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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1887, p. 8

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-· - __ .., ·- · ·-· .. . ..- - . . CLARKE FAIR. This was held on Saturday last, and was a grand success, the attendance being hrge, and comprising representative farmers from the surrounding Townships and a large number of Bowmanville citi· zens. The D. 0. & P. Co's Band being present,added greatly to the interest. of the Fair, and the Directors are worthy of praise for their efforts in thin direction. 'l'he stock depnrttnents, conbined some very fine specimens, particularly foe h orses. For a township show we doubt if a better exhibit can be produced anywhere in the Province. Want of space prevents our particularzing. Inside the display of ladies' work, vegetables, fruit, grain, har. n ess, plants, flowers, musical instruments, forniture, sewing machines, etc,, was elso very attractive, tho ladies' work being specially worthy of mention. The following is the Prize List. CLASS A RORSES- DRAUGHT, Brood Mare. D McConnachie. Gelding or filley 2yr oh!, J L Powers J Hunter, G Bigham. ' Gelding or filly 1yr old J Brown. Suc~ing Colt D McConnachi(l, J Hunter, Entire Colt 2yr old D McConnachin Entire Colt lyr old R L R iills, D . Mc· Counachie, · GEN ruRPOSE. Broe:! Mare W Lake, A Powers, E. Holm~s. r FALL! FALL!! FALL!!! Dry Goods. vVe take great pleasure in announcing that we have completed arrangements for the Fall Trade. We have employed our time during the quiet summer months visiting the markets, examining samples, testing goods by all possible means, comparing prices of different manufacturnrs, using every care and precaut ion as to quality, appearance ancl pTices, till at last we hava succeeded in placing in stock as fine an assortment of Dry Goods as ever was shown in Bowman.ville. We cannot begm to ennumerate our immense stock in detail, but we invite the public to call and inspect our stock, even though yon may not wish to purchase call, examine and compare, and jf you are not satisfied that we can show you better value for your money tha.n you are accustomed to, do not buy. lyr Geldini or filly J Adams. E Holmes W. Clemens, ' do J Kivell, jr W J Mc 2yr do mnllen ,S S Dohson, Sucking colt W Lake, A Rowen, J L Powers, 2yr entire .P Linton, . CARRIAGE. Brood Mare CJ H ewson, W Cooney, J. Waddell, 2yr old Gelding or filly T Linton, A P Mitchell, J F McMillen, 1yr Gelding or.filly W CoonPy R. Stutt & Son, A Pollard. Sucking Colt 'V Cooney, C J H ewson, J Scott. 2yr old entire R Cowan & Son. 2nd lyr do (.1.J HPwson, Span Caniage 15 hands and over J Polland. G Bigham, Span Carriage,1mder 15 hands W Cooney AMcNeo.l, ' SinJl'le Carri age, lnfaands and over A A McMurtry, W J Clemens, W Chapple, Sim:le Carriage.under 15:1 hands 1' A Best T Underwood, :E>r Spencer, ' Saddle H orse D G11lbraitD.. T Cowan, Draug-nt. horses in harn ess-- W J Clem ens, Mrs. 'V Renwick, W B Allin and son's · Ge'n Purpose h orse in harness--A and Vv T 'l'homas. G Grey, P Stalker. Special Prizes-G Grey in 2yr old and lyr old imp filly heavy Draught and 2yr old entire colt CLASS B CATTLE. Durham Cow, C Baker. R Brown, 2nd and !!rd. Heifer l yr old G Gray, Bull calf under lyr A and W F 'l'hoinas 2nd and 3rd R Brown, Ayreshire cow J Hunter. T G 'Waddell, " H eifer , 2yr old J Hunter. Grade cow C Baker, J Brown, J Hunter. 2yr heifer R Brown lat & :znd, lyr " E Dawson, C Baker, Mrs. Ren· wick. Grade calf R B rown, C Baker, CLASS c SHEEP- LEICESTER. Ram aged W B Allin,& son, W C Blackburn 2nd & 3rd. Ram Shearling,W B Allin a nd Son, A Tamblyn, 2nd and 3rd. Ram Lamb, W B Allin and s~n, lat and 3rd, W Clilackburn, 2nd, Aged E we, W B A llin and Son, W C B.l ackburn.2nd, A Tamblyn, 3rd, 2 Shear Ewes,W B Allin and Son,A Tam blyn. W C Blackburn, 2 Ewe Lambs W C Blackbum, lat and 3rd, A T1>1Dblyn, 2nd. C01'SW OJ,I) . Shear ram, G Gray, Ram Lamb, " 1st and 2nd Age Ewe. " " Shear Ewe, Shropshire " Aged Ewe, Ram Lamb, " 1st and 2nd, Aged ram, ·r Henderson, SOUTHDOWN. CLASS F. GRAINS AND SEEDS. 2 Bush. Spring Wheat, A Tamblyn, Vickers. 2 Bush. F all Wheat, P Linton, ' I' HendeNon. Peas. ,J Pollard. Peas Small ··T Polbrd Oats White, R Ard, W Cooney. " Black, R Ar<l. Barley 6 rowed, J Davey, N Stewl'rt . 25 Cobs of Corn in ear. J Holman, J·: Hall. Corn White Strung, W S Gamsby . Bush. 'rirnothy Seed, R Ard, T G Waddell. Bush. B eans, R Ard. CLASSG. FRUIT. 5 F.'all Apples D esert, J Pollard, W C Blackburn. 5 Fall Apples Cooking, D l\foConna.chie, J Hunter . Winter Apples De~ert , A 'l'amblyn, J. Hunter. W inter Apples Cooking, W H B Chaplin, · T Holman. Nor thern Spy, G Bivgham, A A Gamsbv. Snow, Mra. R Osborne, G Bingham. Gold R ussett. J Holman, A A Gamsby. Spitzenburg Mrs . R Osborne, J Hunter. ~el!flower. W H Chaplin, A A Gamsby. Tomkin Coimtv King, Mrs. R Osborne, A 'l'amblyn. Jlr.ldwin. Mrs R Osborne, G Bii;harr . Variety Apples, do, J Pf)llard . Winter P ears, do, W Il Cha.plin Fall Pears, R. Moon. Mrs R Osborne. Variety Pears W H Chaplin. Cub Apples, W H Chaplin, A.'famblyn. 3 Bunches white Grapes, ...,V H Chaplin, 1st and 2nd. 3 Burcbes purple do, do, R Moot·e. Collection Red Grapes, do, A A 'l'ucker. Col. Grapes not. less than 6 varieties, 'V H Chaplin, A A Tucker . Col. Plums, W H Chaplin, A A Gamsby. CLASS H, FLOWERS & PLANTS. Geranium in Flower Double, Mrs. J Waddell. Six Roses, RB rhornton . Foliage Plant, W S Gamsby. Phlox Drummondi, Mrs. A A Gamsby, W S Chmsby, 6 'fen 'Veek Stocks, M Cooper, W S Gamshv. Col. Balsams, W S Gamaby. do Aste1·s, W S Gamsby, A A GamRby. do p.,tumas W S Gamsby, AA Gamsby. do D ahlias. A A Gamsby. de Verbenas, \V S Gamsby. Plants other than grown in house, Mrs. J Waddell. Mrs . R Ard. Grenhouse P lants, R B Thomton, Mrs. A AGamsby. Out Flowers, \VS Gamsby, Mrs. J W"addell. '!'able Bouquet, W S Gamsby. Mrs. A A Gamsby. Hand B ouquet, Mr. E Hall, W S Gamsby . Floral D esign, W S Gamsby. Hanging Basket, Mrs. A A Gamsby, W S Gamsbv. CLASS I. VEGE'.l.'A'B LES. ~bush. late Potatoes, M Cooper, A. 'l'amblyn. ~ bush, Early Potatoes,R Ard,ATamblyn. Variety Potatoes, H Yarrow, R Ard, Field Turnip, J Pollard, A Tamblyn. Carrot '!'able, R Werry, R Ard. Beets Table, R Ard. M Cooper. Parsnips, M Cooper, R Ard. Cabbage, It Ard, J A Gairdner. do R ed, R Ard. M Cooper. Onions Red, M Cooper . do White, H Yarrow. do Potato, R Ard. M Cooper. Cauliflower, M Cooper. Celery, M Cooper. T omatoes, W H Chaplin, R Ard. Pumpkins. do RB.Thornton. Squash. R Ard. 6 ]field Carrots, r. Moon, J W Powers. Citrons, R Ard. S Bowen. Radish. M Cooper. Mush M elon,. W H Cliaplin. Water do M Garvin, J Bowen. Red Peppers, R B 'l'hornton, R 'Verry. CLASS J. DAIRY PRODUCE. Ch eese 50 lbs ., .T K Reid. 'l'able Butter. Mrs. R Foster, Mrs. R Osborne. Mrs. W H Reid, Tub Butter, Mrs. J Brown, Mrs. W H R~id, Mr8. R Ard. Firkin Butter, Mrs. W H Reid, Mrs. R Ard, Mrs. J Davey. Jar Preserved Frtdt, Mrs. A A Gamsby, Mrs· E Hall. .Jar Pickled Vegetable, Mrs. WSGamsby, Mrs. A A Gamsby. ' Jar J elly, Mrs. It Brown, jr., Mrs, J Hunter. Bread home 11\ade, Mrs. W H R eid. MrA. R Osborne. Doz. Buns, Mrs. W H Reid, Miss J Colville . H oney Strained, T Little. Special Prize Bread Maker's, Mrs. J Hunter . CLASS L. MANUFACTURES. Set Team Harness, ...,V Armstrong . do Single do do Specimen Cabinet Work. A A Tucker. 10 yd·. 'l'weed Factory made, Mrs. W Cooney, J Simpson. 10 yds. Assortment TY1eed Factory made, J Simpson. 10 yds. All Wool Flannel .Factory made, J Simpson. 10 y<lq . U nion Flannel Factory made, Mrs. W Cooney. IO yds. Plaid Flannel Factory made, Mrs. W Cooney. Pair Wool Blankets Factory made, T Little, .J Simpson. 10 yds. Homespun F lannel, Mrs. R Ard. do do do Woolen or Striped, Mrs. R Ard. Pair Homespun Wool F lank<it s, Mrs. W Cooney. 10 yds. Homespun Carpet, F W alden. do do do Mixed. do Rag Carpet. F W alden, Mrs. J Waddell. do Mi;t, M rs. A A Gamaby, Mrs. J Rinch . Homespun Wool Coverlet, Mrs. R Ard, 1!' Walden . Factory Wool Coverlet, F W alden. Homespun Counterpane, Mrs. W Cooney. Pait' Wool Sh irts, F Walden, Mrs.Ii Ard. Horse Blankets, do W oolen Yarn, Mrs. W Cooney, M Little. W oolen Stockings, Mrs. R B Thomton, Miss M Little. Cotton 'i!toekinga, Mrs. R Ard, MrB. R B Thornton. Wool Socks, Mrs. R B Thol'D\on. Mrs. J Rinch . W ool Mits, Mrs. E Hall. Mrs. R Ard. W ool Gloves, Mrs. J Rinch. do CLASS M LAD IE' S DEPARTMENT ·r Crochet Wo1·k, W ool, Mrs J Hunter, Mrs SS Dobson. <Jamp Stool, Mrs J Waddell, Darning on Net, Mrs J Pollard, Mrs C B Borland, Darne.:l N etting, Mrs J Poland, l\1ill8 Daisby Thompson, 'l'wine Lace, Mrs E Hall, Mrs CB Bor· land, Darned Socks, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs R B 1'hornto11, Lamp Mat, Mrs W A Reid, Miss Linton, Pillow Sham, Mrs R Ard, Mrs J Davey, Etching. Mias Rinch, Fancy Knitting, cotton coarse, Mrs J P olland, Mrs U Ard. F ancy Knitting, cotton fine, Mias D fhompson, Mrs ;J .l:'olland, Braiding Wool, or Silk, Mrs E Hat!, A A Gamsby. Braiding cotton, M!s Ard, Mrs A A Gamsby, Table Scarfs, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs Fr~ Andrus, Bead W ork, Mfae Stark, Miss J Colville· Change stitch, Mrs J Pollard, Mrs R Ard. Pin Cushion, Miss L Chapple, Miss M McConnacbie, Ottoman . Miss M McConnachie, Mrs T Vinson, ]footstool, M iss M McConnachie, M iss D T hompson . Bracket, Miss Hall, MI'll A A Gam~by, Pomt Lace, Mrs C B Borland, Mrs J K Reid, Honiton l iace, Miss D Thompson, Miss ltinch, Arrasene, Miss L Chapple. Mrs E Ha1~ Cretonne Work, Mrs E Hall, Mrs G m. Long, Appleqne Work. Mrs J Pollard, Fancy 8creen, Miss D Thompson, Pannels. Mrs (~ B Borland, Miss M McConnachie. Kensington Painting, Mis~ L Chaplin, Mrq D A Gamsby. Oil Painting, L andscape, Mi~s M M cConnachie, M1s1iL Cbapplin. P aintil'g Water color, Miss L W atson, Painting on V elvet, Miss L Chaplin, Miss L Ch appl,., Cra.von Drawing Mr W W 'l'rull Miss L Watson. Pencil Drawing, Mrs E Hall, Miss Ball, CLASS N OPEN TO M EMBERS ONLY Col Photographs, W S Gamsby. Gents Shirt and collar, Mrs A A Gamsby, Quilt W oolen,Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs W n.ddell. Quilt cott on, Miss 'l'hompson, Mrs R Ard. Quilt J,og cabin, Miss B \Vatson . Mrs A A Garosby, Quilt Drawn, M1 ·s W Uooney, Mrs R Osborne, Machine Qt1ilting Mrs ,J Waddell, Caso Millinery, Mrs T Vinson, l! 'ancy Quilting, Mrs .T Wadd~ll, Plain do Mrs R Foster. Mrs R Ard. Knit Quilt, Mrs. ., G M L ?ng, Miss J M cNeil, Qnilt Piece Work, Woolen, Mre J Wad dell Mrs A A Gamsby, Quilt P iece Work, Cotton, M iss D Thom. pson, Mrs R Ard, Quilt Crochet,Mrs RB Thornton,F Walden, Pen Drawing, M iss L Watson. Col E ggs, do do Work. Miss B Watson. Worsted, do raised Miss J Colville. Hubbard Squash, R Ard, Wool Work, Miss L Chapplin, Cucumbers, l\frs S Bowen, Hanging Basket, Mrs 1!' Morgan, .Penmanship, D McConnachie, Fancy Bracket. Mrs J H unter, Pair of guinea F owls.J Hunter, Burlap Mat, Mrs G M Long, Berlin Wool Work. Miss L Watson, H anging Basket, Miss Polly Hall, Knittim; in fine Wool, Mrs J Pollard, Oil painting on glass, Mrs G H Linton, M antle Drape do do Knit Dress, Mrs Little, l<'actory horse Blanket, J' Simpson, Ornamental Tinsel Work. Miss Hall, McArimma Work, Mrs E Hall, Table Cover. Mrs E Hall, Damed N et auron. Miss Shoul ts, SELLING OUT. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. THOSa BINGHAM, Having decided to retire from the DRY GOODS Trade, a:i;i.d devote his whole time to Insurance, is now offering his whole stock at sacra:fice prices that must clear out the entire assortment in short order. . A large and carefully selected stock fo~ the fall trade bas just been rece1 ved-but all n1ust go. _A splendid assortment of Tweeds just received, and Carpets in great variety-at your own prices. Evel'ybody call soon and get bargains before too late. rh~ whole stock is offered en bloc to anyone desirous of enterrng the Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing Trade in Bowmanville. Thebiggest and best assorted Stock and best stand in town ' Apply to TH OS, BINGHAM 1 hav1;ig a :first-cl~ss cutter, suits of the most stylish and serviceable quality can be fmnished to all comers on shortest notice and at lowest prices. -, The VOLUNTEER Leads the THISTLE ' ' Bowmanville Rifle Association. -AND THE- -· . WATCHES, cr..ocxs. JEW:E:LBY, .A.NI> SII.VERWAE.E. This department of our busin ess is receiving our careful att ention and never before have we sh own so large and choice a selection of desirable goods. Our system announced some months ago of selling atone-half theregular j eweler,s profits, has had its r esults, as the public has become aware that we are carrying out our deteTmination. One thing we want distinctly understood, viz, that our goods are the best quality t o be produced. We have a large personal acquaintance with leading manufact urers both in Canada and United States and consequently get the benefit of always securing good goods.'"' Q Solid Gold and Silver and Rnlled Gold Plate. J. J. Mason. Aged E we A T amblyn, lat and 2nd, A Pollard, 3rd, · 2 Ewe Lambs, A Tamblyn, T G Waddell, Aged ram, A Tamblyn. Shearling ram 'l' G W addell. Ram Lamb. A Tamblyn, lat a nd 2nd, T G Watldell. 3rd CLASS D SWINE- BERKSHIRE, Boar J L Power, "Pig W C B lackburn, J L Power. Brood ::low, A Pollard, T G Waddell, Sow Pig W C Blackburn. 1st and 2nd SUFFOLK. Boar R McLeod, S Perrin, " Pig do · W B Allin and Sons, R W erry, Brood sow W B Allin, an:l Sons. W Hayes, Sow pig W B Allin and sons, w· Hayes, POLLAND CHINA. Boar E Hall. do fig do J3rood sow, E Hall J Hunter. CLASS E. POUL'l'RY. Game, W B Allin & Son. Poland, R Watson . Gold Span~ Hamburgs, .A. J Griffin.7 " !' ·· Chicics, A J Griffin, 1st and 2nd. Gold Pencil Hamburgs, A J Griffin, 1st and 2nd. Gold Pencil Hamburg Chicks, A J Griffin, l et and 2nd. Silver Span~. E 'Birch, A J Griffin. " ·· Chicks, E Birch, AJGriffin. " Pencil Hamburgs, A J G.iffin, 1st and 2nd. Silver Pencil Hamlmrg Chicks, A J Griffin, 1st and 2nd. White Leghorns, A G Moment, lat and 2nd, White Leghorn Chicks, A G Mome11t, R W erry. Brown Leghorns, A 'famblyn, lat and 2nd. " " Chicks, W BAiiin & Son M Garvin. ' Black Leghorn Chicks, A Tamblyn, 1st and 2nd. Brahma Light,E Bir;;h, W B Allin & son. 2nd." .. Chicks, E Birch, 1st and Brahma Dark.E :Birch. Spanish. R Werry. Plymouth Rocks, A J Griffin. " " Chicks, A 'l'amblyn, W C B lackburn. Wyandott es, A Moment, 1st and 2nd. " Chicks, A Moment, 1st anil 2nd. White Wyandott Chicles, A Moment, 1st and 2nd. Langshan. E Birch. Dorkins, WC Blackburn. Game Bantims, A J Griffin, AG Moment. P artridge Cocbins. E Birch. " " Chicks, E Birch. Turkeys, A T amblyn. W C Blackburn. G eese, J Hunter, W B Allin & Son. Ducks Rowen, A .r Griffin . " Perkin, E Birch, B Allin & son, Pigeons, S Dobson, lat and '.lnd. Can:tries B est Singer, Mrs. A A Gawsby, R ll '.l.'llOrnton. J.J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. 'V The A nnual Prize Meeting of the Bowmanville Rifle Association was held on :Friday, September 30, with .the following result : CITIZENS' MATCH. P!-fame. 7 S HOTS AT 200 & 500 Y DB. Pointe. 1 ')8 QO Prive.teJ H Morris, 45th .Batt...... 62 2 7 00 Mr J K Fairbairn. Brookville . 59 · ·· 58 3 6 00 Lieut W S RusselJ. 45 Batt 4 5 00 Mr James Hunter. Port H()pe::·.-. 57 4 00 Staff Sgt W C K ing 45th Batt 57 do · · · · 57 6 4 00 Mujor Hughes 7 ;l 00 Private W . Hilton do 56 8 3 00 Priva te J Cnrtis do 56 9 3 00 P r ivate R Sylvester do 56 10 3 00 Pcrivte.te W Gamble do : : :: 55 11 3 00 e.p Deyell 15th . . . . . · . · . . . · . . . .· 55 M 12 2 00 Sta.if Sgt Geo Lewi11, Q 0 R . 13 2 00 do W H Clarke 13th B 5! H 2 00 Brown! 15th 5! 15 2 00 Sgt J A Williamson, 4.5tii' i3~ir · ·· ., ·· .· . M "" 16 l 00 S g t JLa wr i ~. 45th . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .· 17 1 00 C Armstronli!'. Bl!' A , Guelph.. . . 5:! 18 1 00 Geo A McM1cking, Ni~are. !~alls 53 .ASSOCIATION MATCH. 7 BHO'l'B AT (00 & 500 YDB. 1 10 00 Lieut W S Russell, !5th Batt 61 ll 9 00 l'rivate J Sando. do ·· ·· 59 do . . .. 59 3 8 00 Ste.If Sin w 0 King 4 7 00 · Ste.JfS11;t NS Young do 59 5 6 00 Private W Hilton do · · · · 59 6 5 00 Pri WGamble, !6 Be.ttPortH~p~ 59 7 5 00 Sgt G Wright 13th Batt Hamilton 58 8 4 00 Staff SKt W N Clark do do 57 9 4 00 Mr M H Odell, Bowmanville 57 10 4 00 Capt Deyell 46th Batt Port Hop'; 57 11 3 QO Staff Sgt J B Mitchel,' 15 th Batt.: 57 12 3 00 Ast Surg McLe.ughlln. 15th Batt 56 13 3 OU Major White 3~tb Ba tt, Whitby.. 56 H 3 00 M~ior Hughes 45th Batt, Lotus. :: 56 15 2 00 Pr1 D Beach 45th Batt 56 16 2 oo Ge? A McMickinir, Niagara Fa1i8 oo 17 2 00 Pr~ R Sylvester, 45th Lindsay .. . . 54 18 2 00 P ri J Curtis 15th l:lowmanvllle .. .. f>:l E X'l'RA SERIES N o. 1,-ANY POSITION, ii Sl£0TS AT 200 YDS, 1 15 00 Stall' Sgt J B Mitchel 45th Batt. . 2! 2 5 00 Ast Surg McLaughlin, 45 Batt. . . 2! 3 5 00 Ste.ff Sgt N S Young. 45th Batt... 24 i 3 00 Sta1fSgt G Wright, 13th, H amilton 24 5 2 50 l::!talfSgt WC King 45th Batt...... 24 6 2 50 C Armstrong lat B H A, Guelph.. 24 7 2 00 W H Clarke, Hamilton . . . . . · . . . . ·· 21 9 00 Lt W S l:tusaell, ~5th . . . .. · . . . . . . . . 24 8 · 9 2 00 Geo A McMicking. Niagara Falls 24 10 l 50 Pri "'.;~ Hilton, 45th . . ~. .... 2L 11 1 50 J ~{ .F a1rbe.lrn, Brookville . ..... . · ~'3 12 1 25 Pn J H Morris 45th Batt...... .. .. 23 13 1 25 Mr J Dalton, Bowmanville ·.···· _ 23 H 1 2ii J.>ri D 45th Batt .. ... . .. _. .. 23 15 1 25 S taff Sgt S Margette, Hamilton.. 23 E:X'l'RA SERIES No. 2-POSl'.l'ION S·rANUNG. 5 SHOTS A'.l' 200 YDS. Worked Slipp<:ra, Miss E M Brown, Mrs. 1 8 00 C Arm&trong, 1st B ir A Guelph .. 23 ~ 1 00 Staa;.Sgt G Marget ts 13thHamilton 22 .T Waddell, Sofa Cushion, Mi·s L Chapple, Miss M 4 ~ gg s~£W~e;t·ini?~~t~~!ir::: :: ~f 2 00 Staff Sgt J B Mitchel, 15th Batt .. 21 CoSl~Embroidery, Mrs.CB 'Borland. Mrs a 6 2 00 Mr J W Dutt.on, Bowmanville . .. . 21 7 2 00 Geo A Mc Wicking Niagara Falls. 21 G Bigham, . W orsted Work flap, Mrs Il Hall Miss 8 2 00 Prl D 45th Batt .. .. . . .. . . .· 20 9 1 50 As.t Snrg McLa.uv;lln, 15th Batt.. 2Q Hall, Col. J_,adies underclothing, Mrs J 10 1 00 Pr1 C Prout, 15th Batt... .... .... .· 20 Polland. Mrs R Ard, GRAND AGGREGATE, Girls Dresses, Mias J McCulloch Mrs C 1 B R A Badge, Lt Russell 45th Batt ...· 119 00 Statf Sgt WC King, 45 th . .. . ...... 116 2 7 B Borland, Babies Dr esses .. Mrs W W '.l'i·nll, Mrs, J 3 5 00 P ri W Hilton, 45th . ... .· . . .. .. .. .. 115 4 3 00 P ri J H Morris, 4.'ith ....... ... .. .. 115 Waddell, 2 50 Pri W Gamble Port Hope .. .. ·.. · 114 Toilet Set , Mias D aisey Thompson, MrsC 2 25 11'.laJor Hughes, J, otus ....... ..... .. 113 B Borland. 7 2 00 Deyell 4Gth, Port Hope .... .. 112 Cotton 'l'idy, Mrs J Polland, Miss Amie 8 2 00 W H Clarke, 13th, Hamihon ...... 111 9 2 00 Mr J K ira.irbaim, Brookville . . .. 111 Fox , Wool Tidy, Mrs .T Polland, Miss A A 10 2 00 G Wright. 13th. Hamilton ..... . _.. 110 11 1 80 Sta.ff Sgt J B Mitchel. 45th ... ...· 110 Gamsby, l 50 P ri R Sylvester, 45th, Lindsay .. .. 110 Fancy Tidy, M rs E Hall, M rs C B 12 13 1 25 Pri J Oourtice. 45th . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . 110 B orland., . 11 1 00 :Staff Sgt N S Young. 45th- ... .. ... 109 W ax J· !owers! M rs D A Gams_by, 15 1 00 Ast Surg McLaughlin, ,151 h ., ...... lOV ~o Frmt, Miss L eah Cb~plin, Mrs J FROIF, LOl'l"S S llLl'HIJlt SOA.P h a de J Waddell, Crochet Work, Cotton, MrsR A.rd, M rs Jlir;llthtl t oilet 110::11r y ·: .s well us 11 goud c1u alive tor sk i n cl1sease. A A Gamsby, 0 WEST END HOUSE Leads the Country In that is New, Beautiful and Clean in the Dry Goods Line. Our new Fall Stock looks like a Daisy in the Spring. Our Prices are tame and are warranted not to sr.are or jar the most delicate nerves. And our whole establishment has entered into a conspiracy to make the P eople happy and comfortable, without impoverishing the pocket book. When you are up street drop in and see us, while we. show you our handsome stock. The W est End House is in the same old place. aii:: THE VERDICT I J udging by t lie large trade that I have done with people in Bowma.nville, and also with those in the country--some trading with me who have (as t hey have told me) come from Osha"'a, ~ewC88tle, Burketon, etc., in fact within a radius of 15 miles or more, to buy their boots and shoes is a direct verdict that I sell at close prices. I sell cheap b ecause I bought cheap myrnlf, and besides I take small profits and sell for cash only. Now that the fall trade is approaching, it wlll pay those who need anything in boots and shoes to come to me. I make also a specialty in Trunks and Valises-selling them as cheap as they can be sold in any of our large cit ies. I have a large stock of 1Boots now on hand, ust right for foll wear, (our own inake), which I c·tn sell cheaper than any shoe store in Bowmanville, as they were all bought at a rate on the oollar, and will be sold at less than they actually cost to get them up. I have also bought a large stock of Boots and Shoes from the factories, at close prices, and which will be sol d accordingly. , -..... g All PATGHING AND MfNDING PROMPTlY ATTfNDf OT O . 26· 3m. ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Casteria~ - GEORGE BUCK~

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