r BOWMANVILLE FAIR. HAMPTON. Como friends, gather near, while we J'OT'tr&y with pen, The village of Hampton a.nd prominent oen ; 'l'he trades and professions to plcLUrewt1'1l try; We'll r,iv0 due att ention and not ool4ilr tco high, SOHOOL BOARD. .A special meeting of theBoard was hold on Monday eveninl{. 'l'he memhers wero all pre· sent and businees commence<l sharp on time. '.l'he main f011ture ot tbe evenini:c wa8 the die· cussion of tho report of the Public Property Committee. 1'he report read as follows:- f!lii!!lia ; , tt ' {1 1 · 'q_pTOBER Jl'Ol'iltll.':lil .4.ND l'Il'TH. ·!J<<l'1.a-:M;. '1 FALLI FALL!! FALL! ! ! · 11 I . . . I i . ·:: ) :.. i,. im:, . · · The full m embership of the Dominion Organ and Piano Co's gaged, 27 members, who wil l render a choi ce program, including the selections pl ay ed at the late competition at Guelph . The a rrang emen t of-the .exhibit will be e n tirely different from former years, and the E;chibition Hall will he brilliantly lighted on the evening of tho 4th, with the electric light. M any 110veHies will be introduced by t h e Directorate and aev1:.ral valuable special prize1 will· be of· fered, among them the followin :Span R oad or Carriage Hor11es in har nes3, 15]- hand s and over; Special lst prize, Suit of Clothes, Value $30; present ed by Joa. Jeffery, Star House, Bowm au vill e. Single Carri ai.i e Sta l lion , styl e and speed ; Special lat Pr ize, Pair of Black Robes, Value $25, preented by Silver man, Boulter & Co., through M. Mayer, Hatter and Furrier, owm anvi llo. Band has been en For Lady Driver, first prize, a gold brooch, presented by J. J. Mas on , j e wel · ler and dry goods merchant, valued at $8. Second prize $5 cash ; third prize $3 cash, by M. Port.er and others. Speed will not be considered. For best collection Dahlies-goods by W.C. Wells, nlue, lat $2, 2nd $1. B $10 Q 0 0 0 rJ) vVe take great ple asure in announcing that we have com pleted arrangements for the Fall Trade. We have eroduring the ployed our time .A present· od by the Gan11.noque Carriaj!;eCo., through Levi Tole, .Auctioneer and Imp lement Dealer, B o wm anville, for B est Single Turnout on the grounds-Horse, Har ness, Cllrria.ge, Driver, Style and Speed are all to be ta.ken into consideration. The entire out fi t must be owned and driven by the Exhibitor. Southdown pair Shearling Special lat Prize, Pair of Boots, V al ue $5, presented by W. Jen uings, Boot and Shoe Dealer, Bowman ville. Best Bull on the g ro n n d, $5, the ani· mal t a ki ng this to relinquish the class prize. 'l'horoul(hbred Short-horn Herd, bull and 4 fe males, Blake prize$10, the win ner to relinquish cl as s p rizes to an equal amount. Crock Butter, not less than 40 lbs. to become pMpert y of the Socfoty-Special Prize of C oal and Wood Cook Stove, Value $28, presented by W. Buck, Esq .· Brantford, through S. S. Edsall, Hard w11-re Merchant, Bowmanville. 'rub 01· Crock of Butter, not less than 25 lbs-Special 1st Prize, Silk Dress, Value $16, presented by Couch, Johnston & Cryderm an . Best Collection of G raine, cons i sti ng of not less than Six of the following :-'.l.'wo B ush els Each-Spring Wheat, .Bald ; Spring Wheat. Bearded; Large Peas; Small Peas ; Blue Peas ; Barley, not two rowed ; Barley, two r o w ed ; Oats, Black ; Oats, White, all of 1887. S peci al Prize -2000 lb. Farmer's Platfom Scale. Value $35, p rese nted by Messrs. Burr ow. Stew art & Milne, of Hamilton, through Mr. W. M. Horsey, Hardware Merchant, Bowmanville. 50 ears Corn, strung, 12 rowed; Special Fit st Prize, 50 lbs. Cattle l!ood, present ed by J. Higg inbo tham & Son. Ceiling Oen tre Pi11ce in Plaster or Soap stone, One Year's subscription to CANA· DUN STATESMAN, presented by M. A. James. Pair Y..'oollen Mits, one yea r's s ubscription to the West Durham News, present ed by Gale B ro s. Pair W ool len lS ocks , one year's subscrip· tion to 'l'he S un , presented by W. R. Climie. 2 Loaves Bread, home-made, Special 1st Prize, Large Iced Cake, valued at $5, presented by D. S. Perrin & Co., Lon don, through JohnEngland,Bowmanville. Other Special Prizes will be adde d later. --- ---- ----- 1st, $0 a Spe cbl Prize of cash, p res en ted by J. Lyle. Draught Sucking foal, R. Beith's p riz es , Best Lady Rider i ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, $2. Special Pr ize of $10 will be l Tliat t11e grounds on which the Union School buildinKB formerly stood. situated on the cerner of Elgin and Wellington Streets, be ret,ained for school purposes. 2 That & brlok building be erected thoreon, or modern architecture, to contain not lcBB than Jn summer our street· are ole&n, shad1 and · Lh rtren (13) class· rooms. of regulation Bize, cool, with the !&test improvements for heat and Contagious diseases PllBS by as a rule; vontilatlop,. said bnildinirs to be ueed as a It's a favored resort for persons or wealth, As its now become f11omoue for pleasure and Union Hlh and Public School. 3 '.l'll o cost of tho buildings not to exceed the health. sum of the $15 000 fifteen honsllnd <lollars. · 4 That a eultable piece o! land, not leijs than At the corner, H. Elliott sell1 Dry Goode and one licre. be purc hased In tbe South Ward,and Shoes And his stock Is complete !rom which all may a brick buildlna: be erected thereon, to oontain not lesR than three rooms, o! RE'gula.hon eize, choose; suitable for three Divisions for tbe u·e or the .A.a you tinter the store for sale may be seen, Public Schools, the cost of the bmldlng and '.!'he unparalleled Domestic Sewing Ma.chino, land not to exceed the sum of th ·ee: thouaand For· weeks our good ladles have been in a Jive hundred dollars. ($3 iit'O) splutter, Ii 'l'hat the school property now in use in the To .John Elliott's rushing, in quest of good South Ward, be sold and the proceeds applied but.ter.to assist in defraying t.11e expenses o! the pro· That he buys from the farmers, who mostly poseil new grounds and buildings, come here G Your Commit.tco would also recommend For groceries, etc., 'bout twelve times a year. that vour property Committee be instructed to emoloy a Oornpetnnt Architect to get up Suit. :m. Hastings continues to make t.he best pump, able plans and specifications fo1· the purposed McLean with hh1 Binder the P1·ovince will Union School buildings, o.nd alsorplaos for the stump; proposed Public 8chool buildings for the South As a tailor, }'rank Cole takes tho cake for Ward, and submit such plane and apeoitl.,a. neat suits, tions to this Board for their approval. .A.nd Moyse is1stlll noted for making 11.ne boots. 7 That as soon as the plans of the proposed bnildiugs are approved of by the Board, that Charles Hora in the mill spends many on hour, tenders be asked roi· and contracts let, and the lrH!ing lnrge ordere tor superfine fl.our ; erection of tho buildings be proceeded with, 'l'. Elliott as usual buys ba7ly and wheat, with as little delay as pos3ible. .A.nd Jesse E. L. Cole sells excellent meat. 8 Your Committee wonk! also rec ommend that thisBo1ud request the Town Council not If any want tinware. rt!. \Vard's tbey cnn buy, to liubroit a By Law for t.lte approval of the All that they requiro and rates arc not high ; Barrel-making 8S nsnal is done by R.Bunt, Hate 11ayoni for the $10.LOO. as de·ired by this And Joseph and Jimmy the game could still Board, but that the '!'own !Council be asked to hunt, place the sum of $8.000 Eight thousand dollars at the disposal of this Board the app r opriated Mr. Edward '.l'renouth as a plasterer, is quick, He's also expert at the laying of brick ; amount required in addition to the ;;I0.000 iu A workman ot merit le Mr. John Ruse; aurance money "about to be rnceivcd" to en· .A.t New Years '.l'. Burrows relets the church able theBoard to defray the expenses incurred In tho erection and outOG or the proposed pews. Union and South Ward School buildings. Will vVard is an agent and writes for the News, 9 Your Committee woald also rec·immend F. Groat did the life of a pedigogua· choose; that they be impowered aa soon as 1he deliber C. Johns makes waggons and buggies as ever, ation Oll the school buildings ls settled, to have .t..b. Stott as a painter is said to be clever; the rema,in1ng walls of the old Union School bnildingd removed,ancl theBricks cleaned and Wm. ltlford, of late, has been living retired, But his flowers and garden are greatly ad· piled in tho school yard, relldy to be used in the constrnction of the p roposed new build mired; Boss Elliott, guards safe, township funds i11 ings. All of which is respectfully submilted. hs hands. .A.nd W. II. Hogers sometimes surveys land. 'l'hA Report was taken up clause by clause. '.l'liis 11lace ls the home of RuseBrothern, that sing; 'Tif1 also tar-tamed for its rare Sulphur Spring, Whose water when tested tor numerous ills, Are more etncacious than plaster or pills. for · Infants and Children. "Cutoria ill so we}l ad&pt.ed tA) children tha., ·MreOrnmencl it o.s Gllperior to anyprescriptiOJl lbioWD to me." R. A. R M D. lll So. Oxtolli St., Brook)J'D, N. Y. ' · , I Tm: CltNTAUll COlIP. I! Murrn.y Street,JfS/ t ... (7,utol'fa ettres Colle. Collltlpatlo"' Sour Stomach, DiarrhClla, Eructatiol'I. XiUs Worms, gives sloop, and. promotes d!· geetton Wl&bou$ Uljurious m.ed.icaf·iDD. ·- _ ....... ·-· FOI"t SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWM.A.NVILLE: The Prices tell, the Quality sells. K Barrass. M. A·, proclaims the go,.d truth, Misses Coleman and Niddery are trainini;: the . youth , '.l'he 8alvation .A.rmy speak words of good . cheer. While William is dealing out ale, wine and beer. .T, Ward is a blacksmith, keeps IJace with the e .A.nd as the result he is coining the dimes ; Our bulidcrs, Johns, Clatworthy and Pening ton, say. That busmeas this Bell.Son is certain to pay. J. a cllper to graft and to prune, And C--n wlth with his tax-bills will call around soon ; Mis!es Annie and .A.de., dressmakers. can 11lease, .A.nd Gilbort can always turn out a fine cheese, Cl 2\l 'l'ile steam threshers from here a.ro now on tho go, Owned by our townsmen, Messrs. Clark, Hare and Rowe· Farme1s, if bariey is small. don't atew und J!'orBowman has plenty ot money to let. pond is !requ.ented by wlld ducks and ulls, shores are noted for bulls ; We wili all cease working at some future day, H. Kateraon then can lay as away. Our fret, Auel its western We've not got a dude and very tew swells, But our village is noted for beautiful belles ; If you would retire 'mid pleasure and ease ; 'l'he village of Hampton will certainly please. Then it you'd keep posted andget all the news, 'l'he S·rATESJUAN, or course, is the paper to ' choose, You can get it ai once by sending your names, To the Publitlhing House o! M. A. .James. DISTRICT NOTES. Hev. Mr. Liddy, of M yrtle, has typhoid fever. Mr. Richard Pethick, of Hope, has re· turned fromEngland. Mias Ethel Crowley, a former Port Hop e girl, now a variety actress in Buff. alo, has fallen heiress to a f ortune of $100,000. UNKNOWN .-'!'here is no rem ed y known to medic al science th11t can excel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wi ld Strawberry as a cure for cholera morbus, dianh cea, dysentery, or any form of sUJnmer com plaint afliicting children or adults. The Scott A ct Inspector in Peter boro must be a wide awake official from the n umber of convictions he has secured al(ainst violations of the act. INDISPENSillLE,-1 have used Dr. Fow ler's Extract of Wil d Strawberry for summer complaints, and have given it to my friends. It gives instant relief when all other remedies fail. I would not be without i t in my house." MRs.T. B o n, Weidman, On't. Wesley Ur q uhart the 17-year-old s on of Alex. Ur q uh art of Udora, went to lead a bull to the llack fields yes ter day , when the b ru t e attacked and killed him . '£he seco;;d clatiso then taken up. The pro· po,,al to have a union or High and Put>lic t:lchools, was strongly opposed by Uol. Cubitt, Mr. Fairbairn and Mr. Bleakley, who held that the separation or the schools being urged by the Minister of F.ducation, by all Hlll:h Schmil inspectors and teachers, and all who were poste d in school matters, now that they had the opportunity t.hey should make a change, 'l'hey conte . nded the.t the coat of carrying on a seimrate system, would be very little ·more, taking every thing into consider&tion, ·while the advantuges gained would be" very many. 'l'he adoption ot the clause was strongly urged by Mr. Horsey v,nd Mr. Burden, while Mr, Lyle and Mr. Couch also favored the idea. Upon a vote beluQ it taken resulted in a tie, Messrs, Horsey, .LuBelle, Burden Conch, and Lyle voting for the adoption and Messro. Bleakley, Cubitt, Fairbairn, Tod and Brima combe against. '!'he 1.0atter being thus lert to tho chairman to give tho casting vote, he stat ed that seeing all those who werC\ well versed in educatfo:1al m!l.ttera were decidedly oppoes. ed to a union of tho schools. he ehould there· fore p.ive his vote agai11st the adoption o! the clause. 'l'he third clause ol necessity fell through with the "ecoud. The "rst clause was strongly opposed by Col. Cubit.I,, who held that were it adopted-the present grounds being too small !or the erec· tion of two suitable school builings-would necessitate the purchane of othet· grounds tor the erection o! a High School at a probable cost or from $1,000 to $1,500. \Vhereas the Drill Shed Grounds might be secured for school purposes at no extra cost and they would be amply large for both bmldings and the erec tion of both schools thus near together would enableQonejanitor to attend the two, while the coat tor fencing. etc.. would be much lees, than for sooarate gt"Ounds. Mr. Horsey claimed that Lhe Drill Shed Grounds were unsuitable, tha present locution beinl1' mnch bettor, After . considerable di&cusion the cl ..uso was adopt ed. We Bt prrces which must take ave no'Y completed arrangements for a big h eye fo1· ladies', gents' and childrens' wear; also in Trunks and Valises. Come an see our elegant stock-Cash bought it, low prices will sell it. . Our specialty 1s to J;>lease our customers, our aim to save money for our . patrons, our mtentwn to do better for you than anyone elfie. Gow", " cannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed to undersell us. BOOTS, SHOES A.ND SLIPPERS sale of popular goods. of every economical buyer. We keep. the best qualities, styles, and assortment in 28. M. TRELEVEN)· Tamarac JB-mes H. Gi lmour, of 'l', Gilmour & Co., Wholcenlo Grocers; Brockville, says : I have used " Tamarac Elixir" Cor a severe Cold and Cough, whicl1 it immedi!1tely relieved and cu reel. Hiram Buker, Lumber and Cheese Deale1·, North Augusta, Ont., say : "Tamarac Elixir'· is a wonderful medicine for Coughs and Colds, Throat and Lung Complaints. 1t ia without doubt tbe best medicine I ever used, aud never f8'Ui to give immediate relief, We consider it a household necessity, ---- · ··-"·--·---- HEAD. ALLAY$ l!'!FJ.HUI AT .JON· H.t:ALS ntE So:aEs. RESTO.JlllS ENSJ<; -- quiet summer months visiting the markets, examining sam ples, testing goods by all pos sible means, comparing prices of different manufacturers, using every care and precau tion as to quality, appearaBce and prices, till at last we have succeeded in placing in stock as fine an assortment of Dry Goods as ever was shown in Bowmanville. gin We cannot be to ennumerate our im mense s tock in detail, but we invite the public to call and inspect our stock, even though you may not wish to purchase call, examme and compare, and if you are not satisfied that we can show you better value for your money tha.n you are accustomed to, do not buy. J.Jm MASON General Dry Goods Mail, PEOPLE DEMAND PuOTEC'l'ION.-Patent Medicines, What are they 1 As a general thing they are prescriptions having been used wiLh great success by old and well read Ph ysi cians . Thousands of invalids have been unexpectedly cured by their use, and they are the woIJder and dread of Physicians and Medical Colleges in the U. S., so muoh so that physicians gradua ting at Medical Colleges are req ui red to discountenance Proprietary Medicines, as through tl1em the country doctor loses his moa t p rofit able practice. As a man u facturer of Pr oprietary Medicines, Dr. G. G. Green, of Woodbury. N. J., advo cates moat cordially,-in order to pre vent the risk that the sick and afflicted are li11ble to, almost daily by the use of Patent Medicines put out by inexper ienced persons for aggrandizement only, and the employing of inexperienced and incompetent doetors by which al · moat every village and town is chrsed ; and the men cl aim ing to be doctors who had better be undertakers, experimen ting with their patients and robbing them of their money and health,-for the good of the afliicted that our government pro tect its people by making laws to regu late the practice of medicine by better experience d and m oro thoroughly edu c"ted Physicia ns, and tl1ereby keep up the honor and credit of the profession, also form laws for the recording of re ceipts of Proprietary Medicines, under examination and decision of experienced Chemiats and Physicians appointed for that purpose by the G overnm ent, before they are licensed for general use. He would most freely place the recipe of Boschee's German Syrup and Green's August Flower under such laws, h ad he the proper protection, and thereby save the prejudice of the people, and avoid the conwetition and intimation of worth· less medi<Jines.-Oop·ied from the Chicago It was then moved by \Vin.Horsey, seconded by S. Burden, Thnt Messrs. b'airbri.irn. Couch. '!'odd, Lyle, and the mover be a committee to enquire into and report at a special meeting to be ca.Heel by tbe chairman at the re q nest or the committee, tho advisability of disc ontinuing the HiRh School lrom the December holidays until the propoeed now school buildings are ready for occupation. .A.nil als . o the propriety of dispensing with tho Principal and 'Jlea.ohers of the High :,>chool dnrin11; the said term. And that no farther room accommodation be engag· ed, hut tho.t the High School classes continue to occupy the Town Hall until after the report of the committee has heen received by this Board, Moved in amendment by Mr. 1"airbairn. sec onded by Col. Cubit. that the committee be in· strncted to engage th Church·st Meth.church v0stry for the use of the High School and that school commence there immediately. Carried. 'l'he BoB-rll then adjourned. '.l'he fourth clause upon bein taken up elicited such a torrent of oratory that severnl or the members became alarmed least its dis· cussion should last all night, ao it was decided to lay over tho remainder of the report tor another metlng. 0-;: THE ASTE: ...... ------ .SMELL, -HA.RING. ' IMPORTANT TO ALL Who areBe.ld,or ha,·e Thin orGrey Hair, or who are troubled with dandrulf. Dr. DORENWEND'S z <C .. ... DE NT I ·r p ll"- y t · WHERE IT ENDS.-Nine-tenths of th e disease denominated Cararrh is the result of protr acte d or oft-repeated colds in the head. Nasal Balm will give immed i ate relief and permanently cures. ! a: I.LI CJ ..· J" Gr.adna.te ofthe Royal Oollc1ge of Deuta.l Surgeons, Ontario. HARNDE.N, L. D. 8. OFFICE OPPOSI'l'E EXPHESS OFFCE, GOLD FILLING A SP:EOIALTY ARTIFICIAL TEE'rH INSERTED WITHOUT ... ,. Will be found iuvaluable for the hair and scalp. scalp of all Dandruff, invi11;or· ates the growth of the hair, and in cases of btildness, whare there are the slightest signs ot roote left it will produce good crops o! hair. I retores grey hair to its orlgin!l.l color, and i1 nn excelJ(lnt dressing DO NOT DEJ,AY, if your hair is in a weak condition get a bottle at once. J'or sale by .J, HIGGIN BOTH.AM & SON, and all druggists. Ask tor it, Great Reductions in price on all Dental Work. Vitalized Air, constantly in use pro· ducing Painless Operntions. Particular atten tlon paid to the regulation .:if Children's Teetll Good .News at Home. E. Monms, E sQ . ,-DEA SIR,-! have reason to speak well of your Dandelion I have been WELL nearly dead Liver and Kidney Bitters. with cholera morbue, one bottle of Ex troubled for some time with my Kidney tract of Wild Strawberry cured me, and and a friend of mine recommended them at another time I was so bad with summer to m e and I tri ed them in my case, and complaint that I t h ough t I would never found them to work like a charm ; there get over it, when two bottles cured me." fore I h ave much pleasure in recommend ing them to all p er s ns who are troubled Mrs. E. Askett, Peel, Ont. in any way with their Kidney. Between forty and fifty young friends Yours truly, of Miss Kate Pellow, who leaves Canada J, J. JoNBS. soon for her home in England, was to Newtonville, May 3, 1887. Rice Lake on Monday for a day's outing; . TESTED.-"! was R PLATES. It g[eansea the _.ALL WORK WA.RR.ANTED · .._ Branch office, Dr. Rntherford'a Orono. o A. DORENWEND, A LucKY EscAPE.-"For six years I suffered with my throat and enl arged ton sils. I was very weak ; I doctored four years and had advice from three do ofors ; they said I would have to undergo an operat ion. I tried B.B.B. instead. One bottle cured me," M.A. SQUELCH, Rag lan. Ont. M1·. Monti;(omery, manager of the Yorkville branch of the Central Bank, Toronto, and t he wife and family, who have ben spending their holidays at " Glon elg, " Mr. D .McConn a c hie 'a, Clarke, have returned home. MY DAUGHTER and my self, gt eat suf:for ers from Catarrh, have been cured by Ely's Ci·eam Balm. My sense of smell restored and health gre11.tly improved.-C. M. STANLEY, M erchant, Ithaca, N.Y. II George Oliver, n i ght watchma.n at New t onvillo, was killed at the station at tha place on Saturday. He was lying on tho tra ck pl't:sumably asfoep, and rould uot be roused by the whistling of the engine, and before the train could be stopped, the engine, tender, and two cars had p asse d over him, cuttrng off both legs below the knee. He soon died . The unfortun&te man leaves a widow and four young child ren. .A.. Dorenwend is the leadln11: or Hair Goods in Co.nada, '.l'ORONTO, CAN.AD.A.. Sole Ma.nfr. m&nutacturer COX & CO., TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. You'll nud 1t good to reg11· Jato Tbe organs ot both lllll<ill · . nn<l great, It chock· ::;iolc 11oaduohc, and the woe That sad Dyspepllcs ever know, Besides ·u11 plc.,.nnt to the t.aste, So none needi;nlp It down. fa baste. .Ai,g. 3rd, 188'7, 1G This powder uovor vartco. .A. marvel ot purity, strength and wholesomoneas. Moro economical than tlJe ordinary kind, and on not be aold in competition with the mnltitniJ.e of low test, shcrt weight, alum or I·hotJPhO.'e powders: Sold onlyin cans. HOYAL ll.A.K· ING POWDEH. C0 .. 106Wal1St . . N. Y, VETERINARY SURGEON, c!.etive flucta.tions in the Market, offer opportunities to specula ENNISKILLEN, tors to make money in Honorary Graduate of 011tario Vteri nary C ollege , Member of Ontario Vet er , Grain, Provisions, inary Association, will attend Stocks, Bonds & to all diseases of domestic Petroleum. animala. F. A. JONES, Prompt attention given to orders.· O:fnce over Murdoch' St or @ . Entrance by Telephonl'! Stai rcase. 11-tf. Operations & Dentistry A S P E CI ALTY. Calla and Orders by mail o tel egrap h will re c i ve prompt v,tiion . C HARG· ES MODERATE. 0 I;' lrJ CE H 0 U H S, 8 'l'O 10 A. M. t arrh for the pas t fifteen years, with dis tressing pain over my eyes. Gradually the disease worked down upon my lungs. About a year 1md a lui.lf ago 1 commE::nced usi ng Ely's Cream Balm, with most grati fying results, and am to-day apparen tly cured.-Z.C. WARREN, R ut lan d, Vt. II I Hil.VE BEEN a s e ver sufferer from C a J PR@.t', LO"\V'!! Sl!I.i'IIUU SllA.l' Is n de llgJttfnl toilet luxn 1·y us .,vcll 1.1s a g()()tl cur atl ve ior sliln illse;tse. . .. . A SEVERl!: TltIAL.-Frances S. Smith, of Em B dale, Muskoka, writes," I was t roubed with vomi,mg for two years, and I have vom i t ed as often as five times a day, One bottle of Burdock Blood Bit ters cured me." Absolutely Pure. ER e Jrront East, Toronto get up 1hc Neatest, most Complete and Best Selling Noedl<>Pack&go in Amel'ica· Send 25 cents for SamJ.)les of New No.1, finished inFlno Plusli. Particulm·a sent whc.n stumps nro cu. TO AGENTS mIni':f;. Co., 46 and. 18 street A firBt·class N. B.· - ··Will visit Williarn.sl)l1rg every 16-ly Saturday of each week. :ijavcrJsh or ll'Mfnl. stock or Medicines a.lwaya on h&nd. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria closedfon-epJy, ZC-15 W<1l'm 1.'I' ()A!\' UO NO U.\UM. to tr:v J11·"<'mn11·s !·owtlc1·s when you!' l'i1Hil is aili'11:.;