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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1887, p. 1

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'l'BRMS :-tl.lm Pu ANNUJll. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDil'OR A.ND PROl'D.ll'JT·OR, NEW SERIES, NUMBER 477. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1887. VOLUME XXXIII. NEWCASTLE. NUMBER 38. OPENED"(OUT LAST WEEK --- AT- -- ALLAN LINE, ROY.AL M.AIL STEAMSHIPS.. OOURTIOE. Mr. A. Tooley returned from a v isit to the Old Count ry on Tuesday last . · I AUCTION SALES. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S, LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL.- SARDINIAN. POLYNESIAN," CIRCA.SSIAN, PARISIAN. PAitISIAN, SARMITIAN, SARDINIAN, POLYNESIAN " from Quebec, September 22 30 " ., October6 SAILINGS. Messrs. W.R. Cou r tice and R. O aborn e have gono to Ottawa to the Pr ovi nc i al Fair. ., 27 ,, November 4 21 13 THREE BAL.ES - -OF- -- BRYSSE@ . (AND TAPESTRJ) CARPETS Direct from John Crossley & Sons, Halifax, England. For Elegant Designs, Perma nent Colors and Durability, Cross ley's Carpets are unequalled. Housekeepers requiring Car pets are requested to examine our No better Stoc before buying. ilalue anywhere. $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, The last t ra in c on $60. Steerap:e, $20. necting with the ma il steamer at Port· la.nd l eaves Toronto on Wednesday morn· i ng. The last t r ain connecting w ith the m ail steamer at Halifax leaves Toronto on Thursday mor ning. For tickete and every infor mation , apply to W. A.NEADS, 11-tf Bowmanville, Agent Allan line. 17 SAHMl'l'lAN, ltA'rl'!S OF OOJ!AN pASS.AGE :-Cabin, Hl · The family of Mr. John Crumb have the s ympa thy of the entire neighborhood in the bereavement th ey hnve s us ta ined by t he accidental death of his son David whi le cou pli n g cars as Gravenhurst. jured. Mr. Jas . G oy ne is in Oshawa und er On Sund ay night medical treatment. las t one of Mr. Pethic k' s horses got loose and b rok e through the barn floor into t he With the assistl'lnce of his neigh cellar. bors it ll'as taken out only slightly in Readers of the STATESMAN will find all MR. . C. HUNKING'S S..lLJ!S. the leading and m os t modern and corn· SEn. 22nd.-Mr. J. B?.tlnt TnummAY, plete p arlor and cook, coal nd wood oftera for sa le at L ot 30, Con. 2, Darfhig sto ves aud rnnea at W. T. Bonathan's ton, a l ot of va l uable farm r.tock, imp le He is paepa r ed to soil Stove Em porium . ment, etc. Sale a.t 1 o'docJk, sharp. on t'he most liberal terms. A ca l l for in s. c. HtTNKINCl, Aucticneer. non·&;·= spec tion solicited. · Tmn1. SOLINA. Quite a p le a sa nt time was spent by the Zio n Church Ohoir at the residence of Mr. T. C. Langmaid on T hu rsday even ing 8th i nst. and In· spect their \Vall Papers-latest designs. greatest variety, and prices to suit everyone, Stock now ready. Do you want a new and pretty Window Shade or Blinds1 We. have something new in this branch. Call and see them be· fore you invest, or you'll be sorry. TA.IT &. co TO MORRISON'S Quite a numb e r from this neighbor· hood have been attending the Industrial at Toronto lat el y . The p opul at ion of t he village has been increasing. The trustees of Solina school have made the purchase of a new scho ol bell, not before it was needed either. TAIT 11111t. H.ev. ·w. H. Learoyd preached a c apital sermon at Eldad on S unday afternoon Visitors in the neighborhood tl1is week -Mre. Doidge and Mrs. Watta, of Wood· stock ; Mrs . Sep timus Hogarth, of Exe ter; Mr. J. Hunt, Artist of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Short, o f F ol ey. JACK. Still leads in. Photographs and our Studio is often crowded, Come early in the day when you can. Just now you may want some extra Engravings or Chromos to ado1·n your rooms. We have a 11:reat variety, g.oon and cheap, too, Ir you want a baby carriage we can suit you; we have some nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too. and Boy's Wagons, Carta and Wheelbarrows. Lawn iu of tinware, grocerie, and dry goods 'l'erms, cash. S. 0. Sale at 7 o' d o ck , The Salvation Army have purchased H UN KING , Auctioneer. tho old store from Mr. Goodmar, of Amey 27th. - Mr. SF.Pr. Oshawa, and removed it to Tyrone to TUESDAY, offers for sale at Lot 3!, con. 5, Dar be e rec t ed as a biirracks. ling ton , a l ot of farm stock, implemimts, Mr. and Mre. Wm. Nich ol, of Aln Sale at one o'cl ock. S C. HU]);'· etc. w ick, have been visitiDg at Mr. William KING, Auc t io n eer. Hooey's , FRIDAY, SEPT.30th.-Sale of the per«inal Mr. Wm. Hooey anrl Mr. Ni ch ol have prope rty of t he fate Wm.Oooiee.Jot lB, been vis it i ng friend& in Ti ny t·>wnship. con 2, Kingston Road, one mil e weet Mr. J. McLaughl in , jr., h a s purchased of Bow ma nv ill e, c o n sistin g of well hood from Mrs. Gleeson, of Lindsay, the f a rm horses, cattle, farm implements, &c. adj oin ing his own, at present c c uo ie d by For particulars Sf\e Sn. le 11t l o 'cl o ck Mr. W. J. Haycraft, f or about $65 per bills. S. C. HUNKING. Auctioneer. It is to be hoped there will be acre. SA'.L'UR!lAY, OCT. 1.-Mr. Geo. "Wa.shing better pasture 011 the r anche when he ton, lot 31, con. 5, Darlin:.(ton, will sell gate posseBSion. his Dwelling Houqe, Land, Stock, Im Mr. J. Rundle wil l probably lvse a Sale at 1 p. pl e men ts, furniture, etc. finu,er from the E ffect s of a bad felon. Hu.t\'.KING, Auc S. See bills, m. tioneer. ORONO. A.E. He nry will MoNDAY, OcT., Ri;v. A. Fraser, wh o has b e en very sel l on l ot 35, con., 4, Dl\rlingti, sick for seve ral weeks, is sl owl y recover Taunt on, the w ho le of his farm stock, ing. implements, etc., withont, reserve. ' See posters Sale at 1 p. m., sharp. Mr. McPherso n , of Orillia, hl)s be en lluNIUNG, for full particulars. S. in this vicinity during the past week Auctioneer. b uying a ppl es. great fair last week. 8ATURDAY, SEPT. 24.-Thoro will be sold by auction at Fowke's Store, King-!lt.., Oahawa,a lot of b l\nk r n p t goods, consist Several from here attended Canada's HAYDUN. . . . C. 8.-Mr. C. C. Methodist church TYRONE. Mr. Jas. Bra ndon has rente<l Mr. ,John Bell 's residence on King-st. ad j oinin g the post office. &· Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balla. Games for families and social parties; Our Mirrors are clear and true; our picture frames are of the lalest and most attractive designs. Curtain poles&. rings. Plush goods-ni<le 11ud choap, Another new branch just in. troduced at 'l'ait & from Miss N. Bingh a m has retu rn el visiting friends at Burnt River. Among the visitora this week we notice Rev. John Kenner and wife, Chesl ey , Mr. J. Wiht, Mariposa, Mr. W. H. Cl eme ns, Michig a n, Miss Cluke, Solina, and Mr. L. Staples. MORRISON'S Conch, Johnston & Crydorman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. Is a Jewelry Department where you will find the very latest in Ladies' andGentlemen'sjewelry. Wo invite special attention to Base our new stock just in. Ball goods, School and Hymn Books, Stationery, '!'oye, and in· deed everytblug to be found in a Variety and Fancy Goods' During the a f ternoon of the 28th :.i base ball m atch between Solina and Hampton Also a f ootball match will be pl ayed. w ith the Shamrocks and a. visitin g team is expected. Rev. A. E. Sanderson will address the S. on the Quarterly Review next Sabbath afternoon in the c hu rc h at 2 o'clock. S. The Shamrocks defeated the Kirby St ara on Saturday by 3 goalM to none. STORE. --- preached in t he FRIDAY, Om'. 7.-Mr. John Sbacey, lot 23, con. 2, Darliagton, will sell his T, Dn n lop valuable farm stock, irupluwonts, etc. on Su nday evening spec ially for you ng Sale at 1 p m. See bills for particurs. men. HUNKING, Auctioneer. S. Mr. T. W. Underwood hes d ignified ll.-Me3sm. Farif'well his intention of runniug for the 1st Dep. TUESDAY, Ocr.r. Bros., of 'Voodland Df\iry Farm, lot·;5, Reev esh ip of th i s 'l'ownship for 1888 and c on .2, East Whitby,w1ll sell their v alu is already sol iciti ng s upp or . able stock of 50 head of thoro' ·bl'ed Mr. Harry Ga r wo od , who is abo ut to Hols t em and high [lmde cattle; also begi n l ife 8S a. mis sionary in .Africa, six valuable homes (pedigreeR furn h pr eached in the Methodist church on ed)' Sale at t2 Seo large po1itet·a. His dilcours0 had S:mday mo rning . o ' clock . S. C. HuNKurn, Autior;.eer. special reference to hfo ch osen work. THURSDAY, OcT. 13.-Mr. on a Mr. 'l'hos. Vinson has purcllflsed a new Jot lG, con. 3, Dal'lington, will sell h'is piano. valuable farm stock , 1mpi<ments, etc., Mr. Henry's new stores are a decided See bills for Sale at 1 o 'cl ock p. m. improvemen t on t he old o nes . Whsn p<brticulars. 8. C. HUN.KING, Auction fiu ished Mr. H. will ha ve as fine a ll l ock eer. as is in the village. FmDAY, OcT, 14 . -M r. S. C. Hunkin, A s ocial will be held in the Christian l ot 33, con. 3, Darlington. will sell fos p arsonage this Wed n e sday evening at v al u l)ble form, stock, impi!i!1.uents, hay, .. in which a eilk quilt will bo sold by a u ct i c FindingJ1is auatio.,ooriug patron e·c of the Methodist church 'l'l10 Lad ies' ' g" i:.a· , ao rapidly, he 11::.s decided wil l furnish <linuer on Lhe church grou n ds t'l 1:· ,, ., np farrnin1t, henco everything on Fair Day, Oct. 1st from 11 to 2 o'clock. wi·l "" «uld. Sa.le at 1 p. m. See bills. W. f:hzzr.llWOOIJ, AucLiou03er. A s e rmon will be by Rev. C. W. M cD \d, Aid 5th Sept., 1887. VVe h a·ve t o-d a y received nvoices of our THE Eclipso Houso is still ahead, Our new Spring sty les i.n CARD OF THANKs.-To th e M ana gel'1! of the Royal Insurance Co., of England. UENTLEMEN.-l tender my sincere thanks payment for th e prompt and lib eral thre>ugh your agen t , Mr. Ja e. Bingham, of Tyrone, of my clai m ag ainst your Co. , for loss of my bu il din gs by fire. Having received a chequ e for t he amount of my claims in full a few day after the fire. I have much pleasure in recommending this Compa ny to any one wantinu to in MICHAEL sure their property. Mr. I. Couch preached a very iu teres t ing sermon here S unday mor ning . · ENFIELD. CtYDElt· "J ubileeChristie o t u b e t s tr e rrow to-mo and w is all the rage-sold only at the Eclipse House. Our able to SU it anyone requiring in that department. and Underclothing going off very rapidly. MILLI NE RY :a:: '". '!. 8 .. MA.N. nfi el d, hav The Meth odist church at E ing been enlarged and be au ti fi ed , will be re-opened, on Sunday, Oct. 2 nd , when Rev. Henry S. Mat t he ws , Chairman of B ow m anvil le Drrtrict, wiJl preach at 2:30 and 3:30 p. m. C ol lect iom will be taken in aid of th e Trust li'unds· On M on d ay, the 3rd inst . , a grand Roiree will be h e ld, to comme nce at 2 o'clock, p.m. Tic ke t s, Addresses may be ex pected 25 c ents. from Rev. l\fossr5. Matthews,Carmichael, Good music will Manning and othera. Sunday by the church be given on choir and on M onday by t he M eth o dist c hoir of H ampt o n , Several people from here attended the Toronto F a ir. A rcnoN ::l,1.r ,Es.-S. G. H1mkln!!, c urt tice, (»,brio, Licensed Darliu gt un and Whitby, Bowmav1Ue and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All b usiness OrderJ may be attended lo promptly. left at the STATESMAN office, Bowrnamdlle, or Reformer office, Oshawa. A.:i.:tioeer for )!R. W. HEZZLllWOOD18 SAr;im, FRIDAY, SEP1'. 23rd.-The under s i1!J:ie d has been instructed to Pell by pubiie auct ion on lot 4, con. 3, Darl!ngn, the far m stock and i mp hm e nts of Fr ed W. Sale at 1 o'cluck, v.rn. W. Allin. HAZZELLWOOD, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, SEPl'. 24.-Mr. W. A. Pb,Wl, who is going to Callfornfa, wUl sell the w ho le of his s u perio r lot nf Fhmehold Tho fornittrno Furniture and e ffe cts. is near l y new and of tlrn best st.}'les. Sale at 1 p. m., on the Market Sq ual!e. W. HiizzLEWOOD, Auctioneer. CLIMAX. ENNISKILLEN. The Rev. E. Barrass held a very in· teresting service at Ennis k i l len on Sab bath even i ng in the M eth od i s t church. The Rev. gentleman had t he Sabbath School assembled and had an instructive conversat ion with them on the S.S. l esson , after which he gave them a sh ort pointed !The School conducted the sonu talk. "' er vice in a v ery creditable ml)nner. " cattle are so well known that he w ><s chosen to ac t as a judge of Durham cattl9 at the Toronto E xhi bition . Mr. Daniel Dy er 's abilities at judging Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs :Lv.[ISS EPPLETT articles in FINE ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Cut by the only cut ter in town. A certain h.dy in our vil lage found the -other morning under her pear tree a b1idl 0 belonging to a yollng entl em a n of C o uld he not find this 11eighborhood, some one to pair wit h him wit ho ut look ing there? Mr. J. P. McLaren is at home aain after s pe nding a s umme r on the ba11ke of the Ottawa. has taker1 any amount of care in the selection of the newest the market. Carsons Liver Tonic and Blood CURE::S DIZZINESS, CoNSTIPA'l'ION, W. H. IVES. PURIFIER JAUNDICR, lRYSIPlLAS. 81nN D11i:ABJJ:s, It cleanses all the clogged n.venuce or 1hc system, restoring health and vigor to all who use ft. SCRO"ULA, DROPSY and all In other Departments Among our visitors: Dr. Fish, of New tonbrooke; Messrs. G. H. Jardine and C. L. Bingham, Burnt River; Mi ss ee Bennet, Toronto. Mr. T. L. Staples our old teacher h as accepted a position as t eacher in the Chatham .Business College, the School in which he carried off the Gol d Medal last Mr. W. D. McLaren has ente re d a dent ist 's office in Hamilton to take up t he study of dentist ry. Niddery 11ave each J ost a valuable hur11e. Our milk-man hae purch ased another from Mr . John Pascoe to take the place of the gray that was eo well known as a hero of the North-west r ebe lli on. MR. R. HUTCHISON'S SALE.. There has been two deaths in this 11eighborhood la tel y. On Saturnay 10 th WE DNESDAY, OCT. 26.-Mr. Tohn Gil'l:!!.Qn, . inst., t he infant eon of Mr. an d :M:rs. R. l ot 30, con.8,Clarke,will sell the whole Reynolds, aged 2 years. The burial took of his valuable farm stock, implements, p lace at Oshawa on Sunday 11th inst. etc., wi t11 oui; reserve, having rented his And on S unday 18 c h ins t. , Al m a Cl app , se S ale at 1 p. m., ha.rp. farm. adopted d aught er of Mr. Jolm B1·ay, died ·cJSQN, pos ters for particulars. R.llu1 of consumption, Bged 13 years. Monday Auct1ouer. the corpse was followed by n number of R. Hutchison, Licemed A uc tione e r tor friends and relatives to Myrtle whe re the the Town8hips of Dt1rlingtnn, Whitby, interment was made . Sabi Clark e, M1mver 1rn<l 01.1rtwright. A new fence has been built in front of attended to pro mpt l y and a· re a,onal>le k the church and tne wor on the church i ratee. Where it is not oonvenLmt to ·1t1ee bein g ra p idly done so that everythiDg me, a rran geme nts can be made with the will be ready for the opening. E dit or of the SnTRSMAN.-R.HurwusoN' Mr. Michael Vickerv an d Mr. Edw&rd Enniskillen. SHAW & 'l'OLll'e BALES. WEDNESDAY, THE CAR SON New Goods Arriving Daily. be comOur assortment will plate, SQ that YOU Should See QUT new· goods this fall before you b uy. soon VV:H:ITBY- MEDICINE 36:4w CO. Mr. Daniel Dyer has sold his imported thorough- bred Durham bull to Mr. John Dryden, M. P . P. , for a handsome fi gur e. : Mr. Richar d S t n cey ' 11 flo ck. Another roeebud has been added to CURES Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Impure Blood, Dyspepsia, Kidney C omplaints, SkinDiseases Our Motto will be :---Quality away Up ·, Prices away down · GEO. IIODDF:R':-3 Never l LAI NG · · " on. MAPLE GROVE, LEVI A. TOLE, Auctioneer, 4th clase-I L"'wrie, J Crumb. Sr. 3rd-E Jr. 3rd-G Foley, R RJlS'.l'OHED.-Mrs. J. M. Ph al e n, of Power, :U: Kennedy. AucT101<1 i:l.11.LEs.-Levi A. T o l e, Lroen.I< Sydney Mines, N.8., had chroni c rheum· Harnden. 2nd Class-E Po"wer G Stevens, Rundle. Part 2r!d-B Steffens. '.l' Riclrnrds. sed Auctioneer for the tovmships of . . for t vo years, and go t no re1. ief un- Class B-;-M Worden, F Power, J Gay. Class Cl rke, . BLOOD. cunms HH:A.DACHE, . a u vers, Cartwnght,D1u·hDi;ttrm, a Stevens. Richards P..nd P s. til she t ried Burdock Blood .Bitte rs . A-C Rwhards, to attended sales an Wlutby. All n e d e JAMES, WE 27. danc atte .Averag q,nal) fl Two bottles cured her. "I was l ik e :reacher. pr?mptly and at. reasonable rntes. 'Vher e , cAnswELT,, . skeleton," ::mys, she "before usiug B.B. B. ' dyspcp· i;uJl'eredfrom have I past years or · ' "l M1. . . it 15 ro' convcnw n ·t ·10 see m ';· a r rangela and I was rec;mmcn<led to try pt·. Jiodder's now tum . k s tot hc discovry of such a l 4thC!as ..-Wuancock.ECorarsh.LR1rndle, ments " made · · cn 1:, at tlus Ofhcc, o r by Oompoun<l, I dm ao JLJ1d found 1t a perfect B Oay. Sr. 3rd.-TJ Llttlson, L Nichols, McK am e n t i rely restored I remedy, valuable cme." E. J, CURTIE, Toronto, Ont. Jr. 3rd-l!' J\fol"l'ow, w :i.ddresswg 1:5haw & Tole, Bowmanville. renfo11n<l, L Ciiwker. to he·1lth " Sold evel'ywhero. Price 75c. Salter, .& Gay, A Sall:er: Sr. 2od-S Balson , CURE COUGH AND Dn. ."B.-Our advertising rate for a uct ion Jr. 3nd-. :N L Skinner, II Ifoncock, .i\'f 'l'oofo)·. Fails. Gu,.ru.nteed. Price. 25c & 50c. AS H I l'JlllTASJIONJ::ll'tsDr. J;ow's PJc11sG 'l'ooley, E .Corniah, t.t Michael, M Yeale.1sales when we d o not prin t th e s ale ' . . TJIE 1JNION l'llEDlCJINJ> CO., . <M WalLcra , f Part2nd; Balson, A Hnncock, au1, worm Syrup, yet sure to dlstroy antl l s, . ts 2:,.. R b"ll .i cents a. lme, each mserhon. Proprietors. Toronto, Ont· ex11el worms. Tingle. J JI A.r.Lrn, Tellehor' The l!:nniskillen Dragoons as pub lished in the STATESMAN of 7th inst. will engage to play the Shamrocks und e r the con ditions stated in last week's STATESMAN, on Saturday Oct. 1st., at Ennis kil len. We think it would be advisabl e under the circumstances to cho ose a referee from some disinterested cl ub, and that choice be mad e by a c ommi ttee of the c !lp tains and um pi res of team before the game is pl ayed . term. SEPT., 21.-Mr. S'llmual Robi>ins will sell on lot. 16, con. ..:6 D1u l ingt on, his very vo.luablti fami csloc k including th or o-bred and high grade ca t le , draugh t hors'!s, :machinery, 'imp)e m ente, etc. Ha.vmg s o ld :O. i s farm, i w hole will be will be the sale of the ee&-11011. B egin. at 12 o'clock, sharp. }or our .le n l ars .see l arge postllrs. LEVI A. 'fo.1;ll, .Aue. sold without reGerve. Tfiis Rowland, L .AJ all, J Byan, J Lrcett, 1' Simp Sr. Tn:oRo-BRED STOOK SALE.-Mr. Robert son. Jr. 2nd- Baskerville, R Daniels. Sr, Part 2nd-L Brl)g;;(", E Dtiniela, I llyan. Col lacott , breeder, Tyrone, having de Part lst-H Rowland, B Daniels, A Barrie, p cided to give up farming, will offer the .rr. Part lst-E Argnll, A Lycett, L artin. Nobes, A Byan, E Nolca. LARA B ELSON, whole oE his t.hor·c>· ored Btuok for s ale MoNJJAv, SEPT. 26.-Mr. W. Wown lot 1 7 . con.1 , Darli11gton, offM'il for a lot of v al u ab l e stock. etc. S al e .. to No, 2, for Augu·t-Jr. Hh--L. Heport of 8. begin at 12 o'clock. lAvr A. ".[QLll' Simpson, .A Rowland, '\V Daniels. .A.dams, Jr, 3rd-.A. Coulson, .A. .A.rsall. Sr. 2nd-It A uc ti o neer . School Reports for August. M S. NEWCASTLE. n.J '! M Teacher. in O ctober. Date of sale later !}scLI!s t CONSTIffli? 1t;NfJ,J?o : (N C LUNG ' · · I · j J ·

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