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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1887, p. 7

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It is reported from Richmond, Va. , that RIBBON JELLY.-Ribbon jelly is made by The st ..ange !ih1perst11.fon Tltnt PrnnllH a pious aptist of that city has rented her pouring diflerent colored jellies, one over Among the Worker8 l:nderground. fi ne home i>nd moved ii;ito cheaper quarters, the other in layers. Yellow jelly from . . . -· ht ---·---·-- ---·· -------·---· $1 , 000 a , be abl e to give , ahe tilUS m1g · at The Mexican mmers very superstitious. th lemons, oranges, red fruit jellies, da.rk jelear more to charity thitn she otherwise lies from blackberry juice, green jelly, made Sixty fathoms down the"Despatches," oue y of the entrances to Valenciana. mine, is a could have done. by ·putting ii!. a little spinach juice to white where lamps are kept continually The hackmen of Vic oria, British Colum· currant jelly, or any light jelly. Cnmson church burning. The miners usually spend o.n bia., ubscribed $100 toward the celebra.tion a jelly, a. made by using little cochine l pow The Development of Boys. to or returning in hour it on going from of the Queen's jubilee at that place, but the ' der. layer or ribbon of i'elly must be It Seems to me tha.t the key to the wis.e 'tl · very ha.rd or frozen before the other is pour-· work · and none 0f them pass wi lOUt bOW· hack ordinance was published in the Coton£.,t, : . In the mining di tri t o development Qf boys is their confidence ; images ing the s c s and they 6sserted that this, by apprising it is cut in slices. ed iu. After it is frozen · · ·t 'wi·n th ·t _ ur boy. It · a.nd h," d it, and you hold _!l s a e f th Al th e m a. t b l' f · Y" ere e s xi 8 pin· visit<,r8 of their rights, reduced the hacki can be turned out of ·the mold whole on ° 0 P8 Let a boy once feel that he can come to you a fine stand, to show the differe nt ribbons, known as "Master Hoemmerling," or the men's proiits, and they refused t-0 pa.y t he with any tr·mble, great or small, and you Mountain who "Monk of lly usu the ," a a.p- money subocribd. and cut on the table. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . will save him from committing follies which black a with a iant as hood covered pears g ri,es, cuWhole fruits, such a.a a tra.wber..., · · I<l B o1 es, wh o works at a Reaclin." " hotel, he w1 ·11 regret forever. When a mother says S d f 1 t d't' ome won er u ra, 1 10ns are m vogue m . rants, slices of pineapples, oranir<Js, etc. , arooe the oth er mornmg wirh a stinging · to h er boy, "J want to know your worst can be frozen in layers of J·elly. Turn it connect· 'th th' Monk among the mmers ionwi !Sf . . . sens.1t1on m her hea d, followed by a terrible and your besi;," and is discreet in h<lr coun· h 0 e ar z oun ams. f t· h t M t , G H · omg t0 the 0ther upside down upon a stand and serve. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . h 1 I · ea< ac ie. ' iysicrn., whreS e went to a P I sels, she wi!l not only protect him extreme, they believe in the existence of . bt . strengthen him. A great deal of m1sohif is myri ads of tiny creatures who, in a spirit moved from hr ea.r an .11gly-lookmp, mg: t . bug about a third of an ID?h long. Ie Idone by making mountains out of molehills. ty--five cents extra Arohd.eacon of mischief, give them a great dsfl.l oftrouble. Fanar on Drunkenness. be charged whe n accounts run · sect ":8 one of the bus often sen flyrng . · If a. boy is so unfortunate as to be without yet are freindly to them withal, frequently . .descrbes ' · h . how is archdeacon Earra.r t · the i vw1mty of strong Lights a mght. T . < es sat s t· th b t o e a 1 1 a mother let him seek the counsel of some md' 'd t are Th g ey o . e c . !C m . . · he h 1deou3 character and deadly wide. , over one month. . . Cel1al!orbmg, of Kenton, 0., was w,.lJung wise and' motherly woman. If a boy h as a -t wear clothes like the minersand c arry picks tdrmk ad rava s of - n tox through the new Court House at Tiffin with weak and selfish mother, let him respect Pf: In the mines and hammers lanterns t in td h /ie cau s s f t ousa. . 0 pre:1'" u . :i 0 f 8 her for all she has suffered and shelter her 1 these ti lly some young friends. Suddenly she stepped the Kuttenberg, in Bhemia atl fic ren 0f a . is ie s.t lo 1 .vith his love. pa. n t cause creatures are frequently seen in areat num· up to the marriage record and dared any / 118· k;- s o d 0r010 e; e l is l ISea:s 0 A great many of the with boys arise . bers ascending and descending the pits es- young man present to take out the papers l a at a1 c i eu t ar Y r0. u_ce t The challenge was ac The next reform 0 · · d :f s; 1 t f f from improper diet. pecially wheusomegret misfortune is >1.bou t and make her his. u t is espre 1 a r t n o ; .Y c i . and the should be table reform. Food is a moral to ha.ppen. '.!.'he miners hear tllem scraping, cepted by a young man of the party, nd te g d d e m?s a t agent. Ho t spices and over-rich food ging and striking the rocks and if the knot was tied at Fostoril1 the same night. di g D h e e 1a t word lsm irritants, and growing boys a.ncl girla are Pf1Zb' 0 forge is fired up they use it with so much A citizen of Cincinnati thoucrht that he d adl a · .t t e Y Y ei c 1Y c often corrected for some display of temper ndus t ry thlt they arc called the "little had a sure forttrnc in a kitten wlich had five )' . ;1 1 cirse ng th is ear. 0 whi ch is . directly traceable to the table. domestic smiths." In Idria the miners every heads five tails ten fore Jeg8 and five hind : p ores; e m s mts ra c o curs of th" The growing body requires an immense dy plaoofood in aptLl'ticularspot for them le"S 'nealsothou"'ht th;t italsoought to o l £° e Of t e s ery ev O . r amount f fuel j it should be Varied, simple O ? U and little jackets now and then to COnCiliat h<V al1ont forty-Jiv Jive and was good for O w h10 t a r s l1 : ; lie cur e 0r ' 1 boy Don't lecture your a.nd nutritious. the little fellows 1 . l e; many y e crs but ·1fter a brief carce; of fifteen l e · when he is fretful. Don't exasperate him ; .young Cf'<J oms s a l ?ver th e g 0b i Another supertition exists in connection days tb e little m n · s · tro sity died the result . ' · · · . curse o every na t10n an· d nwe Wlt i ve pad an lo · 1m b your and hold h' · wm h tm, " 1 with wh at are lmown as corpse candies · of too mnch handling by the curiot·s ' · Y which we co:ne m contact; the curse 0f · . interests, . your tience. Make his interests , They are regarded a omens of death, ancl . . Mrs. S. A. Crane, of St. Joseph, Mo. , sat ' g nmversal Christendom; the curse . which mmern and share y0ur troubles With ht"m · Nothin . ave been 1mown to · h flee · f rom one m · . . 0f h er · 11 th e f>Urth. stty h r w _. m l ow 1 more power full Y t i. al; 3:nY oth er impedcs . c responof sense . a good . than does boys more . collier· to another on account them. W e ho the. progress · of Chnst1am ty; the curse I e the othe1. ntg t m Oide1 to get a £. T e O v s m sibility ; they like to be trusted, and that is I learn o swester Ad ertiser that if .h bre,ith of fresh arr. She dropped asleep and which· dogs from land to land and from . Y. t0 m? the way to make them worthy of trust· .1 .. 1 h' a C orms lS w , '.I_or 1 ht t fell out of the window, and when picaed u p clime to clime the course of Europeirn civi-; . er to meets a. strangcr nd rectve , no anw from the ground,' seventy feet below, was } lizatiou. The reiterated proofs of these I ·ig _ e the c ue omary i g ood-ntglt r eb , he found to have sustained no more serious infacts . are patent for every one to sec. We do Our Boys. . lll w1shmg · . . f 1 1 1 1 uck . regards i t an oemn o. , . · iury than tiie brcakrng o f one of 1. ier toes. , mvent them; we on1 y omt t o them. . The tired mothm· when nig·htfoll comes, no t . ' h are and ·over 100k'n 1 g, , wh ic . near·lY 1 ct ent · No · one c!l.n esca;ne from h 1s share m the ne R ev. I· C · B . · ag 1 ey, of C an; T' · den, NJ ·. ., · cannothelp drawmg · ' a long sigh at the sight r . . . . ical with the" evil eye," are delusions still I · _gs, r sponsibihty for this a ,state of thm d upon. recently by a sty !tsh-lookm g · of her boys' torn jacket and trousers ; and i exi,iting am ong the miners. A sinister look was calle by tb.e cheap, stale a.ncl tr teievant ass_crtton ple wo d e sired to be wedded. There her aching head ma.y whirl as with gleeful or a mut tered expression of discontent is co::i . thfl.t temperance reformers use .such mtem· shouts they come trooping into the room in readily recalled by the miner when any bemg no 1mpedHmmt, t be pastor soon made _ la.ngua.g perat"'. _ e, for we ref"'.r them not to But with wh1tt; rough-and-t . ble fashion. mischance follows. \Vhistling in miues is them one fleah. Tlien te grooJU handed ' . ythm? which we have said, but to the the,?lergyman a. l rge off i cil .nvelope markloving ter!ll s docs sh n?t only endur:e; an not pennittcd. :Many miners object to eut'h . neu l t, al annals to the carefu of t e Pfl. . th . tr d A pre nt, nks. h n Up openn C di> In ? ee v.i c a all the no1se m the sport, if 1 } out ' Fri a mi e on ood y, nocent s Day and 1 of contemprnr-l' lnstory, to te ;olg the el;)yelope Mr. Bagley found mclosed she be a true mother ! Some1vhat such feel· pages Christmas Day, believing that some cat as· m · . . ten cents. the of sum . k" ings as these which are put into verse' she orles records of iust.1ce, to the sat1st1':al troph 1 tt . e wt11 a eu d th .e )!Ca m g 0 f th . testimony of unbiassed and official . "'. ' bears m her heart : o well-clressed a day woman llttle The ther the like not do prescribed custom. Mmers 1 · wi ·tnesses, to the b ue books of the f" I f they see called on L' i_veryman '.l'hompson of por tli:-nd, _ ound. orm?f a. cross under gr " 'Boys will be hoys'-but not for long. Legislature to the reports of convo. a snail they drop a ptece of tallow from Me., and said she hll.d a horse and carriage Ah, collld we beal' about us t ca ion, e narra 1ves o a c asses to th t' f 11 1 · This thought-how very so:·n our b oys she had no furthe · 1: use , and wh' 1ch . thei · r canelles b est ·ae 1 ·t. "The mmers of for which of travellexs to the often unwilling Will learn to tlo without us. · Devon," says l'rof. Jones, " place grea.t she would sell cheap. He said he would look d f 't d d h · d . n n n A on r sici · s 0 a tsi r ;. d . faith in the virtu of a horseshoe fixed to at them. She went to another livery stable, " How soon hnt tall and deep·voiced n1en ye lu spl te o al am u m g IS bf a.c a.n . Will br"vely call us ' Mother' ; ·' horse and carriage, returned, struck some of the erections of the mine to prevent hired a · ' f h ev1 ence . · t a e conscience o men o e , f h t · . Or we be stretchin g empty ll11nds ·th M " 11 o ca?h, r. Tl10mpson for .,,, witchcraft. It is upposed t?at the devil a bargam WI · l'rom this world to the other I world the conscience even of professiug . consequent· pocketed the money, and walked away. She always travels m circles and · Chns · t on 1 y c 11ous, b t h rd a s ns is ° . " More gen tly we should chide the n oise, ad na- ly interrupted whcnhe rrives at either of has not been seen in Portland since. 1 1 stone to at·llC gui 1ttl an t he ne1t"l1er m1 And wh e n night quells t he racket, th · bl' iged to tak e Jo.mes D elaney, a trackman on the Santa o. . e 11ee 1 s of tlie shoe, and is tional disgrace which these facts involve. Stitch in hut lfring thoughts and prnyers a retroga?o cnrse." The mrners of Corn- Fe road, said to some of his companions W hile mending pants aud jacket." The idle, the indifferent, aµd the interested wall consider it very unlucy to destry a when a couple of tramps were mangled last seem to think that C od can be mocked by c?lony o .a.nts. They beheve tha.t tf a week, "Boys, I'll be the next man killed on . decrepit jests and immoi·al sophisms." All . A Word for .Rompine; Girls. piece of tm was placed rn the1 hau?ts at a this road." A few days after he was caught . true, only possible not put in sufficiently ?ertat? age of the moon the tm will tum between tracks on a trestle by tw.:i trains, Most women have a dread of them. Moth-, strong lights , or in words that to th fulle and in attempting to escape fell head foreers would ra_ther their little daughters w ore give the idea of this mighty agent of demor- mto silver. most on the rai. He was decapitated incalled anythmg else tha romps. They say alization and death, yet in the great major. stantly, while his boy was thrown upon the to tem: "e very quiet ow, m)'. ity of cases all seems to go for nothing. e . other track and torn mto shreds. Do.n t run or JUmp, a.d be httle laies. . taken ns a mattG'r of course that myriIt An End to English Coal in the Black Sea. . As if a healthy child could be still; as if a.ds upon myria.ds are going to perdition . . The University of I\ing's College WindThe new Russ1an . M' . mister of F" ma.nee ' y· 1 i ·t conld take t· 1me to waJk or st ep over what and the only response which is the oldest of all the good-natured ' sor Nova Scotia . is nigra d k t y, t! e b 1 e ema u as . p rotec 0 tra B could iti sh No.rth An.;erican colleges. The royal fold its hands selfishness and self-seekfog can find is in its way; as if it · . r t omst a h' d pre 18 B e?esso r r nder nge. U , ; d . brimful its little of " Ah · well let them go. The world wili hea.rt is in its lap when charter under whkh it was founded in t 788 his auspices a revLS10n . , . . . of the iron au coal . · ab surd and wrong, because l ' fnn. It is ·t is · ' " exphc1tlyp1·oy1des tH1t1ts academ1calb:i. rub alongwell eimgh after all." b1ts ies h' d ut· as b!len t .a1ten m han d '0f whlCh one . unnatural. . hall be the ame as those of the University , of the e!-'rhest results will l:e the complete . . - --Children girls as well as boys need exer·ford. An d 1 -t s encema 1s conduct ed · ' . · uppression of the English coal trade with o f 0x . . . mdecd , . ' · c1se , thy- must ha.'e it to be kept m . pomp every year with all the and c1rcum· 1 B ' How to see the Mountains on the Moon the .R usstan .· orts 0f tic lack ' Sea.. T wice a. healthy coud1t10n. They need to expand . stance of an Oxford encenia. .rhe Rev. Dr. d ri g thla s ' ew yearsthe tai:ihas been reOf course, the first thing tho obs9rver their chests, strengthen their muscles, tone d Ieaac Brock ' Oxon.' is the President. vise to c ecl the mflux of Bnhs coal; the their nerves, develop themselves generally. will wish to see will be the mountains of . Me.· awoke A young _wom:m of Portland, mea sure now proposed, and sauct10ned so far . of them ' · must be out-of-doo·s too the moon for everybody has heard And this exercise · · to find a m·tn i·ansackm!! her · aa tlie mtms · · ters · concernec, l w1 '1 1 ext· m- the other Ill"ht JS ·- · and the most ' · · - stirred imagmat1on sluggish . ," m It 1s not enough--to have cahsthemcs the . but burlar,, r She b eau. g h trade . altogether In place of coal u1s the . the nurser - or parlor they need to be out by the thought that one can look off into ' rom this country, so11th Russia will draw wit great coolness. mud, "eep sh!, sis; H!shine, out in the wind, out in !'the sky and behold" the eternal hills" of ! . in the s the IS want trmkets. I All you. wont hurt r s its t f supplies When buying Coal <?il ask your dealer for the New Oils, the for u ure from two ou ces the grass out in the woods out-of-doors, another planet as solid au<l substantial all d ho re m h r e_gioi an the Trnncaucasian ' !:r ld somewher, if it be no bic;ger than the city our own. Bat the chances that, if left -cl t e. be h cpomts at l kv1buh. 'Ihe latter he between ?-n . e. urg · l e · to their own auidance ninety-nine persons ya.rd. · · ' 1 : oti and Tiflis and baye just been joined to u Im fli g t , a.?d te gentleman of the hous, Snp pose they do te,n their pretty f occ a -I out o f a hundred wouid choose exactly the P t.lmt it m ight serve as a c 1 ue to 1 llS Tr·usc--uc·s ' 1 ·n · R a.1 . a sh ort bu t m hopes b:> w w w w ·1 w.iy · .. . *. . . · 1; . · . to see these mouutams. At /,the better be brown as a beny, and the wrong tune . . , . very costly branch !me t.hat ln.:< t11ken sev eral detection, .huu. it un th h,tt rn;ck lll the pulse quick and strong than white as a lily I any rate this is my experience with people .i hal l. The fnnl;ir then reti red agam to rest. t ' Try it once, you use no other. come to look at moon through ' y ears o constru ct. The coal of the '.l'kvibuli and complain .of <·old feet and headache' · who ·I d istr i ct is of excellent c1uality, lie& close to 1 In the mornmg it Wfl.S found that the hat Sup]iiosc they do tar their clothes suppos my telescope. Unless warned beforehand later ret hi>d urned ar a gone. burg T!rn :ov i abundance, grea.t ea is ily and . ; lVIctJOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Tot·onto they do wear out their shoes, it dos not try they invariably waituntil full moon wheu th terto the only coal com petmg lll search of hrn bead .,e;r, found it, and once a mother's patience half so much tn mend floo d of sunshine poured perp en dicularly W?rked. Hi "ecl. off made unmoles m'lre t he sh and Odessa ther P?rts at Eu11:h ? as it does to watch night alter night a I upon the face of our satellite concea.!s ita vi:1 b j; h a.s _been that f rom the Denetz region, wh1_ch, querulous, sick child; and it does not drain I rugged features as effectually as if a veil A child fell into a 70-foot well at Pome havm to be con yed B any hundred miles roy, ,V.T. , the other day, an as she fell wi m a. fa.t l:rer's pocket ha.If as qu_ick to buy shoes had bze dmw_n over them. egin your by rai way to the coa t, h never been a le a . l s ? observat10ns with the a.ppearance of the grabbed one of the buckets, which went to as it does to pa.y doctors' bills. narrowest crescent of the new moon, am1 to uccssful_ly compete with the Eg:hsh to the bottom with her. The mother on n te o article, a duty of five s s f 11ll1 ! follow it as it gradually fiJls, and then you ! 8J,)l l 1.1g missing the child went to the well and began Cookin!!; .Recipes. I will see hpw beautifully the advancing line a ton m its fav?r. 'l'he Transcaucas1an to turn the windlass, and found that her -- MANUFAO'lU ' RJJ;R OF-ply, u howeve ies close to the coast, a.nd FRlED POTATOES. -Put cold potatoes I of lunar sunrise reveals the mountains over :p r ) . child was haning to the rope , . ted tha 1 it estima c the t r the from ge a n _ .8 "About the time the mother gave out," says sliced into hot butter, add salt and pepper whose slopes and peaks it is climbing, by mmes t? Odessa will be sufficiently_ lo"'., to the report, "the bucket from the top met when fried enough, add a. little cream, then its r ngged and sinuous outline. The obe nable it o s c ssfnlly m pete with g t n1J .e 0<;> _ En server must keep in mind the fact that he . the one half w ay down comiag up with the serve. KING STREET. BOWMANVILL . is looking straight down upon the tops of hsh coal, ever. with the cxrn trng duty. How- child which had presence of mind enouoh Has now on hand a number ol vehicl13, (an<l is manufllocturlng a great many more) or tbe no ·ir, two cup , cups °f s g,. L fllLY CAKE.q r, to s e tt h i s ° n of f n comi It is like a view from eve e l t e ue t o ore g 1 corns tarc the descending rope and rest !er to patterns a n d best finish, which I am offering for sale at the Juwest prices consisteni one cup o the lunar mountains of our, o ne cup o l tit . with duo 'regard to workma.nship and quality. Tho f,11lowing fo a list ot ' tea.spoon of a balloon ' nly at a · va stly greater height pe i on on ce and for al t im e , the Russhin mother who.soo n rallied sufficient stren "th btitter, wh i tes of five eggs, one , · Government'moans E , to crush out the the principal vehicJe.s manu!actnred by me ' English · \en 'Id sus"' to puI I Iler Jewe1 to the top. The cln . · cream tartar and one-fourth of a teaspoon of than any ba11oon h M ever attarned . . 1 with a. powerful telescope the observer sees f ue 1 · an d the nva..ry will then he between tfl.ined only a few bruises." Double Covered C ar.riages ....... . . . . ... . . , . · , ................................$150 Upwar<h soda. the moon at an apparent distance of several the ccal fro theDenctz and the 'coal from _ · " l:iingle Phretons . ... . .... . ....... . . . ... . ......... . . . . . ... .. . . .... . .... .. .. ... . . ... 100 poN STA1:CH CUSTARJ?B.-PL!t a pmt ?f Transcaucasia. i hu ndred miles, while with a field-g lass 11 Open Buggy................................................ ..... .. ...... ....... 70 ?1ilk 1.i; a frymg pan, le it come to the boilA Sta.rtling Pred.iction. maguifying six diameters, the moQn appears u Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 mg pomt, then add a. p m cl of salt and t :wo ; a s if fort o sand The miles u appar off. y th : Two hundred years ago in China there fl Democrat wagon... .. .. . . .... ..... . .... .. ..... . . ··1·"""'" ...... ;.. .. .... . ... 66 tablcspoonfnls of corn sta.1ch. Serve with The Children's Jubilee. l ent distance with Galileo's telernope was wns just such a craze a.bout ni>tura.l gas as fl bugar and cream _ Lumber Wagons................................................................. 55 eiO'ht thousand miles. Recollect how when One of the brightest and happiest features we have in this country to-day. Gas wells " Light Wagon .. ...... .. . . ... . . . ...... . .. . . . ... .:.................................. 4.0 B1scu1Ts.-One quart of flour with .two 1 sen from a great height the rugositiea of of the 1ieen's jubilee, .Q recently held in lng- were sunk with as much vim and vigour as . " !arge_ teaspoon[uls of ha.lung powder mixed i the eai·th'a surface flatten out and clisappear l,.,l1d, was the treat give Express "Yagon.................................................................. '75 n to the school- the celestials were capable of, but owing to mt? it, add a tablespoon,ful of lard or brtttcr,. a.nd then try to imagine how the highest children of London. 11 Skeleton .... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .... .. . .. ...... . . . . ... . .... . . ,..... .. . ........... .... 50 A larg e sum of money a gas explosion that killed several millions a little salt and water enouh to make the : mountains on the ea.rth would look if you was raised by a subscriptio 11 pe?pl e and tore up an destroyed a. large Sulky............................................................................... 40 n opened by one ake in a hot oven twenty minutc2.1 were suspende!l forty thousand miles above of the London papers and dough. on the day fol- distnct of conn tr y, leavmg, a. large inland p093esaing sup eri or facilities for manuffl.ctu1·ing pai·rfages, I Intend to sell very cheap tor 0 won th rather perhaps, will, you and . em, 1 fifteen GINGER SNAPS --Boil slowly for lowing the regular jubilee celt bration, sea, kn?wn on the lllllops as L:ake Foo Chang, or >1pprovod credit, and by so doing I hope te \(l'< inoreaae my number of sales.. Wouli Bell the wood parts only, or tne ge1u·tngs o! buggies Ironed, minutes two cups of molasses; add one-ha.If der 11.t the fact that the moon's 41ountains thirty thousa.nd littl. git'ls 11.nd boys gfl.ther· the borrng of any more gas wells was then · cup of butter, cool and add two poonfuls 1 can be seen at all. · and there prohibited by Jaw. It seems, a.ced in Hyde Park. 1 of cold water, one heaping teaspoonful of t" l S · l- ' : ···l Tbey werc taken in a certain proportion cording to the Chinese history, that many were soda, one teaspoonful of ginger and flour to wells IJre gt\S u.11 the public schools of the metropolis, large and havy .ssuye Th o D' iscoverer of the Congo. At the Sh ortes t Notice, Painted 8.nd Trimmed 1f Desired. roll. and a great many of them ca. me from the struck, and m somec11stricts wells were sunk FRmD O!iIONs.-Have frying pan hr.t, 'Jut, Eight yealS before C"lumbua discovered most wretched and squalid quarters of the quite nei>r together Gas was lighted as soon 1. t the Factory I 2.i:"-' do Plantng, Matching, 1'm·ning and. Sawing with Circle, Band "Sor i:!s.wn. and 1,ri.u:re :i.11 kinds o! tnmber tor mil'pent.erB nd others tor building purpc.sea. · in a good sized piece of butter (or meat fry- A merica au old Portuguese sailor named great city, issuing from miserable courts as struck, as is done thi country. It is OmamH' an<! Plain Pickets ror reno"a in every style reQuired. to order. ings a-fter frying meat), put in tho onions Diego Cam went cruising down the coast of and alleys, from. dreary houses teeming btated that one well with its unusnal pres sliced; sprinkle with pepper and salt, u.nd Wt>st Africfl. until he came to a great river with beggarly occupants, from hot i>nd sure, by induction or back drught pulled pour in just a little hot water, cover cloi;ely,' on whose south bank he set up a big white dirty streets. down into the e arth the burning gas of 11 let cook twenty minute!! ; add a tea.spoonful a.tone and carved an inscription upon it cele-. Possibly many of them had neYer oeeu a smaller well, resultiug in a dreadful explo of flour in a little milk 'lnd when it boils it brating his discovery. It was the mighty pa.rk, with big 8hade trees and pretty hke, sion of a large district, dcstroyng the in is re11dy to serve. l:'oo Cirnng rest.s , Conuo, and for many the fanwas before. Many diversioJJs were ananged for habit1\nfa thereof. CHoCOLATH CusTARDS.-01;1e fourth of a Pedra l'11,drao stood on the shore bearing their . amusement. They wero amply fed ?u tiis ditric'.. '!'he ·11nie cat: strophe is of chocolate, o:c pint of boiling water, Bil en t wi tness to the old sailor's ache!vement. on cakes, lemonade, and otllcr good t h ing s . 11m_nne nt m this country un\ern tne lws re six eggs, one 'l uart of milk,, one-halt cup of Years later w en all eyes were turned to tlle l'unch-aud-Judy howwan d 11 hu n d re d other strict further developments in bormg ao . - uew worl d.' the Congo was alm.ost forgotten a.musing things attractecl their !}tteut.ion many wells._ Sboukl a simil111· c_<plosi011 o_c white sugar, two teaspoons of vanilla. Dia Bands played, and there cur there will be sucl an up-hcaval a.s will; solve the chocolate in a very little milk, stir and when it next attracted notwe the Pedro. and l aughter. Purify t.he correct all Disorders of the into the boiling water and boil three. min- ?ac;!rao h ad disl,'-ppeared: The spot where were sounds of music and merdinent al dwarf the most terrible earthquakes ever j 'rhe country along the gas belt Each child also was sent known. \Vhen nearlv cold add the beaten it stood has for centur ies been known as over the park. utes. and Indiana, Ohio, Pad ao Po nt. through Toledo from a i t home a memo l.IV!EU, little a S'l'O!l'liltCH, with KI.iJ:\IEY.S AND BOWELS. ri l of he d y in r eggs, stir into the milk, flavor and pour in . . · · · · Kentucky will be rippc<l np to the depth of, · · i . '.l'hree or for months agoBaron von C!chwe- the shape· of a murr in cups, set in boiling water and b1ke 'rh t ey an d r estore to b. ea.l Lh Deb"l' I itted C onstitut10na, an_ d a like over flopped f and et 1,500 to rm,_ the SwP.drnh tra".eller, hear from some l,200 P the The e and heilf, Queen rince and, Cuorr;n PASTH.-One quart of flour, . 1 indduntal to Femalee of all Ages. For !fire m v aluabl" tn »:11 Compfatnts _ sm hrough which he nahes of a large fet1ch st?ne hidden m the l'rinceRs of VI'ales, "isited the throng of p!>ncakc, leaving a.ha two cups of butter, one tablespoonful of . Children and tho aged they are pr1celess. tfl.11 Jungle gras at some distance from he pcor little children, smiling at them, and watrs o Lake Jt1:ie will c.on:e _ ho:wlmg sugar and one·half tablespoonful of salt . do bear;h. _ It _;vas only . a fte long pala:er.s with saying kindly words to them. Surely thei e down, fillmg te 01110 and M1ss1ss1pp1 val- . not wash the butter; put all together in a C"l () Jt .D..1 . J, .l. . .1 L _ te_ chiefs hat he obtamed pern11ss1on o ws not one among all that multitude who leys, and blottmg them out forever.-Am. . chopping tray and chop until thoroughly . . . . ".'.lst ,the re>ere object. He found, to Ins will evedoret the pleasure and fun of the Pa.per. . · 11' a.n t.ufuJhble remedy for Ball Legs Bad Breasts Old Wounds mixed; then add cold water (or iced water) . Sore ll t, .the ·e1·table Ped ra Pa:drao, 1ts well Qu een' s Jubilee. . aohgil _ to make a stiff paste, which will take less nd Ulcern. T.t iA famo1111 for Goat a"nd Rheumatism,' For disorders of the . in t hese days much more attention is kuwn mscr1pt10u only partially .effaced. . What J" immy W ante d to Know. · than a cup of water; roll out once and . -Chest it has no equal.. This famous monument of a grea.t discovery pat an d ormer th f J t th o m t d Y n e s a . m se e an " If th ere is anything about the lesson place in the ice chest to h fl.rden. . . · · . . will doubtless be treasured hereafter a. one . of c uldr · creat '!:1.ot only a· e ot· :Q!f·t! Th1·oats, B.roncJutts, Clo ughs, Clo Ids, BAKED APP1;<E l'1!DDING. -Fi you do not understand" said 1 Sundayll a three- . of the most interesting relics of the early , e c 1 re o ,. we 1 r t e -to-co y o yv a1 . l 1 teacher who had been explaining the 01 · . qua.rt earthn dish with pared and q,uartercd naviirators. SC lO d l . ll" mgs, an d a11 S · . km Diseases parents provided with amusements Ill many It has no rival; and ror . "' . t name i"t ancl ' . n u $.J, S we · . , I-, apples : sprmkle on these one cup of sugar, "ed s ea, " JUS crossrng of tie 1 ·t . , . · forrns, b ut public-pm ed n d benev? ut conuracte d and stiff Joints it acts llke a charm . . I I will endeavor to make the matter clea,r." I a little cinnamon, fresh butter the size c;f people have established societies for gn·mg . vv·n· t quesk t a ia as wan 1 o . " a J a small egg and one-half cup of water ; cov Printed matter may be copied on any pa 'ms · pleasure, now and then, to poor children, Ma.uufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, er and bake thirty minutes. Roll a piece of per of an absorbent nature by dampening o be (xreen. t10,· . sa.1 . . . whose parents cannot afford to procure them V ery g,aod. What 19 i t th at you wish ' choppe.1 :?raate into a strip about two inches the surface with a weak solution of acetate 78' NEW OXFORli STREET' (late 633· OXFORD STREET) recreation. . l J , ' LONDO.,. MI to know, Jimmy?" questioned the teacher wide thti;;; wi l reach around the pudding of iron and pressing in an ordinary copying And are aold at ls. lid., 2a. 9d., 4a. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33B. each Box or Pot, AD41dish ; roll 'the remainder to cover the dish. press. suavely. Old writing may also be copied on . , "Where was Moses when the light went Take the pudding dish from the oven, slip unsized papar if wet with a weak solution The honey bee is a regular mercha.nt. It may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout tb.e World ' out r sang out Jimmy in a. squeaky voice. the strip of paste between the apple and the of sulphate of iron mixed with a simple so cells combs for a living. ·P11rcha11er1 honld look at the J.abel on the Pots and Boxe1. U r 4clre dish and put on the top c1·ust; return to the lution of sugar syrup. @;auadiau Jtattsmau. EDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1887. W oven and bake one hour sll.U:cc. Serve with creamy MINERS' FANCIES. GENERAL NEWS. HOUSEHOLD. are oneruig Coal as follows "' Stove and Chestnut, h T en m w 'Grate and Egg, $6.25 will. 6.00 f : JIC \ 1£ E a t r; f°i f ri; ]:? e u I r I I I f 1 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH&, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL i I of --1\fEW SPI{IN-GOODS -have arrived at the- & METCALF _rnme n sympathize I I _ {a. { is Full lines of General Dry Goods· now open for inspection. and see our lovely· L a 1 es call Dress Goods. and see our handsome G en t s ' call r.rweeds and Suitings. ' d ttd House if I ' Our Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Provisions, Crocker y, Gla s sware, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. is Farmers, Th reshers and Mi llmen, Use lVlcOoll Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. lfQ·D'.11 :lmcMhlf s s I j ::L AR i-> I: TH:BJ I Dene;; fi : h ·',:"" 1 BEST TN THE WORLD .. MACHINE " I" 01 L. E.JB ..a I I hav I the surface .coal Oil. if.·!.· A. r· E \1fl"iil'r & SliNLIGIIT will HAIN-ES' CARRIAGE "WORKS; GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, below_ T C'tch OARR IAC ES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., ! I . o I ---------- from 1 A· 11 !7 J· d 0f v eJ.llC l es R epa1re h . j ; f 11 j 1 1 f l 1. A.LL! ,...rI:LE Bloo'd, PILLS ii:v1gora e. . r·c-., i c f r- NT M E N rn 3 I· ,,imr;idYT I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria - II :a 533, Oxford l!ltree&. London, &heF are 11unriou11.I th;

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