· .4' · ,. ' ,. TERMS :-$1.liO Pim A:ttNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, NEW SERIES, NuMDEn 473. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1887. VOLUME XXXIII. SOLINA. NUMBER 34. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Are now selling their Parasols at and several lines of Dress Goods at and OC>ST :E>'Fl. IC E:: ,. ALLAN " LINE, :MAPLE GRUVE. Plowing is the work of the day, thou gh the land is very hard. al BOY.AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. S.A.RDINI.AN, from Quebec, 'l'hursday,July 14 POLYNESIAN, ,. Friday, July 22 PARISIAN, ·Thursday, July 28 SARM.A.TIAN, or 'l'hursdav, .A.ug.1 CIRC.A.SSIAN, " Fridey, Aug. 12 S.A.RDINIAN. Thmsday, Au. 18 POLYNESIAN. " ,, Fr1day. An g, 26 PARISIAN, Thursday, Sept l LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAILINGS. Mr. Sam. Oak is home from on a short visit. UNDER COST PRICE. and some l i n e s wi l l b e sold at A. :i:.... i:;-:PFl.IC:E. necting with the mail steamer at Port l&nd leaves Toronto on Wednesday morn ing. The last train connecting with the mail steamer at llalifax leaves 'l'oronto on Thursday morning. For tickets and every information, apply to W. A. NEADS, Bowman ville, Agent Allan line. 11 tf $50, $65 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, $60. Steerage, $20. The last. train con- R.arns OF OcEAN PASSAGE :-Cabin, and $75 ; return, $100, $125 Miss Mary Hogarth is vis iti g relatives Toronto in Western Ontario. Mr. Luther Hogarth has gone into the We are glad to see th at our pathmaster dentistry business in Bowmanville, we is rep ai r i ng the holes on the road. which understand. Mr. Chas. Brantou, our popular well have b een bad for so long. dig ger , is again maki ng the dirt fl y . DEXTJ\R, Hall's. Mrs. John Fletcher, of Seaforth, who Mrs. Lindsay, of Manitoba, is visiting has been visiting around here for some at her fatl1er's, Mr. A. J. Axford. Miss E. Jones is visiting at Mr. O. time, returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. John YanNest have be 3n visiting near th e lake . n 'l'he Ch e es e Company have sold and shi pped all of July cheese. Ja ck ou & Balle t of Gue l ph , mmi the buyers an d 11 cents was the p ri ce obtained. Mr. Brill, the gentleman who inspects and pays for the cheese, pronou.uced them a tirst class lot. BAMP'l'ON. , s Visitors in the neighborhood this week A. T. DeLury, of Manilla ; Mrs. Mrs. Pound, of Port Perry, and Mrs. Waller and son, of Markham ; Mr. Bran o e others Tucker and son, of 'l'oronto, have been ton, sr., of Tyrone and whose names we did not learn. vi siting friends here. COURTICE. are : Prof. J. H. Brown, of Wilkinsburgh, Pa., p ent a. few d11ys las\; week at the home of his boyhood, Cedat v.lley Farm, the residence of Mr. I. L. Brown. Mr. R. J. N id d ery and Misfl Coleman opened school last week, with a good attendance. s CO TO '9. - A lot of PRINTS below Importing Prices. REMEMBER These are not o l d musty, moth· eaten, bankrupt goods; but 'l'.A.l'f & MORRISON'S and in spect their "Wo.11 Papers-latest designs. greatest variety, and prices to suit everyone. Stock now ready. Do you want a new and pretty Window Shade or Blinds? We have something new in this branch. Call and see them bo· fore you invest. or you'll be sorry. Still leads in P h otogr aph s and our Studio is often crowded. Com11 early in the day when you can. Just now you may want s om e extra Engravings or Chromos to adorn your rooms. Wc have o. great variety, good and cheap. too. If you want a baby carriage we can suit you; we have some nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too, o.nd Boy's 'Nagons, Carts and Wheelbarrows. Lawn Rain is needed badly te check the to be patronized, as Mr. Lang is very swamplfires raging to the north of this strict and punctual in his business 1md he has one of the best hearaea that there is place. The whistle of the steam thresher is to-day, outside of the cities. now heard in the land. Tnm. The farmers have about finished their Mr. and Mrs. John Worden are away harvesting in this locality and they are very well satisfied with their crops, con in Manitoba for a short holiday. We congratulate Mr. Sam. Courtice, sidering the dry season. Miss E. Sauderson, and JI/Ir.Ed.Sanderson :Mr. Richard Lang, our popular under on their success at the recent examina taker, is getting a good patr onage in his tions. line of business and we think he deserves Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Allin, and Mr. Luther Courtice, of Bowman ville, spent Sunday at Mr. Jaa. Courtice's. Mrs. Brayley and daughter,of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Cameron Trull's. Our base ball club lrnd a practice on JACK. Saturday evening laet. , sm Mr. Thomas McLean has pu rchased a. new steam threshing machtng and will be on ha11d this week ready t receive orders. As Mr. McLean is a.n old thresher )10 doubt he will rnceive a liberal patron age . Miss M. J. Elliott was visising friend.s in Bowmanville last week. , KlRBY. We boast of our musicl\l taleut in this village, yet we think it would be har d to find a p lace where voice culttrntiou is more needed. A local correspondent e t ated recently that he expected there would be si x marriages out of the choir in the next two years, wo r<incerely pity the congregation that would have to lisllen to the remnant, as it is fashionable for all those who enter the marriage state to leave the choi r Mr. Michael Cryderm!ln h as let the contract of building a new h ouse on his farm to Mr. A. Pe n ing ton. SLOW Bo . TAJT QNEWJX)FRESff:]XIFASHIONABLEJXIGOODi;D bought for this season's trade. But as we require the room for our fall importations these goods must and will be sold. Mr. James McCormick has had erected We have the pleasure of congratul ating Miss E. Campbell and Mr. F. Werry on on his premises a flag taff. It is 150 feet their success in passingJor third class high and the union jck can easily be certificates, at the recent examin11.tions at seen all over this section of the country. Mr. James Morrow, of Brooklin, is Bowmanville. Mr. M. Cade has succeeded in getting visiting friends here. a situation in Toronto. Mr. Henry Birch, of this place,is visit our ing friends in Kinmouth. Mr. A. Lang's st::>re will oon be in full A good act. 'l'he ml\yor has proclaim bloom and we wish Alex. every success. ed Saturday as Civic Holiday. During What we should like to know ? If the the afternoon a base-ball match will be folks have let Joe'a onions alone yet 1 played between the Stars of·. Ebene e r 'rhere are some reports of Isaac enter a11d the Gladstones of this place, to com ing the r,onnubial state ere loni;:. mence at 1.30 sharp, after which a very I would very much like to know what inter esti g 1.?ame of foot-ball will tske h as become of that man S cou t. plllce between the Dragons of Enniskillen lNCOHNI1'0, and the Shamrocks or the Stragglers I and thE;J Burketon Blues. Last, but not .ENNISKIL"l.f§N. least, will come the Ladies' Aid social Rev. A. MacLaren arrived home from which will compiete the day's proceedings, the east last week, looking much better All are i nvi ted . for hia short vacation. He occupied his Mr. R. Davey and wife h11.ve been visit .own pulpit on Sa b ba th mornin" l a st and in .t friends at Whi tby . in his discourse referred to t e sudden Mr. A. E. Manning was successful and much lamented death of Mr. Cuth at the late examinations, in obtain first· bert, of Cartwright, a very worthy and class C. certi ficate. Congratulations ighly esteemed elder of the congrega Al bert . tion. The S ha oc ks wen to Orono and The neighborhood e t n d a very p l ayed t he q 1 an ts of Kirby a game of he arty welcome to Mr. Wilbur Hut chison . foot· ball. Time was clled aft r and wife, of ·winnipeg, who are on a an ho1 ? and a half without eithe r aidA visit to his parents here. \¥ilbur was . p_rocurlng a goal. he captams then de- always a popular boy when he resided in c1ded to play on till a goal was made. our village· After about fifteen minutes playi ng t.110 · · M. E. Tr e:'1outh , of Hampton,_ is 1mGiants succeeded in making a goal. The pr?vmg our village., H has _bmlt new boys were well pleased with the w ay chunneya on Dr. Mitchell s residence and . they were treated by their Orono friends. has repaired the chimney on Mrs.Elford'a . . . Mis M. Rushton ta very sick with the house, the ·rown Hall and some other gout m her head. Was not able to take. bu ildinas her place at the organ 011 Sunday. , mong n.. 0 ' the v1 · a1 ·tors 1 ast week : M' iss Mrs. Tucker and son, of Toronto , were Benson Mi chi <Y an · llfias .Bar!yss Cleve t ie guests of Mrs. A. E. Clemen's,Locust land, hio; Mrs'. W. E. Till y, Mrs. ]arm, last we ek Northcote, Mrs. J. Vanstone and :Mr. S. Our circuit harvest home w ill be held Vanstono, town ; Mr. 0. l\foCiellan, here Sept.28th. A grand time is expected. Oshawa ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pollard, T. Hoidge, Thedford; Mr. At the meeting of the Shamrocks on !)rono; J. N1ddery, Hampton; Mr. C. MarSaturday night, Mr. John O'Dell was aptm and Mrs. Thompson, Cmsarea. pointed captain. Mr. A. O'Dell, Orono, school on Friday last. Success Marlow. visited TYRUNE. Mr. Ed. Birch improved his residence very much by painting his house and fence. n Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balls. Games for famili es and social parties; Our Minors are clear and true ; our picture frames are of the latl\St and most attractive designs. Curtain poles & rings. Plush goods-nice and cheap. Another new branch just in troduced at Tait & & z n MORRISON'S . Couch, Johnston & Cryderman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. Is a Jewelry Department whore you will ft11d the very latest in Ladies' andGcntlemen'sjeweJry. '\'Vfl invite special attention to our new stock just in. Base Ball goods, Sc-hool and Hymn Books, Stationery, Toys, and in deed everytbtng to be found in a Variety and Fancy GoO<la' · On Mon day evl'ming 15th inst, aftiei Mr. John Cuthbert had returned fron work he went to catch a lwrac and as he approached it, it turn ed and kicked,strik ing him in the abdomen. He was taken to the house and Dr. Campbell was at once summoned anrl did all in his power to allay the sufftirings, but it was appa11ent that the kick would prove fatal and he lingered on in pain and s u ffe ri g until Thursday eve ing about 4 o'clock w}\en death came to h is relief. Deceased was a promi nent member and elder of t h e Presbyterian c h urch and :i. teache r .in the Sabbath School. In politics he was a staunch reformer :md 8.s a citi z o n he was highly respected by all who knew h im. His funeral 011 Saturday was large l y attended. He leaves a wife and one dauhter to mourn h is untimely end. They have the sympathy of the neighborhood in their sad and sudden berti<;,vement. C.AR1'WBIGJJT. n n , , h STORE THE m . TO OUR CUSTOMERS Eclipso Houso AND THE playng I xe s Public Generally. SPECIAL NOTICE! All through · is still ahead. Ou11 new Spring styles in HATS aro now in. The ! , O e' There will be a han'est home picnic ·;.at Washburn s Island on Lhe 27th. Two stea mer s are engaged to run excursionip:ts from Cmsarea and .M11gill's l and ing. Several Bands are expected and no doubt a large number trom adjoining townships will avail themselves of the grand tre. There will be a Garden party at Mr. Robt. Taylor's Esq., on Thur· dy th.a 1st of September, this b ein g in connectiim with the Ladies' Aid of the n1ethod1if;t church of Williamsburg. Any amount of enj oymen t on h and such as swin, music by vocalists and Cartwright Br(fss C ome earl y and secure a sa.t. Band. Gates open a t 2 p. m. PLOw Bov. Masons a1·e busy at the M etho dis t church, the stone work is don e and brick· work is under way. Picnics and Garclen partles or d r of the day. Rain is much needed. Harvesting is about comploed. are now tho ' "Jubilee Christie" is all the rage-sold only ai the Eclipse ouse . . ff: l the month Of T ies, C ol ars, Cu s pr1ng S . . August I intend g1v1ng s pecial and Underclothing u o r drives in all lines of Dry Goods. Everything included, Silk, going off very rapidly . Satins, FINE ORDERED CLOTH INC A SPECIALTY. Cut by the only first-class cutter in town. Dress-Goods, Law-ns, Muslins,· Prints, Mourning-Goods, Black Cashmeres, Embroideries, Oriental All-over Embroidery, Laces, Plushes, Vel veteens , Gloves and TO MARRY Young Men, Bachelors and Widowers, W. H. IVES. in Lisle Thread, Taffata and Kid and a Perfect colored 5-Buttoned Kid Glove for 30 cents a pair. Millinery at Half Price e Qm1'1R Will gne a HaJC Dozen Silver Plated Tea Spoons with eve1·y We(lding Ring The following is clipped from the Peel Banner, Brampton : "The Mono Road circuit of the Meth od ist church, has two regularly appointed clergymen thi!! year, Itev. J. C. Spears, superintendent, and Rev. J. T. Morris, his colleaue . The' l&tter is a. t!!lented young man and gives promise of a bright feature ; he is considered by hia l>eople to be nothing lesa than a pulpit star. Re_v. F. Woodger, ate of '!yrone, was Rec eived too late for last week. Mr. Jas. Souch has rented Mr. SomExtensive preparations are to be made mere place between here and Bowmanall over the Hampton circuit for the har ville. vest home tea in aid of the new Metho Visitors to our village on Sabbath : dist church parsonage, to be held here Mr. R. Gordon and wife, Orono; Mr. H. Thursday afternoon, 26th inst. Knight Mr. B. Kenner and Mr. Tait Rev. T. Atkinson, the former pastor of and wife, Bowmanville·; Miss Annie the Presbyterian church here, w as in the Dames, New Park. village on Friday last, en route for New Mr. John McLaughlin, Sr., is very York, where he takes the position of pas sick. tor of one of the city churches. All here Mr. John Dames, Mariposa, is visiting wish him success. friends here. On Monday afternoon, 8th inst., Lhe Mr. Wright, Cartwright, was at t_he dwelling house of Mr. John Hoskin, on Reeve's on Sabbath. the old Taylor estate, was totally de The S. A. intend l1aving a great jubilee stroyed by fire. A portion of the conon Monday next. tents were saved. The .firo originated by Mr. John Pettinger was to the city o n a spark from the chimney lighting on the roof. Insurance on building and contents, Saturday. · fr. , Mr. W. Aunger, sr., who has been sick for some time, died on the 12th. Bis funeral on Snnday week wa a large OJ.'ll. What takes Y a.nkee acro ss the weatern so much lately ? Miss Eva Brown has been visitin· friends in Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Bullivan and Mr. Walt.e: Harper, ot Gore Bay, Manitoulin Ialat'id have been visiting fr ie nd s here. HAYDON. ' Mr. Jas. Harper intends g o i n g to tll"At land that flows with milk and honey and whert'l peace and plenty llhall reign fop. ever, Manit o u lin l>iaud. Well well, J oh nny had tha ste er, · p wonders will never cease. The ding-dong of the school bell is again heard t hrou ghout our land. Our happy and popular teacher returned to be ready for his work, on Saturday last. Judging from his looks the p arting must have given him pain, evidently his eyes had not closed in sleep nur his strong right arm known rest for the last n ight or two before returning. 'Ve congratulate Miss Lizzie Dean, of $400. Wide awake Jo1i.n Brown with his wide awake eeparator was in this vicinity doin"" 0 some lively work. The following have be e n on t he sick list but are recovering: Mr. E. T.Slomon, Mr. G. .B rown , Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. ,:J. Trewin, Miss S. Hooey, Mr. W. Stacey, and Mr. J. Rundle. Mr. and Miss Mountjoy and Miss Thorn, of Enfield, and Mr. A. Colville and Mr. D. McOonnachie, of 0\¥11e, spent Sunday with frie nde here. Mr. J. and Mias Mountjoy, Mr. Sam!. Mountjoy and Mr. A. Soper spent Sun day week with friends in Cartwright. to A select party spent Saturday on t,Pe lte sells during lth!Clearing married roently to Miss Anme Hancock, our village, in successfully passing the shores of lake Scugo. They visited ·1\t1 of Woodville. examination for 50 3rd class Provincial cerOut Sale. the principal points of interest and report The La dies'Aid, in connection with the Methodist church, give a social on Satur· Base-ball and foot-ball are day, 27th. the order of the day. Two visiting teams Cr.IMAX, are expected. tif icate. Mias Dean has only been in attendance at Bowmanville Bih School since June last. an immense time and are oongra.tulating themselves o n the capture of a couple of fine lunge something lesa than five feet long. When are you going to kill again William, we would like a piece of mutton', elear. Gents' Department complete in all its branches from Collars a nd Cuffs to a fine Elk .. Coat and i-iat. CA.'l'A.RRH '::;-;.;::-;:-::-;;;; GEO. LA/NB. Not a LiqiLid Sntt.jf or ia A particle ia applied into'each nostril and Price 50 oonts at Dru ggist s ; by agreeable. mail registered, 60 cents.-Circular tree. ELY BROS,. Drugglst11, Osw..,go, N, Y. HAvE You Titn:D IT 7 If so vou can testify to ita marvellous powers f healing and recommend it to your f riends . We refer to Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Among our visitors : Mr.A.. Callander, Strawbeny, the grand specific for all summor complaints, d1arrhroa, cholera Smith's Falls ; Miss McPherson, Orillia; morbus, dysentary, cramps, colic, sick- Mr. E. Virtue, Toronto; Mrs. and Miss 11e116 of the stomach and bowel compl aints Madge, Port Hope. = ===== === of infants or adults. ]et its merits be known to all who lave not used it. NASAL BAL:>rr .-Deafneas c aused by Catarrh is qu ickly relieved by Nasal , . DO NO , . JIA.Jt!U to try J," ree11:m11 ,s I'l, CJAN I B:1lm. Headache caused by C at arrh is ,v0r111 Po-wtlei·s wbcnyon1· chH1l 1" ailing "I' · klY cured by J.. -.. T ;n · qmc , al Bs1m. icvcrisl· or frc1fttl, + Mr. R. M!Lroney has purchased the sol e right to manufacture for this town ship the celebrated Callander iron harrow. These harrows gave great satisfac tion here last spring and Mr. Maroney will no doubt be kept busily employed supplying the orders. Don't be afraid of the new cove1ec b u gg y, ladies. A YALUADLE DrscovERY.-F. P. Tar; ner, of Neebing, Ont., says he has J;)O ol) ly found B. B. B. a cure for Dyspep but he also found it to be the best mea' cine for regulating and invigorating th system that he has ever taken. B.B.I is the great system regulator. fl I l'ROF, LO'll"'S Slll.l'JUIK SOA.P ls a ·' llghtful toilet luxury ns well 1111 a goo·l c1 . niive tor sldn tll11e1,c.