M::EIOQ_ The following mteresting letter ltas As it · been received by a Newcastle lady from her son who is now in Mexico. number of interesting facts contains considerable information and a about U1e GREAT SALE In order to make room for manners and customs of the Mexicans we gladly give it publication:San Juan del Rio, Estado de Queretaro, Mexico, June 20, 1887. DEAR MoTmm,-I have been ti·ying to write you for a month but the endeavor has ·not proved a glaring success, as there are so many things to attract the atten tion from what is at all tims, for me, a task. A task in this way-there's a great deal to write about, but it requires nJmost a master hand te arrange and render it presentable. I am comfortably ensconsed in a hugh arm chair of antique pattern, located 3500 miles from Newcastle, in a land of almost perpetual summer, where the sun shines every day, with the exception of the rainy season, which, like Christmas, comes but once a year. It was unfortunate for Ponce de Leon, that he knew nothing of this section of the world, or he might be living to shake hands with me, as l 've seen some people whose age is uncertain, but who have the appearance of being contemporary with Cortez. Two months ago ;today I shook off the last vestige of American dust from my feet and crossed the line of civilization into the "land of God and Liberty," but after careful investigation I believe the name to be misplaced. On the 22nd of April I was sitting in the Alameda in the City of Mexico, under the immense live oaks, surrounded by bright flowers and luxurious vegetation of every kind, watching the dark-eyed senoritas pass to and fro, and listening to· the military band playing "La Golan drina", and it JUSt struck me that four years ago exactly I was in Newcastle. The surroundings were very different, and I tried to make a resume of what I had seen and where l'd been during those four years. I have travelled over 10,000 miles, been in 15States of the Union and several in Mexico, heard the Indian pala ver in Wisconsin, the French parley i11 New Orleans and the Spaniard habla m Mexico, fraternized with the Yuma in Tia Juan, and the Apache in Arizona, heard the story of Davy Crockett in the Alamo, and of Maxim ilian at Quoretaro, bathed in the Pacific and the Gulf, the Mississippi ancl the Rio Grande, and through it all, I'Y(l l'emerntE!:red the little Fall Goods which are coming in rapidly, we will start on MoNDA Jill 25 To clear off all remnants of Summer Goods that wo have in Stock At Cost. As the public know that we always do what we advertise, som ·, be in uhe first staes of that disease. t attract hi attention, as its a atyl·' he does The Congregationalists, of Cobour_g, not usually meet. have extended a unanimous invitation to As they say in .A.lobama, thouf(h "I've Rev. Jas. Pedley, of Georgetown, to fake done got over" tb.e fluttering buHiness, so charge of their church. Mr. Pedley is a that it doesn't bother me, alLlio ugh I brother of their late pastor. occupy an iasular position here. AN UNDOUB'l'ED OPINIOX.-" I wa s Am the only Englishmen or JI merican severely troubled with diarrhcea and in the town, w!1ich has some 10,IJOO peo having used some of the wonderful Dr. ple, and as l'm a blonde, and 1weryone Fowler's \Vild Strawberry, I was in a else is dark a certain amount of H.ttention is paid me, especially by the gentkr (1) sex. short timo completely cnred. I can re commend it as a splendid medicine." 'rhe proprietor of the hotel in .vhich I live V\rl\L A. S1'AJ;'FORO, Shedden, Out. has two very neat daughters, thl' younger Mr. Jas. Cochrane, inspector for West nne, who has seen 14 summers, is very devoted to the Senor. The fin1·r1b fruit, J>eterborough, has prosecuted G4 cases of the prettiest flowers are reserved for me, Scott Act violation since 1st May last. and many are the scoldings the aervants In 60 of them he has obtained convictions, get if they are more dilitory or J1egligent the btal amount of fines imposed being than usual," which is generally Lhe case". $4,000. '.l'hen in the evening when her older sister I COULD SC ARC ELY SPlAK ; it was al is playing the pis.no in the parlor, my most impossible to breathe through my lit,tle sweetheart comes out into the cool, nostrils. Using Ely's Cream Balm a. smooth-paved courtyard, and we dance the shod time I was entirely relieved. My rhythmic waltz until the older sis gets head has not been so clear nor voice so tired. strong in years. I recommend this ad Women have but little liberty in this mirable remedy to all afflicted with Ca country Their only excursion or out tarrh or colds in the head.-.J.O.TICHENdoo1· exercise being the daily walk to the 01, Shoe Merchant, Elizabeth, N. ,J. church, in which they are always accom As ONE HAVING USED Ely's Cream panied by an old servant-woman, who Balm I would B3Y it is worth its weight in guards her jealously. They must not gold as a cure for catarrh. One bottle speak to a man on the street, and their cured me.-S. A. Low. L, Franklin, Pa. only opportunity to get acquainted with II a man is the moment or two th11.t she can see him through the barrecl iron fenced windows. Courting is all done in this manner_ One evening in Querertaro, l came across a young fellow, who had rigged one of the old time string telephones between the second storey window of his sweetheart, and the ground; and from the unintermittent use of it, should imagine that he was pouring his whole heart into that empty tomato can. A young man sees but little of his wife before:he marries her perhaps not meeting her, as we would term it, more that once or twice. The proposal has to be made to the father, and if he and the mot!1er think well of it the compact is made. There appears to be more money in vested in churches than in anything else. Every town has from 1 to 50 churches. San Juan ha!:! 8 Catholic and 1 Protestant churches, Queretaro with 35,000 people has 40, while Mexico with a population of 275,000 contains 126 of the same faith. '.!'ht!__ shrine of Guadalupe, just outside . for tlieir · · Tlus IS the1r on 1 y h eac1-dress, an(, · . i ecommg style of beauty, is eminently e. The as their principal feature is the . I b ack . combinatioo of a pair of beautif eyes with lustro s liquid depths, et ma madouna-like face, and framed .!1 th the soft black sarage, is calculated 10 make the averaoe American's heart fiu1>ter, and ! William Mccaffrey, the six-year-old son of Mr. John McCaffrey, Port Hopt, was drowned while bathing in the lake on Tuesday morning of last week. IJi · 'IAMARAC ELDUR is not advertised to care consumption, but it has made some remarkable cures of persons supposed to for Infants and Children. lciwame." H. A A.ac<iliR, M.D., :Ill So. Oxford St, l3rook13u, N, Y. · . [=mmenditasauperiortoanyprescriptfo:u ' "CUtorJs is so well adapted to children that; I Casto& cttres Oollo, C!onttt !.tto p , S<)ur Stomach, pia.rrhooa, EructntiG'1t. Kills gives sleep, and promofl!a d!"' Tm:: Cs.NT.J.Uit WJt.rous0fulurious medication. !;orm.s, Co:.rP.t..-<Y, ';7 Iliurrny Street, ?f. Y. FOR S.A.LE BY .T. HIGGINBOTH.A.i'\1 & SON, BOWM.A.NVILLm M.MAYER Has a large Stock of L SUMMER FLAT·S on hand, which he is determined to run off REGARDLESS OF COST. Also a large and choice stock of GENT'S FURNISHINGS which will be sold at So come along and bring your friend with you and ex amine Goods and Prices, all of which must be disposed of, to make room for Fall Importations. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. · Rare Bargains l\'.fay be looked for. This sale does not merely refer to very short ends but includes pieces of ordinary dress lengths and at prices that will astonish you,. We cannot give you a com· plete list of all we shall offer, but as a sample read the fol lowfng. Best 12c. Print for 10c. a Yard. Best 10c; Print Se. a Yard. for Other Prints for 5c. and 6c. a yard. Hand s o m e D re s s Goods 1 Oc. a yd. Seer Sucker Dress Goods 1 Oc. worth 15c. Gltighams 7c., cheap at 10c. Parasols at Tremen dous Reductions. Cdme early and Secure the Best Bargai?s. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. village on Lake Ontario, which is st1II my home. Well, to rtturn to the subject, Mexico is a great country, but in a very primitive state, and that backwardness is caused part;ly by the Latin indolence of the na tives, and partly, by far the greater, through the selfish actions of the church, which dominates even the Fo;deral power. The priests wilfully keep the people in ignorance permitting the1n only to learn such things as suit their conven· ience. Everything is made subjective to them, under the guise of religious duty, and that is why to-day not more than 20% of the people can read or write t.heir own name, and live in a manner fashionable during Moses' period. Their houses are built of sun-dried brick, (with straw , by the way) one storey high, with flat roofs, and very few windows, walls two feet thick, and the rooms fronting on a court yard in the centre. The stylti is certain ly adapted to the climate and gives very satisfactory results, preserving almost the same temperature throughout the year. Stoves are an unknown article, many of the inhabitants having never seen one, their cooking being done with charcoal on immense stone ranges. '.rhair bread is baked in a hollow dome resembling the kraal of a Hottentot, and by the way its the only thing t.hat is cooked properly. Coal costs 36 to 48 dollars a ton, so that it is very rarely used. They make no more delicious chocolate in Paris than is made right here in every village, its al most health giving in its richness and delicacy. 1\-iy breakfast consists of a couple of :French rolls, with a cup of the famous chocolate, a couple of raw eggs and a glas::. of milk, tho river water not being good to drink, I never touch it, ex cept for use in a mechanical way. '.l'he natives subsist principally upon the tor tilla, a species o± week-kneed pancake, which resembles Nanki-Pa's sweetheart Katsha-"a maiden is all the better when she's tough". This tough pancake with the green Cayenne pepper, and fruit, with a liLLle meat and more pepper form the staple diet, and they seem to thrive upon it, so far as flesh is concerned, though they are lacking in vitality and strength as compared with the higher-feet Anglo Saxon. But the dress is the most conspicuous feature_ The lower class, or peons, who have more or lees of the old Atec blood in them, do not burden themselves with a superfluity of clothing ; commencing at the Biblican sandal, which for comfort's sake is worn without stot:kings, the bal ance of the costume is made of wl1ite duck, or "manta" cloth in two pieces, pantaloons and shirt or jumper. During the evening, and early morning hours this is supplemented by the "Samge," a woolen shawl or blanket which is thrwn artistically over the shoulders like a scarf. The women wear a costume but very little (iissimilar to the men's, the exception being that the lower garment is a sl1ort skirt. The better class of people, who possess Spanish ancestrv, dress more like the European, but the fashions are rather distorted. Their shoes are narrow toed and are mounted on enormous heel, the latter being the most important. portion of the footwear. The pants are cut skin tight, with bell bottoms, and can be anything ut comfortable. No waistcoats are use, the coat fitting tight, and resembling the drill jacket of the ar tillery service in Canada. And for h eadwear they used a wide-brimmed hat fearfolly and wonderfully made. It is of a The National Palace, opposite from the Cathedral is 600 feet square, and makes a man tired to walk around it. It con tains the Post Office, Patent and Govern ment printing offices, Museum, and is the official residence of the President and his Cabinet. '.l'here is a. full regiment of troops barracked in it and from 1 to 5 elegant military bands, some one of which is playing from daylight to 10 p. m. every day, This is the place where the Ameri· can flag floated from '47 to '48, and this I might say is one reason why t\mericans are not favorites. The people will not allow themselves to forget that theAmeri cana whipped them, and put their capital city under martial law for two years. The English from their high sense of honor are more esteemed than aay other foreigners, and to my nationality I ascribe my favored treatment by the natives. Well, I might write for weeks and yet have something to talk about, so in order to not weary you I'll finish up here. Yours, 1531. ing 30 tons, for which an equal weigh t of pure silver has been refused. 'I'his, at the present quotation of silver, represents a value of $000,000, while the alter in the Cathedral in the city cost $1,000,000 and possessed at one time (is now missing) a lamp worth $70,000, while tho structure cost 2,000,000 more. It is 4£:6 feet by 200, and 175 feet high, has twin towors 200 ft. l;igh, which are plumb full of bells. 'rhe structure contains 14 chapels, 6 :tltar and 5 naves, and the tomb of Iturbide, and was built in 1563. The holiest sh1foe though is Guadalupe which elates from of Mexico dtyihas an alta1' raililll( weigh Absolutely Pure. Thls powuer nev er va.riea. A marv e l of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition w i th the multitude of low too short weight, alum or ph osphate powders: ;:;old onlyin c ans. ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER C0. . 106 Wall St . . N. Y. IG SALE! I am determined to clear ant all my summer stock, and will sell the same at far less than wholesale prices. the dollar to clear out. Some lines, such as Women's Prunella Boots and Gaiters, etc., I will sell at 50 cents on ANCHOR_ LINE I "SECURE AMID ST PERILS." I am cont.inually sorting up with new stock 9.nd will sell the same at close prices. URITEDSTATES MAILSTE.llMERS SAILING Hl'l'WEEN YOtrNG l\fEN-I am making terrible reductions on Men's low a!toes, as they must be cleared out at once. winclo? NEW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK and GLASGOW, -AND- {,)Il See the prices in the these shoes. I wish to info1·m the young men who work at & GLASGOW 01!'"' and RA T ES To or LIVERPOOL. the fiQtories that if they will give me a liberal share of their patronage, SERVICE. I will make a special reduction to them. It will pay you to come to me yo - nr Boots and Shoes. I am keeping no trash and can sell s;ou PASSAG E. Boots and Shoes, as cheap as any store in Canada. GLASGOW SERVICE f1·om New Yo1·k, Glasgow, Liver pool, Londonderry or Belfast. Jl'IRST Aft Outside Berth $GO .A.ft lnsicle or For· ward Be1·th, $50 . { CABIN. Excurs ion Tic ets. a vailabl e for l Yea.i· CL'.ASS, } All Ordered Work will receive prompt attention. $ll0 $90 SECO ND REMEMBER THE PLAGE--SGOTT'S OLD STAND. 26·8!4 Singl e, $0, (Including requisites.) Ret ur n , $:;5 Ch i ld r en , 2 to 12 yrs ., halffare, Infants free. NEW YORK OSCAR. & LIVERPOOL, via QUEENSTON S. S. CITY OF .tWM.E. From NEW YORK· From L!VEHPOOL. GEORGE BUCK, IMPORTANT TO ALL NEW YORK DISTRICT NOTES. Decoration Day, at Cobourg, on 'Vednesday next. No one can describe the sufferings caused by Asthma except those troubled with the complaint. One package of Southern Asthma Cure will relieve any case. Double treatment in each package. + + Wed,Sept,H, CI'l Y OF ROME, Wed,.A.ug.31 Wed, Oct. 12, CI'J.'Y O F ROMK Wed. Sept. \!8 ' RAT ES 1'o or OF PASSAG E_ Liverpool or MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION -OF 0F.PICE, 320 & 322 BROADWAY, P. 0. llox 851. NF;w YoRK. THE UNITED STATE S Who are Bald, or have 'l'hin o r Gey Hal11, Or· who are troubled with dandruff, from .New York, <Jiieenston. CABIN, Dr. DORE NWE ND'S z An effort is being made to, if possible, induce the Rathbun Co., of Deseronto, to make Lindsay their headquarters. B.B.B. SToOD TrrE TES'.L'.-"l tried every known remedy I could think of for rheumatism, without giving me 11ny relief, until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which remedy I can highly recommend to all afflicted as I was." HENRY S11H'l'H, Milverton, Ont. The Clarke Agricultural Society will hold their annual fair in Orono onFriday and Saturday, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. VALUABLE.- " Having used B.B.B. for biliousness and torpid liver, with the very best results I would recom· mend it to all thus troubled. The medi· cine is worth its weight in gold." TILLIE WHr.rE, Manitowaning, Ont. Mr. J. N. Fish, B. A., of Eddystone, has been engaged as Assistant Master in Colborne High Snhool at a salary of $600. VERY Best 0utside Roo ms for 3 persons. Best Inside or Next Beat Outside Rooms tor 2 per· sons; ea h 1msaenger, $MCI; R turn 'l'icket, $HO· Next Best Outside Roome, for 3 or !l per sona or Inside nooms, according to location, for 2, 3 or !l persons, each passenger, $00 ; Return 'I'ickete, $ll0. Special, Upper Deck, and State Cabins as per agro emen t Children, 2 to 12 years, halt fare. I n fants, free. Servants :s;;o. senger, $JOO: Re tur n Ticket, $180. Best Outside Rooms, for 2 pe rsons, eaoh pas FIRST New Features : $10,000 Death by Accident. $10,000 !Joss of Hands or Feet. iJ..0,000 Losi'I of Hand and Foot $5,000 Loss of Hand or Foot_ $5,000 Loss of Both Eyes. $1,300 L oss of One Eye. S2, 500 for Permanent Total Disability. · c , e < :e ... .. . (Including all Re qu i it a.) Re· tnrn, $60. Children 2 to 12 years, halt fare: Infants, free. STE ERA GE; Always as low aa any other flrst·Cl!!.SB line. Single, $)3B, SECOND CLASS, , ,50 a week for. Totally I.LI CJ I< I.I.I 0: an e e , ec D: :c > :u 3: > Q 0 ... ... e e Disabling Injuries. The above combined insnrance costs about $26 A YE.ll.R or, One-Half Ol' One-Quarter portionate Rates. at Pro For circulars or other particulars, m a ke early · application to, Canadian Reprel!entative, BowMANVILLS. ---O R- M. A. JAM!ES, Mentl:ltt,d:lip Fee, $5 in each Division. 0 HENDERSON BROS., General Agente CIIICAGo. , 36,00\J Members. NEW YORK. BosTON. CHAS. B, PEST, Daily Line to Rochester. THE STEAMER P1eeident. JAS, R. PITCHER, Gen. Man'gr & Sec. an Mr. W. E. Caiger, Advertising Agent for the Toronto News, says-I wes in duced to try Nasal Balm for a severe and troublesome cold in the head. Once using it literally washed out the olop,ged secretions, and left my head as clear as a bell. l "NORSEMAN" (G. CR AWFORD, Master,) Will mo.ke her r e gul ar trips on this route le!lving Cobourg every m orning at 7:30 u.n Port llope at 9:50 o'clock, on arrival of Grand 'l'runk Rail way trains from the east and west ; connecting at Rochester with the New Yo rk Cen tral , North ern Central and Erie Ra ilways , and the Lake Ontario Division of the Rome Wa t ertown & Ogd ens mg ltailways for a l points east, wea and south· 1 b RETURNING. GOX & CO., TOBO NTO . STOCK EXCHANGE. DIRECT WIRE COMMUN C ATION. Wlll be found invaluable for tbe hair and 11C11lp. It cle s s the sea.Ip of ..u Dan dr uff, invigor ates the growth of tile hair, and in cases of baldn ss where there a.re the slightest signs of roots left it will produce good crops ot hair. It reetores grey hair to its original oolor, and is an x el len t dressing DO NOT DELAY, if your hair is in a wea.k condition get a bottle at once. For sale by J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, and an druggists. Ask for it, A. DORENWEND, A. Doren wend is the les.<ling mQ.nhtacturer of H i r Goods in Canarla. l a TORON'.l'O, CANADA. Sole Manf:r. heavy plush cloth in various shades of color, ornamented with as much silver in the shape of braid and ornaments, as the purchaser can afford, lots of them being prieed at 15 to 40 dollars. The women's fahions seldom change. They wear any kind of a dress, made in any fashion, and wear over the head and shoulde rs, a large, fine black shawl. Peterboro has adopted by a vote of 54 to 40 a $20,000 by·law for the purpose of bridge building and cribbing Crescent street. Mr. Beatty, son of Dr. Beatty, of Co bourg, mysteriously disappeared a few days ago and no trace of him could be found until Wednesday morning when his hat was discovered floating in the harbor. The body was recovered in the evening. The deceased resided in Strat ford, where he practised law. Children Cry for, Pitcher's.... C_a__t_r.i.@: .- direct, Dealers in stock will find this the cheapest and most expedition r out e to swego Boston, Albany, New Yo1'k, &c: For 1urthe1' information, Apply to G. CHAWFORll. or E'. GILDEHSLEIVE, Kingston, Port Hope. KEl'INER & Co .. Agents, Bowmanville; 'Vill leave Charlotte (Port of daily at 9 o'clock P- ll!. xc opt on w11en she will leave at 5;45 p. m. f or Port Hope e Active fl.uctations in the Market, offer opportunities to specula tors to make money in ! Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds & Rochester) Petroleum. S aturd a.ya, d SOOTl1t:,\i5 CLEA:;rnm, EitiUl\IG. It Cu-:7e9 . O , Prompt attention given to orders. 0filce over Murdoch's Store. Dr.01n1ig:.i STOPS ta the throat and EASY TO usr::::. excessive expectoration cuset1. by Cdarrh. Sent: Entrance by Telephone Starrcase. ] pre-po.id 011 rece ipt of p ri ce, 50c. and $1. Addre ss 11-tf. 1 FULFORD /ii. CO Brockville, Ont· ! . ) Nasal pai:;ngcti j11- rrnm I · ··