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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1887, p. 7

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!££!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~$4!!~!!~_!~~RER!!!_" ~~-illllHWlllll'JJ~~~!!!~~~!!!:~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~!!i!~~~ 1hee too ; therefore, I pray thee, tell me leaves i ' light, ;nd ! '111? -Q thine." hke the amberdr mk when men hold it aloft e ~~ ~~~ ~ So she told h im, and my little lady si- ere quaffing, and his whole countenanc3 \ < lling ,up, the three fell presently a chatter· bright a.nd .eager, and narrow like that o' a VETERl.N ARY SURGEON. ~----- ing like linnets at sunrise, and from that fox, but without a fox's cunning. Then he AMELIE BY RIVES. hour on I had no trouble with t hem seemed fashioned to run, and ride, and war, 1 was pret ty to mark them at t heir fan as doth become all men wl1eth 0 f h' h T nne.-A bitter January mght in the year of Grace 1669. · Th t 0, d er ig or Scene. Sunderidg'e Cnstle-The great h all- A r.wnstrous fire burning in the h1g fireplace-Nurse-Ci umpet tastes. ey were cu · - oor save low est a te. d1 sco1erecl"se&tcd on " settle-At h er either knee Jean the little Lady Dorothy and her brother, the )oirng when 'twas r ainy weather, and then Then " ent I within t o enquire alter my J·: arl of Sunderidge, Lo1d Humphrey Lenaox. methought the castle ha.d scarce r oom little lady ; and Jock, whe w as become a OATARRH.- .A now treatment has been dis---enough for them. Iu all t heir ga.mes M is - footman i' th' castle, did tell me of how he oovl'!'ed whereby a permanent cure of. thie .1. Ynrse Crnmpet-Nay, now, Lady Dor-, loved them both, and tried as a Christian t ress Mad an was the little lord's comrade, had seen her set forth to walk i' t h ' park an hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affeiit· othy, why wilt thou be at the pains o' such not t o prefer one befoie the other", · but a.ncl wore a helmet o' silvered wood, a n d hour gone. Bo strai.,htway I went in search ed !n from une to th ree applications, no matter · d d " whetheratandmgone yearorfo~tyyears. :rtns a clamoring? S11re thou hast heard that what with my lady's stealings of her a.rros carr1e a woo en sword silvered to match of her. remedy is only a.pplied onco twelvt: , ~s, old tale o'er a hundred t imes; and t hou too, I about my neck as I sat at my stitchery, her head -gear, and the little lord was like(TO BE CONTINUED.) and does not interfere with bus ness, Descrip· my lord~ ]'ie, t hen ! \ :Vouldst seek to f and popping of comfits in my p ocket wise apparelled. And he called her ever ·- -- - -~-- - - --· _ tivc pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by flatter thy old nurse with this seeming I when l would be otl1erwi·se engaged, ' 'Comrade,'.' and .' clapped her o' th' should.A.. R. Dixon &. Son, 305 Kmg street, West Q '.l'oronto Canada eagerneos ? Go to ! I sii.y t hou canst not I and tea.sings and tickliogs and sundry er, as mankmd will clap one the other when m:.eres t Of Summers. ' WaA'r rs 0ATARRil1 in t ruth want me to drone o'er that ancient other prett; witcheries wl;ich I do uot conversing. The mont h of Au st w as uitc as t bl an~t!~~~~n~c~~~~er~~,~~~'i,Pt~~~!~f;~u&~~;';~ n,arrative. Well, then, an 1 must, I m_ust. _at this. day recall, I was foily cozened , B~.t my_ little ~ady, they. both ~gre?d, was in its way as the M~i Julyq that pt~~ede~ from. rt iG a muco!imrulcnt dischar~e c,auscd Soft I Hold my fan betwixt thy damt y m to lovmg her the bes_t. (H oney, I charge a fany puncess , an~, .Lm d , Lord! tw_ould it. 'I.'his snmmer we have had the most by tho presence cf: e. vegetable m the cheeks and the blaze, sweethear t, lest the thee hold my fan betwixt thee and the fire.) take me from now til Martlemas nex t to comfortable Au ust for ma ars ll lining membrane o!the nose. The pred1apo~· firefiend wi tch thy loses iuto very poppy Hut to continue - Mistress Marian was aye name the perilous 'scapes tha t did befall as the h tt t } 1 ·th. nrhye , as WO f Graduate of the Ontario Veterina1·y College, 1 ~:iges are a{"g[~~i::~i1: ~f,~ :e~~~~i!~~ flo wers. Auel thou, my lord , come closei to f courteous and kiuuly to me as h eat t couh~ her . They fishe~ her out of moats, t hey the pres~nte~ene~itio~i ~ver esi~c~~?h~t Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary Med1 caJ Associat.ton. ?/~n;hilf~r~~~~~ry, toxornce: f~om thC\ reten- my si<lc,. lest the draught from the bay,win- wi~h, an~ every 1!ight did she thank me i' bore hei· from blazmg ?astles, t hey d td drng spell bruke the w ea.tbe~ has been a's stea dil arOfll.ce and Residence. Newt onv!lle, Ont. tlonofLheeffetematLerof thc skm, suppressed dow srrn to thee t hat thou howlest o the th prettiest fash10n, when I had combed h~r from the m aws o dragons a.nd other !!'oodu~ itwas p ers· t ti l d d · t ' y perspirations, badly:Ver.~1lated sleeprnJZ. apar.t· monow with a crick i' thy 1 ieek. 'Nell, antl unpinned her for t he mght · bu t wild beasts I k now not how t o five ~ ek b t is J n y 2 dtlrlng 2e W ill visl t Orono every Tuesday and;Sat urday llonrs from 10 a. ro., to 4 'P· m., at ~:n~~o~1d~ t¥~r~t~~~Ji~i'fb.1e~;,, ~~~e i:Jl~~':~~ well, be patient. ~11 in time, in ti1,1:c. Soft, j ~ord I I had much a~o to get ~ady Pa.'. 'l.'.h rice . 'Y'as. tho l ittle L o,rd o~ Radnor in Since~he ~at~~;"a:~e t~~e mere~~ ha~g~ot Office Calls by TelegraJJb receive brane of the noae is ever ready . f?r the rncep- now ! Ye both mu,d that 1 was a ·;t.tle lass h ence comb~d or unpmned at ail I Fust d,1re stu~1ts at t?e cl:iws o gobhn creatur~s. once risen to 9) o. For an ec ual y eriod be- OonJters' Hotel. immediate attention. tion of the parasite, which rap1d·Y spreads_up when thy grandmother, the Lady 1 !.n z:i.beth ) would sh e Jump with both knees upon T hree times did l11s comrade r escue him fo A a 2th d h' 1 t hr th CHAHGES MODERATE. the nostrils and down t.h e fancefs, horthbackt of Lennox, did t a ke me to t r as her maicl- 1mine ; and hug m y very breath a.way · by thwacking upon the clmir which did meret tfr.,.l d te ay~ otn w ig v ermothe th t ans' 1g ulce ra.tion c t e roa ; up . . ' I d df l b t ' ll I . er a t e o i·egis er 90 or over were the eu~~:ch~an l'u bes, cansmg d.::afness, bti ,:. m-wa.itm g. I was JllSt tmned sixteen t hat then, when I had at last coaxed her to r epresent tic rea n eas ti ~as m excepti ons. Tho humidity that belon ed to rowing in the vocal cord<>, oatldng hoarsene~s; Mal·tlemas, and not a fair sized \\.'ench for get down, first she would perch on one ~ore dread ther e would .be .no mendmg of Au ist was misa ro riated b Jul .g The nsurpmg t)le P.roper st ructuni .of the b;·oncb1~ my years either. \Yould :ye beheve ? I leg and t hen o' the other, and t hen be i t, and me, mayhap, dismissed from t he fine~cool summerpd11,y~ tl1at expyelieJce leads . tubes endmg m pulmonary consumpt,on an could set my two thumbs. together at m y a -twisting her head now over this shonl· castle for carelesBness. And always when u· t' t t' · J t · · death b Ib · h d _ , · fi d 't ll · d tl 1 ttl · . ., c expcc some 1me rn u 1y "\\ er e pos :Ma,'.,y ingenious spoifics for ror the cure of ac { one m t osc ays anu my rmg· ngers er, now over that, to see how I came on was a 0 er, an 1e l e prmcess lil poned until August The clog days were all orih have been ·mvep ted ' but without , with the u npinning' t hat it w a.s wit~ I l'was called upon to parson and ' f ect d ays o f mod eral.o(;; .__ Cllt " 1d . act1 . d r suey . would L all but kiss too. . a safety, d d h 'l JulY d ay8 . Th e per C(lSS, until a phys1c11m c' long stan m g 'a_scfh ord !Inmphrey.-Ifa J ha ! Nurse, thy prayer to God t hat I finally set her mg t - we my itt1e a Y tot1 ie 1itt 1 e or , w 1 e temperature clear air and brisk 1Jree t p Oh d B tt ered the exaot nature of. th disea~~l a~e<it~o~ finl{ers would be but ill satisfied lovers gown over her shouiders and led her to Mistress Marian leaned on her sword to of the N 0 th w t ' k. J'f .zes oud umps eaper a n e er only appliance which wi t1permanen Y ' · d th d' t' d ,~ ,,.,h , b d A f h 'J ·d d witnes the d o· g ' r - es · ma mg 1 e a J0 Y an than ever the parasite, no mattep how aggravated the un er ose con I ions nowa aJs. ,j, , . e . a or er prayers- esu ai m e an s . rn s. . · personal amiability and good citizenship as · case. Sufforere sbou!cl send stamp at once Dolly ? pat don her !-'twas a ma.tter of h ours to g et One day, m thmr r ovmgs through t he eas as breath in have come one after antor !J.escriptive pamphle~ on ~a~ars.;i. S~~ ~~~ Lady Dorothy.-Hold thy tongue for an her to say "Our Fat her" straigh t t hrough , park, .the:)' came by c?anue upon. a door in ot:er with a reg~iarity that would be sur- The S ubscriber having built a lar ge n e11 ~~~::~~ei.:l~n.;~:{.s±!-'on~'o,lSa~ado.. ' unma.n?erly lad, H u mphrey. po not thou what with her vowing that she _wis~ed not ~he ln~l-side, but ~o o er~ rown w~th creep- prising, if anybody paid the same at tent ion Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared What the R ev. E . B. s t even so1i, B .A., a Clerav heed !um, nurse, but go on v.1 th thy story. I br7a.d every day, and how that if his lord- mg vmes that_, ~ad not t he )ittl? lord to a run of ood lllck as to a xun of bad. man of t he London Conference of the Metho d Nurse Ci mnpel.-For all thy laughter, ship her father forg;we uot tr~sJ>assers (for stumbled uvon it , twas very hke it hu.d P eople d~n't Compare the am nt 0 f - to furnishdlist Church of Oanada, has to say in i·e~f my h.rd, I'd a waist my garter would biud I could ne'er draw t he difference between been thereto t his day without d iscovery. stud 1 t d F h l 't d ._'.!:,otA.H.Dixon& S.o;f_~ New Treat.nen or in those days, and was' as light on my trepasses and trespassers into her pretty \Vell,nosooner dothey see the door t han tbeaymc·einvtooe f t . oe a retn ~eI anl . u nerd, 'l li N ' Ua arri, · to h ft t 't ·t , ll o, im spen 1n ana yzma an . . . . . th 1 1ance i' th' chun- pitte), neither would she; and how she did t Canada March l7 1883 es as t osc ames t 1 1at < ey !11us nee<1s open .1 ·. spi e o a my discussing t he meteorologial condition~ the With or without P or celain Cylinder, of 0 '&:Son: ' 0 11 Messrs .A.a ' ney. Lord I Lord! how well I m ind me not believe God would lead her into tempt- scoldmg, and peer withm. 'T was but a amount of mathemat ical abilit dis 1 ~ ed DEAR. SiRs:- Yours of the 13th 1.nst. to hand. o' t h' fi~st time that e'er I clapt eyes on ation at any t ime, but that it was the Devil; ~~ark~ome h.ole, all-a ~iPd o' cave in calculating averages and ded~cingP m~an the Beat Material , on the shor t est n otlol) it seemed almost too good to be ;~u~ t~at ~ allf Jock Crumpet! I -was speeding home and how it must anger God even to think of i th h1U-s1de, which they did afterward temper atur es durina July and during Au and at the lowest prices. c~dh~~C:ot~I~~!~} \h~i~:ease.a and an e;,er with a jug ~· wate~ from the sprmg, and such ~oing on His part -wha.t, . I say, with ~nd. out from thy gr~ndfath~r was used gust. While the., Ion hot wave lasted Oist ern Tubs and Pumps supplied. better in my life. 1 tried BO many what _with !us starmg as he stood at th' all t his, methought somctnnes 1t would be m tm1e of war. And mdeed it seemed a -and it seemed eternal~the sense of direct for Catarrh , suffered so much. and fo1 road-stdc to let me pass, and what with a cockcrow ere I got her safely to sleep. And safe place, for there were two rusty bolts injustice a.nd personal gr' 0 a e 110 8 l y years. that itish1ud to reahz~ that root i' th' w ay, I all but lost my footing. all this t ime Mistress :Marian would bely- as big as my a.rm, one o' th' inside and steadil until exas eration a:r:~s~c rea~~oed WELLS CLEAN ED & RERAIRED~ ~I cQ~llJr ~~~\e;;;ine was a very bad case; ig Yet .did I swm? round alone, hold,ing fast ing. as quiet as any mouse, with her big o~e o' th' outside, a~d the cr?epin~ t hing t he boftln oint. :V¥hen th~ era of com en 1:af~'v-~ted and chronlc,rinvclving the m,r Jug, and ne er one ?Ie~sed drop o' water plait of hair betw~en her fingers, for so sh e hid all. .As t ho? m1!!htst thmk, .1t gre::" sation arrYJes, a recia.tion a nd atifude l-\oui:(~lt~l 1a.8 the nasal pas~ages. a~sl s:i:illed I , for all my t nppmg. ".By r Jay'· always slept, wi th her hair fast in her to be their favo_nte co1gr;e foi: playmg then· diminish about ~~ fast as the fa'use for I '"' wuld re&~ret~,:i tt!~e:e~ie:,~~eand km ! quoth ~1e, " t hou rt as ~1ght on. thy feet ? ands, a~ though she loved it s beau ty; and d.ragor; and pm.i.cess tncker1es. I wou\d t hankfulness increases. \ Vho gives a thought ~~~ ib~~~l t1.~t\ w!s ever induced to send as a May wmd, an~ as I live .I will dai;ice , m truuh _ it was the one great bea?ty she ha:d, B it with .my eti~chery on a .fallen log i~ to such an extraordinar y season of comfor tTO GIVE SA'rISFACTION · . , ~o you. . the Barley Break with thee t lu s harvestmg for my littl e lady put her out with her gh t - the sunshme, while they r~m m and_ out o able weat her as we had throu b Au r18 t and And i' faith t er as the sunlight doth extinguish a morn- th' grewsome hole. But rn all their frol- early ;;eptember 9 It · h g gt t 1 · You are at liberty to use this letter ratms or I will d1mce with none !" tha.t I have b~~~;~~~naJ ;~:r ~;:i~;1i~a~!e 'a was as good as his wor~, for by hoo~ or ing moon. i~king ~ny ~ittle lady could ne'er abide the take in as 11 matter 0/scou~:~n :D:e~r:n ~ Ordera!by Mail promptly attended ~F1~11 r~}::A~ who are s u!Ierers. by croo~, ~nd ~uch schemmg and planmng, Now I had been at ~he castle scar ce two sight o then- swords, and she pleaded e~er \bod su ose that wans and raises of A~' Y Yours, with man:r thank~. _ and brrngmg ~ gew-gaws .to my mother, months when one day i t ch& nces that I hear for gen tle games. .One day (I shall ne er gusf faifi~ ba.lancea the profa~ity of July 1 DOORS, SASH, B L I NDS, PICKETS, ·· REv. E , B. S'J:EVENSON and v, presento a fine yearlmg to my father, my lady a-telling o' my lord how as her forget,. though I liva to see doomsday) \ Ve doubt it ver mu ch MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. And hundreds of others that harvesting did l dance the Barley brother, Lord Charles R adnor, dying wife- they did crown her a queen, and t hen my And yet the J hol d 'IB f t Break with J eek Crumpet. And 'a was 'a less, had left his only son to her u11til !or~ would have it that she dubb.ed him _ her , t ure between the ho~ ~a:~e::d ~he d.1::1Ye~~: ~. U feather-rr;an m a r ound reel. he should come of age. And on that Tues- ~mght. She pleaded. t hat pre~tily aipmst I ful se(l.son which culminated on the last ~a · Miiis M \.l'lfl Well, twas. th~ year o' my meeting wi t h day the little lord set foot in t he castle; it methought.the. veril'.st boor m Christen- of August waB a matter of eight and on!. i'ftll Jook, t hou 1mndst. (And a cold winter and my lady wll,s down at the door way to dom would a given lil t o her, but my Im.If de reesFah renhei t Thisshowsonwhat Has received her new stock ot that was- C hrist save us ! There be ne'er meet him, in a new velvet gown, with her little lord was stanch. So they made a narro; margin lrnma~ comfort de d such winters ~ow~days. ~his night is as a w~mple sewn in fine pearls, and my lord her a t hrone o' fio~ers, and w~en she was and ~hat an insl nificant chan e i~ent~~ .., summPr noon i th comparison.) 'Twas the wit h her; but my two nurshngs waxed shy seated t hereon, Mistress Marian handed ' physical conditionsgit require$ to ~ial sa .i;nd invites the Ladies of Bow y ear o' my first meetmg with Jock, and at the last minute, and would not her t~e great wooden ;iwor~, and my lor d , community of swelterino, snarlin , s\~=a~in my lady your grandmothu st nt for me t o come down, but leaned and peered kneelmg , bade her strike !um on the shoul· ill-natured miserable "' t 1 1th ll g manville and vicinity to calJ t he castle, to be her waiting-maid. Lord ! through the pos ts o' the stair rail, and d er with t he fiat side o' t h' sword, saying, Ireasonable eas;,_ ~~~ :ns :~ 0 hene J~~~t VETERINARY SURGEON, 0 r Pattern 'twas a troublouB t ime J W hat wi_th . joy a t my little l ady let. fall one o' her shoes in ~er " R!~e, Sir E rnle, my knight for ever- creatures that we ~·ea.ITy aie~just : : . re. and See he my good fortune, and sorrow at quitting my eagerness to glimpse at her new cousm _ mo1e I sen t p mot her, I was fam to smile with one corner And straightway ran the lad and lifted the She got out t he words as he b1Ld e her, ·. 11:11 - · - ' o' my mouth and look grievously with the wee shoe, an d looked upward, laughing, and b ut when 't c11:me t o the stroke, what; with S dH d · B and assortment ot other , like a zany at a village fair. Aud my lor d and lady having ret ir ed into t!J.e her nat ural fright, and what wit h th' su n· een an ear lil a ank. J ock, he would not that I went, for that he dining·hall, to see that some cold viands light on t he silver, she brought down the , As queer things happen sometimes at t be could not see me, or consort wi' me so of- were in readiness (it being then near to hea.vy bl~de ed~ewise on the boy'~ pate, j banks as anywh~re else.. It was not long ten : Jock was honey-combed wi ' th' nightfall, though not yet supper hour). - laymg wide qmte a gash above his left ?'go that a galoohsh lookmg fellow walked thing ye call "sentiment." 'A would grin "Ho! thou little cind'e r witch," cried h e ; eyebrow, so that t he blood trickled down i ' mto a certai~ bank and asked for~ oertifi., . otti: 1!::seeond Door West ot Wllllamw on a flower I had wov'n in ~y locks " I am the prince t hat has found t hy shoe, his cheek. When s}:le saw that, me- ce.te of depos~t. H e counted o?t lus money llateller Stan by th' hour together. And 'tis my belief and when I shall have found thee if t hat seemed all the blood m her body went to 1 and handed i t t hrough the wrndow. The 'a could 'a spun him a warm doublet out o' t hy temper be as small as t hy sh~e, fear keep his company, for she t urned whiter I ~eller . took it, counted it, a nd t h rew it the odds and ends o' r ibbon and what not he not but that I wll:l k iss thee too!" With t han her smock, and ran and got her arm into his box. Then taking his great ce.n· had filched fl om me when my eyes were t hat , h e ran up the stairway two and t hree about him and Bai th, o'er a.nd o'er a.gain, I vas-covere:'l book, wherein are entered the : elsewhere. And J eek- but 'tis neither here steps a t a leap. ' " Ernie l Ernle ! I h ave killed t hee !" J signatures of the thousa.nds of people who uor t hern o' Jock. 111 these days. thy grandAnd I followed, for I knew not wh~it . He lau~lrnd, to co~ort .her, and . made hold certificates o'. the bank he thre~1 it 1 I motbr ha~ only one child, a little las 1, t he would happen a n he claimed his kiss as h ght of i t, and wettmg .lns finger m t.he, aro~nd an~ passed I~ through for the galoot t:F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS 1 J,3~y Patience. · And ne'er was mau or he h ad t hreatened (knowi11g as did I, t hat blood, d rew a cross on his )Jrow and said, i to s ign. I he next i:istaut, when the teller . 0 As tb ei·e ate many i.:iforior maid worse named ; for to call such a in verity my lady's shoe wo-qld 'a been a "Na.y, thou hast not k illed me. And looked up, the depositor wa.s half way down i g)goraryTGrad~ateRof ~he Ontario etermaf{ goods, corded with jute, flibbertigibbet " Patience" were as tllou"h t ight fit for her temper), moreo'er, I am not only thy knight, b ut t he big banking room with t he great book I (}~t:!.~' vci~~fn~~Y a:~~~1:~~:n homp, etc.,ofiered and sold 1 ~ember d.~!c: as Coraline by some unone should namea. itisksome colt " Slumbe;," But when he was arrived at the top, lo ! thy Red Cr oss Knight int o t he bar gain, and under h is arm and making for t he door. I with the Veterinary Act. 'm accor principled merchants trndo; christ en a sprmg brook "Quiet. " Pa- t hey had both fled, neither had they left t hou n?Y lady forever. Sc;~ I I will seal The1e were t he m oney boxes t o look out for ' Is prepared to t~e~t.all dio.,a·ee of the D«!ro· mg on the reputation of tience, quotha ! 'Twas patience m truth a so much as a ribbon behind them. Th en t hee with my very bloo d ! and ere she and diawers t o close, and the clerk could e8_XIS :S.Wma~~· ac(?ldrnbg t%t~e late~t t beo1.£0 8 our gt·nvn.ine (1oraline, we wa.1n the lad1es against body had need of, who was thrown 11t all t he lad laughed again, a.s pl easant a laugh could draw back, he had set also ~ cross 'get out in pursuit only by running down and phone wi~l ~·~c~1~: J..~m~t a~t:~f1~1:i or e such imposition by drawwith her little ladyship. But t!1o;re w,\s as e'r,r I heard in all my days, and quoth on her wh_ite brow. She shuddered and around 100 feet o! counters. He didn't t ry U0FF!Ci,;-¥ai!' St, Orono. one door north.of ing tlieir attention to the ne'er so beaut iful a maiden born mall the he, " l would be but a poor plince an I fell a weepmg, and drew h er haml across to do all t hese thmgs. He hallooed to the W . Henry a l::ltoie. necessit y of seeing tha.t the broad land of England; nor will be againhad not to search for my little princess. " her brow t o wipe a.way the ugly stain; and nearest customer he saw outside to nm and CHARGES MODER.A.TE, name not though London Tower be standmg when So off he starts, and I after h im, up and when she saw that she had but smeared it stop that fellow with the great canvas cov_ _ _ _ __ 1 1 t he last t rump sounds. down corr idors, in at ha lf-open doors, out on her hand, she trembled more t han ever, ered book. That was no dicffiult matter . M e seemed s he was an elf sprite upon balconies, h ithei and thither, afoer an~ it was not for some d ays tha t I could The man was making his way painfully and ~ Bta.mped on inner side of a.lfComlmegoods, so tiny was she ; and her face like a fair t he manner o' my little lady on her most q111et her. 1 slowly down street, and came back cheer-' Without which none are genuine. I do but r ela.1;i this story, to show in wtat fully. He thought that that forty-pound fiow<ir, so fresh and p ure. H er hair "as unquiet days, till at last, for t he sake o' shed a bout her face hke sunlight on thistle- pea,ce, I d id slyly lead him in the direc~ horror my little lady did evei hold swordM book, he s3,icl, was his certificate of deposit. down, and h er eyes made a sbiuing bellind t ion o' t he great n ursery . There, catch- and bloodshed. 1. A rather nice looking but matronly lookit, like t he big blue gems in her mother's ing sigh t o' a little r ed petticoat, he enters, vVell, t o continue, mg young woman began depositing $100 a chntinnes to do a Genera l Banking Business jewel-box. \Vhen the la ug hed, it was as where st and my truant elves confessed, MisThis could not last for aye and when two week at the same bank. She came so regtBo wmanville Branch. wn:ter fa~ling . into water from a short tress Ma,rian frown~ng and biting o' .~er more years were sped, his ~nole sent the ularly, always wit h the ~ame amount, that D EPOSl'i 'S height, with npples, and little murmurs, dark han·, but my httle lady like to stlfie, little lord to a place o' l earning · and after- 1 the young man at the '" mdow mac le bold to an~ a clear t ink lmg sound. Bu t she was wi~h both hands over her mouth hide her ward to travel to and fro upon' t he earth, ?ongratuli;-te her that she w as doing so well tecelved ln Savingu Bank Department and ~11 and mterest allowed at curren t rates. No nc er moie at r est t han the leaves on au smiles, and her blue eyes d ancwg a very after the manner of Sa.tan in the Book of m her busmess. -Unlocks all the clogged aTenues of tho 1 'ift!il\:. of withdrawal n ecessary. .All de poa! h a~pen-~ree. Hither and thit her would she Barley B,reak o' mirth among the y ellow Job (God forgive me! but't has ever seemed I ."Don 't give me away ," she, in a Bowe111, Kidneye a.nd Liver, ca.rry. payable on demand, fht, this way and t hat, up and down, round sheaves o her tresses. like that to me). And we set not eyes on friendly t one. "My husband is SL baring off gradually without w&...Jrnning the and rol111d, b,i;k w:ard. a!'d. forwi\rd, about . '.l'he~ there was much parley o er the fi_ t- him for eight years. Now in that t ime, lo! tender." EXCH ~ NGE system, &ll the impurities a nd foul a!ld ab?ut. I fa1t!1, 01ttime~ would 1. be i m q_ o th e .shoe, as bot;h .damsels .did I was married, and my litt le lady and Mis- J hrunorll of the 1oor etiona; at the S&me :.Oughtand sold and]lra~issned upon E urope right d1 ziy come m ghtfall, with followrng s tra1 ghtwa)'. sit down upon their feet, ne1t h- t rers Marian in long k irtles, and their hair time Correcting A cidity of the .~tell States and Canadli., als o Gold, Silver and Short Bird Stories. ot her ; for ere I had been at t ho cas tle a for a long time would they move an eyelash, looped up upon their heads. Mistress MarStomach, curing '.B11iousnefls, D ys~:ited Sta ~es Green backs boruzht and sold. day, she t ook so might y a fancy to me, t ill his 101 ·dship, with a twink o' his eye at ian was yet full bead and shoulders above ABuffalo canary bas a miniat nrewellin i ts p epsia, Head~ches, Dizziness, ()OLL JE (~ TJONS that naught would do but she must have · me, did suggest corns and bunions as a rea- my little lady and her skin as brow u as cage, with a bucket, the cham of which Heartburn, Constipation, D ryness me for her maid ; and so my lady, who son for t heir 'haviorand, Lord! t hen 'twas ever. But my' little lady was as bright and reaches to i ts perch. Wheu it wants a of the S km, Dropsy, Dimness of hromptly at current rat es upon all par I drink it draws u p the oucket, much t o the Vision, ,JLmndice, Salt Rj1eum, .,.._-J lke~t Brittain, t he United Sta tes and Dll (God parcion my boldness I) did utt erly pretty to mark how like little chicks be- slender as a sumay. spoil her in all thing~ , ga ve me unto her as neath t heir dam's feathers, first one little They would speak to me sometimes of d elight of the children in t he neighborhood. h 'rysipelirn, f3crof'u1a, FlutteriL ~ of lln on or Canada. 11 ~rnrse-maid. -But sure ye are a-weary o' foot a:nd t hen t~e o~her di~ steal out from L oi·d Radnor, and how that great folks I ~coyote in Walla W all.'.' ":as a.t: acked by the Heart., Nervousness, a n d Gen. I 'l'elcgrap i~ T1·ans!"c1·s thrn old tale ! the rich lace o t heir petticoats. And ere were saying great things of him, and how an i mmense hawk that h1thun fair on the erri.1 Debility; all these nnd m any l for large or smr.>11 sums on all part s oi Lady Doi·othy and Lord J-lwrnphrey in a one could cr y "Oh I" for a pinch , he lrn<l he was become a soldier and a marvellous back of the head, The cuyote would duck his othcc· Him1l ar Complaints vie!d t o the {ap.ada . This is espema lly advantageous to breath.- N ay, go on, go on. slipt t he shoe on my little lady's wee foot , person altogether· but as t he years went by 1 head a nd then make a snap at the hawk ht.pry wtluem'e of :BURDOCK p.,-sone living in Manrtoba or the North·w ee BI.OOD BI'I'T.EJRS. Nurse .Crwnpet. - vVell, well, ?' all the ~nd had k issed ~er right hea1tily. More- they seemed not 'so ready to talk o' him, \ but conl~ not reach it, and at the .e~d ?f at ~ makes the funds available a t once at t h e pace of payment. story -l ovmg bairns ! But I must m vent me o'er, what; I d id mos t rna.rvel at, was only sometimes my little lady would pull 1twenty nunutes the coyote was t ra il mg m J!'orturther particulars call at the Bankin~ a ne w history for the next t ime o' telling. " that she neither cuffed nor sought to down my head as I smoothed the bed - ' the dust. touse. Lord Humphrey. - Nay, that t hou shalt cuft him, but dropt down her head clothes over her at night and quoth she: I A i;artridge was found in u. l!rnss field in 'l'. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, not. ' 1\' e will ne' er like any as well as we head until her hair made a veil before her '"Nurse dost think h~ will be much IHockliffe, says t he London F ield, that was Accoun tant. Manager like this one. So despatch. face, and moved t hat foot whereon he had changed'? My hair hath not da rkened 1rearing .a white barnyard chick~u. "."hen _ ___ ·1 _ v_ N1trse Grumpet. - B nt mv lady had also set her shoe, gently bac~ and fort h as mu ch, hath it? Dost t hink his curls will 1the cluc~eu was :aught the bird evmce?an a dopted daughter, a niece o' my lord's t hough the leather was stiff to_h er ankle, be different from w hat t hey were when , all . the s1gm of d !stress usually shown 1f --0ne MistreMs Maria.n Hvery- and she and I saw tha.t s?e looked ~t i t from i:n- he was a lad ? And I would have to tell ; then natural off.~J')_rmg are mo!~sted. T he walked beside t he little Lady Patience as d~r her heavy hair. But Mistr ess Ma.nan h er "No" a dozen times ere she would let pl~ce where the bird w:as .fou nd is nearly a night might walk beside day, for ·she was still he~d a.loof,. and ch~wed upon her dark me go. But Mistress Marian said never a mile .fr?m any form ,bmldmg~, To buy F oot G e ar for M e n, Women, 1 1as brown o' skin as a mountain str eam locks hke a lie1fer on its cud .And her word. \ Villiam Allen, of Sa11Franc1 sco,a boy,shot Boys and Maidens, at and her hair like a cloud at even-tide, dark: eyes were everr whit as dark and solemn One day I learned of my lady how that : and Wot'.nded a larg~ h~wk that was soari~g but of no certain color albeit as sot t as as a very cow a. T hen tho young lord . L ord Radnor was to ret urn the next week . away with !1 weasel m its t_ alons. After 1t ravelled .11ilk, and marv~llous haid to comb laughed again, and cried out, "Ha ! the and meseemcd in t ruth the whole castle wa~ 1fell he lmrne~ t o plt1ck off its larg.e feat?ers on account o' its fineness. Mistr ess Marian ox-eyed J une I" or some snc~ apery, and waxed d istr aught . when ~he bird sudden~y t hrew its _wmgs was full b ead and sh oulders taller than her went and kneeled before her m mock fasl.i. · , , d :ibout ~1s body and s?'nk its beak ferociously 11 0 0 - m to his cheek while both hands w ere · th I d p t ' d I ld ion as before a c1ueen and ,..uoth he "Fair It is not m my power to te the consm, e ,a y a ience, an s rn cou · · ' .L ' · b t :If' e · t to n lord di'd o· e · · · ' 1 lift hei· aloft in h er arms, and swing her goddess," (for 'twas afterward explained mgs, u su w 1 c z ~ pm1oned. Fmally he released _ one J1;l st say, i Y ~ CURE S ' d to ' cl l b h · to me what manner of being was a god them all, and come a full day ere he was exenough t o take out a smu.11 penknife with I f rom s1 e s1 e, as !L supp e oug swm gs . . . - ! pected h' h I ·bb d l I k Th 1 LIVER A N D KIDNEY COM- ' a bird. And her eyes were dark and cool dess, namely, some k md of a foreign fairy ) , · . . w IC rn . sta e tie iaw . e stabs 1 I to ga.ze iu to liko a pool o' clear ~ater o'er - "Fair gorldess " quoth he, " show me When he came, Mist r ess Marian was had but little effect. Fortunately a man, I U\l NTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- 1autu1;'.,11 Iea'ves, and sometimes there were how I m0,y dispel'thy" A nd still she l standing ~· th' g reat, door o' the castle, in Martin 'Velch, came along and rescued the ~ )N ~ D ALL Dl':)E SES R I S NG glints o' light m t hem, like t he spikes i' t h' scowled ~m him, but s~oke no w~rd. An.di her h~wk~ng gown o green velure cloth laced y~ung and almo:it exhal;sted bun~er. He · A A I I evening-st~r wh en thou dost gaze stea.dily he contmued, and said, "I prithee, fair all with silver cord : uer plumed hat was on 1w~l soon ~e all r~ght ~~am but a sltght SCa\' <. aq~ D ISARRANGE M ENTS OF THE 1 upon it. Black and white were not more la~y, c~st I.Jut on.e s1;11ile upon thy l~umble her curl s, and her hawk, Ber,rl, on h e; fis~. '~ill 1e1 rn11n fo1 hf.e. ] he !rnwk measured different than wet e they and they rnsemblcd knight (thou mmd st t hetr prett y roolery And she turned and beheld him. Ne er did eight feet from wmg to wrng. L IVER A ND KIDNEYS. even less m mind than' they did in body. has stu ck i' my old pate unto t h is day. ) I ~e VGrier light in ea~th or sky, than fiasbWhen L ady Pat~ence w ..xed ·wroth h er Then bho ansv; ered and saith : " T hou eel 1 !'1to ~er face as their eyes i:net. ~nd he J d d Hi W ] cheeks burned like t wo coals, an d thou silly lad, how can I be a goddess and a defied h is hat. and c":me up beside hex on the " r u .e;e m ron~ Y · · 00 ur1~ couldst hear her teeth grinding together, lady both ill one? '.l'hou hast not even step, an,~ saith, with t he o~d laugh, but '~ti don_t look. well this mor,~mg, like pebbles~q ueezed i' th' palm o' thy hand; euough wit to make a good fool. So !" (for gentler, W ell met, comra~,e. ,, , Peter, he said to lus ,~ookkeeper, . a ud / Our N e w Stock ar·rivod , and com· I but whe·i Mistress Marian w:i.s an·augored Mistrc ' S Marian h!1d a sharp tongue at Now when he called h er comrade twas your hands are sh aky. 'loo much w hiskey, . th t rl tt f t he blood r ushed ba"k to lier heart an<l sl1e' t1 "rr1 es) as when Jock did call me " sweetheart" in I sunpose ?" Ip Lr1da~s soGme dmg dne Sa au, blp rfe y M or · - -- - " ' t h ld d ' oing She \Vent r ed "J.N ".: · " d d p ,t " t 1 a res, oo an erv1c ~ ~ e or en 1was wh1terthana lamb11tthe shearing and But he was not so much as rut.lied and eo ays o our wo · ' o, sir, r espon e e. er , no dB dB t f her lips like white' thr eads Then v.'.ot1l d laucrhed even a1;rniu' most he~rtily A;d he I as the ribhon in his sleeves; and when the enough whiskey. By the t ime I get a ' an oys, an oots ! l:t Boots or ' the light shoot aud spin in. her eyes, Mtd said: "I do not pe~ceive that tho'u art not I f~lcon frett ed and sl~ook its bel~s'. b e d id p~1t c?upl~, more cocktails down I'll be all every member of t he household. P r oprietor, 1'oront o. her nostrils suck in ,md out, like t h ose of a fashioned either as C'oddess or lady, there- 1 lus hand and stroke ~t, an~, lo · it was still n gh t. ---fretful horse. .And she was fierce aft er the fore be my comrade, and we w ill :tight to- and seemed t o fee~ hi.m as its master. And SOLD ~ BY manner of a man rather t han of a maid. gcther for t"e weal o' yon fairy princess. " . I. wondered all Uns t ime where could be m y ] 'ew of us are without the sad experience TRllNKS, VA.LISE!!, & SA'l'C illl LS. IY STOCK. ' , ~ Mor eo'cr, she was full a year younger than .A 11 at once she laughed too, and yielded !' little lady. that faith once s haken is everaft ,er suspicious ~Ordered W ork d R . · 1~ IGGIJ.'1 BO 'I' RA .[l)l & .N, t he Lady Patience ; but she looked it not ; him her hand, and said . " I like thee, To this day I have ne'er seen so h<indsome of betrayal; and th e spark oflove that burns . an epamng' a I rather did her l adyship look full two years What is th y name?" a man as the young lor d. He was tall and dull but too often goes out without a chance S pecialty, as us ual. BOWMANVI L L K younger than Mistress Marian, And I He said; " My nameisErnl e;and.[like str aigh tasano;,,k,with curls t he color of of being rek indled. D. DAVIS. Nurse Crumpet Tells the Story. f~oi;t-touchedoa~~ th;-s~m ~......!!IMrNl!Wwtn:n:!n~illl'A.~~ w ~~ w " ~~(f)~'li~l'W~ CATARRH. iii 1 6 1 t1fg I I 1 9a f I 1 OrOilO Pump Factory i I t Hd PU M PS Qf EVEDV D ES!!'IRIPTIQU J;t1Z&:o':i. l All WORK GUARANTEED. to, I [M Cl !f · vft-* I G-0 O DS I I I R. FERG USON. JOH"N SPENCER, e 0 N N ET S HATS TRI M__.]y[ IN. GS BEWARE f· CROMPTON CORSET COa' I I THE KEY ro,·HE.ALTH. THE O NTARIO BANK I I I I t'° ! I I I .DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY I JI Pays ITT ERS I I I Popular No. 1, 1 Boot and Shoe ---- 1 _ · d p · he G reat est Bl I I I i EM PO RRU M ! in the W orld I - I S J ~- M 0 RR r so j

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