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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1887, p. 4

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- -- G Mangolds, Long Red, TT Coleman, Wool Work not flat, Lamp Mat, Mlss Pigeons, Pouters, Sand l' ,Tackman 1 Ladies Work-Miss Maud Allen 111l cl Grade Jersey Cow, M Porter, L Morris, J Murdoch. Maggie Bogue, l\Iiss Flora Galbraith, Mrs. J Crother. and 2. R Young. 6 l\iangoldd, Yellow Globe, J Murdoch, Pigeons, Carriers, J Jeffel'Y 1 and 2. Sofa Cushion, rmv kind, Miss Emmll Fine Art-E Shrapnel. Fat Beast 3 yrs. and over, J Leask, L TT Coleman. Magpies, S and P J ackmau. Knight, Skinner. Decorative and Constructive Art- lt 'B 6 Mangolda, Loni? Yellow, J Murdoch. Barbs, J Jeffery, Sand P .fackman. Fat .Beast under 3 yrs., W Werry. Penc Drawing Landscape, Miss M E Andrew. 6 "'W hite Carrots,J Murdoch,.J Osborne. Brittain, Mins Ada S Osborne, Owls, Sand P Jackman 1 and 2. Best Bull on ground, S Allin. 6 Table Carrots, Lvng Red, T Ward, J Complaints against the Prize List t o Canaries, best singer, Miss Draper, For a short time I shall make Oil Painting Landscape, Miss M E CLASS C. SHEEP. Murdoch, receive attention must be made in writing Miss Galbraith. Brittain, 2nd, a great reduction in the 6 Table Carrots, Short Red W HavCanaries, plumage, Miss Draper, A LINCOLN AND LEICESTER. Pencil Drawing, child 10 yrs and un· to the Secretary on or before the 10th. craft. J Osborne. ' · der, Miss Louie Andrew, 2nd, inst. Aged Ram, W B Allin, W C Black· Noden. price of 6 Turnips, L M Courtice, J Pollard. burn 2 & 3. CLASS N DECORATIVE & OONSTRUCLASS F. IMPLEMENTS. 2 Tamle Squash, J Smitl1, E C Beman. TWO FOR A QUARTER ! Shearling Ram, W B Allin, J Elford, CTIVE AR1'. Mowing Machine, Sylvester Bros. 2 Hubbard Squash, T T Coleman, A Tamblyn. W ood Carving, .A Mingeaud,J Keachie· To introduce the STATESMAN into iiOO Drill Cultivator, W Tapson, Noxon H H Colemau. Ram Lamb, W B Allin, J J<.]Jford, W C Pottery Decorative, Miss Galbraith, new homes, we will send it to any two ad:Bros. 2 Pumpkins, J Leask, S Snowden. Blackburn. Miss M J oness, dresses from now to Now Yeu s(15 weeks) Iron Harrows, \V 'rapson, P Mor oney. 2 Citrons, 1J: 0 Beman, ,J McMillan. Pair Aged Ewes, W B Allin, 1 & 3, W Oil Painting on Silk, or satin, Miss A for only 25 cents. If you have two Sod Plow, Sylvester Bros., W Porter. 2 Water Melons, M Burk, J Smith. C Blackburn. · McClung, Mrs LG Quick, friends anywhere that will enjoy reaclinl'{ Stubble P low,W Porter,SylvesterBroa. 2 Mush do J Smith, H H Cole · Pair Shearlings, W C Blackburn, A Painting in Lustre on Velyet, or Plush, t he STA'l'ESMAN, take advantage of this Gang do Sylve~ter Bros ,Patterson man. Tamblyn, W B Allin. l iberal offer. We will accept a dollar for:: l bush. E arly Potatoes, W Haycraft Miss Galbraith, Mrs Keys, Pair Ewe Lambs, W C Blackburn, .d. Bros. Modeling in clay, Mrs Anderson , 10 new subscribers for the same t ime. Root Slicer, Watson Manufacturing L M Courtice. ' Tamblyn, J Elford. Ken3ington Painting, Mrs W Glover, Get up a club. Postage stamps taken for Co., Sylvester Bros. l bush. any k ind Potatoes, W Allin J Pen, W C B1ackburn. Mcintosh, Mr s J The finest selections will, of l ess than $1. Straw Cutter, Sylvester Bros. 1 and 2. Chaplin. ' COTSWOLDS. Wax. Work flo wers, Miss Glover, Mrs Farm Wagon, G C H aines . J Collection Potatoes, H Yarrow,JSu1ith. Asthma cured by Hiti i{puble treatcourse, be the best, so don't delay. Shearllng Ram, G Gray. Pumps, E Hastings 1 and 2. I Best and Largest Squash, J Smith, H ;J Percy jr, ment of 13outnern Asthnrn Oure, ia a ludow Paint ing, Mies Strowger, R!l.m Lamb, G Gray 1 & 2. CLASS G. DAIRY AND APIARY. H Coleman. common remar:.. t " " .Aged Ewes, , . I Assortment Vegetables, T T Coleman, CLASS 0 . FINE AltTS. Shearlings, " Crock of Butter 40 lbs., Mrs. L Potter, J Smith. Oil Painting, Marine subject, Robert Stove. SOUTH DOWNS . Reid. Tub or Crock 25 lbs., Mrs. T Jackson, CLASS K. F LOWERS . . Aged Ram, A Tamblyn, L M Courtice, Oil Painting Composition subj ect, Robt Silk Dress ; Mrs. J Somers. Col. Greenhouse Plants TB a· JO ke. VERY LOV\T. Reid, Miss A McClung Power & 10 ~bs. Butter rnll or prints, l\:lrs. W Col. Window Plants, ~r T rC~l~~an, Shearling Ram, J Oke, E G Oil Painting, Landscape, Mrs F Mc· II Reid, Mrs . C. Young. Mrs H Heskett. Son, JOke. Dowell, Arthur McLaughlin. Factory made Uheese, W Gilbert. Col. Snapdragons E C Beman Ram Latnb, A Tamblyn 1 & 2, L M Oil Painti ng, Figure subject Miss STATIONERY, &c., as usual. 10_ lbs. Clear Honey, J H Manning, S Col. Balsams, T T Colema~, w s N ichols. Courtice. · ' B Bradshaw. Gamsby. Pair Aged Ewes, " " Oil Painting, Flowera subject, Miss A " 10 lbs . Boney Comb, J W Sparling, J Col. Coxcombs T W rd W D t Oonrtice. H M · · · " , us an McClung. annmg. Col. Stocks, Miss J Mcintosh J p Pair Shearlings, L M Courtice, J Oke. Water Color Painting, F lower subj ect. CLASS H GRAINS & SEEDS. Rice. ' Pair Ewe Lambs, L M Courtice A Arthur Mingeaud. ' Tamblyn, J Oke. Col, grains, Jae Leask, Col. Asters, TT Coleman, EC Beman. Water Color . Painting, Landscape, .2 bushel of Fall Wheat,:s Cotten, R p Col. Verbenas, W S Gamsby, E C Arthur McLaughlin. SHROPSHIRE DOWNS, Lmton, Beman. Water Color Painting, Annual subject Aged Ram, R Collacutt 1 & ~. 2 budhel Spring Wheat Bald, W Col. Pansies, J Medland, Miss J Mein· A Mingeaud. ' Shearling Ram, J Leask, W Oke. Osborne, T Pascoe, tosh. Pencil Drawing, Animal sub·ject R Ra!ll Lqmb, S Allin, D Dyer 2 & 3. .2 bushel Spring Wheat Bearded, S Col. Petunias, single, T Ward, A A Reid. . ' Pair Ewes, R Collacutt, S Allin . i Cotton, Gamsby. Pencil Drawing, Landscape, Mrs F M BoWMANVILLE , OcT'R 5, 1887. Collacott. ' 2 bushel L arge Pease, W Osborne, J Ool. Petunias. double, W S Gamsby, A McDowell, Miss Sophie Cherry. Pair, Shearling~, J Leask, S Allln. Oke, A Gamaby. Crayon Drawing, Figure subject, Miss Pair Ewe Lambs, J . Le.1.ak, S Allin, G 2 bushel small Pense, W Foley, J Oke, Col. Phlox Drummondi, W S Gamsby, A Adams. Gray. do blue do W Law, W L Law, E C Beman. Crayon Drawing, Animal Subject, Miss CL.A SS D. SWINE. Col. Pinks, double, E C Beman. do barley, not 2 rowed, J Davey, A Adams, Mrs F McDowell. w Col. Annuals, T Ward , EC Beman. Illumination Text, on Satin, Miss M Boar, Berkshire, S Snowden, S Souch S Cotton, The Fall Exhibition under the auspices 2 bushel Oats White, l L Brown, T Col. Everlastings,_ T \~'ar<l , J Chaplin. Galbraith. W Werry. ' Pascoe · Col. Double Zmmas, lL C .B.,man, Mias of the West Durham and Darlington Motif for Door Panel, R Reid. Sow, Berkshire, W Foley. bushel Oats Black, J L eask, J Mcintosh. Union Agricultural S ocieties was held on Etohing on Linen with pen and ink " under 12 and over G Sow, 0 ears corn, 12 rows, S Snowden, J Col. French Marigolds, T T Coleman Miss M Galbraith. ' Tueeday and Wednesday and was in the months, C Blackburn, \V E C Beman. ' Pl1oto colored in Oils, R R eid, }fies Boar, Berkshire, uncler 6 months, W Orumb, number and excellence of th e exhibits Pure~ 50 ears corn, 8 rowa,E G Powur & Son, Col, African Marigolds, TT Coleman. Edith Bill. C Blackburn. Col. Double Portulac ca, J Chaplin, E and attendance of people ah ead of any vowder never varies. A marvel or Sow, Berkshire, under 6 months, Mrs S Snowden, CLASS P. DOMESTIC M'F'G. purity, strength and wholesomeness. More Bush Flax seed , J Leask, E G Beman. C Beman. for!ller exhibition held here. Further Ruwe, WC Blackburn, S Souch. coonom!oal than the ordinary Jtinds, and can 2 Geraniums, double J Ch 1· T Set Single Harness, Thompson & Co. Boar, Suffolk, S Snowden. not be sold in competition with the multitude comments will be reserved for our next CLASS I FRUI'l'S. Brodie. ' ap rn, of low test, short _ weight, alum or phosphate Set Heavy Double Harness, do Row, " J Pollard, S Snowden. issue, all our available space being repowders: Solrl only in cans. ROYAL BAK. 5 Fall Apples dessert,! L Brown, J Mc2 Geraniums, single, J P Rice, '.l' T Assortment Musical Instruments, · w ING Boar, Suffolk, under 1 year, S Si1owPOWDER C0.. 106 Wall St.. N . Y. quired for the Millan, Ooleman. Ruse, (D. 0. & P . Co.) den, W B Allin. 5 Winter Apples dessert, W Oke, A 2 Balsams, T 'I.' Coleman, R H ColePRIZE LIST. Collection P hotos, .H. R Henry. Sow, Suffolk,under 1 year, S Snowden man. 8pecimen Printing, MA James, R W B Allin. ' Tamblyn, CLASS A. HORSES- ·IJlUUGHT. 5 Nort hern Spies desert, S Snowden S 1 Fncbsia, double, T T Coleman, J Climie. Boar, Poland Ohina, under 1 year, J Allin, ,........_ ' Chaplin. Brood mare, ;f esso Williama, D McConna- L Parsons. Set Horse Shoes, J Percy & Son. 0 5 King Tomkin Co. W Oke, J Crumb , 1 Fuchsia, single, J Chaplin, Mrs II ohie, J Osborne. Oollection of Stuff Birds, H Coleman f5ow, Poland China, under 1 year J. L 5 Spitzenburg, IL Brown, R Osborne; Heskett. Three yr old gelding or filly, fl Beith, Parsons. Diploma. ' ' . Yellow Bellflower, H Yarrow, J Chap· Rose, Mra R B Thornton, Mrs H G Grav. Gents Shirt and Collar Machine made Boar, Ohester White, under 1 year \V hu, Heskett. Two yr do, GGray, A Power, W J Roy. .li Allin. ' Mrs. W B Couch. ' 5 Ribston Pippen, J Pollard, E Floral Design, Mrs W S Gamsby J One-yr do, G Gray. _ Suit Ladies Underclothing, Mia& J Mc· CLASS E. POULTRY. Stevens , Chaplin. ' E ntire Colt,_2 yr-old, W Law, J Leask, Intosh, Mrs. W '.l'apson. 5 Gold Russett, l L B rown, W HayFloral Baskett, J Chaplin, Mrs R J D McConnachie. Light Brahama, G Wright, J Jeffery. Rag Carpet not les11 than 10 yds., Miss craft, Shaw. Entiro colt, one.yr old, D McConnachie " " Chick, G Wright 1 &2. J Mcfotosh, F Walden. 5 Rhode Island greening, .T Crumb J Table B ouquet, Mrs T Tapson Mrs W R L Ralls. Dark " G Wright 1 & 2 . R ag Jdat, Mias J - Mclntosh, Mrs. T H R eid, ' S Gamsby. ' Sucking foal, J'esae Williams, J Rundle 1 Buff Cochins, G Wright. Tapaon. 5 St. Lawrence, C Keith, J McMillan Hand Bouquet, G Wright, Mrs R J D McConnachie. Buff Chicks. G Wright 1 & 2. · Wool Mitts, Mrs. E C Beman, Miss E do JanetingP, S Snowden , M Burk, ' Shaw. . Partridge Oochins, G Wright 1 & 2. M cClellan. AOIUCO"LTURAL . do Swaars, E Stevens, l L Brown, CLASS LLAD!ES' DEPARTMENT. Wool Sucks, Mrs.RB Thornton, Miss " Chick, G Wrightl Brood Mare, W Lake, Jesse Williama, & 2 . " do Snow, R Osborne.TT Coleman, Fancy Knlttinf]; cotton coarse Mrs J E McCJell1.n. J Rundle. do Early Strawberry, '.e T Cole n~n, Any other nriety Cochins, G Wright. Y Cole, Mrs W Haycraft ' Wool Stockings, Mrs. R B Thornton TwoJ rold geldingor filly, Jesse Vi'illiams . Any other variety Oochin Chicks, G o~. Fancy Knitting cntton 'tine Mrs Percy Miss Draper. ' · J Cinnamon, W H Williams . Duchess Oldenburg, E E Beman, J H Wright 1 & 2. Sr. Mias J Mcintosh, ' ' Pair Horse Blankets, F Walden, Mrs. One-yr do, S Bowen , Reid, Langshans, J M Hern, W R Knight. Fane~ Knitting, with wool, Mrs J Pol- WR Cole. En' ire colt, 2 vr old, J " Wilcock W L!l.m· 51'almau Sweet, W Haycraft, S & f' lard, Miss J Mcintosh " Ohicks, J M Hern. W R , 10 yds. Factory made Cloth, Mrs. J. miman, JP Lint.on. ' Jackman, Knight . Netting cotton coars~, Mrs J Pollard, Simpson. Sucking foal, W J McCulloch, W JJake Qt. Crabs, R J Shaw E Stevens, Black Javas, A Hobbs 1 & 2. Mra C Young, .. 10 yds. Factory made Flannel, Mrs. J ' J Wilcock. :Flemish Beauty, T T Coleman, J H " " Chicks, A Hobbs 1 & 2. Netting cot ton fine, Mrs J Pollard S1 mp11on. Reid, CARRIAGE. Plymouth Rocks, T T Coleman A. J Netting Wool, Mrs J Pollard, 'Mias 10 yds. Factory mado Blankets, Mrs. J Winter Nellts pears, TT C C Tod, ' Dustan, Simpson. Brood, C J Hughson, J Chapman, Griffin. Bartlett pears, do P lymouth Rock Chicks, T T Coleman, EN Varnum. Crochet cotton, Mrs C:inn, Miss J Homespun Flannel Blankets, Mrs R Sheldon do do C Keith, Mcintosh, Two-yr. Gelding or filly, AP Mitchell T Ward. Fielding, Miss McMillan. Douchess D AnilOuleme, do R J Shaw, Dorkinga,Silver Gray,J LaBelle 1 & 2. W J Ormist on, J F McMillan. Crochet wool, Mias A McClung, Miss J H omespun Sheets, Miss McMillan V icar Winkfield, do Mrs. T Mcintoal1, " Chicks, " " One-yr do, W Cooney, S W Sanders, Mrs C Young. ' Tapson, Dorking Ohicks, any other variety, J MBurk. Darned Netting, Mrs J Pollard, Mrs 10 yds Carpet. homemade, Mrs G A C Beman, Seckel pears,T T Culeman,E Entirn coH 2·vr old, D Pickell. Pascoe LaBelle. C Younii:, Loau, F Walden. Louire Bonne do .Jersey pears, R J Black B red games, W Dustan, W. H Bros, P Maroney. Darning in N et, Liner, or cotton Miss Coverlet, wool or mixed, F Walden Shaw, 0 Tod, Entirn colt, l ·yr old, A Hogarth, CJ Dustan. A Wright, Mrs A .McLaughlin. ' Mrs GA Leask. ' Kenner d oes business at V ariety H all, Beurre Clairgeau, T T Coleman, H Black B Chicks, J Fogg, W Dustan. Hughson. Darned Socks, ·or Stockings. Mrs R B Coverlet, all cotton, F Walden, Mrs R Beith, Pyle Game, J Fogg, A nd is going to offer great Bargains this Sucking foal,C J Hughson, S Snowden, Thon. t on, Miss J Mcintosh, ' B 'fhornton. Beurre de Anj0u, TT Coleman, " Chicks, J F ogg 1 & 2. Fall. J Chapman. Appleque Work, Mrs J P ollard, . 5 Skeins homespun Merino yarn, Mrs J Reurre diel, T T Coleman, C Tod, Golden Spangled Hamburgs, A J GrifSpan Draught Horses, D. 0. & P Co. Berlin Wool work fiat, ~Ira FM Mc· S1mpmn. H e keeps F~ncy China and Silver Plated Any other variety Winter Pears, E C Mrs'. W. Renwick, J. Leask. ' fin 1 & 2. Dowell, Mrs Vf B Couch, 5 Skeins homespun stocking yarn any Ware, Golden Spangled Chicks, A J Griffin 1 Beman, let aud 2nd, Agricult uri.l Team, A E Clemens, Mc· P Quilting, Mias E McClellan Mrs other kind, Mrs L Potter, F Walden. Variety Pears, E C Beman, M Burk, & 2. Clellan & Co., W Lammi man. R Fielding, ' 10 yard11 homespun flannel, Mrs W A nd lovely presents that will please t he Plums Claude de Baray, EC Beman, Golden Pencilled Hamburgs, A J Griffair; Drafb entire horse, R Beith, P ercy & Fancy Quilting, Mrs R Fielding, Mrs F La1v. 12 Plums, Coes Golden, TT Coleman, McDowell, fin 1 & 2. Yomng . 10 yards homespun flannel, all wool Toys for the boys t oo numer ous to m en · Golden Pencilled Chicks, A J Griffin 1 J H Reid, ~:lpan Oa1·riag0 horses, 1 5-~ hands and Embroidery in colored Silk, on lace Mias McMill1 m , Mrs L Potter. ' t ion, 12 Plums, any other variety, A Hobbs, Miss A McClung, Mrs Anderson, OV< · r, W Cooney , \V P Prower, J Pollard. &2_ ', Col Botanical Specimens, J H Jury And dolls for the gids, t h will claim Silver Span gled H amburgs, A J Grif- T 'l' Coleman, h orses, 15~ and under, T Stian Carria!?e Jnat Braid.Work, l\'l.ra F M McDowell, ~ 2 L~mves Bread, homemade, Mrs L M 1 3 bun::hes gr apes, white, F A Cole, H Mrs fin, A Hobbs. your at tention . Elfo·tt, \V G Glover , Oawker & Allin, J H Reid, Court1 ce, Mrs Thos Ormiston. Silve1· Spangled Chicks, A Hobbs A J Beith, Single C11;rriage horse, 15~ hands and Flat Braid Work, cotton, Misa· J Mc· 2 Dozen Buns, homemade, Mrs W His Picture Frames are very cheap, ' 3 bunches grapes black, E C .Beman let lntosh, over, L A ole, W R R Cawker, A A Griffin. Mrs 'l' J McMurtry, . · Haycraft. Mrs. L M Courtice. And for a little money you can get a Black Hamburgs, S and P Jackman 1 and 2nd, McMurt ry , Lace in Honton Braid, Mrs M Burk, Variety Preserved Fruits, Mn M Burk, heap. 3 bunches grapes Purple, E C Beman, Mrs A A Garns by, hniago horse, 15i hands and &2. Single C Mrs H Hesketh. Black Hamburg Chicks, A Robbs 1 & 2. lat and 2nd, under, W S:lhder cock, S Penfound, S S Point Lace, Mrs T Tapson, M rs F McAssortment Pickles, Mrs A A Gamsby If you want aov paper to cover your wall, White Leghorns, A G Moment l & 2. Greatest variety fr uitrs, M B urk. · Miss M Galbraith. ' You can get it there, and the p rice will Dow ell, Edeall. Best variety Apples, A Tamblyn, Rich'· Chicks, A Mc'lagg1ut, S'ingle carriage b orse, style and speed, AsB01·t ment J ellies, Mrs A A Gam aby, Twine L'lce, Miss A McClung, Mrs F suit all. ard Osborne. T J McMurtry, W G Gluver, C R White, 1 & 2. Mc Dowell, M1·a T Ward. Brown Leghorns, A 'famblyn, A Tait. We cannot ennumerate all the t hings Saddle Horse, Dr Beith, A D McCLASS J. VEGETABLES. Silk Embroidery, Mrs F McDowell, " Chicks, W Osborne, A DISCRETIONERY. t her e, Arthur, L .A Tole, Mfs K eys, 3 H eads Winter Cabbage, T T ColeTait. Beet lady rider, Mrs L A To1e, Crewel Work, Mrs J H Reid, Mias J P air Black Spanish Chicks, A Hobbs, But the very low prices will make: you Black Leghorn Chicks, A Tamblyn 1 man, H H Coleman. Beat lady driver, Mrs W Sandercock, st are. l\fofotosh, I S Allin. Heads Early Cabbage, T 'l~ Coleman, 3 &2. Mrs L A Tole, Mies Glover, Pun to Tirato, or Drawn W" ork, Mise A ' Dominique Fo wls, A Hobbs. .Andalusians, W H Dustan W R H H Coleman. H e buys stock at R ock Bott om, Best single T urnout on field, W San· I do Chicks, do 1 and 2. Knight. ' R ed Cabbage, T T Ooleman, J Smith. McClung, Mrs J H Reid, Is careful in choice, dercock. · Cr:\zy P atch Work , Mrs W R Ok e, Any other k ind of Pol ands, J M H ern. White Celery, J Smith, T Ward. Andalusian Chicks, W H Dustan 1 & 2. And offers r are bargains, Miss C Allin, Porcupine Cactus, W E P ollard. R ed Celery, T Ward, TT Coleman. Houdans, J H Pearse 1 & 2. CLASS B. CATTLE. Rick R ack, Mrs RB Andrew, Miss J P ainting on Plaque Flower!!, Miss A Which make all rejoice. Savory Cabbage, T T Coleman, H H W C Black P olauds, J M Hern. Mcintosh, Medland, Mrs. L G Quick. DURHAM. He possesses the power " '· Chicks,J M H ern. Coleman. Arr 1 sene Em'b roidery, Miss Mcintosh, Pencil Drawing Marin e Subject, Mias 3 Heads Cauliflower, H. Heskett, '£ T Bull aged, S Allin, R Collacott & Son, · Silver Poland Chicks,J M Horn 1 & 2. To .spread happiness r ound; Cherry 2nd. . Mrs F McDowell, Wyandottea, A G Mom11nt 1 and 2. Coleman. HC H oar . And his store is the place, Cotton T1dy,Miss Mcintosh ,Mrs Cann, Painting on Satin, Mrs. Glover 2nd. 3 Salsify or Veg.Oysters, TTOoleman, Wyandotte Chick~,.A. G Moment 1 & 2. Rull 2 yr. old, R Collacott, W B Allin, Woolen tidy , Mtss Mcintosh, Miss do Plush, Miss M E Britt ain. W'here Bargains are found . Bant ams, Game, Biack or B R ed, S & J Crumb. L Skinner. Pillow Shams, Miss E Hill. 6 L eeks, T T Coleman, H H Coleman. Nichols, Bull l yr. old, L Skinner, W Werry, P J ackman, A Mc Taggart. Fane\· Table Drapery, Miss Galbraith, Tattin~. Mrs. W Tapson. P eck Red Onions, .J Smith, H II ColeC!iick a, Sand P Jackman J Bamtam Mrs. J C Rowe. Child's Drees, do Mrs F McDowell, PRice. ' man. Bull Calf, D Dyer, R Collacott 2 and 3. c'?xi Patchwork Quilt, Mrs. T Tiip3on. Sofa :Pillow Wool, Miss J Mcinfush, Peck White Onions, J Chaplin 1 & 2. Bantams, any othe1· variety, S and P Milch Cow, R Collacott 1and2,SAllin. Mcx iCe.n Work, do Mn1 K eys, P eck Y ellow Oniona, T T Coleman, H Jackman 1 and 2. Heifer 3 yr. old, W Werry, S Allin. Hair Wreath, Mrs. WR Knight. Sofa P illow Silk , Miss J Mcintosh, .Bantam Chicks, S a.nd P Jackman 1 H Coleman. do 2 d o D Dyer 1 and 2, R Batting Wreath, do Svfa P iU low PluBh,Mrs T J McMurtry, Peck Potato Onions, T T Coleman, H and 2. Collacott. Silk Quilt, Mrs. T J McMurtry. Sota Pil.'.o w, any other kind, Miss J Bantams, or S Seabr ight, J Jeffery, H Coleman. Heifer 1 yr. old S Allin, W Werry 2 P illow Sham, do 2ncl 6 Blood Beet s,J Crumb, H H Coleman. Galbraith, Miss A McClung, Any other variety, J 1\1[ H ern. uid 3. Pair Cotton Stockings, Mrs, R B Set Toifot Mat s, Miss Hulclah Morris, 6 Blood Turnip Beets, H H Coleman, " " Chicks, J M Hern. Heifer Calf, D Dyer 1 and 2, R CollaThornton. Mrs J P ollard, Turkeys, A Tamblyn, W Allin. EC Beman. cott. Set Toilet Articles, Mrs Keys, Mrs T 6 Parsnips, T T Coleman, ,J Smith. Geese, grey, J Oke. JUDGES. H erd, R Collacott. G Long Scarlet Radish, T T Coleman, J McMurtry, Geese, white, Mrs .JC Rowe. " DEVON. 'Vall Bacm er , M rs Glover, Miss J McH orses Heavy- J Morrison. Rouen Ducks, G Wright 1 and 2. II H Coleman . Bull, E G Power & Son. Intosh, Light- 0 Graham . do 6 Turnip R adish, J Chaplin 1 & 2. Rouen Ducks, 1887, G Wright 1 and 2. HEREFOR D. R ibbosen e Wor k , Miss J Mcintosh, Cat tle- J Graham. 6 Trophy Tomatoes, T T Coleman, J Avlesbury Duck , G Wrighf 1 and 2. Col Fancy Work, made by exhibitor Sheep- J F oote. Bull, E Stevens, J R undle. " " 1887, G Wright 1 and Smith ; Pigs- J Crumb and J Power. 6 Any other k ind Tomatoes, T Ward, lat Mrs T .J McM urtry, 2nd :Miss J Mc· Milch Cow, J Rundle 1 and 2, 2. snJrerlng from Tavish,f3rcl Miss J Mcintosh, F owls- T Smelt and M Porter. TT Coleman. Grade Cow, W \Verry] and 2, JLeask . P ekin Duck, JM H ern l and 2. Col Fancy Work, by dealer,Mrs And!lr· Implements- L Vancamp. Collection Tomatoes, 'I' T Coleman, J " 1887, Mrs J C Rowe. do H eifer 2 yr. old, W Werry, L CA.'. l'ARRll son, of Oshawa, Dairy and Apiary- .J Murdoch. . Pigeo11s, blue or black, J J effery J M Smith. Skinner. Grains and Seeds- W Lockhar t , 6 Capsicums ripe, T T Coleman. · R B CLASS M - WORK BY GIRLS lJ NGrade Heifer 1 yr. old, S Allin, W H ern. Fruit - G H enry and R Shaw. Werry, WR R Cawker. Pigeons, red or white, J Fogo J M Thornton. DE l~ Ii. Vegetables- J H igginbotham. Collect ion Capsicums ripe, T /f Cole· H ern. ..,, Grad e H eifer Oalf, S Snowden . F lowers- Col. Cubitt. · Wool Work-flat, Bracket, Miss Minnie ' Jerney B ull, J J effery, D Dyer. Pigeon s, J acibons, S and P J ackman, man, H R Coleman. Domest ic Manufactur ing- 1' Smith, 6 Ear s Sweet Corn; J LaBelle, '1~ Ward. Medland, do Cow, do 1 and 2. C Tod. CR EAT SMASH! -W-all -~--,~~~~~ PICTURES ·FRAMED l 0 P. TREBILCOCK. WEST DURHAM FAIR. q ~ POWDER Absolutely I I I I I >G 4Klft 'y ~ ~ · 0 · KENNER Co, Variety Hall. 0 l

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