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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1887, p. 3

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<!tauadiau Jtattsmau. A FOSSIL CONTINENT. The Cont.lncnt or A.ndralta Sald tq be a "urvlvlng Frugme1Lt ol' &he Prlmith'c World. Fc u Der Comin~ Man. I va.nt some invormashun, shu~t BO quickly vat I can, coming man, How I shall pring mine Ya1Vcob oup to been der efery day id seem to me de broabect look cle1· hutler · --·-··--··-- -' ----~--···-----·---r If an intelligent Australian colonist wern To ma~add~~: coming man imbrove upon dot going suddenly to be tl'anslated backward from 'TvL\e bectdber he vas more like me, a. Deutche.r und rude, Collins streeG, Melbourne, into the flourishabofe hees peesnis und grown oup to been ing woods of t he secondary geological period As to been a dude. - say about the precise moment of time Keep Near to Your Children. when the English chalk downs were slowly I don'd oxshbect dot poy oil mine a Vaehington to he, \Ve t hiuk pareuts lose rirnch, both of pleas- accumula~ing, speck by speck, on the silent Und scdhr~P· mit hadcehts all aroundt ubon min a abbleure to themseives 1111d of ; utlueoce over fl '[ d·t h ' let der coundtry know he schmardter vaa · oor Of some 1ong- "' .iv. e 1 erra · ea. 11 So be can their children, by assuming too grca,t a de- -the intelligent colo11ist would look around as r, gree of dignity. Exclusivtlness is a b ~r to him with a smile of cheerful recognition, Und gotscheap adverd i;ing dot he don't could dell a all confidence and the child who feels too tll d sa Jf · · se : " .' 'VI1 Y· Mine YM;cob lie· 1 1. wth . Y. t oth' ~ise Ain tsom.e s~rpT rih lets der drces aloac undil der fruit dhey great awe to give its confidence freely to 1s is JUO 11 1rn us -ra1111,. e amma1r 1 bear , its p!lorents will soon learn to deceive. We the trees, the plants, the insects, would all j Und dhen dot feller he looks oudt.und gets der lion's do not believe in encouraging children to more or less vividly remind him of those he tell little incident or conversation with had left behind him in his happy home of Some ···Y 'tv:ta beddher dot you teach der young its playmates or friends; this would lead to t he southern seas, and the nineteent h ceuideas to shoot; gossip, one of the lowest of all potty vioeo. tury. The ~uu would have moved back on Veil, I diuk di" ahoudt i<I; dot advice id vas no goat! .And a child who is taup,ht to tattle, by the dial of a..., 08 for a few million summers Dot por vonce,dook hees hrodcr oudt und clhey blay '11 soon, very nu.t ura11y, l earn or so, in · de fj'.> mte · l . geoIogy we . refuse to Budt Yowcob \ 1lltnm Tell, this means WI Y (rn vns no shooter-he don't do id pooty to tell untruths for the very purpose of l:e bound by d!!.tea), and would have laud~d veil : gh·ing you pleasure. Having really noth- him at last, to his immense. astonishment, Dot nr~~:r~on't go droo de core, budt id vent pooty ing wonderful to rela.te, he will invent som~- pretty much at trrn exu.ct pomt whence he Shust near enough to mhis id und go droo bees thing. This is the true source of gossip first started. JJroder's ear. among grown-up people. In other words, 'v1'th · - He draves 1 nut · hees buysIckle In cfery kind oil: . l d Not being· suffici· t0 ~ few needful nual1' ·1 ently into111gent to ea a conversation Ill fications, to be made hereafter, .Australia is, vedclcr, the channels of literature, science or a.rt, so to speak, a fossil continent, . a country Und dough he vas n demperanee poy, somedimes he they ~naturally ·(as t. politeness and a. desire sti"ll rn' i·t" "e 'con<l .. ~y age, a surv1"v1'ng fr"z.dake· header:" h t th talk u · ~· ~~' I don't knowa" shust exactly vot dat vas-'tis vorse as 0· to P require a. cy ment of the primitive world of the chalk bier· something) converse about their neighbors a.i;id period or earlier ages. Isolated from all the Shu·t like he strike cyglone und vnlk righdt oil' Oll their affairs-and Jn case they know but ht· remainder of the earth about the beginning his ea.r 1 ti f th th i a.gine a great deal and I ask von time aboudt id, budt ·dot poy he only cy m of the tertiary epoch, long before the mam!<'rumble. eo eso, tell it for the truth. moth and the miutodon had yet dreamed of Und say I beddber try id vonce, dhcn m~ybe I vould But children should be spoken to freely appearing upon the stage of existence, long .. tumble." about their little joys and sorrows; and as before the first !ha.dowy ancestor of the Dot Yawcob says dot ve vas boor; und he vants to be they need a. great deal of sympathy &in their horse ha.d turned tail or. nature's rough draft richer, Turkish J ust1ce. troubles, and of encouragement in their en- of the still undeveloped and unspecialized Und d~;6~~~.~~;i1~te~'.an must been a virsd-glass deavors, it should certainly behgiven them. lion, long before the extinct dinotheriums He s~y he must be " eh triking oudt," und try und l !'.out ~ave f o~ten. read d ~ondrouds a.nd \,Ve pity the mitn or woman w o cannot ro- and gigantic Irish elks a nd colossal gira.ffes .. make a hit" ymg a. es o JUst1ce a. mmstere with member the joy a. little petting and a little of tertiary times had even begun to run Und dells me Iva.'" ofi mine" vhen r urn.kc fun unerring judgment in Turkey, says . a appreciation gave when he _or. she was .a thei'r r·ce on the broad plain of E<'urope and oil: it; foreign correspondent. Here is a. true ~ say he soon must bnddle hces c:inoe "oudt s t ory of 'f urk' · B t' child · T h e h unger of t h e ch I Jd ish h eart is .America, the .A.ustralhn continent fo1md Vhen I on der schwim." ·1sh JU ice: .A d rover comalmost fearful in its lonely, unloved IHe, as itself at a.n early period of its development He say dot von off Honlan's shells vaa goot enough plained to a cross-legged magnate at ·nd kindness ' can cut off entirel'/ from all social intercourse tor him. Rodosto that he h~d beeu robbed of two many fat e ··o · kno'v · · ~ mould them into any shade you de3ire, tis with the remamder of our, and tul'Oed Dot Shnkesbeer say aboudt der son dot's brofligate ox e-n. Three 'fut·kish gendarmes were the summer sun will soften to your purpose upon itself, like the German philosopher, to and vild: sent to recover the property, and soon t~e hard es~ w~x. Benjii:min W ~st said that evolve its own plants and animals out of its "Howt~~~:;f:;~ ~'liifct ;, i;rpent's thanks vas been der discovered two peasants going off with two hu mother s kiss made him a PS:mtcr. "Vho own inner consciousness. The natural conse- (l got dot deedle dwistcd ; I mean dot thankless oxen. One of the men was shot dead. 'rhe can calculate the number of children. whose quence was thu.t progress in Australia has youth.) other escaped, and the policeman hastsouls have starved for sympathy until they been ~bsurdly slow, and that the country, He cuts hecs poor oldt fader more as a serpent's ily buried their man o.nd camo back in gr"ew reckless_of,, e".erythmg aud ceased to as a whole, has fallen most woefully behind Und Ji~~t~~r broYerb dells us dot der shild he must t riumph with two oxen. But the man said try, tr;y: aga.m.' ~mply because they had ~he times i~ all ma.t~ers pert.aining to the exobey, those oxen had not been stolen from him, and lnspe«'t.ion Solicited. no h,1cent1ve to .ry . istence of life upon itf surface. Everybody Und dot ecf you should shpare der rod you sphoil it was plain that the peasant had been shot IfllJRDOCH BROS. Vi hen we grow too old tu remember how knows that Australia., a.s a. whole, is a. very him rig-Mt a1vav. for driving his own cattle. The situation Victoria Buildings. we felt when wo wer? young, we sha.l~ no pecula.r and ·original continent; its peculari- Vell, Yawcob, be vas pooty goat-I guess I don'd was u ncomfortable, but 'rurkish diplomacy longer be fitted to guide one of these little ty however consists a.t bottom for the gomplain. . fixed things. Another man was found to . 1 , part in, the fact that , , 1t b e most onea. M '.an~ f a.thera and mo tliers mig it still remains at I sometimea ognin. vish, mineself, dot I va.s been 3. poy swear he hacl been robbed of the two oxen · ' fat; ihappter if they would only remember very nearly tho same early point of develop- I lets him pl·y mit pase·p!\ll, and dake headers vhile and they were turned over to him, which · · t~1s. .A. gro~-u~ pers?n ~ever can be too ment which Europe had attained a couple of he can. relieved the gendarmes from g uilt. 'l'hey simplo- .too ch~ld-hke-111 his or her manner million years ago . or thereabouts. " Ad- I p1fo~~~~1~1 oup mit kinduess, uud I r;sk der coming did not go unpunished, however, for they when with children. Never ~row too far vance, Australia," says the nat ional motto ; Let n·ighbor Pfeill'e1· use der shitck, vhile Otto bo1Vls had buried the dead peasant without first f;om them I Be to them _elder ·b rothers and and indeed it is quite time nowadays that , un.d dances; . . washing the body, which in Turkey ia a --M.ANUF.A.CTURER O F - sisters rather than ra.bbts or queens. Let .A. 't 1. 1· ld d . f f h I 11 shpo1l der rod und ahp·re der .;h1ld, I dmk, und crime except in case of a soldier killed in . 1. 1 d . us ra ia. s IOU a vance , or so ar, s e dake <ler shances. b ttl F th t 1· th · them see t~at their itt e .wants are un e1- has been left out of the running for some p~iso:·ed. or a neg igence ey were lID· 1 stood. Trifles make up hfe, an~ half the four mundane ages or so a.ta r ou o-h comput- -sorrow of earth comes from not bemg uuder- ation " T.he Golden Rule. · .. · · - · KING STREET, BOWMA.NVILL stood. Little attentions dearer to the B> c. u. sTAi>LEY. Loornning; Ground Glass Stopples. H1 r.1111ow on hand & nn.inbe~ ot vehiclee (and Is manufacturing a great many rnoro) ot the a· heart than great and costly presents. Join , , . .. . . patterns and best finish, which I am oft'orlng tor so.le at the lowest prices oonslatent in your children's games-li.sten to t~eir The Sultan of Turkey When lr~~l~~e a fello\\ -mort!'.l gomg on the dowmi aid Sometunes g round gla~s stopples of ?ottl~s with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following 18 a list of thoughts and encourage their expression. 1 H 'd Kh "G d S l t f And you g<.ntly urge him onward when you could become, from one cause or another, fixed in the prlnoival vehicles manufactured by me Never laugh o.t a child for telling its simple u ·, · . °'~: ran , u an have held hiI?-1 tJack, ' the neck and cannot he removed by pulling or hildl'k th ht8 Nth' h · k _the Ottoman Empire!. was born Septi:_mber Don'ty?ubesurprised, my!friend, irat some not I torsion · .Aneffectua.lmethodis to wrap a Double Covered Carriages . .................................................. . $150 Upwarc11: c l e oug : · 0 mg c ~c s open 21, 1812 (or, on the lo~h of Shaban, 1208 acrl1sto.nt day t ' th h d h Single Phootons ................................................................. 100 11 , ness so much as ridicule. . .A child would cording to the Mohammedan calend~r). You should find the world is helping you in just the Ng we . WI .ot water aroun t e neck, Open Buggy................................................ ............ ········ 70 " much rather be taken alonA and scolded H ' f h Abd 1 M l"d S lt f sell-same way. and let it rematn a few seconds. The heat Top Buggy........................ ...... ... .... ........................ ........... 90 " heartilv or punished severely thau be ridi- T~~keayt f;~:U 1839ut~ lS~t.° hi:::ole uAbdul And when, in selfish pride ·nd scorn, a c·relca11 will expand the neck of the bottle, when 11 culed before company. Nothing is so morti- Az' l df word you throw, the st opple can be removed before the heat Domocra.t W o.gon... ··· ....... .......... ........ ................... ..... ... ...... 65 1861 t 30 18 6 th · fying, so ~pt to engender bitterness and aft~z; e im~~~le ~lde~ bi~hei'. :M ur~d V~ That blots the !air name or another forever here be- pe~etrates the s~ppel itself. Or, ~ind a Lumber Wagons.................................................................. 55 11 ha.te,.as this, a.nd pa.r:nt~ and elder brothers had reigned ninety-two days A bdul-Hamid low, strrn_g once or tw10e around the neck, and, Light Wagon..................................................................... 40 · 11 and sisters should avoid it by all means. d th h d f th G t H Ilemem)>or, though the road is long, it will always holdrng the bot tle betwben the knees, pull Express '15 ,. "bl t t k assume e ea 0 e overnmen · e give" turn, alternately at one and the other end thus I oven t every poss1 o amus~men o eep found the empire-which the Russian czar And the coals you place for others' feet, your own · . . . · Skeleton.. ....... . ................................................................. 50 11 your boys ~ppya.thomeevemngs. Never h d ll d"th . k fE ,, lllaychancetobum. creatrng .fr1ct1on, and consequently hea.t. 11 810 .. mind ir tit.ry do scatter books and pictures, . a we ca e e .~an ur~pe Or a. little camphene oil drop,:ied between Sulky ······...··.·····..······....·.·····..···.···... ····························:·· 40 oats, hats, a.nd boots 1 Never mind if m a very cond1t1on. Serv1a. and When fortune beams upoa your path with a rad· the neck and stopple of the bottle will often I'oHeesing; 1mperlor tacillties tor manufacturing oa.rrlages, I Intend to sell very oheap for' oa C · d 'ti th .. Montenegro, provmces of European Turkey, ance superfine, relieve the stopiilc or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Woul& t h er d? ma.k e a. noise you WI l . 01r were armed in r evolt. Russia. was aiding And you should pass J,y as strangers .. the days of . aoll the wood parts only, or the 1rearlngs ot bu·g gies Ironed. · whisth~1 g and hurrahtng · .. ~ e would statnld them aecr.e.tly, an~ t,he news of ';£1t!l'kish Don't ~r~~d1f~~e~·~;~'~cales are turned-for all scahs - 1· aghast if we could av1~1on of the you g massacres m Bulgarll\ had staggered England turn, you knowIn sca.rf pins, those of black oxidized ailmen goue to utt~r destruc~1on for tb.e very in her support of Turkey. In December They happen, odd though it may seem, to pass you ver, sot with diamonds, are most stylish. re!"so~ t~a.t, ha.vmg cold, disagreeable, dull, ] 876 the Government proclaimed a new conby just so. Girdles composed of heavy links of onyx At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. stiff firesides a.t ho~e, .they sought stitution for the empire, bristling with And when you spend your earthly li!e in one long wi~h pen clants of the s.a me material are now At the Fo.otory l also do Planing, Matching, 'l'urnlng ant\ Sawing with C!role,Bo.ncl . 1r Sor' xnent elsewhere. · '.I.he m.fluence of n.. lovmg promises of reform. 'rhe powers endeavored eearclt for pell, bemg produced. saws and prepare all kinds ot lumber for carpenters nd others tor building purJ)OIHlll. ~other or sister lB mc~lcl\lable. ~tke the to induce the sultan to garantee certain Soul at last is laid in silent state and pomp upon the It is certaiuly a waste of t ime to try to Orne.mental a.nd Ple,in Pickets !o~ tcrJo~e in every style reouired, made to ordor. ,nto tho 1rights and liberties to his Christian sutijec~~ Circle ~ormed by ca.stmg a stone 1 she!I, d t 8o l Th · l l w_ater, 1~. goes on and through a mans whole . ·1 .0 E·'urope, but he gave nothi'ng but pi·omi ' ses. Your heirs, iu figlitiug for your gold, shall fln<l no j e uca. c !ne peop e. ere are g1r s w 10 . d ldl 1 time to weepstudy music year after year and yet they life. Circumstances an wor Y P easi;ires ,·In .April, 1877, Russia championed the You sowed no crop ol loye or tears, 110 love or tears never seem to know anything about rests. ma,y weaken the remembero.nce for a time, ca.use of the Christians and declared war you l'eap. Hunter-Can you tell me what is the bt;t touch upo~ the chor~ of mdemory against 'l'urkey. '!'he Russians fought their fonniest part of a dog? Farmer - His tail, will awake:i old-time m~tsic, an h; r w ..y almost to the walls of Constantinople, That !loy of Ours. face, her voice a~·'l ~1er lovmg :vords wt!l when England, fearing the consequences of I gues,, It's such a wa~. flunte1·-No. The ~ome up be~ore him h~rn a .r evelat!.on. This their triumph, intervened and saved Turkev, BY EDMOYD LYONS. funniest part of a dog is his lungs. Farmer mfluence will l~s~ while_hfe cont~nues-a_nd I A conference of the Powers wn.a held ~t "~~w'~~afh~h~~~~·1~~'r:~;rn~u0,boy, - Row do you make that out l Hunterwho shall say tt l B foolish or va.rn? Give ( Bedin in 1878 to settle t he dilliculLies in Uy wife's fair fac., with all the joy ;:~y are t he seat of his pant s, don't you them yo?-r love- your f?ll, . abun~ant and Europea.n Turkey. Bosnia. aud Ilerzegovina Of motherhood waa beammg. ovcrflowmg love anrl it will brm"' you a ~ Oi course, I know where honor showers 0 ADVISE TO MOl'H.11.ltS.- y ou iliil. h d ' were placed under the protection of Austria; Me n fiercest strive, and longest, Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the nc rewar · Servia., Rouma.nia and l\fontenegro were But, still, I think. this child ol ours lmrbed at night a.nd broken of your r··t May combat with tile stronr:est. recognized independent States; Bulgaria bye. sick child suffering and crying with LIVRR, STOJ UA.UD, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. Women In Eme1·gencies. and fa\st Roumalia. were self-ruling "Tl,. lawyers 1 Yes, they eaptul'e fame, p\in of Cutting Teeth 1 -U 1 0 11end at They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, . . . . though tributary to Turkey. In addition Aud he would well adorn it; OClce and get 11 bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's are inva.luable in all Clompl11tnt1 lncident~l to Femal01 of all .Age1. Fol' Emily Bonton. wr1tea very sensibly_ m one I to these losses came the English occupat ion But to dciend a mon whose name S .;ot hing Syrup." For children teethh1g, 1 Children and the aged they 1mi prloeles11. of our exchanges on the above aubi ect as of Cyprus and the French "protection" of rs ~~~~~nt~k~~~~ ~!~v~ii'J' 1 ~~eita value ie inca.lculahle. It will relieve follows : Tunis. The -Turkish Government was also He frowns as thoug·h h e kuew itthe poor little 1ufforer immedia.toly, DeIt is not always a. question of nerves, but bound to reform the government of Asia. And yet to ride the ra1.oks abnve pe nd upon it, m oth e l'!I ; there is n ,, one of ha.bit, which enables one person to do Minor. None of the promised r eforms have Our boy would ba"e to do it. mistake about it. H cures Dysnt ery Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Soret' just the right thing 11nder critical conditions, ever been carried out. " A doctor 1 Ah, the tender he wt, and Ulcers. It is famoua for Gout and Rheumatism. For dlJJordert of the: an d Dia.rrhooa., r egulates the Stomach aud while another, and far stronger physically, The bankruptcy of Egypt, the chief trihKeen brain, firm baud are needed ; -Ohe11t it has no equal.In the great, gracious healing nrt Bowola, curea Wind Colic, aoftene the sta~ds u~ utterly helpless. l have see~ a ~,tary State of Turkey, made it necessary for Not m·ny h·.ve succeeded. frail cleh~ate woman, who looke.d as if a England to interfere to protect the property Guma, reduces Inflammation, and ~iYei A dwto1 ·'s ll!e is filled with car~. For Sore Tb1·oatlil, B1~onchitis, Cloughs, Clold1, breath mr ·ht blow .her away, quietly step of British subjects. Under tho British conTha:r, heavier u rows and 111·t-nt~ rto:ie and energy to the whole sy~telll. 011r boy, bu. t sl>< months lying there, to the fr· and d!rect thoge around her trol Egypt has lost her possessions in the G~dular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for: " Mr,, Winslow's Soothing Syrup ' .IJ."Y mill.I< of physic later. · in an emergency with a. wlao forethought Soudan and is in no better financio.I condic hildren teothing ie pleau.nt to the t; contracted and atUf jolnta it acts like a charm. tha.t checked possi~)le evil conseq uen~es, tion than before. Thus .A.bdul-H1>mid'sreign " God's Joyal mi11isler? Ah well, and is the proscription of one of the .f'l:lw hile her strongcrfneud went intohystertcs. has seen the sick ma.u of Europe shorn of We dare not ch oose ,his, eallirig; est and bel!t female physiclau11 and nnrse1 Suppo'e we wait t ill ha cn11 tell · M11onufaotured onl1 at THOMA.S HoLLOWAY's Eltabll1hment, 'l'he one ha.d learned to control herself : ~he great possesione in three continents. Yet U t hops· around him falling. in the United States, aud is for sale by other simply aave Wl\Y to a natural fochng the sultan himself is reputed to be among And if at l·st we found he hact 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (la.te /j33, OXFORD STREET), LONDOlfl all dr~giste throui<h the· world. Prie1t of consternation. the wisest of living rulers. His apparent Ooe wia h a.nd wo o.nothcr. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask ·for And are 1old ·i ls. ltd., 21. 9d., (1, 6d., 111., 22a., and 33a. each Box or Pot,...& His rnig-ht 1.m best. but, there-,.-cu " bey No home or family can be en tirely guard· indifference to the losses of his counury is a A«akes and wants his mother :· "MRS. 'iV1.11sLow'11 Soo:rEIING SYRUF." QllloJ' be had b~m all Medicine Vendonthroughou· tile World, : ed ~igainst '.ho possihi.lity of some accident part of his policy. By, making use of the whwh only msta.nt act1011 can prevent from 1 I jealousies of the Powers he hopes to save his and no other k ind. Wl"a.&'· laeald leok a& llae La·el ea tlae Pe&a aad B·xea. If' Clle rddre havin'( fatu.l consequences. More than 1 own country. It is even declared that he Persian Astrologers. h 11 &S.<t. 01ford itreet. London. th&J' are 1parloa1. c www au:µe : ow;; , £'±""!IN44Z·9···. _ one else must the mother ha\·e control of has dreamed of uniting the Moh~mmednne . . . . herself and be prepared, no matter how her of Africa and Asia in one "pu.n-islamic" Like most of t he profess10ns ii: Pers ia, heart may be torn with anguish at the suf- : State like t hat of the caliph who succeeded 1 the knowled~e of t he as~rolo,~er ls ham~ed fering of some_l'.>vec~ one, to n;ove with c»lm- \ t~e "prophot" ~fohamme~. An English I down from.1_ 1... thc~ &o' son. 1 he moncr~em, ness.and p:ec1a1on m the. clo1ng of tho best diplomat says of his personality: " He excels ~ioes ~10t lo~A on hunsdf as a char la.tan , he Your attent ion 111 directed to the immewse poss1?Ie thmg under tho _ circumstances. · all the monarchs of the day in the urbanity 11 8 q mte senous. as .he predicts tlrnt the Asystock of It is no mark of a. d eltcate, fine larly1sm and charm of his mun net·~ ancl in the gra- . !um ?f the U ~1~erse m;1~t not ata,rt on a for a la.dy to scream or faint or go into bys- cious consideration of those who have the nuntmg expedit10n on. I~rnrsday, ~nt . that t erics nt some sudden happening. The phy- happ[neas to be admitted into his presence, he:lf an hour after m1dmght on 8a:urd.ay sical condition may be such, it is true, as to will be the " fortunate h om"" ~e will give render perfect control over the nerves o.n B you chapter and verse for his reasons. of every description at utter impossibility, but thcso exhibitions . essemer Ste el. "Saturn. is in the ascen~imt" in the oue J. t:;. J ean·, in his "History of Steel," case ; whtle on Saturd ay mght at the precould be prevented in a. majority of cases. eeeh ha.Ve been Suwe<l by one Tempcro.rnent mtiy also have m'uch to do snys that. Mr. Bessemer'~ patent~ have i ?ise ~im~ mentioned there is < i h~ppy , con ninn ln uine }1011 rs. Hmit1r1~d:-;; h ave s u.wod !l n nd Ci <~ord:1 with the matter, but those persons who brought hint :£1,057,000 m royu.lt1es, of .iunct1011 of Mara and Venus. Their st ockda.ily. " l:."xadly" whnt f;!V(~l'Y F\ir111cr and \ V(iod C l1 011She has ju11t opened out one of the largeat per w·a.utH. 1.'fr. -;t 0 1·rJtr from your vlcJnity !'Ccm·es tho know thernsdves to be possessed of an or· which the United Sta.tea has a large: iu'. trade. ot her than their calenders is. a and moat stylish atocks ever brought· ~f.~t1g"·ro~01N1~1::-t&.~:;,~Jm0o.~~~Yo~11~~1'~t;,~[u1ffR~YEc~ga~fl: 11anisrn that is easilv disturbed . should set pa.rt, besides what he realized from the I plumb·lme, a level, a watch, a celest1a.l to town, consisting of :J .Addre·s FOJ,])INQ S A.WING l\JA.CIUJ\'E r esolntely at work to gain control of it ma nufacture of Bessemer steel for many , sphere, and an astrolal>e. Every large town ( )0., &Oll to 311 s. Canal St. , C hlcni;o, I ll. _ Millinery, Dre88 8ilks" insteu.d of nursing it into greater weakness y ears 0!1 a large eco.le at Sheffield, England, contains at least two astrologers ; and these by indulgence. 1 remember hearing a phy- when ho sold a large amount of this pro- 1 men do not 11tarve, for t~e:y can always afVelvets, kc., sician say of a patient who was given to fall- duct to this country. At the end of the 1 1ford a. loog dark cloak of finest broadcloth, with a very line ~tock of Fea.then and: ing into '!'g .onizing hysterics at the slight_ eat I fou;tcen fixed in t he agreement under wit.bout. which a l'er s.ian astrologer .wo.uld F lo wen. provocation that she was cured by bomg wluch the firm was the works were be in~omplete. . Nor is t.he ~strologet w1thleft to lie u pon· the fioor where she had sold for twenty four timed the a.mount of · out his useP. Is a provmmal governor orCall and lnepeot thla fine display, which, ' thrown herself, and a.llowed to scr eam and the w hole subscribed capital, and du ring ' dered to t ho ca.pita!, a.nd reluctant to leave cannot fail to give satilfa.ction. tumble and faint ad l ibi lum. H eroic tre!.\t· th is time the firm had divided flfty-seven , his satrapy ? \Vho.t more powerful reply ment, it is true, is not ~lwu.ys feasible, but tim es the gross capital in profits, so t hat by can he make to mgent t elegrams de~andi?g in this case it.was effectual. the mere commercial working of the pro- , hie presence in Teheran than that he is wa1tI do not want to be understood as having cess, apart from ~he pii.te~t, of the , ing for 11 fortun~te hour ;, The astrolog~r, no sympqthy with hyst eri co.l people, for , five pa~tners rLce1~ed du!mi::. the fourteen . his pal~ we!~ crossed - as .the gypsies OF CANADA. they are ,",,ften terrible sufferers and their . years e1ghby·ono tm.1es his onginal outlay, say- ,fails .to hnd one. .Meanwlule, the pov· CJapltal paid up, 181.eoe,ooo. Rest, $HO,. .·· situation is the result of an overstrained / or an aver~ge of nearly JO~ per cent. eve1·y ernor s om1?sa.ry at the. c.ourt of the Asylum body, but I do mean to say that persons two months of the whole tune. . Thia Bank fl prepared to do Legltl1of the Umverse a.dmumiters the needful For Cholera Morbus, who are ordinarily well should stmggle to : bribes ; i;he storm blo"Ys over, and the for·l'te Banking ln all Its branches. govern themseJvea, and that the matter lies , Melon, cucumber, squash and i;iump'kin tunate governor receives a clre~s of ho~or. Cholera lnfantum, Fum.era notes diaooanted ; Depoelta -B'Ylargely in their own hands. \Vithout this seeds should be .ta.ken only from npe, per· This dress of honor, or .~alaat, ts p ublicly eoeived and Interest on amount& of~ Colle, Dlarrhrea, self-control all other preparation which I feet-shaped spe~imens. In a s mall way t he donned ; the governor naes out at a .fortunS5 upward1 in Savings Bank Department;_ have mentioned will be comparatively use- 111eeds ma.y .be simply ~a.ken out, sprea~ ~n at e hour (the astrologer has. no difficulty DY.sentery, and all Summer ,.. I am tnl17 prepared to attend Funeral· OD DRAFTS less. plates or tms, and dried. L~rge quantities this time) to meet the royal gift, and to put Complaints of Children tho 11urtes\ notice, a.t the lowest poosi ble rat.ell have ~o be washed before dry mg, to remove , ;>n in the p resence of all t he grandees of Qui:eta and Burial Cases ready on short notkle [asued and Oollectlons made ln Jllarop& or Adults. , the slime that !'dheres t o them. \-Vhen the thd province · and the townspeople, who !'l.rlt-olau hea.ree on very model'ale tormll j Shrouds aad Cofflnu oon11tautly on hand. J'lln United Statt>e and Canada.· T. mn.11U'JUI' · co,, Propneton, .A pl~asing effect in pen~lants is obtnin~d ' seeds are thoro:ighly dried, tie them in close their sh~ps, attend the ceremony, and I eral oarda supplled at once, Furniture Slle>p a; by settmg a topu:r. carved m clusters of d1a.- , bags, and keep m a. dry place secure from at dusk illuminate the bazaars, by order. '.l'O&Orro, OBT. W. J. ,TONES, l BM>w Room11-Bounoall'sNewBlook. monds a.nd pearls. ' mice a.nd re.ti, l -'1·· WEDNESD·Y, OCT. 12, 1887. HOUSEHOLD. Bev.. Joseph Parker. The New York fadependent ha.a a pleasent circumlocutory way of telling the Rev. Joseph Parker that he is wonderfully conceited. Of that fact there i.a a.nd can be no Our latest import.ation has arrived from France, and we will ba glad to see our fr1encs and acquaintances and those with whom we doubt. Mr. Pinker is a. very able man, but have been in correspondence. in fact any ancl all who are in search ot he i s wonderfully a.ware of the fact and, canfir8t clues P.h:l:WHJ.CftON:::I and F.ttENCH COACHEHS, to look them not help showing that he is. In contending over. \Va have an exception'\llY floe lot. and onr 01.ud is so larite' ·bat all may be pleased. We offe>· the largest n umber anrl greateec that it would be a risk to bring him to v"riety to select from. All our imported st.ock is selected by :MR.. Brooklyn as Beecher's successor the I ndeFARNUM himself personally in Fro.nee, and be accepts nothing but pendent says : tho beat Horses of tho most approved breeding. It is not strnuge that Dr. Parker ~hould b"l Our Home· bred Stock is all the progeny of selected slres ann dam!I of the best form and moot desirnble .breeding. Vt o guu.rantee oai:mentioned as his posslble succeRsor. but stock. i:lell on easy terms and at low prices. D1·. Parker h11s built up a church in London We will be glad to answer all correspondence p·omptly; but we of his pcrsuna.l ad mire rs. He has fitted would strongly advise pat·sons contemplating thejpurchase of a horsa himself to that particular pb.ce, and there or mm e Per0heron or F1·ench Coach, to get on the train and oomo and see us. ' · Catalog'1ie free by Mail. he is ~trnng. It is by no means sure that he would be adapted to this American field. To come here would be a h1><1>rdous experiment both for him and fot· the church to PltOl'RIETO:O:S 01' ISLA.ND IlOHJ> Sl'd>CK FAR:ltl, UIPOKTEltS AND BREEDERS:. which he might come. It is a question ·A.ddreas all communications to Detroit,- Mich.] GBOSirn ISLE. W.~YNE co .· lllU::lllG.t..N. whether thnse qualities which have made his way cl ifficult iu Enirlo.nd would not interfere with his succc~s ~ven more here. He is a man of empho.ti c, powerful and original utterance, but of all preachers he seems to escape the consciousness of his own personality. Yes, that is a neat way of putting it. Joseph" Parker of a.ll preachers seems least to have escaped the consciousness of his own personality." There are a great number of preachers and other people o.s wdl who unfortunately not escaped thu.t "conscious. uess" but the prea.chel' of the City Temple for a very able man as he is has been more entangled in that " consciousness" than any man of equa.l powers that could be mentioned. PERCH ERON HORSES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. SAVAGE & FARNUM, urdoch rothers' where are to be seen N'"EVV OE:IN"".A.. ::S:.A..LL., 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 White Bed Room Sets. I l Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c.. =====================================, "WORK$., HA I N E s ' CARRIAGE · GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, I I GARRI ACES' S LEICH S, CUTTERS, WAGONS1 &G~, I I · ° I hls M 7 y y Wago11................................................................... ° I A 11 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired HEAI. . TH FOR ALL! 'l:HE PII.. LS TI-IE OINTMENTI n'·r LADIES'.J MILLINERY MRS. DONNELY'S I I STAf~DARD BANK I A PROMPT ANO , RELIABLE CURE UNDERTAKIN·C LEVI MORRIS. Children Cry for Pitcher's. Oa~~~.~ia;

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