horses of the "His cries when he went into the spasms pattern3 and best finish, which I am offering f or sale o.t the l!>weat pricaG oonsiaten* . aotfoe of withdraw a l neceaaar;r. All deposit w . 1th all h er heart tha.t she 'iad not marr ied Queen's stables are sent to recuperate and to w ith dne regard to workma.nship o,nd quality Tho tol low iv.g ia a list ot were terr·i·ble to liear. I oave him various payable on demand, .,, the principa l vehicles manufactur ed by me till she was twenty· fi ve. Sh e wouid h a ve run abo t in fr eedom · hut generally her sole.1 remedies to quiet him but they seeminaly been both helthier . imd nappier and so occupation dnring br walk is picking up i EXCHANGE D oub l e Covered Carriages .. ... . .. .. ... ..... ..... .... ..... . . ... .... ... .. .... . .$150 Upwardi ha<l n o effect. At thi time I happened"'to would her children if ehe had. On the acacia leaves, which she puts on her hand ! 11 think of the bottle of chlo roform. l had Single Phretons . .. ..... .. . .... .... .... ... . .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . ..... .. .. . .. . .... .. . 100 ·Bough tand sold and Drafts issued uponEnrope othr hand a thoughtf ul, nd vrndei;it, moi:al a u and then blows off one by o ne. Despite the! then been at work on the patient for over nlted States and Canada, also G old, Silv e · and Open Buggy................................................ ....... .... · · .. .... . O . upright y o un o rdm g au a ry \Y1ll, c1r m cnn;· , kindest treatment, all hope of mental recov- two hours and had not been able to give him u :UJ11ted Sta e e Greenbacks boui;:ht and sold. Top Buggy......................................................................... 90 stances, . not tmk o marryrng till he is. ery is forever gone. " any relief whatever, and I wa.s p retty well Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 COLLEC'J.'J@l\f§ aout thirty. The d is grac efully early nar· - - --- ·· asaured that the mt\n woul d die anyway. I umber Wag ns . ....... ....... ... ..... ... .... .................... . .... 55 . L 11 na.gi;s are among the o o nos t and m o st i· r o . . p . . . . · · . . Promptly ma.de at c urr en t rates upon all par .. wa s itlono with him, excepting members . u ....... ..... .. ... . . ... ....... .. ..... . ... ... .. .. . 40 .. .... .. . .... .. L ht W rhe Cclor Lme m the States. f;)f Great Britt in, the Un ite d Sta&ea and Do provident, and hence the rate of mcrease is of the fa mily, who would no t know the ig agon ··· . . . 75 11 minion of C anada. greatest. among t he least thou.ght ful ad the E a n... .. ... ... . . .. .. ...... .. ...... . ss ... . ........ There is to be held some time soon in· difference, and I determined to try anexperxpre W go . . . .. . . ... . .... . . . . ... most shiftless of the co.mm.umty. It is ot 11 Skeleton..................... .................................... ....... ........... 50 Telegraph T1·an!rf'C11."s 1Indianapolis, o, convention of coloured pco· imeut, either t o qniet the man o r kill him i;i that people should wait till they get i;i ch · l 11 ViThen his next spasm Sulky...... ............ .............. ................ ...................... ........ . 40 Made for large or small sums on all pa.rto of p e to consider what action they ought I .vith th e chloroform. Canada. This is especially advantageous to bofcre they marry, hut there are physical, to take in the P.t'esidential contest of 1888. ! c ame on I saturated a cloth with the liquid . Possessing auperlor facilities fol' manufaaturing c arr iaf!O , I in ten d to sell very cheap tor Q ., persons living in Manitoba or the North·wesl reasons why none should mary but those 1 This is su rel y foolish and ill advised. It is 1 and placed it to the patient's :cose and or ap11roved eredit a_ud by so doi ng I hope o gre·itly. mcrease my. number of eales. Woulll . s only-, ae it m ake s the funds available at once at the who ha ve come to ful matnnty, aucl there seli tne wood p a the gciarmgs of buggies Ironed, rt deliberately keeping up the colour line by He struggled for a long time, but at last the . . ))lace of payment are social and econonu c r:asons why a de- ' . l a.11 the very peop e wl ose interests li e in its a rug clid its work and he sank back !n8en. For further particulars call at the Bankllljl cently comfortale nest shonld be secured. being effa ced as speedily and as effectually stble. .l. · He soon cameto, the spas m still on 1 r · .i.. Bouse. before the mate IS brought home. as possible. Why shonld the colt urei peo· him, and I a.gain treated him in the same 1 · t ed and T rimme · T. RODIE, l es1re At the Shortest Notice, pam d 'f D · d· GEO. MoGILL, plc, as snch, ta ke any action at all? 'rhey way. i'his I continued the remainder Accountant. Manager. Where the House-Fly Breeds. ar e all citizens with their varied tastes and of the night and u11til 9 o'clock the next A.t the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, 1'urning and. S awing with Circle, Ban d "r Sor ·Iv Sa.ws and pre pare all ki nd s of lumber for carpenters nd other s for building purposes. . h ad Whf. should they not join , moning,. using up all the chloroform I But few know the origin of the house-fly. pr:oclivit!es. Ornamental an d Plain Pioketa for fcnoGs in every style r eq uired, made to o rder. . se.ndmg for a new supply several 1mes, The eg 8, mere whitish specks to the un- I with thell' fellow 1t1zens of. all classes a;id ana r aided ! y e, are laid in litle agglutina t ed al colours, a,ooordmg as their tastes or p m- usmg m all1ab<;>ut three po unds. .At 9 o clock went to slee. . piles in warm manure or in d eco mp osinir, c 1pls mfty suggest.? It would .be JUst as 1 the next morurng the patient . vegetation, especially that about our sta- sensible for all white peple with .brown IVhen he wakened up_ he acted . hke a .per· bles and barn-yards. From 80 to 100 are ha.ix or large ears to meet m c . onv.entwn, so I son d8:zed or hwlf foolsh. A shmy, .stnngy I laid at a tim e and proba.bly at three or as to sectle wht they may be mcl,ined to do 1 secretton ran ot of his mouth. contmually, four different intervals by the same fly, abou t. the P1:es1dent: Let. the coloure.d . peo- ! and he seemed "o have no desire. for food, though on this point we have no exa ct data. pie mmgl 1th thell' :Whit fellw citizens and he conl d n_ot s'"'.allow anyth1!1g · In a I Within t wenty-f our hours, in summer, they m a.11 poht1c l and social drncuss10i;is. . Let 1 few years he che<l with consnmpt1on. _:'I hatch into footless maggots which after them, a.:cordmg to the best of their J Udg· 1 , 1 rooting in filth till their tendr skin seem mens, co·operate with others to scure the I . ,· of te best men electton for public office, The 011 Wealth of Pennsylvama,. · · · · , Punfy the Blood, conect all D' isorders 0f t he ready to burst, become full fed in less than a week and descendina into the earth or who.tever their colour and whatever their . As a basi s of work for those who lova to "1"111: Ill T "' "'"' ·>HID() 11m R< ,.. .,D K (I) E creed. Colour s c ho o s , . coloured churchs, YS A.NJ} BOWELS ' I ed. :t!lv r ' H.Jl!.L · l ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- sheltering under an old0 board, contract to'. · , " .lll. revel i amazing figures we may state that brown shining objects, rounded at both. coonred .conventions are lll short an ahomm statistics show Lh.,,t 53,000 well s h;,i,ve be en Constitutions, o.nd Debilitated health to restore and PLA1NTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDI GEST invigorate They o ed w w to which by be f a u on d ends and technically known as pruraria., h o ght drilled iu Pcnnsylvanitl and New York I f!.?ll invaluable i n ;;i,][ C ompl:i:lnts lncldental to Females of all Agel!. df aip la · Fo1 h y since the discovery P y. c . ION AND ALL D I':>E.ASES ARI SING \Vithiu the da1·kness of his hardened skin 1 every lover 0f f ee_d m of petroleum c o t at a s ' · a.nd the aged they 'are pi·iceless· e c our preJUdi ce changes rapidly take place ; the insec t, are among the rit 0f of $200,000,0GO. These wells h we procluceci , _ . _ . .FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE passes throi}gh te pupa to the perfect and they. he pmoethan anythrng else tokee 310 000,000barrcls of oil, which was sold 1 1 , . t preJnd1ce alive. Of course a go d man 0 . 0 state and finally, m about five days, the tha ? 3 ls for $ 5 , 000 , 0 0 the at 0 wel 'l'his rcpreLIVER AND KIDNEYS. . . , . anterior end of the supadam is pushed off, coloured people are not very de?Irablc itt sented a pro.1 1 t to the producer of $300,000,- Is an mfalhble remedy for Ban Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sore! and the fly qnickly crawls out. .At first Jlose u a r ters.. good .i;nany white pople . 000. The amount of oil exported is pl aced at I 11.nd Ulcer.a. It ia famous for . Gout and Rheume.tism, For diaordera of the F.. ut what.can eith e r , 6 231, 1 02,9 its p:trts are pale and sof t and its wings are qmte as offenm v;;. . 23 gallons. In the pool in \Vash, -Chest it has no equal.I of these facts prove ' J u.t noth ng at al!. are crumpled and useless, but those soon 1 ington County alone $3 200 000 have been . _ . expand and suddenly, without practice or 1 A flat nose does :nob m ake a hite lose hrs exp nded in miichinery 'ancl' drilling. Thi l For §0J1·e " [ in·oats, Bronclntis, Uougb.s, Colds, s e teaching, the n e w fledged fly wings its way vote, why shonlcl a bin.ck skm cause any does not include the many millions that I . · 1' rr 8, .:i a11 Sk' . ·t has no nva Oln.du1ar S we11' . lll 5 lil !)' 1 a nJ f0r ISeases to 01ir t11bles to mock our displeasure and I trouble? arc rnpresentcd there in thi; natural g as in. to share our rep a st. cont,ractea. a.n.d 11tlff ]Oints it acta Ilka a charm. . . . . clusti-y. Independent of the oil business Maidens m their teens arc the rage. , b t '"'0 000 0')0 · . t1tert- arc a ou --' ' 1?-vcs·t;eci m · '·'<> ' Trul Y l ask them their ag e 'twill alwa s be , . _ kn ow his worth' and keep'· Y natural ga Let plants m Pennsylvama,, r he se . a man s r.rannfaetured only a.t THOM.AS HOLLOWAY s Establishment, t·eens. Proprietor, Toronto. am majestic figures, and serve to show! things under his feet, · . . . . ., n · T,, , i:;33 , OXFO"" . v " T""ET The man who has ra1$ed a cabbage head the magnitude of the oil a nd gas business. "" " 0"' 1" "' ·' T), 1 11B.LU1 1 78, ?EW OXFOR7J SI'.::. . K1::?l, (late A D ., "". m "What's .the mater, John?" Wh:y dat 1 h as do e more good t! an all the m etahy si · SOLD; ;ay . . And are sold at h. ld., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. 1 lb., 22s. 1 and 33s. each Box or Pot 1 and mgg e r dat llb dow:i;i lil Pearl stree h1 me CiallS Ill the rnrld, observed Prof essor . \ . maw HIC!IC<J,111 BO.. 'DA.llt !I_ M- s olW', VIVI .1. _._ u .' .l' on de mouf w1d his fiat." "Welt, didn't 1 Bronson. be had from au Medicine Vendors throughout the World. "Tacn," Pro fessor 'l'he ottener carpets are shaken observed longet· BONNETS, HATS .Ea.rly Marriages. TRIMMINGS ,I IJ j 1 1 j iet.e t No T1·11th ila the · , - Our Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Grocer ies, Provisions, Crockery, G la s swa r e, F ield and Garden Seeds, &c. Storie» of Her Jlestor11tlon to sanity. - -·- ·· · RE BEvw:rA ff i j-1 1· I jreligious expericalled ence, , , !tlld I I r.L A " [iil R o . -1.-.. . ][ N E- ..M I CL . !t N E o L r .. ..lli:!A' 'J:' H :B B }:t-:; E1 T T N- T :£-I E W 0 I L D. sf> Far111ers, Th reshers and Mi II men, . ., , use Mcuo1l Bros. & , s C e1ebrat d IQB'.llf HcM'.lmltlf e I 1 , 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE ONTARIO BANK II HT 1il\rLIG g: A FI1 ··11Y & u 11 FA ILY . Coal Oil. 1 1 ; j I HA I N FJ S' · ,JAG W"ORKS CARR l ,J 1 u I 1 GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRi AC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, \YACONS,' &0.1 · 1 I 1 I j I mouth. j II DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY I I during I A II Ki· nds of Vel"' 1· cl es Repa1· r U ed 1 I BITTERS CURES I FOR AI"L! The Greatest Blood Puri fier in the World. 1· { Z T 1 I j I I I 1 T H l. p I I LS '< L.:i. " .lli l TI:{ _E] Children' 0 IN T MEN T E. M0R R I S ' -- I'Im 1 l I n:nu. BOWMAN VILLE. you strike him bacl.:, John?" but I did trike him h ead !" "No, sah, JonE:s, "your mother ought to have the they wear; dust cuts the fiber of woven l 1 premium." goods, i I the l1 ! .-r11:nhuser·ll · Iii n hould look at the :Label on the Pots and &33, Oxfox·d Street, London, they are spurlou11,1 Boxes. . If the r ddre