· - ------- · · CR EAT SMASH! For a a short time I shall make price of great reduction in the -W-all The finest selections will, of course, be the best, so don't delay. PICTURES FRAMED VERY LOW. S'l'ATIONERY, &c., as usual. · The modern p ortions of Tavistock are rueatly indebeed to the ducal family of Bedford , to whose li ber al ity it owes many of its principal public b ui ldi ngs, which include the handsome Town Hall, the Guildhall, the grammer school, a spaciousMark.ethouse and a corn exchange wh;:ire a weekly market is held e very Friday. A c altle fair is also held on the 2nd Wednesday in e ach month. The 9.ll'f.. M. 4"'4-t rjl;1 " ii'4"4H-h p ost office is· in Abbey Place and a·library and mueum are in t h e Abbey Buildings. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT1R 28, 1887. The stately parish church contain s ----- several very arti sti c and beautiful st ii n ed -===-glass memorial windows. In it are al so preserved some gagantic humau bones, discovered some years ago while exca vating for the Bedford hotel. They ar e Plymouth to Holswortby. believed to be those of .A rd ufph, son of the founder of Tavistock Abbey. His We brought the narrative of our travels mother was that f ai thless, ambitiom El up to P lymouth on our return from the frida, who slew her husband that she might become queen. It is suppo·ed southwest of Cornwall on the eve ni ng of that the anci ent Abbey stood on the site July 30. We went back: to Newton Abbot where tne bones were fo und . It is also so.id that some of the mater and spent Sunday with relatives, attend ing morni ng service in tho p ariah church, ials of the old Abbey were used in the hotel 's construction. Ardul p h is said to '\-Va,lborough, which s t ands on a knoll ha ve been a man or immen se stature, and a.bout a hal f mile from the town. The c ertai n ly he must have been if theee The large one of the sermon had one virtue-it was short (20 bones were hio: minutes ). In the evening we attended thigh. is 21 and the smaller 19 i o ch es in length, and 41z inches i n circum f erence. the Congregarwu ..., church in the town-a Leaving Tavistock by the Great Wes real live church with a real live and mus- tern l'tailway for Lidford, we pass on the oular pastor who gave us the best sermon left the l mndsome and extensive buildThen we flit we h eard in England , outside of Spur- iags of the Kelly College. beyond mills and work s, h ills and ho u s es, geon's Tabernacle. and with t he rfrer beside us, plunge into On Mon day m or n ing, Aug. 1, we bade a wild r gion of woods and thickets, hills, e adieu to dear fri ends and took the 8.14 deep valleys, and bro ad stretches of Express for Plymouth, en ro1.de to To.vi- moorland s olitud es . Oak, ash, and beech in perfect freedom of their unand Holsworthy , grow here stock, Ok ehamp to n checked nature; the swift river foams in making quick connections at Plymouth , its rocky beJ. ; the sheep here and there we are &oon moving towards out destina- visible in little groups seem wi ld, and ti.on, leaving behind Devonpost and Ply- we begin to reali ze what D ar tmoor is, n nd what England was in the old time when mouth with the r growing suburbs. Mutbold youug Robin Hood sought safety in ley is our first stopping place. Her& the just such wilds, and stoutly preserved his Line diverges for the north, and with hfo a nd freedom until when an old man the winding river for company on our he sought sanctuary whet·e a woman's treachery ended his life, and where his right, we pass through pleasantly undulagrave is ca refully preserved, at Kirklees, ting woody sce ne ry, and anon risiug in Yorkshire. ii.midst steep and wildly wooded hills, we A brief run brought us to Marytavy, speed on to Marsh Mills station, thence with the same rom anti c wilds surrounding us, and soon afterwards reach Lidford on to wood-encircled Bickleigh situate in where is a famous waterfall-a miniature a lovely valley greatly admirnd by artists. Niagara. Coning to the westward the D i rec tly we g o through a dark tunnel famous sln.te quaries at Coryton are These quarries yield immeuse and come into a pleasant country richly reached. sl ab s , some of which gi v e a level surface pastorial. Leaving a village behin d us on of 100 to 100 !lquare feet and are greatly (To be Co1timied.) the left, we pass over an iron bridge aud in demand for roofing, flooring, billiard reach Horrabridge-a most attractive spot tables, tombstones, etc, 'l'his mine has BOWMANVILLE FAIR. A short been worked by its owners almost from on the winding river Walkham. Kenner does bu siness at Variety Hal l , OCTOBER FOURTH AND .l!'IFTH. distance from here is Princo:itown, a pleas - the commencement of thi s century. Most The full membership of the Dominion And is going t o offe r great Bargai o s this ant little modern town on the west qu ar- of the tombstones seen in England are Here slate, that found at Dina.bowl being most Organ and Piano Co's Band has been en ter of the great Dartmoor forest. Fall. gaged, 27 members, who ·will render a H is th e famous Dart!.lloor prison which i n in use. e keeps Fa.ncy China and Silv er Plat.ad The woode d hills and lovely vales, the choice program, including the selections 18U co nt ai n e d 9,000 p ri son ers of war and W ar e , their guards. Jt i s now used for convicts. river dreamily soft and low voiced at this played at the late competition at Guelph. The tract th r ough we next p roceed is one season, but said to be very noisy, foarn The a r rang emen t of the exhibit will be en- And lovely presents that will please the of the most beautiful in the country, and ing and impetuously vigorous in winter ; tirely different from former years, and fair; how we did wish our friends were along the meadows and fields, hedges and lanes the E xhibition Hall will be brilliantly To ys for the b oy s too numerous to menpic t os m and l a tfu n h o g t i l y e or d lighted on the evening of the 4th, with with us to adm ire its attractiveness. make C t· wn, Our Canadian readers, die electric light. From our car w in dow the roads seemed turesque spot. Many novelties will to wind in and out, up 11nd do wn over cou!.d they see for themselves these char be i ntroduced by t he Directorate and i And dolls for the girls, that will claim the broad hills or along beside the me- ming landscapes and rural rntreats, would sevtral valuable special prizes will be ofattention . andering I"ivers, apparently at their own not wonder that we so greatly admire fered, among them the following- :His Picture Frames are very cheap ' . sweet will, c om m anding scenery that had them. The hedges, the shrubbery, the Span Road or Carriage Horses in harAnd for a little money you can get a we had agreeable company would have ivy-clad trees, the hills and valleys pre ness, 151 !i hands and over ; Specia · 1 1 st h eap . tempted ua strongly to alight and proceed sent such a contrast to our own hwel, prize, Suit of C lo th es , Value $30, present· along on foot that we mi g ht the more wid<Jstretching country with its large fields ed by Jos. Jeffery, Star House, Bowman- If you want any paper to cover your wall, quietly and Jei suroly a dmire Nature's and unadorned landsc apes , that we go ville. You can get it there, and the price will B ut repeatedly into ecstacieF! ovPr the oft lovely panorama as here prese nted. Single Carriage Sta.Ilion, style and sm "t a 11 recurring scenes as we speed on through speed ; Special 1st Prize, Pair of Black on we go e.nd soon pass through another Eections. lovely these s We c l a n n ot ennumerate all t he thing s lying w o village amid t Robes, Value 25, preeented by Silvertunnel, then by a Lifton in the valley of t he Lyd is next man, Boulter & C o. , t hrough M. M aye r , verdant slopes on our right, envying the there, . Hore it was on July 31et., Hatter aud Furrier, Bowmanville. possessors of view-commanding villas on r e11ched But the very low prices will ma k e : you the hill-top, and riding swiftly past scenes lu44, just 243 years ago last n ig ht, that For Lady Drive r, first prize, a gold t s are. Here we found b rooch, pr es ented by .J. J. Mason, jewel- ! of fasci o a t mg loveliness, following the King Chal'les I. sle pt . He buys stock at Rock Bottom, windings of the '£av v we reach the an- relatives to greet us and sho w us over ler and dry goods merchant, valued at $8. 1 c1ent alld charmingly situated town of fields or waving gr ain-wh eat, oats and Second prize $5 c ash ; third prize $3 cash, Is careful in choice, Tavistock which can, we f.hink, scarcely barley, the lime quarries, manganese mine, by M . Porter and others. Speed will And offers rare bargains, seat the , k ar P and Lifton ch&rming the be equalled throughout Devon shire for not be considered. Which make all rej oi c e. the picturesque and stra11gely-contrasting of _F.. Bru d h!lw, Esq., lord of t he anor. For besb collection Dahlies-goods by He possesses the powe r beau ties of its scenic surroundings, wit h- , Th is ts a glonous p!ace to wander in or W. 0. Wells, value, lat $2, 2nd $1. in e asy reach of t he fertile river valleys an hour or two, as it comman ds extensive Bet Lady Rider ; a Special Prize of To spread happiness round, of th e Tn.vy, the 'l'arnar a nd the Walkham, vews of the su:rounding dist rict. . 'rhe $10 cash, presented by J. Lyle. And his store is the place, ab-Oundin" in noble cliffil mantled with a village has readmg rooms and a hterary Draught Sucking foa1, R. Beith's prizes, 'Vhere Bargains are found. excellent its for famed is institution aud i ; y u a e b and hav ng profusion fsylvan 1st, $5 ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, $2. beautiful . clear and access by m any a moorland path to th e trout streams. A Special Prize of $10 will be present· cool stream of mr neral water issues from ed by the Gananoque CarriageCo., through breezv heiahts of Dartmoor. Tavistock the rocky bank IJCc\r l'.e foot of the hill Levi Tole, Auctioneer and Implement as an.ii\.la;d place of soj ou rn , certain! While ari- on the sout of the village w hee the h lt , Dealer, Bowmanville, for Best Single offern many induc ements . culture, as else.vherc in Devon, appe a r s lam e an .d blmd eort to t e st its healmg 'l'urnout o n the grounds-Horse, Har to be of considerable importance, the properties. Cross1!1g the T am a we no w ness, Carriage, Driver, Style and Speed boro ugh has from the most remote period enter Cornwall gam, .1md runnmg P'."8t are all to be taken i n to consideration. derived considerable w ealth from its orchards and m mes, 1111111 and d ales, with The entire outfit must be owned and rich mines of tin, copper, lead and other the river twisting and curvi1g, now on driven by the Exhibitor. minerals and in some districts we were our left and then on our nght, we pass Southdown pair Shearling Special 1st told, ma be fou nd traces of th primitive anot11 er waterfall a°:d very 9,Uickly arrive Prize, Pair of Boots, Value $5, presented smelting-houses used by the old Phooni c- at a a ne ston , ar mterstmg old town by W. Jennings, Boot and Shoe Dealer, ian m iner s who first discovered the min- which w ith the rnms of its on.:io sta tely Bo wmanville. c astl e, crowns the lofty hill of Dunheved. HBest Bull on the groan ii, $5, the ani era! treasures of the West. The early history of Tavistock is most In tlays of }'.ore it v!ls remarkable_ for the mal taking this to rel inqn ish the class : g th . of its p osm o a nd the wd e area prize. inter esting. In t he long ago it contained st!e 1 w1l1111 its fo rti fi catio n s . of winch the a magnificent Benedictine Abbey, ruletl Thorous;:hbred Short-horn Herd, bull over by a long line of pr incely abbots, rum ed kee_P by rea9cu o its elevated site, and 4 females, Blake prize$10, the win which w ith them long since pssed away. yet f or ms its most promme i;i.t featm·e, and ner to relinquish class prizes to an equal Se veral amount. With this religious ho u se is aseociated a is II: l andm ark for many miles. hit of 11istory spe cially interesting to us, of its gates and towe.rs. have been swept Crock Butter, not les11 Urnn 40 lbs. to for it was in it that the second printing away, but that remamrng_ on the eastern become pr')perty of the Society-Special press in England was mt up and which- app · o ach of the castle s no c1v-ortlly as Prize of Coal ancl Wood Cook Stove, prod uced some of the earlier block-letter havmg been he place of impnsonmen of Value $28, p resen ted by W. Buck, Esq., A particle is applied iuto·each nostril and works uow so p1·ized by b i bli ol ogists. Georf5e Fo:i::, the.founder of he Society Brant ford, t hrough S. S. Edsall, Hard-1 is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mall registered, 60 cents.-Circular tree. Ef,Y After its dissolution ln 1538, history in- of Friends , who lil 1656 was mcarcera.ted wa1·e Merch ant, Buwman,ville. 1 BROS., Druggists,Oawego, N. Y. forms us, this Abbey w i th its v ast prop erty in land and manorial rights was by Hen ry VIII. b est owed on Lord John Russell, whose descendant, the present Duke of Bedford , etill rules as lord par amount of the district. Many ivy-man t led remains of the monastery may yet be traced amongst the bui ldings of the town, the more noteworthy being the greatnor thern gateway, a handsome perpendic ular porch, the refractory, a quai nt building: known as Betsy Grimbal's Tower, and several trac s of ol embattled walls. But aparh from the severe cont·mtions that alike rent town and country durin t he Civil war, when then Earl of Bedford and the great patriot, John Pym, mem ber for Tavistock, espoused the cau se of the Parliament, and his c ountry compeers more generally the side of the King, the town has been comparattvely free from historical incidents. The resi dents of its beiug the birthplace of Sir F ranci s Drake, the circumnavigator, in 1545. An eminent p arliamentary representat ive of the town was the amiable and unfor tunate Lord William Russell who was exe cuted i!l 1683. Another resident of note was Sir John Glanville , an Elizabethan judge. Fitzford, the ancestral mansion of the Fitz family, who came there in the reign of Heury VI. yet re tains its original gateway. d boast P. TREBILCOCK. t attad;tttt il'tttttid!ttt tttt EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Tub or Crock of Butter, no t less than stribu for 8 months, having been ting some religious p ub licaf ·· s i Corn 25 . lbs-Special 1st Prize, Silk Dress, wall. The prospect from tl·' :rums ex· Value $16, presented by Co uc h, J ohne&-On tends far away to distant Da' trr.oor, over & Cryderman. Best Coll ection of Grains, co ne isti n g of the luxuriant valley of t h 1r11mar, and The space not less than Six: of the f o ll o wing :-Two beyo nd the Cornish hills. Bald; within the c as tl e walls havinu been beau· Bushel s Each-Spring Wheat, tifully laid out and planted with ever Spring Wheat. Bearded ; Large Peas ; greens end flowers furnishes i delightf ul Small Peas ; Blue Peas ; Barley, no t two 'he parih rowed; .Harley, two rowed; Oats, Black; promenade for the public. Special Prize church is notable for Eome auctent Latm Oats, White, all of 1887. inscriptions sculptured on thn outer wall -2000 lb. Farmer's Platfom Scale. Value and encirclin the edifice. 'J'he t own was $35, presented by Messrs. Bul'row, Stew orlginally walled and app ro ao l i.ed by three art & Milne, of Hamilton, t hrough Mr. aateways Southooate only now r e mams. '\V. Il'l. Horsey, Hardware Merchant, t of the town is derived Bowmanville. Th" stap le suppo _ 50 ears Com, strung, 12 ro)wed; S peci al from agriculture, a weekly gram and cat tle market being held every Saturday. Fi nit Prize, 50 l bs. Cattle Food, present On the last ·wednesd a y a monthly market ed by J. Uiggi nbotham & Son . Ceiling Cent re Piece in Plastlir or Soap· is held when b nv e r from fo All.cl !'.lEJM' attend. Laun c es o n is the terminus for two et one, On e Yee r 's su bscription to CANA branches of rai lway , and amon gst the vil DIAN STATESMAN, presented by M, A. l ages that are served by th eir Mtatious are : James. Pair '\Vool l en Mites, one year's Yeolmbridge, Boyton, North o.nd South Petherwin, Loagore, Eglosl<erry, Trus tion to the West Durha m News, presentcott, Piper's Pool, North Hill, Conds ed by Gale Bros. I Pair Woollen!Socks,one year 's subscrip- l Green, Tregadillet, 'frebullutt, Lezant, Reza.re, Lawhitton, Altarnon, Lewannick, tion to The Sun, presented by W. R. Water, Olimie. Carnwort.liy Shop, Congdon 2 Loaves Bread, home-made , Special w·arbs t ow, Copthorne, Kelly , and Broad Bradstone is noteworthy 1st Prize, L:uge Iced Cake, valued at $5, woodwidger. for the remai ns of Bradstone Hall ; Stoke presented by D. S. Perrin & Co., Lon· Having decided to retfre from the Climsland for Whitford Houso ; and North don, th rou gh JohnEngland,Bowmanville. Other Special Prizes will be added Hill for Kilmar granit e quarries that fur. nished much of the stone used in the con later. st ruction of Westminster Bridge, London. Trebartha Hall, the ancestml home of the Rodd family, i3 most p i cturesq u ely and devote his whole time to Insurance, is now offering situated on the banks of the Lynher . In t4e neighb:Jrhood is H a lsbury Manor, the his whole stock at sacra:fice prices that must clear out the rece ntly erected seat of Lord Halsbury. entire assortment in short order. Returning to Lidford, we procee d by the London & Soath W ester11 Railway to Okehampton, and crossi ng o. rl.eep narrow d efile between a rif t in the 11ills we dis cern Sharp Tor and Hare Tor, p romin ent .. summits of Dartmoor, and i!OOn r each S hereby given, tlu t a Court will be Bridestow Station, the village being about held, pursuant to "THIC VoTP:RS' LISTS a mile distant. After crosfii o g .M: eldon ACT," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the united Coumies of Northumber· V i aduct we sight o n o u r left O ke h a mpt o n splendid assortment of Tweeds just received, and. land and Durham at the Park with its r u ined castle in t he valley, hav1!1g a :first-cl?'ss cutter, snits of the most stylish ancl Council Room, Bowmanville, and passing along the lofty e mbankme n that outlooks Dartmoor we reach Oke - ON THEservrneable quahty can be furnished to all comers on hampton Station, where we change c11rs tithortest notice and at lowest prices. and take the branch line to Uolsworthy. Ret.urning a sh ort distance by the main Carpets in great variety-at your own prices. line to Meldon Viaduct, a light iron struc 1887, at ·1:30 o'clock, to hear and determine the severR.l con,pla.in ts of errors and omissions in ture 540 feet long and 154 feet abov e the the Voters' List or the Municipality of the Everybody call soon and get bargains before too late. rive1· bed, we enter a rocky cutting of '!'own o! Bowmauv1lle, for 1887. All persons ho.ving business o.t the C ourt o.re Dartmoor granite. 'l'his extunds for some distance, but before reaching its termina required to attend at the s1>id time and place. 'rhe whole stock is offei·ed en bloc to anyone desirous Dated the 27th day of September, 1887. tion the Rohworthy branch turns off by of entering the D1·y Goods, Millinery and Clothing Traclo H. WINDA'l'1'. a c urve to the right and proceeds for six 39·1w. Clerk of the said Municipality in Bowmanville. Thebiggest and best assorted Stock, miles throuo-h fields and pastures to .Ash bury and orthl ew, and rural stations and best stand in town for these villages with those of Germans Apply to On the Week and B ra tton Clovelly. -.. right of the l i n e is a most magnificen t THOS, 0 modern hotel, Eastacombe, situate 820 feet above the sea-Ji;yel. As a sanatori um it is sure of an u nlimi ted supply of pnre mountain a ir, which is t.he only attract io n that presents itself to u s. If the ever gets the cost of constr uction out of it again we miss our guess . The continu ation of our 3 ou rney gives a vie w 0f Northlew in the right distance ; Bea · wort hy is nearer the line a.nd Halwell is · v isible to our left, shortly before we stop at Halwell and Bea wort hy station, whonce · . a branch line recently opened runs south ii ward to Launceston. \Vithin reach are Sheepwash, Hig h Hampton, and Black · 'l'orrington, where are held annual ste ep le · chases in July . Proceeding westward we · · · n ext reach Dunsland Cross, near which is · Bradford the seat of a horse show, Holla comb and Shebbear. In the latter parih is the Bible Christian Connectional Col lege, a spacious structure accommodating over 100 scholars and surrounded by or namental grounds. A short r un past The practical Furrier calls attention to the followHollacomb and ove r a lofty vi aduct brings ing Branches of his new Fall Stock. us to Holsworthy where we take convey ance for Bradworthy, our tempora r y the Largest and best Assortment on hand. M. A. J. headquar ters. fotmd i SELLING OUT. t subscrip- · I GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, l DRY GOODS Trade, NOTICE I A large and carefully selected stoc]( for the fall trade has just been re ceived-but all must go. . A 15th day of October, N I I BINGHAM owner I THIRTY YEARS IN BUSINESS ! M.MAYER, All the New S tyies. very large variety, but ha Gents, Fur Caps, a South Sea Seal and Persian Lam1 take the lead . Fall Hats, Ladl. es' Caps, from. au the latest improvements-a. very choice and varied stock to choose Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, A magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first choice. Cutter & Carriage Robes,At on hand. Prices very reasonable. · 1 your GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, A COME\LETE Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Studs, Display. Buttons, Mits, Rubber Co'1ts, Umbrellas, etc. ,(tJFFurs altered and repaired. Highest Price pa id for Raw Furs. N eadi;' Block, Bowmanville. M.MAYER. · BOUNSALL'S MARBLE -W-ORKS, J3 0-VV:M..A..N""-VILLE_ · t A ; · · of latest designs, and to parties intending to erect Monuments this fall, who will call at the shop, we will sell at such low prices :s were never heard of before in Canada: Ca and get prices before purchasing elsewhere, and see if we do not mean what we say. E. R. Bowmanvllle, August BOUNSALL, Manager. 17th, 1887.