· property, which, when realized, will give us reproach and remorse which-denied its some three thousand pounds to begin life on natural outlet of tears- almost stopped the - quite enough with youth and health to beating of her heart. The trees-their IS PUBLISHED back it-in Austr.;lia or Cana.da. And, tnmkablack, their leaves transparent against . W. RUSE. "il\7ERW FRlDAT MORNING, believe me, dearest, I do not regret the a red stormy sunset- seemed to swim in -BYbloo before her eyes, something loud and wealth I have losu for your sake; and! am EACHE R 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, VOICE and THEORY. ' l'erm s on avplt- ..., sure that you do not regret the wealth you torturing rang in her ears, and, although M, A.JAMES, By the Author of "KATE MASSEY'S l!'.<1.LSEHOOD," "BEATRICE'S AM:JJITION," "Fon have lost for mine. ·we are young; we love she did not lose consciousness, she lay as oa.t on at "!3IG 20." 28;l;y r AT THI!: OFEICE . LovE OR KINDll.ED ?" "A GoLDEK DREAM," &c., &c. each other I would, if I had known of it, one dead. A hare came out from among some dry have forfeited with my eyes open what I l"ost OAlcc Block, IUog Street, no,..·..an. · Yllle, Ontari o. forfeited blindly, so sign myself as I do now, ferns, and sat up and looked at her with dewy innocent eyes; a bird, sweeping low "Your husba.nd, , them, as he threatened to do-the usurping TERS: CHAPTER II. through the wood, rose suddenly with a " GLYNN NEVILLE. "8k' Illt !" I.GO iter A.muun, or $1 tr paid. In lldTance m-fl' , Although it wa.s yet early morning, a old startled cry at the sight of her; a squirrel He r pale face had slowly become deadly Parmenc strictly In advance required from group of people was assembled about a tall :s;: sh ., father-;- you ought not to tr.lk so white and rigid as she read; her eyes dark- sprang upon a bough of the dead tree above Jno. McMurtry & Co. s:i;id Hyacmth gravely. 11bsor1bors outs id e of the county. Orders to poplar tnat gi·ew etween the angle of a n ening and the pupils dilating; but she laid her, and peered at her between the ivy . , ! c. Oh, I m not a ,womanJaoontlnue the paper m ut be accompanied by bay-wmdow an, t pre tend the letter down . and an ivy-clad wall. On the But none of these wild creatures !.re prepared to pay the highest price quite steadily, drew one leaves o door-step beyond, a tall, elegant woman o be sorry when Im n ot ! I ve been tea.ted long deep breath, flung her hat off her head of the wood ventured near; they feared the r::1 :r :s n brother put m my younger mousl-my lllf a endea broken age a pillar, inst all k in ds of Grain delivered at the was leaning . Jade, as if i ts weight oppressed her and took the s i lent, moti<mless being, although she la.y vouriug vainly to keep a torn and dirty place-this . wretc hd andful of property other letter from where she ho.d placed it. as quiet as the ground beneath her. '=-l!!i RA.TES OF A.DVEBTISING I left me, winch I can t nag a htmdred a y a. Whe.rf or their Store House in town. f Then, settling herself a little deeper am ong r11ole Column one yea1· . ...........$60 oO 51;; morning-wrapper closed about her throat , and (TO llE CONTrnUED ) . a tired out of, au h!l.ve o pay a heavy re n t or the ivy and fern-leaves about the foot of the Half year_ . . .. .. . . il6 0 0. .. watching an elderly gentleman who, t .. " .. . . ; and keep m ;epair, an not touch the trce_s One que.rter ... .. . 20 00 in an extremely ragged dressing go wn was " tree, she read page after page w it ho ut a " umn o ne year . .... . . . . . . . . . ll6 00 -- assisting three ha.nd.iome out-at-el bow lads and all- all :-ecommg extemly red. m sign of emotion . lut when she had finished _.sl f Co l" . .. o Tb e .EXt' mot Aust ralian 1' 10. Half year .. .. ....... 20 o to get a large kite out of the.topmos t boui:;h, the face and g1v1_ng a fa?tast1c 1ttle w1sk Ghe dropped the manuscript from a hand . t to the ragged sku;t of his dressmg-own- grown suddenly nerveless an d moaned as puted pomt, It has long been a di and sixof the poplar. A young girl of about s OF CANADA. u,r er 0 l;ur.n teen years of age, whose exquisite face and " bec.ause . I foll, m love and married vhe she rocked herself to and fro; tlien she indeed ·t vexed question, as to whether the 12 50 = e I he_ wanted ! _ W ll, as Capital paid up, $1,000,000. Rest, $60,00 · ever g lion so at existed. called Australian o One quarter...... .. 8 00 - 5 shining yellow hair almost succeeded in vey 1dent10a.l girl a w ite fell on one side and lay h nd still and Ten lines and n n der . 11 r st insertion· $0 50 -S0me interesting discoveries, however, have hiding the fact that her gown was far from said before, I have wife and children, and almost breathless endurincr an aao This Bank 18 p repared to do Legltl" ny of O 25 1£aoh aubsequen ti ns ertion · he has money-Verschoyle and Shangannon ear an were locks beautiful her abundant clean and a t she was h t d bram th' " to remember been recently made in the Wellington Caves : l!'rom six to ten lines, first.insertion 0 75 .,,, zrn.te Bank' mg i n a 11 1 ' ·t8 branches. · d °f what use are hey to him now -an : on sat broken New South Wales, of undoubted remains of a uubrushed, uncombed and o ... -. . . 35 insertion ever afterwards. &ach ubsequent r mers notes discounted; Deposits "hat '.I-re you talkrng about so earuest. Fa animal ,Pver ten lines,ftrstinsertion,perline 0 to-10 garden-seat near laughing as only youth I this 'l'he present at deare bones 'l'he letter that had so crushed her-that 0 03 Bach 1mb se quent i nserti on , " and health can a t the efforts of her father and ly? \A hat is the news, Glynn? M:ay I kn ?w? had almost driven the life from her· slender posited in the Mines Department Museum, eoeived and In tere s t. p11.id on amo u n ts of i called out the lady who was lean mg ag:unst frame _ran as follows 'l'ho number of lin e s to be reckoned bySydney, and consist of several very com- ·o upwards in Sa ing Bank Department; bro th ers. \ho spa.oe occupied , .mea ured bya sca.leot . . . plete jawbones, containing the teeth in an "Give the line a jerk ! There- it' s coming. the door-post. . n R A J:i"I' " M Ol!d Nonpareil, ep he n a e lle Y 1 ew N l Heir-As r rrty c h e r I ; a e p la ve1·y ill-had . e xcellent st.o'l.te of preservation. Prior to !u@ued and Col.iect.rnns made in Europe No ; it's stuck faster than ever !" sa.id Mr. I "My u11cle is an ea ith t and threatemn me t s yet d h _ D to once. t for a want I start Ireland -. I bein " publicly exhibited they were sub- United States and -"' Verschoyle standing on his toes and making must mg t a drnt.a.?ce, and with the thu gt evr Canad11.. mittd to the inspection of Prof . Sir Richard DRS, Jlcl.AIJGRtIN .t; BEITH. a vain attept to catch the tail 01 the kite as . be in D ublin by ten to-night," answered the · befo1e me that when he does stnke it wtll 0 i ' ' · ' 1 young man . I Ither and thither Ill the au-, his wen, 0f t 10 Bntish Museum, and h' 18 't swunfl' h' W T. ,TONES, OFFICE · ·-MORRIS' BLO CK BOWMANVILLE be but 0ne blow'. an,I . t' " t '13 . you may nt b . e opinion is that the animal was a marnupial h eel s descending from his carpet slippers as !' Mrs. versch oy 1e cme down th e steps and near-no.t h!!.ve come_ lll time to hear ce1tam P,r.J.W.McLAUGHMN. A. BEirH, Gra du- he did so and exposing the fact that his ·sauntered towards hun. or pouch-bearing . lion ' fully equal in size to ncentiate of the Rny al 0 te of t e . . 'd "We11 exp l\fark t" s·he sa1 what , ··ou 1nay well the ex1st111g - Toronto h . . "1 ndee l . . " c t p001. . l ana tio n respec1rng cotton stockmgs sadly needed wash- 1 Afr ican specie s. Di coveries white . . c 11 f Ph n a h . c l I s 1 sp a k 'c t r e sa of k t r s 'c y p n after all. s i c / . t a rue r hin imd a ha h cap I py, don w101 y d1 o : c ngd eeber Yfe ·g Universi y, Ph i of leonine remains have at variot1s times mg and mending w . Royal College of Snr- S urgeon , &c. "It won't budi?;e . it'll scay there for ever But you musttt t go without your break f a t I property--.£ h,we deterunn d to place my been made in New South Wales and also geons, E dmburgh . ' ravate us. I do believe I ou know; I'll h urry Lil ;"and she fol d ed I reasons on pap e r , so that if what I fear in Victoria and the specimens i question and ever J·ust to ag g ' Your atLention ia di re cte d to the immense I r;er arms upon her b road b osom, sighed happens ' yon 8h a111mow whY I 1eft my esare well preserved. They have been exit knows we are on our honour not to climb : DR J c M11'flllELL . ta s tock of e I s have a before scene and 1fair faintly, the at vazcd . the poplar," muttered a lad about fourteen, : . cavated from post-pleiocene deposits, and .EMBER O; CL E GE, O..;. PHYSICIANS _ res olt! tion or ome c Jao be n m.y in connection with them were the . remins shading a pair f beautiful blue-gray eyes I her-the woods, the meadow, the fields or P and Surgeon , Ontario, 9oi:: nner . etc. . ; as ' and Iha i e be n ·lallyrngwithi t, put g j , Ollloe an d Rea1dence, E1,1nisk1llen. of wh11t are known as the Tasma.man tiger from the sun with a l eeve so ragged that green wcat, nd, byond, the shmin g blue o 74. : I . !J the task from ilay to da y ; s I behve and the Tas manian devil. his arm c ou ld be seen through it in several of the river-m placid c ontentment . . An equally int I realize sick pepe often do. to-mgh Bt l of cvel'y'dea . Mr. Verschoyle had never been qu1 of cription at t y D. BlfRKE SIMPSON, places teresting fact is that Prof. Owen when remore v i ly th . n ever, as . my : £erring many years ago to the herbivorous iv J sit by A.RIUSTEtt, SOJ,ICl_TOR, &c. MO"PIUS "I 'll climb up and get it in two minutes hurrymg herself or hose . about her, aml . _ ould_ be; cmd m this, far more than chmber wr nd ?w and look. down upon B BLOC . up tai r s, Kmg .str eet, Bowman-1 if you'll let me-do let me, Peter!" cried 1ever w da!k and rushmg waters of the Nore, th:i-t l cha racterist i cs of the "Australian Diproto lle. Solicitor for t h e Ontario Bank don" expressed his conviction that some a younger boy pulling his father by the o.rm, rn thi;1r straitened.means, Jay 1 he scret ?f this bod, ow tened and cared for, ill rrha&e Monevs loaned at tho lo west rates _ m reigned the discom that and ort d1sorer f large carnivorous animal must have been Sho has just opened out one o f t he largest : and jumping np and down until the old soon be a piece of l.1feles clay, and the uno m n,10 . her d and most stylish stocks e v e r brou ght coexistent wiLh him, to keep th e race in I gen tlem an sw.vgered. .JohD. eUh Galbraith ' I Glyn , disturhd t1ough . he was by the mortal prt of 1'.1-e is urgmg the feeble hand, . check, and that probably lions then inhabt o tow n, c o nsisting of :j "You will not, Pat. Peter, don't let l g bram, to say to y ou on paper l ited Austra ia, a hypothesis A RR Is T E R, S OLICITOR, O 'fitR"i him," called o ut the lady standing on th e n e c e e 1ty for hrn_ _ rmmechate dpar ture, the l which has been . f: ag m B . t 1 believe ny sol woulcl come back to JUilli . ,i her declmcd co he ncry as ld smiling hehi , D1·ess Silks, not n if door-step. "He'll fall and break his back . folly v eri fi ed. These facts are interesting, t len°£.' eatth and say, II 1 d id not explam to you as helping to establish the fact of the exI o ffer. ------- ' he does _ " . , _ V dve ts, &c., I am oly fulfihng an fnlly ad clearly . "o dear aunt,' he said-" I must b ROBERT A.RMQlfK, "The kite won't come down unless some iu former ages of the lion in Aus, a bed- ! istence o th th with at swore I e. t very father dymg fine i;rtY a stock :" t not of Feathers and i;zmtter off , but long-;-·no or mstant; s . . one goes up after it,"replied her husband tralia R.RGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER . side. s well as carrymg out the cod1c1l of Flowere. ot Mar rla.ge Licenses Bar rister and Attor- u ndecidedly "and it would be such a how it goes, not for long -turnmg hrs eyes ney at J, aw and Sollcitoin Chancery. Money pleasure . n;ad i,ne Verschoyle of Versupon his bride. "Good-bye ! Good-bye, the will tlu"t to the lad." Call and i ns pe?t thi fine display, which . an Wbat a Boy Costs. loaned on Rea.I E . state. Olftce on King street, . "Let the kite stay then, and send one of unle Peter-I shall elegraph as soon as I ch .Y.l.e d 1"1nhented myelder broth1er cannot fail to give satisfaction. Bwmanvl l on never saw your gr an dfather, Glynn, e e. arrive V rschoyl at father "My nver did ' anything for roe, the lads in to get brea.kfast. I ve li&hted the l_: da ut you say e have h hea.rd-bot often r h under was I ? t you " Who to hed p egr111 ; l t a. recently remarked a young man who a few may WILl.U.111 \VUHl'. fire as yon see," she said, holdmg out . . ut off fro our . mothe an from me-of his weeks ago finished his school life and is now N the pair of plump and well-shaped dir'y hands th:e impress_ion that yo_u would be c " ICENSE D AUC TIO E ER for ty1 an mca l and ove1bearmg demean?ur tol to n w were 1th now you If k n, sh1l a Glyn mg, . ' 1 seeking a good business opening. Judging . . . . for her husband s inspection _ . . rds all wh0 wer County of D urham. Orders left at the w e dependen t on h im, a1 - by the words _ a t h l d l h t as your ism en e d ;; i 1ve n e sl!'me p a n d the an complainin tone girl I' the . in who g "I'll go, mum exclaimed B<r·TESMAN offloe or forward ed to Ty rone p .0, I oat the least cosidered of whom were which they were uttered, the member 23:6m had been sitting on the broken seat, jump: cousms I" said Hyacmth. of the ·Ull reoeiv e prompt attention. " Garret Croft _; he knows I am here. We his own th ree children, Judge , then by firm wbo heard them is prone to believe that ing to he1· feet and running up the door. s. (J, HUNKING, steps. "Have we apything besides bread- are very olcl friends -school-fellows, you what !0u a.ve already heard of h:s temper the young man's idea of. "doing something," see. Good-bye, eveyone ! Good-bye, Ch.a 1 an di p?sitrnn, ?f the state of abJect slave- is an outright gift of a thousaud dollars in a ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR and-butter and coffee? Trout-game?" . the County of Durham. Sales attended " There's a bit of cold roe.st hare som- and Pat I Where ' s Lil? Oh ! "-as the beau ti ry m which we lived J udge I s ay of how lump, or the purch<1.se of a partnership in '°on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address where- I ought to have jugged it, of coarse, ful young creati:re appeared at the do_or. Peter ws tr eated when he la.ti y r efu ed 1 an established concern, The writer while . t OotrRTICB P, o. 36: f bnt"-with a sigh-"! didn't-and I think "Come and give me a kiss--I'm gomg t pay his adresses to th lady ch?sen !or the complaining remark was still ringing in him by our father, declrmg hat his choic.e his ea.rs, had the curiosity to make a conaway . "_ GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO I saw a trout in Cha's basket," replied the "Gomg away ! Now-;-at one?? Oh, was already made. This ?hoice-a beaut!- servative compilation of what it costs to that a hair up of twisting strand lady, long Unapproached for every m an who buy his Licenee from I had once been golden and was now of a sick- where ?" xclamed the girl, tossm g her ful young sla.ttern of nme?t but <lea.yed raise an ordinary boy for the first twenty 9RNRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. Tone and Quality. golde_n hair back from her forehead and house-e refsedto relmqmsh. He nltnn a .te years of his life, and here it is:ly ora.ne color. ly married wit th_e ful lmowledge that $100 e ye.ar for the rnmng down the steps . a the said lads, the of "Yes," sunnyr first . tallest 5 yeMs .. . . . CATALOGUES FREE,, . . . .... . . $ 500 p Pianos Toned and. Repaired. '1 To reland-to Verschoyle , My u?-cle he was selling his birthright for love of a. !"o '.'. seco.nd G '.'. .. .. .. ...... .. 750 haired, classical. faced young fellow of about . ; :: third ? " .............. 1,000 ; I must go at once, he rephd, pe_tty '!oman,. Our fater then solemnly .oo .. seventeen;" I put it under the table in he lB ver_y " d1 S1nher1ted h1m, _savehunan old manor:: .. :::;:··;···::· ,, .. ARTIES WISHING THEI:RPIANOS parlour. Do fry it, Lil; I'm a.wfully strokmg h er su?nY:hea.d, and lookmg with ·J hr lrge blue hou e and sol?e few fields tha bel?nged to Tuned or repairen can nave thom at.tended huugry." rothely adm1rntio11 1nw " ·_:_ . by leav ing word at the DoMINlON OR&Al'I s in. Cheshr.re, and put me m lus place. ti so r eyes, mnocence, d of full o'!"n-.!!.she u e4,160 -----I" hy, " lady our the here's announced W ' l'B OJ"l"ICE, Bowmanvllle A fl.r t- c l as man The little estate _was JUSt enoug for _yor , Yes, this is a moderate estimate of the girl, catching sight of Hyacinth, her brother PU,1ty, ad gentleness. . , w l>el n R in t he ir e m p lo ; I . Oh, I m so sorry I" she said lookrng up uncle. Peter to live on, and earned with it i financial balance a."ainsi; the boy wlw comand cousin on either side of her' walkinu: at him, "4,nd I'm sorry for our uncle too, the g1f of a sa.ll living..Our father? efore I plains that his father has never done any11'0 Do! Gentlemen otFash· slowly towards the house. ' e;cecutmg a w.111 so changmg the position ?f thing for him "! dare say they picked up Glynn some- poor fellow! . ion, not so fast. "I don,t see why you should be;' mutt.ir- 1s sons, reqmred f·om me an Oil.th that m I -----where and he'll stay to breakfast. He never minds what he eats when he has our l ady to ed her father ; he has treated me brutally life I would not assist my brother or rstore An :E8ta.te 0f O ver a M'll' 1 ion Acres. all his life. Out of his fifteen thousand a Verschoyle and Shangannon to his sons, . look at," so.id Uharlie. have wrltteo th"' e few llnt!B, .And all! ha.veto sa.:rThursday last, at the Ilia.rt, Tokenhouse !" cried year he has never offered me a ten-pound or help or aid them in any way. This oath is she at ··Well looking worth Tbat i ou can find me still at home, the girl ith sisterly pride. "She is like note-me with a large family to bring up I took willingly and gladly-not for the ·Yard, Messrs, Wells and Read offered to I am not gone away. sae of the wealth and position .that I was ! public auction th freehld domains of an te ! Why, when Bob was at St. a tall w'hite lily compared to us; we are all and educ, &> all my kind old friends may come, . . offered, but from a motive that 1t d.oes not; enormon estate situated m the Provmc .And all the young on es, too of boors and pug uglies beside her. The hand- Bees-And g>et tb.eir g1nmente nicely mi&de . "Indeed I mnst go I" mterrupted. Glyni:i, concern yon to knw-from _ a motive that; Vefsen, m Noray, a_nd about 200 miles some indeed!" Verschoyles Withthis·peech In fashions tnat are new ; he girl entered thA house, and, after avoid- as . the old getlemn bega? to raise his I have atone for, If eer sm was at_oned ·north of Tronh]em, lymg btwee 65 ° and Wbereold and yountl', dar fri e nds, may meet ed A :welcome gl'eeting, by R. PEA.TE. mg some gaps in the broken oak flooring of v;oioe an whisk his dressmg-gown from for, by uffermg. _ I satisfie.d my conscience 66 °. north latitude ; . no port10n of it reach. . the hall with a dexterity acquired by long side to side. "Good-bye, aunt Mary; th.en with plausible sophisms; but now, 1 beyond the temperate zone. It was describ-.BYwih eterni , ed whispering as occupying to my a fiftieth soul part and of the whole practice, suddenly disappeared down. some Good-bye, Bob!" ?i'. "Neverthless am sorry for uncle Mark," cla1mi?g it r ?m n; decaying body, with a 'country, the a.r.ea being 1,200,000 acres, or steps. ·· · Y .. Mr. Verschoyle-old Peter as he was confessed Lily, Ill he gentle way. '.'It long hfe behrnd 1stead. of efore me? r12,000 square miles, anClthe number of .fars ..-iam!ul lypreparedto attendFuner&Iaon so1_newhat contemptuously called by his must be so dreadful to he on a bed of s1Ck- know tha.t my soph1m will avail me nothmg as 168. It . was also statd to b nch in 1 tile llhortest notice, at the lowest possible rates neighbors-as soon as he saw the three fig- ness, J?erhaps of death, and know that there when. I stand to be J_ndged for . revengefully I timber and mmeral productions, which were 1 0aeketsa.ndBuria!Cases ready on short noUce ures approaching him handed over the kite- are thmgs you on_fl'ht to have done-and have wormg on the pass10r;s of a violent, over- I capable of very great development. Jn one First-c las hearse on very modera te terms a oude and C0 11lns c o n sta nt ly OJ! hand, Fnn I respect, as the auctioneer said, it was unique Bhrl bearrng, headstronq old man. string to the two eldr boys and with the not." 'er oar d esupp 11 e d a t once, FurnitureBhopltl · · chngmg Her voic fa lter,ed, an.d sh e stopped' emg th e argest estate tiiat was eyer offered . Snow Rooms--Bounsall'sNew "The memory . ofth' · 1ies h eavy on my lb· m 1s sm yonn1er still to his arm, went to Block. meet the new-comers, dragging his feet sm c co_nfus10n, as 1f afrai that her very heart nw; it brmg me back every thought, for sale, and presented an exception to te I ,along the grass as he walked, to prevent pity would condemn this man whom very VI Ord of that time; they come to me custom of the country, where the farmer is' can live at home, and ma le · more _ ey at "."Ork_ for us, than at ny mm h , is ragged slippers from dropping off. she and her brothers and sister had m the wind an;ong the trees, in the cavi:ing I eerally the o_wner of is occupation, With - I c lhrn g els e m t is world. .l><o capital IVITlllUT Tll"ITO: WITi! 'i'll:R: rB. of the rooks, m the murmur of the river ' m its bound aries was situated the La.ke Ros There was a rapid exchange of glances be- been brought up to regard as her fathcl"s nee d ed ; you are started fr e . Both · I 1 . . · do. Vand, one of the 1a1·get m tween him and the curae as he drew near, most deadiy enemy-;-a ip.onster of w10ked- be ? w my wm · 1and waters . of 1 eexee ; all !'ges. Any one can do tho work. 'Ml M' 'M" T.IJ , Glyn . .i. t .I\. _ n, the will I have left, winch with· I Norway. Tho sportmg nghts, over 200 miles, Large eal'Il ·o gs sure from first start. Costly .1. J that of the father seemmg to ask, "Is all ness and successful villamy. .U .1.11. . "What a good little thing you are Lil !" out this letter might s eem strange and of rivet' and lake were reserved affording I outfit an t erms free. Better not delay. Costs right?" and that of the son appearing to PltA.CTlCA.L DENTUIT, o d find ; utoa:ni: ;our &; ddess a answer, "All is right;" and then the old exclaimed Glynn, shaking hands with every capricious, will, n"ad by the light of what some of the finest wild shooting nd fishing, n on OVR:R T'WENT11' YEARS O:XPERIENOE, a ce, ope from one. Then, turning to . Hyacinth-"\Vill you. k Low, be re<;oguized as only an effort- in the North of Europe. The estate was· H. IlaLLE TT & Co. Portld7Maieo gentlema.n drew a bright-red env el '.it:l'9n·O:!ddeGaR A.dminhtered for Pal11.leM his pocket and handed it to his nephew with you come as far as the stile with me, and an imperfect ?ne at best-to keep the oath easy of access, so much as as the Highlands 1------Operations. let your breakfast wait, or am I unreason- swore, and m some measure make restitu- formerly were, and the climate iu the i;um- I a flourish, sayinl!'OFFICE lllfJCLlJNG'S BLOCK.. mer month$was exceedinglypleasa.nt. Therfll "Good morning, Glynn; that's for you. able'l"-and_he looked,what he dared not t1on. PERCHERON HORSES. I " I know.:._indeed I took the pafos to find was no serious offer for it, for the small sum to be m ade. Cut this out Cha: went to your lodgings to ask you to go utr. ,, . . . Island Home Stoclc . Yes, said the girl, with her slow sweet out-where you have been for the l a t three of £6,500 that was nam ed, er about ld. per a n d return it to us and fiijhmg, but found you were out, early as it we wi l l send you tree, was . This was on your table so he pocket- sm1le-" G and to the sta.tion." . months. It must h11.ve been some evil spirit. acre, could scarcely be so considere d, and. ls ;c somttlling of great Yalue ei;I it, thinking yo n would be here, "Heaven bless yon, Gl ":n ; I don' envy ·that sent you into Ches hire tht pro mpted i the property was withdrawn. hunting niently . l o c a t e d fos: an d im po tance to y o u. that will start you in . Canadians, on businees which will bring you in more 1'? up, by the time he got back. I hope Y?U the old plce-1 don t mdeed," aid Mr. yon to find the bamshed fanuly. Glynn, Isl nd you h1.1.vefound them-you have been e tay ing money rii;:-ht way anything e l se Jn. this 1t JS not bad news; poople generally send a ' ersc hoyle, Ins weak month trembling. world. Any one can do the work and live at telegram Kerosene Lamps. "Heaven bless you also, uncle Peter, and in a litt.le se ques te red vil!a.geforthrecmo11ths only when they have S0$1ething . wir:' Jso On.8 home ltther sex ; all a.gos. Something new, . eve1y one here, where I have been so happy. now, with nothing attractiveabont it except chasers will ftnd a thaljuat coins money for all workers. We very awful to tell " A thoroucrh stady of the · u b . t £ he !ou cousins Now H The , or ratberyom cousin Hyacinth troleum lanps has young man took the er_ivelope, paused yacinth." , will ato··t y ou ; capital not ne eded. Thlij Is . been late! e Y :::d !d oi.e of the genmne. important classes of a life a mom ent, and then opened 1t. He turned and went away, the gir _ woman, I suppose, as all our race are. Frederic Abel 1 he a fan liol!fl. brfod mares su He t t g ts h the tim e . 'l'bose who are ambitious and enter· se ad just mrried walkig at his side; and Nw I know-;-by instinct, i you will-that 1 and colts of all ageg prising will n ot delay. Gran!l o utfit freie, . "It's from Ireland," he said withot loo- !:t voir of keroene lam ;uld l wa a b'! o f m a few to e l e c t from. All this same mmutes the thick negleoted wood evil mfluence will urge yon to mg up. . Then, as he went on readmg his Addrss '1'1tUE & Co Augusta, Maine. et 1 th t P1 t r ist Y a wed her. If you do, my will, by which I bronzed face turned pale. "M:y uncle' has hid them from view . l 0 :: or !ftf lstered in the French and osv'e te le_1·-ye yo Verschoyle aud Shangannon, will ha a u?expected change for he worse; and that there sho ld be no o th r 0 enin Prices reasonable, stock guaranteed, Large iua d1smhent you, and take frof!l her the gift he 1 smkmg and extremely anxious to see SAVA.GB A FARNUM, trated Catalogue free. , an that for the wick: unless so sall CHAP TER III. l>M'noIT. lrli:w. tha t I have been accumulatmg for her- th me. l one that flame could h;rdly enter it. He . He crushed the telegralf! m his hand as I cannot bcr.iefit the boys-!or n;ay ,Years. ' further say s the wick should . Hyacinth had gone to the post-office in the . be s.oft and I though for a mome_nt while !us hooei·s village, hoping for a letter, on the evening Therefore rs1st the temptation, 1 1t mdeed j r when d y put in, aud should complete! , We are stood silently about hnn, and then contmu- after her husband's departut·e. A brief t el- I hs enterd mto your heart, and judge my: fil its p s ace l now J'.)l'C· edr egram informed her of her uncle's death; will leavmg you all my landed property should be sc r cely lon«er than to touch the 0 L \l llr ll 1P..re to ·:r mus go at one. If I cach the next and, panting for more definite news, she and my brother's el de daughter ninety' bottom of the reservoi and th ere the oil all clase r t h emnloymeut at i t ra m to Lnrpool, thousand I 0 pour_id shall , by be . m Holyhead felt her heart leap as a bulky en vel ope his letter, and tell should neve r be snffcrcd to be less than two- whole or the time, or lor their sp!lre moments. ? by fie and lll D nbl m by teu_; and he turn- was l'iven to her. But she would n ot rad) yourself that It IS an efl ort to make amends thirds of the depth while the lamp sho I d Bus.ines s new, light and profita ble . Persons of e1her sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per ed his head so as to look at his wife. a ' for a g re t wrong. it until she was alone--alone with her great always b e filled partly before r hf rh She was standing close behind him and goo d fortune ! "And, G y l nn, one last word-not that I ! w ick: sh ould never he turn ed dvn f.-i ' c !uefb_ t'.t . d e enly did not move or speak a. word, but her pale Up to hu father's little wood she went love you-I -.can truly say that I havtl loved ' and th e la.mp should 110t be sudden ! cooled earn nearly as much a s men. ' That all who ;ee calm face beca?JO a rndio.ntly bear_itifnl as' with headlong speed. no human bemg this . for eend years-b my their eddres ·,. thirty ut that I' or allowed to meet !L dran ht ana when test the bus! ; her younger sister s; the 'ld flrs t b n6f1s. " mt! adke tbl k _olfer. 1o such as are no t The wood was a gloomy solit ude althouah would not have the heart of a man who has the flame is extiug ' uished it · nou e we J sat1s e we wi!l en d cnA dollar to pay - ·d scarlet the her c h eek s ch' anged t0 vvi ' o 1 I alwa ys res t ec d e me, w h f d th e Ieaves were yet reddened by tbe glowing, l? m s ne<'er awnc lowered as far as possible, au d tr en 11 sh ttrp for the tronblc ot writing. Full partioulars . half corufnl , lrnlt-lemurehps opened shght- sun sinking down in the west. She went in upon me with nock affect1011, so wrung by! strong pufl should be b l o wn acrnss' but not anC1 o tfit free. Ad<lre s GRORGE S'HNBON & ly and trmLled with emot10u, aad her e ye s am n g the trees, and, re!11 Co,, Pureland, Ma in e. o rse, so withered _ b y . a sense of wh at down, the chimney. seating herself at the o I shouc br i ghtly. m1 h.,.t have been, as f m rn e s no . w . 1 foot of a. young oak, took her letter from . ----- 1 . Bt the outward sign of what ever t;mo-, her pocket and tore it open . It contained You are a young man ancl so far as I . 'l'?!?t tion it was that had stirred her r amed an incl ?sure, directed in a handwriting ver Who Can Make Jokes. y know, _an honora.le, !Dora l, : good young on her face only . long nongh to g., e her m uch like her father's aud addressed to "Iliy man, inst ad upright m all your ways. Bel Prince George of 'V "les keeps u1i his re· hus b an d a pnzzlmg glimpse of t!ie r eal Ne phe ancl Heir," which a w s daed a few so all your. hfe-be a good i;ian to the end; putation as a merry jester. While relating . c haracter of the woman heha:d marncd; the days back. She laid it upon the grass be- d not . sutler the boy to s oil the soul-set, his visit to the Wild West, at the Marlbouext mstant tbe sca rl et faded from her side her, paused a moment, and o pened t e 1 1!, virtue, ancl pride to guard it. And . rough House dinner-table. he insisted on h cheeks and the !Jre from her: eyes. She note accompanying it-written she could see 1£ you arc tempt ed- tnd few of us escape i c alling Col. C ody 's nags B:·onchitises, n a d a ns wer d his P?ss10nate look wi th a glance by her husband and datecl te n tat1 remember the man who wri i:np 0 tes when his father, who doesn't like his sons to . the previous of ,';arnmg, s ?1gthis, to whom wealt has given o pleaa1re, m ake blunders, clinched the point, as he evening. . ,; Yo . ur un'" , h, you must go, ofcourse ·l\;IY darlmg . and beloved Wife-I am !? whom l?ve-the s1m_f:)le ho°'.c JOy s, ll.ffec- i fondly thought, by s11.yiug tlmt 8roncho was _ "Of course, e.choed Mr . . Ver:scho:fle.. sendmg you this letter of my uncle's at .ronate wife and smtlmg ch1ld--1s hut a: t h e right de·io;n,.tion for tbe little horses at , You are e heu· now-a sister s cluld. on ce-first becaue I h ave the most perfect name, .,.. ho no, because he once succumbed f t h e vYild \Vest, Ptince George repliP. d, J , _ w ell 111e 0 . fo1th a11d con fideMe in you; and, secondly, to the tempt.tio n of wo7ldly advntag:e ad I" Well, bronchitis means a little hoarse 0 . ,, . not It ts my _fault, . s1- , . Sal(l Glynn because I would have you kuow at once that revenge, can scarcel y hft up his voice m I don t it '/" \Ve must r1drl t ha.t this e pis ode ' earnestly;" that P ece ot lllJU3t!Ce was done as soon as I l't'.ad t I thanked .l:Ieiwen wi th pray e r to tha t God hefor hom he must' is not one tha t C"-me throng-h our usual' O" 1n n1er1can . befoi e I was born. , . b all my heart that it came to late too part us. answer for the deeds done Ill the so rces of Royal information but "' i t was "Oh, I'm not blammg you, my boy; a.?d, You are mine now-mine. I have you and "MARK VE1scROYLE." sent in by a person who prfess.,, to be a ,-. (J' after 11, 1 WOUld llOt Cange Wife and child- OWll you for better for WOrSe-and th at is a '--· re_,::_,lilb Hy;icintb did not !'0ad the last pag e; fifth COUflin t hree times l'Cmoved t<> the per· rcn for the wealth_h hed a;iid schemed to a.11 th e world to me. e lil s he merely who u glanced tter woul aa son J B washes be a t it. p the Turning a in to . S( ge_t ! Ot what use is 1t to him now, yrng Verschoyle andShangan11011, pl s fifteen thou- the paragraph concerning the exaet dlsposal Hou.so, we pr esent it for what it is worth. eO. (,X'. 0., with stra11ge1s <md servants about h un ? l san d a y ear but worse is not so bad a fter of the money she dropped the letter and . ' . . . Ne-wsoaper Advertising Bureau ' . hope , Gl vou won't prosecu te me for , all. I 1mve-as ' y , n J you know-a very small sank down m an agony of bitter regret' selfThe leadmg flower of fash10n m London 10· spruce St., New yor<. 1 I 'd owmng that row o f oaks and livin" on " · the daiiod'l a t present JS I I s;..,f.l,d tOcts. tor 100-Page Pamphlet. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN LOVE'S TRIUMPH. MUSIC .. T i GRAIN ' · lh8,1!i r:;: :g:ta " _ .. One quarter ........... gg He =!:::::.-:.-::: · · STANDARD BANK _,,,, _ s .. . . ·· · 1 · s s j Dr. · · · - I I v s · · · · · · ·- M s s -----1I j · s · s · s j I t" talt_ L I I ti;°ie I I the l s LADIES, 1, LI N E R I I w MI Y :S:lnPUS;;re' gwm:!1;,8&'!:':i . · I s · · e _________ ------- · e { I I I MRS. D:DNNEL Y'S L L 1 1 1 s , s A s · P 111 _ jI I I , , s : · " · i:: BELL & co Guelph, Ont. · , · · D E· N T I s T R . y . I I · I u N D ER- y A KIN-. c ·. . · · ··' · J · · BRI AC 0 · B · I I 1 1 I LEV I MORRIS s -- ----·--·----:---·-----·---------- YO u u h M NE a 0 v than .· , , s l , 'fc:.: · being 1jl Dcrolt I .11 , ':c {! u ; = : , , s I ! s clear witness of >, · I !, I but without forcing; tho.t h or 1nu asse(I a :ia:Ji" ! s Jri!e:Uco'1:[ w 1 w ·----- W,11, " 7 ,, 1 j I II 1I r' w I I 1 0P[;:!ssn1{10: i;J0! and s u s Att iint1on I n h, ::i ltt Prmoe j _ > j · w u l · u bocJy. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria · · 1 ' ·, I l u advertls1n A 1 papers by dr1 plates at Marlborough. p R OWeJl G · ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost [ any pt 0p0Sed }' f · · · · · , · · · c · ·,