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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1887, p. 8

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cz-r To introduce the STATESMAN into 500 new h om s , we will send it to any two ad dresses frpm now to Kew Years (15 we eks) for only 25 cents. If you havtl two friends anywhere that will enj oy re din . the STATESMAN, tak advantage of this liberal offor. We will accept a d o l lar 10 new subscribers for the same Get up a clu b. Postage stamps taken for less than $1. TWO FOR A QUARTER! e e a for time. Stove and Tin Depot. It will pay every one to call and see us. Stoves. 'J w t a11·lt1t"8 A full line of the leading FALL I FALL!!! FALL!! AsTHMA.-Persons who have suffered for years with Asthma wi ll find a quick relefi and cure in the d ouble tre at en t of Southern Asth a t The rate in Brighton vilfage th is year is only 13 mill s -certainly l ow The new Masonic temple, Peterboro', will be optoned Oct. 6th. TAMARAc.-For Hoarseness and all bronchial troubles that usually effect pub lic speakers, Tamarac Elixir will givti speaay relief. Try it. :t: The population of London, Canada, is estimated at 40, 000. DISTRICT NOTES. Happy Thought R9-nge, Art Garland, Parlor Cook, The best stoves in the market. All other classes of Co and Wood Stoves kept in stock. A large and well sele cted Stock of !wowntome." [recommenditaasuooriortoanyprescriptiou "Cutarta is l!O welt adapted tocbllclren tha.t :W So. Oxtord S, Drookl]n. N. Y. Ii A,. A.2cmm, lLD., always on hand. m Care. Dry Goods. announcing that we have com pleted arrangements for the Fall Trade. We have emduring the ployed our time \iVe take great 11letlsme in quiet summer months visiting the markets, examining sam ples, testing goods by all possible means, comparing prices of using every care and different manufacturers, · ,. · · ... tion as to quality, appearance we h av"' ..,tlast ' l a: and Prl'ces · t1l ' '" su.c o ee u e a Goods as , .. · precau- as fine an assortment ever :,, " ;, . _ 4 I ', · ler's Rxtract s m ei· r .io oo;;;;ENRI'il.U.-1 'r!e11d:s. , I 1.11.i1 all In the milch cow co pei ition at tho Toronto fa1r, the first prir.e wi.'B awarded the De .-on cow owned by Mr.&;. Harpe r: of havl'l u11ed Dt. Fow Wild Strawber.. f · and hap· . tl g1ven l !l::i:i.le3t0Jr::k fifooj e A SE VERE TRIAL.-Frances S. Smith, of E dale, wri es " I w a s troubed with for two ye ars, an of Ne w castl , contractor, is making the extensions to East Northumherlnd .Regietry at Col· borne. UNKNOWN.-There is no remedy k no wn to medical science that can excel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as a cure for cholera morbus, diarrhrea, dysentery, or any form of summer com plaint afli1cting children or adults. The r ecent Church of England p ic -nic and concert at Warkworth reeulted in a clear gain of $151.48. A PERSON unable to sleep in bed, un able wor k , unable to take ordinary ex ercise from the effects of Asth ma until using Soothern Asthma Cure, a sample package relieved, three p ac ka es permanently cured, l T he rate of taxation in Lindsay is 23 ills and in Belleville ia 19 7-13 mills on the dollar. remove m · impure breath and supposse it comes from a dis ordered stomach. In many cases the ac tual cause is catarrh. Nasal Balm will the cause, an d t M°ANY PERS ONS Sun'ER from . m REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATI,Y DONE. Call and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Tm: Cllll"r.l.VR I Sour Stomach, Diarrhrot>, Eructt>tiott, XUls onns, i:ivell Bleep. and proinon eutePf ettm Colle, Oblllltlpatlon, <:;o ·· Wurious medication. 1t dl'·- CoMt'"-'· " "7 )i{urray Street, N'. Y,. W. T. BONATHAN, Newcastle. FOit SALE BY J'. HIGGINBOTHAl\I & SON, BOWMA.NYILL1't cure. THE. VERDICT I boots and ahoes is a direct verdict that I sell at close prices. me who have (as they have told me) come from Oshawa, ::Newcastle, Burketon, etc., in fact within a radius of 15 miles or more, to buy their PERCH ERON ---- to Judging by tl1e large trad e that I have done with p eople in Bowmanville, and also with those in the country--some trading with I sell or g Our latest imp or ta tion has arrived from ]'ran ee, and we wi ll be glad to see our frie.nd s and acquaintunoes and those with whom· wo correspondence. In fact any and all who are In s earc h ot" first clas s Pll:RCHll:RONH and ]'RENCH COACHERS. to look them. over. We have 1>n exceptiondly flne lot, and our stud Is so lare;e that all may be pleased. We offer the la rgest number end greatest v ariety to select from. All our i m po rted stock le selected by MR. .1!'.A.RNUM himself personally in France, and he accepts nothing but. the best Horses of the moat approved breedin , g Our Home- bre d Stock is all the progeny of sele cted aires and dams; or the best form an d mo11t desirable breedi ng, We guarantee oui stock. Sell on easy terms an d at low prices. We will be glad to answer all correspoudence p ro mptly ; but w would strongly ad vi se persons contemplating the, pur ch ase ol a horse · ma1 e, Per.,heron or French Coac h, to get on tho tr&in an d come and see ua. FRENCH COACH HORSES. lrnve been in H 0 R SES. and sell for cash only. make also a specialty in Trunks and Valises-selling tliem as cheap as Boots now on hand , ust right for fall wear, (our own make), which I c'Ul sell cheaper than any shoe store in BowmanvHle, as they were all bought at a rate on the dollar, and will be sold at less than they actually cost to get them up. they can be sold in any of our large cities. pay those who need anything in boots and shoes to come to me. SAVAGE FARNUM, cheap because I bought cheap my.elf and besides 1 take small profits PROPRIE'l'OJlS OF ISLAND llOHE STOCK :t'.-lltlll, JMJ·OltTEUEi-.A.ND JUtEEDRBS,. Now that the fall trade is approaching, it will .Addr es s all communicathns to Detroit. M ic h. ] GROSSE ISLE. WAYNE uo .. lUIVlllGAN. Catalogiw & free by Mail. · I I have a large stock of Mr. W. Eddy, e the Qffice t ms Muskoka, , m tm Bt d sold accordingly. Booti;; and Slrnes I have also bought a large stock of from the factories, at close prices, and which will be e1,irs. eJr ..11 orrist1 .-a,. AND ..,.. ...,.. AT · / to LL PATGHING AND MfNOING PROMrTlY ATTENDED TO. NEW FANCY COODS., l Carsons THE 6·3m 1 . 'ntt . 1ll p U.Cl 0 _ · · . · 1'n . mense stock in detail, but we .invite the Bowmanville. mn to enn . umerate our im;:,publ ic to c all ' We cannot be- reported i n Or ang evill e. was shown in of Dry cl! ,.lock · I u m ;vithout it :'n other It g i,·es ;: u itant r li ef when _ I would not be ri:ned. 10.. , rnil. my hous e. " roplainls e ' -·Y.tOtr o ' .,,, '--L " " '. w;eiy0::rytownndvil!age about Guelph t) phoid feyer IS ragmg to an o ver l O () case11 alarmina extent. MRs.T. Bou, CURES D1zz1NESB, CoNBTIPATION , Md ali \ JAUNDICE, ERYSIPJLAS. scno1·uL,. g e SKIN DISEASES. lt cleanses .1!-11. the, n avenues ol the ayatem, reaormg tie I vigor to all who use it1 ·""1lic and iver Tl-. P UR IFIER GEOR . GE BUCK · . · t:JilloPSl" I Blood 36:1w IMPORTANT TO ALL in o r G rey Halr,or WhoareBald,orhavo T h_ who ate troubled wit h dandruff. · and inspect our stock, even though vou may not wis h to purchase .J .., a11, "' WELL TESTED.-' 'I wa with cholera morbua, one bottle of Ex· tract of Wild Strawberry cured me, and a ot her time I was so bad with summer complaint that I tho ugh t I would never e. " get over it, when two bottles cu re d . Mra. E . A 8k ett ' Peel ' 0 nt s nearly dead I - C.A.RSQN ·EC I T :s Y- MEDIOtNE it : a jI co. l . D r DORE NWEND'S I care , Call and Examine the Stock, wh1·ch has been selected grea _ _ .., .1; _ · z . -------- l.ll'"lll. c;o.,.plalnt, u3·spllpsin. CURES <( Slek H1·ndache, Kidney 'l'ro11bles, at n 1UllQ11HllCSK. :E ,,_ ··· ... _ ISfied and if you are no t sat· value for your money than you n,re accustomed to, do not buy. examme and compare, that we can show you better WATCHES, CLOCltS. AND SILVE2WA:BE. is i·eceiving our careful at tention and never before have we shown so large and choice a sel ness JEWELILY, This department of our busi ection of desirable goods. Om vstem announced some months o of selling atone-half theregu viz, that our goods are the best We quality to be produce d . h av e a large personal acquain States and consequently get the benefit of always securing good Solid Gold and Silver goods. a,nd R:)lled Gold Plate. J. J. tance with leadi ng manufacturers n,nd Uni ted both in Canada One thing our determination. nderstoo d, u y we want distinctl results, as the public has become aware tha we are carrying out lar jeweler,s ·profits, has had its Mason. Gerie1ai Dry Goods & J eweiry H 0US6. ) Mr. G. D. Raines, of Campbellford, died last week of blood poisoning. About ten days ago he went out for a p le asure and children, and ·· dr1"ve w 1' tl1 h1's 'rrife pped and picked durinf( the trip ho sto . hick ory nuts, wh ich h e b ke open He bad a cold soro on with his teeth. his lip at the time, which became itchy d and gave 1iw some uneasiness, afterwi::. ., s _ causing his deat h. __. CRITICISllf. A lady in Brookville states for a -I was induced to try Nasal that was long standing cold in pronounced Catarrh. The B al m gave im· mediate relief and per anen tl y cured me. It was so pl e as ant and agreeable to t ake that I at flrst thought it "no good." I now use it with my children for colde and t stoppages of the n as l passageil. :Mr. D. D. Galletly, secretary of the Central Exhibition, reports Peterboro that the prospects of a splendid exhibition are excellent. At date there have been a larue number of entries as against none last year. The at the co rr espondin directors aie also full of activity, and are attractions, amon which are foot r aces and of the de.ya. races on THE BREA'l'H of a chronic catarrh pa· tient is often so offensive that he cannot ao into society and he becomes an object f disaust. After a time ulceration sets bones are attacked, and in t h A con frquently, entirely destroyed. stant source of discomfort is the dripping of the p urul nt secretions into the t hroat sometimes producing inveterate bron chitis which in its turn has b een the ex The citing' cause of pulmonary disease. brilliant r e s ults which have attended its designate use for years past p ro perl b est , if by far Ely's Cream .Bahn not h e only real cure for hay fever, rose cold and catl\rrh. ii Mervyn Victor, youngest son of Mr. .John Wickett, merchant, Port Hope, was playing on the lawn on Saturday week, when he s :i ddenl y cried out that ha had in sec t fall been bit on the chin by ing from a tre . From that time he was in constant pain. Dr. Clamesha was call ed who did all that was possible for the sufferer, but the child died on Wednesday night. GIVE THEM A. CHANCE .-That is to say Also all your bre athi ng your limos. 'llachinery. Very wonderful machinery i s , Not only the larger air-passages, but the thousands of l it l e tubes an d cav· ities leading from them. When these are med and choked with matter which clo < o u ;ht not to be there, your lungs cannot h alf do their work. .And w hat they do they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family ot throt and nose and head and lung obstruc10ns, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of t hem . That is to take Boschee's German Syr up, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle, Even if everything else has failed yo1, you may depend pon 26 this for certam. m Ulclod from what· ever CllUHC arising llbeumntiHllll. ,.,. e '-' Skb!nrllas 8 IJnpurUICK of tile ]'em al 1esses and Gener al Debility. ... JJl\ll > :r · .. ._ J Hats - Re shaped - ' Starnp1· ng 1on . . e .. .LJ _ o Weak- ...... IA' some ro DR. . HODDER'S hi .., rarely Vc-getnble. ,,_ Hlghlt' conccnu·utetl. p1enant enee run 1use ... '"' A.SU: FOR V 0..-.. 111' .,.__ JI#' " - The te11 , p rices · - Take no other. Sol1l everywhere. 15 ccnt8 per bottleH. COMPOUND. rrice, my m Balm head Sold everywhere. Price. 25cents and50cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, Tlae lJNION lllEPJc;llU! C:O., · · Toro.nto. c;nn. COUCH AND LUNG CURE DR. HODDER'S Will be foun d invaluable for th e ht>ir anil sea.Ip. It cleanses the sc al p of all Dandruff, i nv igor ates the growth of the and in cases of baldness, where there are the sl ighte st signs of roots left it will produ ce good crops or hair. H restores grey hair to its ori g in l color, and is an excellent ureesing DO NOT DELAY, it yonr hair is in weak condition get a bottl e at once. For sale by J'. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON. and all clrul<'gists. Ask tor it. the Quality sells. a a A. DORENWEND, a A- Doren wend is the Jeadin!<' manufactnrer of Hair Goo ds in Canada. TORONTO. CANADA. Sole Manfr. F. A. JONES, VETERINARY SURGEON, - - ·----- ·------ g date constantly arranging for new one spongy bicycle C Q X ----- e TORONTO Operations & Dentistry STOCK A SPECIALTY. EXCHANGE. Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt a ttentio n . OFFICE HOU RS , 8 TO 10 A. A tlret·olaee stock or Medicines alwa1e & co ., Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Member of Ontario , inary Association, will attend to all of d ome stic animal s ENNISKILLEN, diseases Veter t>.t We have now completed arrangements for a big sale of popular goodN prices which must take the eye of every economical buyer. We kee1 the best qualities, styles; and assortme1rt in . BOOTS, SHOES AND for ladies', gents' and child1·ens' wear; also in Trunks and Valises. SLIPPERS DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. CHARGES MODER.A.TE. t as y t11e on hand. Active fl.uctations in the Market, N. B . -Will visit Williamsburg ev ry offer opportunities to specula . Saturdav of each week. 16-l;v tors to make money m You'll tlnd It good to reg11Grain, Provisions, lnte Tho organg ot both email Stocks, Bonds & and great, n ellecles Sick Hcadac/1 Petroleum . and the woe e M. Come and see our elegant stock-Cash bought it, low prices will seJl'it_ Our specialty is to please our customers, our aim to save money for OlU' patrons, our intention to do better for you than anyone else. Good cannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed to undersell u3. 28. M. TRELEVEK ... The Pharmacy ----o-- some Office over Murdoch's Store. Prompli attention given to orders. Entrance by Telephone Stair case it SOO'fHlfdG, CHMdS!NG, NEAUl\W. · Jl-tf. . J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOI, Chemists and Druggists. ( U DENTISTRY i That sad DJtlpeptles ever know· Ecetde· 'tls pleM1111t to tho taste, So none need gulp It dolTll. iuhaate. t ct Tturrn,.1 ItCl!l"C:'l Chiidre81 Cry for to tl1e tliroal. nrnl GOLD IflLLING A SPECIALTY E.ll\SY 'i"O USIE. , p ct o r:i tion canscU Uy Ca.turrh. Sent ! ..'.e;Jnl\'1 > C:1 ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSEHTED 'Vl'rHOUT .A.<Wnt1e. · p:·( -p :i ff ()/l rccuipt of price. 50c. and $1. PLAT.llS. ""Qn_(;'·'ili!fl <!;, CC., IElrockvilk:, OntGreat Reductions in price on all D e ntal METAL Work. Vitalized Air, cons1ant1y in me pro· AND RUBBER duciug Painless Operations. P a rti cu ar aGten stamps for Uhnrch. Sl!ndny School and tion pa·.d to ;t e regulation of O hi l dren ' s 1.'e3tu l'en and Pencil Stamp, with name Office use and address sent post on receipt of 50c. ,.-AGL WORK WARRANTED.-._ Address ROB ER'l' H. COX, No. !I King Street Dr. Rutherford's Orono. East, Toront o. 6-tf - I HAY Oold in Huad, STOP5 FEVER. z 0 Our Stock is complete, comprising· an assortmen' of Drugs, Medicines, Sponges, Chamoi , l .i.·" Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. 1 /i ·". · D:ro:r-t>i;;s f;·m. Kasal p:u:.sagcs in- OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. Graduate ofthe Royal Collegeo1 Dental Surgeons, Ontarifl, HARNDEN, L. D. S. !l!PEB!AL S!QffEF!I VABR!S!I, · ---- 0--- '., r.1· h F OR Pitcher's Castoria Branch oil:icei. Thorley's Horse & Cattle Food, Pure Ground Oil Cake, and Prairie Flower Condition Pov1de ALWAYS IN STOCK, Produces a beautiful gloss and creates no offensive smell, will not burn off, neit ln;r will the p ip e s r u st. ·

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