· CAPITAL AND L A.BOR. Swimmers and Swimming. It is not every one who can lern to swim The struggle between ca.pita! and labor . Frnnklin, Sir Cloude,1ley Shovel, [A little 'school.g1rl, after tho loBB. of n like Byronita.ry \Vakefield, am! tbe other has been a bitter and protracted one. For Leander, e. unconsc10ualy, gave, playmate, esteemed . In order Ln perform generntions it has been . WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1887. 1stone · · swimmers h' . goinJ!: on, and though 'bute to her memory "It is toU?hmg tri th. . such feats as they did, 11 person must have still there is anyth mg but peace yet ti1c ..., she waa :with wa.;i,.eas1er to be good whn buoyant flesh, not too heavy bnne, great weak is not going to the waU as they were us. l wind, cool nerves, and much pt'"ctice. -In forced to do in bye-gone times. The work'm>.. '117? D "l'r'li"fl'li'?'lill'V How often eomet.hiDg holds in thrall W e r· W ..., a school of fifty boys there are ahvays a few ing classes may be badly off to-day. In The l:>cttcr thoughts which co me to all; who can swim a grea.t deal easier ttnd longer a. great me.ny ca.see they a.re. But the.ir con· }'er foot..tepa falter, large and sn1ull ! VETElUll'ARY SURGEOJ1. than the rest, a.nd there are 30me long, dition generally is infinitely better than are ottering Coal as follows : On paths ol toil, in ranks of play, strong, bony fellows wb.o are tired in twenty it was in those times, upon which some even The wro n g is busy cvory da.ygolthe then if as back rC1gretfully look yet strokes. dismay. To nourish strife aud brlDg Byron owed his power in the water chiefly den a.ge had been f uIIy rea 1·1zed a.nd E ngThen, though smitten by grief or blows, to the buoyancy of his flesh, but partly to land wo.s then merrie England indeed. The . . . .. . How blest the etendy step· of those the development of his arms and chest. cry ot the ruling class has been continually Who choose the right, though wrong oppose. He was. a superb creature from his waist for cheap tabor and the demands of the Certain, if they do their best, upward. In swimmin the Hellespont he workers have always been denounced a.a No matter by what tempters pressed, was in tbe water one hour a.nd ten minutes, extravagant and unreaimna.ble. They have . . . . . . . .. . . .. Tliey to Heaven may leave the rest. and ca.me out, as he used to boast, very been the live stock on th,e property. It was to little the worse for his voyage. Indeed, as unreasonable, it was thought, for them netter th an "kingdom's crown, . lljghcr than tho world's rcnoun he had several swimming adventures in his have any say in the arrangement of what rwenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run ls it, if this praise goes down life which were more difficult than the one they were to receive for their labor as it which he performed in imitation of Leander. would have been for cattle or horses to Which the llttlu school-girl said over one month. (Though no pompous tear he ·hed) Once on Brighton Bca.o,h he was exhausted strike for higher wages or for some improve Ol her gentle playmate-dead : iu battling with the surf, and would have ment of provender. If so much were spent been drowned but for some bystanders who in wages how could the lords of th:: ma.nor "When witllin our group ehe stood, keep up their style, iust as it is often said a.t formed a line for his rescue. Doing always what she could, We found it eci.ier to be good." Cloudesley Sb.ovel's grand exploit was pro· present by the lords of the soil and by thOlile y Coll. r ba.bly due to muscular strength and great who claim to be captains of industry. lor eTaduate or the Ontario Ve terlne. ..fteR'lstered member of the Ontario Vetertna.r.r practice. He wa.s a cabin-boy on board long the laborer wM so far down and so Always on hand a. lowest prices. .Exile. in Napoleon tlon. Medical AB!IOC!a Admiral Narborough's ship during the n!lval {ltterly in the power of hii! lord that there · life at St. Helene. waa so war betweeL England and Holland, two was not even the appearance of struggle. .-omoe and Residence. Newtenv!lle, Ont. Napoleon's Will mit Orono every T uesda y B,Ud;Saturd.., guarded from the knowledge of the islanders, hundred years ago. Narborough wa.s lost Garth was Cedric's"bond thrall" an . d had P m., at and even of the officers of the garrison, that unless he could get word to a. portion of his to do a.a he was bidden, had to wear omoe hours from 10 a. m.; to '1 reoflive h p ra g e l e T by s ll a C Hotel, ' CoWters on the arrival of newspapers from England, fleet which was near, but out of sight his master's collars, <lo his master's ·- -==;:s::::± immediate attention. the first question asked was, "'\Vhat news behind a high piece of land. work on his master's terms. But by and by CHARGES MODERATE. of Bonaparte?" The great prisoner was No boat could have Jived. in the fierce fire in England's story there came a. time when General Bonapa.rte," a.nd of the fleets, and there was no possible way the toiler thought that he had a cha.nee. In known simply as" by DO other title. A code of signals was of communicating an order except by swim- 1348 the Bio.ck Dea.th swept over Europe ac written out in a. small book, by which Sir min v. '.l'he admiral ca.lied for voluntee1·s, and laid England desolate. Of her four or -have arrived at theHudson Lowe, his jailer, was kept informed and among those who sprang forwa.rd was tive millions of inhabitants, fully the half of every movement of his imperial prisoner. his own cabin boy, a vigorouR handsome disappeared. was, tha The consequenl!e t , · When he took his daily ride within the pre- lad of eighteen. Pumpl!I Chea.per and Better He had been a cobbler's the whole organization of fo.bour was thrown scribed boundary, the men, working the apprentice, and had run a.way to sea. om of gear. The service due for the lands than ever. wooden telegraphs on the hills, sent such " Wlat ca.Ii you do, my fearless la.d ?" could not be performed, just as th.i chea.pmessages as these : ness of produce at the present day makes a.eked Admiral Narborough. The Subs criber having built a large ne11 "General Dona.pa.rte has left Long"I can swim, sir," replied the youth; English farmers unable to pay their rents. prepared la Orono, iii Pump Factory wood." " Genera.I Bonaparte has passed the "a.nd if I'm shot, I co.n be easier spared The land owners had to give np ha.If their . guards." "General Bonaparte is at Hut.t's than any one else." renbtiwpreventthe farmerson theirdemesnes -to fumisbFa.te." "Genera.] Bonaparte is missing." Tha.t answer, with the look that accom· giving up their farms and leaving them de· The last message was telegraphed because panied it; settled the question. In another aolate. The scarcity of labour induced an in the course of his minute or two, with the order in his mouth, enormous rie of wages, and though the the general ha.d turned, With or without Porcelain Cylinder, cil ride, an angle of a. hill, a.nd was hidden for the lad swam out of sight into the dense I pr1.ce of food rose proportionally the ruling . notl·' a few minutes from the observe the B.est Material, on the shortest · smoke of the battle, follow'ed by the cheers I classes though it awful to be forced to pay English ene ard, ensign, l now An G ":a. 'Y of the crew. He brought the reserve fleet, so much to theu- workmen. Th?y woul<l not and at the !owest prloes. curiosity to see ile, the e stimulated wa.s by x into action in time, gave his country another. conforn1 to the new ?rer of thmgs.. 1Labor Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. w such a degree that one night he risked his victory, won for himself a lieutenant's com · · wo.s scarce but thy ms1ste? on paymg for it commission for the chance of a glimpse at mission. His remains now lie in Westmin- merely as they did when it was abundant. the mysterious captive, through the Long- ster Abbey, with a monument over them There were consequent strikes . Harvests WELLS CLEAN ED & RERAIRED. wood windows. bearing the name of Admiral Sir Cloudesley rotted on the ground and fields were left Every night, at sunset, a. cordon of sen- Shovel. untilled, not merely or even chiefly from tries was drawn around the Longwood Mary Wakefield's brave act on Lake, sca.rcity of hands, but becai:se the ensign The crept, venturesome grounds. M ichigan, a month or two ago, was not; strife between . labour an capital had . under cover of trees, between two sentinelH, exactly a feat in swimming. ·when she for the first time made its appeamnce, up k a lighted window of the house. The sprang from the burning steamer into the I and capital thought it had so much pow r TO GIVE SATISFACTION. curtains were not drawn, but the blind was la.ke with the eaptain's ch ild, six years of that it could force labor tu do its work m Order.1lby Mail promptly attended te. lowered. Fortunately for the youth, two or age, in her arms, she laid hold of a. piece of , the old way and at the old rates . And for three inches of sp..ce remained open between wood, a.nd had to use both her hands in the time it had, and used it mercilessly. In the blind and the window-frame. clinging to it. The child she held up by 1349, the famous, or rather infamous, S, DOORS, SA.SH, BLINDS, PICKET The ensign knelt and sa.w some one walk- her teeth in its clothes, and thus encumber- "statutn of la.borers " was passed. And lighted apartment. up and ing down the He ed she struck out boldly for the shore. On what did it enact ?. That "every man or :MOULDINGS, &c.,kept on hand. could see of the exile ·only a pair of thin her way she met a rescuirn1' boat, which woman of whatsoever condition, free or shoes with dimnd buckls, two well bound stopped to take them in bond, able in body, and wit11;in the i;-ge of " ckm.gs, and the edge legs eucasd m slk sto. "Hurry away to the others ; I oan take three score yea.rs, !1-nd not havrng of h own of a coat lmed with white silk. On a. sofa, so, co.re of the child J" she cried . whereof he may live, nor land of his own peeping To!ll" a full placed as to afford the " She reached the shore safely with her about the ti118.ge of which he may occupy e view of its occupat, was Madame Bertrand, charge, and was soon ready to bear a most I himself, and not serving any other, shall be with her boy leanrng on her .knee. efficient hand in ca.rillg for the perishing bound to serve the employer who shall re- -====-=-=====""" . . T)ie Emperor was speakmg lwly an_d survivors, as they arrived by the boats. quire him to do so, and shall take only the dstmtly, o.nd som one wa wr1t1Dg at his This was a rare and noble act of courage y.'aves wich were accustomed be taken VETERINARY SURGEON, ·. d1cta.tion. The curious e_ns1gn returned to and endurance, for the water was little 1 m the neighborhood where he 1s bound to the guard-house well repaid, as he thou ht, above the freezing point in that .northern 1 serve," two yea.rs before the pla.gue began. eon, region. for his risk, for he had heard Ne.pof & . j '.l'his would be much the same as if half the _ Bonaparte speak_. we. cannot all do these grand and I working men, la.borers, mechanics and so No, The lo.st occasion n wh!ch Npoleon was noble things. Some of us can, however, if· forth, of Ontario, had either died or gone out-of doors, the ensign spied hi through we try the right way, and we co.n all admire I out of the country, and the price of every a military telescope. 1t was o. bright morn- them, a.nd honor the doers. thing in the shape of food, clothing and so ing, and the se;geant of the lluard t Longforth had gu11i: up to double or three times . · -·· wood Gate said to the ensi gn, General the former pnces, and then that the law Bonaparte is in the garden, sir. " The ensign had enacted that every man out of employCatalepsy and Somnambulism. . . seized a spy· glass, threw open the guard. . ment should be forced, under the penalty of . T H-E B E SLF -'E-N By eanta. cond pendtion ofsu Napoleon surveyed s as he cataepsy IS room window, and i _ fine or imprisonment to work for the first stood· talking to General Bertrand. . ed psyc1cal ma?1fes ta10ns on he part. ?f who offered him a job, at the " old prices,' When buying Coal Oil ask your dea]er for the New Oils, s omething on the gronnd ttrcted hlS the sub1ect, durmg vh 1 ch the !Imb s ex_h!b 1t which in the changed state of thin s would . . notice, and he stooped to exan11ne it. . Sud- 110 muscular or i;i en ous hyper-exc1ta..lnhty, ·not supply food for the laborer himself, to _ c smgular prol?erty_, wh!l re- 1 so.y nothing of his wife and children, and denly the music of the band of ti·." regtment bu P.osses th w as heard , and he moved away . to catch a maaun !/ fiex1?le, of preservmg mdefimtely would not afford him any surplus for auy any att1turle imparted to them; hence the rer.ewal of clothes The employers had the Honorary Graduate of the OIJtario et.erl·a,ry glimpse of an inspection. The severe restrictions were mainbined na.m ?f"waxy fleibitity " iven to h_is power and they ued it. If they paid the Col lege . 'l'oronto. Reg istered member of t>.e Try it once, you will use no other. OntaTio Veterinary Association, in aooordanoe as precautionary measures. Napoleon had condition by old wnt?rs . Unlike the rig:d wages asked what would Le left for keep with the Vtiterinary Act.. Bms of the letharwc .muscle, the plastic ing up their own grand esta.blishments and S_P the and Is!and, an fr?m on?e escaped bef°,re . Is prepared to treat a l l disllaees of tho Do·· McUOJ,.L DUOS. & corr, Toronto eetlc A ni mals, according to t h e Jate.ot tl111orl- British Government did not wish Europe to I fixity of th ctaleptic limb an ?t be re- , the supply of all tneir servauts, harlots and All ca.lie personally., by Telegra11h or Toh· be again disturbed by the su:Iden appearance la.xed by f_rich?n over the skm . . . Ihe aspect what not? Not only this. The laborer was phone will receive pronwt attention of te paient. .m the wo conditions, mo_r- bound of the Empror on he contment. . to remain in the parish where he . .r.rOFFICE-Maln St. , Orono, one door north &>f Napoleon s . remams now rest in Prrn, ?vei, o!f1s st1 ikmg differences, tl!e sleep-!ike was born, aud was thus prevented frem goVV W. Hen ry's tore y mo of y lethar contra.stmg 1 vividly dome b1ht of te Invahdes. und e gilded r th & ing in search of better paid work. If he . . CHARGES MODERATE, \Vhile this mausoleum was bemg prepa.ed with the erified attitudes of cata.leps;v. In disobeyed he became in the eye of the law for the Eperor's ashes, e. party was walkig both condition, how:eer, there often is the "a fnp'itive" and could be sent to prison by GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, one mormng througl1 the work-rooms, m- sa.i:_ne ahso.lnte . msensibihty even to the most any justice of th peace. Is this not the --MANUFACTUREU OF-specting the sculpture intended to adorn the p111Dful stunuli. A most .rerr.arke.le pheno- same battle that is still going on? The menon may be bserved m some mstance: : vault. labourer has still a pretty ha.rd Btruggle ,One of the party was the brlliant Count by :ncrely openmg one .eye .of the letbarg;1c sometimes, but the law, at any rate, is not D Orsay, and another was the director of he Ii patient th correspondu g side of the b?dy i so terribly against him as it was in those I work, who struck the ri·anit_e block, which ·1 JS ca.te.leptized. And so ID the .l\me sub1 KING STREET., BOWMA.NVILL ect I Perhaps a good I was to ei;icse the rma.ms, with a hammer, , thes tw? phases of t hypnotic slee:p may old world times . many employers of labour still sigh for !Iaa now on hand a number of vehicle (and Is ma.nutucturing "'great m any more) of t.bP. ne . . . pattrns and b es t finish, which I am offering fr)r sale a.t the 1oweet !)rices conelsten* A spark followed coex1s aide by side, vith th fllest display the good old times, when wages were to exh1b1t its solidity. y , 'rho fllowing id a list ot with due rega.rd t o workmanship and qu;;.lit. of the1r c.ontroste.d . charactenstws. the blow. fixed by law, and when every lo.bol'ing man the JJl'lnolpal vehicles manufaotnred by me , "See," said the Count,"France may yet . The third ondit1on, that of omnanbul· I had to work for the first that offered him . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .$150 Upwal'.'d' . . Double Covered Carriages . . . . .. . . ligt a torch at the tcmb o her Emp?rorl" ism, may easily e brought about by hht 1 wages, or pa.in of going to prison or being put , 11 Single Phootons ................................................................. 100 The remark. wa prohetlc. 1Jrance s cry, p,ressure or _rulihmg. on the top of the . head. , in the stocks as a vagrant. "It was," ays 11 ' On to the Rhme! , which heralded the war '.Ihe hysterical patient then passes .mto a the historia.n Green " to the selfish pa.me 70 Open Buggy of 11 with Germany, was inspired by Napoleon's state somew'1.t bet,w;een the lcthargw and the landowners that England owed the 90 WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Top Buggy "' idea that tb.e Rhine is the natural boundary the cataleptic condi10n: . The muscles have I statute of laborers, and its terrible heritage of 65 Democrat Wagon DIZZINESS, BILIOUSNESS1 former te of hyper·excitab1hty the lost of France. " I pauperism. It was to the selfish panic of 55 . . . ... . . . Lumber Wagons . . .. . . . .. . . DROPSY DYSPEPSIA stt , and do not possess .the pla.stw adapt- both landowner and merchant that she _. 40 Wagon Light FLUTIE R ING INDIGESTION, ability of latter. Still the y ac t th r . ab· owed the despotism of the monarchy Bffi.ect of Light Upon Books, . ." The · Express Wago11 75 11 JAUNDICE OF THE HE!frr, no1·mally to hght external stnnuli; if "'.e employer . . s and .proprietors were ready to ienna, Ims JUSt ca ed very gently stroke or blow upon iesner, of y· Prof . 'v. u Skeleton......................................................... .................. 50 ACIDITY Of' ERYSIPELA S a hmb 1t . . der anythmg, eveu 1·b · lf, Ill i erty 1tse . ... . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . ... . 40 Sulky . . . . THE STOMACH, attention to an inconvenience attending the, becoms somewh11t rigid We can not thn surren SALT RHEU M , and orders" lower the " down keep to order use of the electric light in libraries. It . k has relax it by a. mere touch as we can m . DRYNESS HEARTBURN' 1 secure for themselves "cheap ·labor" and Possessing superior fa.cilltiea for manu!a.oturlng carriages, I I ntend to se l l very cheap for o .._ been found that e. l arge num ber of wor ·s ID 1e tharuy, an d unrk . i e catalepsy, It offiors ·I all the advantages which that imp · ed. OF THE iKIN, or a pproved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly Increase m number of salee, WouJl'I HEADACHE, ' h i wary of th e Tech mcaI S ch oo1 h act b eth e 1·1 sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buggies i r o ne d, ista tem some nce res when at pt to it we move And 6VH'J" 1;1'9Jl:illll ' or W .:IJ) ima1e who ay tod about those are h11.t " · come very yellow and this led the director IDto a d' ere t atti tU de. InsensbTty to :It VI) disordin1d m . order in Europe of l;;.bor pauper the I porting ! l Prof ask to establishm'ent the of Wiesner it ·z. i ( BTOM.A.C:H,BO . ' pa.m me. persist, but there often is m the ,n wages and at the same t' ime to keep dO'I\ to a.scertam the ca.use of it. . Experiment somnamu1. ic phase a sin.§?uIar exaItat· ist· . . ion are putting on enormous taxes on imT. MILBURN & ha.s sh own th at the co1ouration 18 due to of memo1y At the Shortest Notice. Painted and Trimmed lf Desired. · and of sensorial perceptio n . . j ported goods m order to keep out the cheap light but that it occurs only with paper con- whic h,, has cau ed 1't to b e ca11ed the "1uc J < products of other lands? Very much what At the Factory I a.lso do Planing, Match mg, '!'urning and Sawing with·Clrole,Be.nd ' Sc: . wood as such substances taing ligneous Bawa and prepare all ki nd s of lumbet for carpenters nd others for building purp oses. s tate, a.nd whwh has been descn bed b th e th . .' e unecl t ho p ed the 8tat te f straw, and Jute, and that it do. es not take devotees of mesmeric delusions as" Y Ornamental and Plain Pickets tor fences in every style required. ma.de to order. second- La 1 t . t t ev s, oure uru armers, sma e e place. wen, tln·ough some cb.emic!1-l process, sight.,, Otw a. w ; . re dera will recognize in this country mto pasture farms, and as described · ,, the hgmne that torms the essential pa.rt of descnp - t' r n ry" . ' agnet ic 10 tlle ord" by a. great writer in 1515, "got rid of ten the ·ood is removed '.l'he yellowing pa.rt .. mes'?lerw ,, s ieep rn HEALTH FOR A LLI h10h not onf ° W: o Y is clue to a phenomenn. of 1oxidation 1 ·. Solar hyatencal, but many other md1v1dua.ls mav ants either by f rce or fraud, or by turning To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, ight a.ets mo e en_ergetica y thu d ispersed be more or less completely plunged by t e them out by repeated wrongs into parting )' li with their property so tb'.l.t it came to pass 'g b t, whICh 1t?elf exerts ut a very dyl1 \ ' · . . usual . "passes ." of onerators. Boys and Maide ns , at .' . wretches, men, women, husthat these poor slight action when it rn much diffused, and F It is especially m. the somnambu1. rnt' 1c 1'. bo.nds, orphans, wic ·th l'ttl e l ·lows, parents WI especially in a very dry room Gaslight is state that t he astomsh ' mg P h.enoi:nena 0f children, honseholds greater in number than . nearly . harmless by reason . of the few re- suggestion ar obs.erved. By this 'l\e man in wealth (for arable farming requires many t n · bl a th' t ·t f. - ht t 0 th TI:IE :PILLS w om everr s :ont;°eit patient hands, while one shepherd and herdsman s e c e ec ri g t a nd i ge is n a yance, w 0 < oes not . , sieep, anx ' Blood, COl'rect all Disorders of the the Purify will suffice for a pasture farm), all these h yet d all itense luminous sources emit numerou oes not move nor thmk can be so emigra.te from their native fields without ' tlle ye11owm g. 0 ref ra.ngi ·ble rays, th, , ey f avor " r-n , A.nu Nll. -m.r impressed through some sensory channel as .El . . . ) BOW-.:-.L""' i EYS S'l' O i'VIAtJD · .Kllh'll LIVER· " · k_u?wmg w:he.re to go." . Not a bad descri:p As regards the preservation of papers, then, to enter u "1 ea s on some definite train of id P 1 t1on of evictions as takrng place to-day mi They lllVl<YO at e a d restore to health Debilitated Const1tut1ons, it will be well to c'110ose gas rather than the o r movelI':ents. H e is n r and th e. co tro 0f Irefand, or " . und r · of te condition of Scotch Crof' electric light for the illumination of libraries. tl il are inv uable in all Complatnte Incidental to Females of . Fo1 l Ages, ie expenmen ter, al . wh ose will is lus wi l so t0 teas m · 1 the mer ·iloss clutches of Scotch la.ndspeak. He is a m. achine ready to go, but lords aud thei heartless agents.-Toronto Ol1ildren and the aged they 11.re priceless. , , ' nter. Hard on the Ren and the P11 Oe unable to start of itself. 'l'rp,th. r_r H E () I N T M :fiJ N T ; You have a.11 heard of the hen that got buried under a pile of hay and lived from remedy for Bad I.1egs, Bad Breasts, Old Wo unds , S o rel infallible an Is . Choosing a Profession. two weeks to threEf'months according to the The Wae;es of Srn. and Ulcers. It is famous for Gont and Rheuma.tiem, For disorders of the ability of the man telling the story and then Colonel Yerger's eldest son, Percy Yer"Grau'pa" said a tittle boy, looking up -Chest it has no equal.ca.me out somewhat thin in flesh, but never- ger, Jr. , does not sho1v any ambition to theless in first-class health and a.11 right make .his mark iu the world. He is lazy from his Sund. ay school lesson, "wh at are For Sore Tin-oats ' B1·onchitis . Our New Stock has arrived, and com ' Uoug·hs ' Colds, · . the wages of sm ?" . . one 1 i crger h a d a senous mentally. Well a hen recently had a Worse and trIflmg, so C01 ' " prises something neat and pretty for ese ays, e l r rep e d l . f "Th wages 0 sm 10 ; 1 < Glndular 1 mgs, and a11 Sk' time than that. She accidentally got shut talk with him recently. rneases l . 't h as no r1va.l ; an d fOt swe'l. 1 n n· Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men in the store of a man who dosen't advertise the old man ea.rnestly, depend . upon cir"Percy, my son," said the old m,1n, contr.acted and. nt!ff joints it nets llke a cha.rm. cumstances and man's opportnmt10s and and Boys, and Boots that R Boote f·r and remained there four weeks. When she "what is to become of you!" business capacity. .But they run up into. every member of the household. w:i.s rescued she was a mere wreck having "I dunno." Manufactured only 11.t THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Establfshmeut, n (ls· my boy' tl1ey r·un up into 1 eaten a peck of dried apples and tl1en drank · smar t euough to be a 1 aw- the t]lousa "·yOlt are nov ! -.. rno A· w three or four quarts of kerosene. During yer or a preacher, a.ud you a.re too fazy to the thousands." '18, NEW OXFORD S'.l'REET, (late 633 , OXFORD STR.E.ET), L0.1.u1 i '1'.IUJNKS, l'ALJ!SJ.:S, ..t; SATCHllJ;S. IN STOCK. her enforced confinement the owner of the work; now, what profession or trade do And e.r!l aold at ls. ld., 2s. 9d., 4s, 6d. 1 lls., 22a. 1 a.ud 33s. oach 'Box or Pot 1 ant\ store was making do little trip in the cJuntry you think woul 1 suit you?" Ordered Work and Repairing a and painting the fences may bt· had from all Me<li.cino Vendors throughout the World. and bridges with: ··Well, if l've got to be something; I Why ii four· cent sugar like a man that Specialty, as usual. fS'Fmrchaser11 bonld look at the Label on Ute l'ets and BoxeJJ. If the r ddre reckon I'd rathei: be a retired army officer n ever surrenders? Because it is clear l!Tit, Jly Yor, PRuNs & Etc aT. Fosf6 n 53a, 0JtCl'ord Street. Lont1011, they are Slllltrlou&.I D. DAVIS. with a pension than .anything els e," SIL's' GROCHY ! an.d nothiug else. A Tochir.g Tribute. DY JOBL DllNTON. I MDOU.GALL & METCALF, EOVTl\LJ:A..N'"V-I LLE., Stove and Chestnut; Grate and Egg, . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . $6.25 . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD McDOUGALL & METCALF · Orono Pump F tory. NEW SPRING GOODS W-est End.House. ·. . ·· PUMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOI and see our l.ovely Ladies, call Dress Goods. call and see our handsome Gents, Tweeds and Suitings. Full lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. . ORK GUARANTEED ALL W I · · --JOHr. SPENC.ER·:- R. FERG USON·. I I1 Our G.rocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Provisions, Crocker y, G la s swa r e, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. Far me r s ' T h r e s he r s and M 11 m e n' ' Use lVlcLloll Bros. Co.'s Celebrated. OIL. MACHINE JJQlIINf IJ(cllfC(J1JtJlllf · ::L A R D I: N E:I · · I FAIILY SAFE1iY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oii. · · · . HA INES' CARRIAGE "'{TTQRKS I j I .1 OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WACQNS, .. ..... . ..... .. .. . .... . .... .···.·.....··.·...·. · . . . . ..···......··.·.. , . . . . . . . .......... · ·····.· &O., 1 .··..·..·.·····.··.........···..·...···....·· ...·. ·.··.· . ..·.··.....·.· ....···.····...·.·...·.····......·.·..··.·............·...·.·. . ... .. . ..... . ...... .. .. . .... JI Pays 00., Pffpil: · · di.r&llJfl. . j_ · · · I .. · · ··········· · ·· . . · I I · 1. j · · · · .......··..·...........·.··..··..·.··.·... .....·........·..·...·.·... · ··························· ,········ , · · · · · · · · ······ · . ······ · ······· . ... .. ............. . . . .. ... ... ..... . . ... .. ... . . .... , · · · I! 1 · A 11 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired b · d £8 h ; :h ; f 1f h l · t lh f Popular No. 1, Boot and Sh EMPORIUM! · I · · Ii I 'J · 1 · · · · · · · . · · . · · · : ..