· t TBRMS :-11.50 , Pim Allllroll. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JA.MES, EDITOR A:!JD PROPRil'JtoR, NEW SERIES NUMBEB 476. BOWMANV:ILLE, ON1:1ARIO, WEDNESAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1887. HAYDUN. ' VOLUME XXXIII. NUMJlER 34'. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN opened out and showing Have are now A·LLAN LINE, ROYAL !t!AIL STEAMSHIPS. ORONO. A social will be held at the Christia n parsonage, Orono, on Wednesday, 21st in st. , nt which a very beautiful fancy 11ilk quilt will be sold and its proceeds donated Tea will be to Elder J. H. Shou lts . served from 5 to 8 p. m. AUCTION SALES. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAILINGS, A Grand Assortment of new Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Over Coatings, and Pantaloon Goods, for Fll and \iVinter wear. These goods contain the newest de signs and fabrics, and are without doubt the finest stock of cloths ever shown in West Durham English, Scotch and Can_adian RATE S 01' OCE AN pASSAGE :-Cabin, $50, $65 and $75 ; r eturn, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, $60. Steerae, $20. The last trai n con hecting with the m a i l steamer at Port land leaves Toronto on We dnesd ay mor n ing . The last train conne ct ing with the mail steamer at II oJifax leaves Toronto on 'fhursd ay morning . For ticke ts and every information, apply to W. A.NE.ADS, Bowm anvi lle , Agent Allan line. 11-tf SARDINIAN. from Quebec. f!eptember 22 POLYNESIAN, " " ,, 30 PARISIAN, October 6 13 SAHMl'rIAN. ClRCA SS l AN , " 21 " 27 SARDINIAN. .POLYNESIAN " November 1 PARISIAN, 10 SA.RMI1'1AN, 17 ·,. " i¥e-CO_T_O·_ '9 TAIT & MORRISON'S and In spect their Wall Papere-Jateet desiQ:ns. greatest variety, and prices to suit everyone, Stock now ready. Do you want a new and pretty Window Shade or Blin e .1 We have somethlnp: n ew in this· branch . Call and see them be !om you invest. or you'll be sorry. .Mr. and Mrs. J. McL aughl in, Jr., MR. S. C. HUNXJNG"s SALES. were visitini;r friends at Niagara ]'al ls re MONDAY, S EPl"R 19th -Mr. W. Byam ce nt ly has instructed the und e rsia ne d to sell Mr. Wm. Trewin lost a valuable horse hy auct ion , at Lot 7, Co11. Z, East a s2!-!; ti me ago. Whitby all his farm stock, implement s , Some evil disposed person ent ere d the etc . Sale at one o'clock sharp . S. C. grai nary of Mr. Robt. FaUiJ fast week GOUBTIOE. HUNKING, A uctione er . and §tole a quantity o f pork. Mr. W. Fowler, of Oxford C oun ty, ha TuESJ>AY1 Sm·T. 20th.-Mr. B ens on offers · aydon has a curiosity in a hog with been visiting his brother, Mr. A. M. l!'o w·for sale,' on Lot 17,Con.4,Darlington, a eix feet, four of t hem being on the hin d ler. lot of valuable farm stock, implements, of Mr. D. L. Sand erson has retw n ed legs, Mr. S. Waldock ia the owner etc. Sale to commenco at 1 o'clock ..... . is m ag ni ficen t hog. a.c.t home from 11 survey i ng trip on the Uarn. shar p . S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. Mr. Thos. Ashton has co Jllm en ced operaOttawa. 'l'HURSDA.Y, SEl"I'. 22nd.-Mr. J. Brent Mfas Sanderson and Mr. Sam. Courticc tion on his new farm . ofl'era for ealo at Lot :JO, Con. 2, Darling· left on 1'uP.s d ay morning for Whit.by Mr. and Mr s . Wm. Broad, Jr., and ton, a lot of valuable farm i;tock, imple Model School. We wiah them succe8B . family, of Li nde ay, have been vishing ments, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock, 8'1at<p. Mr. C. W. Lent has returned home friends in this lo cality. S. C. Hl'NIHNO, Aucfone<:r. . from a two weeks' trip to Ottawa a n d the MiesR. s. Broad left on Frid a y las t TUESDAY, SErr. 27th. - Mr. Amey Etut. for a months sojourn with her b rother oilers for sale at Lot 3!, co11. 5, Da r Oar auctioneer is becoming very popu- J ohn, of Detroit, may ehe have a plo a s lington, a lot of farm etock , i m plemen ts, lar. Good judges eay that he is har d to imt time. etc. Sale at one o'.clock. S. C. ffuN beat. At any rate he m ake s a good showKisG, Auctio neer. Mr. John Mo u ntj oy and si eter e pe nt ing in the ST.U'ESJIUN's lis t of s ales. Sunday with friends in Cartwright. FRIDAY, SEPT.30th.-Sale of the pers onal Tho S un day evening service at Ebonozer was giv en up in order t o allow the congregat ion an opportun i ty of going to hear the Uev. J. J ohns , of New York. T1nM. TYRONE. Gentlemen leaving their orders with us can not only depend· upon geting a perfect fitting . suit,. but can also depend upon having it well trimmed and well made. As we use only first-c] ass trimmings and employ none but first-class. workmen. We advise our friends to leave their orders early in the season before the rush comes on. Cmroh,Johnstmi&nryderman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. 5th Sept., 1887. We h av e t o-d ay received invoices of our MI'LLIN' E· RY ·. . . , · and to-morrow we trust ta be able to s uit anyone requiring gqos in that department. 1'1.[ISS has taken any amount of Ill care the selection of in the newest articles the market. In other Departments New Goods ArriVi_ng The Daily. - sortment will soon be com Our as plete, so that you should see our "ew goods this fall before you buy. :ri Our Motto wi11 be:---Quality away up; Prices away down. . l N.urnow Esc..1.rE.-Whilo the tinsmith was p u tti ng eave-troughs on Reeve Han cock's bl\rn, last weed, a spark flew from th :ittle s tove and Eet fire to a rai l - pile out ten f e et from the barn. Mr. ;rohn McLaughlin, sr ., is laid up with injurie11 from fal l i n g off an ap ple Messrs. J. McNeil and W. Haycraft barrel and br eaking his collar-bone and caph1 red a fe w fine r abbi ts and parridge Still leads ln :Photographs and one or two ri be. our Studio is often crowded on S at ur d ay last. Come early in the day when yo -Mr. J. Creeper, of Owen Sou nd, has can. been v isiting hie brother, Mr.T. Cre eper, Jut now you may want some HAMl'TUN. extra Eniiravings or Chromos to our enterprising west-tmd merchant. adorn your rooms. We have a · Mr.'"· H.Hick11 is visiting hie brother The funeral of the lat e Mr. John great vnrioty, good an d cheap. Jewell on Thursday afternoon last to at Thornton. too, It you want a baby carriage we can suit you : we have some Mrs. John Bell is visiting friends at Bethesda cemetery 'Was largely a tten ded. nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too, The burial service was conducted by Miss Acton, Ont. and Boy's 'Vs.gone, Carts and Mr. J. H. Werry is attending c ol lege Leonar d of the Sal vation Army. Wheelbarrows. Lawn at Belleville. Succ ess, Henry. The h arvest· home festival at the Meth Rev . ·J, Morri s , Mono Road, paid us a odist church on ]'riday af terno on was a huge s uccess. The platform meeting in flying visit last weli:. Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balls, Games for tamllles and so cial Mr. John Hoidge has purchase d from· the evening was very interesting and in parties; Our Mirrors are clear Reeve Hancocl<, one of his best h orses, at structive, addresses were delivered by . and true ; our picture frames are Rev. Messrs. Mathews, of Bow ma n ville, a good price. of the latest and most attractive designs. Curtain pol e s & rings. The lads that stole the pears would do and Joh.n Johns, of New York. Rev. E. Plush go ods-nice cJJt:ap. well nel.t time n ot to leave their pri Barrasa, M.A., occupied the ch air in l1is .Another new branch just in trod need at 'l'alt & vate letters under the tree. If you wish usual good style. The spread in the base ment was first-class, to which all did to know tile names call on 'Villitm. The Kirby Stars have decided to come ample j u tice . Th e sp eaki ng wa.s of a here on Saturday to play the Shamrocks. high order. And I don't know th a t I am I s a. Jewelry Department wh ere you will find tlie very latest In A lively time is anticipated. Game to cap a bl e of judging, but it wae said that Ladies' andGentlemen's.jewelry, th.e singing was good ; and the church s tart at 3 o'clock. W11 invite epeoial attention to Many frum here attended the har ve st decorations were simply grand. Her. Mr. our new stock just in. Base Ball goo ds, School and Hymn home feativr.l, ot Hampton, on :Friday John s sliid he never ha.d seen any thing Books, Stationery, Toys, and in There was any am ount of to compare wit h it. The beautiful moltoa, and Su n day. e v er yt l1 ing to be found in a wrea.lhs, fruits, etc., were admired by chicken pie, Editor. Variety and Fancy Goods' Mr. John Fair has completed the well every person. A gr eat amount of time for Mr. W.R. Clem ens. He is the boy was s pent in their preparation, for which the f ollo w i ng persons deserve sp eci al to find water. '1'hree of our le ading friends of the choir mention,-Mrs. T. B u1·ro ws, Miss P. spent Sa b b at h in the city . . The boy s lfo:.ich and Miss Coleman, l\lrs. H. E lliott , have gre at attractions for ciy life, or the jr., Mr. Benson Cryderman and others. There were a great Ulany persons from a reverse. The Shamrock's usual nights for prac distance w ho attended this e n t ert ainme nt , tice are Wednesd ays an d Sa turdays . the following places being re prese nted : -Bowmanville, Courtice, Ta llnt on, En Don't forget, boys. We c ould not but obscure how the field, J<::: u n iskill en , Blackstock, H a ydon , E n n isk ill en corr es pond en t had reared Tyrone, Bethesda and Providence. On h imself in s uch a boas ting altitude on his Sunday morning the ch;.irch was filled to high horse and used such ostentatious ove tflowi ng to hear Rev. John Johns language in regard to the puri ty of their "Treblejohn." His serman wss a m aster foot ball team from outsiders. It takes piece to which t he larize and intelligen' Our new S pri ng st yles m too strong of selfrighteousness or a audience listentlrl with wrapt atteution. pharisee looking through a tele a cope of On Sunday evening, Rev. Dr. Willia.ms, inconceivable h orse · po w er and reproving of Toronto, pr eached a very ab le and im Proceeds of tea and the si n which he fancies he sees through pressive sermon. others. Yl7e notice in their report of the col lec t io ns , upwards of $100. are now in. 'rhe , Messrs. Wm. Vanstone an d .J ohn match of the 27th of June, their congno· men was " Elnni s kil len and 'Vest Darling C reepe r, of Kemble, were here o ve r Sun ton" Versus Tyrone Shamrocks. Now, day. A game of Basa Ball was played here when we e n ti t le d them their self assume d is all the rage-sol d only at the Eclipse (and we say v e r y appropriute) name we on Fri day between Solina and Hampton House. Our seem to touch their dignity in a very resulting in a vic t ory for the former team. I state d last week th a t I wo u ld give a tender spot and they re pudiate it aa if Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs they were entirely disgusted with it and description of our v illage business men, avenge themselves by looking t hrough etc., in this issue, but l find that I h ave and Underclothing their magnifying glass f ?r burrd in ou r already written at considerable length, so fleeces, and c hu ckle with ra ptures of I wi ll hold the other over for another S1.ow BoY. delight when thev notice the reflecti on of we ok . theirs in our goal keeper whose home is here, but who has been attending T oronto ENNISKILLJJJN. University (not playin g foot ball) and Rev. S. Salton ls yisit.ing for a week Gn r A SPEC IALTY. They must ditto our Hamilton man. ton and Dellcville. 'l'he pulpit of thA Methe· have eaten a considerabl e amount of rlist church was very succeaefully supplied on Cut by the only finit-claee cutt er in town. "tum bl e pie" in acknowledging their very litnnday evening, by the ReY, W. H. Leuroyd, of Grafton. adaptable manner and now it has given The Sa cram en tal Service at the Presbyter· the m a severe attack of mental indiges Ian church. J;'riday and Sllbbath, were ver y well attended and of l(reat interest and protlt tion of almost any uncurable type, to all present. and the only way they can gi ve vent A lnr ge number from this neighborhood at to their pain is in a ch allenge, perhaps tended the harvest home s er vic es at Hampton Liver on Friday and Smiday and were delighted and thinking that Tyrone boys are a cc u s tom edlt\ed with all they saw and heard. Tbe Complaints, ed "to take back wa ter " or "fl un king ." church decora.tion in Hampton for beauty and All I can say is that the Shamrocks "will artistic des ign· far surpass anything of the kind Biliousness, ever seen in this part of tho cou 11try before, accept the challe nge of the Enniskillen and certainly reflect great credit on the de· Impure and West Darlington, alias the D rag oons, signers and workers. A·l w h o had the privilege Blood, to play a match on any date , after the of hearing are loud in their praises of the Rev. John Johna. Dyspepsia, 17th, each side su bacribi ng one·half the ·· Mr. Arthur B. Cryder m an, eldest son Mr. Kidney price of a ne w ball. The ball to be played ' W m. Cryderman, of this neighborhood, wns with and the winning side becomes the united in wedlock tt> Miss Kate Yancamp, of Complaints, on Wednesday l ast, 7th inat fur ther in Skin Diseases,, proprietors of the ball. }'or lte a. large and very pl e as ant company were formation, I d irec t you to S. M. C lemens , embled to wi tness the interesting ceremony l}. take part in the festivities, The connu J<:sq., Secy. of Shamrocks F. B. C., from arl \ knot was VJry Impressively tied by the bi!i whom you will get fa v ortible terms, I ReVI; Mr. Hazzard, The bridal party took OF THE STOMACH. I.IVER, BOWELS AND h ave no doubt. evening train at BnL·koton for a trip throu gh a l BLOOD. CURES IIR;A.DACHE, CONSTI portioi of Western Ontario. 'l'he bride wae CAltD o:r 'rnANJis.-To the Managers of tlie recipient of a large number of very elegant PA'l'ION, F'Jf.MALE COMl'LAIN'fS, .AN D BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM. the Royal Insurance Co., of En gla nd. llresente, The guests sttent an ev.loyable Read the following :GENTLE:il!E::..-I tender my sincere thanks evening. Among those present we re Mrs.and "For years past I have suffered from dyspep· Dr, '.'l aylor, or G o ilerich , aunt and uncle or t he payment bride. eia a. nd I was rPcommended to try Dr. Hodder's for the prompt an d liberal C ompound. I did so ·a.nd found it a pe fe ct through your agent, Mr. Jae. Bingham, Wo welcome back to our Tillage Mr, David cure." E. J. CUlt'l'IE, 'l 'o ro nto , Ont. of Tyrone , of my claim a gainst yo ur Co ., Austin, who wm remain a few weeks to assist Seld eve1-ywhere. Pri c e 75c. our busy V, S., Mr. F. A· Jones. nn. HODDER'tl COUGH AND LUNG l.URE for loss of my buildings by fire. Having A goodly num ber as usual are attending the Never Fails. Guarnnteed. Price, 25c &. 50c. · received a che que for the amoun t of my Exhibition at "l or onto this y ear, nm UNION JIEOIC:INE t:o.· Mr. C, N, Call an der remained over Sunday claims in f u ll a few day11 after the fire. I d TAIT property of t h e late W m . C oo tes, lot 18, Good bye my chummy, goo d tiye, was con. 2, Kinl(ston Uoad, one mile west sung by Robt. 011 Friday morning last on the depart.arc of Mr. Jas. H arp er and of Bowmanville, c ons ist in g of well bred f a mily for Gore Bay. Hay don's lose horses, cattle, farm i m p le m entg, &c. will be Gore Ba y 'R gain or vice vers a. Sale at l o 'cl ock . For pi\rticulars eee It is to be hoped th at the Scott Act will bills. S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. not be violated so m uch in the future as MoNDAY, Oc:r., :l.-Mr. A.E. Henry wil l in the past in th is vil lage. sell on l ot 35, con., 4, Darlington, l\:lr. and Mra. H. M ou n tj oy and family Taunton, the whole of his farm stock, and Mr. and Miss Poole of Cartwright, implements, etc., without reserve. and Mr. and Miss l<'ar rell of Long Sault Sale at 1 p. n1., s h 11.rp. See pos&.ers spen t Sunday with friends here. for full p a rticular s . S. C. IluNtNC, ]mDAY, OcT. 7.-Mr. Joim S tacey, lot 22, con. 2, D arlington , will s el l hia valua ble f ar m stoc k, im p le men s, etc. Sale at 1 p m. See bil l s for p a.r ti cufaFs. S. C. HuNUNG, Auclioneer. TUESDAY, OcT. 11.-Measrs. FuetJell Bros., of 'Voodland Dairy Farm, lot 6, con. 2, East Whitby,will sell their valn· able stock of 50 head of tho ro' - bted Holstein and high llrade cattle; also six valu11.ble horses (pepigroes f urnis h ed)' See lMge poster5. S a le 11fl2 o'clock. S. C. HusKING, Au::tioLoor. AUC'.l'lON ISALES.-8.C. Hunkrng, Cuurttice, Ontario, Licensed A 11 cti oneer, for Darling ton and W hitby , l3owmanvillo and Oshawa, Ap11raiser, &c. All b usi ness aLtended lo promptly_ Orcforo may be lef t at the STATESMAN office, B o w manvill e, or Reformer office, Oshawa. MR. W. - Auctioneeil. & and MORRISON'S HEZZLEW(}OD1B SALB5. FRIDAY, SEPT. 23rd.--The under11':m1d lias been instructed to ell by p ublic deed STORE. TI-1E auc·iou on Jot 4, con 2, Darlington, the f. rm tock and implm·11ts of Fred W. A.I !ll. S ale at 1 o'clock, p.m.. '\V. l:IAZZEI.J.WOOD, Auctioneer. m ·. lt HUTCIIISON's BALES. Eolipso Houso is still ahead. W1mNEsfl1>Y, Oc·r. 26.-1\fr.Jolm Gibsou, lot 30, con. 8, Cl ark e , will sell the whole of his valuable farm slock,implements, etc., wit'iou t re serve, ha viug rented hie farm. S"le at 1 p. m., eharp. See posters for p arci oulara. Auct10uer. R.HUTC&1s1.m, ' R. Hutchis on , Licensed AuctioneeJ for the Townshi p s of Darlington, Wh itby , Cl arke, Manver3 aud Cartwdd1t. Sales at tend ed to pro m ptl y and t.t" reaouable rates, Where it is not co nv eni ent to e.ec me, arrang eme nt s can be llltH::e with 1;]10 Edi tor of the STATESMAN .-R. HUTCHISON, Enniakillen. SHAW :a: AT s & l'OLF.08 SAT,ES. "JubileeChristie" SATURDAY, SEP:r. 17.-A consignment IDf ho use hold effects, consisting of side boards, bureaus, bdetcads,fe1\ther-beds, pillo ws 11d bedding, cvflking ranges, parlor cooks an d heaters, dining-r oom and k itchen furnishins vill be offered for sale a t Shaw & Tole's Rooms, Bow manville, at 1 o'olo0k, p. ni. LEVI A. '.l' oLE , Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, at SEPT., 21.-Mr. Safuual Robbins will sell on lot 16, con. ·el, Darlington, hia very-valuable farm stock in cl uding thoro.bred and high grade cattle, dra u gh t horss,machiuery , i mple ments, etc. H av mg solct;his farm, the whole will be sold without reserve. This will be the sale of tho seas on. Begin .at 12 o 'cl ock, sharp. For p ar ic u lars see large p ost ers . L1ffr A. TOLE, Aue. W. H. IVES. CURES MoNIJAY, SEPT. 26.-Mr. W. "rorden, lot 17 .con. 1, Darl in gt o n, olfors for sale Sale to a lot of va l u able stock. etc. begin at 12 o'clock. L1w1 A. T.eu:, TnuRSDAY, S:r.rTEMRER 22 n d. - Mr. Baker Solina will offer for sale hi s house and six acres of land, also his stock iix.ple me nts and household goods. As tli1e proprietor is m ovi n to Toronto the whole property must be sold without reserve. For particulars ace bills. LEVI A. TOLE, Auctionee1". 'fRoRO·BR!:D STOGK SAL:rt.-Mr. ltobert Col laco tt, breeder, 'l'yrone, h avi ng de ci ded to give up f arming , will offer t he whole of his t horo - bre d stock for sale in October. Date of sale later on. LEVI A. Tou: , Auctioneer. AUCTION 8AUJS.-Levi A. Tole, Ltcen sed Auctioneer for the t ownships of Clarke, Mauvers, Cartwright.,Da.rlington, and Whitby. All sales attended io promptly and at r easonable rates. 'Vhe:re 1t is not convenient to eee me, arrange ments can be made at this Office, or by addressin g Shaw & Tole, B o w manv ille . Auctioneer. rtwrlght, or Great Regulator the r Propri etors . 'l'oronto, Ont· Carsons Liver Tonic and Blood GEO. LAI.NG. DnOPBY, JAUNDICE, EJYSIPH,,\S, St:!Wl"ULA, and all SI<I!il DISEASES; It cleanses a il the clogged avenues or the system, restodug health and _. igor to all who use It. PURIFIER CURE::l Drn:mNJJ:ss, CoN8TJPA'1°ION, have much ple1\sure in recommending this Company to any one wanting to in :Mi<JHAEL C:itYDR sure their p rop erty. llLAN. Bowmanville, Aug. '.!J, 1.887. :>5-tf in the city. 'l'ho attraction must have been good. Among the visitors here a.re : Mm, McKib bln an cl grandcliililrcn, of Brooklin ; Mrs, and Miss Mills. town; Dr. Taylor, Goderich; Jlfr. A, Strathroy ; Mr, House, Oshawa ; Ltev. \\'m- J,earoyd, Hrafton. l.earoyd, 'l'HE CAHSON MEDICIE CO. -W- :a: IT J3 Y. 36:iw Mr. Wm , Price, who for 5ome time haB b e en failing very fast, d i ed at Mr. ·John Cinarnon's, on Monday morning. P ersons ordering sale bills at the STATESMAN office will receive a free notice like the above up te date of s ale. The STATESMAN has the larges circul:ttion in 'Vest Durlmm and Ontario. Or9.ers for sales m ay also be left at this office. I. 0. U. N.13.-0nr advertising rate for auction Asthma cured by the Doubl e treatment of Southern Asthm a Cure is a co:m- sales, when we do not. print the sale :t: ·bills, is 2u cents a line, each insertion. ruon remark. r