to ll I Remarll:nble Succession of Misfortunes That Der nnl1y Roy Lowcre·l Into n "\1 ell an·l neys; maybe, and others coming home who LeR to JlllserabJy Perish. you have never learned how hard it is ! Have Followctl His 'Vllherlng c::m·sc. long away. "Young as he was, Jack was my st!!\T, and had been very A young unmarried woman, living in a "The young man you met at the gate, After the assassin Guiteau had been concomfort through that dark: time. My poor "He remembered that, as he hurri(;d to WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 , 1887. sir? Yes, that i my son-my boy Jack. victed and sentenced by the Court to be good situation with an Oxfordshire (,Eng i'u his mind tliat he h" h0d husband matters 1ace at tllC front · that day, a l1' t tl · I ISP e gir "You noticed the scars on his face, and <l land) farmer, had with her a boy of 2i long ed to speak to me about, but I 11lways with a cloud of golden hair had leaned from hanged for killing President Garfield, h thought, maybe, that they spoilt features Yt!! · This incumbrance standing in the put him off, for I could not listen tu tiny· a car window to give one more good bye kiss stood up in his place and pronounced a meant to be handsome? CATARRH. withering curse on every one connected way of her being married, she made up her thing like his going away from us. to her father on the platform. ' Take good "Ah, sir 1 that was because you did not trial. Little wo.s thought of it at mind to t·id herself of it. Obtaining a holi " But at last, the very day before the end care of mamma · darlm heard the with the ' g· · he had ' . the time. It was regarded as a fitting day, she left the farm with her boy, giving CATARRH.-A n ew treatment has been di· know. Why, those red marks make him came, as I sat by his bed, holding his hand gentleman say. this of cure more beautiful to me now than when a out that she was about to visit a relative covered whereby a permanent in mine, he said, very gently but firmly: " The fireman-no coward, either, was climax of his ravings throughout that rehitherto incurable disease, is a bsolu te ly affect· baby in my arms, with yellow curls and "'Mary, wife, I think you must let me Tim Harbrook, with wife and babies at markable case. Guiteau declared that mis- some miles off. Next day she returned, ed In from one to three applications, no hnghing eyes, and a skin like a rose-leaf, wheth e r standing one y e ar or forty years. Thie to you to-day.' home-let himself down from the tende · fortune would attend every one connected and stated that she had left the child to be dafS, the people hurrying in and out of the speak rem edy is o nly applied once in. twel ve "I fell to crying as if my heart would and escaped. So might my Jack with his tl'ial. Since then Guiteau's curse bronght up by her cousin. 'l.'he statement Descr1p· busmese. with tra.ins would turn to look and smile at him, and does not interfere h as impressed itself upon the mindsof super- was naturally believed. bre . ak, and he drew a pitiful sigh th:i.t went done But he crept along the s1'de of · the tlve p amphlet sent free on receipt or sta mp by and praise him to each other, peak ing Iow, · On the following afternoon two men were A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King et.reet, West maybe, but not too low for tJis mother's like a sword through my breast; yet I could leaping engine, carefully and painful!y he stitious people by the singular manner in at work harvesting in a field on the next Toronto, Canada. not stop the sobs. Then Jack rose up from swung himself into his place, and with which it has apparently been fulfilled. quick, proud ears to hear. farm to where the mother was employed. WHAT IS CATARRlt1 The jury was composed of twelve stron the little st.o ol where he sat so quietly tnat every motion of his hands an untold agony, s u tho. whioh diseas'. us u it dangero a by is ho se close Catarrh "For we lived in·a l tle _ I had almost forgotten he was there, and he reversed the engine and put on the air healthy men. The foreman was in comfortg One of them was a laborer on tramp, and 10usly suffonng ands are consciously or uncousc aused tihe station, and when I heard the whistle came and touched me. able circumstances and was estimated to be inquired of his companion the best way to from. It is a muco·purulent dischare c. brake. of his father's train, I used to snatch the worth $50,000. Within a year after the get to the place where h hd taken lodgings. by the presence of a vegetable parasite m the "'Mother! dear ffi:Other 1" he said; and · o p dis fl ff r e r p "rhe the oor where " Then the train stopped, snatched back boy f om his cradle or o lining membrane of the nose. trial he lost his money and is now reduced , The J;>est way was told him, and he was fur. lng causes are a morbid state or tho blood,_ the he sat with his little playthings, and run as _I looked I saw his face wa prfectly I from the pit's mouth, and they took my boy to the level of a da.y laborer. ther struc.ted that wheri he rea.ched a small blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the ger m poison down to the farther end of the long depot white, but there wei·e no tears m his eyes. from bis post-' faithful and true ' Four members of the jury are dead, and ?opp1ce.he. was not. to go through, but ronnd "' Mother." he sad again, 'please go "Jt syphilis, mercury, toxomre, fom the reten before a " long It burns where the engine always halted, to get the Jack's was time sed he might fall down an. nnpro tion of the etl'ete matter of the slnn, suppres l can hea.r what were healed. The road people came often nearly every one has been visited with SOIIJe 1t, otherwise r t · smile and loving word that my heart lived away for a little wile, . tected old dry well. All the remamder of perspirations, badly ventilated sleeplnit apa . kind of misfortune. father wants to say. ns Ill ments and the germination of othe J!OlS o to see him-no men could have been kinder on all day. District-Attorney George B. Carkhill was that day the thought of t.his well worried the blood. Irritated by these , the hnmg mem· . "You will_think me cowa.rdly, sir, but I -and every week his wages always came in removed from office his wife died and his the tramp he felt an mtense "N()t the least bit afraid was the baby and unae brane of the nosEI is ever ready for the recep dd as the child bade me. I left the door full. ,up of all the whistling and clanging of bells, sp1·eads tion of t h e parasite, which rapidly own death followed before the end of another countable desire to see it, and so earnestly air, and I could hear my husband's weak "But one evening, after he had begun to year. the nostrils and do wn the fauces, or back of the groaning of the wheels, and puffing of solicited te man wrking with him to ac vmce, thouC{h I could not understand the the throat causin i: ulceration of the throat; up the steam. get out a little one of his mates came in He would laugh and spring so Mr Scoville Guiteau's brother-in-faw company him to see it that the other agreed words, and then my brave boy's answei:s, and wanted Jak to go to a meeting with an tubes, m111Sing deafness; b u .:. in my the eusta cbi · e \ I scl hold him, ly that rc could arms · 1 s s who ith Cha;les H..Reed defended th to do so. When they arrived at the coppice rowing in the vocal cord·, cau sing hoarse ne ua till his father would reach down sometimes clear and lo, not a break or tremb_le m' him. usurping the p i·op er stn:ctnre of th e .boncl prisoner, was divorced from his wife and and found the well both were afraid to vmce. weet And th Jack a d: at las, i "' What sort of a meeting?" said Jack. ;-, t ubes . ending in pulmone.ry 00Mumpt1on and and lift him up into the engineer's cab and stand on the edge and look down, and lay lost all of his property. s that all, dear fat.her · and yes;, I dea th . , . I minute c ' kiss him for one precious and then t say exa " ' Oh, I can tly, something infort.h e ouro o. President Arthur, who refused to grant a down to do so. _ Presently one_ threw down s speiffcs for will be sure to remember it-very word : Many ingeniou me everybod teresting toss him down to me again. told and they sue· in y hout. . t w1 pardon or new trial to Guiteau, was defeat- a s catarrh have been invented, but .tone, when, mstead of hearmg the sound "Then he out and kissed me with vited , , ' ' d1scov· " When he grew a little older he was of its fall, they. hea.rd a cry. Another stoe ha oess until a physician o I' long standmg slowly renomiation ed for and in failed ile, and a t the outer door. g went thro and i;n r soldiers like the "He stole a queer look at me, and I knew health and died last winter ered the exact natu re of th diseaee was dropped with the same result. Certain tl y destroy never playing horse o But an hour afterward, hen I wnt only appliance which will pe rmane n he wanted me to help him. So, as I really the other little fellows around; it was always Mr.' Blaine, who was itness against that something alive was at the bottom, they te , no m atter now aggravated the parasi out to the well, I hear a httl chokug A ll . at once a railroad train that he wa,a ridiug. thought it might do Jack good, I said: Guiteau was nominated for President but promptly went to the nearest farm-house oase. Sufferers should send stamp sound, and found him lying on his face . m h, to t ' "'Yes, .Tack, go along with Tom." and returned with more men, a 1.i.ntern and tor desci·iptive pamphlet on catarr the smoothest strips of my billets of kin- te long grass under the ap]lle tree, sobbmg defeated. 3 Son, &. business ma nal! ers, A., H. Dixon . "'But I'm not presentable with this dling wood went to build tracks over the ropes. John. A Logan, another witness, is now Canad& o, 'foront lus very ea.rt away. So I turned about west, King street, kitchen floor, hither and thither, crossing face !" A plucky lad volunteered to g? don, a Olerr,,v dead, stricken down in apparent health. I he What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B.A., and went mto could house as softly as the Met o and re-crossing each other. "'.Pshaw, man l it's evening, and nobody and was lowred, th rop around his warnt, W. Garfield' tnan of the London Conference of B;iss, D. Dr. physician, s has ' an never eti him know· t·egard . will notice. Leastways, they need not." "'Don't move my switch, mother, dear ! dist Ohurch of Canada, has to sa v i?t been in very poor health for two years, and the lantern tied to his wrist. He found at , After it was all over and we had time ent for To A.H. Dixon&: Son's New 'l'?·eatrn " With a little more coaxing, Jack set off it is thought that he will never be a well the bottom, 120 feet from the surface, ly he used to 'c ry out to me. 'You will wreck I to look abut us, we found some debts eft rrh. Cata j with him. I had hardly beard the gate my train, for sure!' ing between. four poined perpendiclar agai.n. Oaklans, Ont., Cnnada, March 17, 1883 " So [ had to go about my work and very little money. It was a bad thmg ' click, when the door opened a.gain, and man David Davis, who appeared as a witness, stakes-on_ either of 'Yich a ma:i;i nught for me, that had had for so long a strong, Me.qsrs. A. ll. Dixon &: Son: Jennie Brown came in like a sprite. to hand . · with scarce a place sometimes to set my have been impaled- a bvmg, bleedmg, and has also joined the great majority· DEAR SIRS -Yours ofthe 13th Inst. that I a1¥ foot. And all the chairs in the house would lovmg arm between me and CVt!ry care, to " Quick I quick l Mrs. Burton l Put on sobbing baby boy, which, when brought to Xt seemed alniost t.oo g ood to be true . am. I and plan how o ma meet, Judge John K. Porter, of_ New York, one that e both end take kn<?w t a your bonnet !" she whispered. k be ranged for cars, the big rocker, with the cured of Cat arrh, but I the surface, was at once recognized. as the a nd nover t;i. d1seas the of of th Goverm ! l ent counsel m the _ c ase, hs n wh could not return e en start evenly at the no have had . v "' Where? What do you mean ?' I child of the girl at the adjacent farm. The so many tea bell tied to its back, for the engine ; . from r elt bet ter in my life. I have tried retired the practice of his practically nnmg beg But Jack came to my help _ of and there he would sit perched up by the i said, for I was frightened. much ' an mother after conviction, when asked how things for C atar rh , suffered so l a hour, making believe attend to the valves agam. "'To the meeting! Hurry, or we shall professrnn. . she got the child down the well without so many years, that it is hard to rea ize The urds who kept atch over 9mtea u "Father . said you were never to work _ killing it instantly, replied that she had not . it I am reall y better. be too late. ' and shouting to the fireman. e ba _ c as e ,h 11;1 the J &l l have nearly all lost theu posihard, dear mother, because you were n?t J consider that mine was a ye:Y " I shall never forget the first time his " She was tying my bonnet strings under the heart to throw the poor boy down, so e, mvch mg was aggravated and chrom strong, but that I must take care of you m 1 my chin as she spoke; and she had the tions. pasages. an I father took him to ride on the engine. . . procured a long cord, doubled it under the hroat as well r as the naealthree Juge qox, who presided over the trial, He could ment two way. you let some ,trnat thought " Jack had begged over and over to go, house door locked and me down the garden child's body, and when it reached the bot-. thonght it would require the an me. sent o _ lost his wife. tw maybe, the some three rooms and or lodgrs, by t? d e r u c but I feel fully path and out of the back gate fairly with tom let go of one end and drew the cord u send but his father always bade him wait until that the best ward career o Charles H. Ree?, Th do ust ould r now fo me I am thank ful that I was ever mduced to ! tl!mg i he was older. So I said : out my will. She hurried me across the . , by the other. The amount of heart possess.. Gmteau s of w cou°:sel, culmma ted n a place. hich sid s get the He to boy be tram g statin square, and then pushed me through the " ' Don't tease father any more, Jack, this letter . ed by a mother who could leave her o ff. 50-f·are at liberty to usetwo New york by his attemptmg to tae his treatments. and dear ; ' o.nd like a true little hea.rt that he men on our road would be sure to give me crowd around the hall entrance. that I been cured at spring to slowly perist J of starvation in pre-· to some dy reme your ltfe, add ano ther name to the hat of on mend for" chance his a recom y l d a l g I shall "I was out of breath with nervousness was, he ha.d not said a.nother word about it . t§rence to slaying it outright must be very: , s anathema. -my friends who are sufferers. vi1ms o Gmtea "I d? efre not I . had kuo smiled tha.t of' b and fast walking, so we sat down in a back for a matter of six months or more. . small, both in quantity and quality: The, . l Yoma ' with many thanks, u m seat. The rom was full. There were a . Ih on y cons.p1cuous exception ls found poor innocent was 36 hours without food! "But that day such a wistf1l look came 1 smc his fathr. died, b1;1t when I heard l REV.E, B. STEVENSON \\ e Dav1dge, r al Governm m of t?e tone say tha.t en he our little road, proud i s r e t h t a.nd in pitchy darkness, and was so cruelly· I o f o great many ladies there, and on the platform into bis face, and he pulled hunself up tall I . And hundreds counsel m the case. Mr. Davulge, _ha.s apa.nd straight, and said, quite softly, his had, I caught . him to my heart, and we! sat the snperintendent and several of the cut, scratched a.nd bruised that he still bore . j directors of t1e road. E;vrybody seeed prently been more prosperous sn1ce the the marks weeks afterward, when at the , voce trembling a little, ' Father, do you lafed and cried together. . And I spoke to Mr. Withers about .1t. to be wh.1 spermg and smiling a.nd lookmg trial than . before. He stands at the head of trial he was stripped and placed on the thmk I am growing enough now?' "Looking at im saw tears in his only yestedar·.' he went o.i, ' and he said i backwar<l toard the door, and I looked too, the W a.shmgton bar. . . table to show them. And had this inhunian The defeat of the Repuh can pary m pretty eyes. I thmk his father si.w them, T_om Gray is gomg t<: leave, and I c;an h_ ave · although I did not know why. mother any h eart in her composition she R_p.sreceived her new stock_ of ! 4 recalls the 88 Gmteau fact predicte tha.t d ke. we hance and begm next ht k if I · h e m; . · .S c cl "Then the oor open d, and Jack came too, for he t ned to me in a hurry and must have felt cut to the very core then, its defeat. hat do you sa.y, dear ;1llothcr? in with Tom. I heard somebody on the said: when the poor little fellow pnt out tiis arms " Oh, Jack !' I said, 'how can I get · ' other side of me whisper 'That's he 1' and and cried to go to her. The death sAntence "' t L 0 t ' t the up t · e through the long, lonesome day without another and another d a rustle· crept cf1w·u t . t and invites the Ladies of Bow Mary W was recorded against her, but commuted to rmg e B_ ro n a A Russian's Knowledge of Cavalry. you? And if anything should happen to thr()ugh the place ad then all at once 1 1 hl b penal servitude for life. manville ·and vicinity to call chap a, a 1 straig ' now. W a d0 you I should die?' I. sucli a cheer went 'up as I ca truly say i Col. Sukhotin, who wants the Russian yo say . - ... mother,' for "'Don't the he said gently, ern Patt fi her army to be o burned of cavalry into hea.rd see hordes e in before-no all my I never t and · What couId I say but yes 1 At supper- tears were m ' war. like A "Do btful Comp liment, u wou my · B I ld eyes agam. ut Tamerlane and rom Genghis Khan, even home those when of the troops came ! . time he was back but he could not eat. not h eed him. ' Candid Critic-Good photo, madame, but The people stood up and the ladies waved h11.s contributed to a Russian military magais eyes were rk 1 e stars, and there was a H" · ." 'And you to give up your school !' I then ' fs. ' zinc an able paper on the American cavalry i de>es not do you justice-in fact it does h andkerehie hot red spot on each cheek so that I feared and assortment ot cried, ' and all our ph1ns for you to come to "The superintendent tried to speak, and during the war of secession. '.l'herein we not giye you credit-"ll · A d I th ht h Id n oug e wou_ h e won ' Id be · i . nau!!ht !' Ancient Spinste1· (in a flutter of righ teous rappcd on his little ta.ble, but all in vain, discover some of the motives which induced never be done talkmg, but now he had said o-ht "'Father tbouo of that· too· ' he an- until the crowd had theu · " · three times three. the recent tra.nsformation of the Russian modesty)-Oh, sir ! you fla.tter me-· scarce a word· I swered ; ' but he said that the whole world "And through it all I watched my boy' ca.valry into dragoons. But as that war Critic-In fact it does not give you credit I asked " , '\ "' uhat was i't like, Jack' ie · · · · nd I onge a was o ai e e b 1 d t th th t f "thf 1 man t1 a 1 was wage d be for f dazed o tween the untrame at He masse last rst fi d looked by · all fifteen around · him, l years of yom: age. "\'ftUlanl hnn. STORE l-iiecond Door weu or true ; and I promised him. You can trust the tumult, and trying to see what it meant. horsemen, it is highly improbable that its auteller ShllJ " ' ' mother !' he said, ' It wasn't like me, mother'}' Wherever he might turn his eyes, he met a lessons should apply to the conditions of a au;;thmg ! 1 . . "T!nst him ? Ah, yes I He ha struck hun·h-ed others smiling on him, and a score European conflict. The Americans on both Bran poltic is said to be an infallible then he thmkmg, momen H t for · 8!' the right ch?rd at last, and , I lifted my of hands stretched out to him as he passed sides preferred the revolver iu the melee to cure for po15on-ivy. . s:ud, ynless it wa.s like-you read last he1td and dried my tears. I A hatever un- -and, all at once, he knew. the sabre or lance; but why? Hec ..use their . AI>VISE TO MoTIIERS.Are 011 dis. Sunday. seen dangers I might fear for my boy 1 troopers were not good enough horsemen to t · "Oh sir I cannot tell you about it · y be d at n1a l . . it and b rok · en of your res t ur ' t · ' . . r ed I qui th n w was l<t, J ack ?' " A d h ' a· ' · m · wouId be of the bod y, not of ti1e sou1. How they earned .him up to the front, use the cold steel with e!lect. A Federal · . r · · "' · G!F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS ck chi!? suffermg and cryrng with for I had forgotten. aithful and trne !' I thanked God ancl though not on the platform-there he would lancer regiment 700 strong being routed bl. a Sl_ ·F As there are mani iaferior "'Do ·t Y u !mow, mother? The wings ' of C _send so If ,1, Teeth courage. u.ttrni;( t not go-how they found me out and made rohught only tny lances with them ou: pain goods, corded wrtlt Jute, of :he wmd ·1 hemp, etc., offered and sold .' It was wonderful how e succce.ded me sit beside him; hew there were speeches obf te fray, and it 1s a patent fact that the once nd get a bttle of .Mr s . Wmslw s , That as no . l st ride on the eng as Cora.lino by some un nc with the bos and papers anu ?ther. , and hand sbakings and laughing aud crying. sabre, in the hands of a tiro, is more danger- oothmg y; u p . For c l ' t lua a uldren . teeth:ni, principled merchants trad by many times, for. as he grew older, his '. he sold. Ihere was somethmg m him "And at last the superintendent said that ous to his charger's ears than to his antago- its value is mcalcnlable. It will relieve ing on the reputation of father would often on Saturdays hat made him a favorite with everybody. 1 there was a little cild there, the grand- ?ist. In addition, unrained solders adly the poor l ittl sufferel' immediately.. De· t our geni1inc (Jo..mlinc, or other half h".,1days. He. _was perfectly I. ha ;e been old b more than one that 1 "ught er o the president of the roa<;J, who I 111-use and neglect their horses. Expenen we warn tho ladies against d .ce pe_nd uprm it, _mothers ; there 1s no such imposition by draw , t of his franK, trusty ;i.n obedient. I ehevc he would , tne s ign handsome face was 1 had been with her mother on the tram that I taught the Federal Government that t ts mistake about it. It c ures Dysentery to the ing their attention have hand than ut hrs oft have sooner ni;; h t 1 e sunshine, ough and that li peopl t of. b day, and that she had been .;elected by many j cavalry, under an enterprising leader, had a necessity of seeing that the Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and m?dled wrth , anyth1 g. n whet.her they wanted anythmg or not. I grateful friends to present a. little token to 1 to be remounted thr ughout _ every four n d h nam e o . and 'Well, the yt:ars wt:nt by, and he grew I b a Boweh ' c u r'e s Wind Colic: soHcms the But he knew e vety valve and sorew d had saved, months eavalt·y belougmg The t e m n whose faithfol conracre -· I to the. G "' · · · . urns re uces 100 ' an d g1vea · atchc · d every turn of hi's fath" h" from one pos1t10n nfl ammat.' · guge, and w, k ' p wor rng ls way u t ' . o I Army of the JJotomac, averagmg l,000 . so many !tves. . I th wh e a er ll and, anu le<trned the signals _ all along another on the road-t1:usted everywhere. l "Then a beautiful lady, all in soft rust- strong, were supplied with 35,078 remounts ·s Btamped>on i nuer side of sll Coraline goods, nd neig to o. ?l 11Y, tem. . the lme, so that my hushaud said to me· He was my own boy sttll, thou$h he was' l g y . ling silk, came up the aisle, leading the; within six months. Rigorous measnres 'h s Wm sl? w 8. S oot un S rup Without which none are genuine. . . for IDQre than once: teethm is. pleasant to the taste ! so ta,11 and strong, with his b.ngbt curls loveliest child I ever saw, with a great were taken to compel the men to spare their clnld_ren -------------·-----------"'I believe in my heart, Mary,. tbat if I 1 turnd ches ut brown, and a . silken frii;ige glory of golden hair aronnd her head, like horses. A trooper ga.!loping through a aud ·s the prescr1pt10n o ?ne o f h e· oldwas to be struck dead on te engme, Jae!. sadmg the lips that kept their old, lovmg the picture of an angel. I felt Jack start, ,i street of \V . ashington,,being called upon by st an .d fcalo physici:i:ns ana narses _ . . could run her through w1thot a break! I kisses for me alone. . . .ed States, and is for sale by for it was the very child whose face had i a sentry to moderate his pace, was shot dead 111 the, Umt Continuoa to do a.G:ene;;_al Bankmg BuaineB· "He in " s not w, bef but school r was and he learnmg ! had long It the a o e com e to him in that awful moment on the on refusing t obey. Whole regiments were all druggists through the world. Price . . . _ , · aBo wmanvillti w·s always pourmg over place cf engmeer, which he had so much flyi g . out of hours he . n ! turnecl into infantry for persistent neglect 25 cents a bottle. B sure and ask for , engine . , DJEPOli J!l § H e_ had day off, and· was\ ·books ?'nd maclunery !1nd steam. Such an·w..ntc<l. "The little thing let go her mother's; of their horses. Sheridan's assertion that "MRS WINSLow ' s SooTlIING SYn.u:r." domg hts some far be i ttle thmgs for e me u was, about with S the th d as odd ch1. l ed n s nk J> rt. B.v n a d h b l o g -: g a r hand as she c e nea , looking up with shy 10,000 should be able to prevent the and take no othe r kind, n Ba epa me t n ___ :Wce v i I house and garden? when one of the de:pot blue eyes, and m her small fingers was a concentrat10i:i of 100,000 men was based on ) int.erest allo,ved at cnrrent rate a. 1 o yond his yars ! . . , 1o tice of w thdraw a l neoeesa.ry. All <lspo!is " omet1m'?s, mttmg her';. hy myse_lf, I o !and came runnm g up the path, callmg purse of gold. You could see the great coins the assumpt10n that he could at the outset ---"" ,,, · a,yablo on deman d, over 111 my mmd the very sorange thmgs he for him shining through the silk ncttin«, She held overwhelm the cavalry of the enemy with to $8 a day. Samples and duty FHEE · 1 . " 'l\fr" Harding wants you iustantly, it up to him, and all the room "was still as the fire of dragoons or mounted infantry; used to sa,y to me in those days_. Lines not under the horse'sfeet, Write EXClll Al N -,{ IB "I rnmember that one evenmg lie had Jack !'cried the man. 'The Jersey express death. I heard one great sob rise in my and upon a belief in it Russia seems to have BREWS'l'ER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDER . f r d so Dr Co. . Roll, Mich. Bought an a tsia i8u 10s. u opd been reading for a long time in ome book should have left the depot five minutes ago, boy's throat and then he lifted the child in stakecl its existence as a leading mi litary l . library and ; public that the has he engineer just had f llen got ; out down of n a the a i d h stood 'power. an up' holding her straight is arms Greenbak,b%hand ' .' but by-and.-by he stopp.ed a . nd leaned his 1 fit. Curtis and . Fitch are bot,h off on leave, and ta.11 l:r.' (',' 11"11' ni. T.-.· k 1 d Mr. Bardmg says there s nobody 1 eft .ic.'<l.YJ.'lll '3 Co.u ,., l. head on hrs hand, loorng mto the coa,,an "But he did not take the purse. 'No D anger lil · I ce. but you that he'll trust with the train. Then, all at once: Wben Baby .,,...., sick, wo gave her Ca.itor!a, darling · he said in a low tender voice sC: e r ':Mother," said he, "isn't. it a wonder" 'I !' cried Jock, in a maze. 'The Jersey The popular notion that water is purifi ed clear that everybody near d. Then he kiss :Vsi?i:i:,t :r&1feaJ tren 1';0 "thing W11en sho was a Child, aho cried for Castoria, I that God would trust men with it?' ex press l And I never drove anything but ed her and lifted one long curl from her by freezing has been proven by scientific exful minion of C anada . When she became Mia8, she clung to Castoria, I a freight train!' . "'With wlrnt, Jack? ' . periments to be a mistak Ice from bad e neck. 'J.'elegrapll 'Bl.'i·a.ns:d'le:rlii am-h power in it,, I Who>u 8he had Children, she gave them Oastoria, "'Well,' cried e the "' man, With the ipatiently, si;c · to commuicate water diseas is e as li!<ely · gold I want,', This is he the said only " . . for l11;re ox sm al. 8nms on all parts d mean ! It was a long time before He did. "don't stop to argue! Orders 1s orders, aud looked at the child's mother with a as the water itself, hence no ice should be Canada. This 1 8 esp e\Jmlly advantageous t o r aht time came' and then' and here is a minute and a half gone al· But then the i"' used in drinking-water unless known t o quest m h" LS eyes. ,10n ' pirsons livlng I n Ma.mtoba. or t h e North·Wi'lSl . He told.' ·; ea.iy.' "The lady nodued, and my boy took out have been gathered from a pnre source. as it inakes the funds available at once at Htc I . '. ' :o, iother !" said. he, with his eyes r " seemed t.o come to himsel _ f at a little pair of sciseors from his vest ;pocket, ========== ...,. = what must. it have been to be He darted oe smile at me, and as offhke and cut the curl off gently, and put it careFor further particulars oall a t the Bank!r.:p ! shmmg, James \yatt, and to listen to such a secret a shot1 drawmg on hrn. coat ?'s I:e ran. In fnlly away. Rouse. I as that? \less ime than I take 1.n tellm.g it, I heard . GEO. McGILL, T. RODIE, "And, sir, if they had cheered before, I the suzual of the outgomg t· am, and knew what was it now? The arched ceilini; rang, Accountant. M.ane.11er " In a minute he spoke again : ·lv " '.And it's never safe to forget to listen i that my boy wa trusted with a t ask. that the gas jets flared and flickered, and the --- because we don't know when He might as used to be given oly to the lost mtel- very pendants on the chandeliers dashed tohgent and careful men m the servwe. gether. I speak or what there might be to hear!' ! "I ould not answer him for a choking in . "They brougt lim bak to lll;e that "But he would not take the money1 my throat, bub I had laid down my kuit- , mght, sir,, and la1d him on his father s bed; then nor afterwards. i ting, and I put my arm around him; and and, by piece-meal, and then afterwards, I "'It is not ours. 'Vhat ca,n we do with - AND-it? We cannot throw it away,' the superbe looked up into mv :face with something· learned what ha.d happened that day. in his eyes that I never forgot. I "The train starting out so late, they intendent said. "' I'll tell you, ten, sir,' said! at "We were getting on well then. The little·: were forced to make up time somewhere on house and garden were almost paid for, and, the line. So, on that long, straight stretch last; 'brakeman Jim _J!'lahrty wa kled we thought that nowhere in the world were ?f trn:ck thrc:ugh the valley, they wre ffi:ak- las_t week. J:Ie left a s10k wife and s1 little happier people than we, or a brighter,' mg sixty miles an hour. :rhe am _fairly chdren. Give th.e money to them. ,I. the air strike Ins face cosier home. My husband and I were al- fl.. e w. Jack .could fee ,, And so they did. . . 'ne our ·stock· mi ' ' - ... ;i "'" . "te everybody to ca11 e.:r.:.,_ CURES No';" you know, s1r, wl1at the scrs on I S now opene d, and we 1nv1 ways talking of this and that to be done for Iike sh arp wmd, tho It wa.s a baImy sprrng my boy s face mean to me, I read m the day. Jack as soon as the last payment should be COM AN ' A LL LIVER D K IDNEY "Then an wful thing happnd ! The red marks, 'Faithful and true! a11d I made. But before the money was due my great connectmg rod of the drivmg-wheel would not have them changed for the coat PLA.lNTS, DYSPEPSIA, IND IGEST- husband came home very sick one day. "·Do not roe frightenad, Mary," he said. on the rigt of the: e1!-gine brke. J,i,ck of aims of any king or any throne." ION AND ALL DISEASES ARISING " I think I shall be bettei· to morrow.' \seemed to hve all his life over m that one But he only grew worse next day. It terrible instant when· he saw the end of the FROM DISARRANGEMEN'rS OF THE The Gladstone Family. was a lung fever that he had, and for many I rod s_wing upward., . It struck the ca un has four sons and three pieces, mt it Gladstone thousnd a o Mrs. dashed and him der LIVER AND KIDNEYS. _ ralhe Yet die. must days we thought he Orders tor Stamping will receive st.R'ict attention, and lied after a time-though he kept his hack- !' and he mew no more till a horrible agony daughters. The eldest son, M.r. William a is he ; . 1840 in born s fallen had w he on where Gladstone, hnn senseless Henry awoke . the about moved and up sat ing cough-and all newest patterns kept to choose f1·om. married t-0 a. daughter of Lord Blantyre. The Greatest Blood Pur1- house, and at last thought himself strong ' th. egine. . . and almost J:>lmd, with the flesh The second is the Vicar of Hawarden, Mr, Burned enough to take his "g,ace again. i The Bazaar Glove fitting Patterns for Ladies and Childrens wear for "But that was too much for at the end scald ed ancl torn from his hg,nds, he remem- Stephen Edward Gladstone, who was last fier in the World. of the first week he cam home and fell here? his engine,_ with its _open throttle married to a Liverpool lady. The third, ---\ leapmg on to certam destruc.t10. He seem· Mr. Henry Neville Gladstone, is resident in spring and summer styles, a complete stock. JS 0 w aiting, no sending, . faiBting on the threshold. ed .to see the passegers _mside the long Calcutta ; and the'fourth is Mr. Herbert he after said, he ' Ma1·y, use, " no of t's I ' · but choose your pattern and take it home with you. ' came to himself. "I can't run the engine, ' tram, as so many times m the old days Gladstone, born in 1854, M.P. for a division and if I coul<l it isn't right for people's lives' when he called the morning papers through of Leeds, and distinguished in politica.l lif. Proprietor, Toronto. Remember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. The eldest daughter, Agnes, was married m to be trusted to such weak hands as mine !'; the cars. "He knew how they looked and what l87a to Mr. \Vickham, head master of We!after! work regular any did never "He i oBY 6 OL -=c;:J,they_were.doin&, smokin_g, talking of the lingtonCollege;thesecond is married tote \ that, althongh hesnrvived fora year. . · · · " ' H.IGGII\BC}TDA.1':11 & SO.N, ! "Consumption is a terrible disease, sir!· elections, the price of gram or. how stcks Rv. .Henry Drew;the youngest! elen, ts . l '1'o see one that you would give your heart's went up last week ; women, with crowmg, prmcipal of the well-known Ladies College I BJW IUville, 12-tf. · 1886 22, r.Jh M blood to save, slipping, slipping away before dimpled babies in their arms ; little child- 1 at Newnham, near Cambridge, BOW M 4- N V IL L E. · -- - - - --- - -- - ---- -··"ll'"' - - - - - your eyes, and you helpless to holtl him ren crowding to the windows, vainly trying ASSASSIN GUITEAU'S ANATHEMA. A MOTHER'S CRIME. count the whizzing telegraph poles ; by so much as a hair's breadtl· from auadiau Jtattsmau. A MOTHER'S STORY. back trust young, happy people going on wedding jour Ah, sir the black gulf of detith I · I I : 1 I I I -188 McTAVISH GOODS., {1t fj. : y it I I II " I BONNETS, HATS T-RIMMINGS I I BEWARE . . I t)o I I I j I 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE QN-rr'A.RIO BANK B_;anc i j I ?:re I j 1 &t::g ::.:: a,r J fJ.1m ij I I $5 I 1 place otpayment, j I DAN DEL ION LIVER AND KIDNEY I T H E "\VEST END I I .;,_11_ LLIJrE BY FANCY GOODS HOUSE Hats Re-shaped in - I latest: styles. E MQR RIS j I 1 MRS w M !f') RRI SON