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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1887, p. 5

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· LIME FRUIT JUICE. \VHOLESOMEPurilies the Blood. DOMINICA Tell your neighbol'S about our new offer of "Two for a Quarter." Bii;i drop in the price of Coal Oil. W. Quick and Co. all about it. Stylish fall millinery at Mrs.Morrison's. Mrs. Morrison's is the chaapeat millin ery house in town. · Ask Try Carson's Liver Tonic and Blood Purifier for dyspepsia. PlfREMr. Jas. Kerr, of Guelph, is spending :N"o \Yatered Stock. a few days among his numerous friends in town. . Mr. J. L. Mason, of Davenport, Iowa, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Maso n . Carson's Liver Tonic and Blood Puri fier cures biliousness. 600 yds Tweed Dress Goods, yard at Tod Brothers. aldwin's Bee-hive Fingering 10 cts a Bkem, at Tod Brothers. · Ca11 at W Qu1c · k on d Co. ·a_ and enquire : . about the big drop m Coal Oil. l LEVI ASTRAY.--Came on JO LE ON HIS MUSCLE C ALF . _ Cm 3, · --- lOcts a HEFRESHI:N";;An Agreeable Tonic. Mrs. (Rev.) S. T. Bartlett, of Dawn Mills, is on a visit to her J)e.rents, Mr. COOLI:N"GJust the thing for the Hot and Mrs. J. Hcllyar. Weather. l ,Rev. ,Y. Kenner, of Tyrone, preached good sermons in the Church-st. Methodist church, morning and evening, on Sunday last. S Rev. Mr. Sanderson, of Courtice, ocen st. Meth. pulpit last t u i en y . u :: 9:; Tod Brothers have received from a manufacturer in Leeds 5 pieces Black Cashmere bought under the value, selling at 75cts, 46 inches wide, great value. Call at the Big 20 and see tho :N"cw Williams Machine. Try them before buying and we are sure you will have no other. JAs. DEYMAN, Agent. If you want afafr suit at &fair price to take in thtl fain you cannot faro lbetter than calling at Jeffery's the Tailor. Dr. Potter, cffice and residence, Prow THE EDITOR OF THE STATESMAN er's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. 1-tf. RECEIVED THE BLOW. Yesterday morning, as Mr. James, Read the a1;1ction sale noices. The STATESMAN office has a boom m sale bills. Knocks Down on First Call. Darlmg-011. a sprin co.Ir. Th& owner 1s requested to prove }lroperty. pay ex-· pense and take it away. A. J. HIGGINS, Court1ce 37-:lw .:_ . _ Lot 28, farm horse. good to work. G olil. Can beaeen on Mr.A..KClemens' rarm.'ryrone. For particulars and price apply to A.. E.OLEM:· ENS or J. PERCY, JR .. Bowmanvillo. 38-tf ff ORSE ]'OR SALE.-AHEAVY · We were favored last week with a call For Sale by Grocers aud Druggists in frow Rev. Alex. McD. Haig, B. A., of Pints and Quarts (imperial measure). Meadowvale, Man., and his mother, Mrs. :Refined expressly for LYMAN SO:N"S & D. Haig, of Baltimore. CO., Montreal. FREE SET OE' HARNESs.-S. Thompson trade. the A liberal discount to .jl; Co. ,will give gratis to the person buy ing the most goods at their shop during 1887, a. set of all Nickle Single Harness worth $25.00. ·vv. Ruse has received a stock of ma :N"ew Williams, AB S OLUT E LY F R E E chine needles and oil. White, Royal,, Lockman, Louis, Sineer, Raymond, Osborne, etc. Call FROM ALCOHOL. at Big 20. J J. Mason wishes us to announce that every watcl1, clock or article of e elry left in his store for repair has his p.:rsonal supervision aod all work will be turned out in perfect order and warrant ed and if not satisfactory the customer will confer a favor by returning the arti cle and having any oversight corrected free of charge. Binges Cough Syrup cures coughs, colds, Propri·tor of T1rn Sl'A.TESMAN, was talk Pre ing with Mr. Jas. Gale, in the News hoarsness, whooping couh. pared and sold by J. Higgingbotham & office, Levi Tole came in and asked if he Son. (Mr. James) had not made some _insulting The cheapest cashmere hose in Canada. remarks about him, aad then walking up Ladies' fine wool cashmere, foll fashion ed, only 25 cents, at the Bankrupt to Mr. James, dealt him twe blows in The S1'ATESJ1IAN staff thank Mr.R.Peate, third blow Mr.Ja.mes caught him by both the tailor, for a basket of very fine wrists aud held him off till Mr. Jas. Gale grapes, and 11ommend his generous ex and Mr. Keeley caught hold of him and ample to others. held him ba_ck. 'fht'.l remark that Mr. Mr. J. P. Rice and a gentleman sent by the insurance companies are arbitrat James had made, which when told Mr.Tole, ing on the losi by the burning of the had eaused his blood to boil over, was Uniou School Builaiugs. that " Any work ordered by Tole at the Store. the face, but before he could deliver t]1e white soot on breast white strip in face. Strayed from lot 18, B. F.1 Dar·ing-tou, about. Sept. lat. nformation or his whereabonta will be thankfully received. A.nv persons harboring him arter this notice will be prose· cuted. Is.uc M1·TCALI", Ilowmanville. 30 3w"' D OG LOST .-A young black Collio with four wl1ite feet. white tip on tail. Con. 5.t Clarke, on or about A.ugnst lst..'Z E wes and z Lambs. painted red on middle ot back; tho Ewes had tip of right ear cut oft'. A.ny information leading to recov11ry will b& thankfully received by FH.ANl.;: llmMAOOMBE, Kirby, Christmas trade. to take light, pleas'l.nt work at their own homes. $1 to $3 per day can be quietly made. Work sent by mail any dis tance. No canvassing. Address at once. CRESCENT AR1' CO., H.7 Milk St., Boston. Ma>!s. Box 517(). of lots 9 and 10, con., 2, Darlington, on Manvers Road, H miles north of Bowma.n ville. Gcod brick ho11se, commo1loua out buildings, well toneed and well watered, good orchard; Has beOI .. mostly in 1<:rass for soma yeal;'ll. In c1Lpital state of cultiv.tion. Will sell before Nov. ht very choap· Jfor full par ticulars apply to JOHN FOSTER, drover. Bow manville. 37-tf. ·-----·---- S TB.AYED from my pret11ises, Lot HJ. W F ANTED.-LADlES for our fall ancl '.!:.... STOTT & JURY, Agts. Evangelietic meetings were begun in St. Paul's School Room on Monday. A bible reading is given at 4 p. m., a.ncl a meeting held at 8 p. m, . Rev. Dr. Mac Tavish, of Lindsay, is assisting the pas tor. He delivered a powerful address on Monday evening on "Break up! the fol low-ground." The public are cordially invited to attend these services. CERTAIN DEATH STOT'IL& JURY'S Famous Fly Powder will kill every fly in a room in :lo minute (Mention this paper.) BOWMANVlLLE. HOWARD'S GLOVE CLEANER! Gloves can be cleaned as by s- We ar0 often asked how A.W. Cooper, the bankrupt stock dealer, can undersell all regular merchants. The reason is simple, he deals exclusively in bankrupt stock, and always sells 25 per cent. under coat. Having purchased 200 cutters of all kinds to suit the trade from the Ga.nano· que Carriage Co., we are prepared to wholesale cutters to dealers in West Durham, :N"orthumbei·land and Victoria 27-tf. countiea. SrrA.w & TOLE. ATTENl'ION! S. 0. E's.-The Most 'Vorthy Grand President, Brn. Thos. Skippen, of Toronto, will make an official visit to Wellington Lodge, S. 0. E., Bowmanville, on Thursday evening, Sept. 29, at which time a special meeting is called to mebt at the regular hour. All members are specially requested to attend. By Order. M. A. JAMES, Secretary. waiting at Variety Hall, to-day (Wednes day) at 12 o'clock, noon, to take any persons wh0 wish to attend the Harve"t I:-fome Festival at Tyrone, out there free. Mr. Dao DeLlll'y, Jr., left Manilla last STATESIAN office must be paid for in M0nday for Bowmanville, to study for advance." The case was settled in the the University. His many friends wish Police Courb tile same day, Tole pleading him success. -Standard. Fine, $2 and costs, $3.85 alto FREE RrnE.-A conveyance will be in guilty. gether, or 21 days in jail. money like a AH.M EOR SALE.-Being 100 acres -MAGICONLY 10 CENTS AT Young men and old, maidens and mammas will bB glad to hear that M. Mayer has received his new fall stock of fur goods, hats and gents' furnishings. He has a. ,·ery choice assortment, indeed. See his new advertise111ent. SALVA'rION ARMY.-Big Thanksgiving Meecings will be held on Oct. 15th, 16th and 17th, conducted by Major Bailey, Chief·of-stafl', Staff-Capt. Morris, D. 0., and family, A. D. C. Lewis and officer11 from 'roronto, Oshawa, ', Brooklin, Pickering, Hampton, Orono, Newcastle, Tyrone, LPskard and C,)urtice. Great banquet on Monday, 17th, and all night of prayer. Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. Sight vs. Blindness. The STA'rESMAN, or the 1tiEnrt>DIST OusERVElt, or the Weelcly Globe, Western Advertiser, Montreal 1-Vitness, or almost any other dollar weekly will be sent to any address from Oct. l, 1887 to January lst, 1889, for a dollar. Ordf\l'S must be sent to M. A. JAMES, l3owmanville, Ont. Here is one of the attractions at the Peterboro' Central Exhibition : The race for the hotel-keepers' purse of $200, is open to both h-otters and pacers. The N. STANLEY'S CELEBRATED purse is divided into $100 for :first prize, $60 for second, and $40 for third. Entrios must be made with the Secretary by Oct. .No Spectacles in the market equal them in the An entrance fee of ten per cent will :EYHI PRESERVING QUAL!l'lllS they possess, or 1st. tho GREAT EAf"l and co:11l·'Oh'.l' they con!er on be charged. D. D. Galletly, Secreta.ry. Those of our readers requiring anything in carpets should read Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's advertisement in this paper . They carry the largest stock of carpets held by any house in the county and as they import them direct from the manufacturers no one Clll undersell them. NOTICE To lNTENDI:N'G E:x:Hrn11·01ts Ar BowMANVILLE FArn..-Exhibitors of bulky articles such as carriages, sewing machines, furniture, stoves, musical instruments, harness, etc., must make opplicatiori fo r space to R. B. Andrew, Ch. of Arrauging · C onmu· t e?, no t later than s a turday o ct, · · tio · ns as tin · s is · .e poe1 1st to secure favorab' · ' · tended renaered necessary owing t o m changes in 1he arrangements of the ex· hibit. ENGLISH SPECTACLES. - the wearer. -. At Grimsby, Rev. Sam . ·Jones said : "A man who don't po.y his debts is a mean man, but the meanest man God ever made is the man who will loan money at a high percentage on a mortgage, aud then catch a. fellow and wipe ouc all he's got. I'd aq soon go up to the j udgment seat with a. stolen sheep on c::y back as with a record like that. He is only excellea by the man who will take a pa· per, read it two or three years and uot pay for · . and afterwards that " the Police Magis BoWMANVILLE F.un.-This great Ex hibition under the new arrangement will trate is a fine old gentleman." le is a come off nex:t Tuesday a.nd Wednesday. good plan to keep on the right side of a It will most assuredly be the best exhibi P. M. tion ever eeen in this town. Everybody ------come. L[1rge amount of money to loan on lMl'OltT ANT, VERY. All who want farm security at from G to·( per cent. bargains in dry goods should go with all F. H. M ASO N. speed to Thos. Bingham's (McClung's old "Big plums!" $15, $16 and $17 stand). He is going out of business i n a tweed and worsted snits all reduced to few days. He had 6old fast week, but $10. Boys' tweed suits reduced 50 per there is an unexpected turn in the ne- cent. Boo ts and shoes reduced from 25 i" , . got tions and until the transfer takes to 50 per cent., at ti1e Bank rupt Sture, place he is determined to sacrifice all the next door to Murdoch Bros'. stock he can. You need not doubt itWe call attention to J. J. Mason's Fall he will give you such bargains as you never got iu Bowmanvilla before. Hitch announcement in advertising columns of up your horses, farmers, and come in this issue. Be claims to h ave as fine a to-morrow. A week from no w may be stock as is shown in Bowman ville, and by See his big advertiserne at and the way goods have been arriving tllere too l ate, lately the store must be full from cellar waich for nex t week's announcement. to ceiling. Scarcely a day but two or On Friday last about 20 members of three big boxes are being unpacked i n the Foresters' Lodge, Court Pride of front o f the store. \Ve advise our r1>aclOnta rio, No. 6000, 0f this town, paid a ers to accept his invitation to call and invisit to Oshawa in order to be present at spect his stock and compare prices. the funeral services of Bro. Bedford, ot To Avorn BALDNJi:SS on GREY HAIR. tho Oshawa Court. Quite a lare number r of the Oshawa brethren also met them Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great Garman Hai and all then marched to the family resid- Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free ence of thg deceased, w here they were from Da.ndruft and promotes the growth joined by some 20 emplo ye rn of the of the hair. It prevents premature grey· Oshawa Tannery who were his fellow- ness aml stops all falliug out of the lrnir. The corps9 was interred in On bald heads, where the roots have not workmen. the burying ground of the Church of perished, it will invigorate them and England. Afte1· the services tlrn members force a new growth of hair. Ask for Hair march ed to the Lodge 11oom?, where Magic. It is the only reliable. For sale several short sp'3eches were by the by all drugiats. he " cordially agreed with the decision," littte man, remarking that Levi paid the - - lot 17. con <t, Darlington, on which are a. house and good farm buildings. well fence and watered, about 3 acres orchard, good soi a.dapted for grain and pasture. Witlun 2} miles of Hampton a.nd 3 m il es of Bowm a nville. "l'erms very easy, For further particulars ap· Jl]Y to M.A. JA!ES, at the S' J'ATF.SMAN Office, Bowmanville, 25-tf, F ARM FOR SALK-80 acres, being Visitors to England. 'l'EMPERANOO: H OT EL. Mount pleasant.. 100 rooms. Three minu.tes' walk trow Central and Lime Street Ststione. Nigllt p0t·ter. Re commended by Rev. Dr. Briggs, 'l'oronto, and Rev. Chas. Gltrrett, England. 20·15. L L IVERPO<JL ENG. - SHAFTESBURY -The residecce of the lttte C. H. Giles, situated on Lot. ·I, Con., 3, Easr. Whitby, com prising 4 acres of first-class laud. The house is nearly new, stone cellal'. eon and hard water, first·olass driving house and stable. splendid young orchard with all kinds of fruits. Close to M1ixwell's school house, t miles from the town of Oshawa, one mile !rom ·raunton. and one from F'oley. 'l'his is a go od chance for any ono wanting to retire trom active life. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further pal'ticulars apply to r.he widow GRACE GILES. 'l'annton, P. 0., 01· WM. Ho11as. Va.ler.t!a, or DH. GlLES. Halliburton. P. S.-H no t sold it will bo rented to a suitable tenant. 37-Gw A:N"D & RESIDENCE FOR SALE. OISSOlUIION O PATNERSHIP. · :STOTT & JU RY, Druggists and Opticians, Bow11u,NVILLE. NIVER :rntE THE EYE A.ND LA.ST MA.NY YEA.RS WITHOUT CIIA.NGE. ·:rue sight teMted by our New 'feat Card, as used by the leading Oculists through· . out 'the world. 'J:]l:Y GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMA.NVIJ,LE STATION. GOlNG EAST GOlNG WEST a m a. m a m pm m If you want to rent your farm or sell it, just come t.o us and see. what we can do for you for from $1 to $5. By making such things known to a few thousand peo pie we can often make $1,000 in a bette sale for a man, or get him a better tenant None but good people !tre allowed to read this paper at any price. Come in and see us when you have a farm for sale or rent. The .Bowmanville News has the hardi hood to acknowledge "with thanks" the receipt of a keg of cider from a man in Tyrone. Cider is a prohibited drink, so, therefore, must be of the devil. Goodv goody Prohibitionists should shun the sin encrusted newspaper.-P. H. Times. The Editor of the :N" ews is the Chief Mogal of a popular Temperance Society, too. . .;..ocal . . .....· .8.53 a m .J!:xpress. .. .... a m Mixed ......... 3.38 p m Local'..........7.18 pm. Eiqiress .....· 9:U p m ·Except Mondays. ·CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. BURKE'l.'ON ST.A.TION GOING EAST, GOING WEST. I I Express ...... 6.20 Local , ...... · · 8.12 Express· ...... 9.12 Mixed .. . ... . .. Express. ..·.·. 3.R 8.l3 p B lGLAltY.-On Monday night some p;i. rties attempted to bnrst open the safe 7 · t Vanstone s mill. Th·ey first effected an entrance to Mr. 'Villiams' blacksmith shop, by means of the bac k door, after a vain attempt to tear open a window, where they procured a sledge hammer, some punches, a brace, with which to turn their drill, a :file and some other articles. They then got into the mill through a indow and commenced operations. After ha: ing smashed the combination. thay 1 to have become alarmed and left see without gettiug into the safe. hurrie They dropp a dl'ill just outside the window, which as picked up by the miller. One of the most attractive features of a live local paper is its local news, and in this raspect THE ST A TES:liAN has often been complimented. A corps of corsespondents unegua.lled for versatility of genius have boomed it, enlightened the people, and J;>ene_fittecl. themselves by :egularly contnbntmg to our columns mtersting_ notes of events that happen i n their neighborhoods. We thank them for what they have dooe and hope they will continue to supply us with their we!come news until the barren places of West Durham shall bloom 'ls the rose o.nd our valued correspondents loom above the horizon of literature until they reach the zenhh of admiration as cleft wielders of an instrument much mightier than the sword. .Express . ... ..10.29 a m Express .. .. .. 9.15 a m Express ...... 6.52 pm Express ...... 7.42 p m Tickets and further information may be had rrom H. B. ANDREW, Big 20, llailroa.d, and Steamboat Ticket .Agent, Bowmanville. I NORTHERN STAGES. ·!p. Stage leaves the Post Office. Bowmanville daily (Sunda:vs excepted) for Hampton, Ennis· killen, Htt.ytlon, Cartwright, Cadmus and -Cresa.roa, at 10.30 a. m., a n d returns to to-wn at m The Folding Sawing Machine is highly recommended to us as truly a triumph of mechanical genius, aod for rapid aod sat isfactory work, easy adjustment and ready portability, its equal appears never to have been invented. A man can carry it to the woods under his arm in the mornA complimentary oyster supper was ten- ing, saw down and trim trees, cut up the .dered to Mr. :S:red Quick, by the board- logs, and cut seven or more cords of era at Ml·, Rb, 'rt Philp's, John Street, on. wood before night. The 1irrn, Folding Monday evening, the occ11sion being the l Sawing Machine Co., 303 to 311 South -departure of that estimable young gentl e- Canal Street, Chicago, Ill., offer them at During Mr. reasonable rates, and tmy lumberman or man from Port Hope. ·Quick' a residtmce in Port Hopa ho as former with . a few acres of . timber can gained a host of friends aod the entertarn- make one save its first cost in a short ment given in his honor nn Monday time. Send for their circular. See their . evening was but an evidence of the esteem advertisement in another column. his numerous iP: which he is h eld IT UAN DO NO n.uu1 to try Jo'rccm:m·s , friends and acquaintances. !i-- very plea- ,Vorm t·ovcers when your cltild is ailing , tcYcrisll or tretfnI, .sent even'ng w.s spent.-Gmde. 'rhe son of Mr. W . W. Trull, Banker, Orono, The New Williams has no equal. ·demand for these machines are ;;io great has certainly struck a bonanza in Califor· nia. In the Real Estate sales report of we cannot supply all the orders. p Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket, the VallejoChronicle of the lGth Se t., we s -etc., at Morris' Planing l<'actory, Liberty find the following :-"Dr. F. Trull ha sold to M. M. Garoutte, of Woodland, .gtreet, R. H. Osborne, lea.see. 123 acres of the ranch known as the The nut crop this year is said to be 'Crowell ranch,' for $!),250. '!'he land i s very large, nearly all kinds o f nut-bearing situated east of the town, and was pur 'tr·ees being heavily loaded· chased by the Doctor some three months '.l'he Church-st., Methodist chmch inago for $6,150. Mr. Garoutte has in turn tend holding their Tea early in Novem- sold the same ranch to three Woodland ·h-er. Date nd particulars later. gentlemen at an ad vanco of $250. Dr. T11e cheapest wool blankets and com- Trull still has 170 acres which adjoiu the forters in Canada, are at the Bankrupt 'Crowell ranch' on the side nearest the :Store, next door to Murdoch Broa' town." Farmers will receive the highest price fo1· their barley from ,Tohn McDougall Guy who is buying for Mssrs. J. Son, Oshawa. -p'ur hig hes t prices, fair and square deah!1g Mr. McD011gall has a . splendd rep'.lhtion with all the farmers. , _ Give lnm a call. Biliousness · and Sick Headache are cured by the delightful preparation known as 'rarrnnt's Scltz(lr Aperient. '.l'here is not a drug Store from the Atlantic to the Pacific' nor from th:i Lakes to the Gulf "- -- ,- ' that does not keep a large stock of this SErT'R · 1887. old and valuable medicine. A journey should never be undertaken without a bottle being cal"ried in one's valise. In fact it ouglit to he in the houses of those who don'L travel, fur time and experience .Pure mixed paints at Higginbotha,m's have proved it to be one of the mos valdrug store. uable family remedies in extant. '.l'he Great bargains in fancy goods, at Mrs. head office is in :N". Y. City. Morrison's. $3,100.00 Piw:nr.-Dr. Fred. W. Trull, Bowmanville Silver Plating Works, Plating in gold, silver King·st. east. and nickel on all kinds of metals. Car riage and harness plating at reasonable rates. Knives, forks, epoons, cruets, tea aets, etc., re-plated in silver, and made better than new. Special rates to hotels and boarding houses. Opposite the Sal vation Army .Barracks. H.. H. HENRY, Proprietor, and F. N. HAM, Manager. l I . a:: _ ':' _ Oshawa and Bowmanville members, and··i3; :'... :'... :'... .. .. .. - the visitors were invited, by Bro. Smale, DIED. on behalf of the Oshawa Lodge, to the SMI'l'H,-In Hampton, on i:lept. 21st, John Q ueen's hotel, where a splendid supper Smith, in hie 90th year. was parfoken o f, after which the Bow lPEw.11;mm.-Near Ha.glan. on t.he 11th inst.. manvi"lle bretl1ren .returned home. · Th e Allie, beloved wife of Mr. W. l<'ewester, a,ged 82 years' 4 mouths and 11 days· Oshawa Court arc to be commended for the noble way in which they have acted, . MANVILLE MARKETS. BOW sub. al l _fu1:eral expenses wee borne -scr1pt1on, so that the widow race1ves the · ery Tues1loy. c e by J, ltlcJ111rtry, e' devoted by the Lod0 r r e for that C@ne t d purpose, intact. FLOUR, 'lfl' 100 lbs . . . . · . . · · $2 10 to $2 40 RESTOHED.-1\frs. J. M. Phalen, of WHEA.'l', Fall, 'IP' bush ··.·· 0 75 H 0 80 Sydney Mines, N.S., had chronic rheum· " Spring, · . · · . 0 80 H 0 00 atism for two ye11rs, and got no relief un BA RLEY, 'IP' bush, No. 1. . . . 0 60 " 0 00 II I< II til she tried Burdock Blood Bitters. 2 0 · · · 0 55 II 0 00 II fl Two bottles cured her. "I was like a II 3, . , · 0 45 II 0 00 k n," say, she "before using B.B. B., RYE , s eleto II · · · · · · · · · · 0 45 " 0 48 now thanks to the discovery of such a. 0A.'l'S, ll , · , , , · · . , 0 25 " 0 27 valuable remedy, I am entirely restored PEAS, Blackeye, bush . · · 0 60 11 0 00 " Small, 11 to health." 0 50 " 0 52 11 " Blue, 0 50 H 0 55 . · _ .... --:-the . read auction BUTTER, best table, 'IP' lb. . . 0 18 11 0 20 STATESMAN Fa:mers,_ sale list. · LARD, 'IP' lb,. .. . .. . . . . . . .. 0 10 II 0 12 Cheap light is the order now. W. EGGS, doz . . . · . . · · . . . . . 0 14 11 0 00 Quick and Co. will explain. PoTA'rOES, bush . . . · · . · · 0 50 11 0 00 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. HAY . . . . . . . . . . . · . . · · . . . . 9 00 ll 10 00 ROBT . V r nruE, A>(ent, Bowmanville. tf. DRESSED HOGS . . . . . . . . . . · 5 50 ll 6 00 CLOv1m SEED. . . . . . . · · . . . 4 90 11 5 00 All wool flannels from 18c. per ye.rd ALSIKE .. . . . . . . . . . . · · . . . 4 00 II 6 00 and up at Couch, Johnston & Cryder between and carried on by the undersign ed at Town of Dowmauville, as horse dealers. under the name tityle nod form of Percy, Young & Wyllie has tllis day been dis· solved by mut.ual con·ent. .All debts dne to said firm must be to, and all debts due by fir1J1 will bC> paid b;r Young & Percy. who will continue to carry on said bu·iness as partners nuder the name and firm of Percy & Young. Dater! at llowmanville this 27th day of· ust. 1887, Signed .TOJIN PERCY. Horu:RT YouNo, JOHN WYr.Lrn, ·witness. R. RUSSELL LOSOO)iBE, ··---------- T HE parLnerahip heretofore existing _by 1 fiiiM foR Slli ! Sl'rlTATED IN A. good farm consisting of 100 acres. the of the late Es· JOHN·. HYLAND CARTWRIGHT Being the eaat hll.!f of , ,..... ,.. of Port Perry, 3 of Burke· ton, and U of Bowmanville markets. '.l'hero is n good frame dwelling honse, a mall orch· ard, and good well of w11te1·. '£here is a lso a. good x 50. and a shed and stable 56x:30. 'l'bc soil is good clay loam. 11,or further par. ticnlars. apply to W. BRUCE. l:llackstock. P.O. Cartwright. 31-t f LOT!8 CONCESSION, 2 , It is within 8 miles barn, 35 --------- Heavy All-wool Flannel 20 cts a yard, IOE:N"TIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE mi ll pric e, buy aoy quantity, at Tod of Physicians. London. ]l;ng.;Member of College of Physicians 11nd Surgeons, Ontario. Brothers. The Baz! Patterns for ladies' and children's wear, fall and winter styles, at Mrs. Morrison's. man's · ' Executor's Notice to Creditors of William Aunger, deceased. BoMA.NVLLE, 2S, LocaI and 0therwise. Mr. James R. Clarke writes from Los Angeles, Cal., under date of Sept.. 14 : "I arrived here in good time for the fruit season. We have pears and peaches that will weigh 1 pound each ; muscat, ot raiiia, and other fine grapes, apricots and figs. Strawberries and other berries are now getting ripe. ·watermelons are plenty. Some will weigh from 50 to 90 pounds, and cost 20 to 50 cents each. Board and room cost from $6 to $10 per week. Buildings are going up all over the city. The new hotels jnst starting. to cost $5,000,000 each, besides the lots, one of which coste $150,000. I h1we been here a fortnight and have seen some of tlie city. Work of all kinds is plenty. Plasterers get $5 per day ; rough carpen ters $3.50 to $400; good carpenters,$4.00 t·J $4,50; other trades about the same. I think I will stay till spring." 6 piecas All-wool Ottoman Cord Dress Goods, at half price, 20 cts per yard, worth 50 cents, at Tod Brothers. W. Ruse,. hes a large consignment of those Nllw Williams Sewing Machines coming. See them before buying. The .Bazzar Patterns for Ladies' and Children's wear, Fall and Winter style, ·at the 'Vest End Millinery House. G1;01it clearing snle now going on at. the Bankrupt Store, 25 per cent off all goods. RIDE O' SCOTLAND horse for Biggest bergains ever offdred in Bowman sale. three past; sounrl and good in ville. every way. W. H. WILLIAMS. Bowmanvi! le. Imperial Stovepipe Varuish prorluces a beautiful gloss aud mtikes no offensive abotham & crin"' 8elcl by J. Hig" smell. Son. behalf notice is hereby given that all SURGERY AND RllSIDE:NOE:-Rear of Messrs. creditors and other persons having any debts, claims, or demands against the estate or Wil· Higginbothe.m'a Drug Store, Bowm anville, liamA.unger,late of theTownship ofDarlington, 6-lyr." in the County of Durham, Farmer, <lecei>aed who died on or about the thirteenth day of W. S, ORHISTON, L, L. JI. .August, A.D. 1887 are hereby required to send Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money by post prepaid or deliver p·rticulars in writ· to loan. Office, in Beaver Block upstairs in tng of their debts. claims or demands and the roo 'OS formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, nature oft.he security (ir anv) held by them to Dowmanvllle. 39 John IC. Galbraith of the town or Bowman· ville. in the cc.mnt,y of Durham, Solicitor for HOSS.I.CK -" FU:Ln. ·wmiam l'rowin, the Executor of tho Last ARH.ISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, and Testament ot the said rlAccased on orWill be· &c.. Cobourg. fore the twentieth day of O ctober, .A., D.,1887, D. C. HOSSACK. FRANK M. FJJJ:LD. at the expiration ol' which time Lhe said exec· Cobourg, June 1. 1887. 22. ntor will proceed to dis , t ri bute the assets or the said deceased among the p-.sons entitled RENT-The Stand one door west of the thereto haying regard to the debts and claims NEWS Ofiice. Suitable for small store, er only of which notice shall have been given as above rcq u1rerl and the said executor will not. for an Office. Applv t o GALE BROS. be liable for the a·eets so distributed to an;r . person of whose debt or claim ho shall no& -·· · --· ,, OH. SELL.-Bmg ha\·e bad notice at the time of such distribu-· . '1'.1-,ARM TO the south m acres of lot 7. con 3. Darlmi;.· tion. ton, .A.pply to W. F.ALLEN, Bowmanvillo. Bowmanville, September 8'.h, 1837. 3n tf. Jun:;- K. G,1L.tJHAl'l'II, Solicitor for said Executor. L Dlt. E. U. lllcDOWELL. P URSUANT to the Statutes in that B T O .-l: -_!tENr P ·---·--· -·-·- -- 37-iiw. <?· I by DrsTINGUISHED VISITO R . We under stand that the Rev. Georga Sexton, ., M. D.. L.L. D., Ph. D., will visit Bow manville next week, and remain a few days. On Sunday, Oct. !)th he will preach in the Presbyterian church at 11 o'clock a.m., and in the Church-st., Meth odist Church at G:30 p.m. On Monday niht, Oct. 10th, he will lecture in .the Presbyterian church on " Prayer, its H.elation to Science, Natural L\\w and Modern 'rhought." On Tuesday evening in the Church-st., Methodist church : subject, "Secularism, 11. Bundle of Contradictions, a Oreed of Negations, and Deficient as a Moral Guide." On Wednesday evening in the Quee::i-st. Methodist Churcb. on " History's Testi mony to Chrisb." '.l'he Rev. Dr. Sexton holds the Gold Medal of the Society of Science, Arts and Letters, 11nd is also Secy. of the Society for America. - l\LA mmnyllll H A CAR LOAD -OF- 3.. [ W.Ruse is determined not to be under· -OFISS DOWN, fashionable Dress and sold and is offering Pianos, 0rgans, aod Mantle Make1·. Rooms ov·er Mr. Hor Sewing Machines at way dow n prices. see ...i.: soy's Hardware Store, formerly occupied by him before purchasing. Miss McPherson, 37-4w. Uouch, Johnston & Cryderman are now ARM TO RENT.-A farm, showing a fine stock of ladies' dolmans, · A:N ,. , .T to -a power of sale con. containing 100 acres, being parts of lots uSU ulsters and short jackets-imported from 13 and H, coo.,:. Pickering. For !m·ther JJartamed in a c e n ain mortgage which will . Germany. These goods aro elegantly cut ticuhus apply to H, .A. HA!GH' l'. lot 13. Picker- be produced at the time of sale, t"here will bo offered for sale bl ing P. o. ' PUBLIC .A.UC'l.'ION at 37-3 w* and beautifully made. M MORTGAGE SALE - - F VALUABLE PR 0 PE RTY ! ,p John Moyse's Hotel, in the village of '.l';rrone, o n brick cottage on King·st. west. now occupied by Mr. Geo. Pearson. Garden, well and stable. .A.pply on the premises or to Mns. FAREWELL. 39 lw· to give dally les8ons in all English and mathema tical branches; a.lso French, drawing and music (instrumental and Yocal). Reaid· ence or Mrs. Wm, .A.rmour, Scagog St. :l·2w* OUSE TO RE:N"T.A two storey COAL 01 l AT PH.ICES :N"EYER BEFORE HEARD OF, AT N OTICE.-Miss Lough is now prepared C.'irtwright, lots 10, 11 and the north pa.rt 12, of the 8th con., about 300 acres in all. Will be sold reasonable, on asy terms. Apply t o owners. on the premioos, .A, ll>tUCE, o r Cmaa· rea, P. 0. 38·tf story brick residence with one half acre of lan d situated o the south east corner of . Ontario We hngton streets. More land ob,amed 1r desired. For terms a1?d part1culara apply t w. s. ORMISTON, Barns· . ter e tc. Bowmsv1lle, 3 7 1w · ..I.: "[1iARM FOR SALE in the township of J>J:()F, J,O\V'8 lllJJ,PHIJlt SOA.I' !! a· tlc Hglltlnl toilet luxury ns 'veil tu! I\ goo1l cnr alive .i1>r skin cliscase. W. QUICK & Co's. sick· H ' OUSE 1 F(JR '. SALE - That two- XATIONAJ, PILI.S 'viii not rive 01· en, yet n1·c a tho1·ough catbarllc. can e B , ;n\l .J 1887. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow in valueble property situate in tho Townsh ip of Darlington. containing one. fourth of an acre. more or Iese, ancl being composed of part ot the orth hs.lf of Lot No. 9, in the Gth Con., of arlmflton, formerly owned by J.AS. BINGH.A.l l:l. Ihorc 1s a good frame house and st11blo on the lot, and a good garden. TERMS OF SA.LE. On·tcnth at ; time of sale, enough with· . thirty days m thereaf ter to make one-third ot pu·case money ; the balance thereof to bo paid m t!ireE? equal consecutive annual inetal. ments with interest at the rate of 6} per cent· pe1· annum from day of as.le. Further particulars and condition of sale ean be had from the vendor's Solicitor at o3haw& ' J. F, UHIKRSON, 1 Vendor· Solicitor· Safurdar, Btn ay of OCTOBf R, I Oshawa, Scptembe;r 7th, 1887,

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