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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1887, p. 7

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evening, to make wliat amends his soul BIDW£11, THE FORGER. WHITE OBIEF OF T HE .APACHES. would consent to ; and, as he walged brisk ly along, being light upon his foet for- DetecHve l'inkei·ton's Stoi·y ofhis <:rime, A Renegade 'Vorse Thnn tlte Rell lmllans Pursuit, ancl Ari·.,st. who ever heard of a miser growing fat ?_ VETERI.N ARY SURGEON. Whose J,eatler Be Wns. I> " d h " he thought he would never agam bring " Yes," replied W i lliam Pinkr ton, the . . mgy ; h c h 1 nas ra.y was born st· WEDNESDAY, SJW'l'. 2 1 , 1887. rn t iced in a San Franc1sco paper a " I not" ears t0 th ' d eyes. N ever' c.e ·' te ctive. . " 1 arrested an d 1and u B1dwe11 tmeats from his little brothers when he never . ose good' k . da or two ago," said M:chael Carden, who m , and then-1:>Ut the great forger and bank robbr, behmd the child and en3oyed his pleasures alone what agam ' never aga . was that crcwd ? People were commg bars· Readmg of Ills recent discharge from ha. made hia fortune in Chihuahua, silver he was a young man. ic1e about Al o "'treeter, the . n the papers the 0th er mmes " an art" 18 way, 100 k' mg backware1 as they c CA1rARRH. ' rne- the 1, tngl' ish prison r By the time he was forty he was a rich h" " hief of the Apaches M any tales of his man . but he lived as plamly as ever and men, boys, women, and all the riff raff tht day started old time reminiscences of four· white', bee ublished but oneIt h a ttT CATARRH.-A new treatm ent bas been di some'where abont this time the first . tnder i :::!t arl j C: : d hC:1;! teen ea:;: : t l1:i:h iBr d:1°t , . : chaIhi nknt1Fe hrri?le of . al l oovflred whereby a p erman en t cum of th1e feelmg be had ever known crept mto his auce c n e n; ' atfect· y l e t u l o hith erto incurable disease. 1s abs his crimes- I have never seen ID prmt. 'dst of the throng and close to fotu sister of l us who 1 · Iove WI "th a buxom, good- the mi t.ed h" "" ·t seems auec IS reed In from one to three app1Jr.at1ons. no mattr heart . n e t e11 m . . " 1ansfie11 cam e About seven years ago John .L t with set faces were \.ieariu 1ease, has been ' Ill ' , 0ffi ce in Chlea.go young woman named Sara ·wool· Pohcemeu ' who my whether standmg one year or for ty years. T hie tempered . , ' . 1 d ff h' a.s hetweenthemastretcher on wh.' with Ins ichlaya human hundreds and hundreds of times on her bro- to Arizona from San Francisco remedy i s only apphed once in twelv e days, w1c i, an o ered imseIf to her. . w Be . d WI e and i itt e boy. iey arnve at l'l'ft ' 1 on 'f ' 1 Tl · covered form It was with a shawl Jonas ' and does not mtertere with business. Descr1p · not an ill lookin11 " man' and when ht>. chose lookt d· Ob heavens · he knew the pattern ther 5 account to lmve us use out IDfluence safelY and as they we·' e in a hurry to reach tive p am p h le t sent free on receipt of st a mp by ' with the Bri ish authori T 't' ies. B was an a little pla,C'e A. R. Dixon & Son, 305 Kmg street, West could make himself agreeable. Sara liked of that shawl ' called Solomons about ninety ! Only a 'few hours before, ltR ed ucated fellow sha,rp and shrewde and h· im and accepted h'im. . Ttironto, Canada. con· miles . 'd was to go away, where Mansfiel dingy palm-leaves of yellow-brow11 its faded I WHAT IS 0ATARRIJ1 f h Jonas meant to be liberal to her at firat . 18hed and sequent Y one 0 t e most accompi' s u . o th to work they took the trail over the hills cen.ter, h ad b een fringe, its shabl;>y brown 'iatatrll is a da,ngerous dis0asa which ' ngerous criminals bl1t after a brief honeymoon of happmess at that time in , merica. da . ' spread before hrm It wa.s ! an ' s are consc10usly or unco nsciously suffermg fro m Cl ,1 ' fton. A young prospector-his us wife's shawl H' is name IS Aust· ID Bzron B I dwe ll , 'an d h e from, It is a muco·purulent d1scliarge c.aused his old habits resu?1ed their _sway ; ?'nd .at " Stop - stop -top I" he cried. I have :orgotten-undertook to pilot " Let the m e t i s a r a p O" vegetable a of e o n has a brother named Geor,,e. Ile \\ as bom name last the second wrnter of their married life by thli, pPcec thetn over the tra1 'l Their first day's travel Graduate of the Ontario Veteri!'ary Copeg · · an M ch a d n lining L:rn'lil-bi:ll.!l o of the T'l'la 'rhe ....1J redlsNJB· co m'in g on, Sara. found 'tha,t all her remarks me see her-let me see her 1" e. d a ed · Adr " Do you k aow h er ?" asked a policeman. :ale Cree , a Registered member of the Ontario VetermaT,Y tng eausea a"1ffil.t:.9i3."state of th e blood, ol:e took them to the ?auks of l! f :: ou 1 e:s of ge'. I 1 372 hc itJ , powou about her shabby sum1aer hat had .no ef ect blighted corpuscle of tubercle, th e germ though rapid str eam , which fios nto Medical .A ssoc1ation. " Let me see her face , said Jonas, grow· Natwna . imore was robb6d 0f small, tnk Balt' ?t syphilis, mercury, toxomce, ft;om the reten whatever, and that she 1mght wait a long mg 8 fa . t th at a kindi man hard . 0fdollars, the Gila. There they m ade camp, w tthm a ,Uf'Ofil(·e and Residence, N ewton vill e, Ont. bY snp nearly a million 0 n Y ete m at ter of t he skm, sn pp ressed time without having such a tl.iug as a comtion of the eff and the case was · t . r f w miles of the San Carls reservation Will visit Orono every '.l'uesday and:Satu!"cl&lJ' t p erapirat10ns, badly vent1l11ted sle ep mg_ ap a fortable cloak suggesLet.l he1 . She had been po:t hn !t: w her face . a tele - given to us to work np. 1 took the cse in ;hough there were rumors th at a band of Ol!lce hcmrs rrom 10 a. m., t,o 4 P· m., . at ments and the gernunation of other 01sons rn f d and hand ork be wm a s a b a poor girl and had no trousseau to speak w the blood. Irritated by th es e , the lrnmg mem by 'l'elegraph rece1'Ve e 0y the nof,or- renegades had left the reservation, there was Ooulters' Hotel, Calls attention. kfell on her and it's crshed all :voman name cfru graph iapma;'· WI brane of the nose is ever ready for the recep of ; aµd so she found it necessary to put immediate P ,, P " But Ions bank robbe, Joe UhaI?ma, who .I sup no pos1t1ve news of the uprising, and the tion of the parastte. which r api d l y spreads, up her pride in her pocket and ask for what out 0 f sha e' re lid the p olice CHARGES MODERATE. - little party had no fear. As they were presh11wls ii.hke. Keep up your courage I posed at the tune was unphcated m the the nostnl.e and down the fauccs, or back of she needed. the throat caualn ulceration of the throat; n p i · to t l parmg supper there su ddenly came m . w do not think this is any relation of yours d I t t h h I Id !0 ery an wug per aps 8 e won bb ,'.. It was hard enough for a wife to do that, u b : ss the eustacimm t ub es , ca.nsmg deafne camp a white man on horseback in the she's too shabb Look at her shoes . se n s me ' ay c f?1dmma .: rowing in the vocal cordg, causmg hoareness, but to be refused was soml·thing she had not : teefl1:0 ord m ry garb of a pr ospecto . :Mansfield here this is h! ; bonnet ; you don't know ban W: uaurpmg the p rop er str11ctm e of tne bronclHal calcul11ted upon. I e a ev 0 She knew that her hus.' 1 that'?" . tubc.ll en din g m pulmonary consnmpt10n and band h ad a l arge b ank -accoun t ,m finallyYgo t over to London and his wife at once r ecogmzed the new Orono Pump Factory. d I E J was m ng an . . d that H e held up the bonnet St death. Al comer a s ' r e e er, w o t h had gone to It. w as crushed 1 an d . one day wh'l o r there was no reason why she should not be 'tY , 1 e walk" wg about tiie Cl · Many In genious spe11lcs for for the eure . some bank ,. with both of them in San Francisco. entuely school f shape, but v L llllS knew It, tracmg out o ith out sue· dressed as well as an lad . w but ented, stepped casually notes, m' bMn But -when she . have h catarr ri' · said playfully " Jo!as shall l buy myself the streaked ribbon, an a fiowcr among th e into Russell's tailor shop, oa Lhe a.tiand, and 'l'he knew nothin of his career since he soo g da_ Pumps Ch eaper and Better 0088 until a physician or long standm . 1'. t e ' to other flowers had lost its petals. He liad there' right before my 3J es prwmg '. ered' the exact natnre of th d i sea e e.n some !Pft he city· Streter though known . deitigy some wmter things to-day ? I ed a sh aw1 than ever. only apph ance which will porroanently fingered it as it lay on the table beside him. d , t d Austin B dwell :nd Joe Cha . every man on the frontier by r ep ut a:tion, h as e ate< though answer goo aggrav dreadfully i he ed, ,, now ad , " I the no matte, s 1 8 00 " Y es I know it' he cried. seen by few except when disguised with been " It's Sar;a once you were too sensible p, woman to run after a Y d Scotlan the ar f m t e c re s o n or h case Suffeers sbould Bend stamp at ! a a . usp ' ife · th e . ns, Sara, I' m s :re yon have very It' s my w war. pamt, and the young man who accom · 'rhe Subscriber having built a. large ne111 1,, tor descriptlve pamp hle t on catarrh, to an d I watched them fo r some t· ime, an d I the fashio : "d not. .onnect the Pump Factory in O rono, le preparetll. 'l'hen he :pulled away the shawl from the i a ed th e Mansfi. Id' di bu·iness mane.aers, A, H. Dixon &. Son, 300 decent thrngs u v. l conclusion th11t fin were the me l they c long to a wear might you that n m c 8 .Y . _ v1s1tor. c T ?e new King street west, ·rorouto, Canada. then· leader w1h crushed face and fainted outright. Just as renegade t tree 1/ connec ': C.. y, a b d ll 1 u m d th a t e e t tl B.A., th f a W on, time yet " Stevens B. -to furnishl . What the Re'V. E. ' I was at that comer ate supper with them, but declmed to is ens s 1 ft h" h' im h e h eard some ?ne say . grea Ba.ltimore robbery. '"J' at0 shows how much men know," Sara I ., tune man of the London Conference of t he ,.,e o h H: wife · Why, I thought she " as a beg makmg my reports 0 Me r . Fre hfield, 0i sto at the cam over mght. He did, how PU MPS OF EVEY DESCRIPTIOI dist Ohurch of Canada, has to say in regard and pleasant be to determined answered . eve stay and tlk awhileabout the old times. To A.II. Dixon & Son's New Treatment for not to shw that she was hurt ; " you would gar the bank of Engl:J.nJ' and l . too f' especia Catarrh, "k At daylight Streeter made his appearance With o r without Porcelain Cylinder, o'! r n d " L h explain aiu to rtance the t t em m f not like your wife to look shabby, Jonas ?" 1883 r 17, h keepmg an eye on_t Oaklans, Ont., Canada, Mar c l againpaud shared their breakfast.. f'!uddenly the Best Material, on the shortest notl· iewo rn . th alf :u:u :;: : I kn ; e:rl ': :: g h ,, p ey mere really, But " ; · . Jonas sa'd no," Well, Son " & Dixon a he w;lked a few yards out of camp 11.nd utter.' Messrs. A , R. nae 18 Jon';l's ray. to band 1 ea tnat t pooh poohe d th e re es me!l coul S arah money is so scarce j ust now, Don ' t DEAR SlRS -Yours of the 13th inst. and at the lowest prices, ed a cry-imitatmo- a wild turkey. ln a Y t r n to be true tat I a you It seemed alm;;-Jt too good n n i s b e what have yo ht ma you think m? u lt , :rp1 hf am. fll:: ! ! mJ:! ; f! that :!t ;:;: ! a moment the camp0was in the possesson of Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. Jo:. 01;e cured of Catarill,'but I know , f never do a little longer . and e. have had no return of the diseas a gang of Apaches. The two men tried to her A e . c so I 1et h e matte r st ar " IIow much longer," she . a9ked quietly. he became himself She was 'laidq upon. l\ o 1!J. r elt better in my life. I ha v:e tried i: h!I' caughf the use their Winchester, but found that they bed a there ws., coroner s in uest nd x:! ;e meantr me we things for Catarrh, an:fl'ercn so m uc 1 · au t hat " Oh I don't know," replied Jonas. " I 1 1 ' ml . ' WELLS CLEA.NED & RERAIRED. rea ize had been tampered with and would not work. d h b d f b' · a1 so many years, that it is hard to al imor d a l hltd a:"- annt who left me something when I a\ no:ntE:selv: dan! rob_bers, 0 f '.: ! f1 a! The Indfa.ns finally ecured the four pers?ns he 0ha:: it r l am really bett er. · 't a se a d c she 1ed, who wore the same shawl ?'nd hon ba very a was e n . I consider tnat m i ed mg the net stxteen years, and boasted ?f 1t to , was that she, a rich ma.n's wife, shculd be m e a : cab!: :am from Lon- who composed the httle party and carr al i°rec : was aggravate d and c hronic , mvclv . ngh I so cl ad and then the re was a pause, that he d Y saf. th t th B k 01 E land had them bonnn to the to of one .of the _J passages. and 1 His wife looked at him and sa rd n o thm. h1·oat as well ' as the n asal ent . , he alone with her if he would. ffs that at that pomt shut m the 1ve. t hough t it would r equire the th ree ,t1eatm bn a! audd or8 n e:l $l O 000 b blu " Economy is a great t!mg, Sara, might me. an Before the time came he had a cab called none but I feel fully c ur ed b y the two sent ldweli an'd a pJ From. the edge of the bluff to the river s .d send sai other than to Austin d Jonas. unea sily. t B TO GIVE SATISFACT ION. e ould uc nd i ever was I that l u I am thankf and went out in it. H e was driven to a of his named MacDonnell Another cable- edge is a sharp descent of probably seyety be a dreadful thmg to die rn te large to statm feet. There Streeter left the hapless victims Jetter dry·goods store, where he asked to see th1s use to poor-house, yon know, and you /·are at liberty gram s t ted th at. MacDonne11 was en .route don t ents. an . way. Over Ordars!by M ail promptly attended to." mamt er and was shown to his ofllce. that I have be6n cured at tv-o treatm w y0f m . the stea _er 'l,urm ia, to the Apitches and w,llked a some care for other people's admiration, do on, the j, I sh all gladly recommend youL" remedy to the precipice, in plain sight of the helpless ' f he m!nger found him there a pale th N h Saia, when you know your husband hkes miserable ob"ect trembling and 'famt a; t at 8 e ".011 c arnve 111, por m a e ays mothe1 and father, the Indians threw of my frien ds who are autrerers. the OOORS, SASH, BLINDS , PICKETS J that B idwell "' '"'.l at 8anta Andre , Spam and you 3ust as well in your well s, wed clothes 1 1 Yours' w ith many thanks. ' little boy. The mother was tbe next victim. one i "n dee i " llnes' s " Ile has come to b!' "I REv. E, B. STEVENSON " I and was abon t to sail for Mex1co and wonld e don, t ca11 them shabby, s ara, onJ Y well W MOULDING S, &c. , kept on hand. E . ' . . 'lled-before her husbanc1-m d s1 1e was 1u thought t e managei " wl1at can stop at Havana, Cub Bemg And h undred s of others well acqu,amt - an saved " " a ' t.andBhis i 1 J.. er m wluch a band of J0 horrible I d mann f the ca t ? H :?.:"1t l " Call them what you please, Jonas, they. noti! an; :; man: : : ;. !dwel\ I sJarte: 01{. mve Mo Apaches always slay the females who fall er e ep ,im, anc ma e a ee me or 0ri · merit both epithets. " : The next amusement answe; ed sad! _ At Cdar Keys I secured a c a.ttle ship alive into their hands. , She sat quietly for a while with her hands , they determined on was the old cruelty of w " I t t b shawl I good l saile for Ha a a, o. d Her k temper and e before her. the Y table on folded " " .A : :i :i a t running the gauntlet. The young prospect es al win attnd to you sir' Has received he r new stock of o ld l was rlSl g fa·t, bnt she had seen enough to i6o: \ I said the manager. ar hil: i or wa the victim chosen. Re, however, a i hadrude control it ' . ser is the v1c " No' " ietnrned Jonas " I am too ill too mt'> poi·t. I arreste d1 him as soon as he knowmg that he had no chance to escape, · . GO O D S ., im of a vice that mast I1 broken t' A rrn . ie d mad e s w ere u n t' as soon as h' to talk to a salesman I can trust e d ff ti ve 1s ba n « d th:e bb: as the dru?kard's does him. jnst him ers Bow of s Ladie the s invite and you. : °' : t r_ush and spran ove the ch:ff followi_ng the f want tbe costliest shwl you have." : Cr iti . C n tr t he we a e Jonas wti.s ashamed of himself, even as " A madman I" thou""ht the manager 1 En 1d ' th P [. boy. Seelllg him go over the frightful VETERINARY SURGEO N, wonld nc:t little T a thkri 'Qlanville and vicinity to call spoke, and she knew it. As she looked at " our costliest 0.rm ... place tlie Apaches gave him no further con· is $l 500' " he said' rnpressing oc Im \u ice Cl t a th T r y ? him a little while, grief came instead of w h . ' . Pattern cern But he was not killed ontdght. He b a smile and see her t n. d r n that e e esca b g was ery good anger. There was so mnch l n '.rh r " IIae it put up for me' ,, said Jona.s ' g struck fairly in the water, and the shock ad 1!'h _worto d0 oertaam efur about Jonas. It was terrible to see this j " ,, said the managr to r8 was so much lessened that a broken leg was Certainly mad t B O N N E T S, H ATS canker S ' a pams d pinch· I texpre er ar e ou an na t the see to all, it creeping over l Y the only apparent damage. With his .m hh self , p msh to n c lled i loca t e h 1 m anxi at are a strange mouth-the his ed lines about M - crippled limb that poor fellow crawled fif . w ,a and a.ssortmen t ot But Jonas had taken a check from his now, d ' !l' es e ow . I eyes. poor Sar remember t forty S . abou m1 l b l, and t ous 1ook . . m h" 'here he dICd' after . b1e«st, aucl with trembling hand was filling ... ee m11es to a ranch " " took him back with rr.e to that lace. He telling how up the blanks read of mrner? I had she ed stones S G N I M what I have 3ust told you I M as I The manager looked it R T a ain endeavored to bribe the ma 1:i I had to tey while themselves tarved s had they . o d how some f them died o ver carefully. " Jonas Pray, " he paid, a.rd h'm b offering him a United States one of the men to whom he told it. Se er· unted the !m . 'fhen it flashed upon t ff v i ; : b0o, but the man luckily did al clays later we went to where the ,ndians !"!TORE s-!!Mond D.oor wen or wnuam· m the dark t? save candles ' and h w more respectfully o nd fo $ l, .J"P..l er Stnll ? , him that he had read in the paper of a fatal not reco nize the value of it and he failed. had sto:ppAd on top of tle bluff an .oud long illness, one of the woalt1est a through ' accident to this man's wife. It was a I I sta yedgin Havana until June awaiting the ' te bones of poor Mansfield and his wife of these me refused to . have a p1llo_w ' -...,,., trnuge proceed ing \ , !together. Secretly he arrival of the English d tectives, when he I '.Ihe f?rmer yras lymg fae do"'.nward on an bro.nghb for Inn, or e".'en a httle saucepan m I' s called others to look at his customer. One was taken to England. e While in Cuba I I an hill. His arms w ere c:x;tcnd ec , the whwh to heat lua porndge I wrists fastened to sta1':es driven m the him financially he was all right mterce ited a letter directed to Bidwell at Would Jona<i grow to be as bad as these ? knew " nd tne rest is none of our business,' Havan! which \\ as written m cipher. I ground. He had been tied down nd }eft ! I How could sh e tell Once or twtce of late concA luded the manager, as he saw the made art of the cipher out and mmed f tely , to be eaten alive by the red ants. 1ney i a he had fouud fault with the a ou?t used, bundle cleaned '111 of :he flesh from Ins bones Honorary Grad\ui,te of the Ontario eterinarY of splendor carried down stairs after cablel to New York to have them seem e a ! ?ad and m oune d over his butcher s bill. Bnt As there are mo.ny ,u.fe1·ior J onas Pi·y " They spoke of him as a d i 111 tho se few days. · College, 'l'oronto. Reg1stet'ed member of the t ih juto, k run a resse o ap . eorge , a 1ews d t C t G M t goucls, corded w1 s a 0f'th' · t h meu g omera'l . Y d1d s ometh' m., 011tano Vetnmary .Association, in a·,cordnnce -----i ' or ,b miser rn the paper. That's a pretty pur- that was at some European express otlice. I h e m p , etc., oJJ:erecl a.ud sok1 had heard, an d men k new no t ung a 011 'ith the Veterinary .Aet. as Coralme by some un I chise for a miser." . . , , 1 fa pieparnd to tre,,,t all c1 J, dress. She arose softly and went out of the .oasAs of the Dom· prmcipl1·d merchants trad· Austm & Ba.ldw1f s New York Express 'I H.B SEAL FISHE.RI£S d rove home. From onas J Meanivhile, estlc Ammalo, a Pc11rdm11: i r. the lates1 theories. I mg on th0 reputat10n of 1 room and brought back her shawl and bonoffice my brother RoDert found the t rnuk , I th e door fio ate d ong str amers 0f bl acI' All cal ls person ally, by 'l'el egraph or Tel& -onr IJnuine CJoraline, net nd placed them before him on the 1 VP": N sweet ac m ed a eet opening it found 3(}5 $1,000 United ! pbone will receive prompt attention . we wo.1n the lo.dies o.gamst g r- ancl t t d il table States bonds wrapped up iu an old suit of Tile C::lcvt·1· Do1lge o rtbe lhith ll tm.- Driving .tarOFFrcE-M1tin .St , Orone, one door such 1mpos1t1on by draw north o w s y e u C e g r 1· · it hm a1 1 s a. r m W, Henry's Htore a, " j0nas, dear , " she sai<il " I don't want ing then attention to the clothes. A for wom n called it, my and l 1lle Sent. Duw11 10 nu· C::o , "· s1iawl 1m< er h is arm, l 1e went upst airs to necessity of seeing that the ' these see how d CHARGES M01)]£RATE, , to be unreasonable · look at s rot a . 1 ' , owe b h h d d h l er as f ou th er e anl uu i;iie \ \ l WASHINGTON ' Sept 18-The seal fishery , da1 kened room, Vi'licre, un er tl1e name shabby they are. They were nice' when we 1 the ight "fe 0f the 11:0 tori · ons Ph 1 -1 Hasg rave. Th e tt quest10n is again folds of white drapery, seemed to wi agitating the mmds of the were married, but they were cheap, and II sti·a letter w s written by e ell, who d e B i 1 G g i w S tate Depa,rtment, although it appears to be lie the sorr ow of the house. A watcher sat j 00.J CROMPTON CORSET cheap things fade so. I have made everyt as was at Edmburgh at the time, and who . w . not lrke . Tllen , aloiie ' , ont of their power to do anything as regards ,. \ there. H e sen Jier away. '" atatnped on mner side of aIl e01alme goo..., TH E KEY JO thing I had do for two years. I did . d All a in the morn, he knelt down upon the floor aires ted the!e a . sh ort t' . ime af ter war settlement of the matter. The representa. Without which none are genuine. to ask fo1 clotbes. You know you gave me b . fl the others 1mphcated Ill the robbery were . e th t1ves of the British Government are making - -------two pairs of gloves in our honey moon ; I e;d .ce 1id ' " Sara. can you hear arreted afterward. Ma,c Dmndl was a.:res.t- 1 very vigorous complaints ag t·inst the manner S ara ' have them still. ' b' t ed oyes ork dw m New and H m l i Y a l i t E m N i I 1oved you, - ara, u I was sucl a in whkh the Canadian sealers are treated " What a good, careful fnr1 . " sa1"d Jonas, me Hl we11 brotl1ers ' 'th the tWO B" THE ONTARIO BANK earessing miser-such a miser ! I've bought you a 1, Lon don, so wi in Afaskan waters. So far the vesse1s seized her dark h ?'rr, s she came and . had we th lot caged. whole \ a. 1 ess n i s S u B 1 ( ontinuea to d o a Gen era l Banking I shawl at last. Oh, Sara ar a I've. p id by the revenue cutters h a.e all heen reeas.ed sat on a low stoql bes1rle him eBo wman vill ti Brauch. a,s much as I could for it my dear you ' " Now it seems when they first went to because of the lack of evidence of their killl, it is my na- II es, I have been carefu " Y t fi w ': l London the they f name went of under Hut l be rapped in i in yo r co n - ing seal within the prescubed line from Cape D E POSl'J' S ture, to be careful," answered Sara. " Few ha ton & Co. , and were there ostensibly for the Prince of Wales to Attou Isl.incl, one of the But at that instant a voice cried le<lelved in S avings Bank Deparl ment rich men's wives woud have done ? much. e purp ge shops tablishing se t la " ma n ! uJ ! o, of o Oh, o as Jona,s, dear s i my poor o, Bhj nie group. It has been intimatetl that iall and interest allowed at cu,.rent rate s. No Now look at these hmgs, my der. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the factnre P ullman cars to operat.e on English the officers of the r evenue ci1tters.have been Bowels, !" iotice of wit hdrawe.I necessary. .All depoaltf Kidneys and Liver, carry. Jonas looked. There came a time, after- Jonas $ pa,ta.ble on demand , roads. w They brought th them and overzealous on 11ccount of the pnl'<e money mg off grad 0 And turning he saw his wife either in 4-0,00 i 1mlly without wt... Jkening the ward, when i t seemed to him that tht the spirit or th flesh standing before him. established a credit at the western branC'h they would receive should the captured EXCD A .NtxE system, all the impurities and foul faded tint of that shawl, its din gy His knees trembled nder him. He erred of the Bank of England. To begin opera vessels confiscated ,ind soltl. This cliai ge humors of the secretions ; at the . of yellow-brown, . and the out to heaven to protect him. But the fig· tioJ.J s they went to Brussels and secured a has notbe Joughtand sold and Drafts issued up on Europe palm leaves been made openly, but the com. time Correcting Aci dity of same the ld, Silver and crushed flowers and shabby ?bon f ure came closer. lt was no crhost but a number of bills of exchange, which was plaints yet Jnitfld States and Canada, also Go n against the CatJtain of the Rush are Stomach, curing '.Biliousness, Dys .. the bonnet, had been seared mto his Ii ving woman She took him i Jnited Staes Greenbaoks b ouizh t and sold . "::. her' arms. counterfeited and passed on the bank. The of snch a nature'. that little else could be im. pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, brain. He looked at them foug and linger" Oh how iu yon look 1" she said. " And next they wanted was a Rothschild 's bill he agined. The one American seal company Heartburn, Constipatio Cl O L L IE (J 'J' iO N S n, Dryness ingly. Ho knew that ?is wife was ll 1 went to my sister-in- oxctmge, which was. a little difi.icul t to gt. permitted to carry on umess in Alaskan it was my fault. of the Sid Dropfy, Dimness of Promptly m;de e.t currf'n t i a t e s upon all par. able, and that the thm gs were, an d lo ll:g, law's and there in a pet-oh I was 80 an· At 1ast an opportumty offered itself. Bid- wa·ers has been complammg of the ruthless Vision, .Jaundice, Galt af Great, the Umted Statea and Da had been, unfit fr her to w ea1·. But I Rheum, s gry n , ' g y dress, my I we! was tra';elling btween and manne in which . ave Jonas-I away a_ r e destroyed by the JiJrys1pelas, Scrofula, Flutterir,16 <Jf seal minion of Canada, r mey tugged a.t his heart s,nngs. shawl, and my honnet, to a beggar-woman, Paris on the ra!lroad .wh10 h hap p ened to be - Canadian sealers p!tssmg through waters the Heart, Ner·vowmess, a . nd Gen· . The shawl is very thm, she ans;yered, and vowed to sit in one of my sister's dress long to the Rothsclulds, when an acmdent Telegraph 'W.'1·a1ure1·s der Umted States control. e:n.1 Deb1li.ty ; dl these and many agai n , as I did ast ing gowns nntil yon gave me decent clothes occurre an<l: he was _bruised 1p consider- un"St. Made tor large or small su m s on all parts of " .and I shall catch cold _ George and St raullslands oilier are prob· R1rn1Ltr Complaints yield to the ,, Canada. '.l'hia is especially advantageous to wmter. .- ... to come home in And the poor woman ably. I atchmg np his face with plasters, ably the greatest breedmg grounds for seal 1 . ,,'nr>y wfnenco cf l3URDOCX 1)81'80na living In Manitoba or the North·wes1 " .Poor gill !" he murmured softly, and ' killed two h'ours afterwards . and I he hobbled into Roth schild ' s office and ask · in the world, " said Dr. Wharton, solicitor was PLC OD BI'l"I'l!.lR S. 11s lt makes the tunds av1nlable at once at th looked towa1d the desk where his cheokkuew that she had been takei'.i. foi me ed f or Lhe Baron. He stated that he had of the State Department, an authority, to a place of payment. book lay But the _grip of. the fiend that ueei l foR:ii & UO.. P"onr'<4orn. '1'<>·onto. until this morning. Oh 1 such a dirty been iIjred on theh road, .but istead of reporter, " but he slightst invasion of their :'. JllJJ,l For Carther partlonla.ts call at the .B&nk!np ri;Ies a miser ,s soul mpped btm sorely a. he 1.a eature, my dear, the papers described her. complammg he merely wanted a bill of ex - haun_ts i sufficint to drive them hunreds Honse. . d1d so. Ancl for a little while I was glad you had a change for a large amount of money of miles mtothe 1mpenetrable Arct1e reg10ns. T. RODIE, GEO, McGILL, " They wear sacks a good deal, 8ara, fright : bttt I am sorry now that I was glad. " that he had with him. This he secured , This the British sealers are endeavoring to Accountant. Mana&er don't they ?" he asked. .Por r·n answer he picked up the costly and after securing a bill of exchange of do only from the north siae, so as to drive ·lv " Oh, they are v ery fashionable," reph- shawl <> nd wrapped it abont her and took I Bledemtein, their plans were fully perfe ct - the seal south on to Canadian shores, where ed hi,s wife. I her folded in it like a mnmmy, t his heart I ed and their oprations .begun. They in· they can be slaughtere at the pleasure of ,t Y 'I e one of that old couldn hen " !11a)j: . ?ll l· The miser is dead." he said, " but serted an advert1serrent 1u one of the Lon- the hunters. ' . fo a certam extent the Cana DAN DE L ION bilhard - cloth that is m _ the truD;k·room ? again. Pray will show his wife how he can I don papers for a private secret.ary , and hd dians have succeeded, and fi:om some of the My poor mother bo1;1ght it at auctwn, and Jonas one of their own pals (the wm Noyes Hill smaller islmds near the St. George and the her." To boy Foot Gear fo.r Men, Women, he meant to use it fo1 a coverlet ; but cherish LIVER AND KIDNEY He did . and if ever afterward Sara de · that I stated was arrested m Londou) to au· j St. Paul the seal have been driven ft'. The s o it's a very pretty green-don't you thmk so, tected ' Boys and Maidens, at sy;iptorns of a i elapse all he had to swer the dvertisement in the presence · of poachers in killing seal in A merican waters Sara ? and such nice material !" do was to wrap herself in 'the wonderful some big bank otficial when they engaged u&e rifles, shooting them at a distance, oiten '."here is a. limit to woman's atience ; shawl. 'l'he sight of it inevitably recalled hi. Their plan was this . Afte: counter · fi fty or sixty yarde. In nine cases out of this suggestion measmed Sara s. She the moment . sunk , tbe dead seal nev when in agony of soul he 1'C· fe1tmg a number of the various bills of ex- ten after havmg er started to her feet and, gathering up alized llow little, fter all, is the alne of , ch.ange they would . in th morning send come to tJ;ie surface, so that several ti!°es her bonnet and shawl, walked out of the money H e may indeed Jove his money i Hill to the bank to cash it. They wonld the room. After she had gone, Jonas really yet . but he knows that he loves his Sara then watch outside, and if Hill came out s quantity secured are lost. American CURE S ealers state that the beaches on the seallooked at his check-book, and, fo1 at least mo;e alone every thing was all 1ight, but if he I brt·edmg islands are covered with carcases · ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY C OM- two minutes, contemplated drawinv a check, came out with a stranger it was a signal washed up by the cu rrents o.nd surf from the and telling his wife he had only been teas An Albany grocer, who \Vas accustomed that every thing was discovered. Tlungs deep sea where they were shot hy the PLAINTS, DYSPEPSTA, INDIGEST- in g her. B ut he could not bring himself to to place some of his wares outside of the went on smoothly, and they had already se Cti.nadian. The Americans and n!l.tives are door as an a dvertisement, and among them cured nearly $1,0ro,OOO when the fraud was only ION A:N D ALL DI':!EA SES .ARISING do it. permitted to use the harpoon at sea, After a while his wife looked into the an apparent bag of coffee which was, indeed, discovered one day by their being n o date and only on shore can the gun be utilized, FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE room whh her old bonnet on, an he1 old but a co ffee bag filled with sand. The on one of Bledeustein's bills of exchange. and then only on rare occasions, the report shawl abont her shoulders, and smd other night it was left out of doors, and a The sequel is as I hiwe already told you. of the piece being sufficient to scare away LIVER AND KIDNEYS. " Jonas, I am going to spend t he day citizen with little moral sens e saw it, and Hill was arrested in Lonclon, Austin Bid- the seal which after having once departed EMPO RIUM ! with my sister in law, but I shall be home straightway n irmg a horse and wagon, well in Havana, Ueorge BidH'll in Edin- under such ci;cumstances, never return. before dinner time. " stole the bag and carried it home. He paid burg, and Mo.cDonnell in New Y :irk. They hought at the Department of State It 1s t The Greatest Blood Puri " I hope you will e113oy yourself, my ! $2 for the ho1 se and wagon, and when he were all sentenced to life imprisonment, and that Thomas B Reed of J\faine, dear," he answered. found that his coffee was sand was·so mad now I see that .Austin Bidwell is at last par who Congressman in the World. has JUSt returned to Portland from a Our New Stock has arrived, and com He £aw her eyes were heayy with "eep iug , th,t he 0ent a threatening letter to the j cloned and released. Another episode in prolonged trip in Alaska where he studied prises somethmg neat and pretty for and looked away, 1 . shamed o "' , . f himself. Theu groceryman telling him of the fact and 1 B1dwell's life is the one that gives the ro- the c1ues lion, will endeavor to secure a settle- Ladies , Good aud Serv1caab!e for Men he betook himself to his office where he ! stating that if he di<l not sen d $2 to him (he mantic coloring to it. While m London he ment of the diffi culty in the nex t Congress. and Boys, and Boots that R Boots for E . M 0 R !::::> \_ J S ground out his money, ann during the day gave a fictitious n<11ne) through the Post became infatuatec:i wi1ih and married an - · - ' compromised with himself. He would do Office he would expose his dishonesty. The English colonel's daughter, who, there is no e very member of the househol d . Proprietor, Toronto. no extravagll.nt thing ; but when he went · plan did not work. doubt, loved him dearly, and believed him True education of the mind consists not home he would give his wife whti.t was A Boston family went off on a vll.cation, to be the man he represented himself to be · so much in the an:ount of information im necessary. Aud, after all, as he said to and the neuzhbors saw a cat in the window He settled a dowry SOLD' BY S25,000 on her when parted' as in the careful training and dis TR1JNKS, VA.J,ISES, .& SATCHELS. U STOCK , himself, it would been better if he had a11d heard it mew pitifully. The Humane they were married, of co which, rse, was of oipline of the u intellectual and m 1ral powers DIG GII't! BOT Hi\. itl & SON, done it at first. Re had grieved her, and Society broke into the house and rescued Ord ered Work Repairing a stolen money, and the poor girl did not -such a co-ordmation of the hculties as · sha was the only thing he loved on earth. the feline from starvation. It was a plaster l have an opportunity to spen b u t about will enable the child to think and work Specialty, as usual. He went home earlier than usual that of Paris cat. $150 of it, ;o, ;DAVIS : out problems for himself in l\fter-life. @;auadhtu Jtatemnu. How a Miser was Cured. · We We Jtgy · · · · · _ · · · · · .· · · · ALL WORK GUARANTEED I · · - liS S M cT \V ISIH II · ·1 · · It. FERG USOI. · · ' · ft JOHl\4 SPEN CER, .... . _._ .....:.;;m- -..........,. ... ... .. """'""' BEWARE . - I I I I I I · c: · · ·----·--- - --- · I I I · 1 · I ·ttLrH . · I reason· I > · · · I 1 I it Pays B ITT E R S I 11 l I · Popular No. 1 , Boot and Shoe lI I I

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