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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1887, p. 1

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TERMS :-·1.60 Pu .AKNliM:. ~~J NEW SEBIES, NUMBEB OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A . JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, VOLUME 479. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.A.RIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1887. XXXIII. N UMBER 40. OPENED OUT LAST WEEK - - -A T - - ALLAN L INE, ROY.AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. SAILINGS. S.A.RDJNIAN. from Quebec. September 22 POJ, YNJ<JSIAN, " " " 30 PARISIAN, October 6 SARMITIAN. 13 CIRCASSIAN, 21 SARDINIA~. " 27 POLYNESIAN ,, November 4 PARISIAN, 10 S A.RMlTlAN, 17 RATES OF OCEAN p ASSAGE :-Cabin, $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150 . Intermediate, $30 ; return, $60. S teerage, $20. The last train connecting with the mail steamer at Portland l eaves Toronto on Wednesday morning. The last train connecting with the mail steamer at Halifax l eaves Toronto on Thursday mor ning. F9r tickets and every informa.tion, a pply to W. A.NEADS, Bowmanville, Agent Allan line. 11-tf AND & RESIDENCE FOR SALE. . - 'l'he residet;ce of the late C. H . Giles, situated on Lot. 4. Con .. 3, East Whitby. comprising '1 acres of first-class land; The house lB nearly new, atone cellar, sort and har d water, first-class driving house and stable, splendid young orchard with all kinds of fr~1its. Close to Maxwell's school house, i miles from l h o town of Oshawa, one mile from 'J'aunt.on. and one from J!'oley. This is a good chance for any one wanting to retire from active llre. ·wm be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to the widow GRACE GILES. Taunton, P. 0 .· or WM. HOBBS, Ya.lentla.. or DR. Ga.Rs, Halliburton. P . S.-If not sold it will be rented to a suitable tenant, 37- 6w A W ord from t h e West. Mn. EDITOR.- It is said that some are t oo fa_st and some ar e too slow ; some are too lugh and some are too low ; some are too bi~ and some are too small ; some are too short and some are too tall, but be thin gs as they may in fact, i t is a fact that we wer e surprised to learn that you were back to Bowmanville again. Welcome h ome ! It seems but a matter of moment for you to go to Europe and back agai n in so short a time. Verily the world moves faet and Editors take the lead. No doubt you found on your return to England that things moved i{[on" generally right, except the Irish questio;'; and let us h'lpe that by the time you return again that this terribly " muchly mixed " question will be settled, for the benefit of t he country and for t he good of the English name. Thing3 moved alon g pretty safely during your absence from Canada, and the executive management of your officials proved no doubt that you know h ow to run t he eatabliahment whether h ere or there. 'l'he STATES)!AN always has been 1\ good nowsy sheet nnd it is no doubt improving as time gees by. Your l etters have been very acceptable to many of your readers, especially t h ose who hail ~rom the west of England. Your readers srncerely hope that your trips have resulted m some financial o-ood to you as a journalist. " .(i.s ~n i.tem of news we m ight say that tlus d1str1ct along the Nit1gara peninsula has suffered terribly this summer for want of rain. T h e peach crop was very abundant.,but small in size gen erally for want of ram . A few t rees in most of the orchards had but few fruit on them and they were very fine in size, especially the early Crawfur . d, bu t generally the q uality was far from extra, People have an idea that those who live among t he peach orchards can buy them very cheap. This · a very great m1sta · k IS e. y ou can genera lly buy t he fruit cheaper in th& Toronto market than i n the orchard. I have seen people this year paying 50 cts. per basket f · d f 11 · h or wm a s m t e orchard and take the trouble of p icking them from the g round wh ile many hundreds of the be· t bask t'· m e S or second best were sold for l ess than that in Loudon and Toronto sent from h p D ere. ARSON ICK. September 21st, 1887. MANY P.EltSONS in Pittson usina Ely's Cream Balm, a catarrh remedy " ~ith most. sat isfactory r esults. A lady Is recovenng the sense of smell which she had not enjoyed for fifteen years. She had given up h er case as incurable. Mr. Barber h ~s used jt in his family and recommends it very highly. A tankhannock lawyer, known to many of our retiders testifies that he was cured of partial deafuees,- -.Pittson, Pa., Gazette. JI Mr. Benson HAMPTON. Cryderman baa returned after a pleasant -visit with bis friends in Bloomington. We cnngratulate our esteemed frieml Mr. R. J. Niddery, on his advancement in the Med· ice.I 'Profession. having received hia ftret call as an M. D. in the village of Enfield. 'J'he sufferer W48 e. member of the family of the ex·mayor. ..A.ftersounding t11 elungs thoroughly be prononnced the breathing apparat us seriously deranged, and advisea. a conaultatlon. Dr.Archer was summoned forthwith. After a still more extended examination and due dellb1.1ratlon the deeeaee was finally located, nnd the most approved preacription e.dminist.ered. Although this case has baffled the skill of a prominent medical practitioner, we are pleased to state that accor atng to la.test reports t he patient is doing well. Tho Ch Peso Company have decided to offer their factory for sale, Mr. ll'red Paecoehae lee.sed the estate or t he late Samuel Hughs, lot l , con. 7. Darli ngton, for a term of years. · Rev. H . S. Matthews. ot Rowm,.nvllle, preached an excellent sermon here Sund"y GOURTIOE. Cadet Brok ens11ire has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant and has been removed to Riverside. He is succeeded by Cadet Southam. Miss H eal, of B owmanvilie, is visitin(l' ,., at Mr. 0. N. L ent's. Rev. R_ S au dersOll and Mr. D. Sa·nderson are on a t rip to Chica.go. Rev. Mr. Scales, of Oshawa, p reached at Ebenezer on Sunday morning last and M W E · h r. m. ver<on i n t e E:vening. Ebenezer Y. P . A. will meet on the . 11th mat ., for the election of officers. Mr. Sam Courtice, of 'W hitby Model School, spent Saturday and Sunday at: home. Rev. J. EI. Oke, of Flin t o11, is visiting· at Mrs. Osborne's. TRur. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S_, LON D OND E RRY A ND LIVERPOOL· THREE BALES - O F-- BRUSSELL~ L (AND TAPESTRY Direct from John Crossley & Sons, Halifax, England. CARPETSJ Notice to Creditors. _ _ F o r E legant D esign s, Perm aANT TO SECTION 34 OF P URSU Chapter 107. of the Revised Statutes of n ent C olo rs a nd Durability , C ross- Ontario, an~ Section qhe.pter of :Vio· toria, Ontar10 Statutes. notice is hereby i;iiven that all and persona having claims ley's Carpet s are u n equ alled. against the Estate or THOMAS LAWSON, la.toot tDhe Townsbip or Cartwrit::ht, in the County urham, Farmer, who died on or ahout the 12th .T une, 1887, at the said Township of Housekeepers requ iring Car-:- CartwrlgM, and to eend on or before the first de.Y. of December, 1887, by post, prepaid. to Jamee 'Parr, Blackstock P. Ontario.the e.d· pet s are requested t o examine our 'l'HOMAS ministrll.tor the Estate and effects of tho said J,AWSON, their Christian and Sur· names. addreaseR and descriptions, the porticulars their claims and statements of Stock before b uying. N o better their accounts nud the nature of securities (if any) held by them. accompanied by a Statu· tory declaration verifying the accur acy such value anywh ere. claims. and notice Is also given. that after the Of In the matter of the Estate. of THOM.AS L.A WSON, late of the Township of Cartwright, ·in the Coimt'I/ of Durham, Farmer, d eceased. I l. 9, 46 creditor~ of of of O., full of of Couch~ohnston &C rydorman One Door W est of P ost Office, Bowmanville. mentioned date. the administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the de· ceased among the parties eut.itled, having regard only to the claims of which the said e.d· ministrator shall tbtln have notice, and that .he-will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof. to any parson or persons of whose debts or claims he shall not then have notice. Dated at Cartwright, this 21st day of Sept., 1887. JAMES :PARR, 386w Blackstock, P.O.· On melllbers. were a t En· CIMT. CWARS IWEL HL S cHoOT, ~F.PORT.-.4th field on Monday. Hev. E. sal.d he 11e,'er asBes ey .ancock, E d1t h Cormah, heard them sing eo well. SLOW Boy. Lizzie Rundle. Sr . 3rd Class-Lydia Balson, Laura Cawker, Lizzie Nichols~ ENFIELD. r J·r. 3rd C!as~-Frec1 Morrow, L"I"etta. 'l'he Methodist chut·ch at Enfield having b ~en L yle, Arthur Salter. Sr. 2nd Ohssenle.rged and renovated wag re-opened on Sun- Maud Tool ey , Sar~h I3;1lson, Lavinia. day last when Rev· II. R Matthew·. of Bow. Sk inner. Jr. 2nd Class- E mma Cornish, me.nville. preached at 2.30 and 6 30 p. m. to packed congregations. '.J'o say t.lrnt the ser· Charlie Nich ole, M innio Mich ael. Sr. mone were able and well delivered conveys P _ a rt 2nd Class- Ann ie H ancock, Mabel but faint credit-no Ji vine ever preached to our people wi1h greater acceptance. 'l'he choir Walter~ , Susie Balson . P res ont every of the church furnished suitable music. 'l 'ho day d uring the m on t h : E dith Comish, collections were good. On Monday. despite Wesley Hancock, Lydia B :.lson, A rthur wet weather. the ehnrch wa~ filled by 3 o'clook when Dr. Mitchell was chosen chair· Salter, Emnu Cornish. J. B. A I.LIN, man. Arter devotional exercises. Revs. S. T eacher . Salton, and E · Phelps made ehort speeches and were followed by Rev. Mr. Matthews who delivered one of the fin~st platform addresses Press Opinions of the Rev. Dr. that I have heard. Rev. J, E . Sanderson. of Sexton.~-"·.::.,, ... ,. ·, Bowmanvillc arrived on the scene .i nst in time to otl'er a. a few congratulat.ory remarks. Tho Supper wsq B"rved in tho adjo nlniz sheds and 'rhis emio6o\1~ ·; Jivice fffi~,hes ·r. was worthy of the noble ladies of the section wh.: provided it. '! 'here were chicken ~t. Paul's chu~:d1 on.jd d tJ+fWg aj.t~ pies in abundance and heaps of other tooth· m tile Church-st. "MetllOdis m the evenJ some edibles. A batter supper could not be clesired by 11 Kinp;; The Hampton :Choir ing is thus spoken of by the P r ess: (which has no eqnal in the dh1trlct) famished "One of the m ost profound thinkers of several very choice anthems tor which they received llreat praleo. 'l'he repa·re cost up- the age. " -Philadelphia Methodist. wards of 5tOO. and I understand the woceeds of these services and the au bscriptione about . " Carriea away by his cle;.11:, s t.rong cover the outlay. Procende ot teli alone, $~1 80. simple and b eautifulrnanner,"-Philadel· Nearly everybody in this neighborhood at· phia Press. tended Por~ Perry Fair and some or our farm· "An easy, fluent speaker, very scholarers took prizes in stock. Mr. and Mrs. D . Archer have returned to ly, thoroughly at h ome on the platform. " Toronto. - Buffalo Courier . Mr. Wm. Hubbard ha.e removed to Port " Has the happy faculty- which is a. Perry. .Mies Polly Mason, Hagland, has been visit· rare endowment- of mak ing t he m ost ing friends here· abstuse q~estion of science 0r metaphysics .A. couple of our celebrated pugilists had 11 so attract ive as to awaken and sustain ~et to recently with bare knuckles and long th e interest of persona even who , as a tluger nails. Both will recover. rule, are moat indifferent t o them. " Miss Mary Ilobbs is ill with the erysipelas. Christian G uardian . lNDISPENSIDLl~. -I have used Dr. Fow" A man of varied and profound scienler's F.xtract of Wild Strawberry for tific ac_ q uirements, a master ly logician, summer complaints, and given it to p ossessmg t he art of makiug h is h earers my friends_ It gives instant relief when grasp hi3 m eaning d .-,ar]y."- Can ada al! other remedies fail. I would not be Presbyterian. without it in my house." MRs.'r. B01L, Weidman, Ont. FOOT-BALL MATCH. m~::nc~urch choir. 16 "'t· :t_ 5th Sept., 1887. "'W'e h ave to- day received voices of our in- M I LLINERY and t o-morrow we trust to be able to suit anyone requiring goods in that department. JM: ISS EPP LET T has t a ken a ny amount of care In the selection of the newest articles in the market. In other Depa rtments New Goods Arriving Daily. · Our assortment will soon be complete, so that you should see our new goods this fall before you buy. Our 'iv.rotto wil1 be :---Quality away up ; Prices away down. · · GEO. LAI NG l. .. large number of guests assembled at he residence of Mr. Jno. Gilbert, Wed11esday afternoon 28th ult, to engage in the feetivities at the marriage of his e ldT..A.I'J' & MORRISON'S and Inspect their \Vall Papers- latest est daughter Flora. to Mr. Benson Tyerdeaigne. greatest variety, and man, of Clinton, Ont. The Hev. S. prices to euit everyone. Stock now ready. Salton, who is remarkable for his talent Do you want 11 new and pretty for making people happy, tied in a aolemn Window Shnde or Blinde1 'Vo manner the connubial k not. 'fhe bride have something new in this branch. Call and see them bewas presented with a very large number fore you invest. or you'll bo o~~dsome, ll?stly.and usefu~ gifts. The eorry, · guestif-were muted m expressing the opinion that the e vening was one of t he m ost pleasant social t im es t h ey had ever enStill leads in Photographs and our Studio is often crowded. joyed. The bride h as for a long time Come early in the day when you been an important member of the Methcan. odist Choir and h er valuable and cheerful J ust now you may want some extra Engravings or Chromoe to assistance in the various religious gatheradorn your rooms. We have a ings will be very much missed. The great variety, good and cheap, too, If you want a baby carriage choir and a few friends met a t her fath er's we can suit you ; we have some re~idence Tuesday evening 4th inat, and nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too. spent a very enjoyable t ime together. and Boy's Wagons. Carta and Wheelbarrows. Lawn During the evening they handed l.\1rs. Tyerman a beautiful present as a remembrance of the happy gatherings t hey have had together. 1'he bridal couple l"!ave Parlor Croquet, Carpet :Bans. Games for tam illca and social for their future home Wednesday 5th parties; Our Mirrors are clear inst follo wed by the b est wishes for their and true ; our picture framesare of the latest and moat attractive future happiness of their num erousfriends designs. Cur tain poles & rings. in this locality. P luR h goods- nice and ohbap. Another new branch just inAmong the visitors : Mr. M . P. Tallinrr, troduced at 'l'ait & Toronto ; Mr. G. H. Jardine, Bur~t Hiver ; Misses Maynard and Pollock, Town ; Mies Munro, Oshawa ; Miss T yerI s a J ewelry Department where man, L eskard ; Miss Elford, Providence; you wlll find the very la.teat ln Miss and Mr. A llen, Providence ; Mr s. Le.dies' andGentlemen'sjewelry. Carruthers and Mr. Warren, Cobourg ; W" invite special attention to our new stock just in. Base Mrs. L ear oyd, Belleville ; M essrs Geo. Ball goods, School and Hymn Pollard and W. Colville, Orono; M r. and Books, Stationery, Toys, and indeed everything to be found in a Mrs. A. P. M i tchell, Newtonville.; l.\1r. V 11rie ty and Fancy Goode' and Mrs. Foster Hutchison, Balsam ; Frank: and Neil, Town; l\'Iesers. Robert and A. Sylvester, and Miss Ella Sylvester, Lindsay. We are pleased to see Miss Kennedy back again among her friends looking well after her lenghty visit with friends "1ver Uom p l atn t, in Kingston and neighborho od. ))3·epepsia, l UU oas11ess . l N BRIEF, .AND 1'0 THE PoINT.- lJys Sick Headaehe, Kid ney '.l'roubles, pepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is Rhcumau~m . misery. Indigestion is a foe to good Skin Di seases nature. The human digestive apparatus and all Impu riti es of the is one of the most complicated and won810011 from wbnt· ever c1Luse arlsl11g der ful things in exist en ce. It is easily Greasy food, tough F emale Weak· put out of order. 'lesses and General food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mentii.l Debility. worry, late worry, irre~ular h a bits, and f>ureJy Yegetnbfo. many other th ings which ought n ot to be, Jll~hlit" co11ce11tr11tcd. 11Ieasant cnectuaJ u se h ave made t he American people a nation ASIC :l< -.OR. of dyspeptics. Bm Green's August DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Flower h as done a wonderful work in Take no otlu'.I'. §old every"·!:.ere. J·riee, reforming this sad business and making 75 ccnt.s 11e1· bottles. the American peopl e so h ealthy that t hey can enj0y their meals and b e happy. Ileme mber :- -N o h ap1)iness wi thou t h ealt h. But Gr een 's August F l ower Sold e. v erywhe1 ·e. P rice, 25cents and 50 cents· brin,gs heal th and ha pp i ness to t h e dysper bottle. P roprietors and mttnufact urers, peptic. A sk your druggis t for a b ottle . 't'he l/N!IO~ ltllEDll'INt : u o ., . · ·roronto. Can. S eventy-five cents . 27 ~-- co TO TAIT & MORRISON'.S STOR E. DR. HODDER'S COUGH A N D LUNG CURE · TYRUNE. CLARJ rn VS . D.AlUINGTON. Mrs, R. Davoy and Mrs. W. R. Davey are visiting friends in Hope. In a conversation wit h some of t he Mr. T. Creeper and famlly were visiting Clark e foot-ball b oys, it was suggested frientls e.t Harmony on Sabbath last. that a match be played this fall, bet ween A very interest ing.foot· ball match is to t ake place here on the Sh a.mrook 's ground between the two n eighboring t o wnship 1, Clarke We t herefu{e beg 11. picked eleven from Clarke against Darling· anil. Darlington. ton. The date is not fixed yet. le::t've to make the following announceThe young m!ln thinks it a good act to k eep in with the old talks, for an overcoat is very ment : A meeting of th e members of the di fferent clubs of t h is township will be useful now those evenings. Mrs. J ohnston, Toronto, has been visiting h~ld on t h e .e,vening of Oct. I01h, beginfriends he1·e, nmir at 7. 30 o clock, sharp. The business .Mr. c. Y a.netone is busy this week putting of the m eeting being the select ion of a. new machinery in his mill here. team. Each club is requested to send, Miss Jennie Fraser leaves for Toronto this besides all who may wish to a ttend, at week. least three delegates, the delegates havM!BB B. flcott is visiting at Toront o. The Harvest Home Festival in connection ing- p ower t o vote in, by ballot or otherwith this circuit took place on \Vedneeday wise, t he m embers of th is combined t eam. Two excellent sermons were Sept. 28th. preached bv Hev. H. S. Matthew·, of Bow· All in ter ested a.ct promptly. Signed ou manville to large t he evening behalf of the Enniskillen Dragoons . the church being filled to its utmost capacity'. F . A . JON.ES, Capt . On Wedne9day a sumptuous repast was pre· C. N. CALLA~DEu, Sec. tor the public which was highly appreciated and patronized by a goodly num ber. After tea all repaired to the church where inB.B.B. SToou T H E TxsT.- "I t ried teresting addresses wero given by Revs. Hill and Mannmg, of Oshawa, and H,S. Matthews every known r emedy I could t hink of for Dowmanville. After the speaking was ')Ver,;, rheumat ism, without giving m e any relief hearty vote o! thanks was tendered to the managing committee for the manner in which until J tried Bordock Blood Bitters: the church was decorated. Great credit is due which r emedy I can h ighly r P.commend to Mr. Jae. Curtis and Mr. Ed Bingham for the to all aftl.icted as I was." H ENRY Sl\IITH work they undertook, 'l'he church was dee· ' orated with fruit ot every description. We Milverton, Ont. were ptee.sod to Ree that Tyrone can make more by having some Big Guns from Bowme.nWhitby Fair Notes. v1lle and Oshawa than the other circuit west of here. where they had a man fr om the States. 'l 'otal proceeds $ 125.13, The winners of prizes from this district Ilev. W. Kenner preached here on Sabbath at Wh 1 · tb 2 Id .fil l W J with great difficulty, suffering from 11 severe Y were : yr. 0 y, · · cold, Ormiston, Enfield. Filly of 1887, do. Mr. J . T . Welch was attending the funeral Single h orse in harness, Hi~ h ands and or his grandson on Sabbath. under- 24 entriea- W. Sandercock BowTho rain here this w eek ho.a made the farm- manville. W. B. Allin & Sona,' New:ii~cg~~s~~r. a dtJl'ereut 'l'he plowing is castle, received 4 · first and 3 second Barney has a new 'l'op Duggy. prizes on L eicester sheep . Geo. Wright Mr. John Odell was decorating tile school Bowma.nville, w on 7 first and 1 second llere on Monday, prize on poultry, and .Jaekman Bros, 3 Mr. Arthur Cass has been visiting 11.t Mr, M first and 2 aecon d11. Jan:es Pollard Cole's CLIMAX. . Clarke, received prizes on apples, and TYRONE SCHOOL REPOR'r .- NRmes in Mrs. Pollard on several articles of fancy or der of m er it. - Fifth Class- F . Mann- work. ine;, W. Emmerson, A. Woodley. Sr. I Financially the fair w11s a f(reat suc4th- E. Cade, M. Hodgson, F. Kenner, cess. Over 1,500 people were in attendN. Bell, B. Branton, C. G ardiner. J r. ance on the first day and 3,500 the second 4th- T. Hoidge. Sr. Third- Minnie day. Jewell, A. Manning, Ada Moyse, W. The Ch ronicletrut hfullyromarks : What Branton, J. Moyse. Jr. 3rd- B. Erner- Whitby Fair wants, is t he n ew grounds, son, C. Branton, P. Collacut t, N. Col- but the cost must be kept d own. When lacutt, E. Hancock, C. Souch. Second one compares t h e cost of gr ounds, repairs Class- A. Gardiner, M. Kenner, A. B ell, and p rizes offered bt Port Perry and R, Jewell, H. Hancock , L. Penfound, F. L indsay with the m embors ln attendanco Moor, Addie Bell, S. Hoidge, F. K enner, it is obvious that a foir 11, round costing 0. Pollard, C. :Moyse, T. Simpson. P t . $15,000 or $20,000 will not pay either in 2nd Sr.- E t hel Branton, L ena Cade, dividen ds or in b enefit to the com munity. L ot t ie M~Laughlin, Jennie McLaughlin, The sh ows only last a cou ple of da.yr. i n Joseph Scott , R ussel Bingham, Willa -the y ear and i t ia n ot wor th while t o sink Souch. P ar t 2nd Jr.- Orton Ilond, S. the whole comm unity in a big d ebt t o mak e things look slick. It wan ts a good J ewell, S. Simpson . track, a plain gi·and st11n d and decent A L UCK! E scnE.- " F or six y ears 1 buildings. Whitby sh 9nld b e abl e to fit s~ffered wi th my throat and enlarged ton- t he pr oposed n ew irrouri.da for $6,000 o r a1la. I was v ery weak ; I d octored four else the thing won't pay . years and had advice from t hree d octors ; they a~id I wo ul.d have t o_ und ergo an W.ELI, TESTED.- " ! was m a rly dead oper at10n. I t r ied B. B. B. m s tead. One wi th chol er a morbua, one bottle of Exbottle cured me," M . A . SQUELCH, R ag- tract of Wild Straw berry cured m e, and lan. Ont, at anot her time I was so bad with summer , complain t t hat I t houoht I would never AS snmn· AS 1rnN·: Y1.~ D~. vm·~ Flens· t ·t l t ~b ttl ·' " ant lV01·.m Syr ui>. y et s1u·c lo tli·t roy und ge over 1 , w l tm wo o ea cure\.l me. expel ,1·01·m s, Mris. E . A11kett, P eel, On t · - -- - -- Ji. I -

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