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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1887, p. 5

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:LIME FRUIT JUICE. Stylish fall millinei;y at Mrs. Morrison's. Mr. Wm. McDonald's sale has been cancelled. Great bargains in fancy goods, at Mrs. ~).......... Morrison's. PTJRE- Tell your neighbors about our n ew offer No Watered Stock. of "Two for a Quarter." Mrs. Riches, of Lindsay, spent last week in town visiting relatives. WHOLESOMEDr. Potter, dlice a.nd residence, ProwPurifies the Blood. er's .Block, King·st., Bowma.nville. 1-tf. Read the auction sale notices. The REFRESHINGSl'Al'ESMAN office has a boom in sale bills. An Agreeable Tonic. Ladies' Jersey and Short Street Jackets for just half price at the great Bankrupt COOLING~ store. Just the thing for the Hot Mr. W. Bone, of Victoria, Brit ish Wellther. l Columbia, has been spending a few days in town visiting old friends. At the Port Perry Central Mr. J ames Leask, Taunton, won 1st priz9 on heavy draught t eam and on flaxseed. ABSOLUTELY FREE Mr. W. Yule, the p opular organist of the Queen-st. Methodist church, left FROM ALCOHOL. town on Monday last to assume new duties in Toronto. For Sale by Grocers and Drnggists in You can buy white wool Blankets 25 per Pints and Quarts (imperial measure). . cent. below wholesale prices at the Bank. Refined expressly for LYMAN SONS & rupt store. Just ·ancy $3. 50 Blankets for. $2.00, and $5.00 Blankets for $3.00. ·~ CO., Montreal. VV. ·Ruse · has received a stock of maA lib.e ra! discount to the trade. chine needles and oil. New Willillms, White, Royal, Wanzer, Lockman, Louis, Singer, Raymond, Osborne, etc. Call at Big 20. BOWMAN VILLE. FREE SET OF IL.RNESs.- S. Thompson & Co. will give gratis to the person buy(Mention this paper.) ing the most goods at their shop during 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness worth $25.00. UNKNOWN.-Thereis no remedy known to medical science that ca.n ex cel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as & a cure for cholera morbus, diarrhooa, dysentery, or any form of summer comFamous Fly Powder will kill every plaint affiicting children or adults. DOMINICA STOTT & JURY, AgtS. CfRJAIN DEATH STOTT JURY'Sfly in a room in 30 minutes. flO.WARO'S Gl.OVE CLEANER! Gloves can be cleaned as by - ·MAGIC. ONLY 10 CENTS AT A merchant living in Rapid City, Man., seeing a number of the poaj;ical productions of our Hampton correspondent in the STA TESMAN, has sent an order t o have an advertisement put in verse. Another evidence of the popularity of the S'.CATES· MAN and its corps of country cors. Those of our readers requiring anything in carpets should read Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's advertisement in this paper. They carry the largest stock of carpets held by any house in the county and as they import them direct from the manufacturers no one can undersell t jiem:---. There is something wrong with our street electric lights of late. Nearly every evening one or more of the lamps goes out and remains so often for an hour iust in the busiest part of the evening. Cemplaints are frequently heard on this point and it would be well for the company to see to this matter. E ve:cy lady is planning her fall and winter wai·drobe, and wants to know j ust what the n ewest styles and fabrics ne. 1'he October Domestic Monthly is filled with exnctly such information. I t is published at 853 Broad way, N ew York, at $1.50 a year, with ~ l worth of patterns to every subscriber. Bowmanville Silver Plating Vl'orks, King-st. east. Plating in gold, silver and nickel on all kinds of metals. Carriage and harne;;s plating a t reasonable rat es. Knives, forks, ~po ons, cr uets, t ea sets, etc. , re-plated in silver, and made b etter than new. Special rates t o hot els and boarding houses. Opposite the Salvation Army Barracks. R. H . HENRY. F. N . HaM, Manager. Hons Es W ANTED. - Mr. Geor2e Bantel will be at Be1>r's H otel, Hampton, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Oct. 17th 18th and 19th, and at the .Ruebottom House, l3owmanville, on Thursday, F rid<1y and Saturday, Oct. 2t>th, 21st and 22nd, prepared to buy heavy dra ught, gen eral purpose, and carriage horses, <1e . good <1nd sound from 5 to 10 years of a 0 This will be a good ch ance for far mers to turn their h or se-f!e&h into gold. Remember the d ates. Mrs. S. Mason, sr., and Misa N eads w~nt to Gananoque y esterday as :1 deputat1on from the 'W. C. T. U . of this town d } ' . ' to atten t ie annual convent10n of that body held there this year. Upon their return th1:.y will h old an open meeting a t t he next regular gathering, which takes place in the (,jueen-st. ·Methodist church ne'l".t Tuesday afternoon, when thev will give an account of what they have seen and heard. A full attendance of member:i is expected and an invitation is ext ended to any ladies who feel interested in the temperance cause to attend. Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. Sight vs. Blindness. N. STA.NI,EY'S CELEBRA.TED No Spectu.clcs in tho market equal them in the ll:Y~ i·1misrurtvIN"G QUALl'tIEB they possess, or tho G REA'i' ll ASll: u.nrt COM~'OllT they confer on the weu.rer. TIIEY NEVER 'l'IltE THE EYE AND LA.ST MANY YEARS WITHOUT CHANGE. The sight tested bf. our New Test Card, st.ine as used by the eading Oculists throughout the world. E~ G LI SH SPEOTAOLES. STOTT & JURY, Druggists and Opticia.ns, BOWMANVILLE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWM.A.NVILLE STATION. GOING llAST Local .. .......8.53 a m Express... .. .. a ru Mixed .........3.38 p m Loc. a l i.. ........ 7.18 Pm Exoress ...... 9:41 p ill ~Except Mondays. I I GOING WEST Express ... : .. 6.20 a m Local, .....···8.12 a ill Express" ...... B.12 a m Mixed ......... 3.38 pm .Exvress ....... 8.13 JJ ill CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. BUitKE'r ON STATION GO ING EAST; GOING WEST. Express .... .. 10.29 a m Express .. .. .. !l.45 a w Ex~ress .. .. .. 6.52 Pm. Expres~ ...... 7.42 p w. T1ckets and further mfo,rmat1on may be had from R. D. ANDREW, Big 20. Railroad, and Steamboat Ticket Agent. Bowmanville. Mrs. Morrison's is the cheapeat millin \ Tod Brother~ h~ve recei~ed from a r FARM TO ~ENT . .:...100 Acres., more ery h ouse i n town. manufacturer m Leeds 5 pieces Black or less. bem!l lot 27, con. 0, Darlmg~on. , C h b d I l Ir No better l»nd m tue country. Good bmldmgs An immense l ot of Men's and B oyn as r:mere · ~ught un. er t 1 e va ue, se mg and .fences and well w,.t.ered. Immediate pos· Overco1'ts away below cost at the bi· { at 7ucts, 46 mches wide, great value. eess10n. Apply to JAMES HEA'i'LER, Solina. ' r . h, U 2w Bankrupt ' Store. A S EVERE TRIA.L.-Frances S . S m1t ULL FOR SALE.-I will sell very Bmges Cough Syrup cures couglrn,cold s, of Emsda~e, Mus.koka , w rit es," I was cheap my Lhoro'-bl'e<l Short·Horn Bull, hoarsness, whooping cou~h. Pre- troubed w1t_h vom1"mg for two year.a, and "Ivanhoe." 3 years old, Peiligree in late "Brit· pared and sold by J. H iggingbotham & I have vomited as oft en as five time~ a ish America.n Herd llook." H . C. HoaR, Dar. , Son. day, One bottle of Bur dock Blood Bit- lington, Bowmanville. P. O. ters cured me " Call at the Big 20 and see the New ' . . . HEEP ASTRAY.- Came on the preWilliams Machine. Try them before Fool' BALL MATCH.- Boomrng .notices mises, lot 7, con. 1., Darlington, a Ewe. buying .and we are sure you will have no of the grea_t m >tch, Clarke vs. Da1:Img~on, The owner is requested to prove propf\l'ty, pay costs and ·ake her away. Wiil. CoJ.VILLE, other. J As. D:&YM AN, Agent. ·a re r eachmg u~ from every d1re~t101!· Bowmanville. Th p · . d d t h W t D The excitement m the two townships is e n zes aiyar e a ~ e · es . .t~u- sweeping over them like a hugh tidal ISS DOWN, fashionable Dress and h~m a nd _Darlmgton ,Umon Exh~bi wn wave. Eve·ybody go and see the " k ickMantle J\falrnr. Rooms over Mr. HorC "t ~ev's Hal'ilware Store, formerly oooupied by w1ll b& paid at the office of R. Wmdatt, ers." T her e will be big fun. First kick Miss McPherson, 37- 1w. Secretary, on Tuesday and Wednesday, at 2 :30 p. m. , Saturday n ext, 15th inst., 18th and 19th rnst. on Tyrone Recreat ion P ark. OTICE. - Miss L ough is now prepared lNDISPirn~IBLE. -I have used Dr. F owto givo daily les~ons in all English and CL 'IADIAN CLIMATE.The Canadian mathematical branches; also French. drawing l er's Flxtract of Wild Strawberry for an d. music (instrumental anrt vocal). Reaid· summer complaints, and have given it to climate is pf1rtioularly productive of cold once of Mrs. Wm, Armour, Scugog St. S9·2w* in the head and cat arrh. In faCt catarrh my friends. It gi"es instant relief when ORSE FOR S ALE.-A HEAVY all other r emedies fail. I would not be to-day is more prevalent than any ot her farm horso. good to work. 6 years old. without it i n my house." Mits .T. BoIL, disease. The discovery of N asal Balm (Jan be aeon on J\fr.A.E.Clemens' farm.'ryrone. places wi thin the reach of all a certain For partlcul>irs and w!ce apply to A. E.0LEM Weidman, Ont. means of cure. t ENS or J. PERCY, Jn .. Bowmanville. 38·tf The STAl'ESMA~, or the M ETHODIS'r 0 BSEitVER, or the W eekly Globe, W estern l\/l"ON EY LOST. -In Bowmanville on WEST DURHAM FAIR. lt'..l. Fair Day, a Five Dollar Bill was lost by Advertiser, Mon treal Wi t11ess, or almost n. se1·vant girl who can badly bear the lose. any other dolla1· weekly will be sent to The finder will conter a very great kindness PROTESTS AND COMPLAIN T$. any address from Oct. 1, 1887 to January by returning it to tho STA'l'E$ilfAN Otll.ce. Thie powder never varies. A marvel or ·IO 2w 1st, 1889, for a dollar. OrdA ra must be Complaints against the published prize purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mor& coonomical than the ordinary kinds, and can sent to M. A. J AMES, Bowmanville, Ont. list: John Chaplin cla ims let prize on TRAW WANTED.-I want fi ve good not be sold in competition with the multitude J J. Mason WlShes us to annouace col. window plants, instead ot T, T. Cok· Loads of Oa.t Straw for which cash will be of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate paid, delivered by tbe 20t)1 in B t.: on HorsPy powders: Sold onlyin cans. ROYAL BAKthat every watch, clock or article of man. Fu.rm, Bowmanville. J!'or pnrticula1·a apply to ING POWDER C0 .. 106 Wall St·. N . Y. e ,rnJry left in his store for r epair has his The t oilet set a warded lat prize con- Mayor Horsey's Hardware Store. FRED Bou· 40·1W ptJrsom\l supervision and all work will be tained only 7 pieces. Should h11ve been GUEN. turned out in perfect order and warrant- 9. ARM FOR SALE in the township of ed and if not satisfactory t he customer Mrs. A. A. Gamsby claims 2nd prize on F Cartwright, lots IO, 11 and the north part · will confer a favor by returning the arti- any other variety of plums ; gn Honiton 12, of the 8th con.. a bout 300 acres in all. Will be sold reasonable, on :iasy terms. Apply to cle and having any oversight corrected braid work , and snap dragon. E, ,or Coosa· owner on tho premlsfls, A. BHUC of William Aunger, deceased. free of charge. rea, P. 0 . 38-tf W. B. Alliu cfoims 2nd prize on aged SALVATION ARMY.-Big Thanksgiving ram, 1 and 3 on shearling ewes ; 1st on URSUANT to the Statutes in that. OTH?E.-I hereby forbid any person Mee~irn2s will be held on Oct. 15th, 16th suffolk sow ; and 2nd on sow and bo!lr behalf notice is hereby given that all . buymg a note drawn by me in favor of and 17th, conducted by Major Bai!Py, under one year. William Spinks, of Cartwright. dated March creditors and other persons having any debts, claims, or demands ago.inst the estate oC Wil16th, 1887, for the sum of $7:i.OO. value tor the Chief-of-staff, Staff-Capt. Morris, D. 0., liamAunger,late ofthe'l'ownship ofDarllngton.,, a1~me l'Ot received. G. R. Lusrr. ap.d family, A. D. C. Lewis and officers in the County of Durham ]<'armer. deceasen Darlington, Oct, 10th. H- lw* TWO FOR A QUARTER ! who died on or about the thirteenth day of from Toronto, Oshawa,, Brooklin, A.D. 1887 hereby required to send August. ANTED.-LADlES for our fall and by post prepaid orare Pickering, Hampton, Orono, Newcastle, deliver particulars in writ· To introduce the S1'A'l'ES~1AN into 500 Christmas trade. to·t.ake lii<ht, t lng of their debts, claims Tyrone, Leskard and c~urtice. Great or demnnds and the work at their own homes. $1 to $3 per d!l.y ca.)l banquet on Monday, 17th, and all night new homes, we will send it to any two acl- be quietly made. vVork sent by miiil any dis· nature of the security (if anv) held by them t~ John IC Galbraith of the town of Bowman· dres ~es fr0m now to New Years (15 weeks) ta.nee. No cauvr.ssing. Address at once. ville. in the county of Durh11m, of prayer. Solicitor forCRESCENT AH.1' CO .. 147 Milk St., Boston. William Trewin, the Executor of the Last Will Arrangements have been made for the for only 25 cents. If you havtl two Mai,s, Box 5170 and Testament of the said ileceased on or bereprinting in New York of an American friends anywhere t hat will enjoy readin~ fore the twentieth do.y of October, A, D..1887·. the Sl'A.TESMAN, take advantage of this OUSE FOR SA.LE OR TO RENT. ac.the expiration of which time the eaid exec· edition of the Illnstratecl London News, liberal offer. 'Ve will accept a dollar for utor will proceed to distribute the nssets of -That two· story brick residence with the leading paper of its class in the world. one half acre of land situated on the souththe said deceased among the persona entitled It naturally possesses m ore than ordinary 10 new subscribe rs for the same time. east corner or Ontario and Wellington streets. thereto having re~ard to the debts and claims More lar.d cu.n lie obtained if desfred. If not only of which notice shall been given as inter est for c ...nadian readers, and the Get llp a cl ub. Postage stamps taken for sold at once it will be rented. For torms and above req mred and the said executor will not; reprint places within their reach an less than $1. particulara apply to W. S. ORMIS'!'ON, Barril!ter be liable for the a~ seta so distributed to any etc .. Bowmn10ville. 37-4w· verson of whose debt or claim he shall nob . invaluable series of excelle1> t and spirited lN BmEF, AND w TH E Po1K 1·.- Dyshave had notice at the time of such distribuillustrations of the p rincipal events of the pepsh is dreadful. D isordered liver is tion. AR M EOR SALE.-Being 100 acres Bowmanville, world. T hA price uf a single number is misery. September Sth, 1887. Indigestion is a fo e to good of lots 9 and 10, con., 2. Darlington. on JOHN K. GALBUA!TII, 10 cts. F Qr sale at our book st ores. nature. The human digestive apparatus Manvers Roud. 1} mile3 nort.b of Bowman· Solicitor for said Executor·. ville. Ocod brick house, cornmo·Hous out37- 5w. Biliousness and Sick H eadache are is one of the most complicated and won- buildings, well tenced and well watered, good cured by the delightful preparation known derfal things in existence. It is easily orchard, Has beer. mostly in grass for some In cnpit,al state of cultiv,.,tion. Will as Tanant's Selti1or Aperiont . There is put out of order. Greasy fo od, t ough years. s~ll before Nov. 1st very cheap· J· ' or f111l par. not a. drug Store from the A tlantic to the food, sloppy food, bad cookery, meilt> il twulars apply to J OHN l!' OS'l'EH, drover, Bow· ~i-tt. Pacific' nor from the Lakes t o the Gulf worry, late worry, irr~ gu lar habits, and manville. that does not keep a large stock of t his many other things iv hich ought not t o be, ARM FOit SALK-80 acr es, b eing old and valuable medicine. A journey have mlde the American people a nation lot 17. con. 4, Darlington, on w hich are a should never be under taken without a of dyspeptics. Bui; Green's August houso and good farm buildings, well fenced watered, 3 acres orchard, good sol a.nd bo ttle bein~ carried i n one's valise. I n Flower has clone a wonderful work in adapteil for about grain anrl pu.sture. ·Within 2! foct it ought to be in the houses of t hose reforming t his s acl business and maki ng miles of ton and 3 miles of Bowmanville. who d on't travel, f0r t.ime and exporionce the A m(~ r ic an people SO' h ealthy t hat they 'l'ermo very easy. For furthet· particulars ap· ply to M. A. JAMES, at tho s~'ATESMAN Office, have proved it to be on e of tho mos~ val-· can enj oy their meals au d be happy. Bowman ville. 25-tr. uable family remedies in extant. The Rememb er :--No lrnppiness without head ofllce is in N . Y. City. health. B ut ·Green'>! Augu.~t F lower DOG LOST . -A young Col!ifl brin)I;~ health and ha ppi ness t o the dvswith four wlnte feet, white tip on tail, The A merican A!!riculturist for Oct., · J white soot on broMt aad ·white strip in face. ~ peptic. Ask y our druggist for a bot t le. Strayed t1 1 t 18 B F D "1 t b 27 Sept. lst. ·omnf~i·mat.Lo~ ~f: h~~ ~1~r'iaio~~~ · 1887, offers to it s readers a gr eat va riety Seventv-fi ve cents. -ORof instructive and i n teresting r eading. wiU .be thanlcfull y received. . .A.nv persons Over for ty writers, many of whom are harboring him arter tllis notice will be prose· BIRTHS. outed. l S· IACMETCAT,~\ llowmanvillo. 39·3w· proll'.!inent experts in t heir special branches of a_ . crl'iculture and horticulture, contribute . McMUR'.fRY,-At L!ndsav. on Thursday, Oct. H0USE- A N D-i:OT-F OR-S -ALE ·---;:;y 0 .. tlth e wife of 1V1r . 15. A. McMurtry, or a son. ~ Th . " to its pages. The front-page en graving .. I c . · . .a.uctwn.e un0ers1 gnecl has receivS ,.--.,,, . NA U · :- n art,~ ri~ht, on the 8th rnst., the ed instructions from the l~xec 11t.ors of the late . presents a 11fe-like I ndian ummr wife of Mi. DanielI1..nlLPP. or a. daughter. ~far,Y Ann Bodrord, to sell by Public Auction, Scene ; another full -page engraving ill1 io ""-'DIED. on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, at Beer's Hotel, in the trates types of various little known c:i.t village of Ha mpton. a t 2 o'clockp.m., that very · TnOMAS,-In Taunton, on the 17th inst. desirable rough.cast dwelling house with bu.If A mong tlle sma11er engravmgs t l e. are Blanc4-t;i.ert.rude, infant daughtel' of Mr. and an .acni of land atl achcd, being the house own. n oted farm animals, poultry, plans of Mra. Sib.a 'l'homas. aged 5 months and 20 days. od ani!. occupied h v the deceased Mrs.Bedford, . d h ] t in said vtllago of Hampton. 'l'here is an exceld we11rngs an green ouses, n ew P an s SPE<tR,-In Bowmanville, on T·1esday, Oct. lent garden with goorl variety of apple·. and and fruits, and labor -saving impleme nts l Hh. J<~lizabeth Jorey Spear. relict of the late other ·t rees and small fruits. 'ritle indisputand contrivances for the fa.rm as well as William Spear, aged 62 years and 10 months. able, Immediate possession given. Terms.'l'he funeral v: ill take place from the family One 1'er1'h on dav of Sale· tl1e balance i·n " Casl1 · · the for the household. Tile Boys' a11d G1'1·ls' resideuce, 'l'emperance street. on 'l'hursday, two weeks from day of sale, purchaser Columns are even more entertaining and 13th inst., a t 2 30 p.m. , for the cemetery. t o search titie at his own expense. Executors richly illustrated than u sual, and in the will furnish Deed. '.rhe property will be sold MARRI ED subject to a reserve bid. For further particuHumbug Department new and old frauds · .· apJ?IY to 'l'FioMM SYER, Esq., Janetville. HArn-EU.IOTT,-fOnh 'l' b hn.rd s~ayf . Oh . ct. GLh. '87 J K GALBRAITH Vendor's Solrc1tor Bow· arc handled with un~loved hands. P i·ice t' l · 50 per. year, ' E . 1I S h or G er man · . at the residence o M.A t e .. of r1 Parkdale, " s at er,assisted by the ni Hampton ·.n.~llle, orSep. to S.30, C.1887 Ilmu;:nrn, Auction'.eer. "' ,ng Bev. R.P· Mackay, 40·td T . B S M N H POWDER Absolutely Pure. 114KI~~ S E x ecutor's Notice to Creditors N P W H F 0 F Do you want any PICTURES I , . FRAMES? If you do, Call at - I -liU ~mxn.diau Jt.attlUW\U. ~- ~ ~ -~~,- -~- -~~-~~~~~~ BOWMANVILLE, OC':rOEER 12, 1887: Local and OtherWlse. Pure mixed paints at Higginbotham's We congratulate Bro. Sam Hugh es on drug store. the improved appearance of tho Warder, L arge amount of money to loan on he having ch11nged it to a 7-col . q uarto farm security at from G to 7 per cent.- since he put in a fine new Wharfdale F. H. MASON. power press and moved into larger pl'emThe N ew Williams has no equal. The ises. There is no standing still about demand for t hese machines are 110 great Sam- he will ·advance or die in the effort. we cannot supply all the orders. Politically, he has sadly fallen from grace Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, since he left West Durham, but he is etc., at M orris' Planing Factory, Liberty making things hum in journalistic circles arounCi Lindsay as they never have stTcet, R. I-I. Osborne, lea.see. The cheapest wool blankets and com- before. . In the Post he has an honest, forters in Canada, are at tho Bankrupt h onorable and worthy competitor in the field, and the proprietors of both j ournals S tore, n ext door to Murdoch Bros' are " making money like dirt." We eigh St. Nicholas for 1888 is to have a series for such a favorable constituency, but of papers on Australia, by Mr, Joseph unless L ak e Ontario dries up, it will be O'Brien, a wri ter of experience and a in vain. member of the editorial staff of o. leading The two sermons preached by the Rev. Australian j ournal. Dr. Sexton, last · Sunday, were listened .At the Bankrupt Store you get6 papers to by large congre~atione, who evidently .of pins for lOc., 2 papers of best needles enJoyed what they heard afld showed for 5c., good 5 button Kid Gloves for 49c., their app reciation of it. His sermon in Gents undershirts and drawers for 25c., the morniog, from the text, found i n the Home Made Socks 20c., and 50 per cent. latter pad of the 35th verse of the x viii off all boots and shties. Psalm: "And thy gentleness hath made TEACHERS' E x AMINATION.-In reply to me great," was a discourse, the like of .enquiries r egarding the Departmental which it is seldom our privilege to lis ten. Examinations for July, 1888, for 2nd and Monday evening's lecture on Prayer .3rd class non-professional certificates, was well at tended ·and elicitec l much in- notice is given that candidates will n ot terest. A number of questions were b e allo wed to write f~r both grade ~, and placed on the plate at the close, all of that only the foll owrng classes will be . which t he l ecturer very satisfactorily eligible to write for 2ud class :·- 1. 'fh~se answered. To those who are anyways who hold 3rd class certificates and wis h skeptically inclined we would urge that to obtain 2nd class. 2. Those who wrote they make a p oint of hearing the Dr. and i n July, 1887, for 2nd class (whether ~hey we feel sure they will not regret it. There then held 3rd class or n~t) and failed. is nothing dry and uninteresting in his 3. Those who at any pre v10us 3rd class talk&, and t hough they are certainly noexamination obt ained the aggregate re- wise Jight or frivolous, yet by giving care· quired but failed in one or more subjects. fol attention to all that is said there is no NATIONAL 1·o:..LS will not gripe or sick· difficult)'. in clea.rly understanding every tn, yet lll'e 11 thoron~h eatlmrttc. I o ne of h1a powerful arguments. Scarboro. . -- - -- - - -----A LucKY E scarE. - "For six y ears I suffered with my throat and enlarged tonsils. I was very weak ; I doctored four t and had advice from thi:ea doctors ; they said I would have to undergo an F armers, read · the STATESMAN auction operation. I tried B. B. B. ins tead. One 1Jale list . bottle cured me," M. A. SQUELCH, RagF IRE, LIFE, A CCIDENT Ins11rance. lan. Ont. R oB:r. 'VmTuE, Agent, B owmanville. tf. All wool flannels from 18c. per yard BOWMANVILLE l\:IARKETS. and up, at Coach, J olmston & Cryderman's. Corrected by J.' JUcUu~t1·y, every Tucstlay. The Bazaar Patterns for ladies' and children's wear, fall and winter styles, at FLOUit, 'IP' 100 lbs . .' .··· · · · $2 10 to $2 40 WHEAT, :Fall, 'IP' bush ·...· 0 75 It 0 80 Mrs. Morrison's. 11 Spring, 11 ·· · _ · 0 80 11 0 00 1 "'1 Remember you save 25 per can t . on all Dress Goods and 50 p er cent. on Trim- BAltLEV, qjl' bush, No. l. .. . 0 65 11 0 00 II II rl 2 , .. , 0 58 II 0 00 minga at the Bankrupt Store. rl rl rl 3, . . , 0 50 II 0 00 W . Ru se, hns a large consignment of RYE, " ······...· 0 45 It 0 48 t hose N ew Williams Sewing Machines OATS, II · · · · · · · · . · 0 27 It 0 28 coming. See them before buying. PEAS, Blackeye, 'IP' bush .. . 0 60 11 0 65 The Baz:.1ar P atterns for Ladies ' and 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 52 Children's wea.r, Fall and Winter style, 11 Blue, 0 50 11 0 55 at the West End Millinery House. BUTTER, best table, wlb... 0 18 II 0 20 I mperial Stovepipe V aruish produces a LARD, 'IP' lb . .. · · · . . · .. . . . 0 10 II 0 12 beautiful gloss and makes rio offensive E GGS, 'IP' doz ..... . . .. .... 0 16 11 0 00 smell. Seld by J. H iggingbotham & Po'rATOEs, 'IP' bush. · . . · · · . 0 50 11 0 00 H AY..·....·...·...··.. . 10 00 II 11 00 Son. DRESSED Hoas ..... _. . .. · 5 60 11 6 00 W.Ruse is determined not to be under - CwvER SEED. . . · .. . .. . . . 4 !)0 11 5 00 sold and is offering Pianos, 0rgans, and Sewing Machines at way down prices. see ALSIKE . . ...... - .. - - - . . . 4 00 II 6 00 him beforo purchasing. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are now FH.ANK Jll. FIELD, D. A . showing a fine stock of ladies' dolmans, (LA'J'I~ Hoss.A.CK & FIELD. ulsters and short jackets- imported from ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. Germany. These goods are elegantly cut COBOURG. ancl beautifully made. Ofiice,- .A.rmour Block, King Street. . 22. FRANK M. FIELD. ,V. S, OUMISTON, L, L, R. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money to loan. Office, in Beaver Block upstairs in rooms former.Jy occupied by Dr. Harnden, OFBowmanville. 39 Y ~;~gl:g~~~~~:~r~~t' c¥51 ~~~~:!~YArr~~~ r?e~~l~Ncir1.'1~i~. '~:A~·Gtenb~~~~Kl~~fto~~~. ' t o .Jean. eldest of H ugh E lliovt, Eey., DISSOlUTION Of l or c. Wheezing, gas ping sufferers from asth- \ ma receive quick and p ermanent relief by .southern A.s!hma Cur~. ::)ol~ by druggrnts or by mail on r eceipt of price. daugh~er l PATNf R SHIP. v ARI ETY --------HE partnership heretofore existing between and carried on by the undersign. ed at the 'J'own of Bowroanville, as horse doalors, under the namo style and form of P ercy, Young & Wyllie has this da.y been dis· solved by mutual con·"ent. All debts due to saiil firm must be paid to, l\nd all debts due by said 1lr1n will be paid by Young & Percy, who will continue to carry on aaid business as partners under the name and firm of Percy & Young. Da.ted at llowmanville this 27th day of Aug. 1887. Signed .TOIIN PERCY. RO BERT YouNG, JOIIN WYLLIE, Witness. R. RUSSELL LOSCOMBE. 39-lw T HALL. We are selling some new kinds, just received, A particle is anplied into'each nostril and is agreeable. I'rice 50 cents at Druggists; by mail registered. GO cents.-CiTcular free. ELY BROS.. ~ruggiats, Oswego, N. Y. - I VERY CHEAP. Co. HEALING. ItCm:m.1 ,...,. B NewGoods KENNER & I am now showing a complete Stock of New A CAR LOAD SOOTHING, CLEANSING, COAL 01 L AT PRICES NEVEB. BEFOB.E HEARD OF, AT DR. E. (;, lllcDOWELL. SunGKRY AND RESIDE:)1CE:-Ilear ot Messrs. IIigginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville. 6-lyr.* O RENT-The Stand one door west of the N EWS Oflice: Suitable for small store, er for au Office. Apply to C·ALE BROS. ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE L of Physicians, Lonuon. 11:ng.;Member of College of Physicians 1tnd Surgeons. Ontario. fALL AND WINlfR Milli NERY - AND- C ATARRH,. Goldill Head , Fancy Goods, M RS. A NDERSON. · ' W. QUICK & Co's. F ·which for Style ancl Design cannot )::>e surpassed in town, and to which I inSTOPS vite the special attention of the ladies of this distl'ict. ===== = = ====::.i Nnsnl pn~snge s iu!EASY TO USE. to the throat an<!. 1\.R M TO RENr OH SELL. -Being excessive cxpectoration cansed by Caturrh. Sent _ the south 75 acres of lot 7. con. 3, Da.rlini<· ton, 11.pp!y to W. F. ALLEN, llowmanville. K ing St., Bowmanville. I prc-pul<l on reccT pt of po·ice, t>Oc. an(! $1; Address 40 Sl).tf., FULFORD & CO., Brockvllle, O nt· T H A YFEV ER.

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