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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1887, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN SYERY FRIDA..Y MORNING, 18 PUBLlBHED -BY- M . A. JAMES , lro& Ofllce Block, King Street, ll@wmlln· vllle, Ontnr10. nt.59 !Jilil;rment strictly In advance requtred rrom to 111Moribers outside of the c ounty . tecontlnue tl1e papOl· mu11t be e.ooompanied by no' be s topped . &mount due.or th boo\ibers arei·aeponsibleuntl full nayment le t. per AT THE OFEIOE FALSEHOOD," " BEATRICE'S AM l.IITION , 11 By the Author of " KATE M A SSEY'S , :TOLDEN D REAM, " & C, 1 &C. "A G LOVE OR KINDRED r LC)VE'S CHAPTER VIII. TR,IUMPEI. I ., ·· · Fon T E R lv.r S : A1mum, or $1 If paid In ndTnuce Orders paperwil " " 5 Ten Itnes and u nder , first insertion · \W 50 l!lach subsequent i nsertion . . .. . . 0 25 PYom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 75 · Ria.oh subsoquen t insertion . . . . . . 0 85 · ver tan lines, fir st insertion,perlh· e 0 10 -10 0 03 Kaoh subse que nt insertion , " The num ber of lines to b e reckoned by l!;ha 0pa.oe ocouf.ied,,measured by a soale of 11! Nonparei · .... .. -. . . IU.TE8 OF ADl'ilRTISING 1 'i Htola Column o ne year ... . . . . . . . . . . . !1!160 oo . :: /;; u H Hl\l! yea.r . . ... ·· · ·· · . · 36 o<> Q u :?! "" One qua.t"ter . · · · · · · · 20 00 sU Column one year . . . . . . ...... . . . 36 00 -" . Half year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 oo " One quarter .. . . . ...... l2 50 uatar Oolun:..o one ya8or . . . . . . . . . . . 20 oo - 11de. , " " Hal! yea.r . . . . . . . . . . . 12 50 One . . . . . . .. 8 00 - aeons, Hcentia te of the R?Yal 'roronto ate of the College of Phy sl c a.ns . . ·nd m ember of the Umvcm1ty, Phys101an . Royal Co l ege of Sur· Surgeon, &c. <lJFFICll: :-MORRIS' BLOOK, BOWMANVILT,E. T.W .MOLAUGHLIN, Dr. A. BEHH. Gradu Dr.. DRS, lllcL i.llGUtlN' di: BEl1'H. i , Edinburgh. l cor..I.Jl:Glll M EMBER. a.nd Surgeons, ;i.), Bll.H.KE Slltll'SON, ·"ii) "A'kR.1:BT'itlt, SOLICI'l'OR. &o. MOPRIS . . .p BLOCK, up (itah·s, King Street Bowmirn!e, Solicitor for the Onta-rio Bank n"dvatc Monev$ lo a nc d at th e lowest rates, Ii. R R I S T E R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY !PUBLIC, &o. OfflcA-13ounsall's Bloc,k " l\rf111g Street, Bow m an ville. Money to lend, OF OF PHYRICIANS Ont ario, C orQner, eto. ?4 . Enn H.esidenoe. . .Qfflce and i ekillen. · ··--------· -----·-··· --·---· DR. J. 4J, MITtJUELf,, I . .B ------ ---- --- , .John Keith Galbraith, · .,m·reO'rH'l'R AH, WIJ:S'l' DUR.HAM ISSUER liNI. of Marriage Licenses, Barristnr and Attor. '. B.,,·wmanvme. WULIA.ltl WIGHT. llOll: t;JitT All ll1:01fR. lillJ' 11.t ·if.1aw and Solicitor In Chan<'.ery. Money Jtot!Uled on Real lllstate. Office o n King etreet , . ,.,f:es her elutch es. ICE NSE D say ?" I It was a tair and animated scene that he County of Durham. Orders left at th e Jim Kelly sa ": at once . that is master ' looked upon , this old bowling-green of SlrAT ICSMAN offic e or forwarded to ·ryrone P . O . b d a purpose m p mpmg h im aou t , Haughton Abbey , with its h igh brick wall a 28:6 m 'll'll!l i-eoeive prompt attention. Cr oft and h is own underling , on one s ide anrl th e be <Tinui r g of Haughton Garret S. 4J. HIJNKI.NG, Gannon, and h e knew that the active Chase with its ra. nks of oak and el m on the purposes ; oth r. ' T he flat g re en stretch of swiml whre masr 's r I O N E E R FOR forwal·ding of h IO E NSED AUC' gnerally r csul td Ill sovereigns ; thei·efore, : Earls of Re ds hirn h ad played matches with the County of Durham. Sales at-tended 'i11 on sh ortest notice a nd lowest rates. Addr ss w:1th an express1 0 of profoUI1d respect on thei r friends and guests for generations, and 36:tf 'Ol)l>P.TIC E P. 0. his tan ned and wrmkled face, he went on I which was now turned into a tennis oourt, talking, q uite sure that, the more ,Yoluble he ! was all alive with damsels in broad hats, NTEED A GOOD WIFE GUAR .c : f. of Croft at.. d Gannon, I shor skirts aud blouses and men in flannel wason the subj ect from e 8_ every man wh o buys his Lio ene the better it would be for himself hereafter. 11 costumes · 'while th e hu of voices and the DNP.Y B YLVES'.rER. Enniskillen. " Y es, sir, j ust as you say-chum. pleasant ;ound of laughter mingled with the When I see these two swells-for Gannon is : strains of a regimeuta.l b 1Lud from Chester Kepaired. and Pia.nos Tuned every iuoh a swll, perhaps more that " I be!! your pardon -I have a message the other-kepmg o temselves as much for Miss Verschoyle," muttered the How . WISHING orHErn P I ANOS as possible, au huntmg Ill couples as a mau Cyril at last seeing no other means of es · ' ' un ed or repa1ren can .nav thorn attended .might say, why, I watced '.em-and so I : cape. 'l y leaving word at the DOl!UNION ORGAN does Gannon now, he being, Ill a way, under -b " O b do not let me detain you I O,f course man e t-ola s r tl A ville n ma w o B s 0F1'IOE, ;}l' my eye, ,an' the other, in a way, not. " it i pat of a y.ouuger's so's mission i ao· . '"' 1>eln11 in their emulo; Ca.ptam Haughton, 'Yho h ad lap sed mto 1 oiety to carry mess ages to rich women, re------- - -------. f@ Do! G entle m e n oll: F a s ln - a state of bo1· dom durmg this . speech, now plied Blanche sweetly ; and, as he hastened yawne d, and mterrupted sleepilyaway she fla.ttered herself th at the victory · i o q , n o t s o tasL " 'lvell, and what did or do you observe ? was hers. G on, Jin:-get on !" A. . entle muamur of applause, flliht Why, sir, not so much, after all, except cla.ppmg of gloved hands and beau.tiful Lily wrHt , th, v e few llni.:e, that they write to one another, an' that V erfchoyle flung down hr racket, o.nd, with nd all l have to say · !'ff. ·A e, hom at still me dnd tr ou 01.1.n Gannon seems uncommonly shy of the ·: c h eeks faintly scarlet and blue eyes spark. I am not gonll a.way. Iad!es. " i ling with triumph, pulled .off her br od iends m11.y co me, So all my kind old fr . .1 ,, Cap tam . Haughton was , Of the ladies brimmed hat and began fanmng herself with And all the young ones, too, awake now, a d listening in good earnest, it. And. ge t their ga,.ments nicely made ' d' u2!ir;, tn " Yes, sir. '.l. be other day he an' I were " Let me do that · a.ud come into the m ay e et i n the stahles banda;ging the King's cg- shad e-do !" said he/partner , Garret C roft, A we !com e greeting, by R. PE TE. . -------you ook 1t ot of him pretty well, sir, a rn " Th e sun will ruin your com; ea es tly. . brmgmg of h im home from Wallasey-an plexion ; and he took the h at from her, and' , some of em1 he d it over her h ead. " !s Versohoyle-was Miss V erchoyle She laughed , blushed, and look ed up at , . , th e · . ! his bronzed face as she answet"edYes, sn· ; an h er sister, n s me more ? " Oh, I don't get freckled t I turn a so rt , t an y -bro ght to look at the horses .i ' 'tn . · of golden brown in the sun-at l east I u se d ; · i t l o b Ga.noon 1:0W see to ere ou y if y e ! : 1 of course I have to be more carefu l now." ed -and with a salut Jim . stopped. e 1 " And n1ay ! 'ask, Miss J;ily, do you pre # · . His !naster r eflected for a moment, and fer this sort of life, or do you sigh for that a dth w hen y ou w e;e al · te to each unsophisticated period , , Ro l say he ·,. nd ' ' roft wr1 ?Y - -..".; ,_ "' » < ' · lowed to get sunbu rnt ? h e as k ed ' wi th au. , r e v e of any you Gannon did show other THTB wnn>uT 'l.VI'J' r 'l'll:,·' l'll " · amused look. . those · . , She took her hat from his haud and walk" He i N n. \tlf · If\ ". ' U: t d tlis1 t -h l b the ds towa low e . l e t o f tree s a s she e s !.: 1 That's ha.t Jll. .O.. . . V . · i · \U. e th k ell t ,N' l'iST· l RAC'iICAL VH n we e ' l . r he's good at everything, an doesn't o. , I first-for .. . W ell, I suppose the prope . thmg wouk 1 ()\l'Jt:R T WWNTY VEARfi <l' >CPlURJ!iliOli). ' work · " I sh11'k b18 1 ho to say ' Yes ' ' and regret my torn gowns ' The swell" questioning him sm iled faintly r@n110xld<eGa11 Atnmtnlstc1·e1l ! brok en boots, an genr1 IJ<?Verty 1 but you Operation ' at this left-handed compliment to his . order' see I don ' t. I like 1. ivmg m a mce hous . . e . r and turnmg so as to look mto bis valet's ' lllCCJ.ll N'G'S BLOC,,'K · · l'll'U'lil: I l'k 1 sue as the _G range is u ow, t e h avmg - · - -- ' ···- - - - ·--· - - . : - - -I fac asked-· ' wh en Gannon receives those letters 1 IJ<?nie s to d r ve, and _ pretty 01 ?th es to wear be mad e· . Cu t this out I 1 and re.L urn Lt to us, and j · ' ; without havrng to m md much if I tea: them. Burn them . we will sen d you free. wh at d oes le do Wl th tliem . I have a happy knack of tearmg my . iluu Lock them up ·" SOUltthiog of great n . per eiv . O th d ress e s, g r:l s and impotanoe to y_ou, will start you in " Both, sir_.:.oarritJs 'em about with him d y h . as I . t ev oo ·s. wh ich will bring . you m . moe ! iu a. po ckc t - liook with a lock to it an' after oau pl y tenms an l!msme. . money r;ght away t.han anythmg els e m tins bandout a of ' inst turned were , ! a w lnle bunrn 'em. I've seen him. " world . Any one c an tlo the work ·LUd live a th ee And h e i bo . b t I osed d " Than there might be a letter-or more ' !home. gither sex ; a.LI agtJ8, Something new, 1 x · e u an · 'tb,atj t1 st c oins mone:r for all worker. . W:e than one-there at any time-no w for in- coruer_e ren i;n h er : Ik W u I embroid ered skirt; for h is mspect10n. ?" 1s , "Will stHn you ; oa1tal not needed. . . "lllle of the genmne. m1p ortu.n t of a life· · stauc e · . t fro_m 0tho -1 gir1" ys,, you e d'ffi 1 mu 1 " I should say so, sir. " tJwc. 'l'hose who are a mbi twtts and entet· I dchi.y. G rand outfit fme, iprising w il l not Captain Hauo hton gazing steadily at his very d i fferent, b e said, lookrng at her with Address 'l'H.UE &: Co . . A.ugllsta, Maine. l eyes more eloquen t than his ton gue , i set·vant sai<l- b ' -· 8? good · " 8h cont' ' I " Jim, mued , h 16 " And H:)'.ao m , get hold of-in plain could t completely ignormg his obseryation as th.;y E nglish steal-tho,t pocket-book ?" ' w a lke d farther and far th er m among the " Yes sir I thi n k I could :sir " said Jim 1 Sil " She j u s t v.cts as i f the money befro1 t rees. with pe;fe c t comp osure, as She sent all the boys to the person was among the m ost ordin ary longed to us all. II Trinity, and g>we one. a profes sion . ,, ' duties of "' gen tlem an ' s valet. . ;, .,, " W' ell "-with a:u amused look - " do so, She has tu n d the Grange mto th e mos , L ··. l thr:u i :mrl as ijOOn as possible. If y ou can get the beautiful rlac e you e ver R.W-$pent · mamma. and !. · ,I the botter, for ti . · . l· ien it Q .cy go sands of p oun<l s· upon it and · · ; ' m , n· h mg are J USt ro p> ancl I , 1 th ' wh le hack m tao t. ' w r is ].Jleasant a.fter our long poverty, Mr. all, sir ?" " yes, sir. : t. " d ; k 'te Crut you qtu . 11 . t -yes- t h at'8 a " ]!' i ' ! ' - ii'\\ ll1 !/' ' iL' ' , · xep i .. 6 ""' "· ..,, · I .', 'e '(i bY t.} · · turt 'f yon are uever ms ..,, n · ··underntand, J im ?" . . touh t tht s,? me day, when your, beaut11u l -all on the quiet sir. " sir Yes, " , o/,. '. ii this turns p trump , · srnter marries ·-.-w1th a sli gh t grim a ?e, for " Exactly ; \ :x p r e s>ied your foetune's mad e as well as mine. Now ' ther e wan.a curious i e be! ; we n G ar ret er s c ho y l e- all you may go. " this will cease, Miss Lily. * * · * · * ¥c L AUC TIO N E E R for the When all the guests at Haughton Abbey had retired for the night, the l:Ion. Cyril arm·ohair in his own Hau..-htou sat in · a.ncl the sub · " and thinking , room smokino 'ect of his tbQughts was Miss Ver sch oylo 's l · fai · n tmg fit o 'd b th e ri e. ' n . in sp1te of her con temptnous warmng and of the strange feelings that it ha.d called · h' is fi ed issat' 1m, he was n ot d' in h. 1 e wit to l'f · me d to i1s' s progress. She had de pl' 'th h 1 w1 ten to anything a.ppro'l.ohing to l o v c · mak· lrn.d a ing but he had discovered th at sec:et-a secret of su ch imp ortaucc th a t a chance allusion to it could s end the blood from her cheeks and almost deprive her of is Inow1e dg Iie resolV· h er senses. ·u pon th' ed to rebu i d his ruined fortunes and gra. tify the consuming desire to break her c old proud spirit aud have her at his mcr oy. He had won high stakes at whist and ecarte in the smoking · 1·oom , and, w ith all a gambler's belief in luck, he told himself that the tide was at last turning, that Lord Are n beg's I, 0. lr. and Colonel P.onsonby 's sovereigns were only th e beginning of better things, that now, at last, he w11os getting his oho.nee, With such thoughts in his mind, he put · head, 1 eaned back in his 1s arm b eh' rnd his h. chair, and looked quite pleasantly at bis servant Jim. " Where is Gannon now ?" " 'Sleep, sir , I sh oul d say, seeing as how it's after oue." Captain Haughton raised his eyes to a bla ck and gold clo ck on the mantel·piece wh' pointed to a qu art er past one, nodded sligh t y , and said" Do you know anything ab ou t him, Jim -I mean, before he got his disch r ge , or e v en now ?.' Well , sir, not to say much. He's a silent sort of chap-sulky, I call s him, an' stand off-i does ·what he's told, o.n' says ' nothing. llut in course I'd find out, sir. One thing I do know-he was a swell, s as that other olmp that's here with Lord Arenbeg an' that was his comrade out yon, der '-pointing vague 1y over his sh0 ul der. " I do assure you, sir, tha.t when I s aw Garret Irish-as we called him-walk into the dining-room in his black clothes, as good as any, you could h a ve knock ed me down with a feather-you could indeed J" Captain Haughton nodded again, and, 1ng .. " ll gaz' Stl "t the fire, murmured" .Ah -comrades-chums, as y ou woulr! an g sh e ine- in its innocent and gentle love l i ness that The prond , cold, it out.9hu':1e all ot hers. . . still exter ior that Hyaomth sowed to those arou nd ?-er h d a charm for him apl.\rt fro all cons1d ert1ons of her we!l.lth, and he g_az. ·t her as 1f she (lad cast a spel l over him ed w · · · The Hou. Blanche, h owever, conccivmg th!1t his t·eply conceived some r em ote a.llu. . · · h a ma.1. 1cious s1ou to her age , , exclaimed , wit g1 a.nee9 '.I' ' ' " ll tmg · O h , theu you mu st kn 0,v 1 I though t s tory · is11 h' mg 0f E ng r f O ,ne th' younger sons ad detrimentals generally . wer? o busy rum m g themselvs, u.nd then retricvmg thc11selves hy marrymg money, . to rea.d 3.nytlung but sporti ng papers and . w111s cmcl bequcsts. Th 0 Hon. Bl anoIl e ought t0 h ave h ad the discretion not to goad the Captain into a war of words, for h e kne w: him well enough to expect scant mercy ?'t his hands when he . . w:as rous _; and yet is rndifference t? her , his wai·dermg a:ttention, fill ed her with an . . angry de sir e to m te rest him somehow, even by quarrelling with. He realised this, awoke from a dreamy con tem plati on of . · th H profil e, and answcrP,d' wi th' · · Vcl e insQ ence l e td1 j 1ch l " a ust , rhge ·markct is so frightfully overstocked, a woman must have either beauty, money, or at least youth, to a.spire to that happy state ; don't you think so ?"-and he looked at her with a fravk a11d brutal appreciation of every line upon her faded cheeks which roused h er temper. Comm on sense warned her to say no more and yet she would make another atte mpt · to defeat h im. " I was not exactly talk in g of m11or· but of youn!l'cr sons and their dage, sometimes quite laughable effo rts to marry the· Poor fello ws money. y must not b e · over·nice as regard s heo.uby aud youth ; or perhaps they look for them in other quarter. s" Capta in Haughton glanced again at Hyaointh, and sm iled ; he was not sufficieutly interested to hfl a ngry-in fact, he was bored, and had lmsiness on h is hands that would not be forwarded b y bickering with th is iJl .tem pe re rl lit tl e vixen-as be some · l Hon. the what disresp ec tfully termec Blanche-an d he gazed round quite de spair· ly f or some means of d el' 1verance from mg " Pardon me-I did not quite follow you. you y ou were talk' mg of m rri · ag e , were n ot ? "7ell, in these day s, when the mar· a I , - L e e TO · P.A.RT!ES · than I j i · I I st 'ifti :'r;friMds. u D E N T I s T R y' "' M, ,, '. l that is-I haven't asked her yet, you see ;. but-" Aud he stopped. " Is she not the heiress's sister ?" " e.-Miss Verschoyle . She is yonr cousm. " She has no money, I believe ?" " None, I am glad to say. I don't want money. I can offer her c o mfor t, even l ux u1·y, after a mode rate fashion. " " And she, brought up by her sister, and w!th her great beuty-do you imagine she will be content with tba.t ?" " I ., <'o, Glynn ; I can hardly say ';I;hat . groun s I have for i , but I d o ho pe so. Novi.Uc, whse so3our11 t Haughton Ab bey had not 1mprove Ins geueral health or ood loo s ; stood s 1lcn for a moment, I and: thou said!To BE CONTINUED. ) A ll the orderlies in Alsace-Lorra.ine now " o"- laughing an l pulling her large hat down over her eyes-"for 1 see you are use bicy cles or tricy c les . The scenery for H enry Irving's American amuse d at som ething. Have I s aid anything ridiculous ?" tour will fill sixty freight vans. "I was very much interested an d -well, Au enormous oil field has been disco 'vered yes-just a little amused at your giving me in Venezuela near l ke Marao1 \ibo . to understa.nd that your only knowledge of Mr Andrew Carnegie probably soon ' ved fi·om bc>oks. " · 8 dei·i l o ve 1 "I don't see how th a t should amuse yon, pay £ 1 15' 000 for Aboy ne C ast1e. The electric light; is now being used in seeing tli a.t it is true, she answered half · · h great success . shyly, half sti fil y, looking straight before the S cote1' fishenes wit her d ow n a long avenue of elm·trees, and The Mayor of St. Die, in the Vosges, has ' feelmg un com fortabl y nervous "'ud ye t uot forbidden the sale of Gen. ]Qulanger's por· un I111PfY · trait. "fa it indeed tru e ? Do tel l me ! Tell me A Parisian d octor has seen the Pope latethat much about y ourse lf , Lily, A girl is ly, and sa.ys he is certainly good for ten such an enigma to a-a man that be may years more. k no w her for years, worship her all his life, At balls at Hamburg evening dress is not and be in utter ignora11ce of her real char- aem:inded. Dark clothes and a black tie 1 y-dear L"l lie caught are permitted. ac ter. ·L'l 1 Y t" · -an d her soft hand and turned her gently towards T ho bead of the Sultan's ha.rem is now a him. Christian woman heaatiful, cultivated, and . . . ' But the .girl, shnnlung from the very a S a.niard . p avo a which sh e mos t wislie0 to hear , The B ulgarian. G overnment have this year hastily drew her h i.n '. d away, saymg-:·eu orders for 124,000 med al s for the army "i\ " Look-thern is some one oommg ! I f ry ,, or " bravv think it is a groom. " .' · · . , .rhe p1lgrtms from Iudia to Mecca will . . ' G arret looked, with an unspoken w rnb henceforth make the pilgrimage to the sathat the groom m i gh t break his neck , or at o& d shrine on Cook's tickets l ast t .k e himself then and there out of Fr asouel o the bull fighter 1as been offer' sig ht ; b ut, when h e saw the tall figure of . $SO ed 'ty ' s 1n the c1 , OOO for four performa.nce · d , h e was as Iiamed of h' 1m elf , and . 1il frien h ac oep te d· 0£ Mexioo, and h e ias , said hastily_ of Trieste bas been " Excuse me, d e -I mean Lily ; he-I . T be Glauco Boat think-that is, I know-he wo.nts to speak d1ssol ed by the ustnan Government be_ cause it took part m the r egat ta of Vemce. to me. " " Ccr ainl y, of course-I shall turn back," rot has attacked the grapes in sev she replieC:, vexed that he should leave her er a.I parts of France, and it is thougrt the at such a m o ment, and to speak to a servant. losses will be immense. He saw tirn.t· s\ie was ouen "" de d, t hat th' IS T he " Melograph " bas heen invented, by goldeu opportm1iry would be lost, that she ,.,hich a person can improvise on a pi:iuo might not allow him another during his and have the m usic But he did not stay at Haughton Abbey. Cricket. bas beei:i inkoducd into Holla:nd. hesitate ; love for ouce had to give place to T he Datch are to be light and active, friendship. and to mak e good cdcke ters . " I shall not be long, " he said-" pray One hundred and fifty-five th ous and bricks ' t for me ! p ro.y d o not go b ack w 1 " th · wo.1 · tressed that made on Mr. Gladstone's est:ite have been out . me '"-and h e look ed so a is she f orgave him at once, and sat down on shipped to Boston for a new cour t h ouse. :Five thousand ProLastants recently celethe r oot of one of the trees to await his re turn. brated the edict of toleration of Lou is XVI. ave " I hope I h 110t d' · 1 ; upou a pea1t o f tI istu bed you, " sa1c · le cev. nes M oun tams. Glynn. " I have something I .must say t o S ir John Lu bbock says that among a cere eel d as and I if .[ had no tain hill tribe of India it is a mark of re· I f clare Y.0u ; I I never · right to take you by the haud, 1 s peot and gratitude to put the thumb to the really lost my identity until I got the nose. . Haughton crest on my buttons. A man can m i11· A eh eck f or i n rtd th ree- qua . ers fe el a gentlem an in a Hu ss r j acket ; but · dgewater avr g r to t was paid t e n . this ! "-and he looked at him.aelf iu utter c .m 1gati0 n C0mpa'fly lately for its work on the d sg st. . l. Manhester sh ip cana " Then why in the name of all that'll . To the Boulanger ha, the Boulanger sensible do yo tt wear it ?" exclaimed Garret. ptpe, and the Boulanger bitters, the French " Woul d not America be better ?" " I h a ".e now added the Boulanger 8.oap, w ith " Ye 3, " replied the other slowly. whrnh the barbers can shave their G erman ou,,ht never to have come here -never · and customers. n goini;: away uow , having been tr : Ia ated, The news tha.t Mme. Etelka Gerster has by one to wh o m I have give!) proofs of my honor and truthfulness, with black ingrati- contracted with Abbey and G rau for a con · There-it's a matter cert tour in America will be welcom e to a tude and s spic ion. I cannot speak of as I would ; " and, turn - great many lo Yers of music , as it probes ing, he strode a pace or two away ; then, t hat whatever truth there may be in the coming back, he said, " I saw you t lking t.o stories of her ha.ving lost her voice, her that young beauty yonder are you 'ill love heal th, &c., she has at least recovered. She telegraphs the news of her reappear with her, Garret ?" " Yes," a.nswered the young man steadi- anoc on the stage from her home in central ly, and yet bashfully, " I am ; and she- Italy. Lily Verschoyle was, and had BRITlSH AND FOREIGN N0'.1.'ES. been out sinc.e she was eight een , she was still ae innocent, as shy, as gentle, s on the Rubies are now produced chemically in morning of hi;r presen tati on. great perfection. " Go on," he entreated-" do I I want t o Duelling among women ie becoming foshknow your thoughts about love, above all iona ble in France. ' $5to 1!18 a day. Samples and duty J'REB: Lines not und er the hQrse's leet. Write BRil:WSTER'lil S AIIE T l!" REIN HOLDER Co.. Holl, Mioh. thi n s." G RAI N ..... . ' · !!. will prepared t o pay the highest price all kinds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. Jno. McMurtry & Co. " Capltal paid up, OF CA N A D A. l a a lI This Bank h prepared to do Lagitl'coate Banking in all its branches. Farmers notoa discounted ; Deposits . eceived and Interest p aid on amounts of 15 up ward s in Savings Bank Department; [& and made In Europe United States and 011.uada. liU,6!,0,0GO, Rest, $2Gl!,OO · D H I F'l' S i ill· ·T· ·TONES, . oln? · Your at tentio n is rl i , ec te d to the immense stuck of L A D I E S, .., of every d es cription at recorded. , ', ,M '1' .. il1) M J L L 1 N E RY . . LV 'I! & M !1J"' 11 U U ll1 , . I She has JUBt o pened out onf the largest _ 1 lBh s tock a ever broug and mos t sy ht . . to t own, consisting of :J· s ltl i i I i n c 1· y r I i u a I I J h g , Call and inspect this fine disp l ay , whi ch oanno t fa.1_l . · to give satisfaction, " w1 'th a very fine stock of Feathers an d Flo were. ' t·s, & C., Ve I Ve D l' C s s SilllS ' u /O RGA NS BELL & CO CATALOGUES FREE., .1 B E L L" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. - a l I I <_J. t "-..: J ;l.'.l.i. , 'D R I V' Ii C ';f Bl )I M0N E yto fo·· ll"abtJew ! I letters ?" %: i;;: ! ; I " 1' r · " that I as you ;ria:J'. at rhrn. ! l . j d --;;-: , \ h jfi · t'-t 'D ," 'i" !:'. !i'R g !?"'ND 1, "HE ooK9 \Qi f'O Bl':' "'" P N NI M i I you if rbbing JI ·r mu<.: " ' I oa.u Tht1.t's wea I and, u I ·' · aouiety ha,s <l.ecreed must be _ gracefully k pt life. . l3ut Lily was not gorng to tali;:, except m He was more m· ! up between it m embers. terested in watching Hyacinth's pale face, the most general terms, of her sister's which was half hidden by the l arge br i m of affair. . l slowly, " I am sure! :· Y es , " she sa1; , her l;.at . . Miss Versc hoyl e Wa$ nob playmg, but qmte sure·-II:vacmth w ill never marry . ' atanclin!:( a little apart from the rest of the You know--at least books say -th at a wo I ian can really have ouly oue l".ve in her I people groupd about the tnnis;groand. l It Yas no her beauty, fair as it was, that hfe ;" a1!d then she stopped ; fo r G arre t I _ _ . , m spite of hunself drew llo.ughton's eyes to- was lookrn g at hel' with such adormi.; eyes I 1 W\rds her ; for there was one there in all and listening with such an app eamncc of the fresh perfection of ;vouth, with eyes li e intense ! nterest, tbat she could not hel p the . For, although tb_e ble o summer sk1s, her golden hair colour rmng to her cheeke. . ghttermg m the sun, with a face so fasomat· " I don't think lJ y acinth will ever marry, " I wonrler h ow we girls man:iged to live : before tennis w,.s invented ; do yo l1 know, Mr. C10ft," said the girl. soberly. " Oh, all l ad i e s say th:it until t h e manCapt>iin llaughto11 ?"-and the Hon. Blanche ' , Dou ghty turne d a somewhat faded face to the oue man tor them - appears !" I " R n t stippose the one man has appeared that indfri:!ual. " " Oh , the1·e was always something going and-and diso.ppeared long ago ? , " Indeed !" ex clai m ed tho youn g man, ' 011--there was til ti g, yon know !" answer : eel the Oaptaiu, not in the l eas t meaning to curious to hear more ; for he wa.s sec1·etly · gre at give offence, b u t just t o fill the pause in convinced that the heiress had bad F that perpetno.l el ream of small- ta,lk which deal to do w i th Glynn Neville's chan ge of 1· i I ·· I I The loneliness of a cre 1 How few think of I this and treat with de ' tenderness and consideration those who have uut-lived t;heir geueration , and whose early companions England Dr. Lysaght of the Bristol, anC. friends have been taken from them ! Un · Royal Infir mary, sacrifi ced his life in au . About a fortnigh t ablld to engage in the activities of life, they effort to save a patient . . al'e no longer brought Ill tQ contao t and ago a man ' tted to the m fin was adnn . naiy . suf · symp o.thy with those aroun d them, and no feriug from an affecti on of the throat, suptie of common i nter es t aud mutual depend- posed to be diph bheria. The o p eration of enoc binds them together. fheir views and tracheotomy was perf?rmerl by Dr. Lysaght, ' s 'l'hey I b ut fo tes have natually grown apart. tube beconnng choked, the last . shal'e but little 1n common with others. ch ance of s a.ving the man's life was for some . Th o flkt uro of th· o ne to a.pp1y h lS 1· to mI e h as noth mg ls l'f ips to the tub e and suek - the ' · inspire thei11 ambition or e x ci te thei r hopes. moisture. This Dr. Lys'\ght did, bu t without · o f o th ern h as ava1 What calls for t h the energ1es 'l for sh ortly afterwar d thc pat' ient no inspirati on for them . Dr. Lysaght They nece ssarily, died of suppressed scarfotina. to a g ea t extent, live in a world of their i cau g ht the disease in its worse form and own, with which tho s e around them are died. A wi ndo w is to be er ected in the in . . ,._ . 1tar. . mi 18 memory. ge Q f theu· L JC co mmunm fi irrn111 y to h' no t ""'ml hearts are 'ith thfl sensea of the p,ist and T he even t of in teres t iu Fra.nce is the the conipamons of other years, that h ave I mo b iliza tion of the Nineteenth Army , , Corps' . l ong since 0 d a.way. , I o v er and fuen ·' d the qual' ters of wbwh are at I ou lo use. . hav ? 1ieeJW taken from the m, and their ao - The idea ls to test the speed with which qna rn tan ce laid in da.rkne ss. T he forms ' enorm ou s bodies of meu can be got together they admired aud loved are gone the eyes in per' et fiah tinv condition on short no' . . . . . . rs wit " '" h the .tend ereBt th at 1?e k ed thei we. 1'he scene of the exp er 11n ent bri.s wisel y a ffection sightless, an d the vo ces that been laid n ear the Spanish fronti er as far cheered and stirred their souls have long as possible from the "l'ell.t centre of inter0 )een_ 81 1 ·1ent· The· 1r car1Y W?rl cl of b ope n ational irritation in and a_u JOY. bas become a des?l ah on, an they I.onaine. The result of the experiment si t m silence, oontem platr n g the ru m that wi l l he eager y a wai ted as evi ence of the d ght, . T hey h ave but little to progres s whbh the Fr e; as been .wro1 1ch have made. It mterest tnem Ill th 1 s worl d , an d are will probably bedifficnl t for the poor publ c r m an opinion , however to f o Onl.v waiting till the shadows , for already Are a little longer grown." the aut horities arc quarreUing as to wat . . 1 ' t esult1:1 are possible, and to obtam anythmg · h h urh w u ld not do w t1 0 ' 1 . 1 to c1 at e ,· cr , . o n · O· . 1 opmio · · f 101T! 1 rn , a 'u aera th e "' ise m en " . loneli1i*ess of age to sm ooth their µat.h wa . g ears when .it rn . . !!.11 o ve r will, ot coul'e, be out r t nn i f t 1 c C ort r m i e h t d y Ill n iem o 0 anc of thtJ q uestion. The Lonetness of Ae;e. , I Bicyclists are going mad j ust now on re ' cord breaking. Du b ois, the Frenchman, h as this week beaten e very previous record e e b tweeu two mil s and t wenty-one miies, the la tter d i stan ce having been accomplish Dubois beat ed in 5g, minutes 15 sec onds . t he two-mile record by eight seconds, and h e has made twenty five miles in l h our 10 34 seconds. Merry Hampton miuutes k eeps well and aintais his place at th e h ea :I of the candidates for the Leger. Car r:isco and Kilwarlin are also doing work, but E iridspord is it anything a little fine. English girls are coming out as grand l·'ive little maids swain a race swimmers. of eighty yards at Portsmouth last week and marle wonderful time. Miss Dempsey, who won, went through all that water in l minute 25 seconds, and Miss Couzens, second came in only three yards behind· Miss Johnson, daug h ter of th" former cr ampion of England s tarted from the 1:1cratch iu a mile race in Sweden, and beat both male and female swim mers, s om e with a. hundred yards' s ta rt. Gnelpb, Ont. - U N D E R TA K I N"C "Y ur I am fully prepered to atteud on the shortest notice, at the lowest possible ratea Gas ke ts and Burial Ca.s ea ready on short notice First-class h e ars e rm very moderate terme S hrouds and Cofilns on hand. Full eral oarda aupplie d a t once. Furniture Shop It Sll.ovv Rooms-Bounoall'sNew Block. -- ----- --··· L EV 1 QVI O R R I S. , --.B - . the Large ;;r68·ut; :el:'nd fi;h out ; if you are " i se you will do so at on ce' H. HALLE TT & Co.,. Portla.ncl, Maine, can li ve at home, and ma k , more m oney u.t w ork for us, at any t i D g else in t his world. t< o capite.l needed ; you are started free. Both sexe s ; all nge e . Any one can d o the worlt. earnings sure from first start. Costly Y Ou h than r IN E RON HOR SES n cu rn p "" pasoe I1 Island Home Stock Fnn, . Grosse Isle, l\1:1ch. , IS ve1-y oonv· niently l o c a t e d for · I I . i I oa.u ieer yI I I· l Europe-Alsace 1 l l i , !s·-red m ' tlie "i'-.. · r1::' noh and America.n 6tu d BOQn.o i "" Pnees reasoDable, s tock gu,aranteed. Large ill 11$ NUM, SA.f.&llE & FAR trated Catalogue free. DETROIT, Mroa. -------·-- ,,.- R1ver,ten n1ilesbelow Windsor, Ont. Pur· ohasel'S will find e. larg1. ..i.umberof pure b .red and Stal· 1ions, brood mares and colts or a e.gee to se ect from. All pur.e bred stock, l!" \: r u lslan1:i Canadian'l,, being on Detroit l 1 all classes w.1th employment at home . th e 1 w h o le of the 1me , or for their apa1·e I Wo rl' ln nt"r en1J t'1' on 1:v . II ClasN [J s I\ ! t , ,, · _ ·-' · · · - ·· - - -__ _.,__ ; (I 1 pa1:e ai:d M_Ms ,,V n.ntlp;hy L s , , I I I , I 7 C h i l d ren Cry for P itcher's Castoria. At a re cent examination of ch il dre11 unsoon teaches a new pupil hi s proper place. , dr 13 years of age attending the Loudon ' If h e has he iimtcs ha t belo ng t :oi. · oard. schoo ls, the followi_ng replies were ann outfit free. 4-ddress GEORGE STll\SQN & . ? . be mstallcd in the pos1 Portland , Mame. t1 0n given m answer to the q ues tions leader, he w1l1 ·---·-----"vYrite a sh ort account of the ( :onquest l of >\ leader ; if not, whatever his own opinion of his abilities m<1y be, he will be compelled ; of I rel and . " '·The conquest of Ire l and was to fall in with the rnuk and file. ]f not l begun in the year l l 7 0, and is Rt.ill going d.,stiued o greatn ess , the next hest thing to l 011." which he can aspire is but . "Name some of the leading events in the trnly great or truly life of Lord Nelson. " On" lad began his can e i th er respectable who is vain, pompous and answer whh these w ords :-"Mr. N el son I By the time the novwe has fouud was a sailor ; the King rn::td e h i m a lor d, ring. beu. I his legibimate s o cial position, be t h e same · which pleased Mrs. Nelson very much." hi g h or low, the probability is that the dis"A 'W h at is a compound I agreeable traits of his ('haractcr wil be 1 c ompou n:cl sntence is a sentence ah?ut I [(lil _ Most likely I many thmgs m gencrnl, and a.bout nothmg , softened down or worn away. the process of abrasion will be rough- per· ! in particular. " "' J C .l 1i: 0 1 haps "ery i:ough ; but, _when it is tLll over, l " \\'hy was the 1rk of lldrus 1es, in , 1:1d he b in s to sec huns:ilf .as otl: ezs see 1 1'.ocs wa.s p u t, d aubed .with shi;iie a.nd w 1th . . · .he mm or of 1atch ?" "To . make him stick ms1de, " wa mm, and not as reflected JU 1 1 1e1 ln :i.. n s ' a ve1. .- lC3.l ' ,., r ' b self·conceit, he will be than k ful tlmt J'c has the reply of p, li ttle boy. · · ·-·----t.".-"1.<··----....... .. t rrived-tlwugb by a run the gau ntlet and l · b rough road-- at self:knowledgc. U pon he When the l :LSt g>1mbling hall is: driven ,. w ho l e , who.tever lo nu g mothers may tlnuk 1 . fro m Am erican and lJ;nropeau civiliation to the conirary, it is a good fo r youths the gam blers will go to Fou t o be k nocked about in the world-it makes I hund red and twenty. three thousand francs " vvspaoe r Adver t isin g Bureau, N mtin of them, [ is the annual icense fee from the gambling t York. Public School. The Great . Tlie world is <1 g 1 eat publ ic school, and it · - -- --··-···-·__,,_,.._ , ,,..- · ---·-, H1stonc,1.l. · ,· · B usiness new light and profita b ' e Persons of eiiler sex easily ear from 5-0 cents to $,5 per evening, and a proport10nal sum by devotmg Boys and girls o th e business all thir 1 momonts- to fur n 1 a b e 110 ma.n be reBpet,,biJity ; over- 1 I , ! j I asked : \ Co. :fu1\i,ti;keo fiT:. onut1°1-t;gul ea.rn n'early as muoh as mcn. 0 That all who see llfld cess, an<l test. the busihis may send as are not n ess, Wf? ake th is _o fl'er. To time t such " sentence ?" eg f I thing Touquiu. l houses. l -i RTI SERS ADVE le;-"J. 1·n the exact cost any propose 1"1 nA of wh ,,h j d tls1na · A · · , papers b1. J addres s1nop R owe11 J I · ?r C o. . 1' G eo. ! Spruce New I l Send 10 !Octa. fol" S ., 100-Pugc>h.let.

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