.... ·~~'lll'~:'.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nli:i~!J<~!~~~_!'!§__ t11:~~···!· ..lll!_l!lllU ' lll .~ ,_B_111 _ 11Mm11·am·lllll···1a11nma1111www·······m+··!11¥11Zlllll\!l !!lllllllllt111m _zl!'lliill!iliill!l _.B1 . ·~Ee'?---·-···,.! ··E C.A!i'AnlAN STATESMAu. _ It u 11;T .H J stated . that h e had b.een ited St_n.t es for four years, durm g in whwh u.n time he lived l ; .Jii. .:.tJ ' _ at cost of only $5 a month. As bis wage s XS PUBLISHED - __.. - ·· ·· ha d been $18 rt month he h ad saved $6'.!4, ·- -- - - - ----··-- --b . . ~18. Eilt't" FRID. i\.Y MORNING, and w1w a ontto r eturu to h1snattvecountry --nYB tne Author of "KATE ·1v1ASSJw's FALSEHOOD," "l>EA'l'RICE's AMill'! '·ON," "FuH where he cou ld live very comfortably at ea se ·Y ,, & ~ 11fter his own fashion, on $30 a year. The LovE OR KurnRJW '?'.' , " A GoLD~~N D&EAM, ·c. , . e c. immigration of such p eople is, t herefore, J~f. A .. .i~MES ~ very unciesira.ble. AT 'l'HE OB'ElCE She was cowed 11ow · she could not pre· \ descrif>t ion of the waste P'.a.M by the Nile, I Post Ollice Blocl,, Ring St1·ect, Bownmn· · o ud, contemp t uous, calm ex · > ts would enable ?-er to finll t he 1 mound of ville, Ontaa·Io. . serve thii pr. LIVE TOADS APPLIED. pression o.f her face under this accusation, sand bcnen.tb whtch her h usba.nd .ay. 1 TER:iv.t:S: "So," she said calmly, "is. that u.11 :you for the black a.lld S hamefnl shadow oi crime !Ian's X'ov cl C-utre tor a Caucc1·. l in 8 d ..-imce seemed to fall upon her and chill ~er. She ask, Uu..Ptain Ha1;lgh ton. '? . ?"on· D t you th Illk 1 .50 i·c:r Annum, or $ 1 if 1" 1t 1 , ,. . ., . Paf'ment strictly In advance required from still maintained her upright carriage, ~ut Lhe t er ms are a ltttle ln gh. . . I n". usetni~e~s of to"'d;~ h11s b een a debated ab!ortbers outaide of the .county. Orders to the clear wh iteness of her complexion " Hi ah, " h e r epeated angrily-"high ! I q ues tion. ~ h1l~ thegar~ener has cont enderl l!Joontlnue the pa.per must be accompanied by turned to an ashy hue, and a wave of agony · m not"asking you for hush -money ; I am that t he ~a.tro.ch1an h ad 1~s place as . a des am:ollllt due,orth paperwil no' bestopped, I"' I Id t f ts th h been pooh ibllorlbers al:'e responsibleunti (ull pa.yment is shook her from head to foot. S he tded to a8king you wit h all resp ect, as won any royer 0 msec ·. 0.v en ls ~s . . · If.de, speak, but could not. · J la\ly of . s potless char.ac~er, to become my poo~e<l by doub twg h umau'ity, and as a "You say I need not trouble my self to 1 wife. Who do you ·thmk would say -the med1C<J.l r emedy-why they ~ave. .not even · ' RA.TEI\ OF , .&.DVElilTISING 1 i~,.. tell you how I founil ou·t yonr carefully kept same to you, k nowing what I know !" . b,e en U.~e»med ~f. ~t 4as re1Ra111ed fol" 11 /lJ.t>le Column one year ....... ; ..... $60 00;;;; ~::;; ;secret. Now I choose y · ou tO know"-- I ' '.No one," she answered at once, w1 . th a Uonnect1cur man to -l1scover a n_ew field of " " , Hn.lfyear ............ 36oO· ~"' · f 1 f L l t l n f rwhat ·· " One quarter ..·...·.. 20 00 .~- changing his insolent m'a.nner for a kind of scornful glance--"no one, ·sir, bu t one Ill use n nea~ . or w -oal . as a re_ m ""y ·o '·U Column one year ............... 36 patt·onising solemnity almost as .intoler able nvhom every spark of self-respect, h onor, has been hitherto cons1d ored m curable- t he · " Half year ........... ~ ·· 20. ~ - "·not because I want to be paid for keep- a,nd m=liness was dea.d-no one but a most Cll.ncer. " One quarter_ ..······· ~~00 ·ing _it, or because I desire to ti:iumph shameless scoundrel!" Thoma.a Gladden, a residentof New 13ri· uarter Colun:..n one yea.r. . ... ·.·.·· · , · k a ble stor y of h is · " ·· Half year .·..·.· . ... 12 501over you and pay' you ha.ck In your He had felt before this that to crush this tain, Conn., tel ls t h e r emar ." ·· One quarter . ....· ·· 8 oo, - 5 own coi.n .b y holding you up to th e O[lCn con· beautiful woman's soft white throat, to strike experience. Mr. Gladden is a vender of t in, Ten lines and under.first lnsertlon · $0 50 tempt·of all who know yo:u as a thief-no, !· i ur 1 ,,lent face wi"t h his clenched hand, he who has followed the occupation of selling .1 10 d d h' v ~ . Ka.oh \!'rom six subsequent to ten lines, insertion...... firstlneertlOD 0 o 25 75 . Hyacint~"-here he leaned forwa1· , an is · would h a.ve risked the gallows; her words f rom house t o h ou se f or many year s, an d rs \" 1 I /")V '1'[. "1:,'8 \i rrRru ~iPl-I ·"'·, · t~e VARIETIES. Tl T f 1 th t · 1 d rn r a a gar , e 1arges ironc a ever constructed h11s been successfully lauuche:l at Por t smouth. It is op<0nly state d by t he Americ ~.n De· par t ment of Agricult ure that n ot m ore t han . teu p er cent . of th e " st uff " consumed as butter in the B1 ·it ish Islands is genuine. The organs of. both sm,i!t anti great, I t chocks S ick H eadcw1i e and tho woo ' That sad Dyspeptics e,·er You'll find It good to r <>p.u·· Jat o l NEW 1 taste. So nono need gul p it dow u.. Bes!des.·tts pteasautto t.1 10 in h aste. k now. I I About J 868 the first steam-launch ap peared on t h e upper Thames. There are more t han six. hundred such vessels now u sed as habit at ion s on the upper r iver. Most of these contain an average of six or more resid ents. ~INVENTION og-- It is said th at gold-dust is the only cur reucy nsAd at l~oure ; ancl this is the only \V{.~t~11fo~ 01N1~stfi.:~ednQ~t~Yo7;1~:;u::ri'.~u~~l%1E0t~:l~iJ: Address FOLDING SAW ING MACHINE oountry in t he interior of Africa where gold ()0 ., 303 to 311 s . Canal St., ()hlcago, Ill. is so u ae1l; b eing kept and carr ied ahout in quills. , All the tr aders are p rovided w ith small scales made in the country, which are r emarkably accurat e. The seeds of a, ~ree are used for wdghts. . 7~ Co11lti ot ee ch h ave b een Sawed b y o ne m n.n m nme h ours. H u n dr ed s h a.ve i;;u,ved » a.nd Oconl::s d aily. "Exactly" what ever y Far mer a nd Wood Cl1opper wa n t s. ll'frst 01·de1· f1·om. y our vicin ity S;ecures the t went y -t wo a· · ' !'e· m t -gl ass manu f act on· es m land. At t he beginning of the present century t here were fifteen. Of' these, thirteen i· 't h lil · tho cent ury. There rve d t o we11 w1 0 I nthe lastcen tury t h erewereasmanyas . .n whole story . becaus,e, I love you and would was 1 for him-a revenge t hat wou_ld in many towns wit hin a of twenty- out goods of the very finest quality. Old ""ST _ ·wed ~ou. Yes-. . torture~and humble and shame her as no five miles from his home, where he has been I rish cu t -glass is eagerly bought up by colIP U~? iE:§"i', Si~H) W1H'.};ES1"~ gg;, · . With a ehar;p... _ c ry t b. >t.t .enne_d m someth_mg br·n;"e up on th.e wh.iteness. of her. skin, no a r egul11r visitor from time to t ime. lectors. A Waterford decanter will now, it R e,.,.dy for u;,3 i~1 any quan tity, . l':or d h d d ~ Ab t fi 11 · 1 th · "d f toh ·reble the p i 0 0f t h b t making So a p , Softcnfog WateJ-, D·~·.U· e ... hke a sob, sh~ rn ten up1,e .rm, an sat - enduring blemish of; ner fair .love)llless, ever ou ve yeMs ago a sma pimp, e .on e I E~ sali i h' e " i . r c . e es footiu o;,aad ·' · hnrnh'< ' rl @thcr u ses, A "Then he is dead- he h1s dead? · Oh, could l e ft cheek of <~ir. Gladden deva!op M. m to a ng ·a crysta .. can 'lJ'.luR.ls w:· ;:rnun d·; Sal Soda, . D:as. ltlcI..l.IJGHLIN' & BEITU. yes, he mus~ be! Re would never break b fI · th cancer. So he wa.~ informed by various reI t is a common error t o say t h at r ice is Solcl u~- ~ .~~ ~ :occ1 '5 iint1 :Drugghts, his solemn promise to mo while he liven. ou a.re a nve wom7~'h y ac;:ered putable physicia.us w hom he consulted. He the staple food of the people of India.. It is ? · .,._., . ,- · , · T ORO'N 'llO. 0lrFlCl!O ;-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. wo1:1fn to ~~1 m_':! so bl ~ 8 ~i~ es ' trieJ. various r ewml ies wiL hout success, al· the st aple of perhaps eighty or ninety mil- , --------·-----~~------ 0 Dr.J.W.McLAUGIU.!N, Dr. A. BlllITB, Gradu The secret was stolen from h im when his fra.;.e 8 1 00 , mg a ter .d U~l~l!~~ eyhi~h though some of th em succeedecl in st aying lions out of the t wo hundr ed a.nd fifty-three licentle. ta ot tho Royal e.te of the Toronto true heart wa.s cold, and could guard it no longer !" S he drew her white mantle across h Rhe j;}8 not a nu ~ h !m ; r:ge wot at the progress of the de,.dly scourge, which millions of inh abit ants. Millet s and pu lses, ·) COilege of Physicians omd member of the Umvere1ty, Physi c1an. her -face, 'v:ra pped her arms in its ampl e s 3 coluf l see posstesge . imh awb h er lne der had rncreased meanwhile toa. great sore t hat with a litde rice, wheat , or ma.ize as 11 . . · a ie were o seize er y er s n d d f h" f B h 'I Ro:ral College or Sur- Surgeon, &c. folds, and re1a.pse d m to s11ence. ·· t d f h th ' de of the boat covere a goo P"'r t o rs ace. u t w 1 e luxnries a.re t h e food -st uffs of t he great, geons, Edinburgh. , Haughton! finding himself unequal to th.e 9 ~alf !~nth ~r~~e ;~~~:hu~~~r more at th~ the diagust iug mal:i.dydid ~ot iucrease it d id bulk of the people of India.. Even t he rice- 1 8 8 . · DR. J.C. MITClJIELL, a. 0 f h'1 t h ·h t the black not get much better, and mdeed Mr . Glad- eaters r arely eat r ice alone. The muscle· ta,sk of makmg love to an extremely bea.ut1~d o~c 't~n ~ She was den was told t.h>Lt he might eventually lose f~rming in~redient in their d iet is the IV t:i5EM.BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ful piece of Indian embroidery, resumed his cou!ammv~~o~ 1 ll.'lt'.il. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. solemn tone and manner. ':a r. . a won ' fat! ~r · to s his life. I t w as very p ainful ll.t times. pigeon -pea, or dhal, one of th e best a nd Uftioe e.nd Residence, Enniaklllen. 74. "Yes, he is dead; you have guessed. it. ttr~d-~\reddl~fo thellheta.hrt-o u s mbono nouf Finally, a. neighbor suggested a. new remedy most nourishing of Ind ian pulses. This is . . 1 o - 1r-re d b so On the day after one of those m~ 1t-attack s pa.111 h ca eh 1 e · a 1 f e more ·d. ecauee th Nile toad s. W . S . C ampb e11 was tne eaten in various ways, but a sort of thick ---D. BIJRKE SIMPSON, that the Arabs favored u s with so often-it t rhu~ m~~n~ 0 sid de~i e t: it ' ueighbor . Campbell looks like a man ,,vbo pca.-sou2 poured over boiled r ice is perhaps D I RECT M, 'MUN C TION tl"> .ARRISTEE., SOUCITOR, &;o. MOPlUS was at a place called El somethiug-Hassal I an t e orm ~ mou ~r~. :nea. f these might suggest a remedy of t hat nature. He the m ost frequent and most appr oved preWIRE CO , L A · .ti',. BLOCK. up stairs, King Street, Bowman· think.,-0n the banks of the Nile- I was out thButh tl~er~ w a~ no 111 ica ton ho poke gives the idea of being a man whose ablutions parat ion. T he pigeon-pea is, however, by , . . · !to. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank with a buria.l p arty--beastlyjob, by-tnc-way, ?~~ ts m .~r mann~ !,a~ e; hero. are not of ever -reunrr inu:frequency. N ever- no means t he best pea in India, altliough, A ctive flu ctat1m.B 111 the Market, 0 ll"rtvate ltl1>nevs loaned at the Ioweatre.tea, in that climate-and we found him spea.red, . you wi e gooh enouftg r l o stand thelesa, it is said that there are a i ood many from it s abundance and cheap ness it is t he oft:' · on po t n1·t 1' s t o specu la oor fellow I There was a pocket book se w· ~cs and mfake mil ehanolt er etr,l_utn( ert · thina..,s in his head tlmt other mortals have ' i:er ·U . · Pd . h li . .John Keith Galbl'altb, f h' . k d I ..J llig once or a t at w ·11 no ts en 0 your t d d f . t i . h'l h H one of which there is the greatest hope for a t orn I-'to rmak e e monev in 1oo1 y e l i l t e nmg o is pc et, an <e" fl t . . hi" · ,, h ·d. "for no r eame o m rnrr P 1 os"p y . '3 future export trade. The soy-bean is more J 0c~~IBTo~~~atf.i?'tt1;,k through it to find eut something about him 1 rds one, yo~ihwi 11 0 lige rne: 8 the stat I ' h e st udied me<lici.11e years ago, hu t hll.ll not expensive t han dhe.l b ut it is m uch n10re 1{ A.PURBRLIICS,T~AR. · 8fH Grain, Provisions, 1 o not w1 '"' ""~ v "d ow, k t'lle d m · a.c t ion, · s peop e t to f say a i (! av . . · T !ltlag Streat, Bowman ville. Money to lend, - d uty, sold" 1er,s w1 h th out I prac t' rsed . nutritious St uck s, Bonds & - ·--- - ·-arrears of pay, and so on, you know-and, spent ~ e greater par 0 · ed even I "To>Ltls will cure it," was the ~enst!tnbre· · - -- - - - -- &OBERT AJUlOIJB, by 'Jove, I was surprised to find t hat I had here wtth you. I have mis!eh o~e a~~~'. frain of M r. Campbell, who called often on ADVISE TO MoTHEltS.-Are y ou disP etroleuw. OEGISTRAH, WES'f DURHAM ISSUER found the missing heir of Verschoyle and ~nd,fLord ~;enmore of course as een hia neighbor. Finally Mr. Glad.le11, who turb ed a t night and broken of your rest Prompt ~.ttenti on given t o orders. TII. of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor- Shangannon who was advertised for and m~·r°r ~ne. t t t . th t I in resent ed t h e theory at first, was prevailed by a sick child suffer ing and crying wit h 'ne,. at Law and Solicitor in Chanoery.Mone;r tal1':.ed of all over the three kingdoms five te dtt oes no ma er m e 1east 't~s . . upon to t ry it. He thought ' it would aot pa in of Cutt i ng Teeth 1 If s o send at Office ove r M urdoch 's S tor e · ~~~!a~~lf1:~1 Estate. Oflloe on King street, ye~rs. a.go! Ah, are you going ~ faint 1 n t o' an~ounce ~ur en!bigeme~arli: mf~ kill him at ~ny z:ate, and the oanc.erwas sure o uce and get a bott le of " Mra. Winslow's 11 This is too much for you-anot her t une !"- m~n V1ere urn. sensi. e,my h gl b 0 to do that m time. So the neighborhood I S 00th' S ,, F h' ld · Entrance by Telephone S taircase. 1 8 1 ~ng , WILLIA.!11 WIGHT. for the shrouded figure opposite him had ' spite of our str,,,:i;ige woom g-, we was scoured for toads. The neighbors were . mg . y~up . or c 1 ran . t el:lt1 " , T NEER for the swayed helplessly forwa.rcl and moaned as he ; happy? 1 a m c~~·tam ; " and he bent forward called into ser vice. They ca.ptured them by it& voJue : 11 mcalculabl~. It _ will relieve l 1 -tf. ICENSED AUC IO . 8 oke. i · andtnedtose1zeherhan d. . t hedozeu. Big fat fellowswere atapremium. the poor little sufferer immedl!l>t ely. D ti· ·"- County ?J Durhfaom'aroderddc{o\!ye~n~tpt~e p"No "she whispered-"! w ill h ear it all But she spnmg up, her eyes flammg, h ed r When t hey had a large number of them pend upon it, m others ; t h er e is tlll' <>d.TEBMAN Ou;ce or . rw · · now-now. · I whiue cheek s ·c.i.rlet · she wa-s not conquere · is · mis · t a k.e a b ou t i ·t . I t cure s D ysentery ..-tlllreoeive prompt attention. 28:6m But let me think fora little I ' " ' penned up operation commenced . T his . d t "t ke e the way it was clone. The legs of the toa d and Diarrh ooa, regulates t h e S tomach a.ad · ., NG while, for he was my husband, and he gave lye:;T k b k,, 1 s i e en" on - C· a .ta' m were s ecured t o preven t scra tch" · d C o1· s ' ()' IIUNn.1 ' . up a 11·-a11 f or me, b ecarrse h e 1ove d me. " ·b k a e m e ac mg an d h e B o we Ie, cures w in 1c, sof tens t h.fJ 1 11 1 ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR "A.s you wish. I t is b etter to get it over .Hae lat ouo ie · . "'.1 p ay fi y ou,th ap ~ was laid on the centre of the sore. The Gums reduces I nflamma t ion a nd g ive2 11 aug tton w1 give you ve ousanu · · f 1 T h er Id ' ' tten d ed I at once, so that we may und ersta.n d ea.ch ! · d . the County. of Durba.m. Sa1es a· ·t· . l ·ncome . but I operation was pa.rn u . e suuerer cou t o:i.e and en ergy to the whole sy'1t < m. 1· l o on ahort<>st not1cD and lowest rates. Address other " he replied taking up the p addles i p~un · anf .a CCI >J,lll y ear y l , feel every breath. '£ho toads lived for sev- " M w · ' l · s· t h" s " 1'·. or Uoila·r1m< P. o. 36:tt · · ' b f . ' w1ll 11ot be msulted ! 1h Th fi d h n. ms o w s oo rng y r up and propellmg the clumsy oat a few eet l "Is it an insult t o ask: you t o marry me, er:i- ~urs. e rat ozen w o were ap- children teeth ing is pleasan t to the taste GOOD W'.IFE GUARANTEED TO throug~ ~he water. t o tell you ~hat y oui; wealth ~s !1othing to ~~:!l~d~ P~:~:~~ fo\ ~:~it ~}ieili~hey f~~~ and is the pr~scription of '?ne of the oldeverY man who buys his License from He ~ as not nervous u ow- he h ad settled ' me, your crune nothmg-that it is you, and th t th Y J:l . po est an d best female phys1c1ans and n11rses .UB:NRY SYJ,VESTER, Enniskillcn . down to his w ork, and all was going well I you only I w:i.nt ?"he answered w ith pasey wouf11 L cease o l d rea e._l us process in t he United States and is for salei by and exactly as he wished. She believed him! . t 'h · "f b b t went on or severa ays unti over twenty . ' . And it suited him that she should have some 'bs1lo na k .e v;e l emence. 1 a;n a h la. I maa,d ut toads were used. The lu,stouewa~ not vi.siLly 1111 druggists through t he world . Prioo Pianos Tuned and Repah-ed. · 1 · ac mai a woman w io is e P ess an a ff t d 25 cents a b ottle Be sure and a sk fo r momentsforreflection,to ge tthefactofher mymercyicouidnot ,andnever will! Y ou a ec e · . .. . .. . . .. . " . · ', ., husband's d eath thoroughly into her mind._ f t th t 1 tl d d0 The 11e1ghbo1s wa tched Lhe case wit h great Mns. WINSLOW s SooTHING SYRUP. a ~~ a gebl emf~; a:i;i · 1 you inter est, and it was a constant thf?me of conand take n o other k :nd , ARTIES WISHING 'IHEIR P !ANOS before he passed to the n ext item on the i th~g~ 111 yourse m capa e 0 mspirlllg ove, ~ersatiou in the vicinity Many w ill bea!' Tuned or repairea can nave thorn attended . . . H yacinth?" . . . . wit ness to the efficacy of the remedy and by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAl'l progra~me Hyacm th, with her. face ludd.en 111 the Sh_e was still stan~mg i;tP i:i t he ?oat, still t he trut h of t he facts i.bov~"t..aJ-,,.<1. As for 1 ~·s OFi'ICE, Bo~manville A flrat-clas man F.'or Cholera Morbus, folds of her mantle, tr1ed to estn1:1ate the Iookmg d?wn a t him with unpenou s eyes, Mr . Campbell, h e shutfles aboutin great glee, '.:w nelng In their emulo; danger that threatened her , the .pnce that I not va.nqurnhed Y_et . . and will t alk b t he hour to an one who Cholera lnfantt rri, · Ho! Gentlemen ot F~u ~n - this man expected h er ~o po.y- trted to plan j "No, but I thmk t hat ~ou a.re utterly,~n- will h ear him ~iscant upon the ycase. Mr. When Baby we.a,sick, we gavo her Cll8torla, Colie-, - Dlarrhoea 1 some way ~ut of the dilemma t hat he had capable of any such feelmg. H owever -;--- Gladden wa.s seen esterda u on h is wa!lon When she Wll6 .. Cliild, ·lie cried for c a.toria, 1<flll~1il. not s o tad . placed.her m ; buc she could not. She could with a ~eatur_e of t h e ha.nd- " le.t us end this looking apparent [: well. ~epis a man fifty Dy.Jtentery, and all Summer W,.hon she b ecame Mis·, she clung to Caatoria, only prn~ure me~tally a flat track of yellow altercat1011; it can lead t o nothmg. I shall years of age, and, while he has always been complaints of Children ·ha. vo writtc· thA£ e few lines, had Children, she gaTo them Castotia, Wheu she san~ w it h a slight. mound, scar?el;y: t o be send you the amount I name?- to-morrow, a hard worker, has b een a man of good habits. or Adults. and all 1 huve to aa;r · · noticed, beneath w hich,_ mouldermg m the and trust to y ou b? send. me m r eturn, the T he first &ppea. ance of the cancer was twenty· 'Fhat ,. on 01111 tlnd me still at home, 'l'. icu..ntraN · co1, l'lroprietore~ ground, soon to bc:_ dust itself, was t he body 1 pocket b?o~ ment10ned, its cont?nts, .a p)an, five year s agG, but it did not develop unt il I am not gone away,. 'l'OBOKTO, OX':I'. So al I mY kind old friends may come, of the brave and simple_ gentleman who h ad i or descr~~:1on, or !llap by which hrs -my within a few years. It now seems entirely A.11 d a.II $he young ones, too, l~"ed her, who lrnd . given up all tha.t .men j husba!ld s -her v o1oe broke he~,e for the cured and Mr. Glad den bids fair to enjoy· And get their garments 1;ioely made ltve for so that she might be happy, whose first t1me- "grave may be found. man '. ears £u Caahtons tna.t are new ; reward W &.S to lie beneath the sands of the ) Capt. Haug hton seized the paddles, _ and Yy · Wh ere old and young, dear frie11ds, may meet A welcome greeting, by R. PEATE. desert and be forgotten. Her own d anger, ·forced the heavy boat a few yards through - - - -- - - - the d esperate plightshe was in, was nothing j the water, putting forth all his strengt h as JEWS I N RUSSIA. to this. I he did so. H e felt t hat without this physi-· · Hyacinth's whole being seemed to turn to : cal outlet for t he fury t hat raged wit hin him · Re..-lv&l of The Persecntlon of Them in that lonely grave b enea,t h t h e g 1a.rmg sun, .1 he 11hould strike her. anb she sobbed to herself(1:0 BE CONTlN:UED.) l'A:rtons See1tons. "He is dead-he is dead l D ead through There are symptoms of a revival of the me-dea.d for me ! Aud I - I killed himJ ewish q uest ion, or ra.ther of the p ersecution and I loved him !" Girls, Beware, of the ,Jews, in several parts of the empir e. Lov~dhim ! I es I She had never. whis· J The Langworthy divorce case is still be· A telegram fr9m Kho t in, n ear Nornchopersk , pered it~ herself-sh_e had, never wilfu~ly ing dwelt upon by the E nglish newspapers. r eports t he outbreak in that district of ant i. recalled him to her mmd. She took_ with They have got the length of drawing morals J ewish riots. Several persons have been eager hands every ~lea.sll;re, every tr111mph i from it, and so it is t o be hoped the whole killed and many wounded, and houses have that the world she lived _m had to oil'er; she ; draws ne:i.r an end. The one great " moral· been wrecked. The ·authorities took mea· f" ., H A 0 N ""~ E N L. t); 5 , i&nored her own unhappm.esss, her restless ; to be drawn from the who!~ affair i~ that ~ures to quell t he distu~bfl!nces, but up to the ""'· . n. L J ' d1s~o:itcnt, h er utter wearm.ess of her false · young women should not get mto matrimon- time of the dispatch of t he telegram order .o~. .,hrn.te of the Raya! College ct Dental pos1t1on, and t old herself that her heaz:t was , ial entanglements with men about whose had no t been restored. At t he beginning of ~urgeons, Ontario. tur ned to stone. But sI1 .c knew t hat it. was . antecedents they know little or not hing, and t he month the people of ' Eka.t erinoslav, in 'OFF'ICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. not so ; . she knew tha! 1t was the happmess : especially tha~ they should h ave nothing to the south, were t hrown into a panic, espeQ. O.LD .ETLLING A SPECIALTY her hfc as well ashia thatshehad sofran- i do withwea.lthy person~geswhoproposeclan· cially t he Hebrews, by persistent alarming tic.ally flung away from h er five years bef~re: d eetine marriages and would fain take th em r umor s of an intended repetitiim of the A RTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT she knew thttt s~e had not forgott en him, on: solitary drives. In such cases they may terrible anti-Semit ic r iots of four years ago. PLATES. t~at she love? him, a nd now for the first be quite sure that nothing either good or The J ews shut up t heir premises a.ud fled in Great Reductions 'in price on. all Dental tlm,c she dehberatel:y open~d the door of . honourable is aimed at. This Langworthy n,ll directions: The t roops were called out, Woi·k. Vttslized Air; constantly !n use pro· · that secret chamber _m her r-.ea.rt, saw .t~a.t : was an unha.nged scoundrel, but he h a d and on proceeding to the Briansk factory in ARRIY~,D. ducing Painless Operations. Partrnular atten wha.t she ha.d looker! awa_y th.er _ .e was alive plenty of money and this youug woman the district it was found that t he rioters, tion-paid to the r egulation et Children's Teetn d b h t h f b f d an r".at mg yet, w 1 nspermg. o er o , euftered him to show her very special atten- whose march on the town had · een eare , · .,...A LL WO'R.K w ARR.ANTE.Ur --~ what m113ht have been, and she.listened and ' t ions, a nd at last to propose marriage with· h ad already been mastered ' and arrested by B ranch office, Dr. Rncherford'e Orono. ~as pumshed. as o~ly.such em?t10n s can pun- I' out her knowing almost al)ythmg about his t he police. The rioters, it is now said, did lS~: and a voice wtth.m h er ~ried. ' ' antecedents. Money, not charity, hid a not intend t o molest tbo-' J ews. Look back I Tins happmess you might multitude of sins. In t his case the miser The other day t he p0liceof St. Peter sburg have had- the?e kisses and clinging arms able sea.mp was run to ground and made to mustered in force a,; the Tsarskoe Selo Raillns1Je.-tion Solicited. and deep affection, but you would not-an~ pay £20,000 in damages and £1 , 700 a year way termin_u~ and m terr oga.ted a n umber of · · no~ ~he,Y have al.l p assed from you ~~reve_i-. as long as his }n.i ured wife and their <laugh· persons arnvm~rn ~o,wn whet~er t hey ~ere V1etoria Buildln;s. , l l llH DOCJH ll H O S. Cant you listen to me now ? asked ter live. But 1t might very easily havt:: been Jews and had ..ny ng ~t t.o b e in the cap1t:i-l. Ha;xghtnn, when he thought that he had , different, and no other youngwoman. woul\l Sev:ral Jew· wer~ m v1ted to the police waited long enou~h. be wise to run the risk: in the hope that she station to filow therr passport s. and p a.pers, ~. L::::) She st:arted slightly a nd glanced about might be equally successful. This marrying and her~ ;he ma~ter for the time ~eems to \,.,,..;;;r'" ..J::V · h . er, a~ if she had forgotten w~ere she was, for money i 8 a. horrible system. of legalized h ave en·ed. ~his measure appears to ha.ve then with a strong effort of will she forced prostitution and it is not by any mell.ne 110 · been . dopted lil consequence of t he beh "f , h erself back to the. present to listen .w this lrnown even in Canada.. CMeleRs, godless, that."' large n.um?er of Jews withou~ per'WlT~ 't'EE t·n . ! man who was starmg at he~, bendmg to- rotten-hear ted a,nd r otten· bodied wretches mlds1on to r eside t~ St. P eter sburg live m . . . . . ,_ _ wards ~er, to comprehend lum aud to an · , find no difficulty in getting 1.1foe girls for 1ne subur~s, especially ab.mt T sa.r sk oe Selo, I '_ ". }J sw,~r hm,i;. . . " " . wives if t hey have only plenty of cash. Suer. a~d co'.110 m!~ to~n regularly every day to ' J Yes, slic said, go on. girls, it is urged, > ire not cut ou t for p,vr tiansf!.ct.thet~ b usmess. . . PR.HiTHJ.U, i,E:'V\'lS'.l', " l found in tha.b pocket-book his r eal men's wives, and very lik ely th\ly tir e ~o t. A pro1 ect 18 on foot, if it has not been '1lVilla TWENTY Y E AHS E XPH:Rl.ElSOll:, ' name, a copy of your marriage certificate- They accordingly ar e put upon t he ma:nage '.lct; 1ally a.d'?pted, to prevent all t he :1°i:ws --.A..T-- . ·~t"<it.<" '~XldeGiu Ad.ministered fur l'ulJUe~ · which I have since verified-and a copy of market \Vi th t,he resul ; ·.u that co~J.{ n ot. be ln "~e provmces of Polan d from restd~ng I 01t>crattons. a letter from his uncle, Mark Verschoyle, desired, health sacrifice< i and ·Omethm g outside of the towns or .settle~ents ~n;i~ng j O»'!ll!IC1': · · M()CLllNG'S J&i..OCH., which explained h_is conduct. ~hen ! came more than health. the pea~ant~ and t o re~tric~ their acq~1siti?n . ··· ·-········ · -- ··- --··--- - ··-·--- to .li;ngland, Iobtamed a copy of 'ii erschoyle's 11~d possession, ?f property_m . t he rm al dts· to be made, Cut this out . will also, so you see !both know your secret . , ' tn ct s of the 'ii 13tula provmees · · and re.turn it to us, and i and can prove it in court if necessary." .Undesirable Bmgrants. :;,':neilif~ s;fdgr~~~ ~~1';;' He pa1ised and looked at her, but she only One of the worst feamr<ls of the system of . . . :and iwpotance to you, that ~ill stint you in waved her hand a s a sign for him ·to go on, · immi"i-ation by whicl this continent is being A cit izen of Proy1dence, .R. 1: , makes many business which will bring you in. more a.nd sat still and upright before him. I tlood~cl with foreigaars is the fact that many a d?llar ~y catchmg bats w h ich ~e sells to money right away than anytbinN else m t his "Yon asked m e a tew minutes ago to tell f t l1 l t t er COlllJ with no intention of re · tax1de rm1stR for fifty cents a.piece. He -world . .A,ny one can do the wor , and live at I you the price that I rer1uire for keepin., this ,. o · ? a Th C)inese among us it is well fasten s a fish hook to the ' end of a long ·home. ~Mher sex ; all ages. S()mething new. I , . · . e. ' mammg. e . ' . h r s h' d th h k h f t t ha,tjust coins money for all worke~a. We. 'l d11.ngerous secret of yours. I will t-Oll. you- i known have no j,lea of spendrng t he r ernam- } 0 ew .1P· a.11 on e ~o e as ens a will start you ; . ca pital not needed. 'rhi·. is , and r ememlxir it is the only price I will take. · der of ~heit· liveson this contiPent, but hope 111?th.mill~r. Then, ~tandmg near an ele?---..u1>e ot the genume. important. classes of"- life· It is yourself ! I love you I am mad when , to t h s soon a.s they have gathered trw hght tn the evenm g he waves the whip time '!'hose who are ambitious and enter· ' · ' re urn ome' fl f th b t 1i· h h prising will not delay. Graml outfit free. l think of every contemptuous word, e very !sufficient wea.J;h to en able thorn to live at !1n 1 one. 0 e m any a. 8 w · le are ~mtAddrees 'l'RUlll & Co., Augusta, Maine. · scornful look you have given me. Hyacinth ' ease in their cwn land. The same thing is lll~ t he ms~cts that fly around the. h &ht . will you be my wife?" , "t true of many ·f th~Italians and J!lullgarians gra~s the m1lla~, and then ?e yanks ?1m m. She ha.d recovered herself s1tfficiently to be who are n ow ftockfng to the U mted States :i:hom1 1s \ V!utson, a switchman m the . , . . able to contemplate her terrible po~ition, ! and Canada. U nited States C<:ns?l Stern, railroad_yard m Jefferson, Ky., w a~ recentand, knowing th.at Haughton was in difficul- I of Buda P esth, seys that the maior1ty o .f the ly runn~ng along t~e . track ahead of several ties, she thought that he was merely driving latter are Slcv1cks,.v:h o do n?t com~ _to ~rs which w~re bemg pushed by a 1ocomo. the hardest possible b 11rgain with ht>r. Of America to bec>me 01t1zens, t be1r only,a1m ttve, and which .he was abont . to cou ple to . . : course he did not really expe_ct her to marry . being to accurrulat· a fortu~e a,nd then re· other cars. \Vhile thus r~nnmg, 011e fO?t · . him- no. She resolved to offer him five 1 turn. This they usua:lly do m about thr ee ca? ght between a guard rat! ~nd t he i;i.arn thonaanrl pounds down, and five hundred a [ years, which is ex)lamed by t he fact that ~ail and before he could possibly ext ricate year 80 long a.s her secret wa!I k ep t. For such a fortune is rnly about $500 and not it he was overtaken by the ca.rs and crushed . . this she would nemanrl the conten ts of t he more than $6C {). One of them r ecently to dee.th. · _ . 1pocket-book, and such a plan, drawing, or i ll:aoh subsequent Insertion, " 0·03 'l\henumLeroflines to be reckoned b;r _ e space occupled, ,mee.sured bya soe.leof1 i d .Nonuareil. ve:1fe01!\r;;::i1~~f~;~:t~~~~:ex:i1;,·e &t~·--10 ~:i~~~tT~1~~.;va; :~anlo~~gf~~ ~~T1 °~ot:u~~~ ~~~~~0 ~;h;~ra~~~e~~:~~11;n~~! 1~~:i8r:~~~~ ~~~l1°f~i~~~~~ ~y:c~%~~:a?!n~an~:e}k~~;! w:to;:O~d~cortn!;N~w~h~s;dct~ii ~11:! = ~tor.e radiu~ 9 9 Jt.'0ER CENT ,.., "Y I I. £ I 1 ed c ox I I & co dt 11 I I TOR O Nrr- -- -0 Qrl100K EX.JCHANGE . I ' : owe';[ ° 0 d.., . I L L I .. A I i1 d P I I A PROMPT AND RELIABLE CURE 'to DENTISTRY f I Murdoch Brothers' w h ere are to be seen o! 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pret ty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLAS SWARE JUST 20 White Bed Room Sets. · Large ·var1et y H ang1ng an d T a bl e I_;amps, F ancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers;: &c. DENTISTRY. ii I I:::::================================== E A T I I Cl J · M, · R I .i l A.(: 0 MB E Ey . 0 N M I ! , 0 ! I T0 EAR/NB SALE · 's N.N , ·N c I D.UKI BA P Ow DER THE COOK'S BEST f RI END In order to make room for fall importations we will clear the balance of our surr1mer goods I COME EARLY . AND INSPECT. ! IFOllOW the Bi'g Boot. ' C~ildren Cry for Pitcher's Ca.~torla~ TOD BROS.