f · ' : . ·. t OUR TOWN AND . ====::::====:=-==::;:== - -- TERMS :-11.50 PER ANNUM. OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. Vor.mrn XXXlll. DISTR.ICT NOTES. The ]JOpulation of Peterboro is S,UG3. N:n:w SERIES, NmrnEn 472. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. AUGUS'r 17. 1887. lJ'l.4.PLB GROVE. COUCH, JOHNSTON ALLAN LINE, ROYAL MAIL S1'EAMSRIPS. Si\JLINGS, -'l' & CRYDERMAN Are now selling their Parasols at LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. POL'i NESIAN, " SARDINIAN. SARDINIAN, from Quebec, 'l'lmrsday,July Th e qu r terl y se1·vi<·e was held last Sabbath, with a fuJl ,.tti>n(hn,.c. PARISIAN, SARMA.TIAN, CIRC.A.SSIAN, " ., ,, ,., ,. ,., ,, CC>iT :E=>FI.. ][ c :I!],. and :several lin es of Dress Goods at and $50, $65 and $7:C1; retur n, $100, $125 and $100. Intcrmcdiato, $30; return, $60. Steerag-e, ·$20. The last. t rai n con necting with t.he mail st eamer at Port POJ,YNESIAN. 11 PAIU8IN. ,, · RATES Ol,' OCEAN Fmley. Aug, 26 'l'hursilay, Sept 1 PASSAGE :-Cahin, Friday, July 2 'l'h·iradny, Julv 23 . Thnradav, Au;::.1 Fridfy, Aug. 12 Thursday, Aui;c. 18 H 1 . 'Vhen vou c·->nnot res t frnrn Asthma tic troubls, Sout.lrnrn Asthma Cure will Double treatment ln Mr. Wm. Mc C l 1>1J:m 'i""i l\I·a" S. Edna t once relieve. Kennedy, who Jmvi:- bi,.o·, vi,1 in. f icnds e·ch package. t n.nd tho Tl 011saud lsl<Ind, ut Kin11ston "' Lindsay newapapers are fnll of mat ter . ,iy . · ·v "·ay ret urne d h ome 1H1 "I'!inrn squahb'iug over the site of the new post DExr1rn. Toron to. oftice proposed to be built t h e r e by the School opened on Munday, the 15·h. STATESMAN EVEHY WEEK ·· ' r UNDER COST PRICE. :PFl,XC:E. and some li nes will b e sold at l an d leaves To-ronto on Wednesday morn ing. Th·e la!it train co n necti n g with the m 1ii l st.earner 'at Halif ax leaves Toronto on Thnred&y mor ni n g. For ticke ts and every informa ti on , apply to W. A. NE.ms, BowmanviHe, Agenj, All an l ine. 11 - t f NA.SA!. BHM.-'l'ho only medicir.c in VISltmg the market, that will immedi!lotely cure at Mr. R. Sh...rt s. cnld in the he ad, and permanently cure . yve congratnl·te Mr. ThllS. c .. m··1c·1,of catarr h , h&y fever, etc. t tl11s J?lac, on ha.vmg pa3<·<l the recent 'l"he reeidence r,f Mr. Jdm Sbiples, exanunarnn _ fot secoucl clasH ! Cach er. ucar B alti m o re, was entered by burglars Work 'IVlli t dl . two valuable watehcs _M1sa 1tfo,G '.'.1'_n, . CUU It tJ LC. CJf W h itby, . , . ... 1 'S l Dominion Government. From now to J an.,'88, FOf 30 CENTS., AUO';:.'lf" ;:;AL.ES. AUCTION i3Ar,1:-;. -Levi A. Tole, .L?on for tit .. townshiofl of Auctioi,ee Clarke, Ma,·v0ra, · artwri,! :,t Da.rli1;i;:ton, Al.· "·l s :ctern1··<1 t.o Whitby. and 1.. rat·,s. 'V:hero promptl y t\nd ,;tr ·IS"" . 1t is not (onve11,"11.c o SPO ·on, 11rrange ments can be not1.d· 11 r.11i Oftiee, or by addressinf( Shn.w '" T .J .. , Kowin:.mville.. The Ebenezer Sta.ru dl>ft at, d lhti G lad stones, of Tyrone, a.· n r;:arnri of hasebll, 011 on School re - opened Satu rday last. Score &L ....1! 30 to 25. on :e:A.r...:F . 'l ----- A lJt of PRINTS below lmpo.rting Prices. -------·---- --- --- ....---· --- These are not old musty, motheaten, bankrupt goods·; but RE EMBER· ·sorry. . T:A1T & MORIUSON'S and in ·epect their Wall Papers--Jateet ·designa. greatest variety, and 11Jrices to suit everyone. Stock 'llOW ready. -.Do y ou ant a new and pretty 'Window 8h11de or Blind s '! We have something new in this 'bran ch . Call and see them be ·fore you invest. or. you'll be ·CO TO '-i lo11day,t1te luth. Tnnr. TAJT (lNEWJ!,(IFRESH;fXIFASlllONABLEDJGOODS,I) bought for thi season's trade.. ' Photographs and our Studio is o !te n ouowded, Come early in the day when you can. Just n·ow you may wan t some extra E nravi ngs or Chromos Lo adorn your rooms. We have a great variety, good and cheap. too, Ir you want a baby carriage we c an suit you ; we have some nice ones. Doll's C arriage s , too. u.nd Boy's Wagons, Carts and Wheel barrows. Lawn Still leads ju I But as we require the room for our fall importations these goods must and will be sold. Parlor C ro q ue t, Carpet Balls, Gv.mes for families nnd social parties; Our Mirrors are clear and true ; our picture frames are of the latest and most attractive designs. Curt1i11 poles &. rings. Plush goods-nice Rnd chdtp. Another 11ew bi·anch just in troduced 1it 'l'alt & & MORRISON'S Ciniclt, Johfistnn Cryurman Is a Jewelry Department where you will fi11d th Yery latest In Ladies' andGcntlemen'sjeweh·y. We invite 5p eci al a ttentio n to our new stock just in. Base Ball gooda, School..filld. Hymn Books, Stationery, 'foys, aud in· deed everything to be found in a Va1·ict.y and Fa ncy Goods' A $100 se of furniture, the pri?.e for Rev, John Ken n er, of Chesley, was the most pop ular lady 11.t tho Massey pie· he<re v is iting his br.. ther, last WHk. nic last week, was awarded to Mra.Ancll'ew Mrs. Marshall and children, ::if Roches Edmund, formerly of Oshti.1va, now of ter, wero the 11ue;;ta of Mr... Ha rri s, on '.l'oron to. l<'riday. DANG!llft.-'fhere are ome who pay Miss Maud Smith lcfr hero for he r \rntlittl&orany a ttent icm toa cough or cold, homo at Beilverton, yesttlrday. Absent, and aa.y let n at u re tkti its course. Thie but uot forgotten. is just the time nature s110uId l1a\'e asThe Gladstones played a. friendl y ame sistance. The lungs are threnteued. of baseb<1.ll wi t h Ebt·nt<zer Si··rs. on cat· Assist them with T3.marac EILir. :j: urday. 'The score nuod 30 10 25, in faOa Thu rsday last, a y o ung man n am ed vor of t:he latwr, wir,h IU· inuiu s t·> spare. Alfred \Vest, Jr., dropped d ead in a. field \Ve would. ad\'ise the youn - man Pat no t on ·he old Fraser farm , about 4 miles east to he ao he.ck .. ard in coming f o r wa.i:d of Baitirnore. .Sunstroke is sup po sed t.o while 'llimp i rin g a game, a ! so t"' have the b,ve ca u s ed his death. r u l es @. K. again. The r(>t,urn m atc h B. B. B. STOOD 'I'm TEsr.-:" I tried will be played h·m:· on Saturday, Aug.27th. -every k n own remady I c ou ld thmk of for Sl iamrock · 0 o ur. f00t -ba 11 t.eA!11· th . 8· lfhe mat ism, without giving me any relief, u wer·e t!l:k<'n by su rpri se to see the nor1ce un t.il .I tried Bllrdo'Ck Blood Bitters, tha.t they had to play K ; rb v team u.t Orono i 1i·1c11 '- remed y I . can b' ig- hl y rr.c " · .. · ,. ·omnl"Ilcl th em . ! w ""· nc "l: 'I'h'·Y _ on "-' lJ.y. are pret'arrn 1·n ' ! to all affiicted as 1 was." Hmrn-r SM1· _ sdves ·for tho <:ccaswu. l ver t on , o· 11 t . M'l Mr. ·Odell opeu10d sc hool here on NfonMr. Hugh Moore, aged eighty-four day, t he 15th. who h ves on th;, .Bobcaygeon road, near . Mrs. Geo. Welsh arrived h·:me on :Sun- L indsay, was violently throw11 from his d-&y, after a few W<··cks waiting Otl he1: c arri i1 S? e while driving into town last wvther, wlw has ben very ill. ay. died oi'l Sunday morning. a . Mias Anl)ie Hdlyar was here calling A VAJ,UAllLE Drsc@virn.--F. P. Tan on friends, last Sll..!iday. ner, of Neobi11g, O r. t. , says he has not Billy was visiting frillDGll · at-Eowman only fonnd B.B.B. tt c ure for Dyspep ill, s '¥'ille, on Suoday. bnt he also found it to be the best medi Many from here lost the cilia.rs hy bet cin e fo r regu lr. tmg and invigoratin tho ting on the Toronto man, ou Sa turday. system that he haa ever taken. B.B.Il. CLIMAX. is the great systflm regulator. J'YRON E. l\fonda.y and taken ther.ofrom. YimY V AJ,UABLE.---" Hc<ving used B.B.B. for biJi,,ueness and tor pid liver, with the very b e et results I wo11!tl recom· · men cl it t·J a ll thus troubled. 'l'he medi cine is ,,vorth i ts wei ght in gol d . " 'l"rLLTE WHITE, Manitowaning. Ont. sed H "oa1kwg, C· nrtAucTION l:'ALJ>;S _... . tice, Ontario, L·c1.11.l· · A-·di1 >r10e r, Darlington :m<l ;Vhir y, Bowma11v1lfo and Oshawa, A l'l" aise··, .c. All busJl1l)S8 Ord e rs nlA.Y. be atten<ltd (o 1.·l'(1111ptly. left at tlle STA'!'BSMA"' m.; ... , Howma.nvl?le,. or Refonner oflio:·<J. 0 h wa. or · sale s , when we du .. .,t, · L·rint tho ele bills, is 25 cents ,, linu. ea<';· insertiori.. N.B.-011rad,orti,in>1; .-:1t1 for auction Good .News · .t Home. reason to sµrak ""' ' )<>Ur Dandolion l baTO been Livel" imd Kidney H ::,;:, ,.,;, troubled for Ronto t-11 ,vi·h my Kidney and a friend ,,f u;it1(· ,,c·0111mended them to m<i and I tri·'" "' ·l'· on my case, and found them to wn·k "··' ,, cJoar111; there , i .· 1 P.commcncl· fore I have much pl..,. · · 1 ing them t<> all pe'"""' "'10 are troubled in any way witli t· :·. ,J "'" JJ;. Mormrs, rQ.,--D.An Srn,-1 have N ewtonville :ilL) ·:, " .rnly, ,f. J, JoNES. R7. S t nrd He !1'ro1n J,obh-,Jst t.o l'orter. Pinckney I-tobertso11, a bri;;l1t mulatto, .b Car who during rceonst.ru··1fon dny in Sout oli na was 11.q>0wer iu poiiHN the1·e, nnd, while lobbying nt the stnto capical, hld four dif ferent clerksbips, eaeh 0:10 payin'g him $6 a day, is ILO\V a po.rter in Atlanta at 1 a wook. -Now York 8un. (11e Onco l';":trnou"' Ringer. It was reported tlmt Alice Oate, t.!Je once famous conii.c opera singer, is dying in want i11 l'bilaclelphia, bnt th; ,·ory is 1cnied. Al though sho wilt not p1'01,,:.1y live long, sboi:s m·ro1111cled wit.h·ever,y ""mf'ort ni1d bas many frieni.ls to care for her.-N,,\V York Graphic. "!:1anison Millard, tho ballad composer," sfl.ys Tho Now York Snn, "fa frequently h'Ce.?l. at tbe 'at homes' of ladi<'S who hold wechly· gatherings. Ho is a toll, well built man, wltb b'T(tyisb b(l.ir, aml Is eelelirnted for a ratber A Canine C"mlldate. Campbell couM.ty, Dakilta, politicians "wm: set up a better class of candidates uext tirofl. An intelligent pointer do;c rnn by tho indigJ nant citi?.eus on an indope11de11t ticket lacked 0nly three votes of Leing ek'l:ted district at torney.-Chicago Herald. A J,ikely to A nall:ul Composei·, One Door West of Postc..Office. Bowmanville. STORE11 THE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Eolipso House AND THE Counc il to a f r ien dly game of ball at any d a te the latter may 11ame before the lat Septe mber . at the Port Hope base b1tll Mr. John Reynolds had the misfortune g1onnd. The retu rn match to be play e d to have his no se smashed by using a hay at Cobourg. ' fork, AN UNDOUBTED 0l'INIO:S.--" I was Mr. J. M. Brooks ha d his face badly seve rely troubled with diarrhc.ea and -cut by falling tl1 rou gh a Larn ifoor. haviug u11ed some of the wonderful Dr. Mr. T. Ball er , having purchased a trot Fowler's 'Wild Strawberry, I was in a ting sul ky some time ag<>, is now speed shor t tiwe com ple tely cured. I can re ing his Rifleman cult. commend it as a splendid medi ci n e. " Mr. Geo. H. Hogarth has e ecur ecl the Vi'M. A. STAFFORD, Shedden, Ont. Mr. B, M. ".Coron to. Kirkpatrick has been to A barn bel on ging to Mr. Burgess, north of Cannington, was struck by l i g htn i n g d u ri ng the l o.st sto1·m, and it t o .ll'.ethc · Mr. Geo. Fletche r , who has been visit wi1h the w hole 1118E011's c r op with the ex i ng around hel'e for s01n e time, has ro c e pti on of two acres of pas.a, was £ o ou in t u rned home to Salford. ashes. Thl3 ba r n was new and wari worth Mr. S. Jeffrey lrns taken charge of the about $1000. sch?ol at Mitchell's Co r n e rs, for the reHAVE You TmED IT? If so vou can mamder of the year, tes ti fy to itB rll>llTEllJOUS JlOWCrll of heal- SULIN.A. Tho cou ncil of the Port Hope Corpor ation h ave challenged the Co b ourg Town languid munnertltat many youngmt>n envy."' is still ahead. Public Generally. SPECIAL :NOTICE! All dr-i. es ahortly. position of Mathematical teacher, in O t tawa High S ch ool, and will go there Our new Spring styles in HATS are now in. The "Jubilee Christie" is !lfil ·the rage-sold o nly at the Eclipse thflQUgh the . Au gu st I intend ·g1v1ng . mOilth · special . Of . o use. Our Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing going off very rapidly . in aB. lines of Dry Goods. Muslins; Prints, and Everything included., Silk, Satins, Dress-Goods, Lawns, All-over Mourning-Goods Embroidery, FINE ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Ont by <!iho o nly £rat-class cutter in town. Black Cashmeres, Embroideries, Oriental .Laces,'Plushes,Velveteens, Gloves TO MARRY Young Men, W. H IVES. and a Perfect colore·ct 6-Buttoned Kid Glove for 30 cents a pair. Millinery at Half Price in LisleJl Thread, Taffata and Kid QlJ1r1r111, Silver Widowers, Bachelors and Will give Platd Tea Spoons a IJaJC Dozen wit.la every Wedding Ring he selb duriog laisClearing Out Sale. 50 to clear. Gents' Department co m plete in all its branches 'from Collars and Cuffs to a fine Blk. Coat an.d Hat. GEO. LA/NB. CL t'hwjf Lit;tdil Ol' l mall rcgistervd, 60 oenta.-Circular:fre e. is agreeable. iB applied lnto'.ellCh nostril and Price 50 cen·ta at D mggiata: by ELY BROS., Druggists, Osweg<i, N. Y, A particle Queer Ca.se. Schobl opened liero on Mo nd ay last, ing and recomm e nd it to your friends. There is a man in Wall street who is a cause 'With a fair attendance. We r efer to Dr. Fowler's Extract of \Vild of mu:icty to his friends, but not for tl1e· rea son tllat be is an 01"dinary <lca.ler in stoclrs imd ,Quite a num ber around here took ad - Stuwbarry, th grand specitic for ail a scalper of st.rnddlei;. Hi8 name fa C. "K. choler;i. u a e l m mp d!>irrhrea, o c , s r mt m s th o excursion p a e t e vantage of the ch Dast;lau, nud ho is illterc.ting because be is morbus, dyscmtary, cramps, colic, sick Ftilfa last week. likely to fall dead at any mome11t. He bas ' nes f t_ha tomacb. and boel c omlai nts Miaa Dell a Werry is v isi ti ng friends at died three times so fnr, nnd ha doesn't look us of mfonts or 11du s. Let its n:i er1ts be !Bowmanville. tllough he had yet donu hi<; best In that dirac known to all who .iave not uued 1t. . t.ion. Ile is fully aware o.f his pleasant liCtlo uh -11 the Mayor proc1aim our ·"' · en w1 peculiarity arn is mml>lo tO e.x.plflin it to any Mr. Beatty, son of Dr. Beatty, of CoCivfo Rolida· v. JACK. body. bourg, mysteriously d i sap pe r d a few -- Tho first time he dictl wns when he WM 30 days ago and no trace of him could be ENl!'Il!JLD. years old, and that; was about ixtoon years found until 'Veduesday m or n i n g when ago. Ife was living iu Norwich, Conn, He Har-vest is .about over now and threBhhis hat was discovered floating in the ha.tl suffered with chronic i11digestio11 aJHI 'IVDS ilag is the orde r of the day. harbor. '.rhe body was recovered in tho weak nnd feeble. Ono evening ho wii..q-out Several farmers have been troubled evening. The deceas2d resided in Strat ·walking after an unusually hearty snpper, wi.U1 firnB around liere, duri ng th e dr y ford, where he practised la. consisting of a encker an·l ucup or ten, when spell. One day a fire started in the dry ho suddenly foll 011 tho sidewalk. Tho people grass on the railroad north of here, it is who came to his D.-'iSista1iee found him to all Pers on s b uy i n g oce'l.11 tickets from M. supposed by the sparks fr0m the l ocomo nppearances deal!. '.rho 1loctors rleclai-ed that i tive, a.nd burnt up some of the lumb r A. James, agent for the Anchor L ne, get ho llad <l>ied of lieart <liseui;e, aml preparatMins It wa s with diffi- greatly reduced fares to New York. u sed for sno w sheds. for the fun!lral were begun H10 next day. culty kept fr.om spreading to adjo i ning Take care bow you let any machine oil :His friends came and looked at his corpso and 1·e1rnu·ked what a. sad ca.so It Wtl3, and tho fa1·ms. or lubric;itor come in c on tact with a cut local paprn pulJlished full obitmU-ifls. On tho The schoo l yal'd fence has been repair- or scratch on your hand or t1rm. In the second night he astonished the wutclicrs by ed and a pair of steps erected in the place manufacture of some of these machine sitt,ing up in his coffin and askini;: for a drink. oi l f t rom d i seas ed and dcomposed of a'gate, during tho holid ays . '\Vhen he saw how cl-Ooo he had como to . All phys1c1ans know Mrs. Jonath;m Br ay is ill, bu t is rccov- amrna.s ls used. premature burial llo cmne near dying ·in , how poiso1;:1ous such matter is. The only -earnest. ering. 1 ' safeguard lB n ot to l et any spot where the Ho lived on regalarly euough !OT four M t w Thorne , wh0 lad h s i far 1 11 ski n is broken be t ouch ed by any machine . vea1-s aftor thi;t. He waij d<iwn in New Mex 1 1 l sp ram ed nd r1s very severe b a y _ - oil or lubricator. ico looking after a mine iu tho smn1oorol' rng from a load of gram som e time ago, 1875, and it was then t:tiat be lli!X t suspended has regained his usual strength in that Tl.is p aragroph should be read by every zu1imation. t The New Me.Y.icaoo never hatl·n.n liwb. one who desires knowledge on a point of illea that he wna alive, and as tho weather is very wtU:m there be woukl infallibly havo Miss Minnie Werry,of Solina, is spend- abso rbin g interest to newspaper publi s hera :-"Every dl\y a l m o s t newspaper men been buried if he hadn't boon somehat ex ing a fe w days with re lativ es here. are called up:;n to not ice this or that peditious about coming to life. Nobody knew Th'o Misses Bradsh aw , who havo been thing which is of no intere st tc, the public · him down there and he wns laid out in rm wt· visi ti n g around hore, ha'\<e retltrnecl to dertaker's shop in &nt F'o that served M a but which would be an advertisement for their home, near B ran tford. morgue. \Vhen he cnmo tO and wanted to him who asks the newspaper favor. 'l'he The Ea field readers of the STATESMAN columns of a new spap er ii.re the publisher' know what ho was doing then., he scared tho arfl greatly intereated in the E ditorial stock in trade , worth w undertaker's assistan t into fl!.:!. muc h an inch, His thil"u oxploit occurred Ju Philll<lclohii Corrapo ...dene and several who came and which he is wi lling to hell to make a one hot day two yea:ra ago last sumlJJOr. - He frt:im that di strict of E o glan d from wh ich Jiving. Hen ce when a publishe r is a keel the correspondence is written, regard for much space to pull some one fre, ha wns supposed then t.o have been &·111Strnek. He carries in bi pocket now f.'1 carefully them the same a s a letter from ho me, who makes tho reque st is acting precisely written uotice containing bfa address und re as if he should ask a jeweler for a ri ng or questing that he be fo.ken thel'e in case of ac DISGUSTING CATARRll.-A gentleman a tailor for a coat. Thero are some peo cident. All his relntiv and friends have from foutreal writes :-I<'ol' years I have ple who think it a favor conferred u pon a been notified noL to lot bi.m be boried with· It newspaper to ask a puff. been greatly ann o yed by Catarrh. Evory puff ia out having " good chance to c.·ome' w life caused severe pain in the head, con tin u a l worth at least ten cents a line, and when again if he can. Bnt with all bis prtea n discharge into my h roa t, and very un a n ewspaper gives this away it iB ;juet so tions he is haunted by a. foreboding that somebody will bury liim alive yet The doc pleasant breath. By a th orough use of much out of pocket." tors don't know exactJy what is tho matter Nasal Balm I was com pletely cured. : with him, bnt he has made 1u ·rm1gemimts -- - ----· IT CAN DO l\"O HARJI to try l'rcmn1m's 1·noF, i.ow·i. SU'tPBITlt !lOA.l' is a de with one of them to fincl 011t, if poosib, 'Worn1 l'owclers when your child Is niliDg ligbtful eonet luxury as ·well a 11 11od cur when h<ii really <lees die.-Mail anu E:q. nenrJ.tl! rnr fl'elflll, uuve tor slUn ruscasc, . J\:Tou1ent-A I r HARO MAN TO KILL Dead at Any J<':ill Apparently =:: rn. ·I r · '