TBRMS:-11.50 PB:& ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FffiST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A . JAM E S, E DITOR AND PROPRI:&Ton, V OLUME NEW SERIES, NUMBER 480. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1887. XXXIII. NUMBER 41. OPENED OUT LAST WEEK ---AT-- ALLAN LINE, ROYAL M A IL STE A M S HIPS. ENJ?IELD. '.l'he social i n the church last Thursday night was well attended. After the proceeds of the social were known, a s mall subscription , about $11 was raised which completely freed the church trom debt. So the m em bers have the ~a.tisfaction of having a free church again. Mr. Wm. Gilbert liad the honor of pr eachin g t he first sermon, other than the opening services, in the new church last S isnday . There was a large congregation. Our pr aying baud went t o Eldad last Sunday night , so t hore was no service here. B ut it is intendecl to r 06ume the r egular Sunday evening Sf·rvic.e in the future. Mrs. W m . Tapp is on the eick list. Ma he soon recover. On Thursday Gth inst., Florence, the d augh ter of M r. and Mrs. D ouglass, died of the croup, aged 7 ye::.rs. T he burial was made at B owmanville on: Saturday. Mr. David Beath has removed t o t he to neh1p of Oro, with h is family . Mr . J as. Stark can now exclaim in the language of t he poet , "T'm a daddy ! I have a b ouncing baby boy!" ENNISKILLEN. AUCTION SALES. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. S.AJLINGS. from Quebec. September 22 POLYNES CAN, " ., ., 30 P AIUSIAN, " October o SARMI'l'I AN. 13 21 CJRCASSIAN, SARDINIAN. " 27 POI,YNESIAN " November 1 PARISIAN. 10 S A.RMI'l'lAN, ,. 17 R ATE'S OF OCEAN p ASSAGE : -Cabin, $50, $65 and $75; r eturn, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $SO ; return, $60. Steerage, $20. The last. train connecting with t he m ail steamer at P ort la.nd leaves Toronto on W ednesday morning. The last train connecting with the m ail steamer at IIalifax leaves T oronto on Thursday m orning. F or tickets and every i nformation, apply t o W . A. N EAD}'!, B owm anville, Agent A llan line. 11-tf ~ ARJ JINIAN. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S, THREE BAL.ES - OF- - - 8RUSSELLS~) Direct from John ·Crossley & Sons, Halifax, England. '(AND TAPESTRY) CARPETS;) Notice e.ll AND & RESIDENCE FOR SALE. -'I'he reaidecce of the late C. H . Giles, 8ituated on Lot. 4, Con .. 3, East Whitby, comprising 4 acres of first.class land. The house is nearly new, stone cellar, .aott and hard water. ilrst·class driving house a nd stable, splendid young orchard with all kinds of fr uits. Close to Maxwell's school house, 1 miles from the town of Oshawa, one mile lrom 'l'aunton. and one from iroley. This is a. good chance for any one wanting to ret ire from active life. "Vill be sold on reasone.ble terms. For further particulars apply to t.he widow GRA..CE GILES. Taunton. P . 0 ., or WJVI. Honas, Valentia. or DR. GILES. Halliburton. P . S.- It not sold it will be rented to a suitable tenant. · 37-6w L Cn1rs. R ELIABJ,:io; TESTD'.!ONY.-Mr. .John R. W rigM, representing Messrs. E v,tns, Sons & Mason , wholesale druggists, Mont real , say1-Nasal Balm cured me of a long standing case of catar rh a fter many other remedies failing. ~: to Creditors. SULIN A . Mrs. T. Tremeer, of Mariposa, has been visiting friends in this neighbor h ood. Who was the 7th line man who was picking and . begging apples on Sunday last 1 Some time ago t he Vindica tor m entioned that the corporation had some street lamps t o i;tive away. Solina would be pleased t o have a few of them. Mrs. A. Washington, who h as been sick for ~o;ne t ime, is r ecovering. Who was the young man who had to borrow a lantern to see his way home ·. on Sunday n igh t. Most everybody from around here attended t h e fair at B owma nville on W ednesday l ast and wer e well pleased with it. Th e general opinion prevails here that all they want n ow .is larger fair uronnde t o make i t secon d to none in the Province. M1-. B . Lammiman has i·eturned to T oronto. Mr. J . Tremeer has been to Midland on a visit . Mrs. A. H ogarth has been visit ing relat ives i n Detroit. M r . J ordan V a.nNest's new h ouse is almost completed. 'l'his will be one of the tinest edifices in the neighbor hood. Revival meetings are now being carried on at Zion church . J ACK. RESTORED.- Mrs. J . M. Phalen, of Sydney Mines, N .S., had chronic r heum. at ism for t wo years, and got no relief unt il she t ried Burdock Blood ..Bitters. T wo bot tles cured her. " I w as like a skeleton," says, she " before using B.B. B. , now thanks to t he discovery of such a valuable r emedy, I am en tirely restored to health. " Iii the matter of the Estate of THOMA S L AWSON, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the Count'I/ of Diwharn, l!'<ir- For Elegant Designs, Perma- m ei·, deceased. R SUANT TO SE CTION 34 OF P UChapter 107. of the Revised Statut.es of nent Colors and Durability, Cross- Ontario, and of Section Cha-pter of Vic· toria, Ontario Statutes. notice is hereby !liven that creditor· and persons having claims S LAWSO N, late of against the Estate of THOMA ley's Carpets are unequalled. the Township or Cartwright, in the Coun ty of Durham, Farmer. who died on or a.bout the 12th or .Tune, 1887, ift the said 'l'ownship of Cartwright, and to send ou or before the first Housekeepers requiring Car- day of December. 1887, by post, prepaid. to James Parr, Blackstock P. Onta.rio,the ad· or the Estate and of the said pets are requested to examine our rnin.iatra.tor LAWSON, their Christian and Snrna.mes. addresses and descriptions, the full or their claims and statements of Stock before buying. No better P·rticulars their accounts and the nature of securities (if any) held them. accompanied by a. Statu· tory declaration verifying the accuracy of euch value anywhere. claims. and notice also !liven. that after the 1. 9, 4G 0 ., "ffect~ 'l'HOMAS by Couch, Johnston~ Crydorman One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. last mentioned de.tn. the said administrator w ill proceed to distribute the aesete of the deceased among the parties entitled, having r egard only to the claims of which the said ad· ministrator shall then have notice, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, to any. person or persons of whose debts or claims be shall not then have notice. Dated at Cartwright, this 21st day of Sept., 1887. J AMES P ARR. 38 Gw Blackstock, P . 0. , On Is NE-W- GOODS I 'i\Te are now shewing a complete new Stock of new Fall and "V'\/inter Goods, in all our departments which for style and design will be hard to sur_ p ass In this locality. Ordered work in the Tailoring Department a specialty. A neat garment with Style and Finish is guaranteed by the . I CO TO TAl'r & MORRISON'S and inspect their Wall P e.pers- Jatest desill]ls. greatest variety. and prices to suit everyone. Stock now ready. Do you want a new and pretty Window Shade or Blinds7 We have something new in this branch. Call and see them before yon invest. or you'll be sorry, StUI leads In Photographs and our Stndio is often crowded. Come early in the day when you can. Jnet now you may want some extra Engravings or Ch.romos to adorn your rooms. We have a. great variety, good and cheap. too, If you want a. baby carriage Vie can snit you; we have some nice ones. Doll's Cariiagea, too. and Boy's Wagons. Carts and Wheelbarrows. Lawn Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balls. Games fo. r ram!lles and s ocial parties: Our .Mirrors a.re clear and true ; our picture frames are of tlie la.test and most attractive designs. Curtain poles&; rings. Plush goods-nice and cb.,ap, Another new branch j ust in· troduced at Tait &. TAIT TYRONE . & MORRISON'S Is 11 Jewelry Department where you will 11nd the very latest in Ladies"landGentlcmen's jewelry. Wt' invite epecial attention to our new stock j ust in. Base Ball goods, School and Hymn Books. Stationery, Toys, and in· deed everything to be found in a. Variety and Fancy Goods' NO. 1CUTTER, W. PEARD ON. Our Mijlinery Room IS open. for inspection filled with the latest no·v elties of the season. Come with your money and get the first. choice. Yours, etc., _s_T_O_R_E_._~ Liver Com1>l111nt, Dy spep~Jn. OU~ES UIU0118IUlHS , !Itek llea1lacl1e. Kidney Troubles, Jt11cumnt1~m. evf'r ca u se a...-is htg ~eases Skill Dl ~en8e§ a nd ·all hupurUh~S or t he lllllotl f'rom wlrnl· ]'e male Weak· and Genera.I Oebility, l'ureJy 1·cgelnblc. Highly C01le('Jlbn1ecl. plt llij!lnt eftcelnnl u~e Ge 0 . B 0 w man vi 11 e, 0 ct. 4 ' '8 7. · ng · · 0 Lal · COUCH Aili.! D LUNG CUR E DR. HODDER'S 1 Asn: F OR. COMPOUND. 1l~~~~:·R~ c~ .ut«;H ;i1~<; 0 ~~ t1D evc Dr y'E' ' 1tcRr c.,SPri·:c, . TAMAnAc.-Tamarac Elixir is a. preparSold Price, 25cents and cents ation contain ing great cumtive proper ties AS SlVlm'l' A.S HO~lil' is .DI'.. Low·s l' len~- fer cou0.,hs, colds, Influenza and throat per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, specific curative power with perfect su.fety \VOl'lll Syl'U [I, )'Ct Sure to d i Sll'OY 1\llll The llNlON MEDU1U E cm .,· · Toronto, Can .. and pleasantnesa to the patient. II :mi. expel 'lYOr ms. · and lung complaints. t everywher~: ;)0 Mr. B ennett , of Toronto, was t he guestJll_ Mr. 'I'. Creeper, on Sabbath. Mr. J. C. Va11stone is erecting a telephone lin e from h is mill in town t o t he mill iri th is place. Mias B ertie Gardiner h as return ed from S t. CaLher ines. M r. Jolin B ell has rented a residence. in 'l'oronto where he pr oposes k eeping a boarding house. See notice of his sale. Who w ere t he lads t hat got left a week ago Sunday night ? Tr y agaiu boys the third time will sure t o win. The championship foot ball matchClarke vs . Darlington- will be played here S aturday afternoon. A lively time is exp13cted. After the match a. supper will be provided for all who wish to partake of same for only 15 cents. Following are the officers of Tyrone Division for the current q uarter: W. P. -J. W. Odell ; W. A.-J. IL Manning; R . S.- H . J . Werry ; A . R . S . -James Bingham ; F. S.-S . .J. Henry ; Chap.W . .E. P ollar d· ; Con.-F . Hancock; A. C.- S. J. Washington ; I. S. - T. T. Jardiue ; 0. S. -;--S. P ollard ; P. W. P . - T. Creeper. R ev. A. E. Sanderson has been v isiti ng friends in the west . The propert.y on t he corn'er of King and P arsonage st r eets was sold t o :Mr . A. Brown for a good price on Sa turday. M r. Cameron Trull and wife was t he guest of Mr. A. E. Clemens on Sabbath, Lotus Farm. M iss Ashton, H aydon, has been visiting friends here. CLI)'[A.'I:. theme. Colonel Chaille-Long, who has just gone as an envoy to open Cor ea, Tm·; USt"AJ, TR.E4TMENT of ca.tarrh is himself one who has showed ability in ver y u neatisfactory, as tl10uf:iands of des- other lancls. has done wisely in making pairing patients can testify. On this "The American Soldier Abroad," the point a t r ustworthy medical writer says : subject of an article in the Octob'lr P roper local treatment is positively neces· number of :F'rank L eslie's Popular Month· sary to success, but many, if n ot most of ly. H e begins with General Eaton, t he r emedies i n general use by physicians whose exploits in Tripoli are now alm ost afford but temporary benefit, A cm·e forgotten and comes down to 'Va.Iker in ·certainly cannot be expected from snuffs, Nicaragua, Ward and Burgevine in China. powdern, douches and washes. Ely's "A Dash through t he Land o'Cakes " is a 8 0 bright sketch of Scotch travel. · Our succeseful teacher , Mr . C. N. Callendar, has been r e-engaged for the SALE CANCELLED.-Mr. W. "1. McD oncou;iing year at an increased salary. nld's sale announced for Oct. 13, has been cancelled. A great game of foot ball is expected in Tyrone on Satur c lay, 15th inst . , between MR. s. c. HUNKrna ·s l'lALES. picked teams from Clarke and D arlingTHURSDAY, OCT. 13.- Mr. W. Crawford. ton. lot HJ, con. 2, Darlingt on, will seH 10 The Methodist Sabbath School intend horses, 34 cattle, 12 pigs and a graiu having their anniversary as usual 'on separ ator. Thia is t he largest sh)ck Thanksgiving Day. sale that will likely be amiounced this season. Sale. at 1 p . m . See large H AMPTON. posters . S. C. Huisxma, Auctioneer. It is expected that a cour.t will be es- FRIDAY, OCT. 14 - Mr. S . C. Hunking, tablished here to t ry Scott Act cases for lot 33, con. 3, Darlington, will sell bis t he eutiro county. valuable far m, stock, implements, hay, etc. F inding h is auctioueering patronMr. H . Elliott, sr., was quite ill last age incroasinf{ so rapidly, he has decided week, but is better at, time of writing. to give up farming, hence everything Mr. L. J, Johns h as had a relapse and will be sold . Sale at l p. m . See bills. is not so well for the last few days. w. HEZZLEWOOD, Auctioneer. We are pleased to hear tlrnt the har vest home tea in Tyrone was so 1 rnccessful. It SATURDAY, OoT. 15.-There will be sold at F o wke's store, King-s f. . east, Oshawa, is t rue that there wa~ not quite as much another consignment of bankrupt goods realized at the harvest honie ente1 ·tain compr 'sing dry goods, groceries and ment held in this village a short time tin ware. Sale at 7 p. m . S, C. H UNKa.go, where the Big Gun from the S tates ING, Auctioneer. figured conspicuously, but w e wonld beg to remind the Tyrone Cor. ~o the S-rA.- THUUSDAY, OUT. 20. - Mr. Henry H ill, lot G, con. 5, Ea.sl " Whi tby, will sell all 'l'l!JS~fAN, that t he Hampton entertai111nent his ve1·y valuable farm stock and imwas not a circuit a.fr'air, but was got up plements. Sale at 1 p. m. S. C. exclusively b y the H<lmpton congregat ion, H UNKING, Auctioneer. and. the S nnday collections $2u.34 and proceeds of tea. $91. 91, used for the bene- SATURDAY, Ocr. 22.-The undersigned fit of said congregat io n, while the tea in has received i nstructions to aell by Tyr one was got up by t he circuit and well public a uction, the property of 1\lr. sustained by the different appointments. Frank Hall, on L ot 16, Con. 4, Dar· Now Mr E ditor , we do not think that the lington , consisting of !arm s tock, imsarcaetic reference made by your 'l'yrone plements, etc. F or particula.rs see Cor . in last week's issue added any thing P ositively n o reserv ~. Salo at J t o the succes' of the entertainment held o'clock. S. C. H trNNING, Auctioneer. in that village or detrac'ted any thing SATURDAY, Om . 22,- T he Executors of from the one held in this place. We fur· the late Mary Aun Bedford will offer ni~hed a phy&ical and intellectual treat for sale by public auction, · a t Beer's for the public and we t hink our effort s H otel Ha'llpton, at the hour of ~ were appreciated, taking the wet after o'clock, p. m., a r ough-cast dwelling n oon iuto consideration. We a re qu ite house, half an acre of land attached. capable of running our own affairs iu t hi3 F or P ar ticulars see advt . and posters. western circu it, ar;d ~ ould suggest to yonr s. c. H UNKING, Auctioneer. Tyr one Scribe the.t in future they devote all their talen ts tc matters at home. T UESDAY, OcT.. 25.-Mr. John Couch, having decided to r etire from farming P ersons living in glass houses should n ot will offer for sale on h is premises, L oe throw stones. Sr,ow B oY. -Con. 3,Tp. of Clarke. on above dat e, his valuable farm s tock, implements, B.B.13. STOOD T1rn TEsr.- " I tried etc' Sale at 1 o'clock. S. C. H uNKING, every known remedy I could think of for Auctioneer . "' r heumatism, without giving me any reliQf, until J tried Burdock Blood .Bi tters, WEDNESDAY, OcT. 27.-Mr. J . J\'litchell, which rem~dy I can bi~hly rAcommend lot 30, con. 5, Darlington, will .sell his to all affi.icted as I was. " HENlW SMITH, farm, farm stock, implements, etG. , Milverton, Ont. without reserve, as he ts ·going t o Manitoba.. Se.le at 1 p. m . See brge P or t P er ry Fair Notes posterd. S. C. H uNKrno, A uctioneer. AUCTION 8.A.LES.-8. C. H unking, c ,.urt· The exhibit of the Dominion Organ and tice, Outario, L icensed Auctioneer, for Piano Co., of Bowmanville, consisted of D arlington and Whitby, B owmauville Sq uare, Grand and Rosewood Upright and Oshawa, Appraiser, &c. All business Pianos, and fi ve styles of Urgans. '.l'hey a ttended to promptly. Orders may be wer e nicely arranged'-a la parlor-with left at t he SrA'l'.ESMAN office, Bo wmanviUe, b ric-a-brac, fancy tables, easy chairs, lace or R eformer office, Oshawa'. cur tains, etc., and formed tempting nook, MR. R. HUTCHISON'S SALES. i n and around which many wer e pleased t o stay, attracted t hither by t ha app~ar MONDAY, OC'.1'. 17.-Mr. J ob Greenwood, lot 29, con. 0, Clarke, will sell his exa·n ce of music-t he latter d ispensed by cellent Young S talliou, Far m Stock, skillful hands without stint. The instruImplements, etc. Salo at 1 p . m . See ments which t his insthution tur ns ou t large posters. n.. H UTCHISON, Aue. are giving ver y general satisfaction, because t hey make a fi rst·clasa a r ticle every THURSDAY, Ocr . 20.-Mr. A. W . Carveth, t i me. '!'his they are ab le to ensure the village of Leskard, Clarke, will sell hili publb, because t hey use only the best valuable farm etock, implement s, lummaterial, and employ only the most ber, shingles, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. practical workmanship. As long ago as R . H uTcH1SoN, Auctioneer . i n 1876, the judges of the Centennial, FmDAY, OcT, 21.-By virtue of a landwhe.e over 40 organs were represented, lord ' s warrant, there will be sold on lo~ after the m ost critical and competent 27, con. 5, D arlington, some implet est, were1 constrained to assign t he inments, chattels, etc., formerly belongstruments of their make the first rank iu ing·to Geo. Wilkinson , Solina . Sale a.t the req uisitea necessary t o t he construc1 o'clock p. m . See postern. R. t ion of a No. 1 organ, viz : " a p11re and HUTCHISON, Auctioneer. satisfying tone, simple and efiicient stop action, an elastic t ouch and good general WEDNESDAY, OcT . 2G.-Mr.John Gibson, l ot 30, con.8,Clarke,will sell the whole workmanship." Indeed their fame has of his valuable farm stock, implements, increased largely and n o w spans t wo conetc., wi t'iom; reser.ve, having rented his tinen ts, with increasiI1g sales every d ay farm. Sale at 1 p. m., sharp. See and growing satisfaction. Mr. P .Maitland p osters fo r particulars. R.H UTcH11:10N; ie tht1 local agent., and wit h Mr. Wm. Auctiouer. R u!e, t he manager of local agencies,. was in charge, and effected several satisfying H.. H ubhison, L icensed Auctioneer for sa.les .-Staudard. the Townships of D arlington, Whitby, ---··--....~----C larke, Manvera and Cartwright. Sales :WELJ, TEsrED.- "l was nearly dead attended to promptly and a.t reagonable with cholera morbus, one bottle of Ex- rates, Where it is not conveni~nt to eee tract of Wild Strawberry cured me, a nd me, arrangements can be made with t he at another time I was so bad wit h summer Editor of the STATESMAN .-R. H uTc msoN, complain t that I thought I would nt1 ver Enniskillen. get over it, when t wo bot tles cured me." WEDNESDAY, Oar . 12. -Mr. L. Hambly, Mrs. E. Askett, Peel, Ont . lot N o. 18, Broken Front, D ar lington, offers for sale a lot of farm stock. im· Tlie October number of F r ank Leslie'a plement e, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock,sharp. Sunday M!l.gazine offer a much to the LEVI A. T OLE , Auctioneer. ,. reader and of so varied a character that every class is sur e to be pleased. Serial WEDNESDAY, OcT. 12.-Mr. J ohn Mcand shor t stories, poems, ess,.ys, a rt and D ougall, Bailiff, will sell, under a scien ce make up a very· a.ttracti ve table of landlord's warrant, a lot of farm procontents. Among those al't icles which duce, i mplemen ts, etc. , on L ot 12,Con. appear to deserve s pecial mention are the 1 3, Darlington ,the property of Mr. Wm. ' 'F ashionable Attir e of Women," by Mrs. Yeoman. Sale at 1 p. m. See posters. Alexander ; . " T he Forehead," by Dr. N.B. - Our advertising r ate for auction J oseph S imms, an exceedingly valuable sales, when we do not print the soleo study in Physiognomy, and illustrated with many portraits of eminent men, bills, is 25 cent s a lin e, each insertion. P--Persons ordering 11ale bills at the illustratin~ the theories of the writer. STATESMAN oflice ' vill receive a free notice Con sidering h ow fre quen tly natives of like the above ' up to date of sale. The thi~ country have distinguished themselves in m ilitary and naval affairs in STATESMAN has the largest circulation in other la.nds, it is a won der that no one W est Durlmm and Ontario. Orders for has yet under taken to t reat so romantic a sales may also b e left at this office. To Avorn BALDNESS OR Grn;y HAIR.U se Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Hair Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free from Dandruff, and promotos the growth of the hair. It preven ts premature greyness aud stops all falling out of th e hair. On bald heads, where the r oots have not perished, it will invigor ate t hem and force a n ew growth of hair. Ask for H air Magic. It is the only reliable. li'or sale by all druggists. f{:~::o~~~1! l~(~~:~~; ~h(~~~t,~ ~~t\~~~