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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1887, p. 2

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· ,,.. = .. ·- M BERLIN, Sept, 8.--The prospect of a settlement of the Bulgarian imbrogilo is more hazy than ever. Nothing definite is known a s to Prinoe Bismarck's policy. It is cer· HOUSEHOLD. hiin that official circles retain the belief that, whatever is happening the AustroHomes. German alliance remains intact. It is beare ottering Coal as follows : Jieverl that there is better feeling between There are m any so-calfod homes, and there th are Russia and G ermany as a result of Bis· ousand-n of real homey home. And I think that all my readers will agree with, m a.rck's desiring to cooperate with the Czar me that there xists a vast diITerence bein his present policy of securing respe ct for . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . tween the two. The so-called home may the treaty of Berlin. This has been Bis abound in richness. It may possess velvet marck's persistent aim, but not Russia's. carpets, tho costliest of furniture and tThe change in the relations between the two tings, and yet e xcept in name be n othmg Governmen ts is due to the efforts of M. de . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. like the pure genuine article .. Who was it Giera, who, freed from the oppi·ession of t is." hear the where is P "Home art said that once an Slavist p y since M. Katkoff's death , try ill gangs, askmg for alms. They a. re seeks Germany's co,opera.tion within the How tr ue the quotation is, for all ,the expenTwenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run .LIFE IN VIENNA.· te victim of opthlmia and sma ll - pox , /limits of the Berlin treaty. If this friendly sivc and elaborate furnishing in the world . . diseases whwh, lll Ch nm, are unchecked by at titude continues the mutual national make up the true home, unless it is over one month. ese wretched sion may abate. made bright, pleasimt and cheerful by its A JcrkyDescrlptlou or Sceoes In tlic Inter· any scien.tific krowledge. 'lh beggars, m their filth and ignorance and inmates. Who bas oot at some time returnMeantime the German press Bhows no (Japital estlng Ans trrnn . : misery, reached the very lo west con- special con fidence in Ruia. The Bourse ed from a call or visit with the thought 'Vo?1en here carry hods and .mix mortar. dition of hnmaiity. "how can pcoplo living together in the one ha.s taken advantage of the changed situa-1 . . W_ear Th bcuse be so disagreeable to ··one another." Peculi ar class. From the provmces. . poor missionary conceived the idea tion to give a steady rise to Russia.n securi' In many homes the in mates mean to try to loug boots to the . knee. Short skirts of lftrng them at leas up to th level of ties f rom the low level to which they were be as unpleasing as possible. We ma.y w on- to the boots. Practical. _dress. But not their fellows, by reducmg the Chmese Ian- forced t wo m onths !l.!l'O, thongh the rise is . Always on han ct n, 1 owe st prices. costumes guag to the bhnd Seven d1ffrent symols and then by nothiug more than what the speculatos reder at the cause, and yet if we look the mat- ornamei:-tal. . . on the streets. Laborers at tea.chmg them to rea.d it. \Vben we reier squ,.rely in the in nine cases out of seen daily gard as the normal values of the securities. ten, we will soon find that the fault com- noon lie down and sleep on the pavement. member that this language consists of five I German bankers wi ll not take part in the menced with the heads of the house, the Dit to in the parks on the grass. Both sexes thousand intri011te characters, all of'whicb proposed Russian Jonn. . When a young couple begins life seen ring side by sid. No" eep off the must be co mmit ed to _memory before a. The best proof of the full restoration of parents. . . . for themselves in their new home, it remains grass at every turmng. J!ohsh Jew fre- Clunaman with sight can read, we can un- the J<' mperor's health was his appearance a t chiefly w ·th them what kind. of a house it q ent. In black gowns rea.chmg to the heels, d_erstand how stupendo us a task lay befoi·e Potsdam at the mauumvres of the cavalry , may be. The husband may be a good man 1gh hats,and l ng corkscre:w curls. Look. him. division of the guards. The Emperor . . in every sense of the word. He i:na.y pro- like Othello. Big dogs drawmg hand carts. H_e was obsmatey bent on accomphsl. 1- watched the evolutions from an open car · vide well for his family. His home may be Street cars won stop for yu. Only at qer- m_g it, ad during eght years gave aH is l'iage, wearing a helmet instead of an un -have arrived at thea. m !l.rvel of costly fittings, and ye t if when tam places. In 1cated by a.sign post on tr':'ck. leisure time to puzzlug out a sy stem winch) cl s re s cap, the nse of which is a certain sign he cornea home at night he neglects to smile, ?'he tub the umversal vessel to carry thmgs j should enable the blmd to rea?. He sue- j that he is aili11g. He remained at l'otsd:tm kiss his wife a.a warmly as in their" court- m. Oval shape. One stave longer than the; ceeded at last. The number of characters' two hours and when he returned to B abies· mg days," if he buries his nose in the news-. rest. So it . can be bound on the car:rier's is _so red ced in the embosse tye that any berg he ws cheered by the crowd. paper for the entire evening, vouchsafing back. qarnes all the :-vaer u:p the six or bhnd Chmaman of avrage mtelhgence can . Prince Bismarck's life at Kissinp;en is de .scarcely a word to the other members of the seven paus of sto_ne stairs m Vienna houses. learn 1:0 read flently m two _months. scribed in the Magdeburger Zeitung. The family, he is not doing his duty as the head Clea.n clothes ditto for wab. Separate Drmg the mne have pass· P rince occupies a number of rooms in the Pa.sat, ed smce he perfected his ..of a. home. A amile and· a few pleaaant shop for brand¥, beer, and me. system, he ha.a chloss, which are furnished sumptuously . words cost nothing, yet they may go on a spree c8:r ns green twig tuck m hs1 taught 1t to a lage number of poor and contain valuable paintmgs, rare old . u enn te to the h:i-t-ba.nd hc very fa.r towards the ma.king up of a to mdwa. Vi creatures, mculatn!{ at the s?'me tune the carvings, and costly tapestry. The Prince a, ):> . really.truly home. If the wife is so tak- his present mental and moral coi:-dit1 0 . j truths of the Christian ehg1on, and has· rarely rises before 10 o'clock, but he works vers he eels w . g H cks ow m hu on n ! , . e.ducated several young bhnd men to be cffi- nightly until '2-!. en up with her dresses, and er concerts, a: He maintains his regular . Dn Evcrythmg s m umform here. cient colporteurs. or with her pet uniform. her costly suppers course of diet and habits and pays close atTen cents carries you fro?1i As his pupils had no other means of live- t cntion to the preservatin of his health. clt.arities that she hs little time for a F ares low. quiet tete·a-tete meal with her husband, Dombach to . Leo.polst'.l'dt. S1burban vii-. lihood than begging, he supported thei;i Advi ce from . T il sit says that the emigra. or a quie_t evening spent solely wih him, !ages five or six miles distant. peror andi while he was fitting thei;n for wor by 111s iion of lus?ian Jews to America as been _ seen on d the i vmg Empress are frequently ·then she 1s not domg er duty, either as , own S?any sal. r. ary. He is endeavormg now resumed w ith vigor. h Large trams pass a. wife or the head of a home. The house to street, No fuss; all ha.ts go off as they go i to tram mtelhgent men, who can see, to . Tilsit weekly on t heir way to Br bnren and tries itto, where; se ve ers old S e 1 foun a blid s<:hool in eR?h of the eihteen I Hamburg. be sure may be elegantly furnished, and I Y· , kept in most perfect order. The dinners 1 m a chrome condit10n of salutrng officers. prov1.nces of Ch1_na, ?ut is greatly crippled . othschild has been Baron Nathaniel R Everybody eats at th" by his poverty m this endeavor. may be most elaborate affairs, and served by Fleas abundant. I ordered to leave Vienna for mkaing insult the most skilful of waiters. Yet it is not restaurant. Vienna is all restauran t on the Such a story of the devotion of a life to ing remark s about the Archduke Charles 1 ground floor. Little home co?kiug is done. the help of those most wretched of God's' Louis, brother of the Emp eror. a home, it is simply . a dwelling-place. A home is a place like none oter place !Melange and roll the umversal break-i ceatures comes t? us even from the other The Bavarian Minister of Worship will Mela nge is half cof!ee and half hot side of the world like the sound of ii: bugle op en a school for the teaching of the Vol on earth. ·where husband and wife never 1 fa t. grew too old for a merry jest together, or m;lk, ahya y s brought you . a tall imbler 1 call to one who _sleeps. To what blmd bo- 1 aquk at the Luitpold Gymnasium in L1vmg here is very! ter have we given help? Towhat soul, . sit· Munich, to exchange a fond kiss at parting or return· I with, 11. big table s:poon. . .in_g where each h11.s the other'ii confidence public. If you hire a room the ohauces are tmg;m d11.rkuess, have we showe<l the hght ? I bedroom u t u somebdy's through ass s m ;yo in everything and are not afraid to bestow N othin' to Say. ,.. -·- praise or sympathy where they are needed, ito get to ,1t or have soe <_>ne pass throub ll\' HMMs wmTcOllll R1L1w. Female help, mddJerent or obhv· and with words of loving help and advice yours. SCIENTIFIC AND USEFUL. help each other along. The heads of such ious to gentlemen lodgers, come right in 11.t Nothin' to eay, my daugh te r I Nothin' at all to eay Gi r ls that's in Jove l've uotked, ginernlly hav e t hair . . . homes can not fail to make everything all hours, and without knocking;, when on - of syrup or glucose . Artificial honey consists way 1 , "'h b h l t d h f 1 a. ?Ut t m_ P _eas11.n . an c eer u .L ci r ·duty. . and sometimes a little Yea, mother did, afore :vou, when her fol1< a obiect e d feet high slightly flavoured imen ts n'ne . 1 l e mot children 1mitatmg their parents can not f a.1 l 1· Stoves a:re l'k to me' · p pur e h ony is.add ed: In Ca.rf . t Y it erc ram, and i ornia one !l.l here you air! a11dyer mot herh to do their own pa.rt towards making home covered with porcelam. The furnace holds f 0 honey IS mi:i:ed WI th ucose. For e where is she 7 . one 0f g 1 the very dearest spot on earth. While it is about two quarts of coal. The rest is monuare of waxes _ Ha.ndsom.e men, good shapes, . fu,ll the comb var10us mixtnres Unreasonable to expect the Chi'ldren of sour- 11 ment. You l ok lots like you r mother Purty much same use d 1ensure to sit m \ , ed or indifferent parents to be anything but 1 chests, fine bass voices. A p_ m size. ium And about the same complected; and favor about sour and disagreeabl th t m selyc s, it is railway &tations an hear the officials in; _It has been demonstrated that J?lat. the eyesl 'k Handsome women wire may be drawn so fine as to be mvrnible call the trams. equally unreasonable to expect to find charge . t 1· . h because, she cou Idn 't · ts presence Lt e her too, abou ivm er Every body out on the street and t·O ti1e nak ed eye, aIth ough 1 una.greeable children in a home where d itto. st ay & there is nothing but sunshine pleas- I shopping by 8 or 9 in the morning. Nap upon a ca.rd can be detected by the touch ; aid of a magnifying- It'll mos,t seem like you wns dead like her !-but I Garden full of families dining in it can be seen by the . ant words kind Jovinu helpful herts' anu ' at noon. · · · h m n ' t g'ot nothln' to Eay ! ' ' " P M 1 . 9 ' g_1ass wh on the _card is h eld m sueh a p osi'rh C.Y go 1't t'll · hands. ' The home may be open: air a t <> helpful willmg, She left you her little bible-writ your name ncrost Eating, tJOn that the wire casts a shadow. simply furnished. It ma.y even be but poor Music, flowers, statuary all abou. the;;( ""' in its exterior and interior yet if it be clean 1 not done at a gulp. More happmess to the i If the end. of a fresh egg be a pplied to the And left lw1· ear hobs fer you, ef ever y ou come ol . spaper ' o small. Outside I ago, 'f there be °' b ri-ht fire upon the square ya.rd. Ne w eg" a stale that of a.nd neat 1 tongue it feels cold . ' . . . o , I've a.llua kep' 'em and g-uarcled 'em, but 1f yar gorn' . . , hearth, chairs placed hospitably and mvit- world soon dwposed ?f 111: ab out twenty 1 mes, feels warm. This is due to the white of the nwayingly around the room, a br i ght welcom- Lots . of small conuc illustrated pa.pers. fresh egg being in contact with the shell, I Nothin' to si;y, my daugh te r I Nothin' a.t nil to say ! ing smile upon the face of its mma.tes, it is "Tnnk·: o.n every corner. Round abstracting the heat from the tongue I \' ··k n· r c 0 7 d ' " ' . THE BEST TN THE WORLD. t ou re l' 11 No 'you w s n t a 1 er, jd 11 h a thousand times more of a home to the one agoda.s. Gu·! mside. No room for more.· more rapidly than does the air-bubble in the I ;;r s u returning to it than is the mansion where Sells lemonade, ora. ge ade, oda water, and stale one. Fresh eggs are most t ransparent And -now yer-how old air you 1 Why child, not When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, "tw .. nty !". When?. . the windows ae darkened to keep out the other light foggy fl uid. People here always in the centre stale ones at the end. And yo :ur nex birthday's m April? and y o u w a n t t o hing, un.. 'V ' e rnmates no t'me 1 Ilete or swallowing somet . th . git tha.t do,y? . . j' A substance resembling celluloid may be mclmation for pleasant, loving, welcommg.I Elevator at hotel. Bi fuss over 1t. Two l wfaht yer mot her was li v in' I-out-I hain't l e frokn; potatoes . bY peeI' m th em, ad got nothin' to s ay I words, or tender, kindly words of greeting, 'men in uniform to run it. Pace, mile an mfat< ' h l· er soa mg em m wa r, 1mpregna. mg te t t where each member }' · h' er- hour. Be.ds all smgle. ., ives wit m lum ?r h 1£veryb0dY seems . . e T the hou se itself or the furmshmgs to sleep smgle here. One more bed on top with eight parts of sulphuric acid,- then ' Twenty y ars I and ae good a girl as parent ever self. No, Try it once, you will use no other. found I d ym · g and Pressiu g between sheets of blot I . . . It is the of bed quilt therein do not make the home Very light, full of fmithers, / There's a st ra w ketched onter yer d ress there-I'll f, ig-paper. In Franee pif'.eS a:re ma.d e 0 I b ru sh it o fft u r n round. people who dwell in the house that make in a g ,reen silk bag. I JJlcl:iOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto . this substance scarcely d1stmgmshable from (Hor mother w"a just twenty when us two run . ,ed th· + h-a Home· mg on ear. the most saCi Barr:i-cks every'll'.here. Six stones. Flll meerschaum. By subjecting the mass toi .<>,way!) t 1 at Nothin' a to aughter my oth y y! s rilli>Jl · ywhere. d , eve ea o to m diers soldiers. N f p D S l ? great ressure a. substance can be made of it, mg verywhere. Drummm everywh <:rc. rivalling ivory in hardness. Practical Recipes. Tootmg everywlere. Sold 1rs marchmg 1 Death of Summer. Before the B erlin Physical Society ProToMA'ro CATSUE>.-One gallon tomatoes past . hotel at 5 m the mormng, Always fessor Vogel recently produced three flm UY J. R. WJLKINSO. 'ds Same a 11 gettmg readY t0 kill someb 0d· Where is now the gladsome summer? (strained), six tablespoonfuls salt, three . of over Europe. Never out of sight of a bay in three flat phials-one yellow and two GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, Singing birds >1 hc·e wild !Olls thrill, ' l 'd l black pepper, one of cI oves, two of cmnaN ations here are awfully afraid of blue f mt' s-which he mac e use . of m d,eonet. Dark-green foJiag'd wild wc:;i_od, ' ·mon, two of allspice, one and one-half pints _ ·--- M.ANUFACTUREH OF-monst ra 10ns regardmg co 1our mixture, m . l! }'ragrant g l ade and r1pphn1? ril each other. 1gular pumps. Very ta11 s· ' vinegar. ]foil down one-half. One peck of · order to dispel the belief which prevailed And the v oi ce a.s soft RS <> ngel s to the Long, crooked, iron handle . t 01 the low caressing wind, toma oes will make one gallon strained. 1c that ye 11 ow very 1arge1y among th e publ ' ground T° b cco 8hops a11 run bY th e .go v AB it kisses enrth's warm benuties, . and blue, when mixed, yielded only green. TOMATO Soy.-One· peck tomatoes, 0110 ernment. _ also . Woo in g genUy, and so kind? .>.eep stamps Invana ble l ' KING S'l.'REET, BOWMANVIJ,J, · l' " Plta ow ; large pepper, cut fine ; one large onion, cut sign over door '. K. K. " {King and Kaiser). Plua1 one con . " . acid ye11 Where the whisper, od the m urmur two, amm_o!11acal solution of copper ; phial Has now on band a number of vehiole (an d is ma.nufecturll1g a gre&t many more) of tbll n e ablespoo nful each of ground The Emperor does all the toba,cco buinesr. in slices; one t Of the sunht, dancing sen.'! patterns and best finish, which I am offering ror sale a.t the loweAt prices oonsiaten· lue. One and two super l allspice, black pepper and celery seed , one- Not much tobacco in their cigars. Washed. hree, amlme The mysterious, <leep-t, ned m uoic with due regard to workmanship and qui;lity. 'l.'he followh1g fa a list ot Of the wo.vea s o grand and frc.e? posed n ea.c other _uave green ; one an< quarter cup salt, one-half pine vinegar. out. Pr ices of groceries and dry goods al way s the prinoiva.I vehicles manura.ctured by me h e, fl Looking where the isles see m sleeping, a ery re d Boil one hour slowly altogether, coo l and marked on article in shop window. Helps Gem m' d upon tl1e slumb'ring 1lood; . Duul>Ie Covered Carriages ... .. .... ....... ............... .. . .. ... ...... ......$150 Upwa.rd,. bottle for use. recent On, n.nd on, through sunlit vistns, Ih_e practic,e o plastermg . over 'one to learn the lan gtmge. Ca.n read and " Single Phretona . .... .. ......... ......... .... . ..... . ......... . ... ...... . .. .... .. 100 Fancv free, our oouls have trot! , cuts is n w;h1ch m numerous mstances l ias 'l.'<iMATO CATSUP. -One peck ripe toma-, translate as you walk. . ·1 I proved m u iou s. Apart from any quest 70 Open Buggy . . ......... .. .. . ........... . . .... ... ············· . . ..... on 3 _r . toes ; cut up,boil tender and sieve tlirough l And the hazy cloudlcts ftoa.ting . Cultivated shade trees lay over a.nything 11· Top Buggy......................................................................... 90 · x ro s f 11! g rown m s m of blood-1>01Bomng mdeed, the mere tens10n All 'the fa.ughing sunlight through wire sieve add one large tablespoonful all I Amer1 a i s ' " w , M i rr or'd on the intense splcndout of retained discharges is an inevitable I Den1ocrat w·agon .. .. . ....... ...... . .......... ..... . .... .. .. ...... .. . . . .. .. .. ." 65 Mpice, one iarge tablespoonful cinnamon, on s · .reets, w1th wa l ks und ern neat h . Fountainse , · Of the skies' infinite blue 1 · hief w·here ths custom s source of misc ·ablespoonful cayenne pepper, one-quarter benches everywhere Lumber Wagons ....-.......................................... ................... 55 ,,.,.;..., 11 Business ·streets all . Leading up tbe vaulted highway ° pound salt, one-quarter pound mustard, one shaded not like Brodway or Fifth avenue.! adhere to. The simple rule m snrgery is Of tbe planets' centreing spheres ; Light Wagon....................................................................... 40 to proyid for the free escape .of pus where "Till our so11ls lo st in wonder> pint vinegar. Boil gently three hours; Lot- Bath Jiuses five stories high. Express Wago1l.... .............................................................. 75 Everybody· 'Mid lCBtatic thoughts and fears I s to fo . s due to likely such Accident rm l ile and seal while warm u Skeleton......................................................... .................. 50 1iere reallY washes bY. the b th an d not bY neglect of this rule are chiefly liable to occur Where the dre"ms we wooe d at twilight 1 o ent to one. " Sulky ...... ... .. ..... .. .... ............. ........ .. ...... .. ........... ...... .. ... . ... 40 CocOANU'.l' Pr n. -For A. M. One pint. to bedro . m washbasm. w en a wound has been treated either ·oy n Faires t time of all to me ; Turned Took m:y: money. milk, four eggs, one cup sugar,one teaspoon- Girl ca.shier. Possessing s up er ior re.cilitiea tor man nfaoturlng ce.rrJages, I intend to sell very cheap for o , When the silver moon b eam s softly, j the injured person himself or by a practising iul extract lemon, Qne and a half cupfuls me over :o another . girl: 1 Black eyedd. chemist. In such cases plaster is the first And the stars gem earth and sea. or approved oredi t, Bnd by so doing I hope to greatly my num be r ot sales, Woul(I Turne O l the whis p' rin g murm'ring music l sell the wood parts only, or the gell.1"1ngs ot bu ggie s ironed. grated cocoanut, line well, greased pie plate Good look mg. Went In wBit l me. . resource and is apt to be used rather freely 0 I the songs of immmer's night ; f t wa1 . . us col e o d h h d water and ot on ot one quarter inch thick take ball of paste, than wise Y· ' 1 Umeen ha rps iu tones of nipture, Wondered if she'd :flour it well and proced with palm of left for the tub to fill up. Thrilling me with st ra nge delight I ------hand pressed against edge to push the paste leave.. Strange_ country. ovel _customs. Ah ! to die at close of e1·en, At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. I< . xmme doo_r. Girl Tub leaves. up; fills into a thick high rim on edge from centre A Parrot Gets its Liberty. With the heart so strangely glad; So,r . . .&t the Factory I also do Planing. Matching, Turning anci Sa.wing with Olrole,Band of plate, fi ll while in oven, bake in moder- No lock. Took off collar. Girl bursts m Blistiful as a. dream oI Heaven, _A Persian, who kept a pa.rrt, taught it And then Brought more towels, , again. saws and prepare all ki nd s of lumber tor oarponters nd others for building purposes. Deat h could not be drear 01· sad I ate oven twenty minutes. d e l y t ma . d e r ui to every q e e In r order. ronc<le tor Pickets Ornaments.l and Plain Wondered what t?ey were for. i his own lanuage. The par1 ?t, m answer o Faire st joys the soon eat l'M1 is h , The above is a good recipe for plain cust- aprons. ; Summer died but yeste d ay ; Found out. Inquir ed of the gtrl. \Vha.t do, every quest10n, would Slloy, What doub is at:d pie by leaving out the cocoa.nut. Chill and blight of Au t u mn banish To put on-one behind, the' there of that?" One day the man earned you suppose ? All her lov e lineso awa y. WALNUT CATUP. -T ake green. walnuts HEALTH FOR .ALL! other before, and sit still in while, <1ofter us- I the parrot to market for sale, a.nd fixed the before the shell s formed (usualy m a prop-. ing the hot water, the girl back to price at one hundred rupees. A Mogul « state ear!y 10 August), g nnd them or Opening Ancient Graves. No handling of water by asked the parrot, "Are you worth a hundturn on the cold. pound them m 11.n arthen or mn,rble moTtar, Panama, Sept. 5.-Las Noticias, of BogoGirl must do, red rupees?" It answered. "What doubt customer in Viennese bath, squeeze out the JU lce throuh .a coarse cloth it a.II. No such place as Vienna known in' is there of that?" The Mogul was delighted, ta, says that the gold which is now being and add to . every gallon of JUiee, one pound Austria. Austrian name. \Vien. From I bught the p a.rr?t, and c.a.rried it home. dug out of the ancient cemeeris at Hilandia of anchovi s , oe pound salt, four ounce the bit of river running through it. Danube\ Whatever be .said he received ,,for answer, 1 and other places near Pereira m Cauca, has cayenne peppei, tw ounces black pepei, en i led more than 1,000 workmen to flock to He th. TEIE PILLS River in reach of city. Timber rafts always! "vVh at doubt is there _of that_? . of gmger, and nace, <>ne ounce ea,h pa.ssing. Miles and miles of cultivated pine began to repent of his barga_m,.and,, sllld, that spot, and a town has sprmg up there Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the a.nd the roo of one horseradish. Boil all fool I was t The buy this ird hat b a o ! forests in Austria. Pass through them by "W within the past fo1.1r years, which now con· t?gether until reduced to one-half the 9uan. rail. No underbrush. Trees tall and parrot said, "What doubt is there of th at?" fains more than 50,000 inh abitants. These . .ND BOWEl'.. S. LIVER, STOlUA.(:D., Ii:IUNEYS il tity: Pour off and when cold bottle tight; gave the s bird i Mogul The smiled, and t stra.i11ht, by tens of thousands. people are almost all Antioq1tians, and the use m three months. liberty. majority of them have obtained sufficient gold They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, ai:id CocoANU'r CAKE.-'J'hree-quartera cup to render themsel ves 1,md their families indeFo1 ue invaluable in all Oomplatnts lucldental to Fema.le11 of a.11 Ag e s. btter, two cups sugar, one and one-alf i Could Do Something For B.e:r. pendent of work for the remainiler of. thehOhildran e.nd the agtid they are pricele11a. Who Was the Biggest Pool. pmt"!. flour, five eggs, one tea.spoonful ba.kmg l lives. 'lhe newspaper advises te people to "'l.'ongue cannot tell how much I love you, Rub the butter and sugar to a poaer.. 'I'H.E OINTMENr-r ' A couple of New York gentlemen were turi;i their a:tten t1011 to thoe reg10s, as the Miss Clara," he said. "I would do anyw1te light _crea!11· dd the eggs, two at talking about bank cashiers and Canada. ancient bun places and deposi ts of the thing in the world for you." Is a.n infallible remedy for Bad l1eg s, Bad Breasts, Old W 01inds, Sorel bea_trng five mmute.s between each a t1 "' .o e not ly. h Y:et been Oue of them remarked that h e hacl confi- w.ea.lthy Cacique .Craca; a.Y V uld you?" she asked, weari ' ,, a.ddit10n; sift the flour with the powder I "T and Ulcers. It ia f amou8 for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of the dence in his ' clerk r,ml bad sent him to discovered, and 1t is believed that lus tree.e which add to the butter, etc., and the milk, -Chest it has no equal.sures were more aluable than any which " Wlr go and ap,.nd the eveni,ig with Canada with $50, .000 to buy lumber. . spread between th? layern . g:a.ted cocoanut You say you have sent your cler k with, have yet been unearthed. Lily Brown." 1<'01· Sore 'l'llroats, B1·oncltitil!!l , Coughs, Colds, ad pastry, cream m proportion of ?' cupful " Lily Brown ? What for !" he asked, $50,000 to Canad11 to buy lumber, and you I , of the former to two of the l!l'ter. Sift sug:i-r t expect him to come back'! ' as onished. " I will tell you, Suaan, that I will com GJq,ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no and for or cocoanut over the top, mix m rather thm 1 " " I do " I ha te her mit suicide if you won't have me." " Well contracted a.nd stiff jointf1 it acte like a charm. batter 11.i;id bake in jelly cak tins, well " Weli, you deserve the redribbon as the '.l'homa,s, as soon as you given me tha.t greased,m a hot oven fifteen mmutes , . . biggest fool alive." proof of your affection I will believe that A tender-hearted and compass10na.te dill" But u Ml\nufactured only e.t THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Eatablish ment, p-pose my cle_rk doe comi; back all yon "love me." IlLACKBERRY SPONGE.-Cover half a box position which inclines men to pity and feel j . of gelatine with half a cup of cold wate:, 'the misfortunes of others, and which is even I nht, 11 not be the biggest fool alive then, 78, NEW OXFORD S'l'REET, (Tate 533, OXF'ORD STREET), LONIWN fo French country houses the fashion· ll I? . and soak for half an hour; then pour over It 1 foi· its own sake incapable of involvi:r..g any w i" able sport is frog spearing. The weapon And are sold at ls. l!d., 2a. 9d., 4s. 6d., 1111., 22s., and 33a. each Box or Pot, . anr.'I No ; m th:it case he will be ." one pint of boiling water: Put half a Pi:nt· (man in ruin and misery, is of all tempers used resembles a cross bow, and the barbed may ba had from all Modidne Vendors throughout the World. cup of sugar o half a pmt o! blackber ne, of mind the most amiable, and, though it arrows attached to the bows by a silken a.n _beat un1l thoroughly_ liquefied. . Stirlnever receives much honour,is worthy<Jf the Wl'archasers hould look at the Label on the Pots and Boxe1. If the r 4dre - string, so as to h au l the frog in when he ii:! Economy is of itllelf a great revenue. this m the dissolved gelatme, turn mto a. highest. II · 1133, Oxford Street, Londu:a, tlley are apvl····I pierced. 1 Cicero. WE\GN.ESDA.Y, S EPT. 21, 1887, « tatt£'Ul.tlU. A Noble Mission. basin, and pl'llOO on 11now or cracked i?e until cold and thick. Next beat to a stiff In every age of theworldmen had been sud. froth stir in the well-beaten whites of four denly called from the business ,;f earning eggs,' and turn into a fancy . pudding mold their lirnlihood to higher work fn the sert() 11arden. Serve with vanilla sauce, made vice of God or their fellows. with the yelks of the four eggs. Miss Gordon-Cumming, the ·veil-known APPLE0MELETS.-Stew some finely fia.vor- traveller in the more remote p>'rts of the ed ta.rt apples, and beat until smoo th as world, gives u8 a remarkable instance of cram. Heat the whites of three eggs until this in the story oi a workman in a saw-mill very stiff, and then gently stir in three in Scothmd, who, by the loss of a.n arm was tablespoonfuls of granulated. <>r powdered compelled he gave up his trade, !Lnd become sugar, one of fl.our (self-raising, if you "".ish), a colporteur in Glasgow. 'While thus emand five of the beaten apples. Bake m an ployed, he was so much interested in the oven, or cook in a. frying-pan and rolled, or blind men who bought books in embossed 'l.'he type from him, th at he set himself iu tlle again on the griddle like pancakes. a.ddition of a little brandy, wine or chocolate evening to learn all the different systems of makes u n ew and delicious omelet. Instead reading and writing for the blind. In course of time, he was sent a s for of apples, berries or any other fruit e.y be used. Peaches, prunelles, or the Scottish Bible Society to North China. H? was appalled by the large number of especially delightful. l;>hn beggarn wh travel through the coun· · -·- _ GOSSIP FROM GERMANY. A Better FeeJlng Uetweeu Germany and Rusla-l!mpcror Wllliltm's Health. McDOUGALL & METCALF, Stove and Chestnut, Grate and Egg, $6.25 6.00 · I ·1 ,I I LUM BER SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD McDOUGALL & METCALF NEW SPRING GOODS w-st End House. ·1 . I and see our 'lovely Ladies, call Dress Goods. call and see our handsome Gents, Tweeds and Suitings. Full lines of Gene ral Dry Goods now open for inspection. Our Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Provisions, Crocker y, G l asswa r e, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. · I . · · · · 1 1 · · · · · · · 1 1 1 1/. . , , : Farmers, Th reshers and Mi II m en, Use M.cOoll Bros. Co.'s Celebrated. J?QJllOO McMrWltlf J · · 1 · · · ::LARDJ:N j(ijm MACHINE OIL. · · · · · · FAllLY 8AFE1Y & SUNLIGH,r Coal Oil. ' I S HA N E CARRIAGE "WORKS · · . · · l · OARR IACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O ., · · . · · · · · · I . . . ... · . ··.··.. . . · W ° . All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired · r I 1 r I I I j l rivai:; ·

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