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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1887, p. 6

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· THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ETERY FRID.AT MORNING, IS PUBLISHED -BY· · .. · " The night l was absurd enough to faint was it not 1 Yes, it is cooler ou L there, I dare say, and I am threatened w i t h a h e adT E R JYt: 1:3 ache," she answe1 cd ; and putting the tips 1.50 pc1· A1muu1, or $1 if l>nl<l ln ·ulvnnce of her fingers on Captain Hirnghton's arm, sh e w o.l ked lowly into the long, low ceiled Pa:rment s trictly l n a d vance required Crom drawing-room, where a num ber of non11b11erLbera outside of the county. Orders to l1100ntinue the paper mut be accompanied by dancers of both ·stxes were talking mi ld · amount due,orth paper wil no t be a topped. · d uJ grng m e ft trtat" scan dal or m ion. a I"ttl 1 lbPoribers are reaponsibleunti Cull payment i:a She took a long wlute cloak trimmed with lade, ' a mass of Italian embroidery in silver and KA.TEI! OF AUVEHTUUNG : 0 i: :::i ,.. gold thread which lav ou a couch near her, 1he Co! ;:::·. : and, throwing it round her shoulders, passed " .. . ·20 oO out of the open window at lfaughton's side. One q uarter . . . . . . . air Column o ne year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 -" I wonder wh.,th er Haughton has au y " Half year . . . . . . . . . . . . · · 20 0 1 rea.l chance ?" said old Colonel Blair, gazing 0 . · uaiter · · · · · . . One q after Hyacinth and her cavalier as they · n:ier ... oi;u.n :: ::::::::: 12 50 = , walked <lown the lamp lit terrace. " The fellow is head over ears iu debt- fast, you O ne . . . . . . . . 8 00 - " " " 5 0 know-burning candle at both ends and a. Ten and u nder . ftrat lneertion · $ 0 ll:aQh subsequen t insertion . . . . . . O 25 l'ttl · th e rrn 'ddle- l 1 e in 1orses, d og . carels, l!'rom six to ten lines, fi rst insertion 0 75 ·· d im - k -ay, aud pink b onnets, as we used to lll a s o 35 tl a i u. . c h sub equen n ert o . . . . ver te n l i n es, fi rstinsertion,per l iu e 0 io -10 call them lon g ag" ; au d s he k n ow s that, of 0 03 = course. 'Vocien-for all their innocent ll:aeh suhsequen tinsertion , " The uumuer of lines to be reckoned by _ looks-are generally up to the ways of men. (! space occu ied,,meaeured by a scale ot I wouldn't back him, an v way. I don ' t see ld Nonuareir · wh at trump he holds, excc>pt that he belongs - · l!:::= to a good family ; he ett n't offer her what she has baen offered before, if all tale s are DUS, McLAUGHLIN di UEITR, true. OnrcE :-MoRRTB, Br,ocK, BOWMANVILLE. " Perhaps he pu ts his trust in downright J?r.J. '!V.McLAUGEIJ,rN, Dr. A. Bmrru, Gradu impudence u.nd eff rontery ; women are ronto of the T ate t som e ti m es won by brass, and nothing but . Tl!i: ffi;st i:! t '1.nd m e mber o r the Umversity, .l:'hys1 c1an. brass," remarked old Lady Conyers, who Royal C olege o r Sur- Surgeon, &c. hB.d beell a .n heiress an a. b eauty in her geons. Edmburgh. time, had survived three husbands, and thercfore 1'.1ight be presume to know a. little D R· · of he subiect sh was talkrn g about. irRMBEH OF C O LLEGE OF PHYSICIAN S , Of course he ll ])e refu8ed. What e x L Y.I. and Surgeons Ontario Coroner etc ' H. qnisite lace she possesses I I wonder she Office and Rea1d: } nce, En;.ikillen.' doe not look happie1· when she wears it ; I _ -----8houl d , " mur m ured a pretty fad ed wom an n. BlJRKE SIM PSON, "O A RRtS'rEJ?, S OLICI'l'OR , &e. MOP TUS who managed to keep her head ab ove water on a very small incoJYte indeed . .J !"l BLOCK, up stairs, Ki ng Street. Bovvman1 1 e.· Soli citor for the Ontario Bank Meanwhile Hyacinth, saunteri n g slowly 1"-rlvatc !lonrvs loaned at the lowest rates, along at the Honourable Cyril's aide, troubled very little about what was said or thought .John Keith GalbraJth, of her. From her first appearance in society under the wmg of an impecunious Irish A .R R I 8 T E R, SOLI CITOR, NOTARY O ffic e- Bounsall 'a Bloc,k t'UBLlC , &.o. countess until now there had never been <JK _ _ g _ S_ _ ln tre: Bowmanvi!le. Monev to lend, the faintest shadow on her name. Men _ '. _ complained that they could not get on with ROBERT AK1'101JR, her-that, alLhough she would tal k re adily ,n EGISTRAR, w EST DURHAM ISSUER and even cleverly on any topic of the day , , at Marriage License s, Barrlstor and At tor· n she would not meet them halt way in that neJ at r,a.w and Solicitor in Chancery. Mone:r lo·n1ed cm Real Estate. Office stree t , light badinage, half raillery, half-tlirt!l.tion, B _ _ n w _ m _ _s _ n _ v n ----__ __ that makes up such a large p ortion of the conversa.tion between young .ipeopl e. 'fhey l'fULIUI lYIGHl', said ohe was a stick, a prude, as cold as 10e IC E NSED A UCTIO NE E R. for the and as proud as Lucifer ; they said she had County of Durham. Orders left at the an extravagant idea of her own importance ST.t.TES M.AN ofiice or forwarded to Tyrone P.O. and wealt h ; but they never said tha.t s he 28:6m l'l'UU re c eive prompt attention. deliberately led a man on to propose to her s. C. UUNKI.N G, in order to turn upon him and msult him ; AUCT I O N E E R F O R they never said that she used her beauty I C E NS E D and her grace to dazz le the eye s of some the County or Durham . Sales att ended young husband or break a betrothed maidlo au shortest notice and lowest rates. Address 36:tf 'JOURTwg P. o. en's heart. Stories however were told of the proud, cold, unsympathetic wo ma n .,, E GUARAN E E D TO GO O D WU h were som_ w etimes believed [1,lld some_ hie >l'!VerY man who buys his License !rom times not, accordmg to the moo d or c haracITT!:NRY S YLVES1'ER, Enniskillen . ter of the hearers-stories of charity both ---· large an d judicious, not advertised in a subPiallO S T uned and: Uepaired. , scription-list that ..11 the world might read, but done secretly and modestly, and with a RTIES WISH ING\ T HE ilt PI AN OS thoughtful regard for the recipients' feelings. But such rumors as these were con fined to a Tuned or repa1rea ean nave them attended very few, and had not so e:xtensive a circulation as a racy piece of scandal commandw oeinR in their emDlO'" ed. Cap! ain Haughton, now noting with ap10 Uo! f.l enUe m c m oil F adt · preci ..tive eyes the perfect slope of her ; , l , n o t "'° ta!!l t . shoulders, the noble carriage of her head, half draped with the glittering Indian mantle, had never heard such tales, a.ncl hve written thB' e few llnas, ; would have disbelieved them if he had. No, And all l hve to snyTha.t " ou can tlud me still at home, woman walking at his side · this prottd rich CHAP1'AH. IX. I am not gone u.way. was uot, in his judgment, one of those who SCI all mr Jrind old friends may come, " stealth. by good One warm moonless August night Haugh- " do And all the young ooes, too, But although ne saw her and marked all And g et their giuments 1> icely ton Abbey was full of guests. The strans tn fashions that are new ; of music floated out through the open wm- her " points," the uuconscious homage t lmt W o.e re old and young, friends. may m eet dows-a bla e of light shone from behind a man pays to beauty was not in his eyes, z .A. welcome greeting, by R. PEA TE. half-drawn silken curtains and through or even the simulated adoration ot an interscreens of skillflilly-arranged ferns and trop- ested wooer, bu t ru.ther a look of insolent and overbearing triumph, the otitwa1·d and fou.l plants. The annual " breaking up" ball was going dsible sign of a mood that had possessed a ht rhythmical h im now for two days, du.ring whwh he had ; the li b forward merri · sound of dancin ., f ee t, the soit ' 'swish-swish" vamIy endeav ored to manage a tete a-tete I of drapery, and t.he hum of ma.ny voices wiGh her-a look that only her supreme and poured out of the window a.nd wide-open unaffected indifference to him prevented doors. The Earl of Redshire felt that an- her fro m uoticing. She had u.ccepted his other week at the Abbey would be l ikely to escort merely because he had been dancing injure his health, and SO he was biddi_ng With her and sh" did not wish to f?O out adieu to lhe county, as he generally did, alone-it would not be "good form' -and his talk about soldiering in 1£gypt bored her wrTflQyT TBEH wrr .r TEll: ra. with a dinner and a dance. The stately and rather dull dinner was less, she found, than the conversation with · · · i, over, the Abbey cl ck had just rung .out w h' 1ch oth er men end eavored to entertam ' · JJ' · ? "'.ere swmg- her. couples thirty some and wclve, I PRACTICAL eENTJST, They walked along the terrace in absolute mg round and round on the polished floor W ! of the large hall to the mnsic of the " Sil- silence, the light from the colored lanterns IJVll:R T ENTY Ylll.ARS EXPERIE.."fo.a:. &roiuOxldetG8 8 A.1ltnlnlstered ror J.>al nleM ver S1iielci . " sp a.rkling o n her glittering mantle, until Operations. Lily Verschoyle, the und bputed belle of t hey came to the broad fl ight of steps leadThen Captain M:CCJ.ITNG'I! BLO()IL, · · ewJ!'IC.E the night, in a diess of some airy white ing down to the wu.tcr. --- stuff g leu. min g with sil ver thread, her only Haughton loeked at a varnished, gilded, . to bo made. . Cut thi s out , touch of colour a ·railin oo g!l.r!and of rose- a nd water.tight box rather than boat, ga ily . r t d 1tz8' 3 e 0 ': leaves and roses, bginnig at her lefo sho_ul- lighted up and luxul'iously cushioned, which e ;;it something of great yalue · der in a few soft velvety bands, and cndmg was moored to the steps, and said" Let me advise you to come out on the and. impotane to Y.ou. that wlJI sta!·t you in I above her right ank le in great heavy overu : bl<?n blossoms, w:i-s dancing with all he lake for a little w hi l e. Your face tells me biK el; ini 1tf lght1!c;'ay"; n are more than threatened with a world . Any one can do the work and live at · spirit and fresh en3oyment of a school-girl, that you md-twenty, headache. You will be quite out of the horn. ffiither sex ; all ages. Something new, forgettin g that she was one- , e _o. ers. t J for all coins wo st mone,r u r th noise there." k . "V: forgetting that she had been out thiee years a c Hyacinth looked at the black, calm, silent s oI1r g ;ofn ; g t e iiine if ; and had swung slowl;y- round, ad roud i l water for a moment ; it would be a change time. Tbose who are a.mbiLioas and enter· fifty ball-rooms to this s3ome ' Si ver Shield Grand . outfit free. walt z, forgetting even to try to disguise from the waltzmg and flirting inside. prising w!ll not delay. Address THUE & Co . Augusta, Mame. · · g 1 · n her blue eves " Yes, " she said · " I have not a head· she , 'ne·s the l iappi " 3J11ni_ , only knew that she was clasped by Garret ache exactly ; but it looks quiet out there. 1 Croft's arm- her hero, as she called him in Briug me bac k, please, w}ien you hear "Lither heart- that twice already she had tle Sailors' - ! have Lora Avonmore down stopped hi m from saying worth that she for that ; " and she stepped into the boat. With an eagerness that he could hardly ' longed to hear, aud that perhaps she wouid no t be able a thi1d time to atop him from di sguise, Cvril Haughton follow ed her, cast off tho 10pe, and, taking up the two varnsa) ing. t Miss VHschoyle was also dancing-dauc ished unshapely paddles, se nt tlie gaudy e: with her us ual easy, gracdul motion unwieldy craft as far out in to the lake as in aud air of cold, proud discontent. She he conId · . . . . . Hy acmth , n ot not 1cmg t i ns d1E play of looked tal ler and if possibl e more deli e h her on cheek her ned and , and, energy, .. l flaxe atudant ; 6,:er th'an air D g het· cately f n U ing drapery about ) of her head pushing back the glittei - 1 tres ses were coiled on the tor -· · a.ud cr owned with p earl s a nd a chaplet of her head, looked with au e x pression of l n blue Amtr,t!iau hllies that matched the guid scorn at the lighted wrndows oeID· on to the terrace the gay and br1lhan, 1 colour of her b,.,U di ess, which was draped Venetian point-lace and contrasted figures passing th e n, and thn turned her I with craze into the black pertectly with the whiteness of her skin. hazel eyes from them to " Post O lllce Block, K lng Stt·cet, Bowman· ville, Ontnrio . 'Yf , A. JAME S , AT THI!: OFElO.lll By the Author of " K..A nJ MASBEY·s FALBEnooo," " BEATRICE'S A)IDITToN . " LovE OR KINDRED ?" " A GO LDEN DREAM," &c., &c. " \Vell, Garret, I am going aw ay, and- But it's o no use warning you·t that girl, of course !"-the last words 80tto voce. " Oh, I kn ow what you think about girls too well for that ! And I'm not surprised at your going ; t only wonder you stood it ao long. Such a life for you I Soldiering was bad enough l" " Well, a$ to ti · tlie iat ' I was mostiy m stables ; I saw my mas ter very selaom. But look here-I am goi ng to say sonrnthing to you ; and you mus t forge t it the nexc momen v , for I ought to keep it to myself, but I cannot- I must tell you, becauEe I feel it will nelp me to brood less over it when I am J.!one." He pau aed, sighed heavily, and fixed his eyes on the ground at th eir feet as they strolled along a winding path among the rees. ua.rre 'Id ered to u tt er a word , " t , too bew1 · , ' compan10n s neek , put h' i s arm about h is and so walked beaide him as h e used to do when fo.ey were schoolboys together. lllynn's gloomy face brightened a little, but he took no notice of the action beyor.d glancing at his friend. " I am !.'Ollig away, " he said again-"partly be cause I ought never to have come here, out chicfiy because I have been robbed. " " Robbed !'· ej aculated Garret. " Yes--n ot of money or of money-value, but of something that it was silly to 1:'ob me of, for I can easily get the same agam. It i s the motive for the deed that cuts· me to the heart, the sordid fear and suspicion of me ; still-_ " J:lis face grew pale as he sp ?.C,· and hs' v 1ce was hQarse and low. Ihe motH e . But can you fix on the person who robbE>d you ?" asked Garret, bewildered by the se half-cm1fidences. " I can. How it was done puzzles me ; that, in all prob,\bility, I shall never kuow -indeed I hardly care to know ; the fact remams the same. So I shall leave thi3 place to-night." Questions rose to Garret's lips as to the rubber and what had been stolen, but he kept them back, and only asked" For whe re ? Is it New York at las t ?" suppose so- London first, " Yes, I though." " You will not forget your promisey ou will wdte to me, Glynn ? " " Of course ! and I shall want to know how your lo 1·e-making is progressing ; and I believe my master"-wich a grimace-"is going in for my cousin, the heiress. I should like to hear how he fares at her hands. " " Oh, she will refuse hi m, of course-a little more contemptuously per haps than usual, as he ought to know ! Better men than Cy1il Haughton have had ' No' from her proud lips. I don't th ink she would , or will tke the golden_ circle unless a prince of!'ers 1 t ; and even mety thousan Pounds , will hardly buy a prmce nowadays. The ex-trooper listened to these observa tions with what seemed to his friend an expression of relief, and then stopped and held . · on t hi h and, saymg_ " \\ ell, good-bye then, dear old friend, and be sure o write to m e. ' £ her d's a short cut down tlus path to the stables ; and you know"-with a smile-" I must leave every thing in order before I go." They shook hands as men do who know not w hether they may ever meet again. '.l'hen Glynn-a U.ll and athletic figure with the unmistakable air of a gentlem1 1n show. ing through his groom s dress-turned away among the trees, and Garret Croft his blue eyes suspiciously moi st, went to his golden-haired enchantress to excuse himseU for his long absence. LO Y.E'S TR,IUNIPF[. '! ., FoR I n al !;·:.:::; H ; lines :flft ::; $ g0 og 5 So j I j I J:c. :tllTCHEJ",L;----- I I I I j l I 8 on King L L A A. P : 6';.'; B!avfl DMJ,::i:i_i!R!: I 1 j D E N T I S T R Y. j ri I r 'I: B R I )I A C O ?l{ BE I M 0N E ; y f ! :!1 I T t COOK'S E ST F RI END 'Y s DUNN I BA I P 0W D E R , .. F o r Cholera Morbus, A PROMPT AND RELIABLE CURE Cholera l nfantu m , D)'.sentery, a n d all S u m m e r Complaints o f Children or Ad u lts. '1". MIL:BVBN & co., Proprlcton, TOBONT01 ONT. Colic, Diarrhrea, J3ut there was no sign of enjoyment to be seen on her haughty, weary, unhappy face. Still she was dancing with Capta.m Haughton, she was most expensively and beautifully dressed, she 1vas im honoure d guest in ' an Earl's mansion, ,rnd she was the most important woman there-ttn object o f flattery, euvy, aud imhitoon. For this she had ruined her husband's life and broken his heart, only to find however, that the riches she had grasped BO eagerly were a Dead Sea apples to her lips, 11.nd brought her nothing but intense unhappiness. " There, ' she said, bringing her partner 1 to a halt before the presto was reachec!-" I ' do not care for the end-I dislike exertion !"-and she smilell, as Lily's shining skirt touched her, the young beauty looking back over Iler partner's shoulder. " Very well-anything you wish. Would I you like to walk on the terrace and admire yourself in the water, a.a I found you doing a few nights back 1" asked her partner a little aud ac iously. 1 self I" She dropped the hand with which she had been supporting her cheek a.nd with a look of cold and haughty sur rise both at the words and the tone of mock respect in which they were uttered, said- water. Captain Haughton kept silence also, watching her waiting for her uo speak feeling that at ! st the fates had given him a chance that this proud cold woMan would soon b pleading for mrcy at his feet. " I a m afraid yo u are thinking me a rather dull companion, Captain Haughton, " alle said, suddenly lookmg up an d finding his eyes fixed upon her ; " but indeed I am enjoying the rest from the crowd and uoise so much that I feel disinclined to disturb the qmetness. " " Enjoying ?" he repl ied incredulously, " Ah, pardon me leaning forward a little. -no one who looks at Mias Verschoyle's fu.ce can say truly that she is enjoying her : p C h i l d ren C ry for P itcher's Castorla. to $8 a de.y. Samples and duty FREE " I decline to discuss my looks with you. OPIUM SMOKING. l,ines not under the hQr·e'sfect. Write Please take m e back." BR WS'rE B'S SAFETY REIN HOLDER The l.1ugest Den in the Worl E He took no notice of her request, but Co .. Holl, Mich · smili;d in her face, and replied almost with The Nan-gin-tsin is the greatest opium msolence, tor he was not one to spare either den in China . It is situated in the .French man or woman when he had them at his concession in Shanghai, within a s tone's mercythrow of the wall of the native city, w i thin · " You think I am i m pudent, familiar- which n o opiu m shops are supposed to exist. unduly so-a.nd must be put do w n, Vl iss T he thi oo ga v isiting it represent all statins Ve rs ch oyle ?" of lif(', from the coolie to the we!\lthy mer" She made a sligh t gesture with he1· hand, chant or the s m all mandarin. It is with and looked at him w i th s teady commanding diffi culty that one gets inside through the eyes. crowds of people hanging round the door. !\re prepared to pay the highest p'r10e " Take me back !" she repeated. Those w h o have not the requisite number of " Do you think I am ma<l or drunk ? copper cash to procure th e baneful pipe all kinds of Grain delivered at the Your face seems to say so. " watch with horrible \\ istfulness each of the She did uot answer him, lm t turnecl her more affluent pass in with a nervous, hurnecl · Wharf or their Store House in town. e} es toward s tI1e terrace. step, or totter out wea.ring that peculiar " So you will not deign to tell me ·1 W ell , dazed ex n ression w hich comes after the then, I hall tell you. I am neither drunk m uker's 'Ci-avi ug has been satisfied and his nor mad, madam ; but I am a m a.n who transient pleasure has passed a.way. One never forgives a deliberate and unwarranted re q uire s a strong stomach to stand the sickiuult, such as you choe to o ffer me a few enmg iu mes wi t h w hich the air insid e is O F CA N A D A. days ago on the terrnce y on der ;" and he thi ck ened. The clouds of smoke, the dim seized both paddles with his left hand nnd light from the numerous CQ!ored lamps, the Capital pnid up, $1 ,000,000. Jlcst, $2&0100 _,,,, __ stretched out his right, tre ml) lio g w ith p a s n u mbers of recl in in g forms with distorted This Bank ls prepared to do Legit.l· sion, " I vowed then that, if I waited ten faces bent over the s ,n all flames at which, you sho uld repent bitterly your in- the pipes are l ight ed cirn se the novice a cnat e Bankin g i.n all its branches. , Farmers n o t es discounted ; Deposlta solent warning. " I have waited two days; sickening sen satio n. ed an d I n teres t pa1 and now, I say, I h aYe f ound y ou out. I · 'd on a.m oun t s o f i eoe1v B ut as soon as ' ' l e eye becomes ·c Q eustomknw yo ur ecret as well as if I saw tho ed to the scene it is notice d that th e plac e is 5 u p w ard s in Savings Bank Departmen t; . plarn gold nng on your finger, Hyo.cmth got up on an ex pen s ive scale. In the centre D R A F'l' Neville !" . of the lower room hangs one of the finest , . fosued and Collect.ioua made in E uropa She shrank bacir m her seat as 1f he had richly of is ceiling the of Chinese lamps, s?'u?k her, and the words burst frl)m her Ga.rved wood, while the p !!.inted walls are United and Canada, hps m such an agoy of fear, "hame, and en- t hickly inlaid with a peculiarly marked marTV· ·T· · TO NES, treaty thtt Haughton, hardened and pre dea of unfinished landble which vives the i Ag·o to gloat over her utter discomfiture scape sketches. Nume r ou s doors on all as he was, could scarcely keep to t h e exact sides lead t o the smokers' apartments. In form of wor?s t?at ?e h ad been for t wo the outer portion of the building s tands a . d a,ys rehearsmg m !us nnud. Ent he had I counter covered with lit+, Je boxes of thtJ druC{ uot miscalculated i he effect of his lmo· ready for smoking, which a dozen assistant s ledg of he: past, c,f the one black secret m are kept busy handmg out to the servants Your at te n tio n is d i r e cte d t,o t h e immense . . her life wh ich he, with the assistance of the who wait upon the habitues of the places. stock of She was at The average daily receipts are said to be i valnabl e Jim, had obtained . his feet , no longer ha;ughty, scrnful, nd about £200. The smoking apartments are . resolute, but a timtd, croucJ:mg, aJeot divided into four classes. In the cheapest creature. He need not fear his creditors are coolies wh o pay about fourpence for of every description at now, o r cringe to his relatives, or lie Make their smok . In the dearest the smoke C.)sts at night calculating his b_ets and "squarin g" ab out sevenpence. The drug supplied in hts book so as not to ris k too mnc h ; he ea ch is much the same both iu quality ' I D need not avoid any of the fellows to whom au d quantity ; it is the difference in the pipes S he has j ust opened out o n e of the largest h.e owed money ; the. wo rld would ea a tba. t r e aulates the price . The best kinds and most stylish stoc)_{s. ever bro ught cM,ni.reJ aspect fo1· hu !1 now that this rich ar e maJ'e of ivory, the ste m being often into town, consistmg of : 1 woman's eecret was laid with stones and rendered more costly by '.L hee reasons for rejoicing however were reason of elaborate carving ; the cheapest ill i l J i n e r y, D r e s s Silks, ge kinds are made simply of ha rd wood. poor mdeed co pared . with the sav'. Velve ts, &c., pleasure of makmg this proud beaut1 ftl T he ro o ms also are furnished acc ordi ng w woman whom he ?oth loved and h ated is class. In the most e:xpensive the wit h a very ' fine s tock of Feathers and slave, the tremblmg creature of his s1mle upon which th @ smoker re clines is of tine Flow ere. or frown. velvet, with pillows of the same material ; " How easily she is cowed 1.' h e thought, the frames of each couch are inlaid with Call and inspect this fine display, which cannot fail to give satisfaction. looking at . her shrinking, bowed figure. mother - of pearl and i ade, and the whole air cowards women are, after of these rooms is one of sensuous luxmy. ' · W h at abi ect a11 ! I thought she had more pluck. Now There is a.l so a number of private rooms. for th e n ext mo_ve ;" and h prep_ared to In the poorer section will be seen many . " sp<:ak agarn, lookmg at her with an msolent w e arers of the tattered yellow and gray snnle. _ robes of Ilttddhist and Tavist priests. W o. Bu Cynl H augh ton was mistaken for m en fo rm a fair proportion of the smokers. . onc.e m lus life. Only for a _few moments, The common belief is that the opium sleep wl ule the first shQck of asto?1shment, fear, is atten tl ecl by a. mild, plel1.surable delir ium, and shame unnerved her, did she tremble with brief "lances of ti;Jysium . but this is and shrink before him ; then she roused the e x cept n, not the rule. Peo ple smoke . l dan ger. to satisfy the craving begot ten of previous herself and faced tlus sudden i_i.wfu. She sat pright, pushed the glittering head- indulgence. There i s acco m modatou for 150 gear a httle farther b1Lck, so th at t he pearls smo kers at a time and there is seldom a ya· ' n_d mre blue flowers _in her hair glim::n ered c tt.ncy very loDg. The stream of smokers Unapproached for . t amtly m the lamplight, and, lookmg at goes on from early morn i ne; till midnight Tone and Quality. · the clouds of emok him with ey es as unflinching as a tiger's, when the place cl oses , . saidCATALOGUES FREIE. go up incessantly all day Jon!!. " \Vell, go on, ,·ir ; I am waitiug. You know m y secret-y ou know that I am both ROW to Keep Th em Honest. rich and independent ; state your price, J The people of Illinois, or at least the p! t.ase, and, if ] consider it just, I will pay you to keep silent. How you discovered authorities, are trying to get back Mc Gar my secret, I w ill n ot aek-1 do uot wish to rigle f1om this country so that he may be The clear, cold, incisive tones punished as he deserves. know. " It is rig ht and ceased ; she shrouded herself again in her proper that all such offenders should find white.and-gold mantle, and looked silently no rest for the sole of their feet in foreign down at the water. lands, and assuredly the people of Canada He accepted the gage of battle eagerly ; would be glad to get quit of tfie whole herd he had, in the midst of his exultation, been l of foreign boodlers who seek safety on this almost disappointed at what he considered side. But the E :ctradition Treaty as i t at an e:isy victory ; he would have prefe rred to I present stands does not provide for such a see her struggle and dash herself this way surrender, and till it be amended the ras and that in a vain attempt to burst through cals of bt th countries will continue to find I the toils before she crouched at her master's safety by steppmg across the lines. Who feet. is to bfame for such a state of things ? vVhy " Miss Verschoyle," he answered, bracing is that treaty not a.mended so as to cat ch all h imse lf for the encounter, and feeling strong classes of scamps tnat ought to be picking -B"Yi n the know ledge that he had played only oakum at home instead of living like fightone of th e cards in his hand, !l.nd that not ing cooks abrnad ? ·w'"e is quite sure · the strongest, " you not doing yourself that all Canadians worth mentionine; would ,... 1 am fully prepared to attend Funerals 011 any good by speaking so ; anrl contempt and welcome the needed amendment. How are the sh.artest notice, at the lowest poss.b!e rates scorn are out of place on the lips of one the frequent defalcations in the accounts 0askets and Burial Cases ready on short notice who, if her true story were but disclosed to of offi cers in banks and otb er coorpora tions First-c lass hcar::1 e ou very m o derate terms · and Coftlns eoneta.ntly hand. 1!'11n tlie world, wouId soon stand m the fe1 on' s to be guarded ag3fost 1 How, m short, are Shrouds era! oards supplied at once, Furniture Shop &; d ock to answer for common s windling-ob- clerks and Presidents to be kept honest ' A S b.ow Roo ms-Bounsa.ll'sNew Block. taining money by false pretences. I have correspondent of the New Y ork " Tribune" -- --- ------- iead a copy of your uncle's will. suggests the following plan :can livo at home, and male ' more (TO BE COTISUED). " Let every boa1d of directorn employ an expe1t, able to ta_lrn the place of "J)resident, ca.shier, book keeper and teller. Let him needed , } OU aie started frrn. Both Defective Speech. be empowered to &ay to president or cashier : se xes ; all ages. Any one ce.n do the work. earn rge sm·e lrorn first start. Costly ings La On thi s subject w e give the lea.ding points ' I will go over your assets to - day, ' or to · and terms free. Better not delay. Costs . 1 Ill · the London teller : ' 1 will settle your c ash to - night, ' or outfit of a cJ' mica1 1ectme re port Cu y ou n o thing to s end us y our addres and find ' you go off on a w eek's vacation. I will out ; if you are wise you will do so at once, A child with a cleft palate uses his tongue take your p lace, ' or to a book -keeper · 'I will H. H.ALLE'J T & Co., Portland, Maine, and the muscles of the palatein an unnatural write up your books and the customers' way . Hence, after the closure o f the cleft books for a week while you g o fishing.' If by an operation, an impe di men t r mains , they are honest they will be glad of a vacabecause the pat ient is still controlled by his tion any time, and if dishonest they ought P E R CH E RON HORSES · previo us habit. He will need,, to have gone long be fore. V\'"hat employee Island . . Farm, Gros e IsJ8. onths or mg years, a r ystema t s IC i: m f? wo nld dare to steal the first dollar if he n to _ acquire 1gh habits m th e . case. One knew that his accounts might with m one . . ; ; : pnne reqmitf) 18 that he fix Ins enir at- i hour be examined ? Not one. It would not being on tnt10n on lus t eacher, and slowly 1m1tate · cost $140,000 but would cost some m oral Island Detroit an , as the latter trongly pronounces e courage on the part of the directors. " os b A . every m ve mcnt o 19 ·ml> ds, mak hcultwor 1 Nobo.Iy becornes wicked all at once and no chasers will find a _ r hp a and tongue as plam as possible. larg.., ..iumbe of pure one "thinks of beginnmg by s tealing millions. 1?rei:I and grade Atal· The palate may be so 111ghly arched that As th e correspondent says : the child 's speech is not much bet ter than " Confidence grows slowly, and so does a8coi= that of the formAr case. B ut the soft J?art dishonesty. to select from. All No m !l.n ever. lived that c uld pure bred stock, reg· of the palate min be lowered by an operation, steal a. m illion of dollars at his first theft. · istered m the French and Ali.J.erlcan Stud Bo q ka. ancl the speech greatly improved by train- There are one, fi ve, te n, hun dred , :m d Pri ces reasonable stock guaranteed. L . aI"g e mua mg. .!R NUll, thousand dollar steps in stealing Scott trated Catalogue free. SAVAGE A F . Th e_re may be extre n:i e· b ackwadness m wou l d not have stolen $140,000, h ad he not DnnoI'l'. M10iL sp eakmg, though th ere ts no orgamc defect. I s tole n d ollars un til they amounted to $10 Here a p ractised e ye will see ht th re is ' COO, and was compelled to do something. ------·- ""- ·-Speech rammg will .be Directors are dummies and finger-heads, for ' mental feebleness. We are ' now pr I a 1i ar t of the necessary trammg ot the lll · : h ow can a dry - good s man or grocer ' go I r ' tellect al powers. I through ' a bank if he ha d the time to do so? In other CJ.S e", the mental P?Wers gne ral- 1 They don't know how to do it. lcyrnont at home, the They meet all classes w.ith em rc ly may be good, and the chil d be 1mleed sind l ook as wise as owls while a wily cash - I whole of the tme, or or their moments. . · Busmess new Jtght and profit!l.ble. Persona sp ec l , La. · lJY b i;i ·g rn1 ur 1 t' but· foi 80 lle 1 . cereb bamboozle them. They dL·aw the_1r fi ve l or either sex easily earn from SO cents to $5 per · reason, he lisps ba.dly, or finds it di ffi c ult dollars a session, and go back to their dry evenm. g, and a proportio . na.l sum by devot1 .ng speaks f good s ancl groceries as complacent as ever. " all theLr time to the bus1uess. Boys and girls o pronou.nce the le tcrs 8 or . l, or 11; That se men. who as all muh u.s s t of bank directors ' earn nearly u t m !l. babyish way. Such patien ts w11! generTh e mo · · Q i e true· '1 th1s may end their addccs·, and teat the bus1. fli . [t .1° t" ime;, aJI o ec Jme th e d i _ cu_ . , arc nothing else than dumnues and figure - n e· s we make thi8 offer. To suc h aA are not stuffy, espec1. h e.i. ds. t-oetlmes thi: voic e 1S well satisfied we will snd on<; dollar to pay for the trouble or wrttmg . ] ull partrnulara The J ally Ill endeavormg to utter m, n, ng ress G ORGE STINSON & ball. :Eye ' M a an in a at This is word rt!Ol"nln(j s.ouuds like /Jordiu. Pifla eM:: _ an s H g g H on due to gro w ths 1D the nose, or back mouth. On the re moval of these, by a survical A Buddhist priest, of 25, stone blind, ..... by t"ll o show- =Wiltlilllll!NWWW operntion, th voice recovrs its no ·mal : (and no wonder ) was led on . c haracter. sometimes men, and the trio cro ched m a row. A tonsils E nl arged I nwiety o f objects were grouped about them cauRe a somewhat similar d i fficulty. Usually of varying mze and weight. One borrowed Another defect is st!l.mmering. the p rson ha a nervous coustltlltion , ad 1 my hat, a soft w1dcawake, attached t? _it has been subJected to some nervous s tram, 1 by a hook a noose d strmg, antl held it m geneally a.t school. In such cases, a;J dis - ; : eauinss. The blind pr.iest sat for a time turbmg 'auses sho;ild. be removed, and the impassive, old men ba.ngrng drnms;_ then at n.ervous system be mv1gorated as fat as pos- l a signal b_e ave a hov. l, forned with t';Vo .. e exac But th stam n:erer must be aught thumbs his ri gh t eye out uf the sock et while Hbfo. I deliberate enunciat10n, \ the <1.ttendants hung my I at up on the ball I I with to speak h 1itating the teacher in th utterau?e of a.11 1 To sho that it waa u su pp or t cd except by . 0 0 ?1flicult words, and especially fillmg the the srmg, .he held bo h h_anda_ alo;t, then, · · · · all ow ing Ins eye to ·mk mto it s p. ace, .remugs well at eve1·y stop. lll - men can lapsed mto hstles lethugy. The trick - ... "'"' was repeated again and ngam · th other Where They All Go. obj e cts, the peiocl of_ snspenown b.eing Dealer (to customer)-: What do you d o sho·tened accordmg to mcie"e of we1g?-t; with all the lead pencils you buy, Mr. until at last there hung from his eye, whwh 0. , · · Smith! Y ou a re in here every day for one. looked like an uncau.i;iy onion, a bell of Newspaper Advertising Bureau, I lend them to my ; sculptured bronze. With a gro·.n .of horror Customer-1 know it. _ obhv1on of the I we turned, and fled, seckmg 10 Spruae St., New York. wife. nii?htmare in the theatre devoted to farces. $e·d 10ata. for 100-l?ugo Pai:nJ?hlet. $5 G RAI N Jno. McMurtry & ' Co. ST AN D AR D B A N K 1 I L A D I E S, _. L I N E RY MIJ his. MD· f 'J n . D u :t\J 1 :ll\11 J ! ·ELY ' I1 lO RGA N S Gnelph, Ont. B E L L" BELL & CO. 1 I I I U N D E RTA K I N·C LEV I M Q R R I S on l 1 1 Y Ou :] r;l:idbt ;tr:i T· 1 l Il i;.1 Canadl.8ns, Wi.ias in Home Stocki s e.U U:: u j " 01 I l .J, U rng lJ asses I r1 Att t' an ion 'f: l s , I 1 I c , u E i i II , , I ADVE RTISE RS t co st can 1 earn th ' r any pr o p os e d l'ln e f adverti sing p,._ . pap ers bY add feSSll1g G eo p R owell & C

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