· -- · ------------------- J s ite of the constant intercourse of the In p Sin c e the accident in the 'f'PCatre Comique, the provincial theatres in !·'ranee have negro with the white race the former has never relinquished the fetishism that clings only empty galleries. to its C hristianity and forms a str a nge com . · He had been calling on her· o: gularly for pound of religio n and superstition. What a a long time, but would never Ml,!1te the obt of his visits, L ast night he mustered negro doe s believe is hard to tell, No one jec VETEBl.N ARY SURGEON. ever kr.cws and he never clearly understands up suffi cient courage. "\Vill you be my Signs and omens, incan his bel i ef himself. wife?" he 11ked, simply aml ea rnestly. "Yes, Henry, I will," she replied, al l in a t ations and superstitious charms peculia.r to " Ah, the savage have been a m algamat ed into tremor of blq shi ng excitemelt. t heir religious obsenations to such an extent thanks," he sai d. ', I bet Charl i e Brown a packet of cigarettes that you wouid say that their worship appears to be a Christian simplicity of f ai th -their real belief a con. . eyed. 'yes."' stant reliance to the fate express ed in every Fury l et loose - the shrieks and screams of The priest of Canicatti, a large to wn in unexpected accident. Over the door of every 10 000 .devil s-the bellowing of legions of fi e; cc bulls! It w as a grand, big ship, but the province of G ir gent i , Sicily, recently log cabin that stands in a cornfie ld or tobac l she was a chip in th a t huge cauldron of caused to appe ar beeide him in the pn pit a co patch is seen 11 rust y horse shoe suspended froth, no more tha.n a grain of sand in that young man whose face was blacked, whose from a nail, and you rnrely m eet a negro roaring, screaming hurricane. She groaned head was furnished with two larg e horns, man who do es not carry in his vest pocket and lamented at every surge; a thousand and who had a long tail from the end of the left hind foot of a rabbit as a kind of prisoners se emed beating at her hatches to which crackers went off. The priest iu- mascot, For. a hen to crow is the sign of escape as she lifted wearily over the great formed his flock that this fiio:ure was the ! death in the f amily and the amhitious fowl Women genomlly euds up by gra.cing the dinner seas. Around her iron spars, through her devil, a.l:ld a great panic ensud. If a ro oster stands with his head in wire rigging, over her and around h r and children pre se nt at this unseemly table the door ancl crows, it is the sign oi the screamed the g ale , and every breath of it comedy were nj llr ed in the crush. Co]lege, y Vetear Ontario hunGraduate of the which st.ruch ir on or wood sent out a In Algerfa there is a small stream which coming of a sister; if his t.a_il is firs it meas Registered member of the Ontario VctC>rmary dred other shri ek s. e s f a. deah, A rabbit crossmg on e s the chemiatry of natur e has converted iuto n v; o Medical Association. 150 g d e r e e long, wide cabin were ath h at.1 entails n; sfortll:ne unl:ss the charm e t In p io n . t e un n m O r , fo e l the l i is d nv by o t 'n ew ink. N , t.rue Jlil'"Oftice and R esidence 'Io roke'.1 by ctn unmedmt e reourn home . They were awed-silenced-humpeople. b u tt very is o s w rday of g h one h c . lets, and:Satu of rivu Will visit Orono every Tuesday l eav a 10w of seed half planted IS ba ludk; bled, The children no longer wailed aloud. 1 im rerrrwtcd e the wit whi m., i r o at n . p. h i l p omce hours from 10 a. m., to , to pick up a pm or to put one's stockings on The women gasped and choked as families her, mendering through a' peat marsh, Coulters' Hotel Calls by Telegrapll receive ea rgathered together. .M.en may fear, but they imbibes galli c acid, an o the r ingredient in the wrong side out is god fortune, The ap p immediate attention. cup of They may feel the terror, formation of ink. do not weep. CHARGES MODERATE. L etters and other mo.nu - ance of hubbies on ohe surface of a 1 e --- but th ey <Lre dumJ;>. , ; ey n e e a ee o s on F c e r ns p of or t. n:· .a ff . script matters are Eatisfactorily written with ·(, In t he broa:d lght of a J une day- .with thi einaular natural compound of ir.m and palm of the hand to tch, 1f oe sciatch it a I water-with the good. somethrng get , d oo w on on nose the If lme thm a the coast ' gallic acid ' , great world about us-with heaven's sun .. i itches a v sit or is soon comipg; if on the . - · . . . . m discredit s t : i aw ever man as a lady. right e h t on gentleman; a sie b f e l shilling a s brihtly mg the t ory of s.tanleY: 8 d.eath ' but popula An i m por tant personage among the ne . -men, women and children felt the shadow Better and felm/:! is. that th ere is likely to be 80.m?· groes, a.nd one wh o holds about the samo Pumps Cheaper of·death creeping out from behind the sun is h g 10 th e nano. A srange part of than ever, -advancing with the fury-bubbling up t m m posit on as the me d c ne <nan of the Inlliana, fr om the depths of the treacherous sea. tha.t a rep ort of Sanly s ea.th was b g is the reputed conjurer, She is generally Vied· !rol es on wh rnpered around m an old woman living alone in her ca.bin, The Subscriber aving built a large ne" They fel t i t, and they L rew nearer together. n ee day , w heres . Beutbr s d spatch frm St. surro unded by her powerful c a.rm ing vrnrk They fel t it, and they prayed to Go d t,o spare t n Rn m p Factory in Orono, Is prepared ;i g the statom e n.t did ot I ing he bs, and is greatly feared by her neigh· Thorn as con am n them. , le c e d r l 8 It a s day. I 1 -to furniahI hors. Like the w t ches in l\.hcbeth, she is "By and by the re was a sudden shock, rc:i-oh Lodon. until '.l: hur , tht · s up pose t conc ct strange m esses from w.ith im mdel:in.bl sen se .0f mystery, The great vessel lurche d . ? m th e previou occasions fatahies outland sh mgredients, to be abl e to put herself slowly, and next mstant men were on . re . h ave been known somehow m the anyone un de r 11spell, or induce a lingering shouting in ala.rm. The haft had broken, 1!f rwa With or without Porcelain Oylinder, c London before the pr ess news ar· dise ase and de ath. "t! There is no . She was helpless. . wonder, Je d ath of consequently, th t :;he is au obj ect of fear ed m the . gul!"r ch;nnels- t . the Best Material, on the s hortes t notk . You have read of the troughs of the ea- r i. of. shootmg m. the mp ce 1819, e.,il I and veneration . and a.t th e lowest prices. the great hollows between the waves. Th<y Prm C_ rey 1;1188 3, and the. cleat of G-ei;i. i One of her spells is given by administer . are the graves of ships, dug by the hands Jl1mes a (Jistern Tubs and Pmnps supplh7c' IS ce n e g h l m n o o d the How 188!J. ing the dried head of a scorpion , which be of the howliµg gale-covered up by the G r is px:oba- ing taken un0onsciously in f thus obta.m ed 18 a secret, i.nd tins . ood generates hand s of the calm. These graves are never ea cannot be bly t the bottom of the fear no"". t aat , 1 a new species of the living animals in the s the of s r e t a w The . marked. & ED RERA!REII CLEAN WELLS ti?ns of a n m pl th ex the e des and_ all tc 11.ps l?i bo d y of the unhappy victim. So me of the written on . There are neith er tombstones there 18 so m e th m g m t he I charms arc supp?sed .to induce sl . eepless nor eulogies, In a day the grave has van- -:1fncan experts, j . t r o p ie ness, others the wit b er m g up of a ltmb, and . ished-gone none but the wat ers can tell The ?holern in Sicily and Cala.bria is of a o thers strange d se ses. One of the most wher e. . . . now the stea mer ' s head fell ofl and more virulent type apparent ly th an Ifal y 1 pote nt 1.s th.tt of takmg the dust fr om a fo ot· TO GIVE SATISFACTION. n tly rol!ing broadside to the ha k:wwn since 1884. Thus .fa· only s1)or- ! print , mixing it with pepper ad som e un. we were prese, hurricane. S a e was m tbe trough of. t?e ad1c, mcomplete repots ar e obtamat?le! but,/ known powders, ten i_: c placm g the eart,h -Ordersfby Mail promptly attended to. se a, and her grave had been dug. VVJule as the sprea1l of the m fected area is mces - ; on the spot from wluch 1t was taken. It is some of the crew worked to get a drag over sa.nt, we are likely soon to he ar a good d e a .l : said that one treated thus is u nabl e to stay The strongest pha.se of the th ing 1 long at onn house , but Salathiel-like, w and qu &r ter , oth('rs went to the boats. They of it, the T8, S, PICKE BLIND DOORS, SASH, Terror was shriveling their is that it shoul d reappear for the th it·d con- rs from one place to another constantly. had no heart, l!'ury secutive year, practically on the same terriNegroes have a great respect for Sunday, courage as paper shrivels in the fire. MOULDINGS, &c., kept on . of. which i8 inspired ·partly, I suspect, from Puny man tory, which hitherto has been unheard laughed derisively at the idea. us v nei growing are n o d s i c i hys 1ndred h · ? i their dread of Joini5 ai;y work on that. day. an in <?i: fighting a hurrica.n_e blowing a P . . uw.il-:·.·-· To cr oss one's legs r m iles an hon r ! Mortal man strivmg t-0 abo ut the poss b h by of the plague gettmg o s m g on Sunday is re the to ing in metropolis, ul c " footholl a " d lmt ; the o bos.t No ocean! enraged n <_> i r c s niou i e h a as garded 1 to conquer a me lif t live in the turmoil. No make-shift .could unprecedentedly favorable conditions. DLtr· ch ic k ens from a neighboring henroost is an a s st p the m ng weeks of term heated the ix e insignific a e r . I . e ns e ff o nt g.:-oanin that i steamer's g in n i a l p m co , hearing r be m of . bring g B 0 W M A NV I L L E, head back to the w in d. 'Vheu they real- the weekly deaths from di arrhea m the I a ba.nd of colo:r_ed men who "got religion" _ m and had to relinquis h m u s ' ; this all hop e died out. o their hearts. Lo1'..don district.have gone up by l e a s fro ize i nf ul . !>, _ s d Cl EON, SUR RY VETERINA Men crowded together to d ie 111 company- 9 to 312 - of this latter number 2Bu bc mg ' Among the converts at a recen t revival we re I pr_epare d to supp lY all Customers, old and new, wi th Suits got up '.!.'he Lancet may boys who ere afterwa·ds found t be in the latest and most axtistic style, at Prices that cannot, be beaten, .an ts under 1 year of age. somo went inviiy te be alone when the last inf pom ts out hat ne of he .surest p recur so rs 1 addicted to the mcurable vice of J?laymg I He b s fl, y ry moment cam e. . Fine S tock of EnO']ish Scotch · Fre nch and Canadian e a ' ,.., There were l if e- preser vers. A f ew glanced of choler a m a given d rntriot is the tendency ball and marbles. Shocked at such evidences Gooods to select from. Remember the place, The Star Houi:e. at them and t h en at the sea. M o ckery ! to diarrheaic fatality, and urges the utmost of depravity in his flock the s able preacher hurled aainst them the aiathemas of ex_ A hunter _ w i.th but _a s ingle sh<;>t thinking vig ilane. . . JEFFERY alwaY s at the Door. , Russia n ow follows Germany m rescmdmg commumcat10n. 'Ihe experrnnces of those to save his life agamst the d enrn ens of an To be smothered in the the order forl)idding the exportation of horses' who get rnligion are often w ild tales of imIndian j ungle l in_ary adventures in Heaven of the lower 'ingr;v foam-to be buried under tons of so that the last remaining sign of a Sp1:ing' ag _ .As fer the comphca - I re1g1on, and surpass Bo.ran 1\funch an sen for rushmg water-·to be flung about as a toy- wi.r scare vanishes. strangled, drowMd, bruised-swept out to tions which induced that scare, they seem lofty fli!'fh.ts of imagination among the im. Prince Fer-, probab1ltt1es. sea a bloated corpe, to uecome f o od for l1bout the same as they were . . \Vhen a cmp mee tmg ism progre.Sll the sharks ! dinand co11tinues not to occupy his alleged I . 'L'he merc i- throne in Bulg aria with success and the: n ogroe s a.re 111 a ? ta t e of gr eat excitement· And now the eud wa mgh. . Jess w_aves we·e. poun d rng .at th .e steamer, Germans and French k ec i;i up t h eir wa: of and flock from m1es aro_und the breakmg, bru1smg, sweep11g w a.:v. ha ran. gue, .Oid a rre sts 011 th e frontiers w it h great I?ertma - hear the preachers passiona worked. up t o the highest pitch ?f men curse and wome.n s h ie k 1. .I " 1 i." '·' city. The latest series of se izures Ill G errehg ous nthus1aam they are f ten _frantic! pray a:nd womei: weep? Did child c .: moan many are of m ore than u sual . .Honora.ry GJ'!tdnate of the Ontario eterinan m _their a wf ol fn gbt ? a voice was Eight Al sacia.n solditirs in the }fainty gar- i fr01!1 excitement and contuue m tlns state No ! Not _ Tor onto. Registered momber of the C<JlJege. . Death was rison have beeu arrested. Correspondence, until they fall from exhauat10n. heard. murmur a On awak· i·a1sed-not -Ontario Veterinary Association in accordance · coming. Tho shadow o the tcrriule hand with M. Der oule de s, of the Pa triotic League 1 ing from the ainting fit brought on by ner . 'With the Veterinary Act, Is 'Prepared to trcBt a l l cllaeaes of the Dom· rested over the boat. There were no cow. was said to have been found on them. If' vous prostrat10n they relate the wonderful j!Stic Animals, according to the latest theories. At the last mo- this io the ca·e the men of course will bel tale s of their adventures in supernatural ards, or all were cowards. -.An calla personally, by Telegraph or Tele ment faces grew paler, lips were more tight. shot. A proceeding which maiies some-! w orlds. :phone will receive prompt attention,. . , . Taken all m all, the rehg10n of the aver S"OFFJCE-llfaln St., Orono, one door north of ly drawn, eyes had such a hunted, tortured thing of a a tir is t he mysterious rumor from j W· .Henry 's :::>tore. Families Metz that a party of German officers from 1 ge corn- field clarkey in the Southern Sta!es expression that you felt to pity. CITAHGES MODERATE, drew apart from each other, hands were the garrison there went in citizens' cloth es is as strange a com poun rt as on e would WISh ·---cla?ped, and there was only a moment to to Nancy on the 14th to watch the l!'rench 1 to see. wait. As the st eamer reached the crest of fete review of troops, and nothing has been I a wave she staggered, shook herself, and heard of them since. The belief in Metz is I , the World. The Hottest Plaoo Ill then fel! over on her side. At the last in- that they ere recognized_and imprisoned, stant, Just as she turned, there was one but noth ing of tha.t sort is reported from. The hottes t region on earth is tro pi ca awful chorus of shrieks and prayers and Nancy. Africa , where the mean equatorial tempera· EYen the ho wl s of the shouts for mercy. ture of the ai r is 85 ° 10', the same equat hurricane could not drown that sound , but The C1·ops. orial temperature being 820 ° 94' in Asia, it was caught up and shattere'1 and scatter and 809 ° 9()' in America. The great bulk of ; . , . · . . ed, and next moment half a dozen s t.ra ng These ar e an xious times,. Farmers all Afnca., to the extent of three-fourths, or m en, battling with the despemtion of despair over the country are askmg themselves four-fifths ' of the whole lies wi thin even for two or throe minutes more of life, were wh t wi · n the harves t be'· and men . shake the tropics. Uner any circumsances, · the only remnants of the awful wruth. h the euds when an s wering. It is many' therefore a very high temperatu m i r h_ re ight be .1. at blac k sI1ad ow had enve1opecl a11 t c ye ars smce s uch a drouth has been experimh · · ·i on tius ment . Its cont· expcc tcd 'to prevai th rest· enced as we a:c havmg now. A mon . physical . con form a ti on favors and inten 1 . ,. . , WILL CURE OR RELIEVE ben the prosI? e cts sifics this tendency ; the vast expanse ago are Y h"' ,e of o-day thmgs .have ent.irly, unbroken land in the northern division, so brigh t. DIZZINESS, BILIOUSNESS, Origin of the Gorge of tb.e Mississippi. change d , and m many part s of the Domm10n the slight elevation of the surfa ce and the . . DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, The Falls of Niagara arc familiar to all the question is becomiug quite serious The o f th i FLUTIERING S har , 11 t n l 't mak 'd"t INDIGESTION, . 0 t !i' 1 _ Y and came to exist through causes natural pastures are dried up, the · nca tlie. 1 0 8 wo ld · I, t OF THE HEART, and easy of expl nation, inasmuch as the JAUNDICE , ater ly is giving out th sup e and w both' . s f ed p e y t n min e a e c op r o pr OF ACIDITY :ERYSIPEL S, ; c n men t r i: whole secret lies in the character of t he sck an. d crops '" to suffer. The 1Th e e x re . are beginninir · 1 un d t m t nl n u o is a e o e t h f rie er . d f STOMACH, THE · SALT RHEUM, · over wh i 1 tIi e 1ve · I formations r Jl()WS, viz., dro uth 1s havmg a se rious effect, too, on equator itself but :n the neighboi·hoodof the DRYNESS EARTBURN . · a crust made up of frm sixty to o_ne hun - fruit and vegetables, and al toget ie r the ' northern tropic i the Nubiu.n Desert wher e OF THE SKIN, .HEADACHE, dred feet of comparatively hard limestone outlook for the farmer cannot be said to be · · ' lrnd by b e1na foo d may be coo · cd' 111 the b uri . · ,?- n_ear1y hori 't' · zont1 pos1 · 1011, be- the m st cheeru;1g. ----- -- - .. - -..And eve17 species 0£ disea.se arising 1y m g m Every day that passes _ ...Jrom disol'dered LIVER, KIDNEYS, neath which 1s a deep deposit . of slales and now without ram mea.ns the loss of man sand. The saying of Arabs "'is, "In Nubia -_:__ 7. the soil is like fire, and the wind like a STOMACH, BOW'ELS OR BLOOD, andtones, Whenever the r iver m wer- thousan ds of dllars to the farmers of hlS flame." On the coast of the Red Sea the P o t ' mg its hanncl back reached the pomt and other Provmces, as well _as the ne1gl-' r pr NTo. mean temperature of Ml1ssowah is 88 o and . where this arrangement of rocks began, the borrng States, where exces sive dryness is t ti M he t k · F z limest?ne would naturally res.ist the reported, Along the Atlo.ntic coast and i n h ar 6 i t zs de. e ach e erosive . act in of th e waters, wlnle ho the Nor th ·west matters are not so bad , btt' underl :!'. mg shales and sadstones , offermg t h roll:ghou t s.outhern and wes t ern Ontano borne in mind that local cit-cumstances . increase both heat and cold immensely. less sistance, would be rnp1dl,r cut away, and m the mland no ·thern and western . . Thus Sir J. Hersch ell observed a su er· _ ls severely until a vertical fall such as is now seen S tates the lack of ram · felt For fici · a1 t 1rth 1P ' ture 0f 0 9 o i so -1 would be the result, with a constant re· five or si x weeks now there lias beu no i /G k: ap o C o ays St e d ur . ' To buy Foo t Gear for Men, Women, cession going on, leaving below the broad rain of any c onsequence and the tempera - 1 I "' e S ou , 'I\ iver m ... 1 e " hacqtrnr ie canon, walled on either hand by the lime· ture durino all that time has ranged very Boys and Maidens, at a t e groun d was a 1 most a molt en ' es, " . stone crowning them "'e the average for recent years.: . · i a b ov muc1 surface and a match falling upon it was These fe w reflect10ns as to the falls and Copious rains ar e seriously _ n t ough d -- ..A.T-hr d ee e ; . dia tel y ignited. ,, 140 o F. has also been gorge of Nmgara, fully demonstrated by out a large expanse of territory where the imme · 1 ' · e th t near an d at Co ora do · ere reg1s d f orces now m act' 1ve operat' ion, we sha11 aridity at'preseut so severe thieatens to be- E 'fli t ! ' f?und the ther' r- '? , 'uphra tes, Cal? t· G ri apply to the Mississippi. Here J1so a I come 11.Jarming. o m the s?D, and 1,)6 at standmg tr mom mighty water-way has been cut out by ; 132 At Cal p e e, m the m t_he shade, I erosion, a fact which is universally con· East Indi es, the thermometer on one , . ·te exp Ian at· ion o f the ce de d, bu t no deIini I mg to Qrut ITe Was W'll' · n w:as ob serve d to at· . occas10 and at 150 o ·m . . Process has heretofore so far as we have A good story is told of an mterv1ew of the the open air half-an-hour after sunset. ' ad yanced . It rebeen able to 1earn, 'l.Jeen · .nor of certam pri · l1 one of the I · son. wit goyer --·-----·-----·-·-·-. mained for a geol ogy . r eadin g inYentor by : , pn soners . . Some of the_ pnsoners were _at I the name of Robert Ba t es to su gest a . tJettled · 'Ihe Afghan BoundIY w:o;k l at hm g a room clurmg a receu o:ffic!al theory which, ill umin ated with wli lit tle I · . I vmt ?f the governor, and the latter After two years of negotiation the Afghan investigation we have been able to give i t . spectrng th_e progress f the work. Afer bo Ddary que_stioi: has b en ettled. The promises to offer a solution of the question, ? contemplatmg the process for , mm· chief ma t ters 1u drn pute, it will be rem em fe " or to assist ih its solution. The theory See here, bered, were the possession of the Penjdeh utes, the governor reuarked, briefly is that the erosion was accomplished my man-you are fo,yrng those lths too· oasis, between the Kush and Murghab by mean's of a mighty cataract which began nea together; that sort of ':ork will never Rivers, and the claim to Badak· Our New Stock has arrived, and com far down the river near its orit>inal mouth, l do. shan and Vakhan, m the north-easter n por prises 'something nea.t and p retty for and by gradual retrocession dug out tho The ynsoner calmly laid doi:vi: his tools 1 tion of Afghanistan. l he new boundary Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men valley-like gorge which is so marked a I, and said, " G ,,o v:ernor, I a:m willmg to e gives 'l'urkeatan, which is friendly to Rus and Boys, and Boots that R Boots fgr feature in the upper part of its course, and tu;ned off and discarged· if Y. work on t sia, 7,000 square mil es of territory on the ' left the high bluff walls on either hand, at evey member of t he household. sut. I never applied f?r his J?b or situa-1 west, claimed by the latter, including the the same time depositing heavy beds of . ;_ tion ad, if my ,work lsn t satisfactory, valleys of the Murghab and Kush. Russia's sand at the bottom of the canon, the pro-· , illmg t go. c!aim to Va.khan on the east d the exclu· duct of the erosion above, and that St. w o TJUJNILS, VA.LISElil, d: SA.TCllBLS, IN STO()Jl. Anthony Falls are the ever decreasing and sive contol of the U:pper Oxus 1s surrender_ . An old colored preacher, after. exhaustmit 1 ed. s _it '_YRS admitted that her claim to p--Ordered Work and Repairing a . receding remnants of the once most stupeu- 1 · dous catarct the world ever saw, having h imself on an at mpt to describe heaven, th? dis trict m the west was. well founded Specialty, as usual. · brethren, this settlement should be s at s iac t<Jry to the. tell a perpendicular descent of perhaps six wound up thus: l D, D.AYIS, · it is a very Kentucky of a place." · British Government. undred feet. ·lauadiau Jtattsnrau. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1887. THE .BLAOK SHADOWWe were creeping wel \lP to Cape Hat· teras when the storm brokt. The steamer had made a ll secure, and there was not even a s lrnde of anxiety on the faces of the as they passed to and fro. The storm came Out of a clear aftei·· with a howl of fury. noon sky t he hurricane leaped like a hungry wild east, and in a quarter. of an hour he ocean was frothing and foammg and rushrng upon itself like a m ighty animal driven mad Half an hour after the by awful torture. first leap of the storm women had p ale faces and set lips, and children were wailing, An hour later men trembled and looked hollow- i Experiments hav; been ma British busstis with elec tricity . FOREIGN, NOTEP de to light the Some of tile Strange Belief of the Southern Negro. VOODOOISM. BUY PU.R,E officers Paris Green --AND- · -AT- i i 1 &SON'S Orono Pump Factory. h shine . Those who know Afrca nmu: ClY i l 1 i PUM PS OF EVEY DESCRIPTiO heavily, righted I Ij 1 i i ii 0 1 / i i h 11 I i All WORK GUARANTEED And hand. i JOH---s'i>ENC.ER R. FERG USON. 11 11 i i e 1 Merchant Tailor & Gent's Furnisher JOiiEPH JEFFERY ' . . I ... 1 , 1 importance. I 1 V?en 1 country to I MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES. Mrs. Morrison Is offering the Balance of her · · · Summer Millinery --AT-- · A a fields are parch,; t t':s10t1 · : GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Vlest End Millinery House. T. MILBURN & CO., JI Pays 6 : : : : h 1h :t\60 ; _n R I 1 ? M lt ti 1h Cl EAR/NB SALE TOD R s. GREATl Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! I1 ! j , ' was m· I1 . . . I _t\meer's · In order to make room for fall im portations we will clear the balance of our summer goods j 11.m I h I II you, my 1 COME EARLY AND INSPECT. IF0II OW th 0 B. Jg B0ot TOD BROS. COST.