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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1887, p. 7

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· ··ing worn next to the skin. · "There, Carrie, I am much better now. Avoid taking! HEALTH. VA O T P CS. cold above The room was too warm, I guess. So some all things. · 4t sneak-thief has dodged in aud stole my coat Dandruff is a common complaint of late . 'young female crickekr. of Notting ham --Good Nursing·:.·.· ' Well, let it go. It was an old one, and I'll and one that it seems· trouble." · · ' ·!ibss Grace' 1"n a cr1'cket match 0f b. ·ome to erad1. 0 th sexes I never told anybody how very, very near have a better one. " · Cheerfol companions, attendants a.nrl vis, sco cate. d The mixture given below has bee11 , -' · · . 217 against the bo\1·]1ng 0 f four rna IIY I was to death that night, J0ust a. year ago; ""Bu t was there notl img Ill th e pock ets , I tors-if any admitted-are as nece, ,,ary, known WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1887 · · to remove the pers1 .stent trouble goo men ·· but as I can now look back and calmly re- asked carrie. <1r as appropriate, as pure air, suuli0uhi; and when other means have failed · G·off of Plea.sant · · Take one· · call each thought, each word, each act, l f.S· M' · ·1t .ow suspicious Valley, Wis., who strange h gm It is The influence of · w111 1ileasant surroundings. think I wi1I write it down as a .warning to mw Q and one was Iect0d T · k e us· I rea11Y thought that car ne s us- the mind over the body is far greater than half ounce of ca1·bona.te of pot·sl1, _ own.Treasurcr, has J0ust secur. ounce of alcohol add suffic1·ent water to ed r 0ffice m spite of vworoua a11 who may find themselves simi1arly cir- pe·cted me, an d au ang ry repIY was on the oppo·1 °tion " bring the mixture up t 0 eight ounces, aud on t e part of the ma.le ·t how- is usually supposed, animating or depre·scumstanced, hoping, with all my hea.rt, th a.t end , 0f my tongue. I suppressed . i . officehold ers of the . ing, and can not well be overrated. The use a little at a time, rubbing well into C.t.TAIUUI.-A newtrea.tment ha1 been di·· the number may be few. the tow uttered falsehood instead and ever, a : long-faced entry, with repulsive co·inten' sea.Ip until H forms a l"ther. OOVflred w he reb y & permanen t cure of thl· · In the first place, my name is Frederick · A ances, breat mg 0f consequence, c:i.rrie. "N0th· ing an a.tmospl1ere of condensed hitherto incur bl e disease, is bsolutely affooi· P utnam. Ba ... tterine, as it is ca.lled in England, 1·8 · · d h b f h I o.m, au ave een or t e last · er n mg f l d th t a some pair J00 matrer o 0 n g oves s, d a application 0 n three iy, constantly expecting " A corresponden t of the Lancet says: usea;·.so extensiyely that the dairymen a.cidi ed ln from one to · ome terr1°ble have ookkeeper of notions." w h ether standing one year or for t y years. '.l'hie ten years, the foreman and b event, some unlooked for calamity to befall "A ftw years ago, when in' China ' I be- app · ed to Parliament for a lw · compelli'ug · · remed;y; i11 only appl i e d onoe in. t welv e d&y1, the large lumbering establishment of William . "I . am g la.d 1t is no worse, F red Now· the sick, some awful change in the weather, came acquainted with the fa,·t of the n at1 ' v es its to be changed from and does not inte rfere with business, Decdp · 'Winston & Co., and hope to be for another butterine . . . to . . . if you will wait just a moment, I will get tc. , h ave no m1ss10 mphlet sent free on i:eceipt o·r 1tl{mp by Uve pa neuralgia using a rine. They think that they ca.n head ? m the sick room, if, hen suftiermg _with facial v 's coats to wear home:" l better turns up. you one of father A. Il. Dixon. & Son, 306 King street, West decade, un ess something oi of peppermmt, . which they lightly ap- 1t o m that way. mdeed, they have < m y decent society. ID · M r. Winston is the resident partner and Toronto, Canad a.. Thus eqmpped I 1eft her. Thos.e w . .ho constantly look on the dark side, 1 plied. to th WHA!l' IS CA'1'..!.RRR'i . e scat of with a camel-hair" m.a.nager of the manufacturing part of the m1'th 1'ce a··r1· ' ved at " schooner l::t den " You may o uess that my slumbers t'hat P. red1c bl h . tmg .unf _ , . who de- pencil · Smce then, i Catarrh is a dangerous dis('lase wh !oh thonil· business. 'The other members of the firm, . . avora .e c anges .n my own practice, I Philadelphia on Tuesday, and was to be unffering ionslyeu unconsc or f sly requen no re tl Y empIoy this oil as a local anresre t very sound nor very f resh · I1ght m re01tmg the history of similar cases, nl glit we uds are consciou loadpd next day; As she lay a.t the dock from. It is a muco·i;mrulent dlschaqe <'.a.used of which there are two, live in the city, at ing. I never passed a more miserable night all of which terminated fatally, attended by thetiC, not only in neuralgia. but also in e the foot of the lake, a.nd attend to the sales ' she sprung a. leak, and the salt wa.ter rushed ·n the mor ·ng my haggard J00ka were unusuaI and snuermgs, by the pr esence of a vegetable par asite m th gout W ·th remarka.bly good results." and i I ir · can not ' s· but m lining memb r n e of the nose. The predispo of lumber, which we send them by vessels. in so fast that nearly all the ice was melted · · · fl · the SubJ·ect of remark · exert a permc1ous · uence, serious m 1y modilnll' cause s are a morbid state of the blo0<1, the before it could be got out of the hold. This is by far the largest share of what · " Why ·Fred yon I°ok a.s tiiough you had fymg bligllted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison the mill cuts, although the amount of our th e symptoms, rend ermg a recovery ?t syphilis, mercury, toxomi:e, foµi the reten.. met a legion of ghosts last night !"said vVin- more and more doubtful the longer their iuThe London cabmen recently sent a. deleTerritoria.l Waters. iion of the effete matter of the skm, suppressed sales directly from the mill, to supply the ston. "\Vhat is the f!latter ?" fluence is felt. The boisterous and reckless, gatiou to he Home Secretary, Mr. Matations badly ventilated sleepln11: apart· couutry to the west of us, is quite large. perspir "I had a bad. night of it," I answered, o the ne ban? a.nd the cunning whispers,. One of the most interesting of the papers i;hews, askmg that the number of cab licenmenta and th ocrm!nation of other poisons in Well, one cold December evening, just as the blood. Irritated by th ese , the lining mem· with a. sickly smile. with evil surm1smg, on the other, should be read at the recent conference iu Engla.nd of ses shall be limited. There are now fifteen ps I ing for heard reQep· was footste I home, the prepar brane of th e nose is ever ready for "And you'll have another, if you're not careully excluded from the sick room, the Association for the Reform and Coditica- thousand of them. '.!'he lot of a Iiondon cab tion of the parasite. which rapidly spreads;up on the creaking snow outside , and presently th e nostrils and down the fauoes, or back of the office door flew open, as though some careful. You had better keep quiet particularly when the patient is delicate tion of the law of Nations Sir Travers driver, while he sits in a comparatively com By-the-way, did you .vrite to Anderson? " and sensitive. ldeed, ::io intelligent and Twiss presiding, was that by Mr. George I fortable seat, is hard. Mr. Matthews prom'1le t h roat, cansing ulceration of the throat; up one in haste had given it a push, admitting 'Pe enst chian tubes cauGing dea.tness; bu.:. I do not know how I managed to reply, pru_dent person will be either clamorous or! Baden-Powell, M. P., on "The Limits and iaed to consider the application. 1 B1' 1 oe.rsene h a tall, stout, well-dressed man, with a sma. causing , s d r o , rowing in the vocal c . & traveling-bag in one hand and a. shawl for the question set mP to shivering from whisper, when the case is regarded as l Privileges of Territorial Waters, a subject murping t he proper strucwre of the . bronchi Tow Cl rk Whi take of Salem has a head to foot, and I was so weak that I could doubtful. If there is whispering, the aver- of special interest to Great Britin aud the ; tubes. endin g in 1mlmon 11ry consumption and thrown over one arm. onng L. eg h 0 008 ez: t at h_as a. fine ear scarcely sit in my chair. age patient will wish to know the occasion United States at the present time. Citing a r \Vh' I was alone-Mr. Winston having gone to ol music. or oure . en Miss Wh1ttake s?ata he t r Many lnnious speiflo for to . out suo· af the in answered rmative have must M I for 1-I careful while t, n listening statement will often by r. Sew d to the Spa i , fi the house some half an hour before, locking rself at e pi no to play he J;iurries 1to catarrh have been Invented, but w ith however, for he said: ; duce an undesirable fatigue. Snch slyness, ish Government in 1862, that "there are h g dlsooY· the safe, iu which we kept our books and cees, unt il a physician of l ong standin " ro i . r ug the door or windo, flies the d an Then we may " look for something disease from suh attempts th to conceal impo of two prh1ciples tant truths universally admitted-first upon ::e ms : ·red the exact nature r papers, and taking the key with him, as t . and ' after 1ookmg at rumen' destroy him to-morrow, or next day?" as it may naturally appear to the sick, will that the sea is open to e.11 nations . ana' only applianc e which will permanently ted the usual. th keys r a ho t ti · hops upon the;n, U.u parasite, no matter bow a ggrav a : ely he added .I after mediat naturally excite curiosity : d if not \ ala.rm, the secondly, that there m is a portion of the sei:. onoe I had already closed the da.mper to the ou no es at seem to fill !um p u oaae. Sulferers should soud st mp at "Why, Fred, you shiver as though you patient suspecting woratl results than are adjacent to all nations over which the sover- a.\ tor deecrlptive pamphlet on ca tar rh . to the stove, put on my overcoa.t, and was just i n wi h e ig t· son Son, &. the ague, and had Dixon you are sweating H. like a antici_Pated A. by s, the attendants. eignty Nothing of of that nation extends mana11er to the excln. 111nsiness the a.ct of turning down the lamp-but, of butcher! You're sick, mo.n ! Come! jump the kmd should ever be allowed in the sick sion of every other political authority "a.nd . Georgia newspaper tells of a. man who, Jting street, we s t , 'l'or o nto , Cana d a course, I waited. thoi;igh ridmg the wood near Amerfous, Wlwt the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B..A., a Cltro11 my cutter, into and I'll take you home." room. Pleaant, cheerful tones, remarks a.ny other authorities to a simila r effect, Mr. heard a hssmg "Good evening, sir," said the man, bustman of the London Conference of the Metho and craclmg over his head ·eoar d I wa. s glad of the chance to get away, a.nd not den:a.ndm. much consiera.tion no Baen-Pow.e.l deduced the principle that dist Church of Canada, has to say in t damper the t,Iie to kicking up and ling stove, alarm, with sm1hng fa:ces, cordial greetmgs, by mternational law a nation is permitted, and, lookmg up'. saw a big_ ball of fire. I:t To .&.H. Dixon&: Son's New 1'reatment for open with his right foot. " Has Winston reaching mj room, I locked myself in. . ?' large oak tree with a loud crash Winston sent a doctor round, but I re· countenances expressive of hope and assur- "for the purposes of its own security and struck (Jatarrh. . gone to the house?" 1883 fused to see him. Then Winston came ance-as much so as the circumstances will· welfare,.to hold command of portions of the and split it open fom top to bottom. The Oaklans, On t. , Canada, March 17, J answered that he ha.d. Son: &: Ne.ssrs. A.H. Dixon himself, but I would not open the door. possi_bly ado: it-will legitimately aid in aa- open sea which abut upon its coasts." The tree took . fire a.t the root! sowly kindling, Inst. to hand. " When! I was afraid of it." DEAR SIRS -Yours of th e 13th Then my landlady came, then some of my sua.gmg the rigors of the symptoms, and mi ti- great difficulty is to define the limits of but burnmg fircer as it mcreased. The ai J am He drew out his wa.tch-a very fine one, Jt seemed almos ."too good to be true tb I am. I fellow-boarders, but I turned them all gating the sufferings. Shall vi5itors be ad- these waters. The common rule has been to man went on his way, but returned in a few cured o! Cata rr , bUt I know that I thought. r ve e n and . s away. have had no retu rn of the d 1sea mited? To exclude_ all ill convince the recognize the "cannon shot limit" the ac· hours, and the place where the tree stood: . many " I shall not have time to go up," he felt b etter in my life. I have tried soan domin- was marked only by a blackened, smoking Ah ! those wer terrible. hours that I patient that the case 1s sert0ns, reacting un- cepted maxim being, JlinititS tei d for said. "The train is due in fifteen minutes.,, suffered so much things tor Catar rh passed, a;nd the, mght commg on brought 1 favorably. !f admitted, it should be with iwm ·ubi finitur arnwrum vi,i. For all practi- hole, where the fire had burned down into· l!O many years, th at it is ha rd to r eal iE.e that . " Is there anything I can do?" I asked. me o rhef Can you not guess what I was creful restriot10s. , If I were dangerously cal purposes this is the marine league of the ground; I am really better. " I wanted to leave some money with ; · !t b a d case, I I consider that mine was a very o.y med1tatmg . Coward that I ws, I had at. sick, I should . wish the c?mpany of one ? r three miles, which is claimed in the British Pere Denizot, a.n old French miser died: I intended to stop in town a d ·iuvcl viug the Winston. , ronic ch and d ate v a r g g was a last resolved upon aelf-destru ct10n. moe lov.ed friends, takmg m:y han m Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act, and recently in Paris. He Jived by himelf in I and es. passag . or two, but I have just got a despatch that . hro&t ae w ell ·as the nasa.I I commenced my preparations with the theirs, with one on my brow, while I might agreed to by the United States, thoup;h uot an old house, 10 Rue de Brosses, in the ;teatments, *hoUjtht it w o uld require tho three calls me home." n t me. and same calmness and deliberation that I woula be permitted to listen to cheering words of by other nations. F .<or different purposes Quar tier · des Areh" but I feel full y cured by the two se 1ves. He was the laughWhat name sir ?" " eend to d uce d in ever was · I · t a h , I a.m thankful t aff. used m the mos t co.mmon tro.naact1on. ect1on, n?t being expected to answer other distances have been at various tim s· ing stock of the neighborhood, as he wa.n. " Anderson, of Andersonville., I wrote a short xplanat1on !or Carrie, an- mi\?y questios, nor to have the conver- claimed by different nations as within the dered around in rags, driving hard bar letter statinir I knew him then, though I had seen him '0/g;{'are at lib erty to use this other for Mr. \'Vmston, a third for my poor sa.bon so co1 o treatment·. and but once before. mnued as to produce fatigue. jurisdiction. Norway specified in one· case gains with butchers for dog meat and scraps. _ Lba.t I have been cured a.t t w He hll.d been one of our 11om1 to y d me e r your mother; and I sea.led them a.IL. In 11. fourth !deed the simple presence of such a friend, four miles, England six miles, under an Act Apoplexy ca.rried him off finally. J 1hall gladly reoommend 1'est Western customers. I say had been, .An In ers. sufl'er are who s d n e i 9'11117 fr envelope I enclosed the receipt to Mr, wth convel"'!atl?n for only a. few moments, of Geo . IV., and again twelve miles under specter of polic e, while making ks. for the reason that .during the year his up his re· Yours, with many than Anderso. be suiliL1ent. m1gt the o "Hovering T exclude ts." \I'll A would he nited States c '.l' U REV.E, B. STEVENION port of the death in the old man's room. payments had not been so prompt. In fact,' . All this accomplished, I went to my convmce me that my friends despaired of my in 1875 claimed the same for revenue pur- accidenta.lly knocked over a table .Anll. hundreds of others he was considerably behind and Winston from ... secretar:y and took out the weapon of deah. life, ma:king me feel keenly that I was de- poses, and even as far as the Gulf Stream the drawer of which fell s everal . rolls of gold uad that very day told me td write him, and . was simply a !evolver, small and msig- serted m my time of need, by those who for the exclusion of belligerents. Spain Ims The officer hunted through the wretched I 'punch him up a little,"as he expressed it. 1ficant enough m appearance, but all su:ffi. I should sympathize with and cheer me. claimed a six-mile belt around Cuba. The place, a.nd found gold and silver m a ountin. The letter was then in the breast-pocket of n. cient. . The prsence of judicious friends, I foel question of jurisdiction over bays has to 100;000 francs. As Pere my overcoat. Denizot is sup. used much controve1·sy, having at various posed to have he heirs, all this money Havmg exauuned the cartridgs, to sure, will effect more good than harm. · goes Hasreoelved her new stock of "You can leave the money with me, sir, sure that there would be no failure, I sat times formed an important issue in the iu the state and I will give you a receipt." and . pla.ced the cold fishery disputes between Great Britain and He seemed to hesitate, which ndtled."me ·down before the fire, An apparatus has been devised by moans Cigarettes. muzzle to my forehead. te. United State. difficulty of a . somewhat. I have never blamed anybody Bow of which, it is claimed, u, breach in a vessel's of es Ladi anoter should In have second the been life. I and invites Whether or not young Mr. Knevals died different nature is that raised by the claim since, however. less; 1:mt .iust as my finger began to press of smoking cigarettes, it is perfectly well of the latter :power to exclusive jurisdiction hull from a collision or other cause, may be "How much is my bill?" he asked, eyem.anville and vicinity to calJ the trigger, there a ap on my c.or ! known to physicians tha.t a man may die over the Bchrmg Sea, on the ground that it is effectually closed from either the inside or in!!' me sharply. It startled me, and ha.stily conceahn my' from carrying that practice to an excess, !and-locked, althmgh the distance between outside of the craft. For closing an opening and see her Pattern I answered promptly, for I had struck weapon, 1 called out that I could ad nut no a.nd that excessive ciaarette smoking does its shores, as pomted out by fr. Adams frm th? outside a. rame made of any appro the balance not more tha.n half an hour priate size, and weighted so as to sink in the on. do a great deal of barn. In the first place, in 1822, is n.ot les than . 4,000 miles. before : . Not me.' F:e? In. the discussion which followed the ':ater, is provided. To the edges of one smoke who cigarettes more . people do smok " Eleven thousand seven hundred and . and assortmen t ot I knew Uarrie s voice, and a yearnmg to ing than those who use and pipes. If readmg o Mi·. Baden.-Powell's paper the side of the plate are secured wooden strips fifty dollars and twenty-three cents." look OD er lovd ace got the mas of a man is [going to leave his offi ce to run Ron. David Dudley Field, of New York, attached to which are cushions of rubber o; "Humph! less than I supposed. Write me: Qmetly shpprn the tel!·ta.le letters, across ttLe street for a minute, or is walking expressed his vonviction that it was abso- other suitable material. The frame is lower ont a receipt for that amount." i ed ever the apel·tures from the deck by ropes He left the stove, and came and looked which I had left on t table, rnto my poc- 1 to the corner to take a horse cai, he will not lutly necesary that the vie:"s held by the secured to eyes in one edge; the pressure of . . ,, 'light a ci!pr ; he knows it must be thrown yanon_s nations on _these _ pomts should . be I ke,tt J 0Pd the doi.. e I si i'l'rOKE :-i'le<'·lld Door west er Wlll!am· over ID)'. while I wrote . ck 1 exclauned, away immediately, ri,nd a sense of economy mvestigaed. on their rnents -:a work wlu_ch the wate1· causes the plate to hug the hull . <;Jh, F r.,d, you . 816 l uteller St.ttJJ "It is all right, Mr. Putnam. I know I o that it will prevent all or nearly all th -- you now. --You've been with Winston a Sarne, tle momnt the hght fell 01 my fac . testrains him. But if he is in the t of t he Asociat1on, composed as 1t was of m- mflow of water ----, k to the vessel, the cushions Why di , r ou not send for me · Aren t rolling cigarettes, he may take a whiff at dependent gentlemen of 3:11 na.ions, was Iong time. 1 can tell your siguatnre anyyo beter 9 time, and is pretty 'sure to be always well a;ble to perform. On lus mot1n, there. forming water.forht joints between the hull I " . . any where." . . · but,. doing it. The result is that where a non· fore, it a.s re solved th3:t the chair!11an of and frame ; the inner surface of the plate is I answ ed huskil . otse, ! He drew from an inside pocket a farge . provided with several bolts, to which ropes smoker has the benefit of some fresh air in the meetmg should appomt a committee of . black wallet, \'ery round and f u ll, and I Carne-good hea.v.ens may be attached, in order to secure the :)F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS counting out eleven different piles of i As I uttered this exclamatrnn, I started the lungs whenever he is out of doors, the 1 five to consider Mr B.i,den-l'owell's paper pla.te in place from the inside of the vessel. notes, he told me to run them over. It was j, and then for w3:rd; ad the--;I ,hardly cig·wette smoker takes in air charged with and to rame general ;ules for th? . common As there many i:.iferior ow what,!for, h ng ng ac.oss Carne s arm, nicotine. re!lulatio of th dutis nd privileges of goods, oorded with jute. a Eort and easy task, for each ple contain- k my 0".ercoat : AnVISE TO MOTHERS.-Are you dis "'a beum, etc ., oJrered and ·old I Smokers of cigars and pipes do not, as a adJacent States m terntonal waters. . ed .iust ten one hundred dollar bills. turbed at night and broken o f your re11t as <fora.line by some un· ove mg f om my a to shment, I c r m : The bal.mce was in 'fives, tens, and s rule, inhale smoke, but cigarette smokers principled merchants trad by a sick child su ffer ing and crying with natched it from her, and thrust my hand do. Why this shonld be, it is difficult to twenties, a.ud it took more time to count ing on the reputation of of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at pocket. eleven thousand say, but it is an acknowle<'lged fa.ct that it m the d I o out iew our genuine ()erallu, them; but at last we got it, so that both Queen Victoria and Lipski. sei; en lmndred and fifty dollar.q and twenty· o nce and get a b ottl e of "Mrs. Winslow' s we warn tile ladies 11.11tain·\ . is so. It is thus easy to see why the results were satisfied. such iwposition by draw 1· · stoppmg .at Osborne, Soothing Syrup." For children teething, _ / cents. Queen th?e wtora is still \ _ a. cigarette smoking b should be so neful. At this moment we heard the whistle for' I of ing their attention to the J . wth her favorite ?aughter l rmce,ss Bea.. its valu e is incalculable. I t will relieve necessity of seeing that the the station. Anderson sprung for his I Yn have he.ird aout, and perhaps sen, The air in rea.ching the lungs and the blood trice as her compa111011 . . The Queen s eldest the poor little sufferer immedie.tely. De· name traveling· bag, and giving me a hasty hand- the.srngula.r capers of a adman, or the wild goes through the windpipe and the bron· antics of tho_se era.zed with rum, or he gro-, chial tubes. Between the windpipe and the daughter, the Crown Prmcess of Germany, pend upon it, mothers ; there is uo shake, was off on the i·un. _ I te que dan mg _ o savages I closed the door, and counted the money c f . \Vell, Jndgmg lungs the bronchial rnbes keep dividing into a.nd her daughters re at Norris <?aatle close mistake about it. It cures Dys e n tery s ' Bta.mped on Inner si d e of all Coraline goods, Thia incessant subdivision reduces by, and do n?t mtend ieturmng to the and Dia.rrhrea, re gu lates the Stomach and again. Finding it all right, I wrapped a fr?m what Carne told me, and frm the ap· two. . piece of newspaper a.round it, and slipped it l peamnce of my apar_tment after it 'Ya.a all them ultimately to grea.t fineness. In the I Vaderlnd mtJl t!ie end of the year, Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Without which nono aro gonuino. t o::er, I am Jed to believe that, were 1t pos- lune's they are sea cel y wider than a hair to the 1oy, it is said, of the Sage of Varzm, Gums, reduces Inflammation, and g ives ----------------- into my overcoat pocket. whom . the ,,Fench des? r!be .as the "asttte I did not feel quite easy to have 80 much! s:ble to coi:centrate the th;ee;i- At the eud of each bronchial tube there i to:ie and e ne rgy to the whole sygtem. tione species of . demons rnto . one, the.1r what is called a pneumonic gl obule. It is barbarian . . Tho_ugh: hvmg m su?h seclusion " Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for money about me; but as Winston's hou5e was at least a mile distant, I concluded to capermg and ?ancn;ig would a;ppear tame m in this globule that the air and blood meet ! the . Queen 1S quite lil toch with populr companon with mme that mgt. Continuea to do a G eneral Bo.nking Buslneaa 'it is here that the blood becomes "aerated " feeh?g, and. to her alone l! due the week s children teething is pleasant to the taste keep it until morning when I could deposit . aBo wmiI.nTille Branch. reprive yi-h1ch "'Yas recored on Sunday last and is the p rescriptio n of one of the old it in the bank. . B1t I cooled do"'. fter awhile, and 3ust , or oxygenized. In the cw:ie of men who iDEPOSl'JfS I closed the damper again, drew on my 1 m time . to save Carne s head a _thump from hale the smoke of cigarettes, these globules, to Lipski the prtS?ner lymg _under sentence est and best female physicians and nurses of_ death. It raised a weight off many in th e United S ta tes, and is for sale by gloves, took the o f lice key from the ·the chair or the wa.shstand, which I had se· instead of receiving fresh air receive air !teoelved in Savings B ank D epar tm en ta nd I charged with nicotine. In o;der to know mmds. Mr. Henry Mathews, the present all druggists through the world. Price J81.l a nd interest allowed at ourrent rates. No just over the door, and stepped up to put Iected as partners m my crazy altz. Thn I asked ai; exlanat1on. It was the extent to which the lungs receive the Secretary of State for the Home Dpart 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for iot!oe o f with d ra.wal necessary. All depo1lU out the light. As I did so, I saw a bit of payab le o n i!ema.nd, to hve le:i-rncd no wisdom paper on the floor, which, on picking up, I he simplest thmg tmagmable. do not poisoned air it is only necessary to remem- ment, ho seems "Mk;;. WINSLOW'S SooTHING SY:&UP." EXCDA11GE saw was the receipt I wrote for Mr. Ander· know w.hy I had not thought o.f t before.. her that the area of these pneumonic glob- from his rough xper1ence m the Cass ca.e, e.nd take no other kind. had alrea.dy retired to the sacred seclusion was s p y a blunder of Car ie s father. m: i son. He had dropped it in his hurry. I' fa . is some 1,200 square feet. 3oughtand sold and Dr afts issued upon Europa I He ha.d mis aken my coat for his. own, and I ules There is a p opular notion that the paper of. his lub wen there cam_e a telegram from i1nited Sta.tee and Canada, also Gold,Silver and put it in my pocket, a.nd thought no more d it t worn a dr town, that nevr eammg . oVI 11 O'nlted S t a es Greenbacks bon!l'h t and sold, wrappings of cigarettes do the mischief. Vrn .oria Reipna commandrng-and n?t suga.bout it, only that I would mail it t-0 him. . small fortue as lymg idly I the pocket. The paper perhaps does burn the mouth. gestmg, as is the ?usom-the reprieve of I would have done it then, but a.a the last Well,_ I d1dn t have the bra.m fever. over The wrappers of some Turkish cigarettes the man wlose mlt is so ?pen to doub. COIJLEUTIONS mail for that day had gone out on the train the affair, but I was th.i next door 1t. I are impregnated with opium, and these, of Every mornmg smce te Prmce of 'Yales s 'Wben Raby wae slolI:, we gave her Claat;orla, Promptly mada cnrren1 ra te s u p o n all par vhich took Mr. Anderson, I could do it mad ? a clean breast of the whole thmg ex- course, do harm; but that is not the fault of departure for the 9ontiuent there arrives at Df GTe at Britta.In, the U 11 i te d States and Do JUSt as well iu the morning. Then, too, I I Whe11 ahe w:wi a Child, she cried tor C,.;toria, ceptmg my a.tte ark pt, or, rather, my resolve, r letter with t n pos O e G orne s . h 8: h ma I? m .b1lo n of C anada. the cigarette. The trouble with cigarettes was in something of a hm:rv that night, for I Wh·m she beoame Misa, sho clung to Cutoria, directd m . A lbert Edwa.rd_ s ha.ndwritmg; at self deatr?ct10n. No o ne ever guessed is that people will smoke cigarettes a.t times I had an appointment; and I may as well: . Telegraph '!'1·ansf'er8 Wheu eho had Oliildnm, Dbe gavo tbom Oaet-oria, state here that it wa.s with a young lady, I that art of 1t, and I tell it to-day fQJ: the, when they will not smoke cigars, and that f?r, smce his so dangerous illness at Sand Mail,e !or large or small anms on all parts ot first time. cigarette smokers thus use more tobacco rmghai;i, now some seventeen ago, . . c..:::.·. This i11 espe ci "lly ad vantageous tc WhQ, l hoped, would be my wife before many 1 I I sent Mr. Anderson his. receipt, handed than other people, a.nd tha.t cigarette smok- the. Prmce of vales has become the most pen!Unli"l.!ving !n Mamtnba oi· the North·WHt months. o r the oney to .r.;tr. \Vuston, and went ers inhale tobacco and take into the lungs dutiful and considerate of sons. u It makes the tnnda avalla.ble at ouoe at \he I hastened to my boarding· place, ate my : ::e right on with my duties, a. wiser and a ?eter air charged with nicotine. p1-.oe ot payment. ==-:======-=-==supper, and then went over to Mr. \Varner'a man, I hope. A_!'.ld to-morrow, God willmg, l!'or further particulars call a. t the Banktn11 wearing the overcoat with the money in it, --. , the arrie lead to shall altar I C I House. as I did not feel easy about leaving it in my T. :RODIE, GEO. MoGILL, room. Carrie was at home, of course, as l Sun-Stroke. .,. ··- · Accountant. Mane.a er. she was expecting me, and, leaving my coat ' . When a person falls with sun stroke, he ·Iv and hat in the hall, I went into the parlor. The Sultan not a happy Man. shold at one be tak_en to the coolest pl.we . . . . I do not think a repetition of our conver- I , The , Sultan of Turkey s1tsm Y1ld1z Klosk available, is coi;hmg should _be removed would be very interesting 80 I will pass a.nd refuses to be comforte.d. Not that he and cold apphca.tions mae to his. hea.d and over it merely remarking 'that nothin occares a tra"'. about Bulga;ia or about the over the whole body. Pieces of ice may be curred'to disturb me until 'i arose to 1ake Anglo-Egyptian Convention. Matters of packed around the head, or cold water may mY0 leavc · · . far graver import impress his soul with au ·be poured upon the body from the water --AND-arrie went mto the entry for my coat over burdenmg · · ht. 0n We.. · -> nesda.y pot. weig The ice-pack to the spme and cold ·ght put the on b Y the Hafiz Behram Agha breathed his last and is enema.ta will also be found of advantage. and h a.t, that I nu 1 · The , W arm fire, but sh e came w1th on y my now m · · par!tdi se w1 11 g ha, As a. preventive 'th the h measure tIiere 1s noth" . mg . ouris. h t although a pure-blooded negro, was the like keeping out of the sun; but where this · 1y d"d a.,; Wlly, Fred, you · . 1 . not ven· grea tes t aud most m · fluentia1 man · · · 'he case of lab orers, an d m the is 1mposs1ble, as m t ·ght as th18W thout an ture t sueh a m I E_mpire, nd had succeeded in rendering others, a device . consisting of a cloth or overct i h1m self mdespensab e to the S ulta.u. He large hndkerckief fostened to . the .hat· I s now opened, and we invite every body to call a&tl exam ne our stock. CURES "No coat" I exclaimed in a dazed sort !I' h eld th e o f ce of Chief of 'the 'unuc lJS, a. band, will be found of advantage Ill shield · E fi . . f a. _ way, for the th0 ht °f th m ney h dignity which ranks with that of Grand Viz- ing the back of the head from the sun's r ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM fl 1:i a a mos t ier and entitles the bearer thereof to be ad- rays. ashm upon me so su en1Y e me. PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST 8t . dreed as " Your Highness." His official ·1 ""' e next moment I tore past her hke . ION A:ND ALL DI'3EASES ARISING madm<I.n, as I was. The coat was gone l a title was " the Guardian of the Sacred Dorll Hmts. which lead to the Abodes of Felicit . " The I he ed gr a at r I unn e e I hel!as p w ". · t . FROH DISARRANGEMENTS 011 THE ladies of the harem are now squabbling to 1 Many housekeepers object to the open 1 sta.irrai , an d caught 1t ]USt m t1me to sup· theu: · heart' s content about h" is su.cces.sor, I grate fir hat imparts such. a cherfu1 air port myself. Carrie came running out, her turnmg the honey of the Sultan,8 life LIVER .AND KIDNEYS. mto to the s1ttmg room OD a wmtry mght, OD O rders tor Stamping will receive 1trict attention, aad. fa paIe wi "th a1 arm. His courtiers, 'the score of dust and coal dirt. Neverthe. gall and wormwood. ,1 , . ? 1 . U h ' Fred . are you sick . Let me ca 1 f de ted l the "Ca.r est · 0f the less, a grate fi rp h .1re IS one of the. h ea.Ith" · f :1 all newest patterni kept to hoo·e from. The Greatest Bl00 d Puri- mother and the doctor! You are as white .1 Fo'ai and, t d posi ion '.'n 1Dtrodncmg d twar lD _is aw u means of. heat1g a roo, a.s a sheet l" the room an a.ttitude of armed neutrality. I ta.ken up wear for a free c1rculation of air ' keeps · fler l·n· the World. entreat ed. "There ' T ly,_ th "No no c arr1e The Bazaar Glove :fitting Patterns for Ladies and Childrens · . o popu1ar Germ , 1,, 1 ru :1song 1 crret. well ven1la:ted. Stea_m heat w_ould be exI am btte; now. , ":'dryness, the Sultan s hfe is when it asserts that 1ta excessive cellent did it not by And I was better. 1 was s trong, aII at not a appy one. , , ' sp1ing and summer styles, a complete stock. No w aiting, no sending, · h frequently produce unpleasant headaches. once - desperatell; strong. And _what . but choose your pattern and take it home with you. bror:ght a?ov.t this . change? The simple Much ill health may be avoided by pay. man, Every Anderthings. had I little pocket. m my ing attention to receipt which . . Proprietor, Toronto. Reember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's groce ry swre. Worth a Little Inconvemence. son ha.d not_hing to show that the mney woman and child should be careful to_ go ---ho.d been paid ; ai;id was not my unaided weather 1 m Mrs. Muldoon: Ah, Biddy, look at the well wrapped up in the bitter SOLD:SY word as good . as his? black eye yon'r got; wasn't yez better off pending. Overshoes an artile . that, md1spen· e a that w wear, a to s I to foo!Jsh beheve r enough unpleasant 1 though l , on three dollars a week at service? BIGGlllJBOTBA.ltl k SON, could brav_e 1t through, and I grew confid- I Mrs. O'Brien. What if Mike do bate me, sible in cold weather. The ears and neck 12-tf. ent and qmte easy at once. should be well protected, and heavy cloth- :Bowman:ville, Yueh 22, 1886. BmfMA NvI L Ll. I I'm me own mistress now. · · · ·· ·. rnz1s 111 "!Rl ': '"l" ! l!!!'· ! !!!!!!! !! ! ! !!l!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !i !!!!!!!!! !! '"! !!!!! !'.! RROW ES.CAPE. NA Nl t \t'U. 1iry m:tt \t't1t tM \t'dJ. · \t'U iii' -";;II ""-"' lY1 1i. -"' \t'U-"' CARRH. WWam M!*"'. ICIM 4!Nil!8M: ii** §:i'1/.{llf,_ !!l!!!' !!!!!!!!!l!·!· !!!!!! !l!! ... l!aill!ll !!!!!!!!!!!!! - !!'!!!!!!!!!!! " rr·· · 1 111 --· · ,· · 4 · · -·· · · · a a · · · · · · l a · · · ·1 I · · · · a l I a a .· I · · 1 · llSS McTAVISH GOODS., . . . I ___ I TRIMMINGS BONNET S, HATS I l , ,, J _ ____ BEWARE I · ·, , · · j I 1 · · · 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE ONTARIO BANK. 1. 'j I I · I · DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY l II Ml_LLINEHY FANCY GOODS HOUSE gHats Re-shaped in THE VVEST END · BITTERS · d j · I · · latest styles. · · E. M) R R J S '1 p'. , I · · 1. l I MRS. W. MORRISON.

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