1 and extends to t he body. It is t· darker red MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. than the rash in scarlet fe,' er, and feels -slightly raised to t~e touch.. When ~he Blobson is very charitable. W hen asked Dangers in the Cellar. rash first. coi:ies out it looks h k·'. lea _bites if he could accountfor Smithkins having red hair he said he supposed it wEts because the " A .wet cellar is a fatal fault; from the arranged m little half moons on 111e skm. . WEDNESD.AY, OCT. 12, 1887. hygenic standpoint." Simple. dampness The great da.ng!Jr is of t akillg cold, which young man had such a brilliant mind. · l t d t b 1 · · fl t · t r.he lungs · · one, even wit 1ou any stan rng wu er· may r ng on m amma ion It is computed t hat there ar e 3664 differ a1 causes moisture and mould in the rc>oms a~d of injury to the eyes.from 0 ' ' H use, or ent languages in the .world. They are disabove, and this is a fruitful source of .dan- exposure t? too strong a h ght, , . tribu ted as follows : European .587 · Asiger to ' the inhabitants. Damp cellars unThe p!>tlent should be kept i!· bed lil a t" 937 Af · 2~6 '· '1()9 4 1 ; A merwan, der sleeping rooms are especially harmful; well-ventilated room at a temperature of t:~· :. ; 4 ncan, producing rheumatism, colds, and lung about sixty -eight degrees. Tho windo'.v am c, O. . . ~OR troubles. 'Vhen to dampness is added must be lowered a few inches at the top, 1f It has been ascertamed t hat a numbmg standing and stagnant water, the liability possible,· the opening being c~vcred wit h a act.ion, simihtr t.o tl1at co~aine, is produ cto disease and death is incr eased in p1·0· strip of flannel t o .prevent a draught. As I ed by the external _ apph_ cl\ti.on t o. t he body portion. fresh air is ind ispensable, if t his makes t he of the well-known tntmn ca t mg drmk of the The great source of danger in cellar is room too ~old, a fire must be lighted to South Sea I slanders called K ava. f or and A good photograp h of the seven th moon filth. Many persons who am neat· and clean counteract it. :DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. a.hove ground allow their cellars to become A warm sponge bat h should be given each of Saturn has been obtained by t he Messrs. ' "Caat c rfa ls so well adapted to children th:lt CMt o'.l'fa cures Colle, Coruitlpo.t!on, filled with decaying fruit and vegetables, day, folded blankets being placed over and Henry, at the Paris observat ory. T he [ recomr:i.e::id i t ns superior t o an7 prescrip tion S~nr . Stomnch, piarrhcea, J1 ~ructntion. ""Aetive fl.uctations in the Market, putrid meat, and all manner of uncleanness, under the patient in bed, the night dress re- p hotographic plat e had t o be ex posed t h ir ty fmmmto :ne." :a A u cmm M D Kills W orms, gives sleep, a nd promoten d!· ·I'"· ·· ' · ·., . g estion, without a thought of the absolutely poisonmoved a nd the hand holding t he sponge five minutes. T his moon is k nown to a,~ offer opportunities to speculalli So. O::fo:rd St., Brook!µ , N. !'. Wi&lwu~ iLl.jurious medico.tion. ous effects of this mass of filth, situated a9 being passed under the upper blanket while tronomer s as H yperion and was the last tors to make money in T!ill C~N'rAUR Co MP.Al rY, ';"; ~urray Street , N'. Y . it is, w4ere its alluvia must permeate the bathing to avoid . exposure. '£ h o window satellit e of Saturn to be discovere(l. hoi1se from bottom to top, at a.ll hours of should be shnt during t he bath. If the N euralgic pa.ti en ts, according to t h e Grain, Provisions, the day and night. J.iving consta,ntly in raah causes much irrit at ion it ma,y be rubbed Lancet, shouhl eithe1 r e.m r t t o t he seaside Stocks, Bonds & this atmosphere they become habituated to with cosmoline, or sweet oil. for their summer vacation, not t o high elePetroleum. its peculiar odor, which they often fail to 'r he eyes should be carefully shaded from vat ions. Sheltered inlancl r~sorts on plains, Prompt attention given to orders. notice, or to which they attach no import- the light, and no. reading. per.mit ted (ul!til or in mountain valleys, ar e r ecommended t o F OR SALE B Y J". HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE ' ance. Its injurious effects are produced at jthey a.re strong agam. Ser10us inflammation such suffer ers, whose symptoms a;re usually night, when no air is in circulation to dilute and permanent weakness of. ,the eyes !may .ggra.vat ed by any s timulat ing conditions 0 ,Office over Murdoch's Store. or carry off the poisonous emanations, and follow, if these precautions are not taken. of climate. also when the system is off guard, its It is often very hard t o keep a child amused The predilection for t cu. over coffee or Entrance by Telephone Staircase. powe1:s of resistance ar~ least and it absorbs !'nd happy un~er thl'.so vestrict ions. '.f his chocolate by the British public is shown by Jl-tf. unres1stingly the nox10us products of de- is. one of the difficult ies that a good nurse the report of t he Coffee Tavern Company, composition. In this way are often pro- 1will overcome, a.nd she must remember t ha t which is cont ained in t he r eport j ust p u b, duced diphtheria, dysentery, malarial and the child's co~1fort ~uring !if~ m_ay dep end lished of t he Royi> l Commission for the typhoid fevers. upon t he care it receives at this tune. Colonial and Indian Exhibition- T he comRecently a. young girl in a family under To avoi~ cold, all d?t~ing should be warm- pany sold during the ExhiH cion 559,000 'VETERI.N ARY SURGEON. my care s;iffered. from an unusually se vere f ~d and aired before oe~ng used. _A ffannel : cups of t ea, ] 35,000 cups of coffee and attac~ of mtermit.tent fever. As the house . Jacket worn over the mgl1t~ dress 1s a great 56,500 cups of chocolate. was situated on !ugh groupd and thern were , prot ection. An Albany watch maker to whom a watch no other cases of malarial disease in the imIf delirium comes on, and the rash sudmedfate vicinity, I was at a loss to account denly disa-ppea.rs, the sufferer should be p ut tha t had been <lr0pped 'lYerboard on a fishfor its causation until I ha.d ex amined the into a warm bath containing four table· ing excursion was t1~ke11 found t hat some of cellar-when the stagnant water, rotten spoonfuls of mustard to ea.ch pail of water, t he works were so badly r ust ed that they wood, decomposing meat and vegetables t a ken out after a few minut es; quickly dl'ied were useless. "If," ~aid he, " you had which met me on every side at once fur.:i.ish'· w·ith war m towels, and wrapped in blankets dropped your watch in oil as soon as y ou When buyin,g Coal Oil ask y our dealer for th e N ew Oils, ed the desired imforma.tion. until the doctor comes. If t he child has a t ook it out of t he water, or, bet t er yet, had dropped it into alcohol or any kind of st rong An epidemic of typhoid fever in New quick pulse and seems very sleepy, t he Hampshire a few years ago originated in breathing should be carefully wat ched to de- liquor, it w<,uld h a.Ye cost y ou nothing but the house of a butcher who was in the habit t ect any symptoms of trouble with the chest. the clea.nine-. " J Milk should be the chief article of diet. The Poet L aureate receives a year ly alof packing down in his own cellar all those Try it once, and you will use no other. pieces of meat which proved unsaleable, un· It may be used in gruel, custard, and blanc· lowance of £l00, and £27 in addit ion, which ti! several ba.rrels were filled with them, all · mange, and varied with beef t ea, chicken is instead of t he t ierce of Cana.ry wine that 1'1cUOLL BROS. & tJO'Y. , Toront o. in advanced stages of decompooition. Af- 1broth, mut ton broth, toast , and any light originally a ccompan ied the pension. Lord Tennyson, the present Laurea.te, has, in ter one death had ta.ken pla.ce in the house .foo,d . addition to this allowance, another of £ 250 an investigation was made ; the cellar was a year. The d ut ies which t he P oet L aurea te ·GTaduate or the Ontario Veterl!"ary Co!leg?, , examined and the filthy meat removed, S · h S R' ·fteglstered member of the,Ontario Vetenna.x;r making such a sickeninu stench as t o be al· eerng t 8 nn ise. is supposed to discharge in ret urn for his Medical Association, ill t most unbearable by the workmen who carBonnibeI remembers one morning on wak- salary consist in writing an ede on t he ~u.~ t:J·~ ~~~~ ~·~ .-ofllco and Residence, N ewtenv e, 0 n ' ried it out. .The effect was not yet removed, ing tha.t she has in the course of h er life birthday of the Sovereign ;;nd other special Will visit Orono every Tuesday and!Sa.turday however, nor was, the penalty fully paid un· J seen certainly not more than half. a-dozen occasions. Olftu'je h?Hs t ffo~ ~p ~· mTcl:r:PJ1·r'!'~ei.;! 1 ti! another member of. the family had fallen imnrises, and she doesn't really think it is AccordingtoDr. Berillon, the well -known 1 .:Vo ters ~r:imed~t~ atiention. a. victim to the disea.se. so ma.ny. And those were all of them ac- French specialist , t he p ractice of sucking CH.ARGES MODER.A.TE. The family of a wealthy farmer were cidental-either bee.a.use she W!\S sick and t he thumb a t night, t o which so many taken suddenly ill with typhoid dysentery couldh't sleep, or had to get up at four or child ren ar e addicted, and of which it is · Yon'll!lnditgood toreg\l· one autumn and two of its members were ,five or some such dreadtul hour, to catch a next to impossible to b re1L k t hem, can be Th Iota f b th ll beyond help pefore the family were fairly train. put a stop t o by a single hypnotiza.tion, a c· 6 n~~I!'~~~~. 0 sma aroused to a sense of their danger. Two Now to appreciate a sunrise, the body companied, of course, with t he requisit e I t v. ill ray eve1 y one to call and see us, A full line of the leadin g It chea~~ Siclc Headache, physicians were called and they, confident ' should be free from discomfort, and the suggestion. T he child never by auy chan1;e Stoves. ThD.insad .f>;:;~~pt!cs ever that the disease must have a loca.l origin, mind from care. Speaking in an artistic returns t o t he habit ag ain, t hough his Bosti~~'.'tis Ionsanttothe proceeded-a~ter much objection .on th.e lse11se, Bonnihel reflects, as t he ce!ling of.her memory r etains no trace of the or der of taste. P part of the mistress of the house-to rnvest1· room gradually flushes to a delicate prnk, prohibition which operates so powerfully on SononenecdE;ulpitd-own gate the cellar. Here is a report of what she has never seen a sunrise at all. She re· his will. in haste. they found : " In the first place there were solves that she will see one-at once-nowIn leng th of reign Her Majesty su rpasses - ----a.n ~bup,Qance Qf or.bhage ·let\ves and f3t;ump. '! 1 in13ta.nter ! . . all European sovereigns. In all t he world The best st oves in th e ma1ke t. All other cla'lses of Coal and Wood 1 M in a semiputrid state and there wer& d t:cay- A niunEnt later she is up and dressing; there is only one living rul'e r who has yet 11 ed potatotoes, turnips, beets and apples. in ten minutes Abe ia out in the garden, her celebrat St oves k ept in st ock A large and well selected Stock of ed his J 11bilee. The E mperor of There were in various parts of the cellar curly hair tucked up hastily in her neck. YE'fEltINARY SURGEON, has been upon t he"throne since 1831. ren nants of cider and cider vinegar and and her fingers fastening a final button as Brazil But in Europe the E nglish Qneen is t he cider lees-the latter in a. most offensive ·she goes. reigned of sovereigns. N ext t o her condition. Finally there were remnants of J How cool, how delicious, is t h is early au- longest comes the Emperor-King of Austro-Hml'- always on hand. Call a11 d get our prices before purchasing elsewhere barrels of beef and pork in a ba.d stat e, to tumn air l The flower s are j ust opening ; a gary, who ascended the throne in 18!8 next REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE . say nothing of other casual filth-the whole 1few buds even shyly unclose while she is to him is the King of the Netherlands, who co.1stituting such a stench as I had never looking at t hem. The many colored morn- was crowned in 1849. before perceived in a cellar." , ing-glories are holding up their perfect cups Newcastle. 39·lf . The cellar was purified but not in season to the light; little dewdrops sparkle among Jaborandi is said by the med ical journ i>ls to prevent the death of the two who were . the gorgeous fla.mes of the nasturtiums; to hav:e the property of incr easing t he ] first attacked, and one other, a very young I spider-webs, dot ted with t iny diamo1 1ds, growth of t he hair, and of darkeniug its child. The others ling ered for variable twinkle d o.intily upon the lawn. shade at t he same time. ·S ever al instances lengths of time hnt finu.lly recov ered. The Ah, here comes an old friend-one she h as of increased gr owth of h air a fter the use of 1 "ounce of prevention" which avoids these known about ever since she was u. lit tle girl jaborandi have been adduced in confirma- II evils, consistfJ in keeping the cellar dry, though she hasn't met him very of ten. He tion of this statement. T he act ive ingr edi· well aired and clean. approa('hes with a short run, o. st op, another ent in jaborandi infusion is a,n alkaloict callFirst, th e cell;i.r should a t what ever cost run, two or three hops, a halt, he<!-d up and ed pilocarpine. J a borandi is a shrub inibe thorcughly drained so that there sh<1.ll be Ired bresst thrown for ward, like a.u alert ported from Brazil, and has not long been not only no stanclinµwater in it but no ap· little sent inel, and then a sudden d11b at t he known in Brit ish medicine. BC · . 0 ';10rary Graduate . of the Ontario · eterina· :r : preciabl.e dampness upon the walls. moist fronnd with his yellow hill. The Ear'.!.'h e maternal love of t he spider is very · o1 1ege, Toronto. Heglstered member or the · , . · . d B. f On'lario Veteriha,ry Aesooiation, in a<Jcordanoe j Seconrlly, constantv1g1la?ce must be use ly ire , o cours~. . strong. The female carries, s uspended on -,vith the Veterlnitry .Act. to prevent the entrance mto or accnmuShe watches, silent uncl amused, whHe ho her legs, a small bag containing t he eg gs, 1 es.~fepre~ared to treat.al! diseaees of the Dqm· j lation in the cellar of decaying animal or j erks his sturdy lit tle neck, j umps forward which resemble white glass bea.ds. A spi· · An mals, aecordmg to tbe l.itest theories. vegetable substances It is not enough to and eideways and bP ,ckward by t urns and d er was once found whose ba ck was ent irely .a.1l calls pereonally, by Telegraph or 'l'ele , . · · . . · . . · · · '· . · J)hone will receive prompt at tention. clean 1t qut once or twice a year-it should flaps his brown wmg s m great excitement, covered with her young. On tryrng to shake S'OFFJCE- Ma.ln St., Orono, ono do·Jr north!o! be kept clean. , .1 as be struggles to pull from its r etreat t he them off, they attached t l1emselves to t heir W. Henry's Store. . , Thirdly, the ~ella~· should be we)l vent i- long, reluctant bod y of the worm, which ,mother by a thr ead ;, and o~ throwing her CHAHQES MODER..:\.TE; lated, especially in the .war m season. The despera.tely objects ·t o being caught. to t he ground, she remained p erfectl y quiet free circulat ion of air in t he pellar is_ as Caught he is, however, and presently up unt il they had all pulled t hemselves back by necespiuy to prevent stagnation and bad air Iflies the robin, with his victim t railing from means o.f their extemporized cable over her and preserve · health as is the proper vent i- his benk, and vanishes among t he leaves 1 body as befort> . lation of the mom above. · ' · of an apple-tree, whence presently a few clear cheery notes of triumph rise upon the The World'1:1 ·Railway. Warm Weather Diseases. air. Bonnibel fooks up into t he tree, and ~ees The world will very speedily be t11together Diarrh;cea may b e c~used by disturbance tha.t the pink sky is chu.nging to orange, the covered with a net work of mil ways. It of the digestiv~ organs, by exposure· to heat orange to yellow, and then, wit h a flash seems t here is going to be a gr eat t runk line or cold, by fa~igue, fri~ht or anx iety. It is that clazzles her eyes, and sets all the ot her r un thr ough the whole of Siberi!)., while it ia We have now completed arrangemen ts for a big sale of popular goodi; a symptom rather than a disease in itself, bir ds in all the ot her trees to singing up also s aid t h11t the Chinese govemment is and when the causii is removed it generally comes the great, round, golden sun ! moving t o have the wh,ole of i ts vast domin- at prices which must take t he eye of ev.ery econ omical buy er. We keep "So beaut iful, so very beaut iful, " she ion open ed up in this way. T hese two ceases. In summer and early aut\lmn it is th e best qualities, styles, and assm tmen t in often occasioned by eating impi·oper food, thinks as she turns toward t be house with , schemes are vast enough of i;hemseh ces one such as stale frui~, or too large a quantit y mingled visions of poetic glory and hot rolls woull think to g ive a mighty imp ulse t o of vegetables. running in her brain, " I wonder people ca.n . ra ilroad construction .and its kindred indusWILL CURE OR RELIEVE If the sufferer can be kept in bed for a lie abed when they know that such a min)>- 1tries. But t hey a.re not the only ones on for ladies', gents' and childrens' wear ; also in T runk s a nd Valises. day .and persuaded to ,fast, taking only cold cle is croing on J" ·! the c"'rpet. D ifferent schemes for connect- C d J k. C h b h ·· J · ' ll ll BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, boiled milk, a cure is. .ustially certain and But .., s01iiehow, t hat sunrise remains the I ing Europe with India have been tl\lked of ome an see our e egan t stoc - as. oug t it, ow pnces WI se it. DYSPEPSIA DROPSY complete. When th is .is impossible a thin last tha.t she has seen, and t h ough. the E ar· 1for years but have never. come to a.nything, Our specialty is to please our cust omers, our aim to save money for our ·INOIGESTION1 FLUTTERING JAUNOICE1 OF THE HEART, flan,nel bu.ndage should be worn, and the diet ly Bird goes on ca.tcbing t he early worm I t seems tha~ now the t alk is going t o even- patrons, our in tention t o do bet ter for you t han anyone else. Goods restrict ed to boiled rice and milk. If tJ1e every mornin 2 under her window, he h as no I tua te in action, and a line is actn ~l i y t o be tb b ht l ll l , II ERYSIPELAS ACIDITY OF · disease still continues after this t reatment Ill ' influence whatever in k eeping her from being · constructed connecting Constantinople with canno e oug C ma per- none are a owe< to unaerse us. SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, physician should be consulted. lat e to br eakfast. Ba.gd acl, the capi tal of Mesopot amia. A HEARTBURN DRYNESS It is one of the most common affections of --.- L ondon synd icate is said t o have received an· 28 · ~ · HEADACHE,' Of THE SKIN, children during the hot weather and pr()pcr J3ritain's Future I mperial irade from the Sultan, au thorizing ! · And every spttcieis o;t Cli:;r@1u1e arish:i.v; food is of the greatest importance. Boiled . _ '. I its cons truc<.ion and granting g reat privi- -------------=---...;;.------------=~--------..tram dioorderod LIVERt... K IDNJr:YS, milk diluted with limewat er and giveu c old, A wnter. rn t he J:oa~~u 1'imes ti.k~s a leges t o t he promoters. It wi ll be 1 3:~0 l STOMA.CH, BOli'ELS O.te BLOOD. milk and white of egg shaken t ogether, rice- very .dark view of Brit arn 8 future. H e has miles in length and iacalculated t o cost $90,- j 31 lTOJj)r.letorll, water, rice.jelly and for a child more than a' not hing ~o say but what savours of ~u 1 ?· ) 000,000. It is to traver~e dist ricts of the .l · .DJ. ' ' ·.· 'f'?!tON~O. year old, very finely-chopped raw beef, are j!i·rnentation and woe. 'The peoplo.of, H !'ltam . hiuh.,st minernl and agricultnt al value and all well-suited to assist in i'elieving it. lt seem~ have all beco!Ile. self l~aulgent, will, it is expected , bring life and uc tivi ty to Beef tea ~r an_y meat bro~h should no~ bo e;t~y gorng and unbehe;rng. Th,ey are people lonii; cursed with he lpless 0 indolence use~ . · Fruit. with seeds, hke raspberries, anunate? by no n'?hle .sentime ~ts. '.I he cor- , i>nd ignorance, because cr ushed by t he most AM ~h1ch. irritate the ~ucous membrane o_ f t he re~t philosophy ~s simply, Let us ~~~: I stolid and unscrupulons t yranny the world 1 _ ~ mtestmes are p11rticularly to be avc-1ded. drmk ~nd be mer~y for to morrow we die. I h~s ever seen. I t is t o he hoped t h<\t au ch Change of air is of the greatest benefit .to H ere. 18 how tlns pro:phe~ of woe fakes hopes will b e realized, but how can t hey, s o . young chil~~·en, and c11re should be taken ;:p Iu.s parable and rails If.. no,t raves :- j long as the unspea kablB Turk is s1 1p r eme in 'To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, :SO-W-J'.Y-[..A.~·V-ILLE_ tha~ th~ air· .they breath.e. and the wa~er It is not 'l)ature, art, scienue nor r ea.- l he r egions referred to ? .1 Boys and Maidens, a~ they drmk is pure. Part10ula.r attention ~on that ~as doom~d. us. t o o~r fate. It , should be paid in the case· of a. baby suffer- · lS the l~x1ty of. spin~, mfirmity ?f pu. r -1 . ing from t liis complaint . that it does not be- pose! ·? unness of discernment , 1dlene~s j I t. was. said t hat a t t he la t e g~and n:-val · . I come chafed. Very thin star~h must be and md1fference, heedlessness, loss of facul- ; servICe m honour of th.e . Queen a Jubilee, used instead ot plain water in bathing it, ty to see, of power to .resolve, of courage . there was present a Ilnt1s~ fleet st ronger and if the skin is roughened it should be to carry out. In P arhament we are h ke · and every way mor e formid able than had . . <lusted with lycopodium powder. poor~ldMerlin, ' over t_all~edand over-wor~,' ever been seen before. at any place or on any A N tT~ D ysentery is a much more serious disease ba?hlmg '."bout Imper~ahai_n a~d I~perra.l , set>. . ~n one sense t h1a may have been tr~1e, ·'·;\ · . -, lil,$r if; · " , . . . ,& . tha.n diarrhcea. The mucous membrane or umty wlnle the Empire 1s dtssolvmg all , but 1t 1s equally beyond r easonable question ~~ 1 ! lining of the lower pa.rt of the large intestlne, r ound us ; the :i-rmy badly arranged! . the t h_at t hese _hea vy arm~ured sh ips provided . ! is inflamed and ulcerated, a.nd the muscula.r Navy ba~l>: hmlt, _manufac_ tu.rers failin g, ( with co.mphcated machm ()ry an d dep.endent nm~ coat covering it ls also involved. The lower t:ade decltn~ng, foreign subsidies and bo~n- i Oil r avmg a goodly supply of coal , always . .& ~ part of the abdome11 is 'very sore and tender t ies weakcnm_g us ;. our people fast beco.mmg . ava.Ilabl~ , are after a ll not so handy for ~ctu . j to the touch and there Is great pain The as free to emigrat e, to starve or to die, as I al fightmg purposes as cou ld be desired. passages are streaked with blood a~d mu- they are to purchase what they have not l Indeed the whole business of providinl'l such . 1 · cous. money for. But, if we must sink, well, let hco.vy defensive armour seem.a likely to turn , A doctor must -prescribe the medicines u~ a,t }east go down singil!g 'Ru)e Britan - 1out a huge and mO ljlt e"'"P~n.siv'e mist ake. proper for this disease, 'i\'hile he is coming ma, m our armoured sh1p_s wh1~h have The old style of wooqen 11hip could stand We WI 88 a SUC OW p rices a s Were -Our New Stock haa arrived, and com- · the sick person shoulP, be kept in bed with no armour? our protected sl11ps which ~ave ! an awf:xl amo~ut of very rough usage and S heard Cana d a ·priees something neat and pretty for a flaxseed poultice, made with the water in no protection and ou r fast st~am,, crmsers ! when it rece~ved verr torm1dab1e dama ge These i !l<mld . be e asi~y repaired. B ut t he . great · · Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men which poppies ha.ve been steeped, laid over whi~h have .no coal to stea!ll .w1th. the bowels. When there is vomiting and be big, foolish word~. Similar one~ ha.ve . iron b{,'xes which _now are called ships .of · , and Boys, and Boots that R Boots for greattl:iir~tsmallpieces ofice maybegiven, beenhe~rd ages ago. Some folks will talk I' war are bu t .u.nwieldy tubs and a re ea.s1ly , Call every member of the household. The diet may be much the same as diarrhcea. and writ e such nonsense. damaged while t hey canuot be repaired , ·..;,,_ ; ' wit h out going int o d.ock. I t is very li}i:ely me~ll Wha~ 'T.BIJNKS, V.l.LISES, .t; SA.TCBELS, IN STOCK. Measles. ~ c~ergyman on a su!try afternoon paus· that t~ e whole qtrnstion o.f naval ar olu teo· edmhis sermon and said : "I saw an adver -- · t urewill have to be reconsidered, and a good gi.--Ordered Work and Repairing a Mea.&lea begin with the symptoms of a bad tisement last week for 500 sleepers for a ! <lea.I of what has recently been done in the cold; hoarseness, a cough, sneezing, and ra.ilroad. I t hink I could supply at least ' way of perfecting Britain's great d efence · · · ' · .Bpeoialty, 811 usual. weak eyes. On the fourth day a rasli ap- fifty and recommend them as good and will have to be discarded as something D. D.AVIS. pears 011 the forehead, spreads over the face, .sound !" i worse than a. mistake. Dowmanvllle, Augu~t 17th, 1887. ~,atuuliau Jtattsmau. & HEALTH. I cox co., ° ' ' ONTO .k STOCK EXCHANGE. o : I nfants I Children. 1· THilESHERS AND M ILLIEN -U-SE- ==L A R IJt I l\J MACH IN E 0 IL. T I-l:E BEST TN TI-1E MAB KET. FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHT COAL OIL - "-'fPl111rrrfi' '-' ~·· w I Stove ~ Tin Depot Cook, I I Thought Range, IHappyArt Garland, Parlor J.Qff S · PEN CER, I W, T· BONATHAN, l I I The Prices tell, the Quality sells I I I BOOTS , B I-I O ES AND SLIPPERS I M TRELEVEN UILBURN &CO gs .-n BOUNSALL'S ·I I · r ble W 1 1 r k .s, I ' . ' S . DA r~ Popular No. 1, Boot and S.hoe EMPORIUM! · S COT CU ... INCLttU ca I. · I We h ave a large a nd well selected st ock of U"" t EN· I of latest d esigns a n d to p a rties int en ding to Ierect Monum ents this fall, who will call at the h op, .11 never ll h l of before in · and get pr1C9S b. efore pu .. .rchaSlllg elsewhere and see If W8 dO not W0 say. E R BQUNSALL M anager J