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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1887, p. 4

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CR EAT· SMASH! For a u, short time I shall make great reduction in the price of will meet with the approval of the America.ns, · little room for doubt that the measure "Row there will be little objection from that - lock gave a pr-.ictical address upon the Sund:1y-school can help the I emper qua.rter. Aleady some very enthusiastic ancE> reformation," in which he 11trongly meetings have been held in Detroit and urged upon Sunday·school oflio.i!s and other large cities across the line and teachers the duty of total abnt,mence. from the resolutions passed, there seems The Rev. R. Walker, of Newcasl le, gave The finest selections will, of comw, be the best, so don't delay. -W-all Paper. VERY LOW. STATIONERY, &c., as usual. grocers and the sugar refiners of Montreal. like the cotton manufacturers for putting The sugar refiners formed a combination some time between a wholesale firm of AN interesting fight has been waged for up and keeping up the price of sugars, by amount of money out of the public. which they intended to squeeae a large The held in Bowmanville District. an excellent and timely address ('11 "Sys tematio Giving," in which he poi11ted out the prh·ilege as well as duty of 11ttdly giving a portion of our means to .-ehg1ous One of the and charitable purposes. most interesting features of the Conven tion was the Mass Meeting of the childi:en, when practical and spicy addresses were given by Reva. S. Salton, R. Sanderson, The Sabbath-school and W. Everson. Convention was successful in every par ticular and is regarded as the best one For all kinds of School Books, c. ---GO TO- PICTURES FRAMED ing Co., ask for the ame grade of The price which the Canad:t Sugar Refin which they offer at 7 a large quantity of sugar from by the Canadian refiners, they imported cents per pound, ring, as it is called, and being boycotted Glasgow ing to enter the combination or grocers firm of Lightbound, Ral>ton & Co, refus Milverton, Ont. B.B.B. STOOD THE TEST.-"I tried every known remedy I could think of for rheumatism, without giving me any relief, until 1 tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which remedy I can highly recommend to all afflicted as I was." HENRY SMITH, FALL EXHIBITIONS. Peterborough Central Exhibition.-At Peterborough, Oct. 4 to to 7. Lindsay Cent.ral Exhibition.--At Lind say, Sept. 20, 21 & 22. i11 quite evident from this that in spite of all we have heard to the contrary, is seven and a quarter cents a pound. suga.1." It P. TREBILCOCK. l1u atuuliaa tattJimau. -·--------r----- heavy duty on sugars has been taken ad the build up new industries, but by means of by charging the .:ionsumers just the necessities of life. combinations, to vantage of by the manufacturers, not to reap Dvminion Industrial Fair. -At 'roron to, Sept. 5 to 17. enormous profits about Ontario Central Ag'l Association.-At Port Perry, Sept. 27 to 30. Provincial.-At Ottawa.,8ept. 19 to 24. Agricultural & Arts Association.-At Ot tawa, Sept. 11 to 24. 'l'hls powder never v a.rte s. A marvel ol pnrity, str ength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinda, and can not be so l d in competition with the multitude of low teet, short weight , alum or p ow ders; Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER C0·· 100 Wa.11 St. . N. Y. 1Kenner & Co.'s POWDER. Absolutely Pure. j Variety Hal. PERCHERON HoRsEs, F CoA HoRsEs. ----o---- COX & CO;, TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. double what they ought to pay for one of --,;t; BoWMANVILLE, SEPT'R 7, 1887. ------ COMMERCIAL UNION. ed for their enterprise, and consumers should ask for the Scotch sugar. bound, Ralston & Co., are to be commend Messrs. Ligbt Great Central.-At Hamilton, Sept. 26 to 30., Central.-At Guelph, Sept. 20 to 22. Western.-At London, Sept. 19 to 24. Jast few months since the country began gretrt political question that is now forc It has been rather amusing during the the to waken up to the importance of past week or two, has been making some ONE of the Globe reporters, during the ing itself upon the mind of eveiy thought ,fui elector, to notice the course that has startling revelations i11 reference to the manner in which affairs are conducted in the Toronto g'.tol. ln order to get a.t the Clark Agricultural Show.-At Orono, Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. West Durham & Darlington Fall Show.-At Bowmanville, Oct. 4 & 5. been taken by llcheme. put. the matter aside in a sort of an off hand manner by declaring that there was JCct as the whole qur"stion was merely the result of the ravings of no ground for serious thought on the sub a. few servants of the monopolists endeavored to For the first few weeks these the opponents of the real facts of the, the reporter feigned lock-up, afterwards tried and sentenced himself drunk, was arrested, taken to the to gaol for a week. there is very interesting, although many much credit upon the manageinent of the of the incidents related, do not His experience while reflect HAV}1 You T mED IT? If so you can testify to its marvellous pow<.ra of heal ing and recommend it to your friends. We refer to Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, the grand specil.ic for all Prompt attention given to orders. summer complaints, diarrhooa, cholera morbus, dysentary, cramps, colic, sick Office over Murdoch's Store. ness of the stomach and bowel complaints Entrance by Telephone Staircase. of infants or adults. Let its merits be 1.1-tf. known to all who l1ave not ueecl it. Active fl.uctations in the Market, offer opportunities to specula tors to make money in Grain, Provisions, Sto ks, Bonds & Petroleum. Gtita., well as the m:1jority of the Reformers the- whole of the rebels, and armexationists, and that discontented Conservative party as Jn a G-lobe representative did, we cannot but sant task is voluntarily some such e. who would undertake to do what the admire. It is only when such an unplea person for the institution. The courage of a reporter AUCTION SALES. foND.A.Y, SEPT'R 19th.-Mr. W. Byarri has instructed the undersigned to sell by auction, at Lot 7, Con. 2, East Whitby all his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at one o'clock sharp. S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. w·ho are Bald, or have Thin or Grey IMPORTANT TO ALL H ai r , who are troubled with da.ndrutr. or markably short t im e, however, the truth forootl i ts elf upon their unwilling minds, that the matter could no longer be treat ed in this rnam1er, as it became evident the: measure that wore passed by numer ous wer'.\'i directly opposed to it. re undertaken by sake of tho Dr. DOR ENWEND'S .. .. SAVAGE & FARNUM's latest importation of Percheron and Frenr.h Coaches have just ar rived per steamer "Robilant," Hill Line, from France, 105 Registered Percheron, and 20 French Coaches, the finest Mr. :Farnum could find in France. Buyers should inspect their stock at once, and thus secure a choice out of the entire lot. All stock guaranteed. Prices low and Terms easy. Visitors always welcome at Island Home. Large Catalogue free. Address, · fr the strong resolutions in favor of Farmers' institutes in various parts of kept alive by a few public of the inner workings of our public intitutions. nity are due to the Globe l·eporter for his The thanks of the commu thing like a correct idea is given to the good tha.t may result from it, that any TUESDAY, SErT. 20th.-Mr. Benson offers for sale, on Lot 17,Con,4,Darlington, a lot of valuable farm stock, i10plements, etc. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. J: l> ::u S AVAGE & FARNUl\f, ,_ DETROl'l', lllICH., nmt instei1d of the agitation noble work, and it is to be hoped that result in much practical being promoted and the revelations that have been made will being br0ught about along that line. diSBa.tisfied Grits, etc., it was the outcome er the deep-rooted convictions of many reformation thoughtful electors who have for some time past been earnestly seeking the cause METHODIST CHURCH. BOWM:.ANVILL.E DIS'l'lU01'. "f_ e constant decrease of the farmers' profi.ts, and that nearly the whole of the · agdcultural clasB, irrespective 0f party, es vin_ced that Commercial Union with our n.bors if it could be brought about, at.largo. well aa numbers of othl;lrs, were 000· would be v<.ry beneficial to the country weire thus obliged, in order to vindicate theit: position, to bring out whatever argu- The' opponents of the measure such a poor, mililerable, weak-kneed, and utte{l y forlorn set of aruments as most gr.arl the pgeti of Canadian journalism, they were quite incapable of stal\d'ing alone, and only a very slight blow was required to knock them all to pieces. meo they might have against it, and of them were, ! l ev er before, we think, dis- · Amey is self-sustaining, and yet in addition to WEDNESDAY, SEP'r. 28th.-Mr. Cold in Head, offers for sale at Lot 31, con. 5, Dar T!tey did duty, however, for a few weeks, supporting its own ministers, the District contributed last year upwardij of $2, 700 lington, a lot of farm stock, implements, and crushed, utterly before they were towards the Missionary Fund of the etc. Sale at one o'clock. S. C. H UN the!! it became necessary to find some church. The intention is to exceed that KING, Auctioneer, from otl!er refuge, and in their despair they 1 amount this year. Arcangements were FmDAY, SEl>T.30th.-Sale of the personal of aid r f in o meeti de m 1gs also holding _ a 1 straw in another property of the late Wm.Cootes,lot 18, fvr cast al'Ound them our Educat 10nal Fund. This fund has a con. 2, Kingston Road, one mile west oxcoaeive c:tpectorntion cansecl by C11tarrh. Sent . e· b o·rder_ to save t liernse1 ves f rom · k. two-fold object, first, to assist young minof Bowmanville, consisting of well bred pre-pnicl on receipt of price, 50c. nncl $1. Addresa nMth the great wave of public 9p1mou isters in pursuing their college course of horses, cattle, farm implements, &c. FUL.FORD &, CO., Brockvlllea Ont· that. is rollinf over tlie land. Their eyes study, and secondly, adding to the en Sale at 1 o'clock. For particulars see The bills. S. C. HUNKINo, Auctioneer. turil toward Sir .John, the tried and con- dowment of Victc..ria University. Fer Blllo111nH.. r b Toronto Conference, alone, aoart from Con·t1Patlon. - tlie m?nopo 18· · And he ·-· frien MoNDAY, OcT., 3.-Mr. A.E. Henry will · d °f It cools the Blga.i; Jt iilvos the endowment of Victoria, raised $3,250 dollirht, sell on lot 35, con., 4, Darlington, m th tender oompaas10n of his heart delast year, and now that a G<Jneral Secre It shlll",p@WI up the &pp Taunton, the whole of his farm stock, termi.nes to put forth au effort to ·save tary has been appointed, the fund will be It llTBI' do !ta l\At't implements, etc., without reserve. And stlmlU11te11 &he leelll-0 thl'fn. and iu order to surpass any previous largely augi:uented his year. Sale at 1 p. m., sharp. See posters JI.eart. Another mterestmg matter was a stateFor Sick Hea.claeke, t t. in devotion to the cause he resolves ef'bt for full particulars. S. C. HuNKINO, ment from the Treasurer of the Supernn" DYalleP·la. Auctioneer. to/resort to prophesy, and so the Grand I nuation Fund, in whiah ha showed the TrroRo-B1rnD STOCK SALE.-Mr. Robert Ofd Chieftan" with clean hands uplifted, amount each circuit is required to raise, MARl.IN REPEATINC Collacott, breeder, Tyrone, having de RIFLE pe_s away into the misty future and then m11dng a otal for thA District of $780. cided to give up farming, will offer the h1s fund u1 regurded_ as of the most Ounrnn. 1'll the prophetic words ' frau o "' ht with '.1' whole of his thoro-bred stock for sale tee<l perfectly . nnport1mt and cleaervmg m the church. nreurato nnrl nbsolute· sll.-01,l momentous weight :-The whole There is an endowment of nearly $150,000. in October. Date of sale later on. Jy safe. Made in all LEVI A. '.1'oLE, Auctioneer. ,.;hes !or lm·ge or small gnmo. qu estion will be effectually settled by Con - The interest from these investments, a DALLA.RD AUCTION 8.ALES.-Levi A. Tole, Licen gi;,;the Ar.nericans have no desire for Mehodist Book and . Publishing House, 0.&.LLERY. liOh'T'INC.1- AND 'fARGE'!' RIFtEB. :i:Y.l\D lfOR )LLUS1'R.ATF.D CATA"LOOUK. r sed Au'tltioneer for the townships of w e amounts together. the 0, of 1h 60 $ _ And a.s thege all-powerful words fell it. !ifarllu Fire Aru.. Co., New Haven, Ct, . ce1ve<l from the circmts, go to pay the Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright,Darlington, · from such re1rered lips, they were ta,en claims of every superannuated minister and Whitby. All sales attended to up and thundered forth all alon g the l ne, in full. The District is in a healthy con· ·promptly and at reasonable rates. Where "Congress wont have it !" After weeks dition and its future prospects are bright. it is not convenient to see me, llrrange· ments can be made at this Office, or by of hard labor and miles of journalistic SABBATH·SCHOOL CONYENTION. addressing Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. effort had been brought forward to provo On Wednesday evening, Aug. 31st, a AUCTION SAu,:s.-S.C. Hunking, Court the of meeting interests pu lic the in p e thaG the wholo scheme was mainly th Sunday-schools within the bouuds of the tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, for result of an American plot to make this District, was held in the Metcalf-street Darlington and Whitby, Bo;vmanville coul).try the slani(hter-market for Yankee church. The Chairman of the District and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All business Orders may be manufacture. &n:l that our leading pap0rs briefly stated the object of the Conven attended io promptly. R. Has left at the STATESMAN office, Bowman ville, Rev. the then on and called tion, schemers American of employ the win sard to give an address upon " The ad- or Reformer office, Oshawa. a:a<l were leagued in their efforts to ruin vantages of early piett," as our incentive HARNDEN, L. D. S. N .13.-0ur advertising rate for auction thi!i country for th.e benefit of our neigh- to Sunday-school wort h. The address, sales, when we do not print the sale Graduate oftbeRoyal Collegeof Dental Surgeons, Ontario. bon across the line, we are paralysed by which was one of great force 11.nd power, bills, is 25 cents a line, each insertion. OFFICE OPPOSI'.l'E EX'.PRESS Ol!'FCE. the. announcen1en that Congress won't showed that those who are consecrated to God in early life usually make the most VERY Y.ALU.ABLE.-" Having used GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY hav.e it. T his was cert&nly a settler, if efficient workera in the church and Sun B.B.B. for biliousness and torpid liver, it. be a fact, anrl it would hardly be polite day-school. The Rev.E. Barrasa, M.A., ARTIFICIAL TEETH lNSERrED WrrnouT with the very beat results I would recom· to, doubt the veracity of Sir John's utter- then gave an address upon '·The fnter PL.ATES. mend it to all thus troubled. The medi Orcab Reductions in price on all Dental alilce, especially when it took the form of national Convention at Chicago." It was cine is worth its weight in gold." TI LLIE Work. Vitalized Air, constant ly in use pro. brimful of facts and statistics, and was WHI:rE, Manitowaning, Ont. a pl'ophecy. Of course it will be necesduci11g Painless O p eratio n s. Particular atten worthy both of the eloquent speaker, and tion patd to the regnla.tion of Children's Teeth sai:y to w1>it some time before we shall of the subject into which he was dealing. AS SWEET A.S BONEY ts Dr. Low'11 l'leas ,_..ALL WORK WARR.ANTED.--. heat' what the decision of Congress will On Thursday afternoon the Convention an.t 'l'orm Syrup, ye& Jil1ue to dbh·oy and Branch office, Dr. Itutherford's Orono. be,. but from appearances,; we believe 1 was called to order, and the Rev.J. Whit- expel worms. The financial meeting was held in the Metcalf-st. Methodist church, Oshawa, on Thursday last, the Rev. H. S. l'l'Iat thews, Chairman of the District, presid ing. There were representatives from all p arts of the District, among whom there were the lteYs. H. S. Matthews, J, E. Sanderson, 1\1. A., J. Whitlock, R. Walker,Ed.Barrass,M.A,R.Sanderson,R. Hassard, Newton Hill, and T. Mannin, B. A., and Messrs. Younie, Kirby, Evanstone, Werry, Lukes and Everson. The business was interesting and imThe first item which occupied p ortant. the time of the meeting was, making ar missionary rangements for holding a meeting in each church within the bounds of the D istrict. The state of the D is trict is now very satisfactory. · Every circuit THURSD.A.Y, SEPTEMBER 22nd.-Mr. Baker Solina will offer for sale his house and six acres of land, also his stock imple mentrs and household goods. As the proprietor is moving: to Toronto the whole property must be sold without reserve. For particulars see bills . LEVI A. ToLE, Auctioneer. TrruRSDAY, SEPT. 22nd.-Mr. J. Brent offers for sale at Lot 30, Con. 2, Darling ton, a lot of valuable fa.rm etock, imple ments, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. S. C. HtrNiiING, Auctioneer. WEDNESD.AY, SEP'r., 21.-Mr. Samual Robbins will sell on lot Hi, eon. 6, Darlington, his very valuable farm stock including thoro-bred and high grade cattle,draught hors<Js,machinery, imple ments, etc. Having sold:his farm, the whole will be sold without reserve. This will be the sale of the seas on. Begin at 12 o'clock, sharp. For p articulars see large posters. LEY! A. TOLE, Aue. a: > c 0 .. ... Will be found invaluable for the hair and scalp, It cleanses the scalp of all Dandruff, invl"or ates the growth of th e hair, and in cases ot baldness, where there are tho slightest signs ot r oot s Left it will produce good crops o! hair. It re stores grey to its original color, and is an excellent dreBSing DO NO'.l' Dl1:LAY, if yonr hair is in a weak coud!tion get a bottle at once. , For sale by .T. HIGGINBOTHAM&. SON, and all druggists. Ask for it. BOUNSALL'S MARBLE "W"ORKS, EO-W-JY.I:.A..\TILLE_ A. DORENWEND, A. Dorenwen d is the leading ma.nufacturei of Goods in TORON'l'O, CANADA. Sole Manfr. FRIDAY, SEPT . 23rd:-The undersigned Piiiil has been instructed to ell by public auction on lot 4, con. 3, Darlington, the farm stock and implements of Fred W. Allin. Sale at 1 o'clock, p. m. W. HAZZELLWOOD, Auctioneer. SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALINQ. $eotelfl aa4 '1qli1i. raite MONUIYIENTS w-e have a large and well selected stock of CATAliRH, ltC1'rC8 . HAY FEVER. m · m? EAs Y T o usE. a. ri; Dro!;s sa r of latest designs, and to parties intending to erect Monuments this fall, who will call at the shop, we will sell at such low prices as were never heard of before in Canada. Ca and get prices before purchasing elsewhere, a,nd See ·1f We d0 nOt mean What We Say. · .,,,._._, E. R. BOUNSALL, Manager. Bowmanvl!le, August 17th, 1887. a.fti:he ; THE VERD/OT! Judging by tl1e large tra<le that I have done with in Bowmanville, and also with those in the country--some trading with Burketon, etc., in fact within a radius of 15 miles or more, to buy their I sell }Jeople me who have (as they have told me) come from Oshawa, l'lewcastie, boots and shoes is a direct verdict 1 hat I sell at close prices. and sell for cash only. DENTISTRY! cheap because I bought cheap myself, and besides I take small profits pay those who need anything in boots and shoes to come to me. Now that the fall trade is approaching, it will I I have a large sto ck of on hand, ust right for fall wear, (our own make), whtch I they can be sold in any of our large cities. make also a specialty in Trunks and Valises-selling them as cheap as bought at a c"'n sell cheape1· than any shoe store in Bowmanville, as they were all actually cost to get them up. ra te on the dollar, and will be sold at less than, they I have also bought a large stock of Boots and Shoes from the factories, at close prices, and which will be sold accordingly. Alt PATCHING AND MfNDING PROMPTLY ATTfNDfO TO. GEORGE BUCK.

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