which it conans. When it i considere d WHY BODIES ARE BIT.RIED AT SRA. and colorecl in her confusion. Her ha.n111i, HEALTH. 1ue of beer is so exceed that the nutr1t1ve va too, were trembling; those hands that liril" ingly small that a whole hogshead contains Stenmer8 llavc no Mct1.ns of H.eeplni; '.fhrun mistress had declared · · have such a. su· A, Med.wine ror weary :Srains. no more actual nutriment th1m a single With scattered birch the pasture slope is crowned, firm touch on everything she places them." antl Tiley Depress l'assenii:ers. The sunburn t gora.as that chn gij to mountain There was another pair of eyes pent n Many persons seek relief from we dness loaf of bread, it will at once appeo.r that the 'Vhen o. death occurs at sea a certificf.li>e sides, her, too, beBides those of Mr. and Mrs. IJil· a.n<l lasaitude, in things which stimuJ,e and popular faith ID beer as an aid to digestion WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1887. Cropped by small moutha of ttm1d sheep, scarce is fille<l contaiuing <i.ll information as to the: lon during the progress of the noon mo"l. excite them. Those who do this a.re simply or to nutrition, has no founilation wl:'.atever. h 1des, probable causes which produced death, a.nd. J,1ke a scant cov e rl e t, the bard dry ground, Thy were the black eyes of William K ·ll· burning the candle of life at both ends. also as to the maimer of disposing of the Through which, w i th stony ledge or rocky knee, yon, a neighbor who ho.d come over to holp Whipping a tired horse ma.v make him go, The strong woild breaks. 'fh· ragged ferns tha t body. The bodies of persons who die at Hea.lth N otes, Mr. Dillon at baying to day, as the weather qut 1t does mi; make him strong, nor length· A.II sea are kept twenty-four hours. In bygone looked " ketchy " and this was the last o f en his life. Eaclr'd1mplc on the shoulders of the bill Food that a person cannot endure will not times a. supersition preva.iled among sailor.s CATARRH new ;;:tment has bei;,n is Rustle with lah>t ·burp sound 11 but the bee the old farmer's hay to get in. A judicious writer sa.ys: "The best pos- cure. Slips through their stems to find his mossy nest. that if a dead body were kept aboard a v<esoovf'l'Cd whereby a 11ennonent cure o. exchang scarcely Kenyon Dillon and Mr. fo affect· ely thing for sib a. man absolut when feels Is to , do he With ·oft, thrnk wil ted leives the mullems grow, bltberto incurable dlsease Purity of surroundings kills many con sel destruction would be its inevitable doom,. . There .seemed a mys·, too weak to carry a.nything through, is to L1kt tall straight candles "1th pale yellow glow, ed a. word together ed in from one to three applications. no i:t l ha Their stalks st..,,r fio"ered towu.rds the cloudless . tery here as deep as that which surrounded go to bed and sleep as long as he can. This ta ious elements, on the princip e of starva- but the notion does not exist among modern whether standing one year or !orty yea.rs tion. west. sailors. Recently Rev. B. B. Dayton, of Am1remedy is only applled on.ca 1n twelve da:y.s, this tra.nge young woman . e p IS the only actual recuperation of brain force Descr1 ss, · The croon ing cricket with an endless song and does not Interfere :with busine " She helps me as neatly and as well, al· the only recuperation of brain power . be It is asRerted in the Medical World, that, boy, N. Y. , while returning from abroad on by stamp of receipt on .Tars t h e hot ·ilence. T h e crumbling fence J9 free sent let tlve pamph "' most, as D orothea. " The woman st oppe d · cause during sleep the bra.in is in a state of if you desire f\8 speedy action of drugs swa1- the Cunard steamer Etruria, died suddenl"" grayed A. B. Dixon&. Son, 305 King street, West and his body was buried at sea. The ooBy the slow creepmg lich en , held and sti.yed Toronto, Ca.n a. 1 y, 1 frightene d at th e na.me she h o.d utt ered· rest, in a condition to receive appropriate lowed, as if you gave them hypoderffilca B By arna1 of'\\a.ndermg rose, that tough and Btrong, I CATIrnH1 the thus of in bfficers disposing the of tion . · John Dillon looked a.t his wife for a. mo- particles of n.utriment trom the blood, whch administer them in hot water One ha.If the _ s u Catarrh is 8. d:;grous dis11ase which tho g BI!id firm its slipping stones. Tbe r usty brier ment, put his hand to his eves as if to shut take the place of those that have been con- dose will suffice if given hot, as it is quickly body gave rise to much adverse critician And scarlet fin g er· of the .bittei sweet ands a.re consciously or nnconsolously sufi'erm d ca.use rge discha C"8t a hght shade that ·heltera from the h e a t out a painful sight,· and went off to tb e hry · sumed by previous labor; for the very act a.bso1bed from the stoma.ch, 1md the force of some of the passengers said that the sei:from It ls a wuco·purulent · te In the A th o usan d voiceless httle Jives. Jhgher vices weie not of a becoming nature. '1 · by the presence ot a. vegetable parasi fieId with th e men. 'd part10 of thinking burns up soII les, as every the drug thrown upon the system at once. O· prel§P Than maiden birch or sohtary pine, report has reached the ea.rs of the dead lining membrane of the nose. 'l'he There was still one team in the field wi th turn of the wheels or sorew of the steo.mer the A novel method su blood, of treating patients the I'oued 10 t h e brooding bl u e , on speckled w i n g s , of ffer state mobid In iiausee a.re a A hawk han gs mot10nless ; so straigh he ftmgs its wagon piled high with the fragrant hay. is the result of consumption by fire of the mg from phthisis is described in the current man's wife and family and theii friends. of tubercle. the germ 1101son blfghted corpusole1y, In order that the facts of the case might be toxomre, from the reten }l,9 shadows to th e earth, like the plummet line John Dillon sat on it looking anxiously fuel in the furnace ?f syphilis mercu . The supply of consum number of 'l'he Medical Record. It was dessed It drops through the sea. of .lir. Ao m a swoon understood the following stai;ement Wall tion or the effete matter of tho skin, suppre from the sky to his horses . . vised by a French physician, Dr. Borgeon · ed brain substance could only ha.ve been t _ apar g Of hght the g r e a t world he·, aM life stands still, sleepin perspirations, badly ventilated " Old Bess is going to have a spell of it, I derived from nutritive particles in the blood, of Lyons, who has been applying it for two made by the officers of the ship: ea.lt in '.li,e ID Wrapped m a breathless hush ; till up the bill poisons othei; ot at1on germin the a.nd ments " The body was discovered d t · do believe," he said, as an unusua.lly sharp which were obtained from the food eaten years to cases of chronic pulmonary and *he blood Irritated by these, the lining mem Drift d >ppled shadow· of the afternoon. crash of thunder with its a.ccompanying vi- prev10u sly, and the brain is so constituted throat disease. The results a.re said to be stateroom about 9 o'clock Monday evening. bra.ne of the nose Is ever ready for the recep s.up Immediately the doctor of the ship made: tion ot the parasite. which ra.pidly spread ot vid flash of lightning burst overhea.d, that it can best receive a.nd appropriate to remarkable. The treatment consiat.s of . she nostrile and down the rauces, or back After the usua.l preOld Bess was res.ring with dilated nostrils itself those nutritive particles during the daily injections by enema. of medicated it ready for burial. t: up the throat, ca.usin11; ulcer>1,t1on of the thro and wild eyes, and it seemed fo.r a moment state of sleep. Mere stimulants supply no- gases. Carbonic acid gas when introduced pa.iations were completed the rnmams wen She eustach1an tubes, cu.uum g deafness, bu': rowm g in the vocal cordR, cauemg hoarseness, a.a though there would be ser10us troubl.e thing in themselves; they gorge the bra.in, mto the system by this method is found to laid out and enshrouded with an Englfok 1al usur in the proper structure of the ·bonch with the last load. Kenyon had got his and force it to a greo.ter consumption of its be harmless and painless and Snlphurated flag beco.use that contains a cross. 'Fum n . ropt1o consu nory pulmo in g BY E, A. BOYDF.N. edin team safely to the spacious barn floor and substance, until it is so exhausted that there hydrogen is mingled with. it, the entire day morning the body was sewed up in ca.n: dea.th. of was running now to aid Mr. Dillon in start- is not power enough left to receive a supply. " structure of the lungs is permeated by the vo.s and then deposited in a wooden bo:ir Man mgenious speltlcs for ror th e cure t auo· catarrh have been mvcnred, but withou As early as it wa.s on that July morning, ing his load. He sei zed the refractory ?Id 'l'he weary man, by the aid of any st1m- medicated gas and remarkable curative ef- covered over with the flag. Solemnly and · d1scoti ing stand long or with every evidence of respect the remaills oess nntil a physician and t e with the gray mist still hovermg over the mare by the bridle just as she made a sprmg ulant, drives away sleep, drives away the fects are observed. e diseas th of nature e:x:aot the ered were carried on:the shoulders of eight sail de str oy mown meadow and the sun still in hidmg forward. The unfortuna.te man was thrown best friend he has, and may find, when too only appliance which will permanently There that is a disease general is idea ed the 'te, no matte1 !low aggrav'o.t ·'-e pa.re.st .... behind the woods to the east of John Dil- under her restless feet and was being tram !?- late, tha.t the friend has gone beyond recall. carried by germs, a.nd that the u.ir is fill d ors to the after-gangway. Chief Oftieer at once Seccomb, a humane and Uhristian sailor., oaae. Sufferers s hOUId send stamp lion's thrifty farm, still there were manifest led by the terrified a.nin;ial. And Jo11 Dtl- Sleep is a priceless gift, restoring a;nd re- with these, and it is a wonder to most peo h t h, catarr on. let - ha.d charge of the fuqeral arra.nements, sor descriptive pamph li . as much e demor seemed e amost Lon a z d as indications of life at the hou and the barn. freshing the weary. Let us see to 1t that ple that every one is not so afilicted, the business mana11:ers. A, H, Dixon & So a 8 o ·clock Tuesday o, Canad,.. . Abigail Dillon is arrayed in a :ilean calico the horse As he was about gettm g do wn we do nut abuse this gift, and so prepare laity conclude tha.t the germ theory is an A few moments fter Klug street. west, Toront t e .s ' e !I t n, B.A., a CMil o ns v e . E. B. Se v gown preparing for the morning meal of a from the load he was attracted by a weird ourselves for sleeplessness, trouble, and absurdity and a contrad1ction. They do morning the hip s officers and a large num What the R W e t!f e e of nc e r e nf o C ber of cabin passeng rs encircled the bod:1- o n od n man of the L o sav n reot l busy day, while her pa.le, careworn face re- figure running like a deer from the house. death at the end. a a, has t not consider the elements of a fert.le soil. and the funeral services were conducted by n d fCa chst Church o o r vea.ls the troubled mmd within which is a.l- He remained on the load, exclaiming" Kate l n's New Treatmen ' o o &; S n The germ is the same as a seed. We must a minister, one of the passengers. At their To .A.H. Dt:X ready wrestling with the problem, "How I wonder who.t that woman thinks she can catarrh. plant seed in a. soil suita.ble for it, and the conclusion and when the minister read t.be Danl!'er in Had Water. e., March 17, 1883 can one pair of woman's hands compass all do." Help ho.d arrived and had drawn Oaklans, Ont., Cano.d surroundings-heat and moisture-must be words ·I now consign this body to the deep/ o n &fS n as just position perilous his from Kenyon .Messrs .A,B. DiXY o night?" and morning Many of those who know that the use of adapted to it if it is to grow. This fertile :1 inst · to hand. the duties between the box, heavily weighted down w·th iron · DKAR Srns.- ours o the 3th saying horse, ed Kate t the bridle sei o husband past midare She a. z little and her f he bad water is dangerous, are not aware of soil, so to speak, is found as a rule, in a that 1 a was slid into the ocean. No seciecy pre It seemed almost too good to he true 1 am. °j dle li e at this time, and added to the wear- "whoa, Bess I" W ith a. dexterous moveme;it the extent or gravity of the risk incurrt: d _ f person whose constitution is run down from vailed, and everything was done in a pro- ed of Qatarrh but 1 know thatand never i e had return or the disease, ;o afo ng toils and cares of farm life is a. sorrow she thew ¥er hgl;Jt shawl o-;rer the terroriz. in the use of water which is contaminated over Jack of rest, poor living or disease. It per manner, being witnessed by any of th-e _ 111 my llte. I ha.ve tried that presses heavily upon their hearts. Ai· I ed ammal s head and :with a low word with sewerage. felt better may be introduced directly into the blood passengers who were so desirous." a t r following account of poisoning from through an open wound, or it m o.y be introthat gait's is a gentle womanly sorrow that m- 1 or two she had her piic1fied. Mr. Dillon The hze !1a :d0t e {:t :, :r ':'::; A burie.l at sea is a olt:mn and impressive ,.ites pity on t he part of the beholder and stillheld the reins and drove rapidly to the the . water of an ordinary well, resulting in duced indirectly through the ahmenta.ry I 1 am really better. · It event, and many passengers like to witness cae et d ba ery od he went y a.rn, mutterin was draws by the very mine M the heo.rt nearer to her a. v i:: as that · " G I typhoid fever, shows that this gra.ve disea.se system. I consider clvlng he it. A death at sea. casts a gloom over the was aggravo.ted and chronio;inv ges. and 1 pathos of her sad smile. .But John's sorrow, c11on it betbere is no strager on earth wh, may be contracted by the use of even a very rest of the passengers, and nturally enougk hroat as well 1 as tbe nasal pasa . trick of could old Bes have known that a.s poignant, reveals a itself, though, perhaps, ent small amount of contaminated wa.ter. We &bought it would require the three. treatm the officers try to do everything connected me. an · · only in hard hues and a countena.nc tho.t 1 A Tube Line to Europe. t8 o , , .uygiene A = J quote f rom the .anna , : b t I f I fully oured by the two sent with the burial with a.s 1. ittle ostentation to send seems to repel any manifestaciou of Sf:mpa. , "M. Duj. ardin-Beaumet z h as forwarded William Kenyon was the only bachelor I I '!m t nkful that I was ever induced · The project of building a pneuma.tic tube and display as possible. On every steamer . g thy on the pa.rt of others. The austerity ot pa.st thirty in the village of Seldon. He , to the Parts Academy of Sciences a com- line to Europe capable of transferring passtatin letter this use to y libert the custom is to bnry the dead at sea. '.l'he ' . *0.jg·are at ments. and his Christian creed seems to include that was a fine-looking man of thirty seven per- !munication on the Pierrefonds typhoid senoer and freight from continent to conthat I have been cured at two treat dy to some captain of the ship 1s the sole arbiter in harsh <lecreo which forbids the approach of haps, a quiet, low spoken man, who seemed, I ca.ss of lat summer. M. rnet, who O?· tin;nt 1 shall gladly recommend your reme in is described a few in he hon, b this matter. Whenever it is possiblo th e . hnman tenderness toward the sufferer, and like the Dillons t o have had a shadow cast 1 cup1es a high post a t the M1n1stry o f of my friends who are sutrerers. Pnblw Hartford Courant. 'Ihe prmc1ple 1s that body i s carried int.o port, providing he. t Yours' with many thanks, his countenance expresses the words, nevr over his life in the past, which all the sun - Ins ruction, .hired a house for his wife and employed in the " cash-tubes" of _ some large officers are convinced that the body will be BEV. E, B. STEVENSON . 1 fam1Jy,1 at J'.ierrefonds a fashionable resort spoken, in reference to the sorrow of his light of days since then cold uot . dry-goods stores, b1t the dif ficulties of oper- daimed upon its air1va And hundreds of others '. l. All seamen nre heart that " a stranger meddleth not there When they cauied him, brmsed and bleed- near Comp1ogne, contiguous to two others. at1ng a long submarine !me would be a thou- firm supporters of the theory that all per with.l· And yet they, so unlike in outward ing, to M°rs. Dillon's kitchen, he had con- 1 After they had rented it for a sason, the y sand times greater. This is what the Cou- 1 s ous dying on tte high seas, unless a short. 1 were told t o beware of the water m the wel manifestations were a devoted pair . I sciousness to say : l. rant ventures to say : distance from port, should be given up to Just as the un showed his smiling face 1 "Only one woman in the world could On this account they drank mineral water Col. J. H. Pierce, of Southington, who the deep. On a heavily laden steamer no branches oaks of between the the parted : exclusively la.st until day, have done the when he that." i h as been studying the useof pneumatic tubed room Hae received her new stock of is provided where a dead body could and cedars, and JllSt as Mrs. Dillon had 1 The mon who carried him supposed he stock was out, and the servants, preparmg has reached a point at which he hpes to be possibly preserved. The medicine chest. . found a brief breathing space after the de· meant the heroic deed and not the strange to return to Pans, were too busy to fetch I show that a tube across tile Atl . .a.nt1c can usually earned does not contain the ne cesparture of the men to the hayfield, there knowledge that this woman possessed. some bottles from the chemist. Ma.dam be used. Following is a description of the s a.ry articles required to embalm a body. · Bow of door. the a came timid A kitchen tap at mmistermg ernet While once said, there to es surely Kate Kenyon's "For c n was be F invit and u. apparatus as he conceives it. Tue tubes The French and White S tar lines carry 11light female fi.,.ure came waveringly into comfort till the old doctor shonld arrive no harm in drinking the well-water They . " will always be in couples with the currents metallic coffins, and where the friends of a. n d vicinity to calJ the room at Mre. Dillon's invitat10n o.nd John Dillon was saying to his wife in drank it. Six ou t of nine persons have of air in one tube always movmg in an pa.used near the door. This kindly woman another room: I since died, including one of the servants. opposite direction from the other, The deceased person manifest a desire or are anxious to undergo the expense the body stood looking at her unexpected visitor insur-1 ··I tell you, Abby, there couldn't be The cook, two of the four cJ;iildren, and heaviest cannon will serve to illustrate the will be preserved and carried to port if it prise for nearly a minute without speaking. another woman in the world besides you Ma.dam Fernet had had typhoid fever be tube. A car takes the place f the charge o , can be done without danger to the other '.rhe new comer was a. singular picture. and Dorothea that knows old Bess from a for; and though atta.ked agam by it after the tube to be indefinitely continuous and he passengers . Numerous cases have occ urred She appeared like au old-young person, colt up and her failing about lightning." and assortment ot , then· return from P1errefonds, have got speed of the car to be governed by the rapid- where men of wealth and distinction trav with rather swarthy features and with no "Jolrn," said the wife, laying a gentle through the illness. · ity with which air can be forced through. elling for their health have been buri ed at . hair visible from under her little bonnet, hand on his head, " it is Dorothea.. I've 1 "The well has been examn d, a.n is re · 'I'.ime is requ!i'ed to estalish a current of sea simply because they were uuaccom pani . . underneath which the stranger wore a close known it from the morning she first spoke ported to contam th bacilli _ which ae a.tr fiowmg with great ·w1ftess t?rough a ed and no evidence of who tlwy were could fitting every concealed ly cap stragwhich m t believed But ou it be e in will ted to assoc1 this come with house. o id typh t a. ? tube perhaps thousands of miles m lngth be obtained. No law exis!;i;, as some s team . llT8K£t-8eeond Door West of WlUlam· gling lock "if she has a.ny to hide," thought . now natnrally. I thought it would be bet fever. Tlus IS a. common danger, to which but when once created the motion will be ship men claim, that makes it comp ulso ry Sateher Stan Mrs. Dilln. She was neatly . attired in a ter to wait and Jet the poor child ha:" hel visitors to s?·called health rsorta are f·e- nearly uniform. The speed of the cur- upon the captain of a ship to bury a dead . dark colored gown and stood with her head own way a.bout letting us know, and it s ah- quelltly snJected. Th facility wi th wh1.Jh ren may be made as gret as may be body at sea. . toward the shadow, partly bent forward. 1 right now." well-water rn infected is hidden from the desired by usmg the steam driver fans em" an I ha.Ye some work to do?" said the John Dillon broke down completely and population by the impunity with which ployed in blnst furua.ces. Niagara. Palls strange yonn"' woman in unnaturally low cried like a child. is After a while he filthy well water may often be drank by could drive blast fans and fornish mothe AJ,VISE :o MOTHERS.- A re you 1r tones and ln peculiar voice. resident f amilies, who have become acclim- power to keep in motion the trains lo cou- tnrbed at mght an d i said in a broken voice: ° f J>:OUr r?R OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS Abigail Dillon started as she looked in-1 " And to thi uk that to morr o w is the atized, especally when that water 1s for1 nect this continent with the Old 'Vorld. by a swk ?hil? suffering and crymg v ntb . As there o.r0 many .aferior tently at the figure, and at so much of the fifteenth yeM . she left us to go to the moment infected oi;ily by non-yo1son?us The temperature within the tube may pam of C u ttmg Teeth ,i, If so e nd g oods, oorded with jmrel . face as she could see from its position. Henry's out in Oregon, and we'vo never fecal matter; and .this fancied 1mmumty be regulated by passing blasts of air once and hemp, etc.,oflered and sola g1·t a bo ttl e of .Mrs . Wmsl?w 8' as Cora.Ima by some un "Work? 'Vhy, bless me, l've plenty of heard from her smce he died, and we've eften leads to habtts of carelessness, fo r entermg the tube through furnaces or Soothmg Syrnp." For children teething. . p1incipled mernhants tmdof work ho.nds, but-bnt-". , supposed she was dead. for two,paua h And ch that hems ly, not it lves was but I also the r ! t e of i reach reputat10n over ay ice. tho The 011 g speed n 1 atta.mcd its value is incalclllable. It will relieve "You don t know \\hether I could do 1t , sent her ·way by my harshness t.o her about visitors, have to suffer. . om Bcnul.nc «Jo1·alfnp., 1,000 nules an hour. The tube lmmg a:nd the ,,00r little uffe r : D e· er immediately. s Try e, please, for one day at lcust." we waru t11e l dies e.gainet I Kenyon you, know-" 1 1 car. exoerior :would be ?f polahed steel wtth n upon it mothers ; there IS 110 such impos1t1on by draw pe · · Abigail Dillon was not the woman to ie"Hush, John; let bygones be bygones , corrug.ted sides pro the wit els to T h rnatclnng attention r i ing t he h w e obacco Blmdness 111 a. Woman m istak e a.bout it fuse so reasonable a Hquest, and John had n ov;. Jt is strange that she should be here I It c ur es Dysentery . necessity of seemg that the . vided with 1int·fdction bearings. The · told her t.otry and get somebody to assist he1· agam a ll Wilham here, and he all bruised' A promment 00.ulist reently repoited a and D' na,rne , a, r u!ate s the Stomach a.n& 1airnre speed, owing to the curvature of the earth's i I 0during having. Besides, part of Abigail's and battered like that too." ca.se of tobaco hlmdness m a womn °f ap- I 1 ,1 ens iv ea sr m d C 0 1· th& 1 surface, will tend to overcome all weight and B owe s, cures creed was to turn no one a:wa.y epty, nd "Keep it secret that we k.now who she parently cultivated and iefined halnts. Not: the pressure will be upon the upper \>ai;t of Gums, reduces In:ftammat10n, and g p m ble there always cam:e with this 1o::ip1t .. "ar1u sus the re:"! case, he doctor ?1ade ecting o r 1 t is till t -morrow, mo he ," said John, '" atamped on inne1· side of all Comlme goods. _ the tube; thu tbere 1s scar ely ay hnnt to :ie and ;-nerg:>; to the. wh?le sy.tem. pulse and grnc10us suggestion that one we'll kill the fatted ca.If, and all that, and a very thor ough mvest1gat1 0n of he . cau se, Without which none a.re genuine. the speed attainable. 'rhe mvent10ns cover Mr9. Wmslow s Soothmg Syrup for might perhaps "entertain angels unawa1 e. ' I m ake a day of it." and was much puzzled to determine its real the details of the work. children teething is pleasant to tbe t aste natur _l\.nd this was a woman, too, a wanderer, 1 e ve 'entertained an angel un " And I ha . . , and is the prescription o f one of the old" She laug ed hea ttily, and then ·' onfesvery likely. "My own preci?us lost oe awares,'" whispered the ha.ppy woman . .t. :fi ' ' , · est and best female physicians aud nuvsee may be a wanderer at another s door tlus, . 'eel.that sh dl d smoke a goo d dea 1. NatmWa1 mg or H1S W1fe s Tra. m. . . . . . . . . 'tEl d St· the Ui?1 ate s ' and is for sale by · very day. " ally I desired to know how one with her Contiri.nes to do a General Banking Business Fifteen yea.rs canwmk wondrous changes ' t . . Old gentieman , m - refreshmen t room, n eai· In pr1ee <l r efinen1e ll:t h ad ac u1 eDo wme.nvillt> Branch. "Yon may lay off your things and help all druggists throu"h the world. edt ? 1 a ion an e d q a Depot. as the shuttle of time crosses a.nd recroses Looks a.t es, and soliloqui watch z 25 cen ts a bottle · Be sure and ask fo1· . l ustory " sa.1d M rs b1t so nnusua l t o la. d1es. h me, . DI 11on, bms a e1· H .DEPOSJ'J'S , . hmg away the 'the woof of a hfe. · g 1y But Dorthea was on . " Here a six 1ases of us I · key I've had al· . . "I was soon toId · ready tears tha.t her own sorrow had startwhen m " 1. marr 'd e :teoelved In Savings Bank Department and seventeen when the young Jove between (1t , ready, and my wife's tram's not due for a.n- "l\'IRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRU:l'.' I u 1 t young, ed to her gentle eyes my w ve d o t h us an t wi · h an i en i&l.1 and interest allowed at current rates No ier k m d · i er and " n 'Jliam 1,. Ti '-enyon I1ad been ruthl ess- · N I And it's an d t a k e no oti That's six more other hour · r ortl1 C "7ith her bonnet removed the stranger ap 1 iotioe of withdrawa.l necessary. All depos!tf . a ro mn., where h had a very sure to be ten minutes late. · That's two aunder by a loving.but misguidecl m torn n. t payable on demand. larg farmmg mterest. He wned so expeared rather odd, but not uncomely in her Never use blue ink in writing to a red a h I more-one to bo booked to agitation and o little cap and quaint headdress, and the .EX CD A.NG E I here were three hea.rts almost burst tensive a tract of fond tha neighb ra were suspense. Really, what with the expense haired girl. Violet matches her complexion , far away, and I aw but little 0 them. I press of toil soon claimed Mrs. Dillon's at best. I in with im atience t,o have their suspicions and wea.r and tear of the constitution, that :5Qught and sold a.nd Drafts issued upon Europe tent10n to more serious ma. ;ters than the, have d no children, a.nd durmg many WWW ID Jni ted States and Canada, alao Gold,81lver a cofirmed b this silent stranger. woman will be the death of me yet." nd · oddities of this new comer· . long wmters my husband and myself have Jnited States Greenbacks bou11:ht and sold. II "K at e,, Ba.t bY Kenyo.n, bedSIde on the --. . 8 Th latter rephed toMrs. D1llon whenever orrow athe goodd doctor pronounced been the sole occupants of our country Louse. My husband had always been de· ,u ""'.ft T &:! ti.' I01' i.11 ; O LL ll<' " Ill.· Knew What He Was About. practicable m monosllables am1 seemed him all r1gh1;, except some scra:tchs and a ., . voted to his soon . P ipe ' which he takes up as · Scene-Jacob Levi s clothmg store. Promptly, made at current rates upon all par a.verse to conversation; but her lithe form, shaking up. " Kenyon was lookmg mtently · When B"b:Y wu sick, wo gave her Co.etorla, he gets into t he house a.ftei· over eeing Jt Great '3dttain, the LJ,nitod states and Dt> her elastic step her noiseless movements at his qua.mt nurse and fi nall y ask ed her as . " C t ( h · hes us omer w o w1s a P lum colored ., ' When sho WM " Child, she onod for C1111toria, 18 a rm f wor ou : h f k Ofte l ·n n u ea < n minion ot ana.da. r Y and quick deft 'fingers macle the morning's 1 "When did you "' o<et <1.cquainted with old · l coat, but who is shown a green one)-"That 1 mont h . d l'f e, he wou d ca l upon 1 a rrie When sh e became Mias, she elang to Castona, ..,r*' fa1mer's wife. work alrnst Bess' miss?" . 1 'I'elegraplA 'll'rans:f'cr... ia not a plum-colored coat. Why, it is · . pastime . for the me to 11 1 for him, and at t1mes wou ld h 1 ,, Once, twice, thrice and oftener Mrs. D11· When she hMl Children, ab.e gave them. Gastona,. !he woman colored t roug 1 her dark reen. Ma.do tor large or small aums on all parts of d . . B degrees I 111; lon caught her breath as some trivial rout- skm and looked over nervously toward even are me to li «ht it Y1 Jacob (not to be disconcerted) -" Vel l, "" CJanada. This is especially advantageous tc . ' f 1us h oun myse a e o a e severa w f d If bl t "t k o 1 ' 1 . r 1 ot '- the . m r of to n e t f fel r that uty · living N m Mamtoha or the llon. persons M and Mrs D 1. orth·wa my good f ndt do ·t , y u k ow dot blum s I 'theu 118 It makes the funds a.viulable at once at the thIS 1s tl;e name the young woman mssted pe ======= = 1 11 my wa s tobacco smoke without discomfort. At, his I a_r = = = "And when d1 you earn = = y re n e ore g e . =een =r = request I learned to smoke, as he said for = = = = = place of payment. upon bemg called by-was executed m so aboi;it housework ? SU.PP1emen . 1 M s 0 r 1 = = -- = == = = = ...: ( . . 1 · com an'ionship . and for many yea.rs I have = = = = == ::: Jror further partloular6 call a.t the Banking nature.I a manner as to rec11:U a form that Ion m gentle, peisua.s1ve tnes,_ sm1lmg en· tak!n m i e ith re ularit . ,, · House. had pa:ssed ont from her life, that once couragmgly at the e:nha:rrassed stran er. We blife in woi!an's rfghts, and be · T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, moved Ill those same grooves. There was somethrng m the mother s face . Accountant, Ma.naar " How could a strnger lmo w where I nd manner and her vo1c hd such a ye11r11; lieye that a woman has just as good a right . ·Iv kept my cream pots without askmg or that mg, pleadmg tenderness it it, that "Kate to be afilicte<l b tobacco bliBdness as a h s · and h should not women the bread belonged in that great tin box in broke into suden sobs a.nd stted fo the ::iok: fr comp<Lnlonship ?" It alwa.ys ? But the far end of the'Cupbord or hat_ , door. "Wait a. few moments, she said as I, pshaw I here I am gettmg a silly notion m she went out. She ra to her chaber and seemed to us very selfish for a man to sit . . my old head that-that, . _ l ":'as &one but an mcred1bly brief tme, con - down in the midst of his family, and enjoy his Pipe all to himself. Why not let his "Who are yon, any way? , said Abigail s1dermg the work she had accomplished I f oke with him and allow all the Dillon, unable to control herself any longer, AND-As "!{ate," the wanderer, stood n the' . when she saw Kate set the great easy arm- middle of the room on her return, the1e was :id:e to smoke smail pipes or cigt1.rettes, 1 0 ,1 If tobacco is necessary for the father chair at the right place at the table. a. momenta.ry hush of breathless astonish- 8 · · u t a im ortant for the mother . a.nd " I am simply Kate. I have no home and ment in the group there assembled, not ex- it 1 . J nY the hild e ·ought not to be clenied no friends, I think. Please don't question cepting the kindly old doctor. All eyes ce h . armless uxiii:y· . me any more. I will work for you faithfully were fastened on this lovely apparition. To a. 1 for a borne at present, if you wi l l have me." the mother and the lover it was all as clear l . · .:i Infiuence 0f Beer on D' igest' lOil· All this was said rapidly, but in low, pc- as <lay. But to poor bewilde1·ed John Dil- ! OUI· s( OCk.. ,n.m 1ne Is now opened, and we invite everyb OdY tO caU ar..- .... , cuhar tones, and .Mrs. Dillon must needs be Ion it was still a mys.tery beyond his ken. I H. l' u.r L e, U M niverD , of the l A. H rof. .A L LIVER AND KIDNEY COMcontent, for she had found a master workwoThe swarthy skin of the old-young woman si ty of Pennsylvania, has recently been sub PLAlNTS D YSPE PSIA INDIGEST- man-a treasure to any tired housewife-in they had heretofore kuown was gone, and a jecting to sdentific tests the popular idea this strange woman. I fresh delic<i.te face, suffused with color, had that beer is an aid to digestion. It has ION AND ALL DI'3EASES A RISING When John Dillon and his· hungry, tired ! ta.ken its pl0;ce. The odious cap and head· long been supposed by any that tt:e light. FROM - ARR ME T ' N S OF THE men came up from the meadow at nu(m his dress had disappeared, and the long and er forms of u lcohohc liquors, part1cularly ANGE D1 S wife met him at the door and drew him silken golden tressses hung loosely over the various forms of beer, are an aid to d1- 1 "' R aside to exph\in the situation of atlairs m LIVE AND KIDNEYS. shonl·le1s in masses, as she wore gest10n. The experiments mad.e, owe er, v : .n. ·d ... will receive st1rict attention, and tOI' Stainpin!'!I t the house. He nodded assent o the ne.v it when,·, cluld. 1 very clearly show tho.t beer drntmctly re ... 1 ers 1 arrangement, and even went so fat as to \V1th a lo\' crv of long-suppressed joy tards both salivary and gastric d1gest1on. ? press his wife's ha,nd in token of his sa.tisfoc Mrs. Dillon dasped the metamorphosed girl This was true with reference to every spcci all newest patterns kept 10 c IlOO!lle trom. tion that her burdens were lightened at l<J.st to her embrnce, and sobbed out "Dor 1 men of beer exammed, some seventeen m 1 . Ill by this new arrival. thea !" I all. In more than two-thirds of the speciThe Bazaar Glove :fittmg p at terns for L 3.d' ies an cl Ch.ld l re ns Wear for n ---i r 1 om d s e tir e d n t i: Mi: ;; d 1 6;el:i;t!:b , : e t sp·ing and summe1· styles, a complete stoc . No w iting, no sending,, two cups of steaming coffee, one by l\1r. Dil I s 1stible eye to the cns?r. The .latte;, le one hour, and m some mstances the dela,v · with you. home it take and u pattern r t o y bu choose It s we,s nearly two hours. Some rec:ent expen- ' 'lon and another by ·he man next him at the i Dorothea to Kenyon s side and said: Proprietor, Toronto. table, suddenly picked th m up again and 1 i·ll right now, after many yearn." rnents macle by l'rof: Dugga7, of ?3altimo:re, · O'l'Ocery store, Remember the p1ace n early opposite McMurtry's b : exchanged them, gn'ing the old farmer thel 1at the Joh Hop!'m' Umversity, .shoi_va . f la1 ger one with a pecl1liar handle to H, the Now doth the man <Lt early cln.wn aw a.kc that alcohd m all its torms retarU.s ohe 0.1 ! SOLD:SY latter stopped catmg and in smpr1se ex- and rub his He beats the a.ir . w1t}1 i;,estion of st<J.rch Ill a ver marked degree. HiGGiNBOTH1l!UI & SON (claimed: empty hand, and what he say of Jiles is lhcse two sets o expenments together_ ftBJ filiifi );:,fl liVI · WW ' ; " How did you know that was my cup?" ,·,!together too vigorously profane for this show ver co:icins1vely thi1t beer retards 12-tf. BO\'\ MAN -v ILL E. · i Kate sftid something almost in a whisper great mon,l_engine to publish. .11 e, M :i.roh 22 1886 · i;he digel10u, rn consequence of the alcohol Bowina.nvi auadiau Jtattsmau. CATARRH. Noon in 8i MARG ARBr DELAND. An Ontario Pa.sture. ·· 7F . .] rotr t!'· · · tu AFTER MANY YEARS. . ' k . a p j :: - dispel. PalSS lMcf AVlSH GOODS, the Ladies I J manville a and see her Pattern B 0 NN ETS, HATS TRIMMINGS BEWARE since 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE ONTARIO BANK a ! l I I _broken t t; . I j I I ! I · l 1 1 1°1 t 1 !. I i I DAN DE L Io N LIVER AND KIDNEY I I I I ' · BITTERS CURES ,,;;g I_ LL INE B y -FANCY GOODS HOUSE Hats Re-shaped THE VVEST END l The Greatest Blood Puri- \ the WorId fier E ! . . I' -M Q R R I S I I ! ' ' ' I 1 ! 'I . e,w;,!g u) l?;'to!a p,;?;J0:f 1II !ler rippling l 1 . in latest tyles. e I I I eyes. I ' ' s uu. ma r ' RRSON.,