· , JAPANESE PRISONS. ..l Nntlve '\Vho Dus Reen in Them Jleser their TerrorH. · ·auadiau tattsmau. WEDNESDAY,, SEPT. 28 1887. HOUSEHOLD. Counsel of a Mother to Mothers. Wb.o can blame a child for having little respect for the mother who never atterripts to punish, when punishment is due, but simply shakes her head dolefully over her -0hildreu's wrong-doing and threatens them by the words, "I'll tell your father when h e comes home, he'll punish you." Every mother should have just as much authority over her children as their father· has. She should exercise the right to reprove or punish when uecessar:)', just as much as she should exercise the right to give encouragement, and praise, when need·ed or deserved. All children at some time during their lives, need punishment, I don' t mean whippina, there are other modes of punishment, that meet all requirements, and are much less degrading to the child and moth er. I find that a half hour of solitary confinement, tlOing to bed an hour earlier at night, or the loss of some hoped-for excursion, or :toy, will usually wor k wonders with my little brood. Whipping is something seldom, very seldom resorted to with my little ·two of salt in the middle of eacb, and, un less a shower washes it off, it will kill the w eeds. In a basin of water, salt, of course, falls to the bo tom ; so never soak salt fish with the skin side down, as the salt will fall to ' the skin 11-cd remain there. , S alt and mustard, a \easpoonful of each followed with sweet oil, melted butter, or milk, is the antidote for Fowler 's solution, white precipitate of arsenic. For stains on the hands, nothing is better tban a little salt, with enough lemon juice to moisten it, rubbed on the spo s and then washed off in clear water. l!'or weeds in pitvements or gravel walks, make a strong brine of coarse salt and boilicg water ; put the brine in a sprinkling can and wa.ter the weeds thoroughly, being care!ul uot to let any of the brine get on the grass, or it will kill i t too. If a chimney or flue catches on fire, close all windows and door s first, then h ang !I blanket in front of the grate to exclude all air. Water should uever be poured down the chimney, aE it spoils the carpets\ Coarse salt thrown down the flue is much t · t , better 0 ' · . . . . The past IS contiually reapparmg and Always on hand a lowest prices. . m nothng more otweaby- than 10 the horror wl nch all _ unJustly p rivileged clasJieS lalwys still 'ays h_ave d1spl11;yed an are displaymg at the idea of its ven bemg sug<>nes. Great indeed must be the offence gese th at they. should dISgorge any of t!l-go tteu gams or surrcder peaceably . that merits such degradation. And yet if their such punishment must be administeted, or other ws any of heir UDJUSt and u nrea- who critic.:i.se their policy, immed fatly ar- Th ursday not a sin gle cheer 'was0herd from hav? always clung ested .me nd my friend without any further the crowd on the platform of the station hey pr onable s. vilege s at why my small men and women know th to thes: '1th death-like tenacity; they hae rnvestig atwn. either whee the ro >al train arrived or when mamma will not shrink from the task. Al. r I was bro u gh . t before Kelbu, or it left. Another )roof was 11.fo "At fi st been will ing to.sh ed any a o unt of blood mi f rded on this -have arrived at thethough the children know that mamma or(er t o retam them. 'they have ,been! three . consfobles, and ask ed several, 1seles occasion of the bundless imbecility of the suffers much more than does the offender, ruelty. They q uestions, such as ' 'l'Vho are your friends.?'! court functionaries, as a message had been strous mo most the of guilty i:; and I think that is the greatest punishment have stop ped at 110 c.rne. '.Iney have hes1· 'Whom do you .know?' e tc . I was kept Ill! sent desiring that the public might. be e:x-· of all to them. comm1ssw11 of no baseness. a temporary rison.for en d11:ys, a!1d then eluded from the station while the . Oueeff . I can cot help getting out of patien ce tated at the to tell the been read sent to the mau p·1son m K aJ 1ba sh1. They have alway )'. u 11. c nh ll su was at Perth, although her Ma'esty ;as to with the women who leave . _ "The pison s siated in_ a central place m5lst rr:ou tro us 11es and to rawc the . mos t · stop there for nearly an hour ai the busiest' pleasanl. duties to the faLher. It i s . 11ot fair mISl oadmg.and mos unfoundc oure1es m of th o capital, Tok10, ?'Il_d 1s under the d1- time of the morning, this being the very to the children, the father, or themselves. ish m.teres_ts ·ect cntrol o t.h m nuster of th? Inter- height of the tourist Stlason. It was found Children should b taught to look for- order to secure th.cu; own sel f . ward to papa's home-coming as one, if not and keep doym their ill-used bread wmn ;1 s. 10r. '.I_he bmldm g is two storeys h igh, and impossible to comply with this ridiculous shape of a cross. . In . each order, but ropes were drnwn ac.:ross the monopohts the that made m n kno ever s w 1t hen w W Not day. the of thing the most, pleasant something to be looked forward to with of any kmd or of any co:.mtry vo1ntan 1y I storey. there are forty caes, !nakrng e1gh_ty platform so that the public might be kept · he1r o press1ve and ges mall. Each cage is nme feet square. at one end. Considerable inconvenience -dread'and fear, knowing that with papa's gave up even one of _ . . Instead of he Japa.nese Cvenn_ieut lacages to ket was of course occasioned to travellers by ' coming comes also the long deferred punish- most unrasonabl e privileges . surrenermg tese, the more unJUSt a.ud the I many prisoners m thlS prison for two 01 thi s arrangement, more especially as it hapment. more mdefeus1ble ihey were, so much the three years n decidedly t s na peued to be the Perfo autumn holida.y and e l the y a s to be must It more resoluely have they bee_n clung o. WITHOUT ANY I'UBLIC TRIAL f the for of great crowds of the inhabitants were t the ng ather discouragi and pleasant · which , be mentioned tor the purpose. of 1ea.vmg bl.' nume1. - I home at 'What one nght could I tle ones ' · to c"me f l 't ·1 y o. a fam 1 · w11 f stat' l contai eleven ly or ten Each genera ns cage ' f urse o ish peop 1 e m the wh 0le c 0 . . ous ordmary and special trams which k wore night E1fter a hard and busy day, and be the EngI' 9 the free gene- pnsoners, who eat and sleep m this small clespa tcI10d bet 11 Th d l · ween. an c oc e met with a row of downcast, sulky, or tear· its history has received from .0 box. Or, perhaps, it is better to. say the , fu 1 faces, and be told. by ma.mma that John- rous abnegation of their "ruling classes"? pris ners try to sleep, he.,.p ed up one over Q . ueen s i;norb1_d es1re for privacy on thse o one. It has been through is bcgmnm_ g to savour of somethmg ourneys nie was saucy ; Daisy disobedient, or that There has not been always from 800 to J There , are . ti1rough tears and tur._ the other. more than mere wlmn and fancy. Freddie played truant, intead of going to battl e and bl°0dshed · Many be way. pnsoners 0 t1ns kept m . 90 is It gained. mch has been ' may be sai 'd "who cares ?" Of course 1t . but school. Instead of a quiet pleasant eveninou moil that every . t day the world come sick and . soon :lie that is nonsense . A great number do care of games, and chats with papa, there is a the same thmg at the presen . protected of is by cage outside he each "T u th.ougIi the morb"d i excl us 1veness affected' hastily eaten supper, the culprits are dealt over not excepting Canada of which s me a st ong wooden frame . frame itelf The r · so m uch as if it were the verJ' . . <l w1ll gradua lly l eu.d t0 t lie resu lt that !lOwith as the parents think best, and the Peop'le boast 1 au prisoners m h d t t th e oor ecomes a e 0 all the body . w1 ·n care except f or the irnnoyauce childreu sent to bed with bitter, wounded crad le of liberty and the abode of . . ' ts· Canada 1' s out. ·the aide f acing the ya.rd has a large and dea" . the sa1n ;tues and of all ·1 euce v l m this way caused to a g1eat hearts, and the p1ireuts sit in gloomy s1 . frame, of iron with window, protected an l o p o u . its privileged classes-its b ,f b tl" num er o us mg energe t" ic peopl e wh ose below .stairs. Papa cannot help thinking growing . mo . - wh' . . . . "th on t . . lCh th e door must not b e c 1 osed· w1 ' tant to them aud de1 ays "th ists JUSt as other countries are domg and it b usmess is as impor mk of him only w1 that h is children th" ' the permissior of the officials even 'in the dread and perhaps dislike.· And the mother w1 very d y fi d the ev11 1 effe° sdf ch severest winter night 'l. 'hus its a common as vexatious as they cf1n be to either Q ueen t 'llh ave t o.ac.: n owie . g? . a· Ol' potentate of any grade or age whatever. dught to feel that her children look upon her '.l' ys e1 and w1 occurrence that prisou"er.s are found covered f _ y t b 1 m1qm e a i n nst1 . All this might 1t 1s easier to foster an n J , as a tale-bearer, and spy. ha".e te with of snow. prlSo!1ers most he 1' are monopolists 'When be avoided if punishiyentj had been than to eradicate it. SI avery in the Southern States. u means of comm umcatmg with th9ir given when the offence took place. Let openly called together on the eve of au elec- friends. a.re arrested 'When the Gov· they It has long been more 'or less notorious fund bribery a to contribute to your children understand that mamma can tion in order e ermnent 8PY. or police tell thm that they that a modified system of slavery was being And that an act on condition that their privileges shall be be firm as well as gentle. ed n ot bring any money 'Yith them! as introduced into some of the Southern States ne professed· When extended. and . of disobedience will be punishecl by her, continued they Ill be sent back to their homes n a under forms of law, but forms too t ransp ar· just as thoroughly, if not as readily, as for. ly holy and conscientious men take credit to few mmutes. Wh en tey go to the prison ently false to merit even serious discussion. mouopolfellow their puttiug for themselves VY . giveness will be granted, when the repent. _. the are !t0t th ?re six months at least. Coloured persons are systematically senists up for sale to be knocked down to the ant child asks for it. DurmthIS time, if they have. any money to tenced. to long terms of imprisonment for for room much not is there bidder, . .Never. punish children without first highest pa:\". postage the:y are permitted to send crimes which in a white man are punished being certain that they understand what saying "God, we thank fl'hee that we are their HAINES, Proprietor, letter s; but if the}'. have no mon no let- witt> only a comparatively light fi ne. are." nations other as or men other as not a.ftet Aud they are being punished for. ter can be snt by pubhc epe se. '.fhe_Y are Those thus sentenced are leased out as --M.ANUll'.A.0'.l.'URER OF-· c t en ouraging. and is ain cer thing one But over with punishing them talk it all !lever permitted to see thei.r fnends until te chain gangs and are forced under the lash . them, show them that you punish them not The supporters of unjust privileges have xamm atwu makes up his; to work !··l' beyond hat is ·easonable or JU_dge of a secrev i: way, giYe to had later, or sooner always, And good. own· their r revenge. but foi· <r pri md a oner send to _ They are to the court of pub- what their strength will permit. s the been only has effected change the and you l for respect more they wi l have much e trial. I h KING STREET, BOWMANVILL liable to be brought up for other pretended sneak" more radical and sweeping for their bitter . . than they would have were you to " offen ces and the ir sentences lengthened out, Has n ow on hand a number of vehicle1> (and is manufacturing a great many moro) ot the ne TJIE sEcimT EXAMINATION out of the unpleasant duty by the threat and unreasoning resistance. '.rhe peasant p atterns and best finish, whloh I am offering for sale a.t the loweotpricea consiaten· The consequence is that they are practical. revolt under Richard IT., when the common " I'll tell your father." with duo regard to workmanship and qual1ty. '.l'he tIJllowing lo a. list ot lasts one year, nd sometimes three . en;rs. ly sl11;ves for life under the most brutal and In reply to Aunt Marjorie's query, as to toilers, the "masses " in short, first came Ev n when the principal vehicles manufactured by me the Judge of a secret e amiation merciless of masters, who are not called to whether my "Big " boys and gids dislike to into notice was put down with merciless deidcs to send the case to puhc tr l th Double Covered Carriages ......................... ................... ; .·.·.·. el50 Upwa.1·d 1 m e account except in rare cases, even though the in . givn promises the All severity. began who those than more any go to church prisoner cannot writ to h is friends unless they disable or even destroy their victims. 11 Single Phretons . . .. .... .... . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... . .... . . . ... .. . .... . .... . .. . . . J.00 earlier I would say,-They certainly do not hour of difficulty anrl terror W(:te cc.dt to o, 1r ma 1Y cases, e ca1!-· Tis scandal has become so great and so 11 Open Buggy................................................ ...... ..... . ·.·.··· 70 j dislike to go to church at all, on the con- the winds and the "kingly " or "knights, it widespread that Go ernor Gordo , of e he wyer. o o am " 'fop Buggy ...................... ................................................. 90 . n v m ira.ry they like to go very much indeed, and ly " word was found to be as worthless as : t0 t1 te ap f Co e u Democrat Wagon............. .................................................... 65 my eldest boy would gladly attend every it ha.a genera.Uy been in more recent days. inet u.g:s 8s;r cancc to p: rs t: · Georgia, has been obliged for very decency's w ., 7000 men · sak 52e,rvice if it were possible fo.r me to al.low In o Lumb er agons. ·· . .. .. . ·· · ·· ··· ······ · · · ...... ········· · · ······· · ·· 0 . e to order an investigatio which is now . . t f . u . t" e. . . ue short summer and ant·imo ud th.emse1vs before .. f the ou s w gomg on. Two coloured convicts have testi· c.: r 0 J " Biggest " of my per1Shcd on the gallows or on the field e him to clo so, but as the " .. ·· 40 .. . . . . ..... . . . . .. . · · · ..... . ight Wagon ... .. . . . ... ... r one a s d m of dep of eans n L n l r v 0fied that they we e whipped so se ere y that . , f .P 1 big boys is but a very small ynnng mac, slaui:;htered in spite of .all promises and all a " Expr ess agon .·· : ··· .. ... ... ..... · · ····· . .. · · ........... ······ ··· 75 ad !Ce. ".10 1my are pei · the blood ran down their leg s. ln the court ega ng n l t ! r · who will probably wear knee lsowsers for oaths. But what of that 1 The miserable mi te to see heir lawyers the y ave o ee these men still bore the marks of their " Skeleton................................... .................... .. .................. 50 some years to come, I can not always per- king mig:1t cry in repudiation of his "kingly them m the piesnce f two officials, siti ug · pu nishment from the "whipping boss.' 11 40 Sulky .. ... .. . . . mit h im to go to church as much as he de- word,"..:..."Villeinsyou were, and villeins you between the . rmitted The penetentiary physician testified to the Po '.l.:he pri?ouer is uot pe. ssessing superlortacilities tor ma.nutaoturing carriages, I intend to 8611 very cheap tor 0"' sires, as it is impossible for me to always ·are. In bondage you shall abide and that to speak to his lawyer .m a confidential mau- truth of the various reports which he had or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increa.se my number of sales. Woul4 . 1 go with him, und I do not like·to have him not your old bondage, but a worse." '.I'he, r. to the cothmg of the P 1 sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed, :;isoner_s, ma.de to the Governor during the last four . go alone, especially in the:evening. After lea has but to be tuoed and there the his- he reg atio . · E vei 111 ye....rs, showmg the brutal treatment and cs are . most crue 1 church we always " t alk over " the ser- tonan tells: " Tern ble as were the mea- · severe-wmte r the pnsouers are not permitted persistent determination of the lessees to . 1c . 1 1 . vice, compare notes as to who remembered Sures of repression which followed the pea8· o we rawers and sock, and _arecompelled thwart a.ll tfforts for ti o ; m 3Jioration of the , . . . . . the most of the sermon, and who undet·- ant revolt and violent as was the passion of 0 wak m na d feet, w At the Shortest Notice, Pamted and Trimme;l if Desired, ih th m straw san- 'prisoners' condition. All this is just what k stood it the most perfectly. Then in the reaction which raged among the proprietary ls. ?'her bei!lg no heatme; m-rani;:emcnts, 1 m ight lbe expected ancl q uite on the line of At the Factory als do P\ 1 rnlug , Match.Ing, Turning 1mu Sawing with Clrcie. Be.nd ·r Sor little home service, bits of the morning ser- classes at its close, the end of the rismg was t Saws, and prnpa.re all 1,tin_ds 0.t lumbor tor carp.enters nd others for buildrng purposea. , mg. P?0r the movement to crush out the very pos. ? prison is. simply frez mon are repeated and many of the same in fa.et secured. Cancel charters of ma.nu- prisoners Elam Ornamental and Pickets ror tenoes in every style reQni.red, made to orrle·r. . are . m a most miserable condition I sib 1 - · 'lity of the wh 1 ·to and co 1 ored races bemg . . . mrns10u as the counci .1 migu "t.,. serfage was · I try to mak hymns are sung. In sh or. . e wmtel. No Wl "t' d rmg th mg aten 1 !S . educated together. It is lonl.? before the . Sunday th.: most pleasant day in the whole henceforth a doomed and perishing thing. 1; r d a cage. If a :nece 0 pencil 18 blighting influences of slavery are removed d week, ancl at the same time strive to im· The :lread of another outbreak hung roun oun i;n e person of a nson le is sevee- from either the subject or r ling pee. The · u part to my darlings a tender, true reverence the employer . The attempts to bring back 1 Y pumsed: Whecver permis_sion to writ colored races are increasing far more rapid for God's Holy J)ay of rest, and the w:onder- obsolete services quietly did away, etc., ..a ter is g en a pusone , he 18 t3k 0u uth than a.i·e the whites and if ly in the So . ful privilege they enjoy in the way of Sun- etc. "But," it is significantly added, / cag 1i: l . . a room, w ere 1 le is a owe I either the one or the other has to go to the 6 day School, and Church services. I think .. inevitable as such a process was every he 1 ue of paper and mk. Books used to be wall, the whites may eventually discover that many people have a wroua idea as to step of it was taken in the teeth of the pph d, ut t ey a e n l ger llowed : that they have been as short-sighte as they d f how children should be taught a revercn wealthier classes." Their temper indeed Sme · f 0 e n :wo · t he paper undoubtedly have been cruel. tom f tial feeling or the sabbath. They take . at the close of the rising was that of men li ,em or wn mg ette:s, b 11 as soon . owe away all the children's books and toys, put frenzied by panic and the taste of blood , as they e foui;id out the pai:ie s taken on all of their best clothes, and tben 'expect They scouted all notion of concession. The away an A Lovely Oomplexion. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the he prisoners are pums e them to sit clown aud keep their clothes idea of liberating their serfs was treated · ung Y to Mr. Miss re Waldo y) ( B ez 'l'HEPUNISHMENT -1 clean and make uo noise. Poor little thing , l with perfect scorn. They said that their LIV!E.R, STO.lllA..CH, KIDNEY AND BOWELS. ? 1 t x w W a , soft, beautiful ion comple your 1 . . it is not fair. How can they feel a rever- serfs were their "goods," just as the. . i is what is calle1 shokubatsu, ?r the P.umshfriend Miss vVabash has, Miss Breezy ! They invibO'Orate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and ence or pleasure in the Sabbath if it is southern slave holders used to speak of their :tnect of food. , Ihc food. of1Jnsouers is 7enMi ss Breezy-Yes, and don't 1you thin);, made so distasteful to them. I believe the human "chattels." '.I'he king, they said era.Uy re duced to are invalua.bla in all Oomplatnte Incidental to Females of all Agee, Fol' one thi d r a d th t 11 e 0 e ·m f r. Waldo, that it is eYen more so on one ' . best way is to make it a day of pleasure. could not take their goods from them but · sl. f : . . Ohildren and the aged t h ey are priceless. nen.t la u hi ne ' two .1 ee_lrs. side than it I other! i;he on 1 ' o 10} . .s S but this "Aud pleasure, in.fin" consent. everyday own consent by their Not noisy ' oo isJ given i sma .1 q --u antity o·dma1·ly , rn itely more enjoyable even to them, give taey declared, "we have never given L 1 11 . an'd but wh en a man is subiected to th1s pums h. . . 1 . " -11 give, '.I'he mora cond" and Sun day neve w1 then p1eut,Y of s unday b ooI Is . were we a o ie m one t 1t1on of tho l't·ovmce 18 at d . 1 menit is simply starvation. If it lasts hr e e ( . 'l' present not by any means what 1t ought to Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorel !(ames. '.I her e I know that someb ody 1s d ay. da ys the p!Soner. can scarce1 walk. hus, and Ulce1·s. It is fa.moue for Gout a.nd Rheumatism, For disorders of the ,.. ··- shaking their heads reprovin ly). Well --be and the rural districts seem to be worse· when a prisoner i.s to b puma . :l;' h ·f e d or more i \7 asgow. ·t a moment . Wh at 1 mean y su11day -Chest it has no equal.wa.i -t . Bet ween Edinburgh aml n1 for a good than a wee1i:: i . "ble to carry out the All the worst cnmes that hi!.ve is impossi ames, are " sliced" or " c11t" map 0 f the In eeu committed have had rnai;iy years past b. 6 the between whole Edin intercourse without · · 0 sentence 17 to him So, 3 starving " death. T n ible, for the little ones to put to ether and f<'or So1·e hroats, B.roncllitis, CJoughs, Colds, . . their scenes m entirely rural quarters The b burg and Glasgow was c·rri· w ed on by mea.u s 111 case of one wee· k's pumshment tl1e ore1. . m" on man farm learn somethmg lD th' the hired Ia plt;asant h armIess of 10 or 12 packhorses, going and returning ar the or young GJ.Q,ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for uantit of food is u i v en one da durin manner as to where Jes lived when upo n twice a week. \Vhen Sir John Sinclair sue- th eek, ad the puuilunent is ca!i· ied ou scapegrace of a farmer's son, has generally contracted and stiff jolnte it act11 like a charm. ea.rth, the place over which he traveled,_ ar;d ceeded in 1776 there was not a road nor fiirured as the central offender, and criminal a in eight days. This unishmeut is inflic ted where, when a new born baby, he laid_ rn single car t in c.,.itJmess, and he introduced for a;em to most rise in woen ss a u l t s i:pon a light offences. knew one case of al the manger- and- t he place where he J,ed 'the first highway Manufactured only at '.rHoMAS HoLLOWAY's Establishment, when only 18 He on young man or boy of 18 years who was kept those reg10ns winch might be ::iupposed to and ease · be . , for us, then there are the "' tbe chosen a bodes o unday ston·es one occasion assembled I 26') laborers and in . of mnocence · ti 1c prison two years. mk' mg to ava1 Th" .1 OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREE'l'), LONDO.N1 78, NEW " 1 possible to .take up _ a p per mamma te11s to the lttle ones, the pretty ma e in one day a road ovei-the hill ofBeu- himself of 1t_1s scarce his time to learn arithmetic, he un ay hymns tey s1 The noticmg tho ong pleas· t a And are 11old at ls. ltd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and of an air ths kind. a: 1 w l . I cheilt. The first public coach between In- made a calculating instrument out of paper . day venm t ? Is crime becommg more s ust efore b d- v rness and Perth began toruu in l860, a ho rtcause may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. and rice which he saved from his scanty;" hat is the e i e J ?' ? uu a;it t e. I beheve tliis· is t h e wv,y to m ake ening the journey by f i ve days; it was not ! food But one day he was found out by the ! frequent? or is it only better reported? · >iFPurebasers hould looIi: at &he :Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the r ddre S · · c hutl i dren respect and love the . ab bath. Try unt'l l 1811 th· · 1 coaches were establ ished , p a, t ma1 ADVISE TO MOTHERS -Are you drnsou keepers and pumshed with shoku· Is n 1133. O:x.tord l!1Lr·iet. l.ondon, tltCY s:re imarl1t11ij. n 1 ry th e h ome servic, and a11 the · between Aberdeen and s, e r 't moth t Inverness. (Cock batsu. . S turbed at night and bro en of your re:it . oth er 1It tle unday p leasures, and then see burn as_sions i « the 1ater date 0f ""'h · I10spta · l is · no better than the I, by a sick child suffering and crying with _ 1816 . t0 t i.·lS . .L e prison Whiskey's Killing Him. She Was Too Modest. if when your little f olks ai·e old euou{{h to l . n . vation, )_ The . south mail arrived lll 1 ordmary cages, and is frequentl)'." worse, for pain of Cutting- Teeth? If so send at o to church, the will not look forward to 1 Elgm sometimes Featherly to Beggar-"Will you please give me six with only two letters, one to) many sick persons are crowded mto a small young Devy," e " said lo, l H , I w· "M i ttl b s 0 t rs. d s YWI "th P1easu.re, b ecaue a bElJlker, the other to a lawyer. In a country s ace. S e ch1:1rch - gomg once e · m f?W Dewitt De Soft the other dity; "I b.ear yon pence, sir ? (I'm on my way home to die." ome dying prisoners groan through- So p otlung Syrup. For cluld ren teethmg, · WI 1 1 understand and be interested 111 l I tley as superstibions as Scotland improvemen ti; out th e wh0l u i Gentleman handing him money)-"I don't went to see Miss Gridiron last Sunday?" gl l ve t i what is being said, and have been taught a made their way very slow will u It s ncalculable relie is i e va " 'ly· Imnrov ' h. e se auti1orities d o no t tmdermind giving you sixpenoe for so worthy a. ,. " Yes." eds . . "The Japane . . . · true reverence f or aII thme-s h 01Y· girl, husbandry was received with disfavor; fences stand the distinction between political of- the poor htt l sufferer immediately., De· shy hei·? purpose as that : but your breath smells Very "How do you like --were thrown down; newly planted trees pull- fenders and common offen ders· l'olitical pend upon it, mothers ; there i s no isn't she?" horribly of whiskey." "I know it does, ed up, For some time the people of Skye re- offenders are kep t in the sa me ca<>e with mistake abo ut it. It cures Dysentery What Salt is Good For. " Well, yes ; but I think she canies sir. \Vhiskey's what's killing me." When you give your celfar its fall fused to use the roads, becausehe hard sur- thieves and murderers, They haveb scarce- and Diarrhcea, r egulates the Stomach and modesty too far." "Why, how can she? I didn't know a cleaning add a little copperas water and fac". of the .sto:ie wore out their. shoes and ly any exercise. '.l'l1cy m·e, at rare intervals, Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the It is not the farmer who does the most brmsed heir feet. Stea!11ers, it may be, allowed to walk about in the narrow yard ' Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives I girl could be too modest." salt tothe whitewash. way their won more they as as1ly, when she is too modest to even work himself who now succeeds best but the "Well, were 1 f or ten or fifteen minutes. From time to tone and ene rgy to the whle sydtem ; Sprinkling salt on the tops and at the botone. who employs the best hands to do his toms of g:uden walls is said to keep snails tak .en at. -st y the H1ghla.nde1s to be tra- time hey re taken from their cages to be " Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fo;; tell tle naked truth because she objects to hea y work while he has ti e to look after m v velmg d1t1llenes. ex ammed m the secret court. Bu when- I children te e thin <> is pleasant to the taste anythmg nude, I want to be left out, that's from climbing up or down. he cletails of the business which no one but ever they ll:re taken rom here their hands nd is the tJresc ption of 0110 of the old· all." For relief from heartburn or dyspepsia, himself can attend to. Since 1871i no fewer than thirty spies sent are put m u·ons and tied with a strong rope, a . ddok a little cold water in which has been . . . I l Captain Samuels says that he never heard ! out y the French Charity should be done wisely and judi· _ Go".ernmt have been the end of whi7h is held by rison servants. st and be.st fen:!a e p hysic ia:ns and urses ! dissolved a teaspoonful of salt. . arrested and pnmhed m Gc1mauy. Some o except10n is made even m tbc case of a m the U1ted States, and ls fo r sale .by ! ciously, not taken up as a mere passing craze of but one man who had a good excuse for Ink stains on linen can be taken out if of these have ree1ve sentences of e:a long h ttle boy or a feeble old man. The pris-' all druggists throu gh t he world. Price and fashion, to be worn and laid aside, after going to sea. On being asked who that the stain is first washed in strong salt and as twelve years imprisonment and still they oners are subjected to many brutalities and · 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for being displayed to the eyes of the world man was the captain replied:" Noah. For," water and then sponged with lemon juice. come. Of course a large number are never annoyances. The authorities place every "MRS. WINSLOW'S SooTJIING SYRUP." as one lays aside last year's bonnet ElJld oow said he," if the old chap had remained on 0 ..,. For weeds in the grass, put a pinch or found out, shore he would have been drowned !" ·obstacle in the way of justice to the prison- .. and take :uo other kind, . as being no longer" the thing." Times are Chane;ine;. ence in a Tokio prison: "I was put in the Japanese prison at Lhe end of December, 1885, and kept there 1mder the suspicion of a political offence for six· months.. wjthout ...any public triiLl. ·when a public trial c<>me the puulic jll'O· secutor could produce nothin_g worthy of notice and:I was set free. My·arrest came about in the fo!lvw·illg way:-Japan est: rofurms. " At the time I intended to come to this - -·-- where country, and went to Yokohama, The Queen at Perth. San from start the Pacific mail steamships Francisco, to make enquiry about the voyage. Labouchere, of London TRUTH., has au I made several purchases !ls part of the especial controversy with the Queen and all preparations for my j ou rnev. I was the members of the Royall<\·,mily, "Labby s another young J apancse gentlem an. e ver y likely has not been " eultlvat e d" suf passed by a shop k pt by an English· ficiently, and there ore may be venting his e f We con· personal pique in words of patriotk dennnci m an for the sale of dynamite. eluded to go iu and see dynamite, simply ation. Still there must be more or leas to satisfy our curiosity. We went in and ground for sonic of his hitter remarks, for he stated that we wanted to see the dynamite. could scarcely fabricate alleged facts in orc ere told that mac had . no dyna- <ler to have some exc use for his offen si ve mite m th e shop, as it was kept m a ware- fling. For instauce there can be doubt house, and that consequently he could not about the fact that the Queen lately passed show it to us. So we left the shop. B ut through Perth on her way to Balmoral and the Government spies lur king about there that she staid there for an hour or so. And gave informatio11 to the Japanese Govern- this is the way that Labby puta it: s p nuw 's Quee o ment to the eITect that I had m ade a contract n ked and er istent un Th f or the purchase of dynamite. . The Japan- graciousness towards the inhabibants of ese Go\Temment, always supicwus of those Perth has produced its natunlrc ·ult and iasL tul Baba, a Japanese now visWng this country, writes to the Vashingtou 81,itr the following account of his recent expori 'lil8 era. It takes one or two weeks for a letter to go from a prisoner to a friend'of a prisoner living at a distance of a few minutes ' walk from the prison. '.l'he letter must be exam ined by the governer of the prison the c hief keepers, the judge of the secret court, the public prosecutor, and others before it is sent out of prison. The present Japanese Cabinet hope to obtain the ccnfidence of the European powers by introducing Europe11n dancing, changing women's dress, and in other superficial way aping the European civilization. So long, however, as such a disgrace as the present prison system exists in Ja.pan no civilized Government ought to have' any confidence in tl1e sincerity of McDOUGALL & METCALF,. - Stove and Oliestnut,. . . . . . . . . . are oner1ng Coal a.s foH0ws : . . . . .. . . $6.25 6.00 Grate . and Egg,, . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ';h Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run over one month. t_he LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD McDOUGALL & METCALF , I I !I I NEW SPRING GOODS I] I · . I 'I i I , · Full lines of . General Dry Goods now open for inspection. and see our lovely · es call L ad 1 Dress Goods. and see our handsome G en t s call Tweeds and Suitings. ·1i · t Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, G la s sware, .Field and Garden Seeds, &c. Our JJQllOO M(cgWKlf . RRIAGE HA I NE S' CA GEORGE C. \TTQR.KS' 1 I OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &0, h\hat'.1'.ou:· j J . . . . . 1 i · "··· · · ··· . . · · · · . . · ··· ..... · . · · ·· ··· ·········· . · . . ····................................. ...................... ......... 1 A · I I c · f o·:J.° 1tii The l Al 1 K' n d s . 0f ve h · 1 es R epa red , 1 1 h nr J jI , I :EI E A.LIJ. H FOR ALL! T H E p ILL B · u 1 c t THE OTNTM · EN · · . ,, 1\f · Ij ! ! j ' · h · I I I l 'I · f !I · · '1 I k i:n ge a I i ci I !I ' j 1