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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1887, p. 5

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· DOMINICA LIME FRUIT JUICE. PURE N o Watered Stock. Baby's and doll's carriages, boy's ons, carts and wheelbarrows at 1'ait & Morrison's. wag- ! The festive cucumber now place of the green apple. takes the vV. Ruse has received a stock of ma.ABSOLUTE LY FRE E chine needles and oil. New Williams, White, Royal, Wanzer, Lockman, Louis, M AL COHOL. F RO Singer, Raymond, Osborne, etc. Call at Ilil! 20. For Sale by Grocers and Druggists in FREE SET OF HARN E SS.-S . Thompson Pints and Quarts (imperial measure). & Co. will give gratis to the pet·son buy The data of the Qt1een-st. anniversary services have been tixed for September COOLING : 11th so that all who wish to hear Mr. Ju t th thmg f or the H 0t Johns will please bear it in mind. eat er. l Our staff were treated ·to still another basket of toothwme apples, last week. Squire Hunkin, is the man upon whom the blessings will descend this time. Electric B.ain Destroyer,-an excellent remedy for Cra.mps, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bruises, Cuts, etc. Sold by J. ItEFRESHINGAn Agreeable Tonic. Higginbotham & Son, Druggists. W HOLESOMEPurifics the Blood. Clarke Agricultural Society hold their Fall Fai:c on the Fair Grounds, Orono,on Friday and Saturday, the 31st of Sept. and 1st of Oct. Persons who have received accounts from this office will confer a favor by attending to them at once. Very pretty and very cheap-engraviugs and chromos at Tai & Morrison's. Purchase Old Country tickets at the STA'l'ESMAN oftice, by Anchor Line. Get a set of those beautiful window shades at Tait & Morrison's. in town, da. Y ;.lfr. J. Hellyar has gone on a visit to D"'wn Mills. r. N. Hooper of Exeter is a guest :iv1 r. J. Neads, 1. · r. M. Neads, of Toronto, spent Sun· [ BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Conecte1l by J. 111eUurtry, every Tuesday. · FLOUR, if" 100 lbs of WHEAT, Fall , 'II" bush . . . . · . . · $2 0 11 On 30 cents for the STAl'ESM.\N to new subscribers tn New Years. Four for $1. at Mr3..John B.eed's. Rev. J. Dyke, of Winnipeg, is visiting BARLEY, 'II" bush spent a few Spring, II II · · . · · 11 Mr. Barber, of Cobourg, days in town last week. If you wish to spend an enjoyable evening, attend the garden party at Mrs. Shaw'!!, Liberty street, to-night. greatly reduced fares to New York. Clean Your Glovcs.-The best thing in the market, only 10 cents a bo:x:, at Stott & Jury's. Dr. Potter, dllce and residence, Prow cr's Block, Kin g , st. , Bowmanville. 1-tf. Mrs. Morrison is offering millinery at reduced prices for balance of the season. Miss E Broomhall, of Toronto is visit ing at Mr S. Mason, sr. Mr. T. Brenton, of Trenton, Sunday at Mr. J'. Hellyar's. Mr. Archie Bingham, of Tren ton, is visiting friends in town. spent Master Willie Heard, of Fenelon Falls, is visiting at Mi·. W. Adam's. Miss Thomes was visiting last week at Dr . M. A. Tt·evitts', 'Vausau, Wisconsin. Mr. and M rs. W. Jewell, of Oshawn, were guests at !VIr. Chas. Young's , on Sabbath last. onto, 0 48 OATS, 0 30 II 0 32 PEAS, Blackeye, 'lfl' bush ... 0 70 11 0 70 11 11 Small, 0 5D 11 0 55 11 Blue, . . . 0 50 11 0 55 BUTTER, best table, W fu 0 15 11 O 15 J.;.A.ltD, 'lfl' fb,., · . , , 0 10 II 0 12 Eoos, 'lfl' doz . . ... . . . . ... 0 1:3 II 0 rn POTATOES, 'lfl' bush 0 40 11 O 50 fuY . . . .. 9 00 II 10 00 DRES SED Hoes. . . . . 5 50 11 6 00 CLOVER SEED . · . - ........ 4 90 II 5 00 ALSIKE . . . , ..... , , , . , .. . 4 00 11 6 00 .... . . · RYE, · · · · . , · · , . . . .. · · · 0 80 0 45 0 45 75 10 to 11 $2 40 O 0 80 0 80 11 11 II 50 2nd Con. Darlington, six miles from Oshawa, and three miles from Bowmanville !lonte.ining frnme house. four barns-three :JOxrn. and one 4.0x60, wi th an addition 30:t32, and good stone otJllar and stable un derneBth the whole, and double pitched roof. Hard and soft water and all otherccm veniences necessary on a first class farm. Pos!ession about October 15th, with privilege to plow immediately. AD· A!t-M TO RENT .-160 aoree on Lot F z.,, · · . . · . ply to GEO . .Au.rn, 011 the premises, or Bowma.nville, P.O. 33·tf. · . · "· , . . , . . · · · . . · · 'l'EMPERANOO Ho·1·Er.. :Mount pleasant. 100 rooms. Three minutes' walk from Central and Lime Street Stations. Night porter. Re commended by Rev. Dr. Bri11;gs, Toronto, and Rev. Chas.Garrett, England. . 20-45. L Visitors to England. IVERPO(JL ENG. - suJ"TE::l:BURY . · · · · · . · · · · · · · · . . . . . · BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ltE·OPENS ltlOND.U.', A. James, agent for the Anchor Line, get Persons buying oce·m tickets from M. Refined expressly for LYMAN SONS & ing the most goods at their shop during 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness CO., Montreal. worth $25.00. A liberal discount to the trade. One week more of the great remnant and slaughter sale at J. J. Mason's gen eral dry goods and .jewelry house. It is worth your while to call and see the bar gains which are being offered. Last week one of the beautiful chande liers in the lodge room of the A. O. F., fell to the floor, smashing into hundreds of pieces. Don't worry if you are out of employ ment, write to Mn. CowIJY, 41 Welling ton Street East, Toronto. Send stnmps for reply. 20-45 There will be an open division at the Sons' Hall, on Tuesday evening next, when a good programme will be render ed. All are welcome. Mrs. A. H. W el sh and daughter, of Toronto, Mrs. E. Jeffery and daughter, of Hamilton, and Miss Chapman, of Detroit, are visiting at Mr. Jas. Morris'. Mrs. A. Welsh and dau.(lhter, of Tor M rs. ·r. Jeffrey, of Hamilton, and Miss S. Chapman, of Detroit are visitors at Mr. J. Morris'. of Physicians. Lontlon, ]l;ng.; Member or College of Physicians anu Surgeons. Ontario. SUROERY AND RESIDENCIJ::-Rear ot Messrs. Higginbotham's Drug Store, Bow"n:mnvil!e, 6-lyr,· Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money to loan. Office, in Beaver Block upstairs in roorns formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden Bowmanville. 39 ' W, S, OIUllSTOY, :r,, J,, II. L ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE DJ[, E. C. McDO\Vlll,J,, 'With its former atl\ff of teachers. Commercial 'l'eachera' and Unin,rsity Classes will b e forme_d a t- once. Students intending to pass exa1mnat1ons shonld enter the first week· otherwise the'I' wil miss part of the work: . Four pupils of tlus achoo! htelv wrote for mat.riculBtion, at Toronto University and one at Victoria; all passed, winning honors (llr:sb and second cl< in various depBrtments. while a large number passed the Teachers' Examinations. W, W, 'l'AMBLY.N. 33·2w. Head Master: AlJCHJST 29th, STOTT & JURY, Agts. (Mention this paper.) BO WMANVILLE. CERTAIN DEATH F··- STOTT & JURY'S Famous Fly Powder will fly in a room in 30 minutes. A hundred yard foot-race toold place on the drill shed grounds on Monday eviming, between Wesley Percy a Fred. kill every Osborne, the former giving the latter three yards start. Percy won easilf. No1'ICE.-As we desire during the sum mer months to publish the names of all visitors to our town, we respectfull, invite all persons having guests to acquaint us of the fact, by letter or otherwise. tf. HOWARD'S GlOVt CUANER ! Gloves can be · - cleaned as by MAGI C - ONLY 10 CENTS AT A very fine picture of the >lm.crican Dental Association is (Jn exhibition i n t h e Big 2 0 show window. Amongst hun dreds of other fine intelligent faces we notice that of Dr. J.M. Brimacombe, the popular Bowmu.nvillc dentis t Having purchased 200 cutters of all . kinds to suit the trade from the Ganano que Carriage Co., we ·are prepared to .ll._ West wholesale cutters to d eal e rs i Durham, Northumberland and 'rtctoria counties. S1uw & TOLE. 27-tf. It is stated that eight pin manuf acGur ers in New England produce annually 2,000,000 packs of pins. Each pack contains 3,360 pins, which makes a total yearly production of 6,720,000,000 pins. It has been computed that the death rate of the globe is 67 a minute, no, 700 a d ay and 35,639,835 a year, and th& birth-rate 70 a minute, 100,800 11. dav,aod · 36,72,000 a year. A base ball match was indulged in be tween th.i base-balliets of Bowmanville and Orono at the latter place on Friday last. The Bowmanville boys were the winners. , . Stott & Jury's WHEN BLOOD IS BAD TRY DR. JUG'S MEDICINE. . We have JUSt rec eived 11 nice new assortment of tweeds, worsteds, etc., and it will pay you to get your fall suit made now before the usual rush begins. Call for further particuJars at .John J. Mason's general dry goods and jewelry house. The teachers and Bible-class members of Church-st. Methodist church S. S. spent a most enJoyable time at the beech on Friday afternoon last. Although the lake was for a time too rough to indulge in boating, there was lots of .rn.erriment, and all seemed sorry when the day was Bowman"Ville Silver Plating Works, Plating in gold, silver King-st. easb. and nickel on all kinds of metals. Car ri aga and harness plating at reasonable rates. Knives, forks, spoons, eructs, teB sets, etc., re-plated in silver, and mBde better than new. Special rates to hotels and boarding houses. Opposite the Sal vation Army Barracks. F. N_ HAM & R. H. HENltY, Proprietors. ended. The Publisher of THE STA rESMAN will give a new Silver Watch to the person sending in the most new subscribers for the balance of this yeat· at 30c. each. Any person can compete. ' Medical Hall. it ls indeed a wonderful remedy, and to ite beneficial effects believe I owe my life, l haVfl tried dozens of patent medicines all to no pur· pose. My ijyetem had. completely run down, the bacldng cough gave 1 1 I me no rest night 01· day, but thanks my to Dr. Jug, one bottle hBB ne&rly restored health. ftEtl We have had placed on our tllbie by R. B. Andrew, the popuhtr C. P. R. agent, copies of Na. 3 O. P. R. Primera. The descriptive summer toura by the 0. P. It. Woodstock, May 6. '86. are very interesting i.nd parties contem- ves me much "Pleasure to tes plating a pleasure trip will do well to look It tity in favor of Dr. Jug's Medicine, over them. W. E. Petliick Jrnving been appointed agent by the Swiss Stea m Laundry Co., 12 & 14 Jordan St., Toronto, is now pre pared to receive anything that the citizens of Bowmanville may require laundered, which will receive prompt attention and he will guarantee all work will be done in first-class style. By calling on Mr. Peth ick all information can be obtained. Gn.UERT SAUNDERS. tiht anmliau cJtlttt!fimau. :&;;;A.;v;,--A;;;-·2;:1887. Local and Otherwise. Farmers, before purchasing inder . T' see Shaw & Tole, Bowmanv1lle F IRE , L IF E, ACCIDENT Insurance. tf. RoBT. Vrn.T UE, Agent, Bowmanville. The market for wool is now open, and ·w. Quick & Co. are offering the highest ,price. Fon. SALE.-L. D. Sawyer Reaper and M3.Ssey Harvester nearly n ew. SHAW & ToLE. To Avorn BALDNESS oR GREY HAIR. Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great Germn.n Hair Magic. lt keeps the scalp clean and free from Dandruff, and promotes the growth of the hair. It prevents grey ness and stops all falling out of tc hair. On bald heads, where the roots have not perished, it will invigorate them and force a new growth of hair. A sk for Hair Magic. It is the only reliable. Bf>"!: sale by a.11 druggists. An enterprising spider built his web on Monday last across the wires near the electric light at the Post Office corner. The result being that as soon as the light was turned on the flies which gathered in great numbers were entaugled in his net by t.he 2core and Mr. spider had ii. glorious feed. The magnified shadow bolng cast upon the sidewalk the whole proceedings formed a very interesting picture for the spectators who gathered round. Don't let anybody say after this that Bowman villo spiders aro not too cute iqs any· thing. The printers dollar, where are they ? A dollar her, and a .dollar there, scatter ed over numerous small towns all over the country, miles and miles apart. How can they be gathered together ! Come home, ye are wanted. Come in single or double file, that the printer may send you forth again to battle for him and vindi cate his credit. Readers, are you sure you haven't one or more of the printer's dollars sticking about your clothes ? Savage & Farnum, of Island Home Stock Farm, Grosse Isle, Wayne County, Mich., importers and breeders of Pe r cheron horses, h a ve entered thirty-seven he ad. of registered Percheron stallions and mares. Thee thirty-seven are the choicest of their entire stud, and will no doubt an <1.ttacivc card at the coming . cxlub1t1on. This 1s the largest entry of horses ever made in Canada by a sinale firm, and the largest number ever ma"de . · . l S tates or C a.nada except at, m t h e U mte( one fair:, and there, out of fifty-two ex hibitors, Sa v age & F arnum showed o n e tenth of all the horses thnt were entered and were awarded twenty-two per cont. of all the prizes. Admirers cf this famous breed of h orses, and those who contern plte purchasing should not fail to inspect this hrge number. Both Mr. Savage a.ncl M.r. Farnum will be at the fair with their hor se s during the exhibition and will have comfortable qnart.ers fitted up in which to meet and entertain their fr'.tendt1, and will-be-glad to make the acquaintance of viRitors to the fair with . wh om t,11ey have beP..n correspondmg. Civic holiday was spent by the greater pttrt of our citizens on the lake shore, the beach from the pier westward being pretty thickly strewn with picnic partie s. Unfortunately the lake was too rough for any aquatic sport to be indulged in, a stiff breeze from the south west causing a heavy sea to roll it upon the shifting sands and rendering a safe landing from small boats almoRt an impossibility. Considerable boating however was indulged in upou the sheltered and placid " Vt> 1Y b reeze bosom 0f tb e marsh· t he l1 driving those canoes and boats which carried sails across the water in fin e style. Towards evening the breeze shift· e<l m ore to the north ward and dropped Considerably so that the lal' 'e speed1'ly calm enough for boating parties to venture upon it, a great many availing "ty, th e ma rsh themse1v e s of thfl opportum was quickly deserted for the broader expane of old Ontario. Everybody seemed tv enjoy themselves to tho foll and re port a pleasant time at the lnke shore. &c., Cobourg. D. C. HOSSACIC Cobonrg, June 1. 1887. B ARRIS TER S, llOSSA.CK ,\\ l'U:J,D, Solicitors, Notaries, ___ W ANTED . - A good servant. FRANK M. FIELD· 2 . ·-· · - _ ---· 2 to MRS. JOHN WESLEY, Cedar Cliff. 28 Apply House situated at tho Harbor. lfor terms apply to T.H. Vann, Bowmanvi!le. 21-tf. F OR SALE.- Mr S E A good General Ser va nt. "l."XTAT D.23:1-yv. 'fl MRs.F.MASON, King-at. HE BISHOP S1'RACHAN SCHOOL for Young J,adies -President the Lord Bishop nf 'l'oronto.-Thc ecihool wili be r_e·opened _on \Vedne8day, September 7th. Dnrmg va!Jatlon th class and dormitory ac· commodat1on are bemg enlarged, a.nd the iu· terior generally improved, as well as the aspect of the huildings. by adding a new hall !L n d dilng room. The arrangements tor mstrnct10n and due snoervision will be main tained in efficiency. FurUier informu.tion and "Prospectus may be had i mmediar.ely by writing to the I.ady Principal, Mis GRIE lt Wykeham , Hall, College avenue, 'l'oronto, who may be seen personally after 22nd .August. 32:2m. T E. G. Burk's Boat -'!4-- RENT-'l'he Stand one door west of the ui table for ·IDi\ll store, er for an Office. Apply to GALE BROS. do needle work. where a girl is kept for kitchen work. Apply to MRS JA:\rES HErn for MRS. REID, King-st. e ast. 33:tf TONEws Offic.,. A. "TANTED.-A lionseinai·d who can I-1YLAN.D JOHN.SITUATED IN CA R 'I' 1-V R I G H 'fl' Being the east half of good farm consisting of 100 acres. tate of the late fin F!m Sru: ! th ...Es· Democrat wagon. platform spring, nearly new. .A. bargain for somebody. Apply to M. TRELEVEN, Sign of the Big Boot, Bow man vi l----··------·--- ---·--- - W ·----------- ------- A GGON FOR ALE CH EAP. -A · boarders will find good comfortable boa rd and lodging at Mrs. John Varcoe's, over 'l'od Bros·s. dry goods store. Meals will also be supplied at all hours. 26·3m at urday evening a Gold Chain and Locket., having the word " Mi11oah" engraved on It. Finder will be suitably rewa.1ded by returning it to MISS M HAMllLY, at the " Arlington," 32 ' BO ARDERS OST.-On WANTED.-A FEW L S It is within 8 miles of Port Perry 3 ofBnrke· ton, and 14 of Bowmanville markts 'l'bera is n good frame dwelling house, a 1;1mll orch· ard, and good well of water. There is also a good barn, 35 x 50. and a shed and sta.lJle 5\l:X:30. 'l'ho oil is good clay loam. For further par ticulars_, apply to \V, BRUCE, Blackstock. P. O. Cartwrtght. 3l-tf ·- LOTS, CONCESSION, 2 A Rare Chance. e stamps. tor Uhurch. Sunday School and Office use. Pen and Pcncnl Stamp, with name and address s.,nt. r J ost paid on rece\vt ot 50c. ,_ , H. COX, No.4 K rng Street Address R OuEH.T E, 'l'oronto. 6·tf 1 F OR RUBBER AND METAL One of the Best Farms in the Provin,c.11 of Ontario for Sale. · in the 5th C oncession of the Township of Mariposa. in tbc County ot Vict.oria. 'l'his prope1·ty le situated lo on e or the best agricul· tural districts in the province. 'l'hc propcrt.y well fenced. 'l'he soil is a rich clay lQam. !here are erectAd on lhe premises tbe follow· ing buildings, namely a brick house 22x28 with a atone foundation ant cellar unil0er the whole, with brick kitchen attached, 18x:<J.,6, a good frame b.e.rn 36x56,n. frame stable 36xi0 and a frame woodshed 16x21, '.!'here are about 9:> acres clearcd,of which abouWO are under culii· vation, the balance is covered with mixed timber. 'l'hcre is a good orchard of fruit-trees and two never·fa1ling wells or water with a pump in each, 'l'his Property is distant from LindS'1.Y about H miles, from Port Perry H miles. from the village or Little Brittain 5 t.niles from the "illagc of Cannington about 6 mile!! and from l\fonilla Station H miles. 'l'her6 is a. good school within l} miles of the premisos. Terms ea sy to suit purchaser. For !urthe::.· particulars apply to B. i\famLT,, N AM ELY the north lrnlf of Lot :t'f.o.-4 7, township of Clarke, with good building s and a never·failiug sLream of water thereon. rror other particularu apply to t.he proprietor, .r AS, CAUSCADDEN, Bowmanville. 33:2w. - .. _. FARM H la11d to rent, being on J,ot 20, Concession TO R EN T- 1 00 acres of good : premises, or 'l'aunton, P . 0. lot 31, con. 5, Darlington, near Mitchell's Corners. Hard and soft water, good orchard and stable on the premises. Particulars on !IPPll99.tion to G·EORtm WJ..SIIIN"O'l'ON. on the OUSE AND Lo·r FO.R SALE ON ------ ·------ derman. Mrs. Morrison's Stock Millinery is all ne1v and th e be sold at reduced prices. ·we are selling Ginghams for 10c worth from 1 2i to 20c. Couch, Johnston Cry of Summer bi\lance will The best pince to et your watches, clocks and jewelry repaired is J.J.Mason's chy good11 and jewelry house. The many friends of Rev. J. l.ft Dyke, Ortter Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Pickets, who labored here so successfully three Liberty Factory, Planing Morris' at etc., years ago, but who has since been station etreet, R.H. Osborne, leaec. ed in the far west, will be pleased tQ hear We are showing special value in black that the Rev. gentleman is now on a visit marvellieux silka and also in black silk to this neighborhood. In order to give Couch, Johnston & him an opportunity for all his friends to lace flouncings. Cryderman. see him, a picnic has bee n arranged for The picnickers to Iclyl Wild <;>n Civic at Mr . Cotton's, on Thursday afternoon, holiday report a very pleas;:mt time, al 29th inst., to which are invited all who tho'lgh th attendance was below what would like to go. The friends will please waa expected. nccopt this invitation and bfili3 al on g A v ery pleasant time is W.Ruse is determined not to be under their basktJts. sold and is . offering PiBnos, Organs, and anticipatedSewing Machines at way down prices. aee The Secretary of the Dominion and In him before purchasing. dustrial Exhibition Association informs A very lively gnme of base-ball was en us that the entries for th e fo1Ui.eoming gaged in on Saturday afternoon last, in exhibition, which opens at Toronto, on the drill shed grounds, between Polson the 5th of Sept., are far in excess of base-ball club, of Toronto, and the 13ow· those of any previous year. The exhibi The game lusted about tion takes the additional title of Domin manvillo team. three hours and was watched by numer· i on this year, in consequence oi having ous interested spectators, but it became received the F11daral grant for 1887, and evident from the start that the Bowman the managers are endeavoring to make it At the as much a Doi;ninion gathering as pos ville boys were going to win. close of the g"me the score stood 28 to 8 sible. Refunds of freight ar& given to It will be distant exhibitors, and Manitoba,Algome. in favor of the home team. nece:!sary for Toronto boys to practice and the : Maritime Provinces are being some more before they attempt to lick induced to contribute collections'. Fully this town. $40,QOO have been eY.pended in buildings FARl\TEltS Prcm c. A monster Farmers and improvemens this year . In the way 'Picnic is announced for. on 'l'uesday, of special attractions there will be given Sept. 6, to be held at Mr. R. Colville's, at intervals daring the exhibition., aques lot 34, con. 4, Clarke. A number of trienne performances in the hO!f!0" ring, prominent men are to be present to aeronaut ascensions with double baloons, address the meeting on the subject of lJerforming on the trapeze while ascend Commercial Union. The principal speak- ing, and a brilliant pyrotechnic display : are to be Mr. Erastus Wiman and by Prof. Pain, who superintended the ets Tho Bowman- fireworks at the Queen's jubilee, nt L on -Hon. Ben. Butterworth. ville band as been engaged to en!iven don, England. Following the latter per· the proceedrngs and every convemence formance there will be a scene represent will be provided in the shape of hot and ing the seizure and capture of Pekin, cold water, etc., to ensure the event enacted on the gronnds with Englil"h, being one of pleasure as well as of deep Chinese and French soldiers an! marines Commercial Union being n ow with scenery and costumes. The Govem interest. the leading _topic of _the day'· the farmers or-General will open the exhibition on generally will find 1t to the1 advantae the grounds, and the grounds and build to obtain ·all the inforrnat10n on the in as will be li"hted each eveninowith 0 1mbject that i possible and there is no electric liahts. " will be fully d1;mbt that the question . . . A.S SWEET AS llf);olEY h Dr . -"lens· ·d. 1scussed a t the [or thcoming ptcmc. Le t 1mt worm Syrup, ye& gurc to d 1Moy and there be a nume rou s attendance. expel worm. AND Co:NTES'l'.-The band conTHE B test in Guelph last Weclnesdav in which the D. 0. & P. Co. Band t·i ok part was the cause of quite a little excitement in town, when the result became known and i t was noised abroad that the Bowm a:r;iville band had carried off the _hrat prize agamst a number of cornpet1tors the public generally seemed to feel livelier ancl b egan to swell around some. The following bands entered the list :-Dominion Oro-an Company Bowmanville . Doherty B:nd, Clinton : '32nd Battalio Band, Walkerton; Bell Organ Company Band; Wellesley Cornet Ba nd; High· of Vienna, Ont., having used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild S t rawb erry in hie TRA YED OR STOLEN.-From the family for summer complaint, says, "I premises of John Barrett, Newcastle, on cannot speak to highly of it, for children T "uly 7Lh, a small Reel Cow, three years old as well us aged people troubled with now supposed to have a calf. All persons are herebv forbidden to keep her Jn possession diarrhoi it has no equal," WITHOUl' EQUAL.-W1lson Montrose, . I era will be received up to September lst for repaira to the Otll.ce at Bowmanville. Repairs to consist of a i1cw porch over the door. For plans and specifications apply to THOS BURDEN, Deputy Reeve. Bowmanville. Aug 23rd 1887. 33-lw T 2'J 3eow. ENDERS WANTED.-Sealed tend Beaverton, August 13t. 1887. Beaverton, P. 01 Ontario. S F. A. JONES, VETERINARY SURGEON, l You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, &c., at M. Tre leven's. . _ and anyone g-iving information lead ing to he recovery will be suitably rewarded. Newcastle, .Aug. 3rd, U87. 3l:tf. CORRECTION· In our _ report of the procedngs o the last i_neetmg of Township 1Jo1.mc1l, of DaFlmg t on, a mistake occurred as to the The _senence, " re ra.e of taxation. . q um ng a rate .of three m i ll s m th? dollar , -one-tenth 1gher than last yea, sl;oulc1 have read , 011-tenth <;>f a mill h1ghr The mcreased rate 1s tha n last year. rendered necessary by the lower mte of a ssessm ent . -. he first-class farm, containing one hundretl and thlrt acres · being part of Lot No. 16, in . he flfth Concession of the township or Picker , mg. tor sale, or will be leased for a term of !ears. 'l'enant can ha'l'e the privilege of aow mg eixtecn acres of fall wheat if desired. P os session 1st of October. For further particulars apply to J. B. CAIU'J1N'l'EH, on the premises or Brougham P. o. 3l-aw FARM TO RENT OR SELL. -A Honorary Graduato of Ontario VeteriJ),ary College, Member of O ntario Vete1 inary Association, will attend to all diseases of domestic animals. ENNISKILLEN, Operations & Dentistry A Calle nd Orers by mail or telegtaph will receive prompt attention. CHAltGES MODERATE. S P E C I ALTY. land Cadet Band; Guelph City Band ; 30 th Rifles' Band, Elora; Pi·eston Eand. The prize-a were awarded as follows : 1st, Bowmanville, 4G4 points ; 2nd, Sar-----·----nia, 458 points; 3rd, Waterloo, 414 Small Farm for Sale AUCTION SALES. pc>ints. The conquering musicians did not return until the 9:40 train on Thurs Auction. day night, but nevertheless most every WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2·1 . ·- The under signed has been instructed to sell by body atayed up in order to give them a HAVE BEE N FAVORED WITH public auction nt the residence of Mr. welcome. A baud was got together and instruction from tho executors of the estate W. Yellund's, Albert St., Oahawa, the of the le.Le James J.\llcCormack deceased to a procession formed and marched to the whole of his household furniture, whic}1 sell by public auction, on the premises on ' station, and upon the arrival of the train, id nearly all new, and of good quality, the victors wee greeted with loud cheers. S<\le to commence at 2 o'clock. Terms, The proc esaio n then fell in line, numer cash. . C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. ous torches were lit and thus escorted, 11t 2.30 o'clock, P· m., tjle following described the conqueri:'ig heroes marched up town, lands and premises:THUitSDJ..Y, SEPTBM:BER lst.-1\Ir. John several of the houses en route being Known as tb.e north 28 a.cres of Lot No 27 Otton, sr., offers for sale, 'on Lot 33, in the 5th Concession, in the 'l'ownship oC a s t e ful l y illuminated. ThA procession t Con. 2, Cltirke, a l ot of val uable farm Clarke, on which ls a frame house, barn and marched to the Ruebottom House where stock, implements, &c. Sale at 1 ·stable, good orchard, well watex·ed and fenced no stumps. stones, or bad weeds, in gond tate the boys were treated to a supper, after ' & 1i arp . LE vr A · TOLJ!:, A uc. o 'c1oc,c of cultiation, well located, only half a mile which considerable verbosit.r and hilarity from Orono, and good land, a was indulged in. 'Ve understand that THTIRSDAY, S:EPTBMnER 22nd.--Mr. B ker Solina will offer for sale his house and 'l'imru:s.-$100 on the day of sale ; one ha.It efforts are being macle to secure the in six Bcres of land, Blso his stock imple- wi th tho $,LUO. on flt·st day of November. B alstruction of Prof. Carey for the band ance to smt the purchaser, ments and household goods. As the permanently. He will reside [in Bow . This ts a rare opportunity to p ur chase a nice proprietor is moving to Toronto the httl e farm. manville if suitable arrangements mm be R. MOMENT, whole property must be sold w ith out SMw made. It is expected that under his __ _u reserve. For particulars sea bills. _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ .A. _ c _ t_ _ _ e rc _._ _ o i n_ tuition the D.O.& P.Co. b11nd will speed ily attain a position second to none in the s ing, CourtDominion. tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for A big stock and small'.prices at Darlington and Whitby, Bowmanville M. Treleven's. No shoddy goods and 08hawa, Appraiser, &c. All bu8iness kept. All warranted. 34-3w iittended to promptly. Orders may be left at the STATESMAN office, Bowmanville, or Reformer office, Oshawa. AR M FOR SALE .-80 acres bein()' OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A · .M. lot 17, con. 4, Darlington, on whih a r e .A. first-class stock or Medicines alway's house and good farm buildings, well fenced . on hand and watered, a bo1t 3 acres orchard, good soi N. B.-Will visit Williamsburg nery adapted for gram and pasture. Within 21 niles of. Hampton .ocl 3 miles of Bowmanville. Saturday of each week. 16-ly . l'e1·ms very easy, For further particulars ap ---"' ply to M. 4. JAMES, at the STATESMAN Office, -GRAND13owman ville. 25-tt. F . by DOMINION AND INDUSTRIAL I EXHIBITION TORONTO, Sept. 5th to 17th. $30,000 IN PRIZB;S. This; being the] Dominion and Ind ajrial t Exhibitlon combined, will he the gralldest exhibi tlon of the agricultural and indu.etrial products of this country ever held. 1SS7, Saturday, Sept. 3rd, Entries close August 13th. :!o:: ::k D E N. T I S T R Y ! A Grand Program of Special At tracti.ons is being prepared. Return tickets e.t single !are aud ch<)l\Jl ,ex· cursiona on all railways during the fu.ll }im0 · of tho erllibltio:p. THE GREATES'r EVENT OF JUBILEE YEAR. . For Price Hats and further informlljtiOll · E address. .r ··J. 'Vl'l'HRfnv. President. n. J. HII.J,, Mgr, and tlec,, To$to WANTED -- OF- 129":J784 LBS. -W--OOL FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST P RICE WILL .BR PAID, AT AUCTION SALES . -L evi A. Tole, _Licen sed Auctioneer for the townships of Clarke, Manvcrs, Cartwright,Darlington, and Whitby. All sales attended to promptly and at reasonable rates. Where it is not convenient to see ma, arrange ments can be made a this Office, 01· by addressiui;: Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. z C · 0 Graduate o!the Royal Collegeot Dental Surgeons, Ontario. H A RN DE N , L · D. S , N .B.-Our advertising rate for auction sales, when we do not print the sale bills, is 25 cents a. line, each insertion. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY OFFICE orPOSITE EXPRESS OFF CE. W. MORRISON, Carriage Painter, 200 W. QUICK & Co's. NATIONAL 1·11,1.s will not grlpelor:stck· en, arc n t.lrnrough cathartic, yet STONE-Nein Deanl.l\fills, Cartwright, on the 10th inst., the wire of Mr. c, Stone, or alson. CoLWILT,-!n Darlington, on the 20th instant, u10 wif6 ol Mr John Colwill ' Ma.nverll Road o! a.s on. ' · BIRTHS. l Great Reductions in price on all Dental Work. Vitalized Air, constantly in use pro· ucing Palnless Operations. Paticulr atten tion to the regulation ot Children a Teetll ARTIFICIAL TEE;.a! l1.TED WiTHour . HAS REM DV ED his place of business , '; to the!UIG BRICK STORE,fnear YanStone S m1ll. ,....ALL WORK W.ARR.ANTED· .._ Branch office, Dr. Rutherford 1 s Orono, If your Carriage, WaO'Oll or Slnigh 0 -:V wants repainting, call on him. I · · ·

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