.. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN £,'t' ERV FRIDAY MORlHNG, ' 18 P UBJ.ISHE D -BY- I!!. ·M. A ...TAMES, A.T THE OFEICE :l"o.st fLl>t Office Block, King Sf,rcct, nowmnn ... n1e, Onta1·t11. w.eut atriotly In a.d vanco required from ltl!lll'Jitthe;·a o ut sid e of the county, Orderf! to llll'.\ntl1·U0 the p·per mut be accompanied by ·mount due, or th paper wll not bestopped. lrihere areresponaibleunti full paymentiB ·. ;;o .. &A.TES OF ADVEiln'liSllN'G: fhlflleColumnoneyear .... . . . . . .. . . $60 oO:,;';;:;; '" " Half yeaT - ·····U··· · 36 oo · ::o " , Ono quartet' .·...· ·.. 20 oO .... one year ............... 36 00 -att Column " 1Ia.lf y e ar ....·· · ...... 20 oo " One qua t er ........... 12 50 0:11.cer C olun.n one yetlor ........... 20 O "' " Halt year ........... t2 5 - 6 " " , One quarter. .. .... . 8 00 Ten lines a ndander ,first insertion $0 50 R!n.ehBubeoquentlusertion . .. .. . 0 25 . six t ten lines, first i nsertion 0 75 · 'l!'t'Oro o Ka.oh subsequent i n serti on .. . ... 0 85 -- 10 ver tenliuos first insertion,perline 0 io 0 03 Baoh subeeque ntinsertion," Tlte numLer of lines to be reckoned by : the lllPaoe occupied,_measured by a soale of GUd Nonvareil. i;cr An1tum, or $1 if paltl ID ndvanc<l r , , c:::: ____ --- Dr...J.W .McLAUGHLIN. Dr. A. Bmr·ur. Gradu lioon tia te of t h e Royal ate· of the Toronto . . Coll"ge of Physici1ms 1t , l:'hy s10 111n. ·nd m ember of the U mvere y Royal College or Sur- Surgeon, &c. geons, Edinburgh. j(!)BFIC E DRS, :-MORRIS' McLUJGULIN ---- ------ -- - -· -· BLO OR , BOWMANVILLE. , .& BEITH, .. -- --..--. ="" M e.nd Offioe . EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Surge ons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. and Re sid ence . Erinis killen. . ____ DR. J, C. !'11'J'tJllELJ,. I . 74. B D, RIJRKE SlltlPSC·N', AlUtISTER, SOLIC I T O R, &.;c. MOPJUS BLOCK. up stairs, King Street. Bowmall 'flfl, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank ·e·rh<ftte Moncvs loaned at the lowest rates, "olUl Kettlt Galbraith, '!U.lllg Street, ·D A RR IS ·.r E R, S OLICITOR, NO'l'ARY D PU BLIC , &c. Offi.cf'>-Bounaall's Bloc,k Bowman ville. aon11mT A.RMOU.R, .HS'rRAR, WES'l' DURHAM ISSUER W D!I 1if Marriage i cense , Barrister and A.ttor· :111ey at Law end Solicitor in hancery . Money ·loaned on Real Este.te. Oftlce on King street, Bcwmanvllle. .R L & M.onev to lend, C · A lisping, bashful sort of a. genius went " Yes, ! death. amethysts glimmering amon,17 the abundant among your friends?" she asked. "I begyour parden," she said slowly; and, to see his sweetheart one night, and being ICENS.ED AUCTIONEER for the plaits of her flaxen hair, her pliant graceful I you do-I see it in your face!" -turning h Coun t.y of Durham. Orders left at t e figure shown to advantage in a perfectly· her bright cold eyes full upon him. 1 taking her lace handkerchief, she wrapped rather hard run for matter of convel'l'ation Sr.lT ESMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P.O. made silk dress of so pale a blue as to be I "Oh-er-Miss Verschoyle !" murmurd it about her bare hand. "I have hurt my. said to her, after a long pause: "Thall, 28:Gm 'I/fl.II receive prompt attention. What cuthed big almost white, a scarf of costly and delicate the Captain feeling confused, a.nd agam self with a splinter of this wooden rail, I did you ever see an owl? eyes theys got, ha'nt they, Thall ?" s. (), HtJNKING, lace wrapped about her shoulders, hor long wondering what she was "up to." think. " rounded arms clasped with bracelets of ame"You need not be in the least ala rmed ; He knew that she was lying-that, if her ICENSED AUCTIO N E ER FOR thysts and gold. I know it and prize it-it is a v ery nice , hand had touched a bar of red hot iron, it County of Durham. Sales at.tended the A Fish Dinner. . Presently she paused in her walk, and name, L think, and shows that I l).lll not! would scarcely hvae brought sucha cry to her t on sh ortest notice· and lowest rates Address . 36:tf O>U2lC Ii: P. Q. leaning her white arm on the balustrade of only a rich woman, but a very sensible one " lips, such au expression to her face ; and he Unapproached for Travellers in ·Alaska have told us that the He knew by something in her mauner connected in his own mind her eagernesi< to seals of the Pacific coast waters apture the terrace, turned her proud unhappy eyes Tone and Quality. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO on the dark water. Hyacinth Verschoyle and the tone of her voice that she was about hear about the daily lives ol his fellow-sol· s the codfi h and eat all but the head, which every man who buys his Li cense from was not a woman to be envied, even by the to say something peculiarly insolent; hut diers with the intense nervous shock that .A m n English gentle an CATALOGUES FRE is hard and boney. B:l?;N.RY SYLVESTER, Enniakillen. plainest a.nd most impecunious of the well· relying on his studies of feminine character she had just re;ieived . But he spoke as if he was shown a similar sight at the mouth of bred, well-conducted, marriageable maidens and his utter contempt for all women, he did not doubt her. the River Moy in Ireland : Pianos Tuned and Repaired. lounging about the large, low, lamplit draw- thought that for once she would find herself "Yes ; and a puncture that one is not preMy guide 11>nd I were watching the crea· 1 ing-room within, waiting for the welcome matched, and said quietlypared for does startle. I hope your hand tures at play among the rocks. " The Refuser." is not painful now ?"-and he paused, knowRTIFJS WISHING THEIR PI A.NOS appearance of the gentlemen after dinner. "Them's bi; bastes, any'Wise," said "Exactly. Is it not a charming nickname? ing that she would go back to the subject of Terry, The light pouring from the open window, Tuned or repair ea can n av e them attended - 'by i-eavi ng word at the DOMINION ORGAN and shining on the black water, the low mur- But, belie'/'e me, having received it, I do Lord Arenbeg's friend. "Sure, they're waitinll' to come up after .-s Oirll'JOE, Bowmanville A tlrs t ·cla s ma11 mur of voices, the sound of a swaying waltz not want any more justifications for the be" Oh, it's nothing-the tiniest ofscratches ; the salmon when the tide turns," said Mick. ! ·. w bein R in theiremvlo; tune which some one was playing sofly and- stowal of it,-at least while I am at the but we women are such cowards, after all ! I ll engage there'll be a great run of sal clreamily npon the piano, seemed to irritate Abbey. It would make my stay here so Now go on with your story, please;" and mon this tide." Hyacinth. She looked impatiently behind w1pleasant, you perceive, captain Haugh· ehe smiled her usual proud we<>ry smile. " Sure,. Mic\r," says Terry," " you'll on, not so tad. ? g the wrd,s with a gla.nce He could see that only b exercising he mind the salmon 'a.ting the sale and holding her, and then walked rapidly down the ter- ton; " a:id pointin . r race to where a broad flight of steps led to a. that said as plamly a.a if she had spoken, greatest control over herael could she ma.m- him under his arm ?" " Apply that to yourself," she began neg- ta.in her usual coolness-that in some mysnarrow path lapped by the water. " ·what do you mean, Terry," said I , by a h11.ve wrttte t h · e few lines, statement had salmon eating a seal and holding him under She descended these and sat upon the ligently to rearrange the lace scarf about terious way his recent And all l have to say-· s, at hom st.ill me find can you That lowest one, letting 'the edge of her costly her shoulders. strangely moved her ; and he told himself his arm?" lam notgonea.way. He checed the retort up?n his lips, and that something_ might e made of it. . silk robe trail over he wet path, just as she "Ah, nat at all," said Terry. "Sure, come, may friends . old d . So all my k t n . I would have done with a cheap 11nd common clenched his right hand until the glove upon "My story ts told,' he replied easlly,but meant a sale 'ating a salmon and holdmg And all the young ones, too, . ma.de y l e c i n garmente It roused every evil passion watching her closely. " dress in the old make shift, out.at.elbow it was split. As I said, this. him under his arm. Sure' l'vesay'd him do And ge t (R fits biona tnet are new; time, when she soiled and tore her few in him to be so cooly warned off 11>nd told quixotic feilow was received as a. lion by it more than once." -.avWhere ·old &nd young, dear friends. may m eet gowns and was far shabbier than he need that .she was not for him,, that she knew · every one-" . " Well," said I, "Terry, I've h<>rd th!l't . . A we looms gr.eetiog, by R. PEATE. . ---sought her have heen. "fell me what he was like-describe him Irishmen can sometimes tell a. he, if requir Some memory of the kmd seem- why he endured her contempt and ed oo touch her heart now; for she smiled always-to be told compassionately that he to me. I-I always like to make a-a kind ed but 1 never heard of anyone telling so wI fully prepared to attend Funerals OD half regretfully as she saw how the delicate was not to hope. He had been endee.voring of picture in my own mind of people whom big a one a.s you can " the ehertest notioe, at the lowest poasible ratell silk was ruined. Then, but wearily and half by every means in his power to gain this I am told about," she interrupted, with a Gaskets a n d BurialCasea ready on short notice J' " Sure it's truth m tilling, yer anner," scornfully, she fell to admiring the faint re· rich woman's heart, and during the last few pause between her words which might have said Ter;y. "Sure, its no lie at all, at :i:! f1;i\· 0o !:i ie:t'e s n n t flection of her face-draped shoulders and pale davs had!almost dreamed of success,'.for, ho'(l· been ta.ken for lack of interest in the subject, all." eral oarde supplied at once. Furniture Shop a; pening .to speak of some of his experiences!!\ so slowly and languidly did she spea:k ; but face .below her. All of a sudden there was a most excited Sb.ow Rooms-Bounsa.U'aNew Bloc k . , . "Yes," her thoughts ran, addressing the Upper Egypt, he found tbat she would hs- Haughton knew that It was because her shout from Terry.' _____ _ flickering ghost of herself looking up at her ten eagerly with bright questioning eyes heart was beating too fast. "Ah the sale ! S'ay the sale ! Say the sale can live at home, and mak ., more thro:igh the dark water, "you ar a rich, and changing colour1 not so much t tales He p11>used for a few moments, and then 'ating the amon !" . . mon e y at work for us, than at any . . hanasome, hl\lthf woman, Hyacmt-ou of bttles and skm1shes as to the mmutest continued, deliberately diaregurding her re· And poait1vely-beheve 1t who can that thin.I' else In t hie world. .I:< o capital . can ear or soil a. s!xty-g1mea gown with m- P.art1culars concrn mg the rules and regula.- CJ.uest, and being rewarded for his rurleness has n ot seen it - there was a ea! who seem· neened ; you are started free. Both . sexes ; all ages. Any one ce.n do the work. taste, WifR!lJT TJlllTH range of was cam pumty-youcan a t1os s life I . gtve lavishly where money is p. i t WI.TU_ Tl!:ltrn. by seeing how she bit her lip ll.n cl impatient- c::d to be almost standrng up m the water, . · tly really needd-;-you can ae yom· father and wh10h he blesse his stars he had had he ly tapped the bridge with the pointed toe of with a i:;ril e of six or eigh poUJlda &rasped Large e arn ing·s sure from first start. cos outfit and terms Better not delay. Costa good luck to cl1sover, for he a:ttered !um- her p retty shoe. , ' m ?ther en ]Q·ymg con;fort m a good house, AIL Ill under his fhpper, and puttmg down his head you no thing to send us your address and find · out ; if you arn wise you will do so at once , with proper surroundmgs-youc<1.n senyour self tha through rt he was gammg grounl. ·'I waited my turn to be introduced to him, and eaing it. . PRA.CJ'FICJA.L DEN'l'JST, . . H. HALLE'l".l' & Co.· Portland, Maine. brothes to college and start them well m he It was rndced .i:iost essential that Capt!1!n a little contemptuoua, I must admit, of fame "Did yer anner iver sy t.he hke of tat, EXPERIENOJ:, YEARS 'l'WENTV VER professions they. have chose!1-you can brmg the Hon: Cyril Haughton shou_ld gam acquired in such a fashion, and was really now ?" " Sure, I was thmkmg we1d mver . . troiuOxldeGuA.dmtnlMtered for Palule y_our beautiful srnter out w1_t all the J>res- ground w1h some one ab!e and w1llmg to disinclined, I doa.ssureyou, MissVerschoyle, say him getting hia dinner at all this clay. operaitim. t1ge that wealth and poR1twn can give- support him and pay his debts. Hs was to shake hands with a man who hll>d been for Yer anner will bela.ve tha.t story, anywe.y. PERCH ERON HORSES. M:CCLlJNG'I! B · ore than you dreamed of in the old day of thirty, a youner ?On wih a. scant:i: income five years 011 au equality with the rank and Sure your anner say'd it yrsel. Tery's · · OH.l!Cilil . . · -· your lot ; yet a!1d h d been m d1 culties dirt and p over ty has .fallen all km ever file of a horse regiment, when to my great not the boy tha.t iver d told his anner a he. " made, Cut this out . F n ow, .on 1s re· astomshment ., ls very conv· I sa.w one of my own troopers .... - ··- and return it to us, n d , have you found h a.ppmess? .. o · shake your smce e was t wen y-o!1e· . Mich · N? Ah, yo? are right ! My heart turn from Egypt, rum stared him m the before me-a man called- Ah, there he is?" we· wi}l send . you free, I head, niontly lo c t e d tor . som thrng !>f grea t 'l"al'!-o 1 says 1 No also. Did I not overhear the f1¥Je, and, to use hi s own words, he found -and Captain H<tughton checked himself ' on Canadla.ns, tea Of a C ondUOtors l e. The> Uneartam · t' , L'fi l s t w a rt ou. t h and. impot an<'.e to Y. an Isla.nd in D.D rolt f!' il t you m · E . arl say of me only yesterday, · She has an himself with three courses before him-to ·ncl po'inted to the open wi'ndow of the . ow River,ten mifesolll b11smess wh10h will bnng you l n mor e un I . H·P PY face ; some deep and ab"d' rs re1at' 1ves, · "Ra1 .1roi!.ds d o no t ofte, re!nst ate a man .., ma n 1 mg SO· "m ilk" .y well or-to dra wing-room looking upon the terrace. . 1. Windsor, Ont. Pur· money rii;:ht a wa y than any·thing else in this world. Any o n e ciiu do the work and live at row aways looks out of her eyes, mask rt shoot h1mael. chasers will ftnd a . Hyacinth turned slowly, brauing every afte1· he as been bounced, s11.1d a vetean , larg1, e :home. !Gitl).er sex ; all ages. Something new by pncle as much as she will'? and he spoke He had tried the first, but even his ex· nerve controlling her face until it was as , of the rail to me, as we were thundermg .e th.atjust coms mone f or all wµr kers. ' w n tr ly." ploits in the Soudan, a.nd thebct of his ri ' " ,6 She saw three or four along his road. "A passenger conductor is a " · re; al not need ed · T h i· t will s ta t you; ca.pi 0 id as · a. mask· 1ve, d'd 1 not move th em young girls grouped about a tall fair She pu11ed off one 1ong g1ove, and heId havmg returned al' · · d f rom veneraIIy one wh o h as b een promot · ol!e of the genuin e. iniporta11t classes of a life· c. and colts of all ages haired . . to select from All time. 'l'bose who are ambitious and en.te · ·out her white arm to let the jewels upon it as he had hoped it would. They had re· young man who seemedtobe tempting them the brakes, Sometimes an engmeer 1smade k tree, outfit cl GrL iot delay. iU ng i s pri . scintillate in the light; but her thoughts re- sponded rel:iictantly and inadequa.tely to his from the pksha.ded lamplight within to the a conduct?r, but, you "'.ill nd these things lstered in the French and .Addres s lHUE & Co .· Augusta. , t1me. wants. With a. few thousands from a moonliuht without fused to change. an exception. Uompames like to keep good I Prices reasonable, stockaranteed. e mua " Should I have been happy if I had taken. wealthy aunt, a few hundred fro m his father t SA.Y.!QE A F.lWCUll. t was not her htsband 1 The relief and engineers at the throttle. They had rather trated Catalogue free. l>B'mOIT. lllIOIL ! the. other life offered to me-if I.had chosen and a curt refusal fr?m his brother, yapt...in the disappointment were too much for her ; ive the 1!1-oe pay than promote tem. g a. gqod man's love-a. love that m those few Haughton turned his thougl1ts ent1re1y to ·-·------·-· she sobbed convulsively caught at the As a rule 1t 1s first a brakem11>n on a fre1gh t, m\nutes, when I understood what he was the second item in hiR proizramme-to marry wooden rail and iell in' a dead faint u.t then to the same pface on a passenger, then It behoved him t o look out for a girl Capt:>in Hai;ghton's feet. t? sacrific·for l!!e, I kne w w:as worth ten W?11. conductor on !I' freight nd by and by t'o the . r times more then all the gold m the world ? w1t)l money, and qmckly too; and at passenger tram by mighty slow coaches. rTo l!E CONTINmm.] niare to I · . li' . . If he had waited a little longer-if he had Haughton Abbey he had met the very perMany a passenger uonductor has to work as furnis h . I uttered another word of pleading-if he had son of all others who, in his own language, an extra" for two years or more before · all classes with employmf!nt at home, llhe " · · . · o fh' I J . 1m "d own ·. 11e gevs , a tram " < he wouId sm o the.g.round" 1 -1 ussed m a.n . d cI asped me in h" 1s arms-1, ·t h' "f is 011'.n, A n· l theu, when 1. whole of t he time 01· for their spa.re momenta . A WOrel to the Wedded. . s.11e . . 1 Business ne w light and profitable. Persons .. h>1,dheld me fast against that noble heart that could only be got to see it. But to get Miss m sight, he has>\ wreck, of either sex easily earn fro m 50 cents to f5 per Happiness and selfishness can xever flour- the coveted place is I w>1,s breaking for mP. then -I should not Verschoyle to see it was extremely difficult; ish in the same stem; one kills the other. and if he hasn't a mighty good case and eveoin!". f!-nd a. proporti<?nal sum by devo.t!ng i have let him go-my whole life would have a.11d ' after dome time 8pent in trying to influence · he gets bounced. ! all their time to th e busmess. Boys and gll'IS · , be weddd happily the promoters are occasionally earn nearly as much as men. That all who see ! been changed . But would that ha.ve made make these cold eyes grow tender, To congeniality and unselfishness. A good Th e.n l1e ,haR tc1 go to .some oth er road and , th is may eend their add ress, and test the bus!· me ha.ppy-happier than I have been caring those pale cheeks flush, he S<IW tha.t beg m a t tue bottom. I know a man who has, ne!IEI, we make this offer. 'l'o such as are not woman will endure much for her husband, .. for the welfare of my people and doing goo that he was only nndoiug whatever impres· 'l'he : well satisfied we will .sf?nd one dollar to pay A true woman will worked up in this way for ten years. the man for his wife. tor the t.rouble or wrm n. Full partioulars sion his ."soldier-talk" had m·ide upoa her· no man knows I wonder ci · " uietly· so that · ' ' srriile, cheer and help hei· husband should very first run he had with his regular . train . . an a outfit free. Address GEORGE 81'INSON & . · if any one could answer that questwn; I so he wisely g<>ve up the attempt, and told smash up was there and the a aft.er mvesb- I co. Portland Mu.ine. clouds come. Then is the time to test her i cannot, although it has been iu my heart himself that his only ch mce lay in propos· was fired. He had !laved up about -·--· -- -character solve the '(lroblem the object of gation he ! ever since he took me at mY word, passed ing to her first, taking his rejection with hu- her matriony. Men look fr woman with $1,500. He took this money and went on CA'a:ll""i:ll'9W'D'Bl·m·m····-·11-miliy, and theµ making love to her in such out of my life and left me rich and free. the Board of Trade and lost every . dolla in . a heart, a soul; do not iet their f acial beauty : She lel\ned her pa!e oval cheek . on her miserable, down-eai·ted, slavish way th.at than a week. He wen to ra1lroadmg less t . be their sole attraction ; rather let it be, . .. \baud, and looed agam mto the. water, her r s_he had a heart it mst surely touch 1t. their beauty of EOt!l and character that in· agam, at the brake on a freight, for another after long pogramm upon decided This 1 thoughta turmg to another sub, 1 ect. e, company, and _has Just been put on as con· . s ires your love for them. 1',01. with these "I am growmg old-I am almost. twenty· and anxous thought, he was now endeavor- there will be no autumn no fading· their I ductor of a freight on a Westem road that . six. Lily will go from me some clay. I ing to carry out ; and the s>'.arp and totally kills . about six conducto·s ever year. leaves will be fresh and beutiful for;ver. . wonder she has not gone alreacly to a home unexpected rebuff she gave him 11.t the very Barrmg the dangers of engmeer, his place of her own. My mother and father love me; outset roused his evil r.nd vicious temper to It is mighty Feldom is the best on the road. A cfonsulting Room Echo. but their love is not everything. The boys such a pitohthat he cuuld almo·t havostruck that an engineer, if he escapes, is held to " Your wife is in a very crit!cal condition account for au accident. The Brotherhood 1 Call r care for m 3 ; but their hopes, ambitions, her ; but he restrained himself, and so per- 1 plans are not miue. I am alone-I have fectly that she never knew how her warning ancl I think some specialiat should be called of Locomotive Engineers is oue of the strong- ! r wealth an_d position, and-unhappiness. stabbed him, i;ior how the .sudden. fit of rage, in for consultatOll in the Cl.Se." 0 est and staunches organiz11tions on the fa?e Oi "There now, doctor, I was right again . of the ea1·th, and 1s the only one that a railHer qmck ear caught the sound of foot. all the more vwlent for hemg demed expres· · · · steps on the t.errace, and she bnt her head sin, turned o a. dark ".indictive craving in I tld my wife long ago she ought to have road directory is fraid of. But the place of a little lower on her hand, hopmg to escape this man which was neither hate nor love, proper medical treatment, but she thought conductor, especially passenger c0nductor, Z::> , observation; but they came steadily toward but a curious combination of both-a pa- you might be offended." is the most ungrateful and unce1""io that 1 · her and in a few minu,tes a ma.n's voice ex- sionatedesire both to possess and destroy tns a man can hold." . claimed-" So you are here, Miss Verschoyle. stately, scornful woman who ho.dhad the Ill· - -·- The presid ent of a debating society in I had almost given you up when I did not solence to refuse him before he had offered . · New Jersey lately decided that the "milk A paper says:-" We have e.dopted the see you on the terrace," said Captain Haugh- himself to her. · ndness" meant milk punch with eight-hour . syste1;11 in tis office. e com· Newspapel' Advel"tising Bureau, ton. · . ' "I thank you," he said quickly. "I sup- of huma J;;i · mence at e1i(ht o clock m the mornmg, and 10 Spruce· St., New York. -·· .· l:!"rom which you wish me to infer that pose I must take that as a warning that I nutmeg m it. close at eight in te evening." I Sood :tOcto, for 100-Pago Pamphlet. ·.' ._.you have been searching for me, I suppose?" --··---·----·---- L '\VILLIA.M WIGHT. it like MEN fAMOUS IN YOUTH. the word 'Dangerous' that is put up where · Charles James Fox was in Parliament e.t the ice is treacherous ?" ".As you please, so that it is effective, n inetP.en. · Captain Haughton." ThE.,;reat Cr?mwell left the University of ".And yet there is a fascination in danger Cambridge at eighteen. By the .Author of "KATE MASSEY'S 1"ALS}:HOOD," "BEATRICE'S AMnITION," "FOR and in breaking the ice, Mias Verschoyle. " J ohii Bright never was at any school e. day .LovE on Kun>:BED ?" "A GOLDEN Dtuu..M," &c., &c. " If you do break it, you will find only the after he was fifteen years old. coldest of cold water underneath. " . · · · l · Gladstone was in Parliament at twenty. 1 a. I. 11ant 'th _ replied Hyacmt l, rr nrng . . WI CHA.P'l'ER VII. 1 "Perhaps so, and yet- Well, you have two, and at twenty.four was Lord of the . tie Rt agam mg I lean and t grnceful movemen ut b 1 k · as may you k ; me to forbidden spea The August sun had set the tull moon · . t of the Treasury. .11ar at tlie fo0 1 carved stone pl to remember that I would have spoken as I was rising over a fiat and ;ooded country, Lord Bacon graduated at Cambridge when t l se'.' a l your iu of to e spoken ever oe ha with here and there fields of wheat waiting v a pWell I have been"-not at all abashed sixteen, and was called to the be.r at twenty· my life, nd to be kmd to me m your to be cut and. 07cha;ds full of e swe et, . . . by the languid contempt of her manner. , four. £amt smell of ripening frmt. · l he thick , ·You were not in the dra.wing-room so think- tho!1ghts , . . Peel was in Parliament e.t twenty-one,. They had now come to th rustic bridge woods of oak 1>nd beech that surrouned ha.ve tempted you ing the moonli ht might ,, that crosses the stream flowrng out of the and l:'a.merston was Lord of the! Admira.lty g Haughton Abbeu looked densely black, with . · · ·OO. 'I 1 I-er-came t for. lake on th e Iower s1 'd· SI1e res tcd hr arm at twenty.three. · · I g1rttermgp?mts 'f o s1 ie ·1 ver here and tlierernt "And Y ou exPect me· to feel honoured , upon the wooden rail and looked silently pale clear light. Henry Clay was in the Senate of the accor d' mq 1Y· , ·!I g w·ters · to ti S'be woulcl United States at twen:ty-niue, contrary to down m · The Abbey itself-au ancient ivy-colored . ie hurry1 . "Nay-I hoped that you would honour upo;i thoughts, recogmze her claim not his the Constitution. building, little altered since the tirne of me by t11.kin!! a stroll through the gardens. . how humbly it might be urged. Charles IL-did not stand, as do most mod. Tl:e jasmine was never so sweet as it is to. no matter John H:i.mpton, after graduating at Ox He p<1.uaed a moment, looking at her, ex· ford, was a student at law in the Inner ern rural seats, on a piece of rising ground, nigl;t and even I who am so very unpoet· wit slopi.ng lawns aud gardens about it, ical, felt my soul stirred by the scent of pe _ 1Jting her to speak ; then, with a sigh,con 'l'emple a.t nineteen. but m a dip of the country, close to a sma.ll those sweet wild orange-bushes across the I tmuedGustavus Adolphus ascended the throne "I dare say you think me very pertiua.· dep lake, In spite of its age a,1d solidity, bridge. Do come even to escape from at sixteen ; before he was thirty-four he the Abbey, shrouded from sun and air, and thoughts that I cannot but see are ciC?us, Miss Verschoyle ; but s uch strange was one of the great rulers of Europe. . · . lapped by the water of the lake, was very sad." . but every thmgs happen-not now 1i.nd then, Martin Luther had become largely dis· unhealthy. "I will go across the bridge if you wish," · day-tha.t I don't, I cannot quite despair. Many a bright-taced healthy Cheshire she answered taking a fold of her dress in For example, look what has happened to· tinguished at twenty-four ,and at fifty-six had reached the topmost round of his world-wide lass, " taken" at the Abbey by old Mrs. her hand, add walking along the uart·ow night?" . Hobbs, the housekeeper, Jeft, after a year, path·" but I think my face belies me"'What has happened ? ,, she asked, with fame. Conde conducted a memorable campaign at pale and langid, ith consumptio looking I hav really no cause to be sad." me of her rare smiles, as i to show him that, out of her ghttermg eyes and pamted on ·'L ess cause tha.n most women I aho11ld if he accepted the warmug and put love seventeen, and a.t twenty-two he and Tu her fevered checa. The Eu.r knw that it say," he remarked following her, "for you making out of his head, she was quite redy renne also were of the most illustrious, men . was Haughton-its low situation, its woods are rich and--pardon me-so fair that ,you for any reasonable am ount of conversat1011. of their time. ·Webster was in college at fifteen, gave ad la.k.e-that had killed his delcate young must know that you are sought for yourself Haughton noticed the change in her man earnest of his great future before he was le thirty years before, and while h dwelt and n ot for yom riches. Now I have offnd- ner, but mswered smoothlym it nly .a month or so every yar lumself, ed you, I see " ! -for she had made a slght "Well, you know dinner was delayed half twenty-five, and at thirty was the peer of . he pa1 h1gh _wages to retain his servants, haughty gesture with her hand, and raised an hour for that lrish fellow, Lord Arenbeg, the ablest man in Congress. and m11 ed grimly to ee how eager they were her small head. Washington was a distinguished Colonel and a friend whom he was to bring with . to nsk health an life for old; An nn· in the army at twenty.two, early in public "No; I am offended with myself, for I him..,.-friend unknown. " . wholesome place 1t was most certamly; the invited the rema.rk. Pray change the sub· "Yes ; and they did not a.rrive. I thought affairs, commander of the forces at forty· . . numerous hlazmg fires, the hot.water pipes ject." three, and President at fifty-seven; the Eu.rl seemed a little upset about it." beneath every floor! could not overcome the "Certainly, if you wish it; but how can " Naturally. But, dter the ladies had left Maurice of Saxony died at thirty-two, con :iampn"'.8a of the air i the rooms were hot it be an offence to tell you with a.11 respect, the dining.room, they did turn up ; and I . ceded to have been one of the profoundest and 1001st by day, chill aud dank by mght. all humility, what your mirror tells you was never mor astonished in all my life." sta.tesmen andoneofthe ablest generals which It wa a P 1 ace that any one w ho va1 ued hU· every time you look into it--wl rn.t peop le's He paused to give due effects to his words. Chri.qtendom had seen. man hfo before soft sylvan seuery, a:id com- faces tell you every time you. enter a . theatre "At their heing late, or comiug at all?" Napoleon at twenty-five commanded the f?rt and health before a curious specimen of or a ball-room ?"-and, comm g beside h r she murmured, so faintlyintereated that her . At thirty he was not only . sixteenth-century arch1tectur?, would h.i.ve as the path widened a little, he lowered Ins I voice died aw>1,y, and she turned her head ai·my of Italy. razed to the ground and _rebmlt on some of blond head as near to hers as he thought he towards the wood where a nightingale was one of the most illustrious generals of all time, but one of the great la.w-gi vers of the the wooded slopes about it. dared, and tried to look into her eyes. singing. "It is so seldom one hears the world. At forty-six he saw Waterloo. So pPt·haps thought a. lady, slight and tall, She neither Rhrank from nor respoi;ided nightingale in August. What were you go. '.l'he great Leo X. was Pope at thirty. and of uoble and stately carriage, who had in the leiist to these advances: She quietly ing to tell me 1" she said. just stepped through a window that opened ignored them, an lslowly walkmg on answer" About Lord Arcnbeg's friend. He was eight; having finished his academic tre.ining on to a'narrow terrace of red and stone which , ed him in her ustial hu.lf-weary, half-scorn· received as a, lion by every one, his offence he took the office of Cardinal at eighteen only twelve months younger then was kept the water from the actual wall of the ful wu.y. in keeping dinner waiting quite overlooked, . Charles James Fox when he entered Parlia Abbey, and who was slowly sauntering to "'Veil, if you will keep to the subJe .ct, fol· he had, it seemed, fought through two and fro, a11 expression of weariness and sil1mt you must not blame me for saying somethmg campaigns as a horse-soldier-a. common ment. "Vat you makes dare? " hastily inquired djscontent so stamped upon her pale features that I did not thi.nk I should have to say to trooper, Miss Verschoyle!" tha.t one could see at once that it was their you, Captain Houghton." The languid atti ude in whfoh she leaned a Dutchman of his daughter, who was being habitual cast when the smooth mask worn He gzaed at her so lose in conjectures as against the rail of the bridge had not ch!l.nged, kissed by her sweethelJ,rt very clamorously. "Oh, not ·much; just courting a little for others was removed. to what she was " up to now" that he could the very carriage of her head and turn of her that's all." "Oho, dot's all, e h ? I tought She walked leisurely up and · down the not speak. neck were the same ; but a. sharp cry broke terrace in the moonlight, the violet tire of "Do you know the name I am c alled by I from her lips-her face became as pa.le as you vas fighting." 2 L() VE'S TRIUMPI-I. 1 a.m too near forbidden ground-take $5 to $8 a day, Samples and duty FRO Lines not under the h()l·se'sfeet, Write Co. . Holl, Mich. BREWSTER'S 8AFET1" REIN HOLDBR I GRAIN Jno. McMurtry ' · A.re prepared to pay th e hig hes t prioe & Co. town. Wharf or tl1eir Store lion se in all ldnds of Grain delivered at the STANDARD BANK tJapltal paid up, :Bl,600,UUO. Resi, $HO.DO > OF CANADA. 1 j Farmers notes discounted; Deposits eoeived and Interest paid on amounts of ,,5 upwards in Savings Bank Department; . mate Banking in all its branches. This Bank ls p repared to do Leglti· II> R AF"l'S [ssued and Collect1<Jns made in Europe United Sta t.e a and C an ada , I W. 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