· · EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. readers. chara ct er . covering a v ar ie ty of topics to in t er est the cu ri o us among our Canadian Wl1at a This letter will be miscellaneous in our arrival the queetion "Your3 i s .a\>vo n as k ed us we c a n not tell. derful cold country isn'.t it?" hes E n glishman. Canada is in the opiniou of the cold, frost· bound many How t imes av.crage ·country since that our ho u se s are almost u nder the "beautiful." that t he f ences are seem to thi n k that the snow is The peoplG iwre buried and covered we can imagine so been deep co m pl e t el y us clad in as mnch SALE In order to make room for from head to feet. cury on our backs and enveloped in furs Of cours.J, many have our winters, views but are clothi ng They as more correct views of Fall Goods which are coming in rapidly, we will start on MoNoAv, Jutv 25 To clear off all remnants o( Summer Goods that we have in Stock At Cost. As the pubii c know so mo . always do what we advertise, everywhere, that we J l!iltiiiner. · On the othe r hand, they cannot r ealize how it can p os s ibl y be hot ter in su m m er than the weat her has been here for the pat few we<1ks. We nectl onlv to say that since we lil n ded a.t L·V"l'pvol, the fast da y of June we hn.ve worn our flannels aud thl;l same clothing we we ar in \\inter in Oauad a, minus an overcoat, and have not found th heat oppreEs:ve, though we have walked five, eight and ten miles a day . The greatest heat here has not exceecled 60 to 65 degrees in the shade, while in Cana da, we nee by the papers, thA ther m ome t er has been playing a bout in the snade, among the n ine ties aud u p war d s of a hun dr ed in the States. The sun' s ray do not pour d own wit.h such burning force here es in Ameri ca, if they did th er e would scarcely be any vegetation to be found here now, so long and conatant has been the drought. There is always a m oi sture perceptiblti i n the air in t his district and the n ight s oro so cool that we have not found a twil led sheet, woo len blanket and heavy quilt too much for bed covering. At th is writing (July 23) th e drought is unbroken, save by a few li g ht showers ten days ago ; but 60 d ry an d warm was the tl 11rs · tY rnrt h then, ti iat a few ho n r s aft erward a i 't b e not' ice d · cou Id scarce ly th at ram l fa. · h ac IIen. "'h .L e o I-' uest 111 · hab' I· t l. 11ect' 19n °f auc h a dry !'.! . 11M !!9 reco. 'l'he wei1thr is te gtt question of the day and 18 bemg d1scuased held by a very large number. these extreme and erron eous great many r oad ster s , hack neys, .;obs and Exmoor a nd Dartmoor poc1ies. Up the country the horse& are of a much larger and better class. '£he prices for h orses hera are very low, a very goo d workho rs e can be bought for £12 to £16. Thc farm houses are n ot as elabor11tely f urni s hed nor a'3 comfo rta ble aud con venOne not very hrge · i en t as in Canada. room usually do e duty for the drawingroom, parlor, sitting-room, dining-room and kito1i cn. The furnishings of this room ·mus ist of one long tab l e , with moveable top, standing in the corn er, .t 1 " o nnr w1"th a s t a y "form" or bench fixed to the wall on the inside, another stationary bench or seat-very often a l o w window si l l - at the head of tho ta bl e, and a mov ea ble form of the same length as If the foot the table on the other side. of the table is to be occup i ed c hai r with I f t he re is a flat wooden seat is used. frrnily of c h i l dren, a li utnber of cr:ckets or small t !ir.o u-legged stools are kept undeC' the f o rm for their feet to re sb 011 when s i tti n g on tho for ms at the tablo or f')r One or sitting on when not iit meals. two c·hairs of th e plainest make are usually found in this room. Near to one side of the chinrn ey or fireplace is to be seen what is called a settle, which looks ve r y much like a 'tall bo o kcase with one elielf aho·it the height of a c ha ir whicn is used for a " s it by the fire " for t wo or th re e persons. This settle stands facing the fire at an a ngle of about 30 degr e e s . lighter. But we do not t hi nk tlwre is as gr e at a c h oice of t ou g h and durable woods avdi]able here as iu Amer' nu. In t hi s part of England th e hL"se s are i nfe ri or to Canadian horses. 01.i.y a ve ry few Clydesd ale 01· large Shire hnr·ses are to be seen. 'l'he general purp0se farm horse is some l igh ter than oura, imd not so w ell built or as sho w y . 'rher·o are a W hitby has its Ci vic Holiday on 26th i nst. the · "' I · , ' , , ':;- ,. · f ', I MY soN, aged nine ye ai s was afilicted with catarrh ; the use of Ely's Cream Balm effected a complete cm·e.-W. E. 13,849 men . Lonrlon, England, has a pol ice forca of : A by- law, to raise $20,000 to build a new high school in Linclsay, will be voted on Au g ust :JOth. Wheezing, gasping sufferers from asthma receive q uick and p er m >J,nent relief by using Southern A st I ima Cure. SoId by dru rgiats or by mail on r eceipt of ri . 0 p ce :t TAMARAc.-Taruat·ac El ixi r fa a prep ara.ti on containing great curative pro. perties for coughs, colds, influenza a nd throat and lung c::implaints. t Another $50 was contributed to t he county tl'easury, this week, from 0shawa, for v i o latio n of the Scott Act. HAMMA.N, D1u ggist, Easton, Pa. II for Infants and Children. ' "Cutor!A ia so well ad411ted to children tha\ frecommend it as IJUt>eriortoa.ny prescriptio:ri !lllomitome." ff. A. Allc;rn, JILD., lll Bo. Oxtol'li 1:1s.. Brookl.rn, N. Y. I iJIJurious medication. Tac CZN'l'AUR CollPANY, ,.7 Ilfw·:·ti.y street, lf. Y, wt Cutol'fa etll'e6 Colle, Constipation, Ron:t' Stoma.ch, Diarrhcen, Eructation, Xills Wk,r:18· gives sloop, and promotes d1· < a Rare Bargains · · l\fa:i be looked for. This sale does not merely refer to very short ends but includes pieces of Ol'dina.ry dress lengths and at pl'ices that will astonish you. ·we cannot give you a com· plete tict of all we shall offer, but as a sample read the fol- lowing. Best 12c. Print 10c. a Yard. Best 10c.. Print Sc. a Yard. .C 11 Or .C 10r ()ther Prints for 5 C. and 6c. a yard. Hand s o m e D r e s s oods 1 Oc. a yd. Seer Sucker Dress Goods 1 Oc.. worth 15c. Ginghams 7c., cheap at toe. Parasols at Tremen dous Reductions.. Come early and Secure the Best Bargains. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. . 'l'he modes of co n veyanc e here are very amusi ng to t he Canadi an boy who ufamiliar with the modes of travel m h i s N<Jt o and GO Year" na t. 1ve l and o 0 11 go · tilat were there as they 0re l1c1·e at p r esu ent but they were equally rude and as u niq ue and improvised in character. True, the gentlemen of leisure and abundant means- one who is k n o wn hP.re as a "en tleni an living in hi11 p a latfa l coun t y residence aud with a large rP.tinue of man a.nd m aid s er v an t s, drive s out wit h his span of well-groomed h ors es cll\d with brass or silver mounted hatness :ittach ed to a c om fortable brougham resembling a comfortable city hack in Canada , wi th - hie coachman manipulating the re ins and whip and his spry wary footman in the l i ttle rear s ea t, ready to alight and dance at ten d a n ce on his master e>r mistress as occasion requirea. But between th e gentleman and the lower order of h umanity there is a gnlf. Th e wellto-do farmer rides out in his trap -a two wheeled cart that will ca rry fonr persons, two in the fr on t and two sit t ing with their backs braced against those two on a narrow seat behind. Th ese are the r.r.iost comfortable pleasure v e hi cl es found among fa1mers and a Canadian i des in . one of them until he gets nsed to lt with as much ease and comfort as he wou l d on a load of cordwoud or tho cud b ard of a farm wagon. This is the kind of con vey a.nee that th e young man tries to g t w hen he goes for a di'i.ve with his gir · and when he su cc e eds he fe e l s as proud, important and h ap py as the West Durham young man d o e s ';ho drives 01t I:is best . girl on the Queen s Birthday m lns bran new covered carriage from the showrooms of J"ames M orr is ' or George C. ffaines' Carriage Works, the box of which re_ftects his ima ge as clearly as a plate· glass mnro_r, _ an d the s poke s of the wheel sparklmg m the sun like myriads of fi r e fiies in t.he reg ion of a ceda r smu1p, his spirited 1:ti fl e wan er Crci: Iu...penal charger beari·:g ne w and shmmg e:;t of H ump hrl:ly . & Mayer's or Thom pson & _C's rst-pnze · si lv er mounted harness v1tn a. silver pla ted p e nd ant over t l e bridle, with a nm e fo ot whale-bone whip n the socket on th e dash-board, and a. bright col or ed check linen duster cver1:11g tlle l'l:ew summr ;;ilk dress of his fair com pamon and_ }us _ own striped twee d pants and s hmmg gaiters. . " cm;eyai1ce is the 'rhe "next best common market trap, a1mlar to the one . rt describ_cd , but w anti g t he bright fimsh, and is much ]10av1er and more clu msy Iookini;:. Some li mes thia vehicle has a cushione d seat, but frequ e nt ly a board long en ough to extend o ut over the edge of the box on both sid e s and a bag : m olcl horse cove1· thro wn of stra w or : lo o sel y over it, constitutes the sat. Next comes the dokey t rap-a c!-'rt sunilar to the foregom g bu cons iderably smaller. The last 11amod is very much used by small farmers whose estate co n aiste of two or three fields of from a h al f to two acres in extent and whose sole beast of burden is a donkey or email Exmore pony. 'l'here are a feiy pony or dog carts si !l1il ar to those seen m Canad , but not so comfortable. Then for carryi11!r loads of peo ple they ha ve what i s wagknown hero as gonetts, landaus etc., being of differe n t si zes and resembling our ban d wagons. The farm vehicles are the common heavy t wo w h ee led c ar t or butt, similar to those used in Canada by some farmers, a nd the waggon which is fu l l y as hl'lavy b u t ltiss waggons, capacious than ot:r. farm . has shafts or ·;sharps"' rn s t ead of a t ongue, a nd when two horses are req u ire d , which is almost alwa ys, they are cl ri ve n tandem. We have not seen a farm wagon wih a to ngue and in wh!ch the I:10rses re driven s with us, si ce we came to two abreast En glan d. 1rn of the:e vehcls a re .s tron g er and heavier than ourn, wlm:h is partiaily rendered n e ces ary by the mac'=. dami7.ed roads; but m many rnstances, if mat eria l were u eed, these wheeled "ood "' · constructions nught b c ma d o very rnuch , s qt1ito ; groat 1 · Over the top of the best set t le aru two or three receptacles called cu pb oard R where small wares not req ui re d d ily and other Behind the small nick-nacks are kept. set tle is the wood corner for fuze, etc. The chimney place contains what for want of a b et ter name is called a close stove and is wa lle d in wi th brick and morter. The " stove " consists of a fireplace about 8,;inches wide, 8 i n_ches eep and 1· 11 · 1ches long. There is a. little square oven at one side and a small wa te r A tank wi t h a brass tap on the othe r. J square st "ve-pipe carries the smoke up a iew feet to the open chimney. .Around the interior of t he chimney pli1ee are hung the poker, tongs and several tin Over the chimney place is a c over s, etc. m antle shelf usua lly "loaded down" with tea cani sters, polished candle-sticks, a lamp or two, som e small pieces of tinware and a few ornaments, etc. Opposite the chinmey pla ce stands the " dreeser " " or cupboar d also " l oa ed ow an d with the metaphorically "growmng weight of big blue patterned platers, plates cups and saucers, rows of fancy pitchrs , mugs, " Pr e sent " cnps and <>lasswara-in all abo u t foul" times 63 rnch a s would be foun d 011 a Ca.nadian A variety of old China ware cupboar d. is also carefully packed amon{( the rest. I n an ot her corner stands the old "g1and· fatlwr's clock," the case re aching from the floor to the ce iling. In t,ho comer over ihe table is fixed a small book sbelf or caao filled w i th old-time well-wor11 On the w alls hang i l l u minat ed books. and chr omo calendars issued by t he villa<>e merchant with his advertisenwnt e d thereon. The windows are snu.11 print and open outwards like the glass d oors of a bookcase, a long hook on the ·ill !woks into a stap l e in the bottom of tho w mdow 'rhe fto or of frame and keeps it open. t.h is room is cov ered with stone fl.gs abo u t two feet 3quare, or limewash winc h is nearl y as smooth and solid as stone. The doors and other wo od wo rk is of the plaiuest description and seldom painted. In the win d ow s are usually some very nic e geraniums, lillies, f uchs ias, e c. Every little <iottage iu England has is o uu d it, littl e flower garden somewhere an d the windows invariably have a f ew potted. plant s in t h e m . r he eople here hav e better table fara p F,1r breakfast than in the olden times. li t e farm table contains teakettle broth or bread and milk , fried potatoes an r ash En's of b a c (1n and bread and somehme:i a thick piece of di sh- pie crust fried wiLh the The dinner co nsists of bo iled (,r meat. baked potatoes, boiled lam or l eg ?f m u t t on , cabbage or 11:reus or c:1 rrot s m their season, suet puddmg and l'!Ce, plum For t ea or custard pudding for desse rt. or supper so me nf the cold dinner, or fry llimiiar t o the breakfast f ry, a hot meat and egg or potato pasty, br e ad and butter cake and cream a.nd occasionally currant The m an ner or go oe e ber ry jam or tar ts. of ser vi ce is a litt.le peculiar. '.l'he i;iistrnes in most houses does all the servmg. S'lle " pre a d s the butter on the br ead ,ser ve ·the meat and vegetables, and whe n jam is used no bu tter is al l ow e d and sh e spreads the j\m on the bread and plaes it on ea ch one's p la te. In f act she waits on the men just as any mother would on two years old at the table. a bab , ,, Grae , is v ery aeldom , , asked" on t he Christians even in profes sedl y meal hous holds which was a great sur pri se to a "' AFTJllR LONG YEARS.-"l was troubl ed with liver compla int for a number of y ears, finding no cure . I tr ie d B. B. B. I took four bottles, an d am 1)erfectly c u re rl, tron MRS MARIA - and hearty." Asiml".r, Al ma , Ont. tion with the Canadian Pacific Railway. The propo si tio n is to have a twenty m il e track built from Port Hop e, touchi ng the of R1"c· l1e"a· " v ·,ind con nec ti n g with v L·,ku u tho C. P. R. at Cavan ville. The Grand Trunk 'Vorks, a t Lindsay, are being pushed. The station house will be two stories high and very l arge. A mammoth engine house, extensive ware h ouses and sh eds , sidings, etc . , are also being p u shed. I WAS 1'ROUBLED wit h chronic catarrh and gathorings in my head, was very deaf at times , had discharges from my ears, and was unable to b rea t he through my nose. Before the second bott.le of Ely's Cre am Balm was exhausted I was cured, and to·day enjoy sound health.-0. J. Comim, 923 C he sn u t-s t. , F10ld.Manager, Phil d del ph i a Pub. House Pa. A GooD Ao·1·.-"As a cure for all surnme1· -::ompl;.i-ts l high1v -ee om men d Dr. F o w ler's Extract of Wild Strawbe rry, having o f t en used it with the best results. I h av .i often bee n thar1ke<l tor recom· WILTIA.M HA.w, Ancaster, m en d ing it." Ont. Mr. ,J. S. Bellamy, B. A., Head M aster of the Col bor ne High School, died o n Tue sday of last week from typhoid fe ve r . Th . e Go vernor Genera1 w1 .11 f ormer1V oprm the Dominion and lndust.rial F air at T oro nt o on 'l.' n e sd ay, Sept. 6th. The Prices tell, the Quality sells. We have now completed arrangements for a. big sale of popula.r goods e.t pricrcs which must take the eye of every economical buyer. We keep· BOOTS, SHOES the best qualities, styles, and assortment in ..... Come and see our elegant stock--Cash bought it, Jow prices will sell it. Our specialty is to please our customel's, our aim to save 11111m:y for our· patrons, our intention to do better for you than anyone ell't-J Goods. To make up for t he loss of the roundhouse, Port Hope i s a gita ting for co nnec - cannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed to undersell us 28. for ladies', gents' and childrens' wear ; also in Trunks and Valises. .l\.ND SLIPPERS M. TRELE.VEN. were ARE You Gorna To TRAVEL 1 Don't forget a aupply of that Dr. Fow!er's Ex It is a sup tract of Wild St ra wberry. erior r emedy for sea sickness, and a p osi t1ve cure for all bowel complaints induced by bad water, change of diet, or of cli m Whther at home or abroa d , it ate. sho u ld be kept at h"'nd in cade of emer ,'..{en c y. The c itizens of Orono arc making ar mngemonts to hold a cu ncer t on Civic Holiday, which, it is expe cted, will be A1Tang0JI1ents are about the 18th inst. about concfo ded w i th Mr. R. Fax, of Brantford, to furnish all the ta lent . Mr. Ji'ax promises to nrocnre the very best Oa u ada can produce, so that all may Iouk forward to a rare musical tr eat. · away. · Can a dian CA.NA.DIAN C:r,IMATE.-Th e climate is particLliarty productive of cold In fact catarrh in t h e head and ca t a rrh. to-day is mor e prevalent than any other disease_ The discovery of Nasal Balm places within the reach of all a certain llltl!,1119 of c ur o. t SCOTT AcT CA SES AOAIK.-Tlte Ius.pec tor invited t he following gentlemen to appea.r at the PolLCe Court on F riday 11r · · mornino-, to answer the charg es pre fe rr e d aaainst 0them for vi ol ation of the Canadian Tmper:ice Act. viz., R. Jarvis, leasee of the bar of the f.lmen'11 H o te l ; G. Pidgeon, of St. George's Hotel, Port Hope ; W. H. Coulter, Po nt yp o ol, and J. Kirk, ot Gar den Hill. The two first named [len tl emen owned up to the sof t. im p eachme n t and co ntributed $50 eac:u Mi" Coulter's bar was subto t he town. let consequent ly the char g e against him , for a se con d violationjof the above Act , fell to tlie gr ound . The case against Kirk There was an informawas withdraivn. tion laid a gain a t S. }arsons, of Canton, Samuel, for an alfoged second offe n ce . was n01i-com-at-aule and the however cha.rise still hangs over his head. 'rhe s p ectvr has this week, notw1thstand1g loosing the above two cases, raked m $'100 in fines. Not a bad week's work. Port Hope Guide. $26 A YEllR years old-almost to death Dr. Carson swore he w ould not take the threshing or, One-Half or One- Q uu.ne r at Pro t.he boy re cei ved for one tho u s and dollars. por tion 11 te Rates. Dr. B og a. rt said it was a good substantial chastisement, but did not think it was Membership Fee, $:> in each Division. br uta l. Mr. J.B. Dow, for Milne, raised 36,00J Memben1. the argument that Milne had a perfect right according to law to ch asti s e his own CHAS. B. PEST, JAS , R. P!'.l'CJIER, son, and the magistrate laid the case over President. Gen. Ma n'gr & Sec. for a we e k to look i n t o it and see wh at limit there mig ht be to tho amount of p oun di ng a boy should have t o undergo before the legal authorities could take W110 are Bald, or have 'rhin or Grey Hair, ox w ho are troubled with dandruff, action. This Milne is the same individ ual w h o went off soldiering last fal l and left his two l i ttle boys alone in the h ollSe with oceans of go o d fresh water to drink and a small quanti ty of br ead to devour ..,. by way of change.-Whitby Chronicle. - On Mon day week a tram p entered a THE UNITED STATES house on the farm of Dr. McBrien, and occupied by Geo. Spencer, an employee -OF NEW YORKof the Dr 's, while its occup ants 0FFICE1 320 & 322 BROADWAY, ra nsacked the drawers, etc., aud sto le a razor, p ocket knife and a pair P. 0. Box 851. NF.w YoRK. of braces. '.L ' he tr amp mado i::ood l1is escape although he was seen entering and New leaving the ho u e. $10,000 Dea th by Accident. R11LU.BLE TESTIMONY.-Mr. Jolm R. $10,000 Loss of Ha11d11 or l!'eet . "\ Vr ight, r e present ing Messrs. $10,000 Los of Hand a nd Foot Sons & Mason, wholesale druggists, $5,000 Loss of Ha cl or Foot. Montreal, says-:Nasal Balm cured me of $5,000 Loss uf B oth "Eyes. a long s tandin g case of catarrh after $1,300 Loss of One Eye. ._ many other remed1.es fail in g . · :i: $2,500 for Permanent. Total Disa bility . Wm. M il ne , of Whitby, interviewed $50 a week for Total y Police l\iagistrae Harper or the seco:11d Di11abliog Injuries. time Tuesday mght. He is charg ed with The above combined insurance costs about ha vi ng beaten one of his boys -about ten Ho, MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Feature": s Evana, IMPORTANT TO ALL Dr. DORENWEND'S n IN Goon REPUTE.-James :M:c'\fordock, writing from Kinsale, says: ··B.B.B. as a remedy for d is e as es of the bl ood, Hyer ancl kidneys, has an excellent repntat10n iu this l ocal ity. I have u s e d it, and speak from exp e ri e nce, as well as obser va ti on. It is the only me d ici ne I want, and I advise o the rs aftlicted to try it." a . u s. The "reat subject of co nve rsatio n with in par t icular and everybody in farmer ueneral i n th e country districts is the t he r and the crops. "\Ve w e r e amused ea to-day to hear two young gi rls discussing tho crcps and harvest prospects, as we Their conver . me tocrether in t he oars. ic.n ho wed a f amilia rity t hat must ve been acquired from hearing the , su bject discussed in t he ir homes. ' 1 ; :\ i : · · coaclies and brakes, :M:. A., J. I a a CnANCE.-That is to "Y Also all y ou r your lungs. m achmery . 'llachinery. Very wonderful i t is. Not only th e larg e r air-passages, but the thousands of little tubes and ca.vities leadinrr from th e m. When these are clogge d and ch o ked with matter which ought ni)t to be there, your lungs cannot And _what they do half do their work. they cannot clo 'Yell. Call it c old, couh, croup, pneuruonui: catrih, onsu;ptwn j nos an ro or any of the fam1 y o , b t u ct .i ns ' tl and he<td and un g f. h All oug t to e 00"" ric. 0 the m e one s .e ;;a !8 y o ,"' l . ee_s Sy rup. sc That is t o ta 0 atr! 11 which any drugg:st ii l cr r t cent 3 fl bottle, Even Jf <' ' Y d"' u p on has foiled yon, y ou may depcm A Gin: TIIE3I brealung A Sou:RCE oF DANGEn.-'.I'he f re qu e nt sou rce of dan«er att e nd i ng bowe1 comsu m1er aud fall is the plaints durin liability to check the diarrhooa two suddenly. Dr. Fowler's Extract of VvIId Inamma tr a wberry will not do this. ow its u e tioi:i of the bowels d oe s not f· p ower _ni as _is two often t e case w1 cures 1t trmgarnen ts. aud s o piates promptly and 111 a nat ura l mnner. SAD OccURANCE.-The frumds of the de c eased were unutterably_ sh o ck ed to hear y este rday, the 4th rn st . , of the sudden death of Mr. J.Sanford Snowden, fourth _son of tho lf.te Wm . .Snowden, Esq. J t appears that he a_nd us nephew , l\fax1vell Smart, were gettmg Ill a load of grain, Mr. S. driving, when young Smart n o ti ced :is the tem approach ed th b arn that he was swaymg to a nd fro .at if s_ufferi ng from sun st ro e, tho eat be 11g . Wlulst lookmg at bun very oppr.:ss1ve. and won d erin g what w?'s t.he m att er he s a w him foll o;-er and slide tc. the ground head foremos·, when ho r e ached_ Ju lie found his neck broken . and he die 10 a . The acc1 cle nt took pmce a.t few m inut es his farm Millbrook, ab out :; p. m. . Mr. Snowden was in the 02 yea.r of lus age and leaYes a wife and numenm yo ung He has been complamm for a childrn. . long time aucl should not have worked m . d o h y l te a l e v a h su c h weather as we Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Kidney C omplaints, Skin Diseases OF 1.'HE STOMACH. LIVEU, BOWEf,S A N D BLonn. CUH.;s l[R;A..uA.Cirn, CONS'l'[- : PATION, FEM.II LE OOMPLAIN'rS, AND BUII, DS UP THE SYSTEM. lead the following:"!or yea rs past I have ulfercd from dyspep· sia and i was rrcommendod to try Dr. Hod der's Compound, I did so and found it a perfect cure." E, J. CUJtTIE, Toronto, Out. Sold ever.ywbaro. Price 75c. nn. HODT)]);It'tl COUGH .<'..ND LUNG(, URE Never b\tils. Guaranteed. !.'rice. 25c & 50c. Will be found invaluable fort be hair anil scalp. It cleanae8 the sc..lµ of all Dandruff, invigor· ates the growth of t h e hair, o.nd in c ases of haldness, wh"ro them arc tho ahghtost signs o-f root s left it will p roduce good crops or hair. It i·estorea grey hair to its origin(!,/ color, and is au excellent drcesing DO NO'l' ng.LAY, if your hair is iu a weak condition get a bottle at once. F or sale hy J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, and all druggists. Ask tor it .. g the "fl1e Great Regulator ] A. DORENWEND, Sole Manfr. " J OilONTO. CANADA. A. Doren wend is the leading manufacturer ofHo.ir Goods in CaMda. Daily Line to Rochester. THE STEAMER. THE lJNlON" lllEDICJINE CJO., Proprietors. 'l'orouto. Ont· . ,, NORl!EM·AN" (G. ORA WFORD, Master,) CAT[H, HAY FEVER. S'l'OJ.'f'! J[t Cures Gold in Hearl, ?a. JUS \ l t:; ::: 2 6 'I · · 11s · f.or· cer t::i'o tl : h: els; \ : "GREAT GUN -I used a "reat deal of for kidn v complaint e dici n doctors J d urin « five years, was g et tin g w_orse all t he ti e until I t ried B. B.B. I took three bottles, gai ned in weight from 130 l cau hiahly r e commend to 159 lbs Burcluck :Biood "B i tters t be a good m ed ·c·ne" 'llus ' te:s.tifies JoHN W.aLTON ' of 7i 181 · · field ' ;. ""' T · 13 · · prmg Rl!:l'URNING. 'tvVlll leave Charlotte (Port of Rocl1cstor) :Kasal P"'"ngc 2 in- daily at n o'clock l'. M. except Oll Sa.tm·dnys, when she will lenYc at 5;15 p. m. for Port Rope to the threat nnrl E ASY TO USE. direct. Doalers in otock VI ill find this lhe cheapest esccP.sivo cs:pcctorntion c:rnsctl by CntarrlJ. Sent ( p cditir rn r out e to Oswego, Boston, prc·psid on receipt of price. 50c. a1JCI $1. Acldres nncl rno"t 1x Albnuy, New York, &c. FULFORD &. CO., Brockvllle, Ont. For further information. A p p!} · to G. CilA Wl'OHD. or Jr. GILD EHSLli:IVJ ; Port IIope. Kingston. NA'l'lONAL ll'ILILS -n!H. not grlt1cc111· slcl.- I cm, yet urc a tl1ox-011gh cutlrnrf.lc. ) IOilNNER & Co., .Agents. Bowmanville. ll1·on>h:gs from Wi ' ll make her regular trips on this ronte, leaving Cobourg every rooming at \";Sil and Port llope at 9:50 o'clock. 011 arrival or G ra d. 'l'rnnk Railway trains from the co.st nnrl west; connecting at n.ocheler with r.ho New York Central, Nortbern Central an d Erie Railways, and tho Lake Ontario Div.ision ofthc Rom e, Watertown & Ogdensburg Hail ways for all points east, west and sout.h· n Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria;_ ·