· · tmt Seer Sucker Dress Goods 1 Oc worth 15c. ·Ginghan1s 7c., cheap at 10c. Parasols at Tremen -dous Reductions.. Best ··-- ------= which tho writer liad laid in ar oid and ' ing on trips up and down the Ch a1mel. It 1ve<> in the 'l'he strolls . in the 11eighborlood are. exfamiliar acquaintance. fourth page.) Park, and on the precipices loul· mg o v e r ti:emely enJ oy able ; go which way y ou . lands, for Wat·wicksh1re, for C umb erla n d , the moonlit e.ca, th at th e g uilty' pair of will, yon can hardly o wrong. 'l'here Whe r e ver lovr'rs had 1 h eir stolen meetin11s and the banks of the 'fees. lt was are glcrious viewa from the" 'J'orr Walks" we go, we are wandering atnongat the , in tho house th at the organ myster- to the 111 ic s t.w ard - th e wj1c1ion to them memor.is of Kingsley's i nn nme :1ble Dev- I ious mu si c ; and tli a t the famil_y picture, bl'ling tliat they land y ou in a cul-de-sac ..,.; . onshire wor'.hies frrm the H <ie of ly- with its pcophetic fatalism, prncip1tatecl for tne·eutrance h by a bo wer of roses, month, 1b!-1stlmg even m Erzalwth , s tune, the d ram atic catastrophe. which is the gate w ay at a cottage-lodge, to th.c sfaogly. coves, now mcumbered Y. where a p enn y is pa id as tho p rivi le ge of BIDEFORD. biithmgrnachmes, that breach the chfl . , admissifJn. But in all directions at ea ch 1 Bu t i "f. we, re charme d wi "th CIovelly we re ' B nt 1 ·t is · c racomb e. W9 1 at· [ I,, around .. , . , , } a' turn, and from every height, the eye . ppo.mt ed at 13 1.tlefoia. . r ie ol to w n isa and Cl o vel l y that d. Bideford· ·!iBarnstaple · 1 01· th 0 open sea, t ang es over 1.I16 Ch .a.n.ie ' · ' · but it 1 decentlv - well1 to-do he hascent1:2d the m ter est of his romance. is more than and the air on those heiohts is always t I b e "' ·,... · 1a.s . een t toroua y mo< erms . a' 'fh h · . . . wo. of B' d ll f ore, l 'fh . . ere, wt·nm a m11e or t for w1 1 hout any of . . and . d a.a that f fresh and wv1goratrng, e p man et eets re as b roa 0· is Bor.roli ·. commurw:atmg with the s e he bitter easterly nip. Thal Ilfr acom bo t el v lo al e r a s i a y n w hous?a the r and . o , l . once fl o uNahm sea port by the deep ly C further expansion ' "ClutGrta i! so'lrell&d.&-pted to children th.a.\ m ost mvar1ably cowf ortable and com m on- may fl o uris h without Caaterla cnrea Colic, Conllt!imtion, orovcd . .l:lt'eton-like hnes . th ti. over,.,. · " "' rown o mus t be tlie Ii op e ia .er ,i..rn ti1e expec' rrecommc:id it aa superior to nny presc . . riptio:u Sour Stoma.ch, Diarrhma, Eri1ctation, The ··h , lore Mrd · <Id Ch uic w i th their luimrmnt summer grow th of 1Plac e. . lmown i Kills W?nns, i;!Vtlll &loop, and t>romotes di· o a to fallen on i me." has v a h who . or n t isi a c e A. f All.c" l t . a · :&K 1 lI 1:" . th a11't h e 1ai:ided, c igmtanes f · D·· · '81· gh.' w.i ges:t1on sweet honey-suckle, aud dog-roses, al ong 0 love wiih the pl a c e. 111 So. Oxford Si., Bzoo kq11 , N. Y. . d1stnct, we!lt to iu e thank for the Whiiou $ u.jurloua medication. the y ; which Amyaa us ed to saun t e r daily to ' e frrim Tim C.E'l·.i.un Co11n·Y, 77 :>1.1uTay Street, N. Y. 1 i and fro from 'Mr. Brimblecomb's school. r t':1r'll .of her sot\ an !no companwns · " rld, .1ha s G1vE '.ruEM A CHANCE.-That is to s!ly ;.·------, 'J h e re are StGr:.an d Portiedge, and half a th1 crrcum!ialil ·aon of . 1 Also all your b reBthi ng s cor .:i of other pla ce s , the s e a ts of the been retored, or t ther rebm!.. Li , t . e your lungs. i ,Gren-vila, the C.ofl:1us, and othe r long· do- of the f ormer fabric, except the m.>ble ·n achi n ery. Very wondurful m achi ne ry Not only the larger air-p1issa.ges, ' .scnded farniliM, who have figured h onor- quari.i t o w e. r, hs b een l eft stand.nag. it is. ' ,ably in the hiuiory of Engl an d , and a.re 'L'ho .long bridge .itself, the famous bridge but the thouaundA of litt le ta bes and cav atill resident ica iJ)evon, tho ugh for the of B1de ford, . wluc h h as be?? me a h o ise- ities leading from tlrnu;i. When these re most part they have transpl anted them- hold word with all the mea ie va patriots clogged and choked with matter wl uch 1; D e von . h11.s been reJUYe>ted ought n1Jt o be there, your lungs cannot .st<lves else wh ere. Some of those seats, of Nor: H and diefig red out of all rocogmtion. half do their work. And w hat they do lilrn Stow Ji.ave bew d e m o li sh ed rebuilt u ' ' '.J'he irtlli:min,.hle row o v.rches Rtill span th<>y cannot do WAH. CRll it cold, couh, a::i.d de!<;foh<' .:i.i r . . the broa.t1 ·t1<l.a1 streMn; bnt, t,he1 n k t.o croup, pneuu1oma, catarr.h, c rn1.u m pt1 0n g . the widening an d the t hr o wi ng out of a or l\ny of the family ot throat nnd nose . Nowhere have rn : s a: tered so little fo()tWlL] on either side, they h ave almost and head and lung ohetructions, all are as at Clove ll y. I t oo. tru,l tl; a t the O:rys disap11eared un d er the superstructure bad. All oug ht to be got rid of. There Has a large Stock of are go ne, but of C!ovell y they support, While leisurely Junchmg, is just one sure way lo get i·id of Lhem. Co111t . must e m uc h as the use d to be ; th e sole sign of maratime enterprise I That is to take Boschc o's German Syrup, In order to make room for and the fishrng vllge wlrn: h cl i ngs to saw was a boatman p ushin out from the which any drt1ggi>t will sell yon at 75 g . the faoe of the chfls, decei· d ng abruptly bauk to re c v er a scull tlo,1ti1>g up on cents a bottle, Even if everything else , Goocls :w.bich are coming from the lodge gates to the httle har bor, the tlo0d, On a ramble v.fterwa.r.ds up h" failed yo11, you may depend upon on hand, which he is determined to run off is a bsolutel y unique iii iEn gla.u d : In faM, the sl'.rl)ets and rou nd the town. t.he only this for cert:i.in, 26 i.n we will star\t on cramped between the Kiteep walls of t hat t hing tba.t r ecal led the Bidefot·d of the rocky cha9m, it h as ne<11:cr had room for Jiiliz a be thi a n aoe was an occ asional expanaioll!. E v en no\v i t &s,some fourteen on a street c on e r or on one of the inns. m ile s from the nearest railw ay, and the There wa s the "Porto Bello," suggestive only roadE by which i.t m41y be .i;eached of vovages to Panmi.; and tl\e " Peal Also a large and choice stock of come to au brupt ending at .:i. syl va.n cor- o' Bella " which0wight have been m ean t ner on the ti.m o v erh an gi n it. Hy far to com o morat the return of successful rhe most easy .me an s of accem are by sea , adventurers. There was th e "New. a nd the inmates. of Clovelly ,<:Jo1.1rt an foundland," no uncommon sig n in tho;e '"'lear o.u.' Jl all remnants of only come at their seaport by ooram bl mg To u parts a sad tr ib ute to the m emory of the down the ladder-like causwa.y Ol>l foot, or a All n t and unf ort u u'a te Gilbert, . which will be sold at .Summer that we have by trusting tleir n ecks to a su r.e-footed g lla hal la ? d Street aud Br id.g el ai:d Street . pony Notlung but a fresh gale !lol;ld a cer taml y s macked of m e d 1e v al lsm ; but, in Stock s t rong sud from . the n? r t h-we st \vard, in c onspic io us inconsiatency, at the could knock the trny fisbmg craf t ab.out, corner of the former is the chuap haber or cauEe confusion in the a n chora g e ba- d:tshery establishment of the Bon Marr.he; So come along and bring your friend with you and ex But the while both streets lead up to h eights that hind the primit i ve little p ier. prudence of th e fisherman takes precau- ha v e bee n suburbnized wit h snug villas, amine Goods and Prices, all of which must be disposed of, to tion s against possible ch an ges in tho d et ach ed and emi-detached,allchristened make room for Fall Importations. wea t he r, and the tishmg-boats not 011 with t.he sLereotyped watering-place service are hauled high and dry , on a. am e s . It was a pleasure, on retracing broad bridge of shingle well aJ;iove the onE1's steps to the q1ais to come upon a the public know tbat we beach. To the Jett of theland1og-place Gr en v il House," a·seminary for y o un g are low cottages, with log ve;i·imdah.s, l adies, " kept by the Misses Yeo. Pos ·'"' d o what we advertise, that remind one ra.thcr of rnhabitants m sibly they are collateral descendants of K ing sl ey's topics than of a fish ing ham· old ::l eb as tan , for I fancy that .A.myas let m De v o n . '.l'l1e landing is, of co n rse, Leigh'8 trusty follower ne'Ver married. as le ha:ge for landin g And at any rat", there _is somet1ing ap in boats, m 1d _ and e Jil ba rk mg agam is si xpence for ;;ach propriately w elco me. 1!1 a .remmd"r of person, the C lovell y men must mitke a Bideford's lon"' SSQC.111.tLOn with the Gre n fai r h ar ve st in the summer time. Indeed, vi ls,-w h o b d settled there. oriinall.v . , bemg shut up between the downa, th with aNorman,Saxon, and Briton followclttf·· a (\ P\lQh, thtiy JnUt ·hg n- ina 011 lrncls given by the conQtH.:fOt', TJ;ii!l ii<iWde1' never ,farie. A mar ve l oi " punty, strength and wholesomonese. More '1·' :"I '.3 · -: ; ' on · · l.11 one · · ahape ... ci sea. t tievenuen rnly t economical th an tbe oril in nry kinds, and can . :N .. , ,, B. U. ::i:fAFJw t not be sold in compettion with the multitnde . . or 11.ntither. There is h ard l y a yard abo u t · · . thouoh its mumc1p:'ll or low test, short w!l1ght, al um or phosphate As for Barnstaple ·u age where you co uld p lou<ih and '10 · I VI . ' " f t h powders; Sold onlyrn cans · H.OYAI1 BAK. \" ' be!!.U· ai1tcecle;'1t tere.sing 0 t. e ING PO WDE R C0. . 106 wii.nst., sow, tho ugh it is brighten ed anii I am determined to clear out all my summr stock, ancl s i;naJ'. be m N, Y. · . . ---- -·-· · ·---------- ·: et.rnordmof. s t s a o b 1t , for Li fied by sm all strips of hailg1ng giu:dens ; 'ln_hquaran will sell the same at far less than wholesale price s. Some Jines, such. be and where thei"e ie nb 'rooii:\ for even a anly anc1et charters, t h. e re 1s ltttle to _ as Women's PruneJla B o ots and Gaiters, etc., I will sell at 50 cents ou na rrow flower h<mler without th e doors, said about it from te. p1cturesqu pomt · y :i:nd the villagers are fond of displaying ger- of view. No that it. is not prettil the dollar to clear out.. I am conl.inually sorting up with new stocfc ·a'niums and m iguone tte on their window even romantwally mtuated ; but hl1mii; $Ild will sell the same at c lose prices. May be looked for. This sale sillr,. . , · . . . Ji,eeling yom·self bigger, more busthrrg,. m;d more prosperbound to oi·c the portly Ja.ndiord a good o us than Bideford, it i become even merely refer to very turn-he "'is smokih" and contemplating more conventionally respect'llble. 'fhe YOUNG :M:EN-I am making terrible reductions on l\1en's the disembarkation ith simulated indif- mDnicipa.l authorities ha.'. done much l o w shoes, as they must be cleared out at once, short ends but includes i eces fereucd-you trespass on what ia appar- for the elfare of the c11.1z en , as the See tbe rrices in the almos t sory to observe. They ently his priva te a.pproach; b u t really, stranger i s w ind ow on these shoes. I wish to inf o rm the young . men who work at of ordinary dress lengths and the flight of steps is a public t h oro u ghfare have rebmlt and puri fied a network of (G. Cl'tA WFORD, Master,) the fa c to ri e s w that i l l give if they me a liberal share of their patro nage , en . e v h Will maim her.regular trips on this routo hey T street. ieval 1 ed narrow nd life outle t for Olovolly .a ,n at prices that will astonish and th e only . . gratified lenvi ng Cobourg every morning o.t 7:30 an d 10.ve be.en You sc r amb l e up on o e side; courageu milw ays , traffic. It will p ay you to come to. Port Hope u,t 9:50 o'ciock. <>n e.rrival of Grand I will make a special red uction to th em . you scr ambl e down upon the other, cros- w ith a co uple of tc1·u.m1, one m the vey ' Ci'unk Railway tru ins from the cast an(l west; you. connecting at Itochester with the N ew York I am keeping no trash and can sell yon sing the stone pla.tf or m before the o pe n heart of the town, and w1t h m a stone s Central, Nortl.1P.rn Central and Ede Hu.ilwaya, me for you r Boots and Shoes. · Barnstaple, "nd tho Lake Ontario Division oftho Homo, At et. the of mark throw · that a pat'i follow you Lion the r of o o Boots and Shoes, as cheap as any F.tore in Canada. ' :cannot give you corn.· d akirh the shin gle s by the harbor, to climb too, they have reju'Venated <1. enerblo Wate rtown & Ogdensburg ltailwayB for all used to be the curious rivl points east, west and sou th · plete list of we shall offer, a gai n , and be bro ught up beneath an bridge whi cl RETURNING. All Ordered Work will receive prompt attention. a r ch w ay that lead s to nothing but a neg - of th at of J:hdeford. At Barnstaple, . as Will leave Charlotte (Port of Rochester) as a sample read the fol- Iected backyard-so yo:1 think£ at least, at Bideford, they ha.e got s omethmg hke daily at !l o'clock l'. M. except on Saturdays, and m odestly make inqu iry ,to be told that a Rotterdam B?ompios, wher" r,he sh a when s!Je will leave at 5.15 p. m, for Port Hope direct, the lo w- C ro w ed arch is the entrance to <lows of the foliage fall over the qua_is, lowing. Dealers in stock will find this the ch e apest 'l'he room above it, by and t.hey have g one the length of. laymg and mos t expedition ronto to Oswego, Boston, t h e main street. d to A.lhany, New Y ork, &c. cuntide , s e d r a g publlc plilasant out viithe by haunted e b tQ sai<l . the way, is For iurther information, ApJJIY to . It is sti ff the honor and guardmnuh1p of the burgh , '. . , . ]age ghost, G. CRAWl·'OHLl. o r 1r. GILDERSLEIVE, _ 26-3m. Port Hope. Kingston. work toiling up the little street m the hot ors, KENNEit & Co., Agents. Bowmanvmc, sun, and yon aro delighted to com e to an LUNDY ISLAND, an chor at th e New Inn, na1f way up, There are no attractions in the wa.y THE UNITED STATES where th e walls of the coffee- r oom are ei th.:,r of r.rchitE!ct11rE1 or landscl',pe-garden ALL and China, old with decorated elaboia.tcly ing on Lnndy Island, whsch lies midway Wh.o are B ald , or have 'l'hin or Grey Hair, or laid temptingly whe re a luncheon-table is who a.re troubled w i th dandruit: in the B rit ish Olrnnnel, llome dozen of -01!' NEW YOUKThe nati.ves, wHh out far the trf·pers. .But the tory miles off Hartlt·nd Point. " SECUHE AMIDST PERILS." 0FFIE:. 32 0 & 022 BROADWAY,_ few exC'eptious, turn their attent ion to of Lu nd y is full of se1m1,tio1ml romanco. . Nllw UNITED STA 'l'ES MAIL STE.AM ERS P . O. Box Sol. l etti ng lodgings-for there are tickets of I There are the remains of r ound towers · . __ _ I " apartments to let " in almost every ancl of feudal stron ghol ds, and the wall SAILING BETWEEN No d ou b t the first coups rl'o:il win do w. Ne1v Feat. u I"es: ... of cltft'a by w hich i t isencircledisbreachecl NEW YORK and GLASGOW, .. · in a glorious 1111mmer day arc most eu and broken into tor.t.uous curvea and $10,000 Death by Accident. -ANDorry co;n to s clmn t i ng. Yet we would be $10,000 Loss of llands or Feet. tunnels which becom () so many hells of mit ourse\vGs to a week in Clovelly, when b is ter ua turmoil when the sea boiis NEW YORK and LIVERPOOL. $10,000 Los1; of Hand an<i Foot o .c::; w este rl y winds were bringing up wet $5,000 Loss of Hand er Fo ot. Lundy, from througl:t them in sto rm s. NEW \:ORJI: ,0.V GLASGOW SE}iYJCE. from' th e Atlantic, But in summer, those time immemorial, has ill wa ys been the .. $5, 000 Loss of Both Eyes. ' ,, Loss of One Eye. first enchanting coups d re·il, with the resort of th e lawless; and, strange to $1,.:>00 RA 'l' E S 0 F PASSAGE. , gl i m p ses up the overhanging chestn ut say, oyen down to the seventeenth cen $2,500 for Perma.nent Total Disnbility . GLASG OW SERV ICE b of baylet& lue the to glades and down $50 a week for.Totally tury, it was in famous as the headquarters To or from, New Yorl:, Glasgow, Liver the ch annel, remind one in-eslstibly of We are told of pira.tes and bu cc an ee rs. or Belfast. pool, Ny Lonclonde· Dis11-bling Injuries. tl1e most p ictu r e squ e mount.ai11 towns in by Mr. Worth, in his admirable 'Hiatory F lRS'I' CAJlJN. Tho nbove com bined insurance costs about the Appe nin es or along tho Reviern. of Deyon,' that in the opening y ears of .A.ft O utsi de Berth. $60 E:rcursion Tic ) $110 'rhe cau seway, the crossways, the crowd the reign of James I. it gra ual l y grew Art Inside or J<'or· $26 A YEAR ets available ,. tor 1 Year ) $!10 ward Berth, $50 ing together of the houses, as if .the in in favor as a haunt of the pirates, who or, One-Half or One-Quarter :it Pro- I.LI h abit ants shrank from the sunslune, are SE C 0 N D C L'A 8 f;. had for their " king" a certa.in Captain portionate Ra.ten. "' Nay, to comp let e the al all the same. ... Salkeld must have been ex Single, $ao, (Including reonieites.) Return, $5 Salkeld, Children, 2 to 12 yrs., halffare, Infants freo. lu sion, you are met by the donkeys with d i a s ia d n a l s i te J62o in but pelled ; l'rfombership Fee, $5 in each Division. their panniers of manure, which bl ock actually to h ave fallen mto the hands of " NEW YORK & LIVEUPOOL, 'f)ia Q1rn:>STO::> Wlll be fou nd inva.Iuable for the hair and sco.!p, thoroughfare as they come · fhe n arr o w 36,00G Members. an Alaerine squa d ron and th e ncefo rward, It cleanses the scalp of all Dandrufi', invigor . S. S. CI'I.'Y OJ!' R.UME. stumbling over the stones. But when tho for m ny y e ars, " it was noth ing" if not ates the growth of the hair, and in cases of J.as, R. PrTCHER, baldness, where tl1ero are tho slightest siR:na ot E'rom J,1..-EJU'OOr,. err.as. B, PEST, · hill bas boen scaled, and you have passed pi ra tical . In 1632 it was reputed the From :'><EW Yomc. roots left it will pro d uce good crops of hair. Gen. Ma.a' gr & Sec. President. fairly Wed, Sept,H, CITY OF' ROME. Wed.Aug,31 of are out you Park, into Clovelly It reetores grey hair to its original color, and headquarters of a notorious buccaneer Wed, Oct, lZ, Cl" l Y OF ROME. Wed. Sept,28 The is a.n excellen t dre ssln.g Italy and back again in EnJand. named Adm iral Nutt, who required for DO NOT DELAY.ityonr hair ls in a weak But his repression it fleet of some dozen fresh foliage is exuber antly rich. R A TE S 0 F PASS AGE. co ndition get a bottle at once. ev e r ywh e re you can trace the perpetual vessels; For ea.le by J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, It hould be rem mb ere d, in To or from .New York, Di10erpool or . n nd all drugg!sta. Ask: fo1· it, struggle between the biting n ortherly pinning a tnp to Lundy, that every thm g (jiieenston. gales aud the balmy Dev on air,la'den with depends on.t11ewea.ther, A. DORENWEND, S.0le Manfr. Except wlen ll'IRS'r CAlH::I. 1 moisture from the Gulf Stream . · Aftor a thfl channel ia pedectl TORON'fO, CANAD.A.. an c l m a m, l d y Best Outside Rooms, tor 2 p eraons, each pa.sCome early and Secure tolerably tubsta.ntial lunch aL the New and embarking are aways A. Doronwend is the leadlng manufacturer· more or less senger, $too : Rel.urn Ticket, $180. of Hair G oods in Canada. Inn, where they had tempLed you with . B .est Outside Itoome, _for 3 persona, Best . gone has who touriat the clifilcult ancl · the Bargains. . ' Inside or N e x t Bost Outside H.ootns t o r 2 per· hill·m·1tton ancl newly caught lob11te1·s, ashore rn the c lothes he wears, may be non e each pa.ssenger, $80; Return Ticket, $HO· In one is n a tu r ally some what d rowsy. Next Be s t Outsllle Rooms , for 3 or 1 persons is blow· detained ind efini tely while a gale · · or I nsid e Uooms. acc ord init to location, for 2, 3 DIRECT W:IRE COMMUN CATION, languid a.dmira.lion of the bea u ties all · ·. 1ng ltseIf out or perso ns, each passenger, :,>6tl ; Return about, you sit down on the stem of a Editorial Correspondence. {Continiicd_Jroi J mu·1 E M NA GREAT m SALE Infants Children. 1 / th I · 1 CW< J,I.Y, the grounds M.MAYER REGARDLESS OF COST. F'alJ 0 SUMMER HATS MONDAY, J 25 Goods rapidly, name I u'i : GENT'S FURNISHINtiS .At.Cost. As I n DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. alway P!UEI I Rare -e arga1ns J (loei-IlOt p IJ! Q ·1..· 1 · t<' ; ! Absolut . ely Pure. I BIG SALE! n an . We all a REMEMBER THE PLACE-SCOTT'S OLD STAND. Best 12§c. Print f0r 10c. a Yard. :Best toe Print Sc. a Yard. GEORGE B1JCK. IMPORTANT TO for ANCHOR LINEI MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION '\onK, Other Prints for 5C. and 6c. a yard. ( Dr DORE NWE ND'S z <C Ha n d some D r e ss Goods 1 Oc. a yd. d CJ <( 0: LIJ J: )> { 1- QC CJ ; I COX & CO., ; TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. J. J. MASON . General ry Goods & Jewelry · H OUSe. I fallen frp,c, and in memory of Raleigh and Kingsley and Sebastian Yeo, light up a pipe of tobacco, . . . . · . Thon you must hurry back to catch the s teamer , marvelling a.nd congratulating yourself that among s om e seventy or e i g hty fellow-excursionists, not one has taken that roinantic wa llc through the By the wa.y, before leaving the Park. I Pal'k, we a.re reminded of another novel , I or rather novelette, with which it ia as 'l'he tragic scenes of " The : sooiatcJ. Picture Secret," by !\fr, Walter Pollock, were fa.id in the house and grounds, with Children Cry for Enlh'eninrr himself with such excur sions from tlme to time; the visitor may make h imself very comfortable at IlfraCobe. -l 0 Ile" c c a.t ter e d aloil" " " '" t· = - 'fl ,.., the bulb escarped on the Capston e .l:lill, arc delightful p l aces for reading or dreaming. Ono need never be tired of admiring th e qua.int little har bour, with the har acterse op. the h ill above, istic chapel-lighthou · ·d· wh re coa t mg eraft8 re n u:g 1 oose at their.moorings on the rise and foll of the tide ; and where steamrs are sou nd ing their whistles of u. mormug, before start- MORE ABOU'.r lL.FltA.00311:.t>. 'l'ickets, $118. Svecie.., Upper Deck, and State Callins as per agreeme n t. Chi ldr en , 3 to l:l years, ha.If fare. Infants, free, Se rvan ts, $50. Active fiuctations in the Market, offer opportunities to specula SECOND c LA ss, iors to make money in Single, $:JO, (Including all Ileqnieltea.) Ite· Grain, Provisions, turn, $00. Children 2 to J 2 years, half farm Infants, f'ree, Stocks, Bonds & s ·1· E 1r. RA GE. a1iplicaLion to, For circnlars or other particulars, make · -OR-' .Always ae low as any othe1· flr.it·cl·1es lh1e. Pitcher's_ Castorl j M.A. JAMES, Cana.dian R"presentative Ilow.\HNYIJ,J,f:. early Petroleum. Prompli attention given to Of!:ico over HENDJUSON BROS., G-m1eral Agente, cmcA ,0· NEW YORK, Bosl'o?\·. J<.:::nti·anre by Telephoue ,'ta.iise. ]1.tf. Iurdoch'e Stow. } odeTs, I ! I 1 i." n: ' ;:,,;·""\.;','."l EASY 1·0 u.s E · ..:-..:/':'Hh·c l: X ptc:i' o r n t w11 ('fl1:.sot1 n:r < ·; f:. 1:·d .. ,··1· ·1t . i"··-.P·"·l on ncciJ>t of p:i'cc, 50c;, '" "' 31. . .. ,;.:Jr,,,.s OntBrnci<.·;i.lb, ... CO & FULFORD ------- ;, ':..: ;;·;'. 8f].'0P.;