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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1887, p. 5

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LYMAN'S 100tf CENTRATED EXTRACT OF COFFEE_ For tile S'e;!Side. For Picknicliing. For CamJliog Out. A gep.tleI"?an' coat is awaiting cation at this office. Queen-st. Methodist church anniver niversary services next Sunoay and Mon day. Read Mr. Geo. Buck's new fall an· nouncement of boots and shoes this week. tifi-1 The ,i:overnment d red ge, 0 ntar10, an d . . R'.ch a:r:d Fnll Flavored. tug, the day. Sir John, have been at work at the of Use E Wholesome, Stimulatmg, asy , harbor during the past week. No Economical, the General Favorite. (i pieces All-wool Ottoman Cord Dress Cheap Substitute for Peas, Wheat or Goods, at half price, 20 cts per yard, Brothers. Barley but Genuine Mocha and Old worth 50 cents, at Tod W. Rse, llll_s _ a large cnsignmen of Gover;ment Java. those New W1lhsms Sewmg Maohmes coming. . See them before. buying. in Druggists and For Sale by Grocers Henry's photographs are unequalled for lb., ttb ttb, Bottles. TRIAL SIZE 5 CENTS: correctness and beauty of finish and are sure to give satisfaction to all customers. The Great Convenience and LYMAN'S FLUID COFFEE Baby's and doll's carriages, boy's wag· one, carts and wheelbarrows at Tait & For Travelling. Morrison's. Large amount of money to loan on Fo1· Stayiag Do1ne. farm security at from 6 to 7 per cent.F. H. M ASON. · Mrs. T. Mingay and dauhter, of Flint, Mich., have been visiting at Mr. W. · Dustan's. CERTAIN DEATH & Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. Sight vs. Blindness. R. S. Lmdsay, has beon ' Hamlin, and the Editor of the STATESMAN { . and party arrrived in .Bowmanville from . Clean Your Gloves.-Thc best thmg 1 Englund and the Continent on Sunday t S , o the market, only 10 cents a box a t 6 morning and were met at the station by lligginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville, & Jury's. 6-lyr.* a large number of friends and citizens. The shareholders of Oshawa Skating l'\l'hey were nll in excellent health and re 1V. s. omtllSTON, L, J,, .,. eel having had a rather pleasant voy· Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money and Curling Rink are going to erect a age ho ew. d. Besides those mentionecl to loan. Oatce. in Beaver Block upstairs in new building at once. rooons for merl y occupied by Dr. Har n den , Persons buying oce·m tickets from M. t1e party consisted of Mr. a:id Mrs. Bowman ville. 39 u _ Quick, Cre p r, d os. Geo. a L. Mrs. e e 'lb get Line, Anchor A. Ja'n1es, agent for the llOSSA.(:1'. . FlmLD, ; sse J James, Ma Bowmanv1lle ter A. e s greatly reduced fares to New York. Mrs. Samuel Milman and Mr. E. N. Kiv- BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, · The D. 0. &; P. Co. Band will give an · d not t 0 be under · W · Rus is dete;mm &c., Cobourg. ell Columbus · Mrs. John James sen. open air concert on the band stand on and Org'.lns, Pianos, D. 0. HOSSACK. sold, and is fferrng FRA.NIC M. FIELD· and Mr. T. James, Oshawa.'; Mr: C obou rg, June 1. 1887. Friday evening next, weal.her permitting. 22. see Swing Maclunes at.way down prices. J olm Bray and Miss Bray, Stouffville Don't worry if you are out of 41mploy· him before purchasmg. RIDE OF SCOTLAND horse for Two sisters and two nephews of Rev. A. ment, write to Mn.. CoWDY, 41 Welling AsTn:1u.--Persons who have suffered Frazer, Orono, also came ou the same P . _ sale . three years past; sound and good in ton Street East, Toronto. Send stamps v e r y way. e W. H. WILLIAMS, Bowmanville. 'S JURY for year.i with Asthma will find a quick vessel. i\ir. James will give our readers STOTT 34. 20-45 for reply. relief and cure in the double treatment a full account of the voyage in our next TAMARAC.-A cold will often cause an of Southern Asthm11 Cure. OR SALE.Mr E. G. Burk's Boat every kill will Powder ! issne. Fly Famous F irritation, dryness and soreness inside the House si tu at ed at the Harbor. For Call at the Big 20 and see the New terms apply to 'l'.H, Van n , Bo wm e.n vlll e. fly in a room in 30 minutes. throat. The first dose of Tamar&e Elixir Williams Machine. Try them before 0.A.RTWBIGHT. 21-tf. will afford relief. t buying and we are sure you will have no HEN'L'-'l'he Stancl on e door west of the The picnic on Washburn Isla.nd, on Will the party who picked up the cane, other. JAs. DEYMAN, Agent. NEWS Ofticfl. Suitable for small store, ar Saturday, 27th ult. , was very largely at· on the corner, by the Queen-st. Meth. for an Office. Apply to GALE BB.OS. Tod Brothers have received from a tended,a large number coming from Port church, on Sunday afternoon, kindly re· manufacturer in Leeds· () pieces Black Perry, Manvers, Darlington and Cart OST on Saturday atternoon last, on turn the same to the News office. Cashmere bought under the value, selling wright. A very pleasant time was spent L tho road between Newcastle and Bow. Gloves can be cleaned as by "liV. ,Ruse has received a. stock of ma at 7!icts, 4G inches wide, great value. manvllle; a Gr,.y Overcoat. Fi nder p l ea se a11d we did not hear tha.t there was any return to STA'!'ESMAN OfHce . 35;lw· chine needles and oil. New, 'l'he Lansdowne Medal, the leading dis objectionable amusement indulged in OJ.' White, Royal, Wanzer, Locklillan, Louis, tinction conferred upon that candidate at anything that would interfere with the WAGGON FOR ::!ALE CHEAP.-A Singer, Raymond, Osborne, etc. Call Democrat 'l\Tag on , platform spring, the Teachers' Examination who takes the Christian character of anyone as some at Big 20. neal'ly n e w. A bargain for some body, Apply highest percentage of marks, is this year body predicted it would be. Music was to M. TRELEVEN, Sign of th e Big Boot, B owONLY 10 CENTS AT FR EE SET OF HARJSESs.-S. Thompson won by Miss Ida Barber, of Cobourg furnished by the Bowmanville and Cart· man ville. 21 & Co. will give gratis to the person buy· Collegiate Institute, daughter of the wright brass bands, which added greatly OARDERS WANTED.-A FEW ing the most good11 at their shop during headmaster of Cobourg Model School. B to the pleasure of those present. boarders will find go od comfortable 18 87, a set of all Nickle Single llatnesa Bowmanville Silver Plating Works, Bev. Joshua Ferguson has gone on a board and lodging at Mrs. John Varcoe's, over Tod Bros's. drv goocls stor e , Meal a w ill a lso worth $25.00. .King-st. east. Plating in gold, silver visit to friends in Western Ontario. be sup pli e d at a ll hours. 26·3m One week more of the great remna.nt and nickel on all kinds of metals. Car Rev. J. J. Ferguson. B.D., and Rev. and slaughter sale at J. J. Mason's gen riage and harneas plating at reasonable OR RUB BER AND METAL R. P. Bowles, B. A., are visiting friends F stamps. for U lmrch , Sonday School and eral dry goods and jewelry house. It is rates. Knives, forks, spoons, cruets, tea in Cartwright. Oftlce use. . Pen an d Pencil Stamp, with name worth your while to call and see the bat· sets, etc., re-plated in silver, and made and a ddre s s 1 sent post paid on receipt of 50c. Mrs. Ranton, of Huristo:i., and Miss Address :ROJ:SEH'l' gains which are being offered. H. COX, No. 4 Kin g S tre et better than new. Special rates to hotels B·tf A. Davis, of Toronto, have been visiting East. Toronto. Rm10vEs THE CAUSE.- Many persons and boarding houBes. Opposite the Sal thr,ir friend'! aI;d relations in this locality. F. N_ .H.AJ\1 & .ARM TO RENT-A first-class farm suffer from a symptom of Catarrh that v1ition Army Barracks. Mr: R. P. Bowles preached for the F of 100 act'es of arable Janel, 65 acres of causes nausea, wore especially after eat R. H. HENRY.t Proprietors. Methodists on Sunday evening last and which bein g new, stumps nea1·ly all out. All ing in the morning. Nasal Balm will well a dapt e d to i;:rain or hay. Situated on . The September Wide Awake has a it was a rare treat to hear him. N. STANLEY'S CELEBRATED g ra v el ro"d, betwe"n Port Hope and C@bonrg. cure by removing the cause. y1vid, valuable, timely article for whic!J. t Apply to RICHARD l<'OS'L'ER, Newcastle. il5 :3w. ·. The m,!J:trimonial fever has again broke NO'rICE.-As we desire during the sum t is sure to be treasured, and for which out in our midst, one of our young ladiei mer months to publish the names of all it should be taken into every school in TRAYED from my prell.lises, Lot Hi, No Spec t.acl es in the market equal them in the visitors to our town, we respectfully invite America and into every home: we refer is to b taken awa_y from the tow_nship by S Con. 5, Clarke, on or about A ugust 1st, 2 or , s s e s s o p r,hey ES! AUTI QU BYE PRlERVING to "The Centennial of the Constitution a DarlmgtQnJad ie. Our loss will be lus E we s and 2 Lambs. painted red on mid dle of the GREAT EASE and COM'ORT they confer on all persons having guests to acquaint us b ac k; the Ewes had tip of ri ght ear cut oft: _..,;-of the United States," by Mrs. Annie gain. the weare r , of the fact, by letter or otherwise. tf. Any in!ormat.ion leading to r ecoYry will be t h an kfully received by l!'RANK BRIMACOl\lBIC, LAST Sawyer Downs, describing ,.;;.l'tlr . John Bryans, formerly of Cart. AND gra.phicall:y: THEY NEVER TlltE THE EYE Dutch Bulbe, and especially Hyacinths, f wright, late of Port Perry, has leased Kirby. -·-------- -------- 36·tf. the making of the Constitution one hug MANY YEARS WITHOU'l' CHANGE. hav matured later the present season dred years ago (Sept. 7, 1787). 0 !ly the Commercial Hotel for a term of The eight tested by our New Test Card, IRST-CLASS FARM TO RENT.tlian usual, on account of the cold, late $2.40 a year. wi used by the lee.ding Oculiete through D. Lothrop, Corn par y, years. He took possession the 1st, hope F out the worl<l. Being Lot No. 0, in the second Concession They are, however, Boston, Mass. spring in Holland. he will remember the Scott Act is in or Plckorin.:, compoPed of 150 acres. situaed of fine quality.-Yick's Magazine for J ruilea from the town of"'Whitby, 2 miles from c but been for not nty, ha.a ·m this in e I H AVE BEEN bothere d with catarrh for LlYe rpool market, For further p srt ic ula rs September. ell kept we are sorry to say. Druggiste &n d Optici&ne, BOWMANV ILLE. apply to JJ.:nw. CORNELJ,, on t:he prem i ses, or about twenty years. I had lost my eense 'V'>l')' College, Whitby, Ladies' Ontario The by lettflr to Pickering P. 0., Ont. 35:3 w. :'; , -- . -·--------of smell entirely for the last fifteen years, ,... ·r. Jas. Hyland, an old and respected opens ihis term with one hundred and and L had almost lost my hearing. My ·resident has passed away. His funeral 'l'RAYED OR STOLEN.-From the twenty resident pupils, being an increase eyes were getting so dim I had to ._was on Tuesday. get 1 promi ses or John Barrett, Newcastle, on the of twenty.five per cent. some one to thi;-oad my needle. Now I I'> T he garden party held at Mr . Rubert July 7 th , a small Ued Cow, three old, present year the erection of a l arge wing have my hearmg as well a I ever had, now supposed to have a ca l f. All per sons are Tayl01' on Stip. 1st, given by the Ladies' berebv forbid d n to keep her in possessi on, is contemplated. and l can ce to thread as fi ne needle Aid Society of the Methodist church, was and anyone giv i ng information leading to her pc.rtly a grund success. A very pleasant time r ecovery wrn be snltablv rewarded. Having purchased 200 cutters of all as ever I d;cl. My sense of mell is . Otherwise. and Newcastle, Aug. 3rd, 187. oc 3 : tf. kinds to suit the trade from the Ganano restoed; it sems to be . . all was spent, the Cartwright brass band en que Carriage Co., we are preped to the tune. I thmk there is notlu ng hke tertaining the crowd with choica music. ARM FOR SALK-80 acres, being Carson'11 Liver Tonic and Blood Puri- wholesale cutters to dealers in West Ely's Cream Balm br catarrh. -Mrs. E. Proceeds about $27 to be s.pplied towarda F lot l'7, con. 4, Darling ton, on which aL·e a 1ier cures biliousness. E. Grimes, Rendril, Ohio. house and good farm bnildlngs, well rence d Durham, NorthumberlP.nd and Victoria II the new church. an d watered , about 3 acres orchard, good soi 2'1-tf. Baldwin's Bee-hive .fingering 10 cts a counties. SHaw & ToLE. A very pleasant reunion, in the shape At the meeting of the directors of the adaptecl for gr ain and pasture. Within 2! skein, at Tod Brothers. i les o! Hampton and 3 miles of Bowmanville. m Mr. Henry, the popular photographer, of a picnic, was held at the grove of Mr. .Agricultural Society on Saturday laat it " l erms very easy , For further pe.rticul&rs ap· Farmers, before purchasing Binder of Bowmanville, will attend the conven· S. Cotton, last week by the many· was decided to hold the fall show on p ly to M.A. J.<1.MES, at the Sl'ATESMA Office, · Twine see Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. 25·tf. tion of the Photographic Association of friends of Rev. J. Dyke, pastor of Thursday and Friday, 13th and 14th of Bowman ville. Wesley church, Winnipeg, Insurance. on the Canada, to be held at Toronto on Wed occa· October. ACCIDENT Pww BoY. FIRE, LIFE, FARM TO REN'l' OR SELL. - A Rom·: VmTUE, Agent, Ilowmanville. tf. nesday and Thursday of this week. Cus sion of his first visit to Bowmanville since first-clas s farm, containing one hundred severing his connection with the P. M. The market for wool is irnw open, and tomers will please bear this in mind, and thiL'tY acres, being part of Lot No. 16, in A Retraction. church, of this town. A large number the fifth Con cession of the township of Picker highest the offering are Co. & Quick W. -An old frame dwelling house ajwated ing. for sale, or will be leased for a t erm of were present and procce>dings opened by price. r¥b. EDITO R, - On the 22r;d of Ap ril years. 'l'enant can have the privilege o! sow· on the hill west. of the town aud owned all ht>artily singing an old favorite hymn, 1 FoR S..1.LE.-L. D. Sawyer Reaper an by Mr. John !etcher, was destroyertl by last, there appeared a leter m the Wst ing sixteen a cr es of fall whe at if desired. Pos· " What a friend we have in Jesus," after session lat of October. :For furthe r particulars , s over my 1 Massey Harvester nearly new. The fire de fire on Tuesday morning. Dt,rhctm l\e. a gnature. aid apply to I. B, CARPJJ:NTEH, on the premises, or which Rev. Mr. Matthews engaged in t SHAW & Tor,E B ro ugham P. 0. 3i·3w partment wre promptly on the scene ws gven by me 0 R. Hu,tch1son prayer. Mr. R. Osborne, who occupied pubh_cat1011. I t refer!ed particularly or Heavy All-wool Flannel 20 cts a ya , and their efforts prevented the fire from f l few brief remarks and the chair, made a reading. FOR SALE. to my gomg .to Bowmanv1lle ti) purcase :mill price, buy auy quantity, at 'l'o then called upon the guest of the after1 ,,'a Maxwell Bmclor Sha. w 'Tole advertised rti Brothers. We w h that our country correspond noon for an address, Mr. Dyke gave a HE STORE HOUSE OPPOSITE ealo, and ad said ·0 me they lmd ...l. the br iclc store nex:t Vanstone's ' Morrison's Stock of Summer ents would confine thei r produc tions to very interesting sketch of the great for mill an d . g lots and other pro· Millinery is all new and the balance will tha field of genera.I news and not deal so Northwest from Ontario to the Rockies. ther., After it appeared m the paper, Y.rfel i a my place, n d gave ole ca e o r much in the discussion of private aff11.irs. be sold at reduced prices. 'l'errus liberal, both as to payment required ll!- t . a I Mr. Dyke was in charge of the Calgary . I is a wide difference between gossip Methodist church, 1)revious to accepting lm_n a leter m which I stated among _other down and time gi v en for balance. The best pl.ace to get your watches, There F u rth er particulars can be h ad on applying my memory serves roe right) and news. A little attention to thia mat· the call to 'Vesley church and as he is a thmge · (1f . . . . clocks and jewelry repaired is J.J.Mason's ' ton. 'l'. H aynes , F,s<J., Cote. st. .A.ntonine, p, hat I d_id not give utchion the letter 0., P. or Q·· or to R. l'tussEr. Losco:-.rnm ter would save our waste basket from be close observer, he naturally was enabled l dry good11 ar;d jewelry huuse. 10 pubhhed as published ' that he h_ad 8olic 0 c, coming so heavily burdened. to give his hearers a vivid picture of all The Bowmanville. June 10, 1887. 5 The New!Williams ham no equal. changed it, and. ! also told som parties the places of interest he had visited. Not·, Her many friends will be pleased to -demand for these machines arti so great _ 1son ad changed it all and on that r-1 Hutch learn that Mrs. M. A. Ja.mes is progress the least enjoyable part of the afterno y we cannot supply all the orders. pos ing oL that i_t wa_ s a he, etc., but now I fi nd b n i in that t d s spe was portion ing favorably through the serious illness exammat10n hat the letter l gave Hutcq1Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket, ana by which she has been prostrated for the the contents of the lunch baskets, son was pubhhed, word for 'll:or?, JUSt as etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty past fortnight, and which has baen the t3.lkin" over old times and altogether a : 11 g o .do stt·eet, R. H . Osborne, leasee. . and now w 1s .I gav it .to hnn; cause of so much anxiety on account of more gratifying expresions of esteem to y .what i s ri ght, I .tm free to admit n gtvinz Mn;. 'Beatty, relict of the late John Mr. James' absence. Carriage Painter, He first learned their former pastor could not have ver an :l'. person anoher lette_r and saymg what Beattv aged one hundred and fivEi years of her illness on his ariival at Quebec on well been tendered by his congregati o" n \'ery t a great ha Hutchison id, t and th;ee months, died at Cobourg on Saturday. in any other way. All united in wfoh mgi 0 ID ustice an f n ur a : Tuesday last. The aged veteran retained him a continuance of the success that has.i OJ \! l _ W. E. Pethick having been appointe . c ' s o .ny e y o is ivg amend possession of her faculties to the last. . followed him wherever he has labored in agent by the Swiss Steam La.undry Co.' mak;e this public '.lcknowledgement, and his place of business to the BIG The bridge crossing the creek at the 12 & 14 Jordan St., Toronto, is now pre the fJast. ·.. retract what I said a.nd done, as I am . mill has been underguiug rep\tiro. during pared Lo receive anything that the c!tizens To Avorn BALDNrss OR GREY H.un.-:-BRICK STORE, near Van.,. regret it, as Mr. and sorry exceedingly the past week, necessitating a. stoppage f of Bowmanville may require laundered, Use pr. Dorenwend s Great German Hair Hutchison always 11cted square and honor· stone's mill. traffic,all vehicles have had to make their which will receive prompt attention and J\lfag1c. It keepB the scalp clean and free able with me. been has which dam, mill the way across he will guarantee all work will 'be done in from Dandruff, and promotes the growth TnoMA::> RowE. If your Carriage, Wagon or Sleigh a great inconvenience. first-cla.'53 style. By calling on Mr. Peth of the hriir. It prevents premature grey- Witness: Ar,l}X. McLAUUliLIN. En ick all information can be obtained. ness and stop s all falling out of the hair. A subscriber writes :-DEAR SIR. wants repainting, call on him, Darlington August 29h, 1887. On bald heads, where the roots have not closed please find $1.00 for which s1md The County Model School for the pro· perished, it will invigorate them and A wouldn't I yen,r, one the S1·aTESM N for Good News at Home. fessional traininii: of 3rd class tea chers force a new growth of hair.. .Ask for Hair be without it for $5.00." We wish a few will open at Port Hope, on Tuesday, tho Magic. It is the onlv reliable. For sale Liver more of our subscribers would follow E. llfoRRis, EsQ.,-DEAR Srn,-1 have 13th of September, at 9 a. m. There is by all druggists . suite. Complaints. reason to speak well of your Dandelion no chan_ge in the course of study euiept A big stock and small prices at Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been We have just received a nice new the omission of Browning's Educational Biliousness, No shoddy goods troubled for 11ome time with my Kidney assortment of tweeds, worsteds, etc., and Theories from the list of prescribed text M. Treleven's. Impure 34-3w it will pay you to get your foll suit made books. Muaic and drill are compulsory. kept. All warranted. and a friend of mine recommended them Blood, Call now before the usual rush begins. to me and I tried them in my case, and but the examination in these subjects is Dyspepsia., for further particulars at Johi1 J. Mason's left to the cliscretion of the C0twty found them to work like a charm ; there Kidney .general dry goods and jewelry house. fore I have much pleasure in recommend· Bl)ard of Examiners. As formerly, the C ompla.ints, ing them to all persons who troubled The September number of the New Department will examine in the Theory in any way with their Kidney. York Fashion Bazaar is full of valuable of Education, Methods of reaching, Skin Diseases YourB truly, information in rnference to fall fashions. Hygiene, and School Law. The usual fancy and receipts J. J. JoNES. household stories, Short details will be found in the revised regul -OF 87 . Newtoo v ill e, M a.y 3 ' 18 work notes are also contained in this ations. OF THE STOMACH. LIVER BOWE ====== = = = = = = == LS AND = = George ;:; = number. Price, $3.00 per year. == = == = == = = = BLOOD. CURES HEADACHE, CONSTI'J.'an . A VALUABLE DtscovEnY.-F, P A'l'ION, IrEMAI,E COMPLAINTS, Munroe, l'l to 27 Vandewater atreet,New BIRTHS. ner, of Neebing, Ont., says he has not AND BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM. York. --.:!>\ VENNINO-l n Cartw rigllt. on tho 3rd instant, Read tho following :only found B.B.B. a cure for Dyepcp.eis, was I the wire or Mr. W. V e n n i n g . jr., of a d&ughter. "For years pa8t I have Rnffer ed from dyspep· AN UNDOUBTED OPINION.-" FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST but ho also found it to be the beet tnodi sia and I we.a r('oommendcd to try Dr. llodder's . OLDFIELD -In E n n i a k i l l e n. on the 3rd inst., severely troubled with diarrhre>1. and cine for regulating and invigora tho Com p oun d , I did so and fo und it a perfe ct PRICE WILL BE PAID, AT the wife ot Mr. A. Oldtield, ot a daughter. havin" used some of the wonderful Dr. system that ho has ever taken. -13.E.B. cnre." E, J. CURTIE, Toronto, Ont, Sold everywhere, Price 75c. Fowle's Wild Stmwberry, I was in a is the gre3.t system regulator. DIED. OR. HODDER'8 COUGH .AND J,UNG 1...JJRE 11hort time completely c ured. I can re· Never F&ils; Guaranteed. Price, 5c & llOc. 1·noF, LfHf'S l'!ULPHUll SOAP lit a de DH.AI'ER-In Bowmanvil le, on Au g. 31, Sarah commend it as a splendid medicine." Uy;hUul toilet luxu ry All "well RI! n :;0011 cur TUE lJNlON ltn:ornurn co., Melinda, third da np;hter or the !11te Harvey Out. Shedden, auvc tor stun disease. Pro11rletors, TOA.QDW, Qnt! Draper, aged 2'5 WM. A ·. STAFFOIUJ, legute I nstitute, carrrnd· m Luxury of l to The S. A. Bani! left town on Monday attend a grand demonstration of the Arm y in Toronto· Tl1e brrso ball mate fast Saturday after· T:Y, Carson's Liv:er Tonic and Blood . noon w;is between JSewcastle nnd BowPurifier for dyspepsia. _ te sted and was a \'Cry.hotly con GOO yde Tweed Dress Guods, lOcts " manville . game and caused qutte a bit of excitement yard at 'l'od Brothers. amon g the basohallists. After a h ard Get a sot of those beautiful winclow fou ght the victory rested with the shades at 'l'ait & Morrison's. Newcastle boys. Purchase Old Country tickets at th" WITHOUT EQUAL.-Wileon Montrose, STATESMAN office, by .Anchor Line. of Vienna, Ont., hav .ing used Dr. FowNew Fall Goods arriving daily at ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in his Couch, Johnston, & Cryderman's. family for summer complaint, says,"I Very pretty and very cheap-engrav· cannot speak to highly of it, for children as well '18 aged people troubled with ings and chromos at Tait & Morrison's. cliarrhwa it has no equal," On 30 cents for the STATESMAN to new You can save 20 per cent. by subscribers tu New Years. Four for $1. buying your Boots and Shoes, Mrs. Morrison is offering millinery at Trunks, Valises, &c., at M. Trereduced prices for balance of the season. leven's. Dr. Potter, cffice a.nd residence, Prow· er's Block, Kinf.\·st., Bowma.nville. 1-tf. he by-la graning 20,000 for. a Co l - j I I ,.----H OME AGAIN. · r Messrs. D. Burke Simpson and - - Carsons Liver Toniq a.ud BiQod PURI FI Ji1 R <Jorreete1l byJ, llflc:tlurfry, every TncS<lny. C URE S Drn?-INEBS, CONS'l'lP.,l.'rJON, D11orsv. JAUNDICE, ERYSJPILAS. sc1w1·'ULA, and all FLO UR , ;ir 100 "'· ws. · · · · · · · · $2 10 to"' e2 40 SRIN DISEASES; It cl eanses all the clo gged "ltVm<JAT, Fall, bush . · . . · 0 75 JI 0 80 ave nnes of th e system, r e storing health e.nd vigor to all who use it. 11 Spring, 11 O 80 JI 0 80 BARLEY, bush · . · ·· · · , · · 0 50 11 0 60 THE CARSON MEDICINE CO. 11 · · · · · . · . · . RYE , vv µI T :s ·;::.: 36:Jw o 45 JI o 48 11 · · · · · · · · · OATS , o 25 u o 30 ARM TO RENT .- 160 acres on Lot PEAS, Blackeye, bush .. . o 60 11 o GO F 25, 2ncl Con. Darlingt.on, six miles from 11 11 o 50 11 O 50 O sha wa, and three mi le s from Bowmanville, Small, onta inin g frame h o use . fou<r barns-three 11 ,, 0 50 11 0 55 c Blue, 30x'.IO. and on e 40xGO, with an, add ition 30x3Z, BuTTEit, best table,It· · . O 18 11 O 19 and good ston e cellar and stable under·ncath LAitD, <tr lt, · . . · · . . · · . ; .. O 10 11 O 12 the whole . and double pitched r oof. Hard and so!t water and o the r conveniences n ecessary EGGS, <tr doz . . . . · . . · . . . . . o 14. 11 o 14 on a first classall farm. Pos6ession about October PoTA.TOEs, <tr bush . . . . · . · . o GO 11 o 60 15th, with pri vilege to plow immediately. Ap HAY . . . . . . . . . . . · · . . . . . . . 9 00 11 10 00 ply to GEO. ALLIN, on the premises, or Bowmanville. P. 0. 33-tf. DR ffiSSED HoGs . ........ . . 5 50 11 6 00 Cr.on1R SEED.···.·.'.·· . . 4 90 11 5 00 THE BISHO P S T R A C HAN SCHOOL for Young Ladies-Pres,dent. Ar.sum .... .... . . ....... 4 00 11 6 00 the Lo r d Bisbop of Toro ti t o. -T he school will be re- open ed on \ Vod ne8 da y , September 7th. on. E. 4J. l!lcDOlVEJ,L. During vacation the c l ass and dormitory ac c o m mod at io n are b e in g enlarged, and the> in· L ICEN'rIA'rE OF ROYAL COLLEGE te r i o r generally impro ve d. as well as the orPhyAicians. Lond on . l<:ng.;Member or &spect of the i.ui ldin gs. by a dding a new !:tall Collogo of Physicians ... na S urgeo ns. Ontario. and cl'ning room. The arrangements fol' SURGERY AND R;;SIDENCE:-Rear o! Messrs. instruction and d ne su oervisi on will be m ain · BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. I 1)1 tained in eJficiency. l!'urthcr information and prospectus may be had immediately by writin, to th e Lady Prin ci pa l, Mis GRIF:ti, Wykohan H&ll, College avenue, 'l'oronto, who may be · seen porsonlllly after 22nd A ugust. 32:2m. ------·------·--------- -- - F. A go o d farm consisting of 100 acres. the tate or the late fi F Siij ! SITUA'L'ED ·Es JOI-1:N. HYLAND CARTWRIGHT Being the east half of IN S GLOV[ GLEANER! HOWARD' .-MAGIC- T O. It i s within 8 miles of P o r t Perry, 3 o f Burke· ton , and 14 of Bowmanville m ar kets, There is a go od frame dwelling h ouse, a, mall orch· a rd , and good w el l of warer. There is slo u. good barn, 35 x 50. a.nd a sh ed and stable 5Gx:30. 'l'he soil is go od cl11l loa m. For further par· ticulars. apply to W. Brwcg, Blackstook. P .O. Cartwright. 31-tf -- LOTo8, CONCESSIONt 2 Executors' Notice to Creditors of JANE HODGSON, deceaead. ENC LISH SPECTA,CLES. in that behalf, notice is hereby given that cre ditors and other pe rso ns having any debts, claims or demands agamst the e3t&te of JANE lioDGSON,late or t he Township of Clarke in the Connty of D u r ham , widow. d eceased. who clled on or abont the fourteenth day of May. A. D .· 1887, hereby required to send by p ost, prepaid, or deliver particulars in wri ti n g of thei r debts, claims or demands, and th e nature of the ee cu ri t y 1ir any) held by th em to JOIIN K. GALBIUI'l'II, of the To wn of :Bow· manville, in the County of Dtuham, S olicitor tor '.rhom&s Henry FranciR lfo.ncock, the Ex· ecutor of the ,last will &nd testa".ll en t of the said deceased on or before tho t.entb d11y of Octob er, 1887, at the i:ixpiration of which time tbe said executor will pro cee d to distribute the assets of t h e said deceased among the personf! entitled theret-0. having regard to the debtfl and cl ai ms only of whieh no tice shall h a v6 been given as above required. and the sai d ex· e cuto r will not be liable for the assets so dis· tributecl to any perso 'l of whose clebt or cllLim he shall not have had notice at the time of sccli distribution. JOHN K. GALBRAITH. Solicitor for said Exucutor. Bowmanville, August 29, 1887. 3il:5w P oJl URSUANT TO THE STATUTES STOTT & JU RY, mtt &muliau tattt®lu. L al F. A. JONES, Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinll.l'J' College, Member of Ontario Veter · inary Association, will attend to all diseases of domestic animals. S ENNISKILLEN, VETERINARY SURGEON, P. Operations & Dentistry Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt attention. CHARCES MODERATE. A S P E CIA L TY. r O F F I C E H OU R S, 8 TO 10 A. )I. A first-class stock or Medici nes always on ha nd. N. B.-Will visit Willia.msburg every Saturday of each week. 16ly 5'- Daily Line to Rochester. . THE STEAMER ii ¥Jgi1f: "N 0 RS EMA N" Will ma ke her regular trips on thi.s l'OUt&. l envln g Cobourg every mornin g at 7;30 an<l P or t Hope at U:50 o'clock. on arrival of Grand ·.rrunk Railway t rain s from the east and west ; connecting at R oc he ster with the New York C entral, Northern Central and Erie Railways, and the Lake Ontario Division of th e RQDJC Wat erto wn & O gden sburg Railways fo.? all p o ints cast, west and south· ·wm leav e Charlotte (Port o! Roohceterl daily at 9 o'clock l'. llI. except on Saturd a ys, when she will leave at 5:45 p. m. f o r Port !lope. RETU R N I NG. . (G. ORAWFORD, Master,) 1 1 3 t W. MORRISON, H _ I, I A r°:i' H ft direct, E ru lJY \I 0 v . ED Dealers in stock will fin d this the cltoe.ties.t and most expeditiou.1 rou t e to Oswego, Bo8'lo Albany , New York, &c. For t urthe r information, App_ly to G. ORAWFOIW, or F. GILDEUSLEIVE; KENNER Port Hope. KinJ!lilton. & Co., Agents, Il owm anville, -GRAND- DQMJNION AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION 1887, CURES TORONTO_, Sept. 5th to 17th. $30,000 I N PRIZE.S. Entries close August 13th. WANTED 129:1784 LBS. The Great Regulator This· being the1 Dominion and I nduairiat Exhibition combined, will be th e granCl.est exhibi tloD of the agriollltural and induatrial products of this country ever held. A of Special At.. tractions is being prepared. Return t ick ets at single fare 11.ud cltoop ex· curslons on all railways during tho full e or the exhibition. VTOOL Grand Program THE W. QUICK & Co's. adclrees, GREATEST EVENT OF ' JUBILEE YEAR. For Price Lists a nd further informti,tion D, J, IDLli, rrellident. Mgr, aDJ1 Cfi Toronto 'ilflE I J,J, 'WITHROW,

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