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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1887, p. 6

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. . T ry hot flannel o ver the seat of neuralgi a as we hung it on that day ; and fICJm that pain aud renew frequently. ime there hasn't been a d rop uf spm ts _ rou ght into the house for a i,, IS PUBLISHED Tr y a. cloth wrung from c old water put Goocl Nursiag. which that bo ttomless JUg woul dn ' b hold abou t the neck for sore throat. . W. RUS E . EV ERY FRIDA't'" MORlUNG, .t " Dear old J ug ' We m ean to keep l Th e sick are sufficiently u nfortunate-a 1:ry breathin fumes of t rpentine r ca.r· I saw it hanging in th e kitchen of a -B Y. E AC H E R O F ORGAN PIANO and hand it down to our c hi ld ren for .the mtsf0rtune which we us ually bring upon bohc a.c1d to rel ieve whoopmg cough. thri f ty, healthy, sturdy farmer in O x fo1d VOICE and THEORY T erm ' s on ap lesson it can g1ve t-0 th em ; a lesso n of 1rfe ; ourselvos, unnecessauly, lf we are su ffi c ient·Pli'. County-a bottomless JUg ! T h e host saw '"r in k l a w 0." with ry hands "BIG t your behind you o11t1on a 2 28;1y . g , a happy hfe, peac ef ul, prospcr·nn s and ly intelligent on th18 subiect-w ithout being tha.t the curious thing caught my eye a.nd of AT THm OFEICE if y ou bleRsed !" subJected to t h e cruelty which was usual . smiled. Post omcc Block, H.tng Stt·cct, uownmn· Ancl a,she cea·ed spe!l.ldng his wifo a few years smce, if not now, to some extent. " You are wondering w h a t that JUg is ville, Outa.-10. arm drnwn tenderly around the neu k of h er Once the fover patient was tortu red by being SEA. SERPENTS. hanging up there for, wrth its bottom knock youngest boy , murmured a fervent amen. deprived of water ; still l, lter, by having i n T E R '.l\l.C S : ed out," he sa i d. " My w ife perh aps, ca.n sufficient air and light of the s u n , m an y J.50 per A..1nnun , 01· $1 Jr 1·11ltl Jn n1Jvnnce tell you the story better than I can ; but Some of The Strnngc <J1·ent1ues of the rooms being d arkene d, a lm st hermetically Bunch Your Hits. Pa:rment strictly In advance required Crom she is bashful and I ai n ' t, so I'll tell i t. Alnsk, \ sens sealed, the doors and wmdows all bemg ab!lerrbera o uts i de or the c ou n ty . Orders to Of l ate years a ne:v l angu age has sprun g carefully ( a· el essl y ) closed through an " My father , as yon are pr bably aw are, All sides of this enchanting Unalashka c laoontlnua the p ap er mu<1t be accompanied by owned this fa1m befo1e me. He lived to a u _ Amenoa., t is th e langua/?e of base p m absmd fear of t\kir·g , colds In ra te cases, Island rue deeply indentecl by bays and M e prep ared t o pay the h ighes t p rioe amount due. or th paver wll not be stopped. apJu tongue n"""rtbore are reaponsibleuntl full p ayment is good old age, wo1 k cd hard all his life, b<Lll. It rs a umque and gr as rn the meo,sles, when the light is painfu, fi ords. Reefs and rocks, sunken and awa.ah , . was a cautiom1 n vei u a n d e r ed money, m ewh a u easier than s c a n be mastered and · q lllde, e all kinds of Gram delivered at the to the eyes, it is well to so modify the ltght extend seaward m a sou t h er ly d1rectton to trade r a.nd a good c alc ul ator ; and , as men German or Fnuch. lb e D r J oh nsons of by thin curtains or se veral th icknesses of l ong distances, c hurn e d we e ssa n tly by the BJ.TI<;!! OF .U U' ERTISI NG t Wharf were accounted in !us day and generation , a this language ate th e base ball reporters of wet cloths over the eyes, as lo re>n d or their Store House in to wn . er them heayy b ill ow s which break upon them ; Wu.nla Column on year . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 oO ;;<; :;; ::;; " " RaH yoa1· , . . .. . . . . . . 36 00 ' ;; temperne nMn. I was the youn ges t boy, th e different papers th,t make . the chron- \ comfortable. Let the r oom be reason<Lbly but :around the no1theru and ea.stem ':lty . he ! One q u ar ter . . . . . . . 2 0 o O P' - and when the ohl gentleman was ready to icl rng of the gr e t game a sp ecu light and cheerful, giving the patient the m1t.rgimi more go d harbors clai m e d lllnn one year . . . . . . · - · - · . 36 0 0 -- go -an rl he knew it-the otheis agreed man 'I'.ho knows not b as e ball find a himJlf,Jf Col " arlvan ta<> e of the mfl uence o f th e " mmd than fo1 all the ot h e1 Isla.ncls of the 0 .. fi Half year . . . . . . . .. . . . 20 0 that, smce I h ad st·yed at homa and ta ken self hopelessly lost when he <Lttempt;S to 1 cure. " " rhe sick, above all others, have a A rchipelago put to gether In th es e shclter One quarter · - . . . . . . . . 12 50 be ritten the fat m should rea a of t h e old folks, n t of the ga. m e as w c d an c c o u n;ter co;rr.n one yee r = spe cial claim for an abundance of t h e pnrest cd ch an nels and iulets, as well as in the C A N A D A. O F I ha.d by the spo1 tmg reporter. He sees the i t was willed. mine. Aud to Halt ye&r . . . . . . . . . . L " of the outlying reefs, fish in great . , air possible smce the drnmtse may have been , Capital 111ilcl 11p,,01m., 1!12611,llll > One quarter . . . . . . 8 00 -- 6 been mairied tIlr ee ies, " " Iawnmowers, ' column f oll of ' ' pop fl' h eirinir, hal ibut, prm c1 1 all y cau s e d by a de fi ciency of i t re - variety abound-co d, - -Ten lines aud under, fi rst insertion . $0 50 W ell , f ather cl1edmother h .tcl go n e "grashoppers, " "foul tips," "hot h_neis , " sultil l g i n such an impurity of t he gen'eral salmon, t1o u t aml umny o her edible kind s, This Bank ts prepned to do Legltl· Kach s ubs eq uen t msert1on . . . . . . 0 2 - t t? me le the farm 1 er t have no meanmg to years before-'.1-nd three tern;s h d oth a a ll'rom six to ten lines. first insertion 0 75 · system tha.t what we call disease, or an f eedmg u p o n th e surf washings and the inat e Ban km in all its branches. , g with . a mortgge on rt for $2,000. I sai d to h im . ":o the rnitiated, howcrer, all these effort of nature to remove certain impedi Kach subsequent msertlon . . . . . . 0 35 scom mgs of the occ!l.n bottoms which are Farm ers n te s discou nted ; D e posits Over ten lines,first insertion,per line 0 10 -10 Mollie, my wif e : expressions tell eve1 y tersely what has I m ents certam unpnrtbes was necessary earned m by t he wmd8 and tides. ' · ' ' 0 03 " Each subse quen t inaertion , · Mo11I?· .Iook Jiete. ·a on am ount 1:1 of · · ece1ve d an d I n , " erest pa1 · fath er' had h appene d· one P h ras e very ,, 0f ten m et as a p r if in g process. W ha.t w e general ly · Here And stranger !orms o f marm.e hfe. are u y . _ , The num be r of lines to be reckoned by We rea his farm .m its firt s trength of s.011, y. i th all 1th IS the " bunch!?g of hits. w, 1 S k,Dt>partment . call d isea s e is but the strn ggl e of nature to , there in extrnordmary presentation, wrerd , 5 up arc s m avrngs ; the opace o coup ed, _measured by a scale ot . i ts magmfi c ent hmber and his six boys, tnat such a club 1 tb eir ey e on Lh" go r g vll.Ii o us c a.u ses uncouth, and rap amo us ; some hideous with D R A 1F I !§ right the w on s or i·emo v ol ld Nonvare1l. ,ny Pieu, to bu,ll" and b atted tho p1 tch·r all OYer tho as t hey grew u p, equ al to so m, back of wh at ' we see the diseases bemg tentacles, cl ,.,ws, an d spm es, , rn d serried j l1isued an d C o llect!orrn mad (· 1n Europe 1 he worked hard-worked hat - field, b rt failed to wm th? g.ime ?ecauc help , wd ' ' measures gener ally but curattV( Thus, ,1 1 teeth , a11 d oth ers ch a1ge d with b at ter i e s Guited S ta tes and , C anada . DRS, DlcLUIGllUN & REl1'H. It IS worked late and eaily-and yet, look a.t it I they dul not ' , buuch their h its . sure 13 not the tr n e d, but au opemn g elec tii cu,l-cre tm e devilish in temper aud . 1 ,. Vhat quite possible for a . club mu,ke say A mortgage of two housand dollars ! v OFFIOE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWJ\U.NVILLE m W. J. ,J 0NES, through which impun »es escape , rcmov g Ill m oti ve , who l urk among the weeds . nmgs anrl ye t I u can I do ? f hit ghtee·1 0 s a and e mne u r 1 Ageo r n state lll vll. s d and algre which clrng to the 10ck s or f o rage . inte al a cau es the isturb w Dr.J. W .McLAUGIIf,IN, Dr. .A. B m ra, G radu " And ! went to that 1ug-1t had a. bot- scatter the hits rn such a. man nei tha.t not a. ee. So res n ever · rnl i;he hfe away , the stealtlnty among the rafts of k elp dn llcentia te of the Royal ate or the n ftmg 'l'oronto drmk go d, st e College of Phys1crnns he v u ff a ay g y l hys101 an l . i : "nd m ember o f th e U n ve rs t ;;"l usll:e h mc :iu t :i o c !'it/f of s a u s :;:; a. :: I :Roya! C oll ege of Sur. S urgeon , &c. · " I not10ec1 the cunous look on the f ace bu uch them that they run u p a good s co re 7 h i s home and thrives, holdrng h i s own I poison. geons, Ed in burgh. of my w1ie just ten, and asked er what and wm t he ga e. H ere m hes a grea 1 all comers. a ga i n In st hr1unts like this he Your attention is directe d o the immense T he ,wer.tgc breath contains four she thought of rt, for I suppo s ed be moral lesson that 1s apphcsible not only to and o ne h alf per cent. of carbonic acid ga.s, titkes on fat and grows ap ace . I do not DJt, J. C. MITCHELL, . stock of EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS wa.s thmkmg of w h at ( had bee;;i t mg the base ball public, .but to the world at in its full s h ength a deadly p oi s on to the know that he ever <>tta.ins to t h e magnitud e M ancl Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. y about. Aml so sh e was, for she sa.1d · BLmch your hits, gentlemen. Ever. largo. lungs six per cent. pr nvi ng unfit to a usta.m of those pelagic r 1 n gers wh1 ch arn some Office and Re siden c e . Ennisk1llen. 74. He is " ' Charles, I've tho ugh t of this a great man is " condensed base b,,lJ cluh. mortl life while tha.t of the sick,.the victims time s en coun ter ed 111 th e high seas, or ----------- ---·-----d eal , and I've thought of a way m wh ich in the rnce for the pennant, of wealth or of a m aJ ig an t d\l'ease, is fa more impure, indeed, that he aspires to, but he of ten r D. JUJRKE Sl!ll Pl!! ON, of every descripti on at 1 s mortgage off be- £a:me. A great deal is gom11 ) depend on oft en i eu.ll I beheve you can clear th, y pu tres cent. Then, o pen the measures a dozen feet in len g th , which is "'O ARRIS'l'Elt, SOLICITOR, &;c. MOPlUS fore fiv<' years ate ended. his players, but more Will depen d on d oo rs and wmd ows in mo derate weather of a big enough rn<Lke to con vm cc th e mos t Ji BLOCK, np tairs, Krng S treet. Bowmn.r. " Says I , ' Mollie, tell m e how you'll do wh e ther h? unch es his hits or no t. he c ourse rea sona ly, always h avmg the pa.trnt incredulous, Proto types of the creature . . l le, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank rt. ' . first req u is ite ts to select yout players wrt_h comfortably warm. Put a strip of board exist in considerble numbers. Their _ Private Monvs loaned a.t the lowest rates, · or opened out one of the 1 argest d a s n d S then a.1 , c ,i awh ile, " he thought f rc , the n ext to see that they bunch their under the wmdow a.llowing the ah to come customary range is off shoie among the SI1e has JUSt and most stylish s to cks ever brought with a funny twinkle in her blue eyes-says 1 h i t s Ornftmess, rnhoneaty a nd cunuiug in through the spa.ce between the 8.,,8hes, sunken reefs where the rnck cod r esor t, .Sohn KeUh Gallbl'ulth , she : i ar e three very bulltant pla.yeis, who some - at the same time openin" the drau <'ht vf the which ts their favorite food ; but they to town, con sisting of : SOLICITOR, NOTARY " ' Ch arles, you m u st promise me this , times mak e s plendid ca.thes, but they stov e or a s m all sp 11.ce f the fi re ace , ot a occasionally entangled in the ropy sea JJI i I J i n e r y, Oflice- B ouns all'B Bloo,k PUHLIC, &o. D r e S S S il ks, an d promise me most solemnly and sacredly; very unsafe men to depcnl on and th ey are pa rt of th e chimney flue, any way to get weeds wluch fri:ige the land wash, in 1'ihtcb KJng Street, Bowma.nv ille. Money to lend, promise me that you will never bring home gener11.lly caught nappmg at the bases a a ood s upp ly of pure ah safely. Place dilemma the nil.t1ves do.not hes1t.'1.te to wade Velvets, &£., ROUERT A.RlllOIJR, sel s of water contai nin g for the purpose of dlink mg as a l1everago, before th game is over. A. very good all ve ht l e copp era.s i11 beh in d tem and dr ive th em up on with a very fine stock of Fe a thers and w ISSUER KGIST RAR, WEST DURHAM at any time, any more spirits than you ca n around mne n· .t h e followmg well k?? n un der the bed and els ewhere , absorb mg the s hor e, stunmn15 them with clubs. In this Flo we rs . R of> License a. B ar rister and A.ttor Ambition , filth c at cher ; Cau ti on, bring in that JU -tbe JUg your father ha.s sl11ggers : d u a ou d the way the specimen ed, before us was caught. r an t often n chang p no,. at T..a.w and Sohcitor in Chancery. Money f Indu,try, first bas e and c aptarn plans. Let the patient breathe by rught a.a He m easm ecl s1x f eet 1011g and ten inches C u l l and inspect this fine displ ay, w h ich loaned on Real Estate. Offtoe on King street, used eyer s ince knew him, and which you pitcher ; of t he club ; Energy, econcl base ; Alert have used smce he has done with it. " cannot fail to give satisfaction. th ick . 'l'he capture was made un June 15, well as by d ay. Bowm11.nviile. ----" Well, I knew father used once in a ness, third ba8e , Polteness, sh ?rt st o p i 1880, and a drawmg was executed while i -- --------WILLIA!tl WIGHT. ceu Sobriety, ; while especially in haying time and in win- Good Temper, right field the creature wa s still squirming, by S. Wonders of Su r "'ery. " is It field. left ter fiel d , and Honesty, Raninsky, a creole missionary teacher at " ICENSED AUCTION E E R for the ter when we were at w or k in th e woods, to a Med icine has mad e a wo nd erful advance Ililink, hut unfortun ately th e serpen t L C onn ty of Durham. Orders left at the getan old gallon p ig filled · so I thongh t that true that Amh1t10n sometimes pitch es . .o r to stop one Tyl n o t ion to au l ea. that c t is The books of a. prom able wi th m a c entury. she m nt that I s hould ' never buy more high bal llTJ.T ESMAN oltlce or forwarded no t prsesrved. itself He seemed wa.s 28·6m wllll receive prompt attention. I th ought it and a gam e is lo st in conseque n ce, but all inent Vermont doctor, recorded from 1 772 a most than two qu !l.rts at a time. mong1 el, ,mani ex traordmary that nm e d r y good o th o u s a n d t w o h u nd makes a to 1790 a toto.l of f ur ve r_ over, and after a little while told her I in a.ll th rn featly much more o f a fi sh than an eel S. C. ll1JNKING, . w orks well together. A club hke this t s r- , ?'nd seventy-one VIStts m which he ad m - appears to be, or even a cutl ss fish .(Trich w oul d agree to it. '.1- . ICE NSED AUCT I O N E E R FOR n d pos1t o n b ' N e ha ' l d thirty ' dre d a a l y s o era.,r; n n a to istered one th ousa c v a g 10 " ow, mmd, saic sh e, you are n ev er , l IX hu n inurus lepturus), for he has v1s_1ble gills and L tho Cou nty of Durham. Sales attended never to brin g home any more spirts than I at the fimsh rf it bunches i ts its. M any doses of physic: It ;s eshm aed, <Llso, that oper cles. fine s cal es, two spmous fins on to on shortest n otice and lowest rates. A ddress _ m the siame he drew from his patients dunn the same Ins back an d the : a.ud al "f a rue fah . y ou can bring m th at identical jug. ' And I a man puts_forth en ou gh en ergy 36:tr 0011RT!C& P 0. of life to wm many of thP pnz es and yet per iod about a. hog shead full of btood 1 No r gave her m y p lomi se. H e h a.s o an immense pau of pe c toral s . " And before I w en t to bed that mght I he wm nothing. e a.k e a hit, but don' t was te only fault of the medical p·ac t1ce of fo balancing h im self, 11.11 a full comp lement GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO ,l c Unapproachcd for e f.rom I n t e s n e t is i o L n side s t his tudes fa.s of ult a of buys follow e x c e s it s up unti l that t who jug. I n As I wa.s e turnone u . In man m t u t the p u l l every i ook the d of fi ns to pr omotelocomotton, to sa.y nothmg EIENll.Y S YLVESTER. Enniakillen. ing it out for a sort of night cap, Mollie , next inning sh e does the aamo, b t the h1s cases the Y:sic was t,he rever_se of wh a t was of an abuonnal th ud dorsal which is Tone and Quality. ar e not bunched and there ts nothmg to his need_ed. Ih1s dootor s p ractice was not ex - adi pose ! Al so , he has long, sharp teeth for looked up and so.ya she : OATALOG U l.ES FREE. m n, g o, you ' t credit u on the scoreboard. th nge ceptional. since The g o t a ch dr o p left ?' S Charley, n a have " yo time a holding his pr ey, and ,, dontated vomer for Pianos Tuned a.nd Repaired. , " There was J USt about a drop left. We'd just out of c ollege, remember tha.t wh a.t amounts to a revolution. mastication. Nevertheless, the tou t en 1 he advance in surgery h a been till great Then she l has goue befo1 e is metcly the preli min ar y have to get it on the moriow. semble is altogether sugge s ti ve of snakes. AR'rIES WISHING '.l:HEIR P I ANOS said, if I had no obJ ec tions , she Y. ould drink I practi ce of the club. Get your players er. The po:ver of anoosthehcs to rende P .1 . Whether h e is less a snak e than those more . P Tuned or repa1reu oan thorn at te nded . . t drop with me. I sh al l never for. I w ell m hand ; retire all doub tful b8:s e run- era.t1ons pa.mless, an cl the po"."' er of d1sm- formidable monsters which navigators that las ?n , by leavmg word at the DOMINION ORGAN A fl rst-o l as man get how sh e said it ' that last drop 1 ' How- ! ners ; engage sound ones to take their pl ac es fectants to prevent all suppuration, h ave en - counter on the bro a d ocean, or t hos e which o's OFWIOE, Bowma.nville abled expe1 ts to . secu r e mMvel lous ie ow l:JeinR ln th eir emplo' ever I tipped the 'old jug bottom up and l an d then "bunch your hits " snlts. summer sauntet ers discove1 in Seneca fake, -----A few ye1ws o,go the most skilful s u rgeons or th e Hu dson liver-, a capture of the latter got bout a great spo onful and that was 1 shrank from all oper ti ons that tnvolved the alone c an d e t.,rmine. !'llo If.l o? G uue 1n n it a 'M at enough Molly said. 8he took a tu mble !' In color h e was most A paeumat' IC Tub t0 Europe · and po sicles ?pen mg of the abdomen. No w th ? abdomen beau tiful, the entire leng th of his 1 red a tew dr op s of h ot w,ter into it iou. n.@t s e> .ff a rii 1 , Col. J. II: Pierce, of Sa.tth mgton, who has ts fr eely and safely opend for d iili c lt op and a bit of sugar, an d then she tinkled her b emg iridescen t with purple and golden . ul ass against mme, just as sh e 'd seen us boy s been study mi:r the nse of p neu mati c tubes, ( erat1ons. Sa.ya Sir Wi lham S tokes m the re fiectwns , w hile crimso n an d y ellow h ve wrlttM th11 r n few lines, d o wh en we'd been drink ing to good-l uck , I h as rea ch ed ,t pomt at wluch he .hopes to Lanct, m v1?W of what as already be?n sp l ashes cro sed the lateral line at regular .Ancl all l have to say - A show that a ti;ibe ross th e l antte can bo done m. experiments o s an d m .d rs and she says . mterval s h om head to fail · . am!11a.l That y ou can find m e still at home, us ed. Fullowmg is a de.scnptron of the a.p ea es of chest 11'. man, , It _rs no w ild fh g!1t " ' Here's to the old brown jug I' There c an be 110 donbt that th i s specimen I am not gooe aw11y. . " Sakes aliYe I I th ough t to myself that paratus as he con ceives rt : -The tube will of .ancy to a.ntrc1pate tbe time wh en a drn- was a true fish w ith an elon g ated body . So all my kmd old friends may come, And all the young ones, too, poor Molly had been drinking more rum than I a!w:i-ys b e m cou ples, wit th.e curren ts. o f ea.ed l u ng may e found a men able to oper- Th e temlency to rnga r d everything ven ;ni And g e t tli.eir ga.·ments 1.ucely m a d e . was good for h er, and I tell you it kinder ar m .one tube al ways movmg m an cppos1te a·1 ve tr ea tment: form or smu ous as a smi.k e and every th ug l n [ 11. a hious that are n o w , . . n The h eavws t ca ta i a. m este l h He makes _a s1mila· remark m reference to I for got all abou t how d rrect1.on fiom the ohe1. Where oln and youn'I'., dar friends. may meet cut me to the heart. v cer m . serp ent le as repti e as PEA1'E A the brat · kidneys, hver and spleen. A we lcome greoling, by m any times she'd seen me wh en my tongue j non will serve to illustrate the tube . mysterious deniens of the deep with snake -.:Bwas thi ck er tha.n it ought to be an d my legs ca.r tak es the pl ace of the char ge, the tuhe " It ts not umeasona.ble to hope that like attributes : but whether they more the oper so steady as g ood legs should be ; h ut I to be indefi nitely continuous and the peed regions hithei to barely touch ed serpent than fish, or more re ptilian tha_n tli p said nothmg . I drank the sentiment : · The of. the cii.r to e governed by the rap11ty ator may ev ntua.11;: becoe fanuhar grnund the undulating specimens of Unalas hka IS · ;,;;r I am fully prepared to s.ttencl Fun erals on with which air cii.u be forced through. 'l i me for th e exercise of h1s art. old brown jug ' and let it go. what scientists w ould be delt<Ybted to the shortest notioe, at the lowest possible rates 0 s " We l l I w' In form er have given som e ac ent out after that and done is required to establish a curren t of air flow'Ja>1ketn and Bmrn ! Cases ready on short notice di co ver . cou nt of surgical skill m es tormg severed my chores and t he n went to bed, and the ing with great sw1fti;ess through a tube per As we find analogues in nature all creation Fitst-claae hearse on very moderate t e rms . n fingers ; m transplantm skm an cl bone f om Shrouds and Cofilns oonstuntly on hand. Fun thing I sa.1d before leavmg the kitchen, I h aps thousands of rrul es m length, but wh e. through, it is reasonable to infer th s.t there . this very room where we are now, was : once created the monon will be nearly um- ammal to ma.n, to rep air loss on the paio of ar e true serpents in th e sea as well as on er al oards s .1pplied at on ce . Furniture Shop &; 10 w Rooms-Bounsall'sNew Block. ' \Ve' ll h ave the old brown jug filled to mor- l form. T he speed of the curent may _ be the latter ; m filling up l a rge " ound with the land, and that th et e are fish as well S, -- ------- ----------. by u smg sponge, iyh1ch speedily becom :a o:gamz:d. made as grea as may be de su·e row. ' Whether this great with serpent forms . c an hvc at ho mo. and mak m ore fnr t s l b m d e m y plo m e faus steam a dnver n the g e o n !' I S ago, b And e o bed. av to h Pans, it em u p ss1bl e time " And then I wetit off money nt work for us, than at any ophidian of the ancient and m o dern m al'lner . ---""' thing el se in tlns w o1ld J:>io co.p1tal remembered ever since tbat I went to bed 1 n ac es . raga.ra. Fa l ls co u ld dr1Ye last £i:n $ to brm g together th e p a.1ts of a se":ered be fish or repti le, he 1 8 , doub tless, pr edatory wmmrr TBllTH , needed ; you are start ed free. Te:e: rn. WIT FI that night as I haddunehuudrecls of times be- and furrush motive power to eep m ?1 otion tendon m a yo ung ma.u s figer, the pha1c1a11 and therefore to be feared and avoided. sexes ; all ages. Any one ca.n do the work. fore, with buzzmg i n m y heaJ that a h ealth y the tram s t o connect this contrneut wth the freshly cut the ends, an{l mser ed a. p i ece of I nasmuch as we, instiiwtivel y , as soci ate Lar1<:e e ar mn gs sure from first start. Costly T 'II · 1\111' D. · · .u' .1 The temperature w1thm the tendon from a yo un g dog, and sewed the serpents with e il .Ill&. J I man ou<>ht not to have. I didn 't thmk of Old ·world we should per haps, outfit an d terms free. Better 11ot delay. Cost s v PllA<!TlUAL lENTIST, it then,0 n or had I ever t h ou ght of it before, ti;ibe maY: be regulated by p assi ng bl asts of en ds together The operation was wholly prefer to regard him as a fi s h, ' and thcre- you no thmg to eend us your address aud find out ; if you arc wise yon will do so at on ce , but I have thought of it a good ma.ny times arr e1:1 te rmg the tube t !:>VER TWENTY YEARS .E>.."PE RIICNOE, ·ough furnaces or scessful. ¥Ye see, rom the p aper s , that a f ore of a kmdlter nature, y et w e do not H. HALLE'I'l & Co., Portland, Mume, The speed a ttamable may reach s1m1la.r operation has JUSt been performed m for et th at a c rea tu re much les s scaly m · of it v . 1th wonder over 10e. since and h ave tbon<Yht 0 N" 1 trom10xideGs K A.tllulnl stel'ed f or Palnle· g 1,000 mil!'s an hour. The ube lini n a:nd this co1mtry. and we. flicted ineffable and lasti ng mise1y on g Opel'utl?ns. v ou ld be of pohh ed s teel with " Well, I got up next mo rni ng aud did my ca.r extenor man. , P E R CH E R O N H O R S E S · !!! work at "t;he barn <Llld t.he n came iu ancl ate I c ?rrugate sides atchmg wi th heels pro --------Less Food Needed m' Summer. e Island Home St ck to be ma de. Cut this ou t my break fast, but with no suoh app e tite a.a v1ded with anti fraction bearrngs. Th, e A Terrible Accusat10a. and return it to us and a f armer ou"ht to have and I could not speed, owrng to the cm vatme ol the e arth s Growth and waste and r epail' go on in a is :;i co :: we will send you ' ree, tlnnk th en tlat m y app ttte begun to s ur f ace , will tend t ? o 'eroome all weigh t nearly uniform way the whole I ear thro ugh, It is cruel to bring any ch arge a<>ains t a n iently l o c a t e d for somethrng or grnat ' alue u er h r . ll be ail up However and the pressure b pp ese c wi u k f a but f s t the and ou t e e I a ate of my food itmount e ssai y for Canadians, being on t: 1 e cl n t ,rnswer or 1mse ' lf f man who can o · d a. · and 2 mp e> tan ce to you, that will start yon m . an Island in D stroit ' · s su 1pnsmg - ly sn1.111. 1 S ·i ll the public mterests may demand t hat the old, fo1 to 1 part of th e t ube ; t m 10ns o r purposes t b usin ess w hich will bung y o u JD morn went out and hitched 1 s there is scar.neIY any opernt" ten River, mi l es below mone y riht away than any thmg else in this tel l the plain truth . I was f eeling m need of I ltm1t to te sp eed attau The mven- The gen eration of bodily h eat re q tures a 81; able ch a ch arge sh o uld b e ,L dvan ce d 1£ th er e is Wmdsor, Ont. Pur· world . Any one can do the work and live at a glass of spiu more variable quantity of foo d. ts and I hadn't a drop in the 1 t10ns cons!St in th'l details of t he work . I n W rnter, eve n on ly pi obabil ity in its s upport, Ill or chasers will find a . home. lf;1ther sex ; all ages. S omethm g new, 1 I larg\-.<lumberor pure re au ua. e i e o o u tl t a w ur er p "th t' t t f m a ex e . h 'l m h t e s ne t I 1 e WI s u h · to ):\et to a -----.v --rz ry l. We WOl'kers. all for thatiu st corns rnoney dcr th at others m ay bo f ree an d th e saf ety a. bred and grade stal· zero, the tempera will st 1u t you capital not needed. Tlus is lage. I hitched up and came m f or the JUg. tu. e of bloo d m h e al thy I of tr·· el lmg public 1ie the better secured. l io n s , b r o o d ma.res h T e Disappointed Ones. 1.1. 6 of thP. geniirne. important classes or a hre- I went for it to the old c u pboard and took o. persons ts 98 3 degrees, and when the heats It is said that the enoineer on the excursion and colts ot all ages time. Tboae who are ambillous m 1 d enter· to select from All The f ol l o win "' exprcsg10ns are ma de me of of S ummer dt 1ve the mercury of the ther- trnin at St. T homa s t hat came so terribly to prising will nu t dela} . Gmml ou tfi t frtrn, it out' . and. · pure bred stock, reg- "' per day at the I ad'ies, c " Did you ever brea.k through thm ice on about fifty times ,e momete nea.r to or ab ove that ma1 k · th e grief was the wor se of liquor and t hat h i .Addres 8 TuuE & co . Augusta, Maine. t e lstered Ju the French and American Stud Bo . g ks. blood still re61sters 98 3 de_grees Tho . mara snappmg told morning, and find yourself ltvery window in the post-office : Now Prices reasonable, stock: aranteed. Lar g e1 D U9o conductor also had b een drmkmg . . NUM, in <Ln mstu,nt o verhead in free zing watet· ? j " No letter for me ? You must have over- vel ous m echamsm by whwh this umform the very possib ih ty of th is is simp ly awful. trated Catalogue free. SAVAGE & FAR DETROIT. MloH. at all se.; - It is not nccesa1y th11t n c 11g inee s h o l d blood temperature ts maintame Because th0,t was the way I felt at that mo- look ed it ?" i: . m ent. The Jug was thei e but the bottom " Oh ! there isn't ? 'Yell, I didn't hardly sons it is not necessary to consider, but It I be drunk in order to hts wrckmg his tram. ----· - --- -------- mnst be eviteut to every one that the foroe A smgle gl ass mav give iust that degree of was gone. M o ll ie lrnd tak en a sharp chisel expect one." , We are an d a h a mmer , and with a. sk ill that mig h t " Please look agaiu. You don't know how needed to rn.1se the t mpcrnt.ure th e holll excitemeu t and UlJStcadmess th!'t is necesI now P l cliody to nearly 100 degree3 m w rrn te r I S no SILI Y to Ieitd him to uk w hat he would not ' hav· done c1edit to a wo1 kma11, she a nxious I am." 1 .. to Liu , II 0 tnr n , had c lipped the bottom clean off the iug " Tha.n k you. I was going hy and thought longe1 needed m Si..mmer . The total otherwise risk and to d o h at he would not 11 1 lh 1 t t 1 amount of fo<l nee<l ed for r epair, for gro wth otherwise think of. j ,1 1thout m·en crncking the edges of the I'd inqu ire. " 1 No man who is kno wn . . sp re i mc, " So st1 a uge I He said that he'd write as and fo r heating,, phy1ology teu,e;hes us, is to tast e mrox1catmg hq n o rs rn even the bid es . I lookecl at the ]Ug and then he and profitable Per; ons new, hgh· ' per · burst ou t. She spoke-oh, I had n e er soon as he got t here, and that was two much Jess than IS generall y nuag med, and ' most moderate way sh ou ld h.we a ny thmg of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $0 s it Irrl JJresses us with the t!nth of the great I to do with ailways anrl especially with r n She sa.1d he3r d anythmg h k e L t. weeks . tgo · H A fi!!l. " lf ! r u opi0{ s uwo: t .. \,\! Yt\. .. n r.; '.;<! - &. ""' ! · fl!. ·- ' Ill , " ' Ch<i.rle s, t hat's where the mo1 tgage on " You arc ce1tt1in you lfloked in the rignt surgeo n Abernethy's sayrn g, th at " one ' n Lng an en gi n e. 'l.' here 1s lJ O use in aymg earn nea.rly as roncl1 as men. That al l who see ; this fa1m c.<me ftom ! It was brou ght hnrnc box ' \Yell, if theie !Lin't, there. arn't I" fourth of what we eat keeps us, th e other they ai·e n ot ·ls I f they are drunk- 1 t his may eeud their address. aud te s t the bus . I o " It " as 1>, Jotter w ith money m it, and I three-font ths 110 keep at the peril of nr en the m ischief ma.y be all the s.urn·. -two qua.its at ,, time ! And w1thin th a.t JLlg The ne's we m11k0 thto offer. 'l'o such ris ate not I M aybe li v-es " . I n w · it er we b urn up th e sur plus foot is that 111 these clays of machme t y and · well 8at1sfletl we will send on" dollar to pay 1 white, clear skin and · wish you'd tell the Po s t m as tc , that's where y;;n1 . 1 for t he trouble or wr1trng ]'nil particulars _ o fooc with a. lumted aoun.t o extra ex rti u rush in a very shor t, time no ma n w h o is 1 ana outfit J'ree .Address GEORGJ: STINSON & clear pretty blue eyes a1 e gorng ! Aud in somebody hos stolen it. " , . . J h that Ug, my lmsb<Lnd, your appetite 1s go " This is tne fifth or sixth time 1 ve rn - In S u mmer we get ncl of it t.erally au not known as a steaay, reliable teetotaler Cu Portland. ::vlamo. : ing a.l so ! Ob, le t the bottom stay out for - qu ired , and l'm beginning to be suspicious." extrn r isk to health a.nd, of come, to life. , Wii l be employed at all. And thi s will be i ever I Let i t he as it is, d ea r heart, An d " Thanks, ma'am . I kn ew you'd dve me \Ve can not burn it. O ur v1ta.l lnna ces are most rcason ,1ble. 1£rnploye1s in factories, l'm'** 1iW *:U' bank nt d, the st and i r m p we remember you r prom ise to me.' w:orry o a letter if you c ould. " m ta e Yen w hen th em selve s not total abstamers, "orkmg or gan s w1Lh the ex ha extJr t10n of j " And then she threw h er aims a.round are ciuietly au d steadily weedmg out all · me and bu rst mto tea.rn. n better w been remov never a t had he hav l con d spe<Lk l e 1 those who " take a glass. ' ' S g h They can't be O ne F18he d-'T0ther E uste d. . ta.ken mto the stomach. no more. That is the m1Be1y and the rel i ed on " \.nd there was no need. , ';Jy ey es were " Too bad -too bad ! ' he said as he came 'l'he cousec1uence i s that 1 drnivback. o pene d a.s if hy mag ic. In a siule minute out of his office with a tel eg ram in h is I such are more ancl m ore g<>.u g to the wall . Just Trv It' , th·J whole scene passed befo1e me. I row 1 h ,ind. \._ I '.l'o be a teetotaller 1 s 11ot all m all, fer b e T r y o. sun b a th for rheumattsm. igrn on th e farms in our n eigh all the mortg, " vVhat is it 9" · m ay at the time b<> a blockhead an.d . borboo<l ; and l th o ught w!.ere the mouey " Just fouud this ill my office a.s I 1eturn Try clam b1oth fo r a weak BL1t to be absolutely st eady IS a blunderer. I C::ln , h<od gone. The very mrtguge faher from a ten d ay ' vacation. It came the d, iy a wondn ful re commendat 1 0n anr " here the c. Try cranberry p ou l tic e for erysi pel a s. · _ I nececsa.ry brarns ar e tcere l'e·11eB, ' h.·d ev er made was to pay a bill held agamst I atter I left. " . why, , A Try eatmg fres h radishes and yellow turn I him by the man who h ad filled his JUg for l " w ha.t fa it ab o u t ?" 1ne 0 should n ot the tot al ab5talnCl' be pteferred ? 0 ' ye,irs . Yes, I sa w it as it passed before me; " It is from an old friend iu Sandusky, ips fo1 gravel. · · Ind eed he is and will " l wo.ys be more and · · · _a fl1ttering picture of rum I rum 1 rum ! aud i t says : ' Telegraph me $200 to day 01· Try swallowing salivo. when troubled with more so. An engineer wl,o IS k nown to tate ln mer1can I debt I d eb t ! deht ! and in the end , d eath ! I'm fimmcia.lly ruined. "' D snur stomach. I liq uor ought in sho1 t, · o be ms·r. ntly clrn- 1 l · And ! rett rnc<l my Mo ll ie 's luss, and said I : " Aud you weren't here ' /" _ lives of Uc is not fit to have t l. , Try ea tin cr onions and horse radish t<> re I missed. 1 .J 1 1 o·ec-3 · nb o· l " 'Moll i e, my own, 1'11 keep the prom ise I " :N o." ' his fellow men in his k eepi n g. heve drop st l swellingsI will, so h e lp m e heaven 1' " And he bused !" f ; J " And I havr: kept it. o tan In les than five ' ome must " Very probably. Ah l and eo. . owe <C The income o± the Canadian M eth odi s o., years , as M ollie sa.:d, t h e mor,gage was fi sh imd some must bust. 'Ihe only consol;i, ·I . . on the ear amounts B o d for.0',,. t n g ork... Bur "'au' vor.· 5 Ne Vll" P"P"" Ad : Try the croup tippet when a child is likely M is cleared oil ; my appetite to me ; tio n J hiw e is in knowing that I couldn't in excess of Y a ou OO' O· b ei 0 ' 10 Spru f ce and now we ' ve got a few thousand dollars have raised $10 h1id I been h ome. " ; to be troubled m that way. . I · · hlet asie prunp t e prov10m year Sead :iOcts. or at interest. The1 e hangs the old jug ; THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M . A. JAME S , z · Lli & -!!! - r 1 1 ' ! · !! · w 11 · TM !! !! !! !! = L ' "' u !! s !! ! !! U !!!! !!! !!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! t! E __ __ _ THE BOTTOMLESS JUG. - _!" · * .!? _ __ _ _ ___ m111&::_m:a:p_:u:_ ______ HEALTH. with her J are becoming bent forward. o I 1 ·! k *' "!. C: '! esz · a _ _ __ ,__§£ M USIO o o J G R A I./.N T ! Jno . McMurtry & Co. . i;,.. a I ... . .... 2g o Aluetian I me iacewa"S ) A NK STAN DAR D j j I o , 1 11 , n;1l\te!;'d: f°! o II ft nJ i dngdis:rr:Y Re'.1g t I I o I I o i 7!h I a I hh L }! }&. IEs B A R Jt l S 'l' E R, I b I M D li.f\ \ftra.ll M£l Y'8 " LJ11 l8 . U Ul511! J ff M I L L I N E I-1.Y I I PJ a t I I I I1 I 10 RGANS Guelph, Ont. B E L L" I BELL & CO a R. . V DE _. N T [_ I s T r ! not I I l ? ? 1 1;1Y J ! L EV I r.JI ORR I S. articles :ve n R I 1'1!!' A C 0 'lllJI' BE I ? M0N GFFIC!___ Ey · -t;(J.L G HJ.(JI. ! I l t Y U o Both i I ! Ij I tfcl!1; th e DUN BA I P 0 i:;F!'lt. r r:n. .ftll'\ Tf 1 o v j 11 or'· 1n Cl asso Att hni nifhe I ! I Busmess In\· \th -:1fo;h; ! 1;} :}·onts ,' I l n1on ::,1°::1 1 ? 1 j l I I I I 1 I all I I 1 1 I JUSt 'el' watb:r;1 ff·femcval I I -Ch i l d ren Cry for P itcher's_ Castor i a t $l2 0J0 learn the exact cost f any pi oposed 1 adverhs1ncr A pape·As by add IG p R 11 ?- C ;.s1 ;00-;w- l I I ! A D V ER TI SE R S [ l

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